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2 Part Zoom In (A) field keyword keyword (B) frequently rarely belly dancing belly dancing how to belly dance frequently (C) creative popular popular If you re writing an article on, say, belly dancing, then you want [people {who are looking for this type of information on a search engine}] to be able to find your article. want to { } people [ ] want So you would do keyword research first to determine the most likely phrases [(that) your readers would use] for example, how to belly dance, belly dancing fitness, belly dancing and then include one or two of those terms in your article title. [ ] the most likely phrases that do include and 2. 2

3 (A) continue leave continue (B) make up put aside make up (C) accept ignore Ignore [Allowing several seconds to pass before you begin to talk] gives the speaker time [to catch her breath and gather her thoughts]. [ ] gives [ ] time catch gather and Ignore this suggestion completely in an emergency, [where immediate action is usually necessary]. [ ] for there(=in the emergency) immediate action ~ necessary 3. (A) unknown (B) resistance curiosity (C) variations copies Turf in this case means knowing [that past information and experience, {one s background}, is valuable and useful in a new situation]. 3

4 Part [ ] that knowing { } past information and experience New data creates major resistance since one doesn t know [how {to listen to it}, {to relate to or even imagine it}]. know [ ] { } to how { } to relate to imagine 4. (A) upset fixed (B) diminished increased (C) (C) primary secondary Game became scarcer and more elusive [while {the human competition for dwindling resources} grew more intense]. [ ] while { } competition [It provided fewer calories per unit of land than farming] and was increasingly restricted to areas {otherwise unsuitable for cultivation}. It herding [ ] { } areas 5. 4

5 hate want[like] Take care not to use jargon or technical terms [when discussing topics with people {who aren t familiar with your hot issue}]. [ ] when { } people It s all right [to let someone know {what turns you on}], but be aware that the other person may not necessarily want to hear everything you have to say about that topic. [ ] to { } know easier harder Soil [supports all life] and [is itself, in some measure, the product of living things]. [ ] Soil and itself Soil You can no longer take it for granted [that you ll find good garden soil {lying around in your backyard}]. take [ ] it { } good garden soil C 2,730 release retain 5

6 Part In general, temperatures at the South Pole average 54 C lower than the North Pole. (lower) than Higher elevations are colder than locations at low altitudes, because seawater acts as an insulator, [holding in heat from the sun] and [warming the air around it]. (colder) than holding warming [ ] and it holds in heat from the sun and warms the air around it 8. damages ensures It is the rural poor who are most dependent on biological diversity. The rural poor are most dependent on biological diversity. The rural poor the rural poor poor people in rural areas Diversity of farm animal breeds and crop plants {used in local agriculture} [is essential to their food supply] and [ensures productivity as well as adaptability to disease or changing environmental conditions]. { } Diversity of farm animal breeds and crop plants and [ ] A as well as B (productivity, adaptability ~ conditions) B A Zoom In 6

7 Derek 1950 Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Derek Buddy Texas Fort Worth Derek Lubbock Buddy Holly (A) read can could (B) surprise He surprised (C) ask that if (A) consider getting consider to (B) they re never too be busy (C) unless despite (cockapoo) (cockapoo) if He or she will benefit as much as you will (benefit) I remember [(the time) when our seventeen-year-old son Derek got involved in learning about Buddy Holly the 1950s singer-musician]. [ ] remember when the time from daily exercise! as you will benefit Larger dogs can be good walking partners, but [unless they are well trained], they ll end up dragging you down the street. unless [ ] 7

8 Part 3. but end up -ing (A) no longer any longer any not (B) his equipment store might have been stored (C) to programs to (to trade in ~) homeowners for to that [Taking the time {to clean these items} and {to find a proper way to get rid of them}] is safer for the environment. [ ] Taking[ ] { } to Joe Carter Blue Jays Carter 67% 70% (A) let be (B) which why (C) easy As fans, we find it easy [to remember the home runs]. it to remember [ ] In a game [where an out is the most common outcome], outs do not stick in our memories. [ ] a game 5. 8

9 dependence be are is a home design whose most of us train have been trained turned to and sew sewing feel complete 6. because have having their names their names call called what is need build resentment builds to 7. Her family was expected had 9

10 Part expected feel paralysis its It was ~ that She felt guilty [because she was growing too bigboned to be able to become a professional ballet dancer]. [ ] too ~ to too to It was the recognition of the unconscious conflict that cured her. It is[was] ~ that 8. where in which where and there brilliant thinkers are told try to stop to The pike tried repeatedly to eat the fish but each time hit the glass screen. tried hit The pike It had learned [that trying to eat the little fish was useless and painful], so it stopped trying. that [ ] had learned stop to stopped trying Zoom In 10

11 mountain chain with several high peaks] { } into [ ] to ~2 4~ It was around 50 million years ago that India, [traveling northward on the Indian plate], crashed into the southern edge of the Eurasian plate. It was ~ that around 50 million years ago [ ] Instead, the two sections of continental crust are thrust up {into complex folds} [to form a continuous Predators can detect movements of large herding animals by using vibrational information carried in the soil, much as a person might detect a passing car radio [that has the bass turned up]. [ 3. ] a passing car radio have p.p. the bass is turned up 11

12 Part Baylor 50% An important study by Baylor College of Medicine in Houston showed [{men on diets high in soy protein} experienced a drop in cholesterol, compared to men on diets high in animal protein]. [ ] showed { } experienced [Being anonymous on the Internet] gives many individuals a sense of freedom, which makes them feel able to say or do anything online. [ ] gives which For example, [a reserved individual {who might never complain about a poor product or service in person}] may feel comfortable lodging a complaint by . [ ] { } a reserved individual feel Garrett Hardin 12

13 But we have found, on the contrary, that under appropriate conditions many people do organize effectively [to protect natural environments]. do organize [ ] [Developing shared norms and rules {that are considered reasonable and fair}] is crucial for achieving effective management of common property. [ ] 6. [ ] { } shared norms and rules Sarah Walker The Promise of an American Life Walker Anna Vincent ghostwriting [Nowhere on her title page or copyright page] is there a suggestion [that anyone but Walker wrote her story]. nowhere [ ] is there [ ] a suggestion but Is this plagiarism, [suggesting that the writer is taking credit for work {done by someone else}]? [ ] suggesting this{ } work 13

14 Part (trusted people) Never have we experienced such an explosion of new production techniques. never have we Throughout the world, new and more efficient technology is making it possible [to manufacture more products at any possible selling price]. it [ ] Every security system, without exception, needs trusted people to function, [though these people are not necessarily trustworthy]. though not necessarily In a hospital security system [designed to protect patient privacy], doctors are trusted. [ ] a hospital security system 14

15 Zoom In Hector Berlioz It was such a good one that you told yourself to remember it next morning. such a(n)that Carry a pocket notebook so that ideas [that strike you while (you are) waiting for someone or travelling on a train] can be recorded. so that ~ [ ] ideas while waiting while be 2. When we re reading, some of the benefits of factual 15

16 Part knowledge require that the knowledge be fairly deep ~. require that (should) 3. Montauk Montauk Montauk A Global South When a friend wants to tell you about the great time he had in Montauk over the weekend, and asks you, You know where Montauk is, right? it borders on the pointless, not to mention the tedious, [to stop his story and find out exactly where the town might be]. When a friend wants asks it to stop [ ] For example, {dehydration from diarrhea caused by water-borne diseases such as cholera, blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency, malaria caused by infected mosquitoes, and other preventable diseases} are unnecessary afflictions in today s world. { } are 5. caused by ~ 16

17 [Considering the multitude of data {that people in our contemporary society need to remember}], a certain amount of notetaking and information deposited in books is unavoidable. Consideringthat { } the multitude of data deposited in books information Teachers can observe [that the students {who carefully write down every sentence of the lecture} will understand and remember less than the students {who trusted their capacity to understand and, hence, remember at least the essentials}]. [ ] that observe [ ] { } the students { } understand remember and to 6. [Many species of tree are now endangered, including mahogany and teak], and [deforestation, particularly in tropical rainforests, has had a severe impact {both on local communities and on indigenous plants and wildlife}]. [ ] and { } both A and B A B 7. 17

18 Part The other person may have several reasons for [not doing what you are asking him to do]; ~. [ ] not what doing do Don t let them [keep you from reaching out to others]. let [ ] them rejections 8. [Faced with stiffer competition and tougher hiring requirements], companies of every sort are becoming single-minded about productivity and bottom-line performance. [ ] Faced companies of every sort Consequently, competition for jobs is increasing [as management seeks and hires only those persons {who appear to have the most potential for helping to boost the company s profits}]. [ ] as { } only those persons 9. 18

19 Clearly, a great interview is one [in which you can answer all the questions]; however, if you don t know the answer, [it is better {to admit to it} rather than {(to) pretend to know and start rambling}]. [ ] which one in [ ] rather than { } to { } to You may as well not attend the interview [if you give the impression {that you re neither honest nor bright}]. [ ] { } the impression 10. Glendale Western Virginia Western ~ I ve seen lots of near-accidents [because people were confused about {which light to look at}]. [ ] { } about { } which light at Perhaps there might be pressing emergencies [that won t wait], but this issue affects the safety of every driver or pedestrian [who uses that intersection]. that [ ] pressing emergencies [ ] every driver or pedestrian Star Wars VCR 19

20 Part 25% (Star Wars (Project)) 1983 (Strategic Defense Initiative) However, it was so advanced at the time that the technology behind it is just now being implemented in connection with the Star Wars defense effort. so ~ that be being The same goes for the computer mouse, [the patent for which expired in 1980, just before the concept became popular], and the rollerblade skates, [the patent for which expired in 1985, just before the rollerblade craze started]. the computer mouse the rollerblade skates and [ ] the patent for which and the patent for it(=the computer mouse) [ ] the patent for which and the patent for them(=the rollerblade skates) 12. But it is not true [that such humans the retarded child, for example, or the mentally handicapped have less inherent value than you or I]. it [ ] that Neither, then, can we rationally sustain the view [that animals like them in being the experiencing subjects of a life have less inherent value]. neither can we [ ] view that view facthopebeliefideanews 20

21 Zoom In When they described what they look for on a dinner menu, [most important to consumers] were taste (77%) and hunger satisfaction (44%). were [ ] were taste (77%) and hunger satisfaction (44%) While many restaurants have made a conscious effort [to roll out and then highlight {what are perceived to be healthy menu items}], [only slightly more than half (51%) of the adults interviewed] actually said they order them. [ ] roll out highlight { } 1. and[ ] interviewed the adults Mintel Menu Insights (20%) (77%) (44%) (51%) 75% 2. 21

22 Part At least two research studies have suggested [that visibility is the primary cue {that average citizens use to detect air pollution}]. that suggested that { } the primary cue There was a strong tendency for respondents to specify effects of pollution, such as smoke or smog, rather than to specify causes, such as factories or automobiles. to specify respondentsfor 3. 4 One tomato plant will run around $4, and [when fully grown and producing], will keep you in tomatoes all summer long. [ 4. ] when (one tomato plant is) fully grown and producingbe 22

23 [This goal of {having access at the right time}] is often better met [by writing the information down in the right place] than it is (met) [by searching your memory]. [ ] { } of than by [ ] than ( ) [The key to {using written information effectively}] is to choose [a few specific places {to write your notes in} and a few specific places {to keep them in}]. [ ] { } to [ ] choose and { } to a few specific places 5. Structural Analysis When he calls later, you tell him you think [it is better if you take a few days off from seeing each other since you are not getting along]. [ ] think since [ ] 6. Roger Masters TV 23

24 Part TV Roger Masters introduced the term visual quotes to describe the video clips or photographs [that serve as background to television stories about political leaders]. that [ ] the video clips or photographs 7. In a brain-scanning experiment, some scientists found [that when humans cooperated with each other, their brains lit up in the same neighborhoods {that come to life when we win a prize, or eat a piece of chocolate cake}the inner reward circuitry {that responds to dopamine and provides that glow of pleasure}]. that [ ] found { } the same neighborhoods { } the inner reward circuitry the inner reward circuitry the same neighborhoods 8. 20% 24

25 Now, the Internet makes available instant information on truck capabilities and potential loads. available instant information on truck capabilities and potential loads Zoom In Beyond this, some researchers use a laddering technique [in which they follow the consumer s explanation with another probing question]. [ ] a laddering technique which in they follow ~ question in the laddering technique 25

26 Part 2. Each of these roles brings {with it} [a set of responsibilities and obligations]. [ 3. ] brings with { } 18 Car salespeople, for example, are trained to look for evidence of such things [while (they are) examining a customer s trade-in]. [ 4. ] while they are Ferrari 26

27 (controlling idea) (misunderstood) If that were an accurate description of demand, then we would no doubt be riding in Ferraris while also enjoying all the other goods we might ever want. Then there are people [convinced {that demand is what we actually get}]. [ ] people { } convinced (specifically) To help the criticized person know how to fix what you object to, define exactly [{what went wrong} and {why it is unsatisfactory}]. [ ] define wh and [Specific examples for improvement {as well as specific descriptions of exactly what you mean}] are a must. [ ] examples{ }

28 Part (silence) It s difficult to realize [that {as eloquent as wellchosen words are}, silence is equally, and often more, eloquent]. [ ] realize { } Eloquent not [because it gives the audience a chance to stop and think] but [because it compels them to do so]. [ ] not X but Y (X Y) 7. The magazines may reflect your interests, and [the arrangement of chairs {around a television set}] may reveal [how important {watching television} is to you]. [ ] and { } chairs how [ ] reveal how In fact, there s probably little in your home [that will not send messages {from which others will draw inferences about you}]. that [ ] little { } which messages from 8. 28

29 the quick and dirty way relies heavily on emotion To help students become creative, teachers need to encourage them [to accept and extend the period {in which their ideas don t quite come together}]. encourage to accept extend and { } which the period { } in 9. Mackie Worth Reason and emotion can thus be seen as two complementary systems in the human brain for making decisions. see A as B A B A is seen as BA B [When {it is important to get the answer right}, and {we have a lot of time and information at our disposal}], we can use the slow and clean method of reasoning things through. When{ } and

30 Part You tell them it is a miserable day, but they don t see it; [for their eyes are fixed on a little bit of blue sky, and {looking at that}, they forget the miles of leaden clouds all about it]. for [ ] { } They are disappointed repeatedly, but they still believe that the next joy [to which they look forward] is certain to be all they expected. [ ] the next joy look forward to to 11. With productivity gone and the business hurting, he chose to give the employees the only portion of their salary [he could afford]. with the only portion of their salary [ ] The business operated at a loss that year, but when the two individuals overcame their life-threatening illnesses, he found [that their new-found loyalty reaped a new set of rewards {as they told their stories of a business owner who cares about much more than a profit}]. [ ] found { } as 30

31 12. Zoom In 3 7 (A) (B) In a study, participants in a conflict were asked to provide [narratives about their anger experiences]. be asked to [ ] provide The individuals who had been angered described the incidents in long-term contexts, not allowing for circumstances. not allowing for ~

32 Part (A) isolated (B) companionship Among adolescents [who own horses], more than 70 percent confide in the animal, [talking out their problems in the isolation of the barn while (they are) grooming and caring for the animal]. [ ] adolescents [ ] as they talk out their problems ~ for the animal while they are [That a pet can be a close friend] is not surprising; adolescents often feel alienated from parents and peers, [(being) unable to share innermost feelings with any human being for fear of invasion, correction, or ridicule]. [ ] is [ ] being as they are unable to ~ or ridicule 2. I m sure you have at one time or another gone [to fetch something from another room] only [to find that when you get there you have forgotten {what it was you came for}]. [ ] to [ ] to{ } have forgotten What was it that you came for that The reason for this is probably [that the original room contains many cues {which help you reconstruct the original thought}]. [ ] that is [ ] { } many cues 32

33 % 62% (A) damaging (B) recover From a study of 19 baseball teams on the east and west coasts of the USA, it has been found [that West Coast teams do significantly worse in away games {that involve a long flight}]. it [ ] { } away games [The severity of jet lag and the time {needed to recover}] depend on the number of time zones crossed and the direction of travel. [ ] depend { } the time crossed time zones Although most children acquire some ability to manufacture facial expressions they don t feel, not everyone does this equally well or believes it to be a good thing. Although not everyone Socially competent children recognize that there are times [when hiding or disguising emotions is {what friends do}]. when [ ] times [ ] hiding or disguising 33

34 Part 5. emotions is{ } what TV 1950 TV TV TV TV (A) function (B) family life 6. (A) generous (B) extreme Introduction of new equipment into the home necessarily changes [{the living space} and {how it is used}]. [ ] changes { } [ ] My mother insisted [that we add a small room to the house especially for TV viewing the TV room]. [ ] insisted (should ) (add) Norms do exist in sport worlds, but when athletes and others push normative limits, responses are often different than they would be in other settings. exist do do exist different from than Engaging in extreme behaviors [that risk health and well-being and inflict pain and injury on others] is not as quickly condemned in sports as in other activities. [ ] extreme behaviors 34

35 as ~ as Zoom In (A) Thus (B) Nevertheless lingua franca Leisure can come from any experience [in which motives are more important than the activity itself or the time spent pursuing an activity]. in which [ ] any experience in the experience in more ~ than motives the activity itself, the time ~ Thus, the experience of leisure generally includes relative freedom [to choose {what you want to do}]. [ ] relative freedom to { } choose 2. Tucson 35

36 Part (A) Tucson (A) For example (B) Therefore For example, [when surveyed by questionnaires], only fifteen percent of households reported consuming beer, and no household reported consuming more than eight cans a week. [ ] when only fifteen percent of households The tests show a significant difference between [what people say {they do}] and [what they actually do]. [ ] [ ] and [ ] what { } do 3. (A) However (B) Fortunately Libraries are increasingly purchasing electronic titles, [many of which are being added to their catalogues]. ] which electronic titles of ~, records for individual titles of e-books are becoming easier [for libraries to {obtain} and {add} to their catalogues], ~. [ ] to for libraries { } records for individual titles of e-books 36

37 4. Carol Carol Carol (A) Unfortunately (B) As a result [As she completed the joke], Carol waited {for everyone to laugh}. [ ] { } to for everyone to laugh ~, no one in the audience was inclined to listen very closely to the rest of [what she was saying]. [ 5. ] what of saying TV TV /3 TV /CD (A) TV TV TV in contrast (B) Thus It used to be that the television set was in the family room and television viewing was considered a family activity. used to Most young Americans have personal control over other kinds of media as well, including radios, cassette and CD players, magazines, videotape players, video game players, and computers [that provide access to more games and the Internet]. [ ] computers ] 37

38 Part sciō (A) (A) Therefore (B) (B) Thus (A) (A) However(B) (B) In fact This had led to [an accumulation of the body of knowledge about nature through experiments and reasoning {called science}]. [ ] { } the body of knowledge about nature through experiments and reasoning The word science originated from a Latin word sciō, [which means I know]. [ ] which a Latin word sciō ] It was supposed [that before forming an opinion or deciding on a course of conduct he {weighed at least some of the reasons for and against the matter}, and {performed a more or less simple process of reasoning}]. It [ ] that { } he and { } for and against the matter ] 38

39 Zoom In (A) Therefore (B) In other words submit@phg.com PHOTOHAUS 7 24 For example, [every dollar less {that you pay for a car}] is your gain and the seller s loss. [ ] that { } every dollar less However, negotiation should be viewed by all parties [as an opportunity {for everyone to win some}], rather than [as a win-lose situation]. [ ] rather than { } an opportunity { } for everyone to for ) 8 39

40 Part 2) 3) ) 18 Bluenose 1946 The Bluenose raced against the fastest ships in the North Atlantic.(Bluenose 18 The pizza will be served at room temperature and will not be [too hot to eat safely]. [ ] 2. too ~ to Bluenose 10 Bluenose Bluenose Bluenose Nova Scotia Lunenberg Bluenose Bluenose International Fishermen s Trophy 3 But winning races is [what made the Bluenose truly famous]. what The ships and their crews were competing for the International Fishermen s Trophy, [which was the sailing championship of the fishing fleets]. [ 3. ] the International Fishermen s Trophy Rohrau Saint Stephen 8 40

41 [With his voice changed], he was turned out and had a difficult time making a living. [ ] With [ ] (event) ~ he gave voice lessons and took odd jobs, including playing the violin in the popular Viennese street bands, [while working on his compositions]. [ ] 4. working on he[haydn] 15,000 10, [Rock paintings from the years 15,000 to 10,000 B.C.E. {found in caves in France and southern Spain}] show no specific hairstyles, [nor do rock paintings {in the African Sahara dating from 7000 to 6000 B.C.E.}] [ ] Rock paintings { } [ ] nor (do) [ ] { } rock paintings If hair was cut, [stone cutting tools {used to chop wood and scrape animal furs}] were probably used. [ ] tools { } stone cutting tools and to ] Maurice Sendak Maurice Sendak Brooklyn Sendak Sendak 12Disney Fantasia Atomics for the Millions 1952 Ruth Krauss A Hole Is to Dig Sendak Krauss Crockett Johnson 1963 Where the Wild Things Are Caldecott Medal He illustrated his high school biology teacher s textbook, Atomics for the Millions ~. Atomics for the Millions 41

42 Part [Seeing the Disney film Fantasia at the age of twelve], Sendak decided to become a cartoonist and was working as an illustrator by the time he was in high school. [ ] After he saw the Disney film Fantasia at the age of twelve by the time [(Being) Encouraged by Krauss and her partner, Crockett Johnson], Sendak tried his hand at writing as well as illustrating, and in 1963, he made his reputation with Where the Wild Things Are, [winning the American Library Association s Caldecott Medal the following year]. [ ] Being Sendak [ ] and he won the American Library Association s Caldecott Medal the following year ] biscotti biscotti 15 Tuscan biscotti Christopher Columbus biscotto biscotti bis cotto biscotti Biscotti are said to have been a favorite of Christopher Columbus and other sailors of the time because of their long shelf life. biscotti Christopher Columbus Many countries have their own variations of this centuries-old cookie, but [the biscotti {(which) we are most familiar with today}] probably originated during the 15th century with an Italian baker [who originally served them with Tuscan wines]. { } the biscotti which [ ] but originated [ ] an Italian baker Biscotti are said to have been a favorite of Christopher Columbus and other sailors of the time because of their long shelf life. be said to to have (= It is said that biscotti were a favorite of Christopher Columbus and other sailors of the time because of their long shelf life.) 7. GoldMedia 6 15 West GoldMedia GoldMedia 1 42

43 Tim@GoldMedia.com (Members are required to participate in one clean-up session per year.) The competition is sponsored by the GoldMedia with cash prizes. The competition sponsor be p.p. 8. East End East End East End Community Center Prior to becoming a club member, it is required [that you have taken a minimum of two pottery classes]. prior to before it [ ] that 9. Ocean Discoveries Dream Ocean Discoveries Ocean Discoveries 2013 Ocean Discoveries ~ ~

44 Part Nature serves as our outdoor classroom [as we explore a variety of aquatic environments]. as [ ] as The company spent ten years developing it [so that blind and deaf people could communicate more freely]. [ ] so that spend ~ -ing [When you think], the mphone will instantly send your ideas out as printed words or as sounds and pictures. [ ] when Only big companies and hospitals can buy one. one mphone one an mphone 10. mphone mphone New York 10 mphone mphone mphone ] Zaynab Fawwaz Zaynab Fawwaz South Lebanon Zaynab The Zaynab Letters King Qurush Good Outcomes or the Shining Maidens 4 Passion and Loyalty mphone 4 Passion and Loyalty 44

45 As a young girl she went to Alexandria with the Egyptian family for whom she worked. whom the Egyptian family for whom Zaynab quickly learned [what her teachers had to offer] and in time went on to study with Egyptian scholars. [ ] learned what [(Being) Constructed between 1908 and 1909 at a cost of $20,000], the theater provided seating for 1,000 people and was considered by one commentator to be the finest playhouse south of Salt Lake. Constructed between ~ of $20,000 Being constructed between ~ of $20,000 the theater ] Beaver Opera House Beaver Civic Center Zoom In It is estimated [that as many as 30 opera houses were built in Utah before World War I]. It [ ] that It is estimated that ~ 1. Amy 45

46 Part Amy Amy Amy This would be a difficult task; she agreed [(that) she would choose the right time {when she was alone with her grandmother} to tell her how she made her feel small]. [ 2. ] that agreed { } when the right time Velazquez Diego Velazquez Francisco Pacheco Pacheco Juana 1617 Velazquez 1623 Velazquez 4 Velazquez Velazquez Diego Velazquez Philip was so delighted with the result that he immediately appointed Velazquez as one of his court painters, and from then on would allow no one else to paint him. so ~ that 3. would allow Philip Mark Sam Mark Mark Sam MarkMark Mark Mark Sam Sam Sam Mark Mark he Sam He seemed confused for a few more minutes and then recognized Sam. seem seemed recognized He 46

47 ] Bagger Vance Matt Damon Rannulph Junuh Junuh Junuh Junuh Zoom In 35,000 Toigeur Airways (TA) TA James Moore the assistant Rannulph Junuh There s a scene in the movie The Legend of Bagger Vance [where {Matt Damon s character, Rannulph Junuh, is attempting to get his golf game back}, but {he makes a critical error} and {his ball ends up in the woods}]. where [ ] a scene { } 3 but and 1. Laura Grayson 2 South of the Border Tony Mr. Vince 47

48 Part Fresh from the Farm Produce 2 We used to go to South of the Border, but we were treated so nicely by your staff that we always go there now. used to so ~ that The girls in the reception are very nice, and so is the young fellow [they call Tony] so is the young fellow ~ very nice the young fellow they call Tony is very nice, too [ ] the young fellow 2. Fresh from the Farm Produce How would you like to get the same high-quality produce [you always have] for less? Now, you can, with Fresh from the Farm Produce. [ 3. ] that the same highquality produce you can get the same high-quality produce you always have for less This year, the savings from that purchase have paid back our loan, plus given us additional savings [that allow the price decrease]! [ ] additional savings plus given ~ and have also given ~ 6% 80%

49 (People need jobs now. They cannot wait five weeks, let alone five years.) The President said in last night s speech [that Congress needed to take quick action on his plan {to get the economy back on track}]. [ 4. ] that said [ ] { } to his plan Moreover, only about six percent of the President s plan would go into effect this year, while nearly eighty percent of the plan will be implemented over the next five years. will would would will Kerry (KLC) KLC KLC Saul Measley Kerry measley@kerrylax.com Lacrosse The Kerry Lacrosse Club (KLC) is [a nonprofit organization {that has organized youth lacrosse teams and leagues for more than 25 years}]. { } a nonprofit organization Your financial assistance and support will be crucial [to ensure a successful capital drive]. [ ] to ] Sanders $ PayPal 49

50 Part PayPal Our specific challenge is [for 100 individuals or families to commit to giving $100 a month for 12 months beginning in January 2013]. [ ] to for 100 individuals or families These funds, [combined with {what has already been given}], will put us well on our way to being able to have the residence ready for the Fall 2016 semester. combined [ ] when they are combined { } with ] Jordan [The better we understand how students interact with technology in the classroom], [the better we can design curricula to ensure {that students will become competitive at school and in the marketplace}]. [ ] the ~the that { } ensure Zoom In

51 Grant Tom Warrups On our last afternoon we went for a boat ride, [which was wonderfully relaxing]. [ ] which and it(=the boat ride) We had so much fun trying to get the boat to drift directly in front of him so that we could take photos of ourselves in front of the elephant. get to so that I thrilled excitedsparklyscared and happydelighted You know how it is [when you get really interested in something, you forget {what you re doing} or {even where you are}]. [ ] how { } wh or forget Well, I was thinking [so hard about {going up to Tom Warrups } and {finally seeing my brother} after all this time] [that I kept forgetting it was a secret]. [ ] [ ] [ ] { } and about

52 Part We shall Even though [large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States] have fallen or may fall into [the grip of {the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule}], we shall not flag or fail. [ ] even though [ ] into { } of the Gestapo all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule and I was thankful [that they provided me with light {to see my way}]. [ ] { } light Rose 52

53 It was, apparently, a ceremony [reserved for special guests of the city], and was one of the highlights of a honeymoon [filled with highlights]. ceremony[ ] honeymoon[ ] It seemed to be coming from inside the closet, [shining dimly through the curtain and the long strands of beads {that Amanda had hung in front of the closet door}]. [ ] and it shone dimly { } the long strands of beads David blinked his eyes and shook his head, but the figure just wiggled in constant motion, [as if (it was) swaying against the wind]. [ ] it(the figure) was ] Amanda Amanda David ] 53

54 Part The boy went around along the edge of the reef, lowered his sail, and dropped overboard the lump of coral [which served as anchor]. went aroundlowereddropped and [ ] the lump of coral The sea was as much his element as the land. as as much his element softer skies than I see in Prue s eyes; [nor hear sweeter music than I hear in Prue s voice]; [nor find a more heaven-lighted temple than I know Prue s mind to be]. [ ] I do not believe that any man can hear sweeter music than I hear in Prue s voice either. not ~ either nor [ ] I do not believe that any man can find a more heaven-lighted temple than I know Prue s mind to be either. many much ] Prue Prue Prue Prue Sharon Enna Arcadia Claude Prue Zoom In I Prue For my part, I do not believe that any man can see

55 AAJ AAJ Phone bookings are the most common way [to reserve accommodation in Nicaragua]. [ ] to the most common way While booking online can be a convenient way to make a reservation, keep in mind that this type of technology is a new development in Nicaragua and things can go wrong. keep in mind 2. AAJ AAJ [Within 30 days of the date {it was purchased}], return your product to the place of purchase for immediate replacement. [ ] 3. { } when the date 55

56 Part [One of the common mistakes {people make}] is [that in their free time they choose passive comfort over an active pursuit of happiness]. { } common mistakes that [ ] be Soon after they engage in their mindless activity, they fall asleep, which further reinforces their belief [that they are too tired to do anything challenging]. that [ ] their belief ] 3 The Mayans enforced conservation during low rainfall years, [tightly regulating the types of crops grown, the use of public water, and food rationing]. [ ] regulating The Mayans As impressive as their elaborately decorated temples were, their efficient systems for collecting and warehousing water were masterpieces in design and engineering. as as 5. 56

57 There is a widespread assumption [that intellectually gifted students do not need any special help], [that they will make it on their own]. [ ] that a widespread assumption In fact, some seemingly do well, [earning top grades in grade-level courses], but their goals and aspirations may be less than [they might have been with greater challenge]. [ ] earning some [ ] with greater challenge [Never having had to study to learn something], they fail to develop the study habits necessary even to achieve well compared with their age-mates. [ ] they These students are at great risk of [being turned off to anything academic] and [developing social and emotional difficulties as well]. [ ] of and 6. For users, such websites are generally an essential social interaction [used daily for information sharing, event planning, and reputation building]. [ ] an essential social interaction Consequently, university professors and administrators [who do not participate in online communities] may underestimate the extent [to which interactions occurring in the virtual realm affect their academic institutions]. [ ] university professors and administrators [ ] the extent 57

58 Part ] ,000 Homer, a Greek poet, makes it clear [that a man is defined by his ability to debate like a warrior is defined by his courage]. it [ ] [As striking as the Greeks freedom] was [their sense of curiosity about the world]. [ ] [ ] was Experts warn [(that) drug trafficking on the web has soared as Internet use has become commonplace, {presenting far more challenges than traditional trafficking}]. that [ ] warn { } ] Linda Howard Dena Jones 58

59 Zoom In To do so, we ~ so [From the cellular telephone to ], science and technology have left a permanent imprint on [how we get our message across]. [ ] from A to B A B science and technology [ ] on But 59

60 Part Also, no matter how sure you are [that this is the only home {you will ever live in}], build your home for resale. no matter how however [ ] that { } the only home This means you should not put a 15-bedroom mansion in an area [that has only small homes with two bedrooms]. [ ] an area 3. [ ] 4. although it is { } a commercial enterprise Cockscomb For example, the entry fee to Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Reserve is [{BZ $4 (US $2) for nationals} and {US $8 for foreigners}]. [ ] { } and [Although (it is) largely a commercial enterprise {driven by profit motive}], the recording industry has helped produce media art as well. 5. Kovalam Kovalam 60

61 Kovalam 2000 Kovalam Kovalam Local activists organized an international campaign, in which potential visitors from all over the world wrote to the tourism department, [saying they wouldn t come to a beach anywhere near an incinerator]. in which which an international campaign saying [ ] potential visitors (The prize was ~ as a group.) Instead Instead, one should pick the faces [that one thinks others are likely to think the prettiest]. [ ] the faces [ ] to think It would be better yet to pick the faces [that one thinks others are most likely to think that others think are the prettiest]. [ ] the faces [ ] are the prettiest ] ] 61

62 Part My brother may have been elsewhere so he didn t experience the fear [associated with {what I saw}]. may have [ ] the fear { } what the thing which I saw My brother will not have the same response to dogs in his life as I do, because he has no experience [associated with fear and dogs]. the same ~ as [ ] experience If hearing good swing gives you a justified reward, then you will prefer the first instructor to the second. prefer A to B B A So feedback is essential to the development of a complete skill whether it be empathy or a strong forehand. whether it (should) be A or BA B ] 62

63 (B) Marina Green Zoom In (C) (A) (B) (C) (A) [Even if you re short on cash], there re cheap things to do [if you have a lot of spare time]. [ ] [ ] (B) 10 (C) Powell-Hyde Fisherman s Wharf Marina Green (A) 2. (explainer) (explainee) (C) A B B A (A) (B) (C) such pairs (A) For example (B) A 63

64 Part similar process (C) (A) (B) There are usually at least two parties in an explanation, [the explainer and what you might call the explainee], {the person to whom something is being explained}. [ ] two parties { } the explainee A similar process occurs [when we call in someone to mend our car or television set] and, in the classroom, [when children explain to their teacher {what it is they do not understand}]. When [ ] and { } explain (C) (B) (A) Therefore (C) (B) (C) (A) Therefore, [even if men and women do not differ in their driving at all], men are more likely to have accidents than women because they are more exposed to the risk of an accident (than women). even if more ~ than than women Suppose, for example, we wanted to know [if men and women have different accident rates]. suppose (wanted) if [ ] know 3. (B) (C) (A) C (C) (B) 70 C 60 C C10 18 (A) 60 C 50 C (B) For example 64

65 70 C (C) (B) (A) So, [for safety s sake, as well as for conservation s sake], you should lower that water temperature. A as well as B B AA 5. B And 50 C ought to be adequate for most household needs, except for dishwashers, [which generally need water of 60 C to operate properly]. ought to (be) [ ] dishwashers (C) (A) (B) (B) Here are some instructions on [how to store dried herbs properly]. to [ ] After the herbs have dried completely, [carefully remove the individual leaves] and [put them into small cellophane bags {to keep the contents fresh}]. [ ] and { } to ] (B) (A) 40 (C) 30 (B) (C) (A) (A) (B) (C) But (A) 65

66 Part [Women earned so little], [there was such serious stigma attached to women living alone], and [travel was so expensive] that if a husband had to relocate, the wife pretty much always went along. that [ ] and Mostly they are dual-career couples [who can t, or don t want to, uproot both of their professional lives just because one has to, or can, take a job or get a degree somewhere else]. who [ ] dual-career couples But now that [women make more, nearly 30 percent of American households are people living alone, and air travel is relatively cheap] commuter marriage is just one of the many ways that dual-earning couples are working out their life s work. now that [ ] dash( ) comma(,) ] Mark Twain Mark Twain Mark (C) (B) Twain (A) 30 Mark Twain (C) (B) (A) To apologize for this lack of manners, Twain went to his closet and chose the best tie [(that) he had] [that would have matched the outfit he had worn that day]. (that) he had that would have matched the outfit he had worn that day the best tie ] Elizabeth Gibson Upper West Side (B) (A) 20 Rufino Tamayo (C) Gibson 20 (B) (A) 66

67 (C) [Had Gibson come along twenty minutes later], it would have already been picked up by garbage collectors. [ ] If Gibson had come along twenty minutes later If If have p.p ~ % % 11~ ~ % 51~ Zoom In ~50 20% [The percentage of teens {who sent and received more than 100 texts daily}] increased by one percentage point in 2011 compared to [ ] { } teens

68 Part The above graph shows the type of items [purchased by individuals in EU countries {who ordered goods or services over the Internet} in 2008}]. [ ]be(were) { } individuals in EU countries In 2005, this percentage reached almost three percent and remained unchanged three years in a row. unchanged remained ~24 25~34 25~34 16~24 35~44 16~24 25~34 35~44 16~ ] fell short of one-fourth of ~ During the period from 2007 to 2009, the number of domestic visits to Vienna fell short of one-fourth of the number of international visits. - 1-s exone-third(a third)two-thirdsa quarterthree-quartersa fifth 68

69 four-fifths 4 fourth quarter ] (ALC) 95% 70% $45,000 $50,000 It was the Sales department that showed the smallest gap between the allocated budget and the actual spending. It was ~ that the Sales department 55% 50% Zoom In While ninety-five percent of teachers stayed at the podium in traditional classrooms, nearly seventy percent of teachers did so in ALCs. While ] 2012 Triton Ventures (A) Mrs. Wilson Glendale Mike Brian Wilson Mike (D) Mrs. Wilson 69

70 Part (C) Mrs. Wilson (B) Brian Mike 1~ (A) Laura Laura (C) (D) Laura (B) 1. (A) Laura (C) (event) (D) Laura (B) Laura 2. (a)(c)(d)(e) Laura (b) 3. Laura So, patiently she began again, [dipping her fingers for the calf to suck], [trying {to keep the milk in the bucket} and {to teach the calf to drink it}]. [ ] she[laura] [ ] { } to and trying The wobbly-legged baby calf had been born 70

71 [believing that it must hit hard with its little red head {to get milk}]. [ ] { } to Laura had to [keep it from spilling the milk] and [teach it how to drink]. [ ] and 4~ (A) (C) (B) 5 (D) 4. (A) (C) (B) (D) 5. (b) 6. They re the best [I ve ever had]! [ ]the best The man [{stood up}, {handed the spectacles back}, and {said, Look, no offence, but I think I d better find another optician }]. [ ] { } 7~ (A) Morrie 71

72 Part (C) Morrie (D) (B) Morrie 7. (A) (C) (A) (C) Morrie (D) (B) 8. Morrie (There is no substitute for it.) 9. I told Morrie about [my generation s dilemma with having children], [how often we saw them as tying us down, {making us into these parent things that we did not want to be}]. [ ] how [ ] { } tying us down If you want [the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being], and [to learn how to love and bond in the deepest way], then you should have children. [ ] [ ] and want If [I were in his shoes, {about to die}], and [I had no family, no children], would the emptiness be unbearable? If would [ ] and If [ ] { } in his shoes Had he so desired, they would have stopped what they were doing [to be with their father every minute of his final months]. had desired would have stopped had he If If he had so desired, they would have stopped ~ [ ] to Little wonder that when they sat with him, there was a waterfall of affection, lots of kisses and jokes and holding hands. 72

73 (It is) little[small] wonder (that) ~ 10~ ~3] (A) The Wonder Years Kevin Arnold (D) Arnold Kevin (B) Kevin (C) Kevin Kevin Arnold Kevin (B) (C) 11. (a)(b)(c)(e) Kevin (d) Kevin 12. ~, when father and son stand outside [gazing upward at the stars],. [ ] father and son [Dressed in matching suits and ties], the two male Arnolds are greeted by a small staff of smiling employees. [ ] Dressed the two male Arnoldsthe two male Arnolds ~, Kevin watches the action and fantasizes about [how great it must be {to have power}]. [ ] about it { } 10. (A) (D) 73

74 Part Zoom In ~ David Livingstone John C. MaxwellWinning with People

75 If you are running so far ahead that your people can t follow, then your organization won t succeed. so ~ thatcan t... [The only people {who will fight for progress as much and as quickly as you do}] will probably be other leaders. [ ] { } the only people 3~ Nicholas Carr Susan Greenfield Carr Greenfield Greenfield We accept the answers [the search engines supply] without really analyzing what they mean or where they came from. [ ] the answers Far from losing a sense of identity, younger generations [growing up with the web] seem both more individualistic and more collaborative than their elders. growing [ ] younger generations 5~

76 Part 5. (need to understand empathetically the power of their point of view and to feel the emotional force with which they believe in it) 6. Out of a mass of detailed information, they tend [to pick out and focus on {those facts that confirm their understandings}] and [to disregard or misinterpret {those (facts) that call their understandings into question}]. [ ] to and tend [ ] { } pick out focus on [ ] { } disregard misinterpret those facts The ability {to see the situation as the other side sees it}, [as difficult as it may be], is one of the most important skills {a negotiator can possess}. [ ] is { } to ability { } the most important skills They may well believe {that their views are right } [as strongly as you believe yours are (right)]. { } that believe [ ] are right 7~ ~2] , ,000 76

77 , [ ] a jacket [ ] You begin to realize [that {what you thought was fair quality} is really exquisite tailoring] ~. [ ] realize { } [ ] ~ and you notice a jacket [that you think is reasonably priced at $69]. 77

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower. 스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave

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