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1 KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL. Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 425~431 (2007) y ƒ ƒ t p ½ Á½k Á½ š 1 Á½w * w», 1 w p ƒœ The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Quality Properties of Gangjung Added with Detoxified Stem Bark of Rhus verniciflua (RVSB) Extract during Acceleration Storage Kyung-Mi Kim, Tae Young Kim, Myung Kon Kim, and Haeng-Ran Kim* Rural Resources Development Institute, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA 1 Department of Industrial Crop Product & Processing, Iksan National College Abstract The quality characteristics of Gangjung added with detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark (RVSB) extract, as well as the changes that occurred in the product during accelerated storage (60 o C, 24 hr), were investigated. The expansion rate of Gangjung was not significantly different (p < 0.05). The L-value of the Gangjung with added detoxified RVSB extract was higher than the control, while the a-value decreased as the addition levels of the detoxified RVSB extract increased. The b-value was highest for the Gangjung prepared with 7% (w/w) detoxified RVSB extract. The moisture content of the Gangjung decreased as the storage period increased, but the addition of detoxified RVSB extract (p < 0.05) did not significantly change this effect. We found no significant difference in the hardness of the Gangjung within the concentration range of 0-7% (w/w) detoxified RVSB extract, and the peak number slightly decreased as the storage period increased. After 16 hr of storage, the acid value was significantly lower for the Gangjung containing detoxified RVSB extract at concentrations between 5-7%. Furthermore, after 12 hr of accelerated storage, peroxide and TBA values significantly decreased with additions of detoxified RVSB extract that were over 3% (w/w). These results suggest that the physical texture of Gangjung did not improve by the addition of detoxified RVSB extract; however, its rate of lipid oxidation was reduced. Key words: Gangjung, detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark, acceleration storage w š pw š z ù y š. ù,» o qy j» w š œy o½ ƒ y ƒ w ùš m w yƒ ù qƒ ù (1) w (2) t w j (3). w» w 7-20, ³ œ (4), x m š 40 w š(5) 30 o C w 4 (6)š š., m q w w. x j» w w» š œ» w qy *Corresponding author: Haeng-Ran Kim, Department of Agriproduct Processing, Rural Resources Development Institute, 88-2, Seodun-dong, Kwonsun-gu, Suwon , Korea Tel: Fax: kimhr@rda.go.kr Received April 24, 2007; accepted July 9, 2007 (6,7), ey s n (8,9), w y tocopherol oxyfos ƒ z (10), d w s PET/ EVOH/PH v k (11) w. w, v, ƒ, yy, e ƒw t w,»y w ƒ w (3,12-15). wr, t y ƒ w y. p, snack t w w w t p l ùkü w y t»y t w w (16). q p w» w w w ƒ. Baik (17) m ƒw y š y g t w x w g š w. urushiol(50-80%), z (laccase) z y» w š (3-8%), w (1-3%), (11-38%) w w š š (18), p urushiol catechol yw C3 e side chain C15 C17 w yw v v mw sü ¾ w š e w s y y g v 425

2 426 w t wz 39 «4y (2007) j. w sw t w urushiol m w x w v w. w wš urushiol w y, w, w w,,, m, x, s w, Ÿ w e (19). ù w fisetin fustin(20) flavonoid w y z w, y, x y, w ³ (21)¾ š. w w y ƒ š wš Á t w». ³ ³ z³ Ÿw w» ³ z (lignin peroxidase, manganese-dependant peroxidase, laccase) w ü w fungitoxic compound phenolic yw w w ƒ š. v ³ w ³ z ƒ v w j yy z w urushiol w allergy j (22). Kim (22) ³ 11 v y k (Fomitella fraxinea)³ 93% ƒ š šw urushiol ³ y g t y y w š w. y w urushiol yw y k v ƒw 60 o C 24 w q w ƒ š w. w w 2003 w 10 w w 4 o C w w. o½» CJ( )(Incheon, Korea) w q, ( )(Gunsan, Korea) w g 14% t, k CJ( ) k w. y v w p ³ w x l œ., ù Ë 2-3 cm w e k z sieve(10 mesh) 30 wš v p (800 ml) 450 g 1 ³w (Fomitella fraxinea)³, 25 o C 20 w y v w y z w. ƒ ƒ w» w Ë v p» 3kg 7.5 L 3 š 31.5 o C 9 e w. e» w w { š, e óù 3z w» š 2 ew e w. roll mill w 2z w m k roll 0 mm, 2 m k roll 2mm w. ƒ 20 mesh m g 20 o C þ š w w. y v y v 1kg 9L š 121 o C 3 w. 1 óù 4.5 L š 1 Table 1. Formular of different Gangjung sample Sample 1) Rice flour Rice wine Ingredients Sugar 2 w z w 1.7 Brix o w w. w w Table 1 ƒ 100 g, 8g, k 6g, 8.5 g yww w 48.5% w x w w ƒ» 0, 1, 3, 5, 7%(w/w) y w Kim (23) w w. wt w 100æ 20 w. w»(model K5-A, Kitchen Aid, Benton Harbor, MI, USA) w 10 (Speed No.2) e» w z 0.5 cm Ì 1 ew 1 w. 1 ƒ óù 3cmÜ1cmÜ0.5 cm(¼ ÜsÜ Ì) xw 40 o C t»(df-360 DI, Duri Science Inc., Bucheon, Korea) 10 2 w w» PE film bag z plastic» þ w t ü sx w.» o½ o C 1 z o C 30 o¼ z 1 jek t» w PE film bag w» 60 o C 24 w t w. qy y ƒ w w qy Chun (24) w» v w v w. Expansion ratio (%) = [(AÜD) V] Ü100 V A: Cross-section area (mm 2 ) D: Length of Gangjung base (mm) V: Volumn of bandegi (mm 3 ) Water RVSB extract 0% % % % % ) Codings indicate substituted Rhus verniciflua stem bark (RVSB) extract for total ingredients. For example, 1% sample is the one substituted RVSB extract of 1% for total ingredients Chun (24) w 10 ƒƒ, (Color-Eye 3100, Macbeth, New Windsor, NY, USA) w Hunter L( ), a( ), b(y ) d w. t q q(l' = 94.87, a' = 0.58, b' = 1.59) w.

3 w w AOAC (25) 105 C ƒ o w. texture analyser(ta-xt2, Stable Micro System Ltd., Haslemere, UK) Chun(26) xw probe 3.0 mm, distance 80%, test speed 1.0 mm/sec, trigger force auto 10 g d puncture test option program w. 3.0 mm diameter probe mw ùkù š vj (hardness, g), e ùkù v vj w w ùkü. ethyl ether e w 150 g ethyl ether ƒw 2 w w j sodium sulfate anhydrous k k z w ethyl ether w z w. ƒ AOAC (25) ƒ d w w 1g 100 ml ƒv j š ether : ethanol(1 : 1, v/v) yw 50 ml š yww z 1% phenolphthalein 2-3 š 0.1 N alcoholic KOH w. œ x w w. y ƒ AOAC (25) y ƒ d w. 1g 200 ml ƒv j š chloroform : acetic acid (2 : 3, v/v) yw 25 ml w k z sy KI 1mL š yww 10 ew. 30 ml š yww z 1% 1mL w 0.01 N Na 2 S 2 O 3 w. œ x w w. TBAƒ TBAƒ 1g x y wš benzene 1mL ƒw ww TBA 20 ml vortex mixer yww 100 C ò x o š 30 k 10. d wš d w 530 nm Ÿ d w z(13) 100 w TBA t w. y ƒ ƒ t p 427 m w 3z w SAS package w w s³ w Duncan α = 0.05 w (27). š qy y ƒw qy d w (Table 2), y ƒ qy ƒ. v(12), ƒ (13), yy ƒ ƒw, ƒ qy k (14)š w Choi(28) y ƒ qy ƒw š w. ù, y ƒ qy y. L w y ƒw ƒ w w. a y ƒ w w w. b y 7% ƒw (p < 0.05) y s r yw ƒw» w (13). y ƒ w ù qy w e y. w t w t t w w j (5). p w w w t p l w w yƒ w. y ƒ» w y w (Table 3)» w w ù y ƒ y (interaction) w w. y ƒ» w w Table 4. w %» ¼ w w ù, y ƒ Table 2. Expansion and color difference of Gangjung added with detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark extract Added concentration (%) Expansion (%) L a b ± ns)1) 72.5 ± 1.64 c -0.4 ± 0.29 a 9.7 ± 1.07 b ± ± 2.81 a -0.4 ± 0.20 b 9.1 ± 0.68 b ± ± 2.27 a -0.7 ± 0.12 c 8.9 ± 0.87 b ± ± 1.93 b -0.8 ± 0.08 c 9.9 ± 0.80 b ± ± 4.97 bc -0.8 ± 0.06 c 12.1 ± 1.53 a 0 : Not significant Means of three replicates. Superscriptive letters in a column indicate significant difference at p < 0.05 (Duncan s multiple range test). 1)ns) 2)

4 428 w t wz 39 «4y (2007) Table 3. F-values for the physicochemical properties of Gangjung added with detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark extract Source of variances Moisture content Hardness Peak numer Acid value Peroxide value TBA value Concentration *** 06.82*** *** Period 39.63*** *** *** 26.42*** *** Con*Period *** 04.83*** *** ***p <0.001 Table 4. Changes in moisture content of Gangjung added with detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark extract at 60 o C for 24 hr (unit:%) Added concentration (%) Storage period (hr) ± 0.56 abcd 6.4 ± 0.31 cdefg 6.3 ± 0.35 defghi 6.4 ± 0.12 cdefg 6.0 ± 0.17 efghi 5.4 ± 0.34 hij 5.1 ± 0.44 j ± 0.47 a 6.6 ± 0.13 bcde 6.6 ± 0.44 bcde 6.5 ± 0.16 cdefg 6.1 ± 0.12 efghi 5.4 ± 0.34 hij 5.0 ± 0.54 j ± 0.20 ab 6.5 ± 0.56 cdef 6.4 ± 0.18 cdefg 6.5 ± 0.18 cdefg 6.1 ± 0.29 efghi 5.5 ± 0.32 hij 5.5 ± 0.22 hij ± 0.63 abc 6.6 ± 1.18 bcde 6.4 ± 0.54 cdefg 6.5 ± 0.11 cdefg 6.3 ± 0.45 defghi 5.4 ± 0.31 hij 5.4 ± 0.90 ij ± 0.55 abcd 6.6 ± 0.34 bcde 6.5 ± 0.45 cde 6.5 ± 0.43 cdefg 6.3 ± 0.21 cdefgh 5.6 ± 0.45 ghij 5.6 ± 0.35 hij 1) Means of three replicates. Superscriptive letters indicate significant difference at p < 0.05 (Duncan s multiple range test). Table 5. Changes in texture profile of Gangjung added with detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark extract at 60 o C for 24 hr Texture profile Hardness (g/cm 3 ) Added concentration (%) Storage period (hr) ± ns)1) ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Peak number (number) ± 2.07 abcd ± 3.60 abc ± 4.23 bcdef ± 4.31 defg ± 3.83 efg ± 4.68 fg ± 4.36 g ± 2.32 ab ± 2.42 ab ± 2.64 bcdefg ± 3.98 efg ± 3.94 efg ± 3.44 efg ± 3.31 g ± 4.38 ab ± 3.54 abc ± 2.73 bcdefg ± 3.88 cdefg ± 2.58 efg ± 2.73 efg ± 3.87 g ± 3.08 a ± 4.12 ab ± 4.07 bcdefg ± 3.27 bcdefg ± 4.14 efg ± 4.14 efg ± 3.94 fg ± 2.71 a ± 3.50 ab ± 2.07 bcdefg ± 4.71 cdefg ± 4.42 defg ± 4.79 efg ± 3.83 fg : Not significant Means of three replicates. Superscriptive letters indicate significant difference at p < 0.05 (Duncan s multiple range test). 1)ns) 2) (p < 0.05). 5% ƒ 16 l w w» w š 1% 3% 4 l w» w ù 16 w w 16 l ƒ. wr 7% ƒ 20 z l w» w w w ƒ. ƒ w y y w y ƒ z» w.» o½ qy j snack t w ü rp» ü œ»» q w q x» rp t q k šy w w w (29). y ƒ y w (Table 3) y ƒ,» y (interaction) w. y ƒ» w Table 5.» w ƒ ƒw y ƒ w ù. w wš ¾» variation f ùkù ƒ. w ùkü vj y w (Table 3)» w w ù y ƒ y (interaction) w. y ƒ» vj w (Table 5),» w w w.» vj w 16 l w š y ƒ vj y 16, 1% 3% ƒ 12, 5% 7% 8 l w w (p < 0.05).

5 y ƒ ƒ t p 429 Fig. 1. Changes in acid value of Gangjung added with detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark extract at 60 o C for 24 hr. y ƒ vj w e ƒ. ƒ ƒ q ƒ w w w e y t w j w ƒ d w ƒ q ùkü» (30). y ƒ» ƒ y w (Table 3) y ƒ,» y (interaction) w p» F ƒ f. y ƒ ƒ y Fig. 1. ƒ y 12 ¾ yƒ ù z l» w ƒ ƒ ƒw. w 16 l w y 5% 7% ƒ ƒƒ (p <0.05)., y 5% ƒ ƒ wì q w. w, ƒ ƒ t ³ m t t ³ (10) w w w» e 2.0 w., x ƒ y ƒ» w ù 16 l ƒ ƒ qƒ w. y ƒ» q ùký y ƒ w ƒ ww w y t w t (30). y ƒ» y ƒ y w (Table 3) y ƒ,» y (interaction) w p» F ƒ f. y ƒw y ƒ y Fig. 2. y 1% ƒ» w y ƒ Fig. 2. Changes in peroxide value of Gangjung added with detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark extract at 60 o C for 24 hr. ƒ ƒw ƒ 16 l w w y ƒ x y ƒ qƒ y w ƒ» ƒ (5). y 3% ƒ y ƒƒ ƒw še e qƒ ƒ. m y še w z w» qƒ w ù t y ƒƒ û ƒ (1) d. š y 3% ƒ ƒ ƒw y ƒ w (p < 0.05). y ƒ ƒ qƒ y w. Kim (15) e e ƒw ƒw y ƒ ³ 40 meq/kg w w e e y z š y» š w. x ƒ y ƒ t ³ m t t ³ (10) w w w» e 40 w., x y ƒ» e y ƒ» w. w, 12 z y ƒw ƒ w w qƒ % d. TBAƒ y y e yw d w TBAƒ yƒ ƒ w (30). y ƒ» TBAƒ y w (Table 3), y ƒ,» y (interaction) w p» F ƒ f. y ƒ TBAƒ y Fig. 3. TBAƒ»

6 430 w t wz 39 «4y (2007) Fig. 3. Changes in TBA value of Gangjung added with detoxified Rhus verniciflua stem bark extract at 60 o C for 24 hr. w ƒw š,» 1.33 ù 12 l w 10 ƒw. l y wƒ y w q w y ƒ ew. y 3% ƒ TBAƒ w û w ƒ ƒw TBAƒ w (p < 0.05). Kim Kim(13) ƒ ƒ ƒ w TBAƒ ƒƒ û ƒ ƒ ƒ w y k š šw. y ƒ w TBAƒ w ƒ y w y w z ƒ. y ƒw 60 C 24 w o t y r j w e q g. wr ƒ y ƒ» e (10)» w ù ƒ y» y ƒ TBAƒ w š w 12 w ƒ y ƒ» w ƒ. w ƒ t y ƒ ƒ wz t y w ƒ v w. w y y ƒw t p ƒ (60 o C, 24 ) t y w. y ƒ qy L y ƒ ƒ w a ƒ w b 7% ƒ ùkþ. y ƒ w y» w w ù ƒ. y ƒ ƒ, vj» w w w. y ƒ ƒ» w ƒw y 5% ƒ 16 l ƒ ƒ g. y ƒ TBAƒ y 3% ƒ 12 l. y ƒw w» w ù q w z ƒ ùkû. 2006» w w. x 1. Kim DH. Food Chemistry. Tamgudang, Seoul, Korea. pp (1988) 2. Choe EO, Lee YS, Choi SB. Effects of antioxidants in frying oil on the flavor compound formation in the ramyeon during storage. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 25: (1989) 3. Lee SK, Back NH, Shon JS. Studies of gangjung (I)-Effect of dried Insam on the lipid oxidation and sensory evaluation of gangjung. J. Food Hyg. Saf. 15: (2000) 4. Han JS. A study on cookery characteristics of Korean cakes (on the yugwa). Korean J. Food Nutr. 11: (1982) 5. Kim EM, Kim HY. A study on setting the shelf life of commercial Korean traditional cookies: Rice yugwa, Sesame yugwaa, yugwa. Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. 17: (2001) 6. Shin DH, Kim Mk, Chung TK, Lee HY. Self-life study of yugwa (Korean traditional puffed rice snack) and substitution of puffing medium to air. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 22: (1990) 7. Lim KR, Lee KH, Kwak EJ, Lee YS. Quality characteristics of yugwa base and popped rice for ssalyeotgangjeong popped with salt during storage. Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. 20: (2004) 8. Shin DH, Choi U. Shelf-life extension of yugwa (oil puffed rice cake) by O 2 preventive packing. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 25: (1993) 9. Park YJ, Chun HS, Kim SS, Lee JM, Kim KH. Effect of nitrogen gas packing and γ-oryzanol treatment on the shelf life of yugwa (Korean traditional snack). Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 32: (2000) 10. Kum JS, Lee YH, Ahn YS, Kim WJ. Effects of antioxidants on self-life of yugwa. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 33: (2001) 11. Lee YH, Kum JS, Ahn YS, Kim WJ. Effects of packing material and oxygen absorbant on quality properties of yugwa. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 33: (2001) 12. Bae HS, Lee YK, Kim SD. Quality characteristics of yugwa with citrus peel powder. J. East Asian Soc. Diet. Life 12: (2002) 13. Kim HS, Kim SN. Effects of addition of green tea powder and Angelica keiskei powder on the quality characteristics of yugwa. Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. 17: (2001) 14. Park GS, Lee GS, Shin YJ. Sensory and mechanical characteristics of yugwa added safflower seed powder. J. Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr. 30: (2001) 15. Kim JS, Kim TY, Kim SB. Evaluation of the storage characteristics of gangjeong added with gromwell extracts. J. Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr. 35: (2006) 16. Lee HS, Lee SR. Carbohydrate characteristics and storage stability of Korean confection gangjeong and dashik. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 18: (1986) 17. Baik EY, Lee HS, Lee KS, Lee JW, Kim HR, Cho MS, Kim KO. Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of gangjung containing sorbitol during storage. Korean J. Food Culture 22: (2007) 18. Kim MJ, Hyun JO. Genetic variation in urushiol components of Rhus verniciflua stokes. Korean J. Breed 29: (1997)

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