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1 설비최적운영과안전향상을위한 지능형통합설비통합관리 Smart Safety Management Solution for Facility
3 플랜트최적관리기술개요 최고의제품생산과설비의 RAMS 향상 (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability & Safety) 을위해 Preventive Maintenance( 예방점검 ) 에서 Predict Maintenance( 예측점검 ) 기술과 working process 도입필요이를위해서는요소기술을정의하고단계별로필요기술을도입하고안정화하는장기적시각과 Road Map이요구됨 Training Course Workshop & Seminar Life Assessment & Inspection Method Integrity Assess for Equip Condition Based Maintenance for Equip. 02 Audit of Equip Integrity 04 Inspection Data Management System for Equip. 06 Diagnosis Analysis for Equip.
4 A. 도면관리및전문기술정보관리시스템 (Drawing Information System) A : [ 도면관리시스템 (Drawing Information System)] 1. DWG, 이미지포맷의도면 parsing 엔진 2. 변경내역이력관리 3. P&ID, PFD 내설비, 배관자동객체화 P&ID 및 PFC 내 ED(engineering drawing) ISO drawing위치 link 4. 도면내메모삽입 5. 검사포인트추가 / 수정 / 삭제및이력추적 6. Technical Report 및관련문서관리 7. 도면배포및출력관리 8. ERP 연동 (W/O 생성, 자제등록등 ) B : [ 기술정보및파일관리시스템 (Technical Data Information System)] 1. 도면및설비코드와연동관련정보연계관리 2. 문서분류및코드체계기반일반전문기술정보관리 3. 자료실기반문서파일관리및문서뷰어, 이력관리 4. MS Office, 한글, PDF 등멀티포맷변환컴퍼넌트지원가능 설비및공정안전통합관리시스템기본 Platform 도면정보검사이력및 Master 정보정보관리
5 B. 설비검사데이터 & 이력관리시스템 (Inspec. Data Management System) C : [ 설비검사데이터 & 이력관리시스템 (Inspec. Data Management System)] 1. 설비 Hierarch 정의 2. 설비 Drawing 관리모듈 3. 설비검사데이터 Parsing 모듈 4. 설비수명평가모듈 5. 일, 주, 월단위보고서생성모듈 6. 검사일정계획관리지원모듈 구축기관의설비검사업무 Process를기반으로검사데이터관리 / 분석기술에대한노하우를더하여시스템을구축 - 배관건전성평가를고려한배관관리단위및 Hierarchy 정의 - 도면을기반으로설비의손상위치와관리 Point를정의할수있도록도면 Content 취합, 생성, 정리및모듈개발 - Field에서생성되는검사데이터를시스템에반영하고입력및측정오류를 Validation 할수있는 Parsing 모듈개발 - 데이터분석도구및이후 RBI에대응할수있는데이터가공
6 B. 배관검사데이터 & 이력관리시스템 (Inspec. Data Management System) Applications
7 C. 설비건전도평가기술 (Integrity Assessment) C : [ 설비건전도평가시스템 위험도평가기술 ] 1. 대상공정에최적화된건전도평가기법개발 ( 내부물질, 배관재질등 Risk, RCM, PM 등급등 ) 2. 대상설비 Integrity 평가 ( 손상기구, 설비등급결정 ) 3. 등급에따른검사, 정비주기 Rule 정의 4. 적용기법에따른시스템개발 현운영중인설비에최적화된건전도 / 위험도평가엔진개발 - Inspection / Maintenance Strategy 근거 - Cost Benefit, ROI 고려 1안 ) RBI(Risk Based Inspection) 세이프티아자체엔진 API 및 ASME 코드기반의자체엔진 2안 ) 현상용 Tool KGS RBI : API 581 기반 / 웹지원 DNV Orbit : API 자체노하우 / CS 건전도 / 위험도등급에따른 PM 등급 / 계획수립
8 C. 배관건전도평가기술 (Integrity Assessment for pipe) Applications
9 D. Diagnosis Analysis 기술 (Diagnosis Analysis) D : [Diagnosis Analysis / 이상진단예측기술 1. 센서데이터 On-line 모니터링시스템 2. 이상징후포착배관에대한상세진단, 점검 Rule 개발 3. 센서데이터에근거한계통의이상징후예측진단 Preventive Maintenance( 예방점검 ) 을 Predict Maintenance( 예측점검 ) 로 upgrade 하기위해서는센서네트워크기반의 On-line Monitoring System 도입이필요함 On-line Monitoring System이구축되면인공지능학습엔진을활용하여배관이상발생이전에그징후를포착할수있는 Diagnosis Analysis 기술을도입 < 함온라인데이터기반예측기법예 > SBM(Similarity Based Model) - 데이터유사도에의한학습 SVM(Support Vector Machine) - 데이터차원변환에의한기계학습기법 MLP(Multi-layer Perceptron) - 인공신경망 (artificial neural network) 추론 이상징후발생시 CFD 해석을통해정밀분석을실시하고 이를근거로해당배관처리에대한의사결정진행 이상징후가예측되면이를보다정밀하게분석하여의사결정하는 Rule 요구됨.
10 D. Diagnosis Analysis 기술 (Diagnosis Analysis) 이상진단을위해사용되는가장간단한방법 - 각각의관측값에상한값과하한값을설정하는방법 ( 상. 하한값설정 ) f ( 관측값 ) = IF (θup<= 관측값 ) 이상패턴 ELSE IF ( 관측값 <= θlow) 이상패턴 ELSE 정상패턴
11 D. Diagnosis Analysis 기술 (Diagnosis Analysis) 이상진단모델생성기법비교 의사결정트리 (decision tree) 1. 축에평행한분류경계선 (classification boundary) 생성 2. 종속변수와독립변수간의상관관계가존재할경우분할영역이많이생성될수있음 트리복잡성증가 3. 진단결과에대한원인파악용이 4. 진단의출력값 확률 ( 예 : 비정상 0.9) 다층퍼셉트론 (Multi-Layer Perceptron) 1. 선형함수로분류경계선 (classification boundary) 생성 2. 종속변수와독립변수간에상관관계가존재할경우일반적으로성능이좋음 3. 진단결과에대한원인파악이어려움 4. 진단의출력값 likelihood
12 D. Diagnosis Analysis 기술 (Diagnosis Analysis) 상하한값설정모델 vs. 의사결정트리 정상과비정상데이터를가지고보다정확한패턴생성가능 상하한값설정모델에의해분할된영역 ( 정상과비정상데이터가반드시필요하지않음 ) 두센서의관측값에대한산점도 의사결정트리에의해분할된영역
13 D. 도면엔진 1. 다양한포맷의도면에대한웹서비스지원지원포맷 1 자동맵핑기능지원 : DWG 지원포맷 2 도면정보만제공 : PDF, 각종이미지포맷 2. PFD, PID 와등록된설비자동맵핑기능지원도면신규, 수정등록시동록된설비코드와자동으로위치맵핑 3. 사용자목적에맞춘다양한 Lay 기능지원검사대상배관영역표시등 4. 도면변경시기존에맵핑된설비정보를우선적용도면변경에따른반복작업최소화 5. 설비기본정보 ( 등급, 사양, 검사정보등 ) 도면표출기능지원
15 Case of Field Application # 1 LG Chemical Solution Target Equip. Application Field CMMS(computerized maintenance management system) based on Living RBI Inspection Data Management Module Risk Based Inspection Module Preventive Management Module Intra System Interfacing Module Tank, Vessel, Pipe (static equipment) NCC plant, VCM #01 plant, VCM #02 plant 지능형설비통합관리시스템 (CMMS based on Living-RBI) Purpose intelligent & optimized management for plant equipment Efficient management of resource, schedule Major Function 1) IDM(inspection data management) module Auto parsing(input) function of inspection data(using Excel format) Validation function (warning to user case of (-) corrosion rate, 15% upper data increasing & decreasing) 2) RBI(risk based inspection) module Assessment risk for equipment based on inspection data (input inspection time automatically doing assessment risk) 3) PM Schedule module According to risk inspection data & last inspection date made PM level by system 4) Graphic User Interface Using Cad Drawing Operating Status 1) Development Period : ~ Now 2) Field Test Period : ~ Now 3) Static Equip. 1,500 item / Pipe 6,300 item
16 Case of Field Application # 2 LG Chemical Solution Target Equip. Application Field CMMS(computerized maintenance management system) for NCC Heater Inspection Data Management Module Inspection Crawling Robot Interfacing Module Preventive Management Module NCC(Naphtha Cracking Center) Heater & Heater Tube NCC plant NCC Heater 설비통합관리시스템 (CMMS for NCC Heater) Purpose Intelligent & optimized management for NCC Heater Efficient Interfacing with inspection crawling robot Target Equipment NCC Heater Radiant Part / Convection Part / TLE Part / Steam Drum Part / ID&FD Fan Part / Effluent Part / TLV & DV Part NCC Heater Tube Management Data Thickness / Outer Diameter / Crack / Carburization Replication Visual Check List Major Function 1) Inspection data interface with crawling robot 2) GUI based on tube geometry 3) Heater PM scheduler for T/A Operating Status 1) Development Period : ~ ) Field Test Period : ~ ) Heater 15 / Coil Bundle 60(4 Coil / 1 Heater) / 1440 Tube (24 tube / 1 Coil)
17 Case of Field Application # 3 GS Caltex Solution Target Equip. CMMS(computerized maintenance management system) for Refinery Reformer Inspection Data Management Module Inspection Crawling Robot Interfacing Module Preventive Management Module Refinery Reformer & Reformer Tube Reformer 설비통합관리시스템 (CMMS for Refinery Reformer) Purpose Intelligent & optimized management for NCC Heater Efficient Interfacing with inspection crawling robot Target Equipment Refinery Reformer Radiant Part / Convection Part / TLE Part / Steam Drum Part / ID&FD Fan Part / Effluent Part / TLV & DV Part NCC Heater Tube Management Data Thickness / Outer Diameter / Crack / Visual Test / Thermography / MT / ECT / Endoscopy / Displacement S/D, Emergency S/D Major Function 1) Inspection data interface with crawling robot 2) GUI based on tube geometry 3) Heater PM scheduler for T/A Operating Status 1) Development Period : ~ ) Field Test Period : ~ ) Heater 15 / Coil Bundle 60(4 Coil / 1 Heater) / 1440 Tube (24 tube / 1 Coil)
18 Case of Field Application # 4 LG MMA Solution Target Equip. Application Field CMMS(computerized maintenance management system) based on Living RBI Inspection Data Management Module Risk Based Inspection Module Preventive Management Module ERP(SAP) Interfacing Module Tank, Vessel, Pipe (static equipment), Rotating Equip., PSV, Steam Trap, Electric & Instrument Equip. PMMA #01, PMMA #02, MMA #01, MMA #02, MMA #03 plant 지능형설비통합관리시스템 (CMMS based on Living-RBI) Purpose Intelligent & optimized management for plant equipment Efficient management of resource, schedule Target Equipment Tank, Vessel, Pipe (static equipment), Rotating Equip., PSV, Steam Trap, Electric & Instrument Equip. Major Function 1) IDM(inspection data management) module Auto parsing(input) function of inspection data(using Excel format) Validation function 2) RBI(risk based inspection) module Assessment risk for equipment 3) PM Schedule module 4) ERP(SAP) Interfacing Module (year 2012) Operating Status 1) Development Period : ~ ) Field Test Period : ~ ) Static Equip. 1,500 item / Pipe 2,500 item / Rotating Equip. 800 item / Steam Trap 2,300 item / Elec. & Instru. 850 item
19 Case of Field Application # 5 Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd Solution Target Equip. Application Field CMMS(computerized maintenance management system) based on Living RBI Inspection Data Management Module Risk Based Inspection Module Preventive Management Module ERP(SAP) Interfacing Module Tank, Vessel, Pipe (static equipment), Rotating Equip HDPE plant, PB #01 plant, PB #02 plant, LHDPE plant 설비통합관리시스템 (Computerized Maintenance Management System, CMMS) Purpose Intelligent & optimized management for plant equipment Efficient management of resource, schedule Target Equipment Tank, Vessel, Pipe (static equipment), Rotating Equip. Major Function 1) IDM(inspection data management) module Auto parsing(input) function of inspection data(using Excel format) Validation function 2) RBI(risk based inspection) module Assessment risk for equipment 3) PM Schedule module 4) Interfacing module with Daelim Groupware (Drawing Management System) 5) Damage Mechanism Information Module Operating Status 1) Development Period : 2008 ~ ) Field Test Period : 2008 ~ ) Static Equip. 1,000 item / Pipe 3,000 item / Rotating Equip. 500 item
20 Case of Field Application # 6 Samsung Electrics Co., Ltd. Solution Target Equip. Optimized Management Tech. & System for process pipe & pipeline (System & Consulting) Guideline for optimized preventive management Life time management for pipe Risk assessment for pipe Pipe(chemical, gas, duct), Fitting Part, Bond, Support Optimized Management Tech. & System for process pipe & pipeline Purpose 1) Audit of Pipe Integrity 2) Life Assessment & Inspection Method 3) Inspection Data Management System for Pipe 4) Integrity Assessment for pipe 5) Diagnosis Analysis for pipe Target Equipment 1) Chemical Pipe 2) Wastewater Pipe 3) Gas Pipe 4) Duct (Organic) material : PVC, CVPC, PE, SUS, Status 1) Period : ~ Now (on going) 2) 1 line / 1& 3F Plenum / Audit point 700 point Thank You Process Safety Management Solution for Plant
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