42-2(8) fm

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1 KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL. Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 165~174 (2010) The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Whey protein isolateƒ ƒ l s f j t p ½ * w y w w t w Quality Characteristics of Low-Fat Butter Sponge Cakes Prepared with Whey Protein Isolate Chan-Hee Kim* Department of Food & Nutrition, Sungshin Women s University Abstract The effects of substituting whey protein isolate (WPI) for butter in the preparation of butter sponge cake were determined by objective and subjective tests. The specific gravity of cake batter, the cooking loss and moisture content of cake were all decreased with increasing amounts of WPI, whereas specific loaf volume was increased. With increasing WPI content, redness of crust and crumb, as well as lightness of crumb were increased, whereas lightness of crust, as well as yellowness of crust and crumb were all decreased. Hardness, chewiness, gumminess, adhesiveness and fracturability were increased significantly with increasing amounts of WPI, however, cohesiveness, springiness, and resilience were decreased. In the sensory evaluation, 20% WPI-substituted cake displayed scores similar to those of control. These results suggest that substitution of 20% WPI could be the best ratio for the preparation of butter sponge cake. Key words: fat substitution, whey protein isolate, butter sponge cake y ƒ š z y f j w ³ ƒwš t» t ù t w y ëš. w ƒ w»» ƒw w t ywš p q ƒ j š» w f j w w (1). p lù p sy ù p w wš» šx, y, š x ƒ ƒ ³ ywš. ù p ù lƒ» p, t w j w k» š (2). k y (carbohydrate-based fat substitutes), (protein-based fat substitutes), (fat-based fat substitutes) wš (3) ü w *Corresponding author: Chan-Hee Kim, Department of Food & Nutrition, Sungshin Women s University, Seoul , Korea Tel: Fax: chkim30@dreamwiz.com Received October 11, 2009; revised November 24, 2009; accepted November 25, 2009 polydextrose, hydrolyzed oat flour, maltodextrin, medium chain triglyceride, ƒw w f jù v t p w š (4-8). p w, y s tw» ƒ š» ù t z, t, z t,» t w š 1-4 Kcal/g 1/3 œ ƒ š. w ù y (emulsifying), w (solubility),»s (foaming), (dispersibility), (waterbinding), (gelling), (viscosity) ƒ š» (9,10) w ƒ. Whey protein isolate(wpi) 90% k t, w, mt, x g l e,,, y z ƒ š (11) t» ƒeƒ x ù w t w ƒ w. t f j» š s f j xw l s f j WPI w. m s f j w» w l ƒw x s f j š š ù» x w» w (12,13). l WPI w l s f j w WPI f j yw, p w f j ƒ w WPI ƒ y wš w. 165

2 166 w t wz 42 «2y (2010) x f j ƒ (CJ Cheiljedang Co., Seoul, Korea), k (CJ Cheiljedang Co.), 95%, l(heinz Korea, Seoul, Korea) w š Š ( )t w ñ w z w. WPI(Proliantine Co., WI, USA) x k w š d p (Sigma Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) w. l s f j f j WPI ƒw z w» w Table 1 ùkù WPI l w 20, 40, 60, 80, 100% w l s f j œ (13) w. WPI k W/Ox y l w š w y e (14) WPI ƒ w. w s f j w Š ù š ƒ 100% w k 166%, Š 166%, 2%ƒ» w (13). x WPI ƒ f j v y w» w Š, k, ƒ w s f j w (15) w. l 60 o C wš WPI y k z»(model K5SS, Kitchen Aid Inc., Detroit, MI, USA) w 8 š w» sxk(foam-type) w. f j Š»s w jš k w ƒ j t v j w» w 45 o C kw 40 o C j hot mixing method w š(16) 3 ù. 1 Š k š 30, š 8»(NVM-12, Dae-Young Machinary Co., Incheon, Korea) whipper w egg-sugar cream k z 2 e š w z ù yww cake batter. 3 6 f j ƒƒ w control cake batter yww 60 o C l ƒw š w š, W-20, W- 40, W-60, W-80»sxk(foam-type) WPI yww l ƒw, W-100»s xk WPI w. óùz ƒƒ š ü 15 cm, ¾ 3cm q 300 g 160 o C, 180 o C (FDO-7103, Dae-Young Machinary Co., Incheon, Korea) 25 1 þ k z t p w x w. d l s f j (specific gravity) AACC (17) f j d w w. 1 g/cc ƒ w. = f j f f f f d l s f j d (18) 65 g 100 ml f qqw w (TC-500, Brookfield Eng. Labs., Middleboro, MA, USA) 25 o C w Brookfield digital viscometer(model RVDV-1+, Brookfield Eng. Labs., Middleboro, MA, USA) w spindle number 3, z 0.6 rpm spindle z w» w 1 z 3z d w. f j» d l s f j z 1 e z d w š v ey (19) w. (specific volume, cc/g) f j v w w š» (baking loss)» 1 z f j ù (20). Table 1. The Formula for butter sponge cakes substituted by different levels of WPI for butter (Unit: g) Ingredients Ratio (%) Flour Egg Sugar Salt Water-1 2) Butter Variable WPI 3) Variable Water-2 4) Variable ) Control: butter sponge cake made with butter W-20: butter sponge cake made with 20% WPI substitution for butter W-40: butter sponge cake made with 40% WPI substitution for butter W-60: butter sponge cake made with 60% WPI substitution for butter W-80: butter sponge cake made with 80% WPI substitution for butter W-100: butter sponge cake made with 100% WPI substitution for butter 2) Basic water amounts 3),4) Used as butter substitution

3 Whey Protein Isolateƒ ƒ l s f j t p 167 Table 2. Operating conditions of texture analyzer for measuring the texture of butter sponge cake Parameters Conditions Sample size 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm Probe P25 (25 mm dia. cylinder aluminium) Pre-test speed 5.0 mm/sec Test speed 2.0 mm/sec Post-test speed 5.0 mm/sec Distance 40% Time 3 sec Trigger type Auto Trigger force 10 g f j w d l s f j z w 20±1 o C 3 w Microwave Moisture/Solids Analyzer(WAVE 9000, Stable Micro Systems Co., Survey, UK) w ƒ d d w. 1 f j w 3z d w š, d 0 w 230 o C( 105 o C) wš 2-3 g cell š ww. f j d l s f j w z w 20±1 o C 3 w 1 d w. f j crust crumb (Model CR-200, Minolta Co., Osaka, Japan) w Hunter L(lightness), a(redness), b(yellowness) t w š ƒ 3z d w. f j d l s f j w z 1 ew polyethylene film w 20±1 o C 3 w 1 Texture Analyzer(Model TA-XT2, Stable Micro Systems Co., London, UK) w d w Table 2. TPA(texture profile analysis) mw ƒ (hardness), (cohesiveness), (fracturability), (gumminess), (chewiness), (adhesiveness), k (springiness) (resilience) ƒƒ 3z d w. f j x t w w (21-23 ) 10 w z mw sƒ s ƒ p w w. sƒ p w q» y x ¾ 1z 5 z w z w w. p w l s f j w (milky flavor), w(moistness), (softness), (chewiness), k (springiness) 7 s (1 : w, 4 : w w, 7 : w ) w 1 7 p ƒ w ùk ü w. 1 ew f j 20±1 o C 3 w f j ƒƒ 3cm 3cm 3cm j» š 3 ww gqw z sq 2 z f wì œw. 1 sƒw z Áòw x z sƒw w w yw» w w. w y x z (randomized complete block design) 1 w e 6ƒ sƒw w. 4 3z w sƒ z 3-5 w.»y t w w (20-26 ) 30 w. l s f j w 1 ew z d w w x(appearance), (texture),»y (overall acceptability) 7»y (1 : w, 4 :, 7 : w ) w sƒw (21). m x Statistical Analysis System(SAS, version 8.12) program(sas Inc., Cary, NC, USA) w (analysis of variance, ANOVA) wš Duncan (Duncan's multiple range test) ƒ 5% w. w x» w Pearson w (22). š WPI l s f j Fig. 1 ùkü. Control 0.61 ƒ š WPI 100% w ƒ û. WPI control û û œ»ƒ w t vƒ f w. s w w l l ƒw»sxk WPIƒ ü Š»sx»s ƒ w w Ì w. f j WPI l f j v ƒ w t w j w w». ù» x ƒ w Š w 180%, l 20% w l s f j» 0.55±0.05 w š (13). x control» e ù kù ƒ w Š w 100% w». x w w ƒ w ƒw w s f j control 0.7 ùkù s f j» (18) Park Chang(23) š w. l s f j Fig. 1 ùkü. W-100 w ù WPI control w. Control 21,100 cp WPI 14,200-37,500 cp ùkù yƒ w. l WPI yw ù k WPI»s ƒw» ƒ. W-20 W-40 l WPI yw l ƒ û, W-60 W-80

4 168 w t wz 42 «2y (2010) Fig. 1. Specific gravity and viscosity of butter sponge cake batters substituted by different levels of WPI for butter. 1) In a bar, means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at p< ) In a line, means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at p<0.05. Fig. 2. Baking loss and specific loaf volume of butter sponge cakes substituted by different levels of WPI for butter. 1) In a bar, means followed by the same alphabet are not significantly different at p< ) In a line, means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at p<0.05. WPI w ƒ. W-100 WPI control 2 w w w WPIƒ l 100%». f j k, w š g k, air cell k š (20). f j ƒ ü œ» š š (18) ƒ w x ù x W-100 w WPI control ƒ w wš û control»sx»s ùkû. Maltodextrin p w w f j ƒw w š w (6) x w ù hydrolyzed oat flour p w ƒ w ƒw š(5) w. f j w w ƒ. f j WPI w l s f j Fig. 2. f j v ùkü control 2.39 cc/g ùkü s f j t 5.86 cc/g (20) v q ƒ, k, Š w» š ƒ. w ƒ x w w Hwang Kim(15) cc/g š šw w. WPI f j cc/g WPI w f j ƒ w ƒw w»sxk WPI y Š»s x z w š ƒ. y WPI»s f j»ƒ q w w» WPI f j»s y control v. WPI f j l w WPI ƒw y»s ƒwš œ» s vƒ ƒw. Gillbertson Porter (24) ƒ gƒ ƒw w f j w ƒw w š šw. x WPI ƒ ƒ ƒ l ƒ»sxk w» f j ü ƒw w ƒw š ƒ. Corn bran fiber ƒw w v vƒ control w š w Jung (25) š. f j» WPI l w w l s f j» Fig. 2 ùkü. Control 18.72% ùkù ƒ w w Š w 166%, l 20% w l s f j» 7.37% š w (26) 2». w ƒ w k Š w f j w» š ƒ. WPI ƒw % ùkü» w l ƒ w»sxk WPIƒ j air cell ƒ j» š ƒ. t p ƒ ¾. f j x ƒ t w j» w w g» q f j v ƒ j» wš w w

5 Whey Protein Isolateƒ ƒ l s f j t p 169 Table 3. Moisture contents of butter sponge cakes substituted by different levels of WPI for butter during storage at 20±1 o C Storage time (days) ±0.06 a2)3) 29.57±0.06 a 28.97±0.06 b 28.07±0.06 c 27.44±0.17 d 27.05±0.08 e ±0.04 a ±0.14 ab 27.79±0.41 b 27.04±0.19 c 26.32±0.18 d 26.09±0.02 d ±0.23 a 27.21±0.09 a 26.54±0.09 b 26.04±0.03 c 25.43±0.04 d 24.67±0.05 e ±0.05 a 26.08±0.04 b 25.38±0.11 c 25.37±0.13 c 24.91±0.09 d 23.41±0.09 e 1) See the legend of Table 1. 2) Each values are mean±sd (n=3); In a row, means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at p<0.05.» w (15). x»sxk WPI l ƒw» w vƒ f f jƒ w x. l ƒ control j» w v ƒ ùk ü WPI w v f wš w w w ùkü. w» w q w x air cell» w w. w WPI air cell x ƒw ƒ air cell ƒ šw w» w ƒ»» š ƒ. medium chain triglyceride ƒw w f j» control 11.19% w w % ƒw š(7). f j w WPI l s f j w y Table 3. z w control W-20 ƒƒ 29.76% 29.57% w š l WPI ƒ ƒw % s û w. ƒ y w ƒw w w w f j w ƒw (27-28) w. f j ƒ w ü w w» q. ü gluten yy w q air cell» w.» w ƒ ƒw w f j ü yy j w w f j ƒ k š ƒ. l WPI w ƒ air cell w š j»» w w» wš v ƒ f j w š ƒ. W-100 w w control W/O y lƒ w w w w š. ƒ f j w ƒw Moon (29) w.» y, w s f w w. W-20 control w Ì w w s ƒ û y. f j w ƒ f j p wš ƒ w e wù š w (19). f j w WPI w w f j t w w š ƒ 20% ƒ ƒ w. f j WPI w w l s f j d w Table 4. Crust ùkü L control WPI f j ùkù ƒw w. ùkü a control 2.08 ƒ û š WPI f j ùkù ƒw, y ùkü b control w w. w ù Maillard y w v w WPI w yƒ» l y»sxk WPI y w» š ƒ. f j crumb L WPI f jƒ control ùkù crust WPI w a b crust y w w. f j crumb p ³ š ù wš ƒ ³ w (26) WPI f j w j w ƒ.» y crust L, b w a ƒw š crumb L, a ƒw b w ùkü w w. w» ¼ w f j w w f j» š ƒ. f j ƒw, ƒ w w (20) x WPI w w w»sxk ƒw WPI f j q. f j crust crumb w ùkü f j t ü w ƒ. s f j ƒw crust crumb L w crust a, b w crumb a, b ƒw š šw Lee(30). f j WPI w w l s f j Table 5. control W-20 f j

6 170 w t wz 42 «2y (2010) Table 4. Hunter L, a, b values of butter sponge cakes substituted by different levels of WPI for butter during storage at 20±1 o C Storage time (days) Crust Crumb L a b L a b ±0.06 a2) 70.36±0.03 b 70.01±0.02 c 69.15±0.03 d 68.93±0.04 e 66.53±0.04 f ±0.02 a 69.86±0.03 b 69.53±0.02 c 69.04±0.02 d 68.70±0.03 e 66.17±0.04 f ±0.03 a 68.33±0.02 b 67.77±0.02 c 67.74±0.02 c 64.47±0.02 d 59.24±0.03 e ±0.04 a 67.94±0.06 b 67.23±0.11 c 67.02±0.05 d 59.61±0.02 e 58.24±0.03 f ±0.02 f 2.53±0.02 e 3.64±0.02 d 4.42±0.01 c 6.04±0.03 b 8.72±0.02 a ±0.02 f 2.15±0.01 e 3.26±0.02 d 4.16±0.03 c 5.61±0.02 b 8.25±0.01 a ±0.02 f 1.93±0.02 e 2.40±0.02 d 3.72±0.02 c 4.94±0.01 b 5.11±0.01 a ±0.01 e 1.25±0.01 de 1.41±0.01 d 2.98±0.01 c 3.42±0.01 b 4.36±0.03 a ±0.01 a 45.18±0.02 b 42.82±0.01 c 42.58±0.01 d 41.31±0.02 e 41.13±0.02 f ±0.01 a 44.17±0.59 a 42.16±0.01 b 41.53±0.02 c 38.56±0.33 d 37.17±0.28 e ±0.04 a 41.76±0.06 a 41.57±0.03 ab 41.08±0.04 b 37.26±0.08 c 36.51±0.37 d ±0.01 a 36.65±0.03 b 36.16±0.03 c 32.95±0.01 d 31.45±0.08 e 31.15±0.03 f ±0.05 f 81.71±0.01 e 82.36±0.01 d 83.09±0.01 c 84.05±0.08 b 85.85±0.02 a ±0.07 f 81.48±0.04 e 82.01±0.03 d 82.96±0.03 c 83.58±0.19 b 84.86±0.11 a ±0.02 f 80.11±0.02 e 81.12±0.03 d 82.03±0.04 c 82.99±0.09 b 83.93±0.14 a ±0.01 f 79.65±0.06 e 80.35±0.05 d 81.03±0.05 c 82.45±0.02 b 83.06±0.07 a ±0.03 e -0.49±0.02 e 0.11±0.02 d 0.33±0.03 c 0.53±0.02 b 0.87±0.01 a ±0.06 e -0.79±0.04 d -0.66±0.04 d -0.23±0.01 c 0.34±0.04 b 0.53±0.04 a ±0.03 d -1.05±0.05 cd -0.82±0.01 bc -0.47±0.27 b 0.19±0.01 a 0.33±0.01 a ±0.03 f -1.73±0.01 e -1.52±0.02 d -1.05±0.03 c -0.35±0.03 b 0.19±0.02 a ±0.03 a 29.06±0.02 b 28.71±0.03 c 28.03±0.01 d 27.33±0.01 e 26.61±0.02 f ±0.04 a 28.13±0.09 b 27.61±0.03 c 26.98±0.01 d 26.38±0.06 e 25.52±0.01 f ±0.05 a b 26.86±0.02 b 25.87±0.08 c 25.05±0.09 d 24.35±0.04 e ±0.02 a 25.97±0.08 b 25.32±0.01 c 24.46±0.28 d 23.96±0.02 e 23.01±0.04 f 1) See the legend of Table 1. 2) Each values are mean±sd (n=3); In a row, means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at p<0.05. w û š WPI ƒw ùkü. f j v, w, air cell w w air cell vƒ f š û š w (14). x l WPI w œ» s air cell ƒ j x air cell w vƒ f ƒ û š w ƒw. air cell w WPIƒ f j x w w wš Š wì ƒ w w» š ƒ. Kawasome Yamano(31) l s f j w j š w š Gaines Donelson(32) angel food cake š w. WPI f j j w ƒ û w w ƒ.» y WPI, w ƒw w w f j w y w. control W-20 ƒ û WPI ƒw ƒw.» w ƒw w w ùkü. control W-20 w ùkü f j w û š WPI w ƒw. ƒ w s f j w ƒw (32) x w w ù hydrolyzed oat flour p w f j w ùkü (5) w.» ¼ ƒw f j w e w» w. z control ƒ û š WPI w ƒw. w WPIƒ ƒ ü air cell š w w f. ú w w t ƒ» q. k control w W-20 wš WPI ƒw,» ¼ w. f j f j x ƒ l, Š, l WPI,, k, ü y w ü w w» ƒ. Park (33) f j g w ƒw w k w š šw w w. w, k, w y w ü w k š t w e w

7 Whey Protein Isolateƒ ƒ l s f j t p 171 Table 5. Texture characteristics of butter sponge cakes substituted by different levels of WPI for butter during storage at 20±1 o C Texture parameters Storage time (days) Hardness (g/cm 2 ) Chewiness (g) Gumminess (g) Cohesiveness (%) Adhesiveness (g) Springiness (%) Fracturability (g) Resilience (%) ±11.71 d2) ±16.47 cd ±14.73 c ±19.75 b ±14.24 b ±11.24 a ±13.44 d ±17.26 d ±12.36 c ±33.76 b ±10.38 a ±19.86 a ±12.57 e ±18.66 e ±13.39 d ±34.88 c ±29.48 b ±12.28 a ±14.06 e ±19.06 de ±13.77 d ±22.95 c ±61.53 b ±11.14 a ±0.88 e ±5.01 e ±1.41 d ±2.96 c ±1.91 b ±4.99 a ±9.19 e ±6.05 e ±13.24 d ±2.56 c ±2.04 b ±6.21 a ±7.38 f ±7.75 e ±1.34 d ±3.24 c ±4.51 b ±1.29 a ±5.92 f ±1.69 e ±3.01 d ±3.92 c ±0.79 b ±0.98 a ±5.56 e ±10.57 e ±8.44 d ±2.17 c ±1.31 b ±1.34 a ±4.67 e ±4.27 e ±5.27 d ±3.24 c ±1.01 b ±1.94 a ±1.61 e ±1.43 e ±8.45 d ±3.84 c ±1.96 b ±3.16 a ±0.75 e ±8.09 e ±3.68 d ±9.04 c ±3.62 b ±19.12 a ±0.02 a 0.65±0.03 a 0.64±0.03 ab 0.62±0.02 b 0.62±0.01 b 0.62±0.01 b ±0.02 a 0.63±0.02 ab 0.62±0.02 b 0.61±0.01 b 0.60±0.02 bc 0.58±0.01 c ±0.01 a 0.60±0.01 ab 0.59±0.03 ab 0.58±0.02 b 0.55±0.02 c 0.52±0.02 c ±0.01 a 0.58±0.01 ab 0.56±0.01 bc 0.55±0.02 c 0.53±0.03 c 0.50±0.01 d ±0.03 e 0.22±0.03 d 0.34±0.03 c 0.43±0.03 b 0.49±0.02 b 0.62±0.01 a ±0.02 d 0.21±0.01 c 0.22±0.02 c 0.28±0.01 b 0.32±0.02 b 0.39±0.02 a ±0.02 e -0.29±0.03 d -0.14±0.06 c 0.17±0.04 b 0.27±0.02 ab 0.30±0.01 a ±0.27 d -0.51±0.04 c -0.26±0.07 bc 0.05±0.02 ab 0.11±0.02 a 0.19±0.02 a ±0.03 a 0.93±0.01 ab 0.92±0.02 ab 0.89±0.02 bc 0.88±0.02 c 0.87±0.02 c ±0.02 a 0.91±0.01 a 0.90±0.01 a 0.86±0.01 b 0.84±0.01 b 0.83±0.01 b ±0.01 a 0.88±0.02 ab 0.87±0.01 b 0.84±0.02 c 0.81±0.01 cd 0.79±0.01 d ±0.01 a 0.85±0.01 b 0.84±0.01 b 0.80±0.01 c 0.78±0.01 c 0.74±0.02 d ±0.35 e 26.82±0.98 e 28.87±0.12 d 32.08±0.11 c 34.97±0.25 b 37.24±0.25 a ±0.13 e 38.43±0.26 e 44.94±0.15 d 49.83±0.35 c 52.42±0.96 b 72.66±2.37 a ±0.86 f 50.36±1.18 e 59.96±0.81 d 62.27±0.93 c 67.94±0.22 b 81.64±1.58 a ±1.28 f 76.48±1.04 e 84.67±2.83 d ±2.67 c ±2.24 b ±2.31 a ±0.02 a 0.43±0.01 ab 0.42±0.02 ab 0.41±0.02 ab 0.40±0.01 b 0.39±0.02 b ±0.03 a 0.42±0.02 ab 0.40±0.01 abc 0.39±0.02 abc 0.37±0.01 bc 0.36±0.02 c ±0.02 a 0.39±0.01 a 0.37±0.01 ab 0.35±0.01 bc 0.34±0.02 bc 0.32±0.01 c ±0.02 a 0.35±0.01 b 0.33±0.01 bc 0.31±0.01 c 0.30±0.01 cd 0.28±0.01 d 1) See the legend of Table 1. 2) Each values are mean±sd (n=3); In a row, means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at p<0.05. ƒ. ƒw f j x w š(34) x WPI w w wš v ƒ x w x ùkü. WPI 20% ¾ f j w e ù 40% WPI š w ü w» WPI l 20%¾ ƒ ƒ w q. f j l WPI 20, 40, 60, 80, 100% w w ƒ l s f j p Table 6. w ƒw p ƒ sƒ p W-40 ƒ w W-80 W-100 p ƒ w. Š ƒ t Š üƒ y w j w x l WPI ƒw Š ý w l WPI š w w ƒ w ƒ š ƒ. wr p ƒ w W-80, W-100 l ƒ w w s w wƒ ù š šw Hippleheuser (35) w w WPI l» š ƒ. WPI w l w w š f j w y ùkù. w k control W-20 WPI f j w sƒ š WPI ƒw û sƒ. WPI ƒw w w f jƒ w š

8 172 w t wz 42 «2y (2010) Table 6. Characteristic intensity rating of butter sponge cakes substituted by different levels of WPI for butter during storage at 20±1 o C Sensory parameters Storage time (days) Milky flavor Moistness Softness Chewiness Springiness ±1.14 c2)3) ±0.97 ab 6.60±0.69 a 5.10±1.19 b 3.00±1.15 cd 2.10±0.57 d ±1.14 b 5.60±0.96 a 6.20±0.63 a 5.20±1.48 a 2.80±0.63 bc 1.70±0.67 c ±0.67 c ±1.03 ab 6.40±0.71 a 5.40±0.84 b 2.50±0.53 d 1.50±0.53 e ±0.63 c ±0.97 ab 6.50±0.53 a 5.50±0.97 b 2.60±0.52 d 1.50±0.54 e ±0.71 a 6.40±0.52 a 5.00±0.47 b 3.70±0.48 c 2.50±0.53 d 1.30±0.48 e ±0.71 a 6.10±0.57 a 4.70±0.48 b 3.50±0.53 c 2.50±0.51 d 1.30±0.48 e ±0.52 a 6.40±0.69 a 4.60±0.52 b 3.60±0.52 c 2.50±0.53 d 1.40±0.52 e ±0.32 a 5.60±0.52 b 4.40±0.52 c 3.20±0.42 d 2.20±0.42 e 1.20±0.42 f ±0.88 a 6.20±0.63 a 4.90±0.57 b 3.60±0.52 c 2.50±0.53 d 1.40±0.52 e ±0.92 a 5.90±0.57 a 4.50±0.53 b 3.30±0.48 c 2.30±0.48 d 1.30±0.48 e ±0.53 a 6.50±0.53 a 4.70±0.48 b 3.40±0.52 c 2.30±0.48 d 1.30±0.48 e ±0.42 a 6.10±0.57 b 4.70±0.48 c 3.40±0.52 d 2.40±0.52 e 1.20±0.42 f ±0.43 e 2.10±0.48 e 3.10±0.42 d 4.10±0.97 c 5.20±1.06 b 6.20±0.63 a ±0.52 e 2.20±0.41 e 3.30±0.48 d 4.30±0.94 c 5.30±0.94 b 6.40±0.57 a ±0.42 e 2.30±0.42 e 3.40±0.53 d 4.50±0.52 c 5.50±0.52 b 6.60±0.63 a ±0.32 d 2.40±0.52 d 3.60±0.52 c 5.20±0.48 b 5.60±0.47 b 6.70±0.48 a ±0.79 a 6.30±0.67 a 4.80±0.63 b 3.40±0.52 c 2.30±0.48 d 1.20±0.42 e ±0.70 a 6.50±0.53 a 5.00±0.47 b 3.80±0.42 c 2.40±0.52 d 1.30±0.48 e ±0.67 a 6.10±0.74 a 4.50±0.53 b 3.30±0.48 c 2.20±0.42 d 1.20±0.42 e ±0.52 a 5.60±0.69 b 4.50±0.53 c 3.30±0.48 d 2.10±0.32 e 1.10±0.32 f 1) See the legend of Table 1. 2) Each values are mean±sd (n=3); In a row, means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at p<0.05. Table 7. Consumer acceptance of butter sponge cakes substituted by different levels of WPI for butter Sensory parameters Appearance ±1.43 a2)3) 6.10±1.75 a 6.20±1.63 a 5.50±1.59 a 3.90±1.38 b 3.70±0.67 b Texture 6.50±1.05 a 6.40±0.97 a 5.20±0.59 b 4.10±1.28 c 3.00±0.45 d 2.80±0.42 d Overall acceptability 6.30±0.94 a 6.40±1.03 a 5.50±0.96 b 4.60±0.69 c 3.50±1.24 d 3.20±0.84 d 1) See the legend of Table 1. 2) Each values are mean±sd (n=3); In a row, means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at p<0.05. w š ƒ. w,, k p j» y 2 ¾ w 3 WPI f j control p ƒ y w. control W-20 ƒ û p ùký WPI w f jƒ w ¼ ƒw. WPI w l s f j»y Table 7 ùk ü. x ƒ ƒw»y ƒ sƒ W-80 W-100 control û. control f v w f j eš Ï» š ƒ WPI w y ƒ. ö WPI w û»y w ƒ w k ƒ š ƒ.» y control W-20 ƒ ùkûš 40%»y ƒ û. p»y l w WPI f j p w j ù x j sƒ. t p š w f j yw w e 20%¾ ƒ w. f j p f j p Table 8. f j w x ƒ w. f j,,,, w,, k,,»y (r= 0.912* **) ùkü (r=0.958**-0.998**). w f j, k, w ù p (r=0.856*-0.982**) ùkü. x d ƒ f j ƒ û

9 Whey Protein Isolateƒ ƒ l s f j t p 173 Table 8. Correlation coefficients between textural properties and sensory properties of butter sponge cakes substituted by different levels of WPI for butter Sensory evaluation Milky flavor Moistness Softness Chewiness Springiness Appearance Texture Overall acceptability Texture analysis Hardness ** 1) ** ** ** ** ** Chewiness ** ** ** ** * ** Gumminess ** ** ** ** ** ** Cohesiveness ** * ** ** ** ** Adhesiveness ** ** ** ** ** ** Springiness ** ** ** ** ** ** Fracturability ** ** ** ** ** ** Resilience ** ** ** ** ** ** 1) *, **: significant at p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively. w š k w»y ƒ š. l s f j l WPI ƒ w w z p t t p sƒw. WPI ƒw f j w w w w š, f j» w ƒ w. x W-20 W-40 ƒ w l s f j xk ƒ control w. WPI 80% f j v f WPI w š w» š w f jƒ. WPI ƒw f j w w, k,,,,, ƒw š f j W-20 control w. f j crust WPIƒ y ƒ w ƒw š crumb y. W-20 control w ƒ w sƒ. WPI l s f j t yw p ƒ ùkü W-20 w š 40%. l s f j ü l w WPI ƒ w 20% w. š f j w t WPI w t y w w v w š. x 1. Kim HU. Trends and perspectives in industry of bakery. Food Sci. Indus. 36: 3-11 (2003) 2. Kannel WB, Wilson PWF, Nam B, Agostino RB. Risk stratification of obesity as a coronary risk factor. Am. J. Cardiol. 90: (2002) 3. Paula A, Lucca B, Tepper J. Fat replacers and the functionality of fat in foods. Trends Food Sci. Tech. 5: (1994) 4. Song ES, Kim SJ, Kang MH. Characteristics of low calorie layer cake by adding different levels of polydextrose. Korean J. Soc. Food Cook. Sci. 17: (2001) 5. Song ES, Kim SJ, Kang MH. Physical and sensory characteristics of low calorie layer cake made with different levels of hydrolyzed oat flour. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 34: (2002) 6. Song ES, Kim SJ, Byun KW, Kang MH. Physical and sensory characteristics of low-calorie layer cake made with maltodextrin. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 31: (2002) 7. Woo NRY, Ahn MS. The study on the quality characteristics of cake prepared with fat substitute. Korean J. Food Culture 19: (2004) 8. Chung HJ. Quality characteristics of low-fat muffins containing whey protein concentrate. Korean J. Food Cookery Sci. 22: (2006) 9. Lee SW. Biological activity of whey proteins and peptides. J. Korean Dairy Technol. Sci. 19: (2001) 10. Kim CH, Ahn MS. Physicochemical properties of whey protein isolate. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 39: (2007) 11. Lagrange V. U.S. whey proteins and new fractions and innovative nutraceuticals. J. Korean Dairy Technol. Sci. 16: (1998) 12. Hamlyn P. The World's Greatest Cookery Encyclopedia. Reed Consumer Books Ltd., London, UK. pp (1994) 13. HRDSK. Principles of Confectionary and Bakery. Human Resources Development Service of Korea, Seoul, Korea. pp. 8-34, (1999) 14. Ahn MS. Food and Cookery Science. Sinkwang Press, Seoul, Korea. pp (2002) 15. Hwang YK, Kim SY. Effects of amount of egg and specific gravity on the quality of sponge cake. Korean J. Food Cookery Sci. 15: (1999) 16. Chang HG. Quality characteristics of sponge cakes containing various levels of millet flour. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 31: (2004) 17. AACC. Approved Method of the AACC. 10 th ed. Method 10-15, American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA (2000) 18. Mizukoshi M. Model studies of cake baking, foam drainge in cake batter. Cereal Chem. 60: (1983) 19. Pyler EJ. Baking Science and Technology. Vol. Sosland Publishing Co., Kansas City, MO, USA. pp (1988) 20. Cho NJ, Kim SG, Kim YH. Bakery Science. B&C World, Seoul, Korea. pp (2004) 21. Kim KO, Kim SS, Sung NK, Lee YC. Methods & Application of Sensory Evaluation. Sinkwang Press, Seoul, Korea. pp (1997) 22. Lee KH, Park HC, Her ES. Statistics and Data Analysis Method. Hyoil Press, Seoul, Korea. pp (1998) 23. Park YS, Chang HG. Quality characteristics of sponge cakes containing various levels of black rice flour. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 39: (2007) 24. Gillbertson DB, Porter MA. Replacing eggs in bakery goods with

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