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1 KOREAN J. FOOD COOK. SCI. Vol. 30, No.6, pp. 800~805 (2014) ISSN (Print) ISSN (Online) 홍삼박분말을첨가한약과의품질특성 장옥희 박지현 김선희 이선영 문보경 중앙대학교식품영양학과 Quality Characteristics of Yackwa with Red Ginseng Marc Powder Ok-Hee Zang Jihyun Park Sun-Hee Kim Sun-Yung Lee BoKyung Moon Department of Food and Nutrition, Chung-Ang University Abstract The purpose of this research was to prepare Yackwa by addition of red ginseng marc powder to enhance its functional properties. For this purpose, ginsenosides composition of red ginseng marc powder was analyzed and red ginseng marc powder was added at different levels (1 to 15%) for Yackwa preparation. Also, their quality characteristics such as texture and color were measured and sensory evaluation was performed. Four ginsenosides including Rg3, Rc, Rb2, and Rd were the most abundant forms in red ginseng marc powder. With the increase of red ginseng marc powder, the properties of hardness, cohesiveness, and gumminess of samples decreased. The a* value of sample was highest when 10% of red ginseng marc powder was added. With the addition of red ginseng marc powder, the L*-and b*-values of samples decreased significantly (p<0.05). Based on the results of sensory evaluation, we recommended 10% addition to prepare Yackwa with red ginseng marc powder. Key words: red ginseng marc, UPLC, ginsenosides, Yackwa, quality characteristics Ⅰ. 서론 약과는우리나라의대표적인유밀과로밀가루에참기름, 꿀, 생강즙등을섞어반죽한후모양을만들어기름에튀긴후꿀에집청하여잣가루를뿌린음식이다 (Yun SJ 와 Jang MS 2001, Kim HJ 등 2004). 통과의례나, 명절, 잔치, 제향등에오르는전통병과류인약과는유지가반죽속에골고루배어들도록지지는일종의유탕식품이며약과의내부공기구조안에큰구멍을가지고있어달콤한향미와독특하고부드러운텍스쳐를가지고있다 (Yoon SJ 와 Jang MS 2001, Kim HR 등 2007). 최근식품산업에서는건강기능식품의개발에많은관심이집중되면서특히식물자원들의성분과기능에관한과학적인연구가활발히진행되고있다 (Chung HJ 2009). 이에따라우리나라전통병과인약과의기능적잇점과영양가치를향상시키기위해기능성성분을첨가하여약과를만드는연구들이보고되고있다. 그예로로즈마리등의허브 (Gwon SY 와 Moon BK 2007), 키토산 (Kim IH 와 Chung Corresponding author: BoKyung Moon, Dept. Food and Nutrition, Chung-Ang University, Anseong , Korea Tel: Fax: KH 2000), 녹차분말 (Yun GY 와 Kim MA 2005) 등의기능성물질을첨가한약과가개발되었다. 홍삼박은홍삼추출물가공과정에서물또는알코올로가열추출하여추출물을제조한후배출되는부산물이다. 이러한홍삼박은홍삼의향과고유한색을가지고있으며식이섬유, 다당류를포함한여러가지유효성분이함유되어있다는연구결과가있다 (Park YR 등 2008). 홍삼의약리성분은 ginsenoside, panaxytriol, anaxadiol, 산성다당류및아미노산등이있으며 (Kwak YS 등 2003), 최근연구에서는홍삼의사포닌은혈관이완인자인 nitric oxide(no) 를내피세포에유리화시키고 (Kim YS 등 2002), ginsenosides 는혈압강하작용, 항콜레스테롤작용, 항혈전작용, 발기부전, 당뇨병및노화에대한예방또는치료효과가있다고보고되고있다 (Jim HJ 와 Ih SH 2002). 이러한홍삼의여러기능들이임상실험을통해알려지면서홍삼의생산량과소비량은증가하고있다. 이에따라늘어나는홍삼소비와함께홍삼가공과정에서생성되는부산물인홍삼박의폐기량역시증가할것으로추정된다 (Han IJ 등 2007a). 홍삼박은산업적으로동물사료와퇴비로이용기도하지만, 수분함량이높아서미생물에의해쉽게부패되기때문에대부분폐기되고있는실정이므로이를개선하여식품에적용할수있는홍삼박에대한관심과연구가필요한실정이다 (Jung HW 등 2010). 현재홍 800
2 홍삼박분말을첨가한약과의품질특성 801 삼박의연구로는바실루스수브틸루스 (Bacillus subtilis) 균발효에의한홍삼박발효물에쑥분말첨가에따른물리화학적및항산화적특성 (Jung HW 등 2010), 홍삼박을이용한다당체추출조건최적화 (Tark KM 등 2009), 홍삼박분말을첨가한반죽의특성 (Han IJ 등 2007a) 및식빵의품질특성 (Han IJ 등 2007b), 홍삼박분말을대체한스폰지케이크의품질특성 (Park YR 등 2008), 홍삼박볶음처리추출액이알코올해독에미치는효과 (Ko JH 등 1994), 효모생육에미치는홍삼박의영향 (Kim SD 등 1986) 등이있으나홍삼박을기능성소재로활용한우리나라병과제품개발에관한연구는전무하다. Shin SE 등 (2009) 의보고에의하면홍삼분말을설기떡에첨가했을때배합비 4% 에서가장높은기호성을나타냈고대중화가능성을제시하였다. 또한 Hyun JS 와 Kim MA(2005) 의보고에의하면홍삼분말을약과에첨가했을때배합비 2% 에서가장적합한기호도를나타냈으며. Park HS 등 (2011) 은 sugar-snap cookie 의제조에서홍삼분말의첨가가배합비 12% 까지는대조구와유의적인차이가없는것으로나타나제품으로사용이가능하다고보고했다. 이와같이홍삼제품이들어간식품의기호성이높은것으로보고되었기때문에홍삼대신홍삼박으로대체하여약과의다양화와고부가가치화를위한가능성을제시할수있다. 따라서본연구에서는홍삼엑기스추출후부산물로생성되는홍삼박의이용성을증가시키기위하여홍삼박분말의유효성분 (ginsenoside) 을분석하였으며홍삼박분말을첨가한약과를제조하고, 개발된홍삼박분말첨가약과의품질특성인조직감, 색도, 관능특성을측정하였다. 1. 실험재료및시약 Ⅱ. 연구방법 본실험에사용된밀가루, 대두유, 참기름, 설탕, 소금은제일제당 (CJ, Seoul, Korea), 후추는오뚜기 (Seoul, Korea) 제품을안성시에있는대형마트에서구입하여사용하였으며, 홍삼박은파주김포조합에서제공받아열풍건조기 (60 C) 에 12 시간건조한후식품분쇄기 (HANIL HMF- 1050, Seoul, Korea) 로분쇄하여 60 mesh 체로내린후사용하였다. 실험에사용한시약인 ginsenosides 표준품 (Rb1, Rb2, Rg1, Rg2, Rg3, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf) 은 ChromaDex (Santa Ana, CA, USA) 에서구입하여사용하였으며, 2- thiobarbituric acid, glacial acetic acid 는 Sigma Aldrich Co.(St. Louis, MO, USA) 제품을사용하였으며추출, 분석용용매인 methanol, water, acetonitrile 은 LC grade 를사용하였으며, n-hexane, benzene 은 Duksan Pharmaceutical Co. LTE(Gyeonggi-do, Korea) 제품을구입하여사용하였다. 2. 홍삼박의 ginsenosides 함량분석 Table 1. Linear gradient condition of mobile phase for ginsenoside analysis Time (min) Flow rate (ml/min) Water (%) Acetonitrile (%) 1 initial Ginsenosides 분석방법은한국기술표준원의분석방법을이용하였다 (Korean Agency for Technology and Standards 2008). 홍삼박가루 1.0 g 을 70 ml 의 70% methanol 과혼합하여 1 시간동안 80 C 항온수조 (WNB, Scinco, Seoul, Korea) 에서반응시켰다. 실온으로냉각시킨후 Whatman No. 41 filter paper(whatman Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA) 를이용하여감압여과하였다. 여과액은따로모으고여과되지않은잔류물에 70 ml 의 70% methanol 을가하여위의과정을반복하였다. 반복추출해얻어진여과액을모두합하여 50 C 의건조오븐 (MR-DO 72, Mirae, Gyeonggi-do, Korea) 에서건조한후증류수 10 ml 에재용해시켜전처리한 Sep-Pakâ Vac 3cc C18 cartridge(waters, Milford, MA USA) 를이용하여여과하여 UPLC 분석에사용하였다. C18 cartridge 의전처리를위하여 5 ml 의 methanol 을 cartridge 에여과한후 20 ml 의증류수로세척하였다. 홍삼박의 ginsenosides 는 UPLC(Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography, Acquity UPLC system, Waters) 를이용하여 203 nm 에서 Tunable UV(TUV) detector 로분석하였다. Acquity UPLC BEH C18 column( mm, 1.7 µm) (Waters) 를사용하였으며 UPLC 분석에사용된이동상의조건은 Table 1 과같다 (Koh EM 등 2014). 3. 약과의제조약과제조에사용되는재료배합은예비실험에따라홍삼박분말 (RGMP, red ginseng marc powder) 0, 1, 5, 10, 15% 을첨가하여제조하였으며배합비는 Table 2와같다. 약과를제조하는순서는 Fig. 1과같으며, 밀가루 (wheat flour), 홍삼박분말 (RGMP), 참기름 (sesame oil) 을혼합하여유지가고루섞이게한후체에내렸다. 시럽 ( 설탕과물을동량으로가열하여제조 ), 소금, 후추를첨가하여 30초동안반죽한후반죽을랩으로싸서 4 C의냉장실 (B190-6RRFS/C-E, Busungrh, Incheon, Korea) 에서 30분동안숙성시킨후약과틀에직경 2 cm, 두께 0.8 Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. Vol. 30, No.6 (2014)
3 802 장옥희 박지현 김선희 이선영 문보경 Table 2. Composition of Yackwa with different red ginseng marc powder Flour RPD 1) Salt Pepper Sesame oil RGMP RGMP RGMP RGMP RGMP Mixing of wheat flour, sesame oil, and red ginseng marc powder Addition of the syrup, salt, black pepper, and kneading for 30s Cutting the Yackwa dough Frying at 140±5 C for 5 min on one side, and 7 min on the other side Dipping on the syrup of Yackwa Fig. 1. Flow chart of Yackwa preparation with red ginseng marc powder cm 로모양내어찍어내었다. 모양낸약과반죽은 140±2 C 에서한면을 5 분동안튀긴후뒤집어다시 7 분동안 deep frying 하여시료를제조하였다. 이때튀김유는대두유를이용하였다. 튀긴약과는집청액이중심부에완전히침투될때까지집청하였으며, 완성된약과시료는 30 분동안체에밭쳐여분의집청액을제거하여분석에이용하였다. 집청액은조청, 설탕, 물을동량으로섞은후 15 분간끓여제조하였다. 4. 홍삼박첨가약과의품질특성측정 1) 조직감약과의조직감은 Texture Analyzer (TX.HDi, Stable Micro Systems, Godalming, UK) 를사용하여측정하였다. 측정은약과의중심부를 1 1 cm 2 의크기로잘라 2 회반복압착실험 (two-bite compression test) 으로원통형 probe 36 을이용하여 pre-test speed 2 mm/s, test speed 2 mm/s, post test speed 5 mm/s, distance 4 mm, time 5 sec, trigger force 5 g 의조건으로측정하였다. force-distance curve 로부터견고성 (hardness), 탄력성 (springiness), 응집성 (cohesiveness), 씹힘성 (chewiness) 의 TPA (Texture Profile Analysis) 값을구하였다. 2) 약과의색도측정약과의색도는색차계 (Ultrascan PRO, Hunterlab, Reston, VA, USA) 를사용하여 Hunter's L* 값 (lightness), a* 값 (redness), b*(yellowness) 를측정하였다. 3) 약과의관능적특성측정홍삼박분말을첨가한약과의관능적특성의분석은중앙대학교식품영양학과대학원생과학부생 50 명을대상으로기호도조사법을통하여실시하였다. 각시료는난수표를이용해무작위로추출한세자리숫자로표시하였으며흰색접시에담아제공하였고, 한개의시료를평가후반드시생수로입안을헹구도록하였다. 평가내용은외관 (appearance), 향미 (flavor), 조직감 (texture), 전체적인향미 (overall flavor), 전체적인선호도 (overall preference) 의항목을 7 점척도법 ( 아주좋다 7, 좋다 6, 조금좋다 5, 보통이다 4, 조금나쁘다 3, 나쁘다 2, 아주나쁘다 1) 으로평가하였다. 5. 통계분석 실험에서얻어진모든결과는 3 번반복측정하여 Statistical Analysis System (The SAS system for windows ver. 8) 을이용하여평균과표준편차를표시하였다. 일원분산분석법 (one-way analysis of variance) 에의하여유의성검증을하였으며, 평균간의유의성은 Duncan s multiple range test 를이용하여 p<0.05 수준에서검증하였다. Ⅲ. 결과및고찰 1. 홍삼의 ginsenoside 함량 UPLC 를이용하여홍삼박의 ginsenoside 함량을분석하였으며 Rg1, Re, Rf, Rg2, Rb1, Rc, Rd, Rg3 가분리되었다 (Table 3). Rg1 은홍삼박에 0.21 mg/g 함유되었으며홍삼박은진세노사이드중 Rg3 (3.78 mg/g) 를가장많이함유하고있으며그외의진세노사이드함량은 Rc>Rb2>Rd 순으로높게나타났다. Ginsenoside Rd 는항암작용, 항비만작용이보고되었고, ginsenoside Rc 는진통작용, 항혈전작용, RNA 합성촉진작용에효능이있는것으로보고되었다 (Keum YS 등 2000). 위의결과에서홍삼박의기능성성분으로 gensenosiede 를확인하였다. 2. 홍삼박첨가약과의품질특성 1) 조직감홍삼박분말을첨가하여제조한약과를 Texture analyzer 한국식품조리과학회지제 30 권제 6 호 (2014)
4 홍삼박분말을첨가한약과의품질특성 803 Table 3. Ginsenoside composition of red ginseng marc powder (unit: mg/g) Contents of ginsenosides Rg1 0.21±0.01 1) Re 0.17±0.01 Rf 0.56±0.02 Rg2 1.21±0.04 Rb1 1.57±0.05 Rc 2.56±0.12 Rb2 2.36±0.10 Rd 2.28±0.03 Rg3 3.78±0.09 Total ginsenosides 14.7±0.47 1) All values are mean±s.d. 를이용하여 TPA 를측정하였으며결과는 Table 4 와같다. 홍삼박분말을첨가하지않은대조군약과의 hardness 값은 g/cm 2 이였고홍삼박분말을각각 1, 5, 10, 15% 첨가함에따라 hardness 값은유의적인차이를보이며감소하는것으로나타났다 (p<0.05). Springiness 는홍삼박분말을첨가하지않은대조군의값이 0.81% 였고, 홍삼박분말을첨가한약과의 springiness 값의범위는 % 였으며, 홍삼박분말의함량이 10% 첨가된경우가장높은값을나타내었다. 약과의 cohesiveness 는홍삼박분말을첨가하지않은대조군의경우 0.51% 였으며홍삼박분말을첨사한시료들은이보다낮은값을나타내었다. 이는허브분말을첨가한시료들이대조군에비하여대조군의 cohesiveness 값이유의적으로낮은것으로나타난 Gwon SY 와 Moon BK (2007) 의연구와유사한결과를보이는것으로허브분말처럼홍삼박분말도약과반죽의 cohesiveness 가낮아지는데영향을미친것으로생각 되었다. 대조군의 chewiness 값이 g 이였고, 홍삼박분말을 1% 첨가한경우 g 으로유의적으로가장높은값을나타내었으며홍삼박분말 5-15% 함량사이에서 chewiness 값은유의적차이를보이지않았다. 이는 Park KM (1997) 이보고한바와같이홍삼박약과를제조하는마지막단계에집청액에침지시키는과정을거치게되면집청액이약과의 chewiness 값에주로영향을미치기때문에, 일정농도이상의홍삼박을첨가하는경우는첨가량에따른 chewiness 의유의적인차이가나타나지않은것으로생각된다. 2) 색도홍삼박분말의첨가가약과의색상에미치는영향을알아보기위하여홍삼박약과의 Hunter L* 값 (lightness), a* 값 (redness), b*(yellowness) 를측정하였으며그결과는 Table 5 와같다. 홍삼박분말을첨가하지않은대조군약과의 L* 값 (lightness) 은 이였으며, 홍삼박분말첨가비율이증가할수록약과의 L* 값 (lightness) 은유의적으로감소하는경향을보였다 (p<0.05). a* 값 (redness) 은시료에따라 의범위를보였으며, 홍삼박분말을첨가한약과의경우대조군에비하여 a* 값이증가하였다. 대조군의 b* 값 (yellowness) 은 을나타냈고, 홍삼박분말첨가비율이증가할수록유의적으로감소하면서홍삼박분말을첨가한시료의 b* 값은 의범위를보였다 (p<0.05). Hyun JS 와 Kim MA(2005) 는홍삼분말을첨가한약과는홍삼분말첨가비율이증가할수록약과의 L* 값 (lightness) 은낮아졌고 a* 값 (brightness) 은첨가비율간의차이가없었으며 b* 값 (yellowness) 은낮아지는경향을보인다고보고하였다. 본연구에서약과에첨가한홍삼박분말은홍삼엑기스를제조하는과정에서홍삼에열이가해지기때문에홍삼특유의색이더욱진해지게되는데이런제조과정에의한변화가홍삼박을이용하여약 Table 4. Texture of Yackwa with red ginseng marc powder Hardness (g/cm 2 ) Springiness (%) Cohesiveness (%) Chewiness (g) RGMP 0 1) 4920± a2) 0.81±0.01 ab 0.51±0.08 a ± ab RGMP ± b3) 0.79±0.07 ab 0.46±0.01 ab ± a RGMP ±70.26 c 0.71±0.06 b 0.36±0.04 b ± c RGMP ± d 0.89±0.10 a 0.48±0.05 a ±136.61b c RGMP ±77.01 d 0.85±0.05 a 0.42±0.10 ab ± c 2) All values are mean±s.d. 3)a-d means with different letters within a column are significantly different (p<0.05) by Duncan's multiple range test Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. Vol. 30, No.6 (2014)
5 804 장옥희 박지현 김선희 이선영 문보경 Table 5. Color values of Yackwa with red ginseng marc powder L* a* b* RGMP 0 1) 70.41±0.20 2)a 4.47±0.18 d3) 26.48±1.89 a RGMP ±1.00 b 5.34±0.40 b 23.74±1.54 b RGMP ±1.63 c 5.15±0.18 bc 18.14±0.45 c RGMP ±0.77 d 6.31±0.52 a 12.71±1.57 d RGMP ±1.70 e 4.64±0.13 cd 7.96±0.03 e 2) All values are mean±s.d. 3)a-e means with different letters within a column are significantly different (p<0.05) by Duncan's multiple range test 과를제조하였을때약과의색에영향을미친것으로생각되었다. 3) 관능평가홍삼박을첨가하여제조한약과의관능검사를실시하여얻어진결과는 Table 6 과같다. 약과의외관 (appearance) 은홍삼박첨가량에따라시료간에유의적인차이를보이면서첨가비율이증가할수록유의적으로선호도가낮아졌다 (p<0.05). 홍삼향미 (red ginseng flavor) 에서는전체적으로모든시료간에유의적인차이를보이지않았다. 조직감 (texture) 은대조군을제외하고홍삼박분말을 5-10% 첨가한약과가가장선호도가높게나타났으며, 전체적인향미 (overall flavor) 는홍삼박분말을 15% 첨가한약과를제외하고대조군과유의적인차이를보이지않았다. 전체적인선호도 (overall preference) 에서는홍삼박분말을 10% 농도로첨가할때까지는유의적인차이를보이지않았 으나 15% 첨가군에서는유의적으로낮은선호도값을나타냈다 (p<0.05). 이는홍삼의특유의향과맛이홍삼박분말을 15% 첨가했을때너무강하게나타나서약과와어울리지않아서선호도를떨어뜨린것으로생각되었다. 관능검사결과홍삼박을 15% 첨가할경우유의적으로좋지않은평가를받았으며, 홍삼박분말을 5% 첨가한약과가조직감 (texture), 전체적인선호도 (overall preference) 에서가장높은값을나타내었다. 하지만홍삼박분말을 10% 첨가한약과의전체적인향미, 선호도에서유의적인차이가없었으며, 이에홍삼박분말을 5-10% 까지첨가하는것은약과특유의맛과질감에큰영향을미치지않으면서홍삼박을첨가하기에적합한농도인것으로생각되었다. Hyun JS 와 Kim MA(2005) 은홍삼분말을설기떡에첨가했을때관능검사결과홍삼분말 4% 첨가가최적임을보고한바있어본연구와유사한경향을나타내었다. IV. 요약및결론 본연구에서는홍삼엑기스를추출하고남은부산물인홍삼박의 ginsenoside 성분을분석하였으며, 홍삼박의첨가량을달리한약과를제조하고이의품질특성을분석하였다. 홍삼박은 ginsenoside 중 Rg3(3.78 mg/g) 를가장많이함유하고있으며다음으로 Rc>Rb2>Rd 순으로높게함유하고있었다. 홍삼박분말을각각 0, 1, 5, 10, 15% 의배합비율로첨가한약과의조직감분석결과에서 hardness 의값은홍삼박분말의첨가량이증가함에따라유의적으로감소하였다. Cohesiveness 는홍삼박분말을첨가함에따라수치가감소하였다. 색도는홍삼박분말의첨가량이증가함에따라 L* 값 (lightness) 과 b* 값 (yellowness) 은감소하였으며 a* 값 (redness) 은증가하는경향을보였다. 관능검사결과홍삼박분말을홍삼박을 15% 첨가할경 Table 6. Sensory analysis of Yackwa with red ginseng marc powder Appearance Red Ginseng flavor Texture Overall flavor Overall Preference RGMP 0 1) 5.72±1.24 2)a 2.92±1.87 a3) 5.08±1.38 a 4.96±1.54 a 5.04±1.72 a RGMP ±1.32 a 3.36±1.78 a 4.04±1.59 b 4.64±1.15 a 4.72±1.27 a RGMP ±1.24 b 3.60±2.00 a 4.36±1.60 ab 4.44±1.42 ab 4.72±1.49 a RGMP ±1.53 c 3.72±2.34 a 4.36±1.44 ab 4.46±1.51 ab 4.24±1.67 a RGMP ±1.15 d 4.16±2.17 a 3.48±1.50 b 3.60±1.83 b 3.12±1.45 b 2) All values are mean±s.d. The values are based on the 7 point scales. (1: dislike it very much, 4: neither like nor dislike it, 7: like it very much) 3)a-d means with different letters within a column are significantly different (p<0.05) by Duncan's multiple range test 한국식품조리과학회지제 30 권제 6 호 (2014)
6 홍삼박분말을첨가한약과의품질특성 805 우유의적으로좋지않은평가를받았으며, 홍삼박분말을 5% 첨가한약과가조직감 (texture), 전체적인선호도 (overall preference) 에서가장높은값을나타내었다. 그러나홍삼박의 ginsenoside 분석결과와품질특성측정결과홍삼박분말 10% 첨가한약과와여러항목에서유의적인차이가나타나지않았으므로약과제조시홍삼박분말을 10% 농도까지첨가하는것은약과특유의맛과질감에큰영향을미치지않으면서홍삼박을첨가하기에적합한농도인것으로생각되었다. 감사의글 본연구는 2012 년도경기도중소기업청산학공동기술개발지원사업의지원에의해시행된결과로이에감사드립니다.( 과제번호 : ) References Chung HJ Quality of Yackwa as influenced by xylitol addition. Food Quality Culture 3(1):11-14 Gwon SY, Moon BK The quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of Yackwa prepared with herbs. Korean J Food Cook Sci 23(6): Han IJ, Kim MY, Chun SS. 2007a. Characteristics of dough with red ginseng marc powder. J East Asian Soc Dietary Life 17(3): Han IJ, Kim YR, Kim YM, Ahn CB, Kim DW, Park KT. 2007b. Quality characteristics of white bread with red ginseng marc powder. J East Asian Soc Dietary Life 17(2): Hyun JS, Kim MA The effect of addition of level of red ginseng powder on Yackwa quality and during storage. Korean J Food Culture 20(3): Jim HJ, Ih SH Effect of red ginseng extract on lipid peroxidation in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J Korean Diabetes Asso 25(5): Jung HW, Kim JE, Seo JH, Lee SP Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of red ginseng marc fermented by Bacillus subtilis HA with mugwort powder addition. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 39(9): Keum YS, Park KK, Lee JM. Chun KS, Park JH, Lee SK, Kwon H, Surh YJ Antioxidnat and anti-tumor prompting activities of the methanol extract of heat-processed ginseng. Cancer Lett 150(1):41-48 Kim HR, Kim KM, Chung SJ, Lee JW, Kim KO Effects of steeping conditions waxy rice on the physical and sensory characteristics of gangjung (a traditional Korean oil-puffed snack). J Food Sci 72(8): Kim HJ, Chun HS, Kim HY Use of gellan gum and xanthan gum as texture modifiers for Yackwa. a Korean traditional fried cake. J Food Sci Nutr 9(2): Kim YS, Chun SS, Tae JS, Kim RY Effects of lotus root powder on the quality of dough. Korean J Food Cook Sci 18(6): Kim IH, Chung KH The effect of functional chitosan ingredients on quality of Yackwa products. J Chitin Chitosan 5(2):57-64 Kim SD, Do JH, Lee KS, Sung HS Effect of ginseng residue extract on yeast growth. Korean J Ginseng Sci 10(1):1-10 Ko JH, Park MH, Lee CB Effect of ginseng extract residue roasted on alcohol detoxification. Korean J Ginseng Sci 18(2): Koh EM, Jang OH, Hwang KH, An YN, Moon BK Effects of steaming and air drying on ginsenoside composition of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Meyer). J Food Proc Pres ISSN: Korean Agency for Technology and Standards Ginseng and ginseng products - Determination of ginsenoside (Rb 1, Rg 1) contents - Method by high performance liquid chromatography. KSHISO Available from: go.kr /skin3/newviewer/ebookviewer.asp Accessed May 07, 2013 Kwak YS, Park JD, Yang JW Present and its prospect of red ginseng efficacy research. Food Industry Nutr 8(2):30-37 Park HS, Lee MH, Lee JY Quality characteristics and potentialities of sugar-snap cookies with red ginseng powder. Korean J Food Cook Sci 17(1): Park YR, Han IJ, Kim MY, Choi SH, Shin DW, Chun SS Quality characteristics of sponge cake prepared with red ginseng marc powder. Korean J Food Cook Sci 24(2): Park KM Studies on the lipid rancidity and rheology of Yackwa during storage. Korean J Soc Food Sci 13(5): Shin SE, Jung JS, Han MR, Kim AJ, Kim YH Quality characteristics of Sulgidduk containing added red ginseng powder. Korean J Food Cook Sci 25(5): Tark KM, Cho KL, Park KH, Son SM, Chae HJ Optimization of extraction conditions for polysaccharide using red ginseng marc. J Ginseng Res 33(4): Yun GY, Kim MA The effect of green tea powder on Yackwa quality and preservation. Korean J Food Culture 20(1): Yun SJ, Jang MS Sensory and instrumental characteristics of Yackwa prepared by different amounts of egg yolk. Korean J Soc Food Sci 17(1):7-12 Received on Dec.17, 2014/ Revised on Dec.26, 2014/ Accepted on Dec.26, 2014 Korean J. Food Cook. Sci. Vol. 30, No.6 (2014)
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