Contents 3 2 Intoducton Etenal and Intenal oces ncple of Tansmssblt: Equvalent oces Vecto oducts of Two Vectos oment of a oce bout a ont Vagon s Theoe
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1 3 1 Rgd odes: Equvalent Sstems of oces 기계공학부최해진 School of echancal Engneeng
2 Contents 3 2 Intoducton Etenal and Intenal oces ncple of Tansmssblt: Equvalent oces Vecto oducts of Two Vectos oment of a oce bout a ont Vagon s Theoem Rectangula Components of the oment of a oce Sample oblem 3.1 Scala oduct of Two Vectos Scala oduct of Two Vectos: pplcatons ed Tple oduct of Thee Vectos oment of a oce bout a Gven s Sample oblem 3.5 oment of a Couple ddton of Couples Couples Can e Repesented Vectos Resoluton of a oce Into a oce at O and a Couple Sample oblem 3.6 Sstem of oces: Reducton to a oce and a Couple uthe Reducton of a Sstem of oces Sample oblem 3.8 Sample oblem 3.10 School of echancal Engneeng
3 3.1 Intoducton Teatment of a bod as a sngle patcle s not alwas possble. In geneal, the se of the bod and the specfc ponts of applcaton of the foces must be consdeed. 3 3 ost bodes n elementa mechancs ae assumed to be gd,.e., the actual defomatons ae small and do not affect the condtons of equlbum o moton of the bod. Cuent chapte descbes the effect of foces eeted on a gd bod and how to eplace a gven sstem of foces wth a smple equvalent sstem. moment of a foce about a pont moment of a foce about an as moment due to a couple n sstem of foces actng on a gd bod can be eplaced b an equvalent sstem consstng of one foce actng at a gven pont and one couple. School of echancal Engneeng
4 ncple of Tansmssblt: Equvalent oces 3 4 ncple of Tansmssblt Condtons of equlbum o moton ae not affected b tansmttng a foce along ts lne of acton. NOTE: and ae equvalent foces. ovng the pont of applcaton of the foce to the ea bumpe does not affect the moton o the othe foces actng on the tuc. ncple of tansmssblt ma not alwas appl n detemnng ntenal foces and defomatons. 내력, 변형을결정할때는주의! (a) : 인장상태, (d) : 압축상태 School of echancal Engneeng
5 Vecto oduct of Two Vectos Concept of the moment of a foce about a pont s moe easl undestood though applcatons of the vecto poduct o coss poduct. 3 5 Vecto poduct of two vectos and Q s defned as the vecto V whch satsfes the followng condtons: 1. Lne of acton of V s pependcula to plane contanng and Q. 2. agntude of V s V Q snq 3. Decton of V s obtaned fom the ghthand ule. Vecto poducts: ae not commutatve( 비가역성, 교환법칙성립안됨 ), ae dstbutve( 분배법칙성립 ), ae not assocatve( 비결합법칙 ), Q ( Q) ( Q1 Q2 ) Q1 Q2 ( Q) S ¹ ( Q S) School of echancal Engneeng
6 Vecto oducts: Rectangula Components Vecto poducts of Catesan unt vectos, v Vecto poducts n tems of ectangula coodnates ( ) ( ) Q Q Q V 3 6 School of echancal Engneeng ( ) ( ) Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q V ) ( ) ( ) ( Q Q Q
7 oment of a oce bout a ont 힘의모멘트 (moment) o 토크 (toque) 3 7 정의 강체에가해지는힘은그물체를병진운동을하게할수도있으며회전운동을하게할수도있다. 물체를회전시키는힘의영향즉한점에대한힘의모멘트 (moment of a foce about a pont) 를소개한다 축에대한힘의모멘트 (moment of a foce about an as) 그림과같이임의의힘 와 의작용선상에있지않은임의의점 O를생각해보자 O 를중심으로하는힘 의모멘트는 O 기하학적해석 모멘트의크기에대한스칼라값계산 o snq o 수직거리 d 는모멘트팔 (moment am) 이라고부르며, 모멘트크기는 snq d 크기 : 0 d School of echancal Engneeng
8 oment of a oce bout a ont 3 8 O 의크기는힘의크기와수직거리 d 에의존하므로이힘 ( 미끄럼벡터 ) 은모멘트의변화없이 작용선을따라어디든지옮겨놓을수있다. School of echancal Engneeng
9 oment of a oce bout a ont Q d sldng vecto a 3 9 lne of acton O sn α d d (N m) d : moment am ( 모멘트 팔) School of echancal Engneeng
10 oment of a oce bout a ont 3 10 School of echancal Engneeng
11 Vagnon s Theoem 3 11 The moment about a gven pont O of the esultant of seveal concuent foces s equal to the sum of the moments of the vaous moments about the same pont O. ( L) L Æ 임의의점에대한힘의모멘트는그점에대한힘의분력의모멘트의합과같다. : Vagnon 이론 Vagon s Theoem maes t possble to eplace the dect detemnaton of the moment of a foce b the moments of two o moe component foces of. School of echancal Engneeng
12 Vagnon s Theoem 3 12 Æ 임의의점에대한힘의모멘트는그점에대한힘의분력의모멘트의합과같다. : Vagnon 이론 그림 (a) 와같이힘 R 에의한모멘트를생각해보자. o R R Q o ( Q) Q 그림 (b) 와같이 d 대신에 p 나 q 를쉽게구할경우에힘 R 대신에힘, Q 을사용하는것이편리함. o R d p q Q School of echancal Engneeng
13 Rectangula Components of the oment of a oce The moment of about O, O, 3 13 School of echancal Engneeng ( ) ( ) ( ) O
14 Rectangula Components of the oment of a oce The moment of about, / ( ) ( ) ( ) 기준 점을 : / 3 14 School of echancal Engneeng ( ) ( ) ( )
15 Rectangula Components of the oment of a oce o twodmensonal stuctues, ( ) Z O O 3 15 School of echancal Engneeng ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Z O O ] [
16 Sample oblem N vetcal foce s appled to the end of a leve whch s attached to a shaft at O. 24 m Detemne: a) moment about O, b) hoontal foce at whch ceates the same moment, c) smallest foce at whch poduces the same moment, d) locaton fo a 240N vetcal foce to poduce the same moment, e) whethe an of the foces fom b, c, and d s equvalent to the ognal foce. School of echancal Engneeng
17 Sample oblem a) oment about O s equal to the poduct of the foce and the pependcula dstance between the lne of acton of the foce and O. Snce the foce tends to otate the leve clocwse, the moment vecto s nto the plane of the pape. O d O d ( 24m) cos60 ( 100 N)( 12 m) 12 m O 1200 N m School of echancal Engneeng
18 Sample oblem c) Hoontal foce at that poduces the same moment, 24 m d O 1200 N m ( 24 m) d sn 60 ( 20.8 m) 1200 N m 20.8 m 20.8 m 57.7 N School of echancal Engneeng
19 Sample oblem m c) The smallest foce to poduce the same moment occus when the pependcula dstance s a mamum o when s pependcula to O. O d 1200 N m ( 24 m) 1200 N m 24 m 50 N School of echancal Engneeng
20 Sample oblem d) To detemne the pont of applcaton of a 240 N foce to poduce the same moment, O d ( ) 1200 N m 240 N 1200 N m d 5 m 240 N O cos60 5 m d O 10 m School of echancal Engneeng
21 Sample oblem e) lthough each of the foces n pats b), c), and d) poduces the same moment as the 100 N foce, none ae of the same magntude and sense, o on the same lne of acton. None of the foces s equvalent to the 100 N foce. School of echancal Engneeng
22 Sample oblem SOLUTION: The moment of the foce eeted b the we s obtaned b evaluatng the vecto poduct, C The ectangula plate s suppoted b the bacets at and and b a we CD. Knowng that the tenson n the we s 200 N, detemne the moment about of the foce eeted b the we at C. School of echancal Engneeng
23 Sample oblem 3.4 SOLUTION: C C C C D l ( 200 N) C D 0.3 m 200 N v ( ) D (0, 0.24, 0.08), C (0.3, 0, 0.4) ( ) C / D 0.5 C / D ( 0.3 m) ( 0.08 m) ( ) ( 0.24 m ) ( 0.32 m)) ( 120 N) ( ) ( 128 N) 96 N m 3 23 ( 7.68 N m) ( 28.8 N m) ( 28.8 N m) School of echancal Engneeng
24 Scala oduct of Two Vectos 3 24 The scala poduct o dot poduct between two vectos and Q s defned as Q Q cosq ( scala esult) Scala poducts: ae commutatve, ( 교환법칙성립 ), Q Q ae dstbutve, ( 분배법칙성립 ), Q Q2 Q ae not assocatve, ( 결합법칙무의미 ), Q S ( 1 ) 1 Q2 ( ) undefned Scala poducts wth Catesan unt components, Q Q Q Q ( ) ( ) v Q Q Q Q 2 0 School of echancal Engneeng
25 Scala oduct of Two Vectos: pplcatons ngle between two vectos: Q Q cosq Q Q cosq Q Q Q Q Q 3 25 oecton of a vecto on a gven as: 주어진축에벡터의투영 OL cosq poecton of along OL Q Q cos q Q cosq OL Q o an as defned b a unt vecto: 축의단위벡터에대한벡터의투영 l cos q cosq cosq OL cos q cosq ( ) ( ) cosq School of echancal Engneeng
26 ed Tple oduct of Thee Vectos ed tple poduct of thee vectos, ( ) esult scala Q S The s med tple poducts fomed fom S,, and Q have equal magntudes but not the same sgn, ( ) ( ) ( ) 스칼라삼중곱 (scala tple poduct) 은두벡터의외적을다른세번째벡터와내적을한것이다. 이는, Q, S 를변으로하는평행육면체의부피와같다 School of echancal Engneeng ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) S Q Q S Q S S Q S Q Q S ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Q Q Q S S S Q Q S Q Q S Q Q S Q S Evaluatng the med tple poduct, ( ) 부피평행육면체의 : Q S
27 oment of a oce bout a Gven s oment O of a foce appled at the pont about a pont O, O Scala moment OL about an as OL s the poecton of the moment vecto O onto the as, 주어진축 OL에대한힘 의모멘트크기 OL : 축 OL 에관한모멘트 O 의투영 OC 이다. OL l l O ( ) oments of about the coodnate aes, OL l o λ ( ) l l l l l l 3 27 l,,,, : 힘 가강체를, 및 축방향으로작용하는힘의크기 : 힘 가강체를, 및 축대하여회전시키려는모멘트크기 School of echancal Engneeng
28 oment of a oce bout a Gven s 3 28 oment of a foce about an abta as, : 임의의주어진축에힘의모멘트 L l l ( ) The esult s ndependent of the pont along the gven as. L / / / C 점을기준으로구하여도동일한결과로유도됨. l l l School of echancal Engneeng
29 Sample oblem cube s acted on b a foce as shown. Detemne the moment of a) about b) about the edge and c) about the dagonal G of the cube. d) Detemne the pependcula dstance between G and C. School of echancal Engneeng
30 Sample oblem 3.5 oment of about? ) ( 2 ) 2 2 ( ) ( 2 2 a a a a a 3 30 School of echancal Engneeng ( )( ) a 2 / oment of about? ( ) ( ) a 2 / 2 a
31 Sample oblem 3.5 oment of about the dagonal G? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) a a a a a a G G G G l l 3 31 School of echancal Engneeng ( ) ( ) ( ) a G 6 a G 6 / 2 / 2 / / 3 1/ 3 1/ ) ( / / / a a a G l l l 별해 ), (0, 0), 0,, ( a a a G ( / ) G l l
32 Sample oblem l 방향 힘 방향 ependcula dstance d between G and C? 1 l ( ) ( ) ( ) Theefoe, s pependcula to G. a G 6 d d a 6 School of echancal Engneeng
33 oment of a Couple Two foces and havng the same magntude, paallel lnes of acton, and opposte sense ae sad to fom a couple. : 크기가같고작용선이평행하며방향이반대인두힘은우력 (couple) 을구성함. 합력은제로이지만회전시키려는모멘트가존재함 oment of the couple, o ( ) o snq d ( ) : 우력의모멘트 The moment vecto of the couple s ndependent of the choce of the ogn of the coodnate aes,.e., t s a fee vecto that can be appled at an pont wth the same effect. School of echancal Engneeng
34 oment of a Couple 3 34 Two couples wll have equal moments f 1d1 2d 2 the two couples le n paallel planes, and the two couples have the same sense o the tendenc to cause otaton n the same decton. School of echancal Engneeng
35 oment of a Couple 우력 ( couple) the moment poduced b two foces equal opposte non_colnea 3 35 단일힘으로합할수없으며, 그효과는전적으로회전만을일으킴 o ( a d ) a d 우력에의한모멘트는선택한모멘트중심 a 에무관하다. o ( o ) ( ) School of echancal Engneeng
36 oment of a Couple 3 36 우력에의한모멘트는선택한모멘트중심 a 에무관하므로우력모멘트 를자유벡터라고할수있으며방향은우력이작용하는평면에수직이고, 오른손법칙에준한다. Equvalent Couples ( 등가우력 ) d 가일정하면우력에의한모멘트는변함이없다. 임의의어느평면에힘들이작용하여도우력모멘트는동일한자유벡터를갖는다. School of echancal Engneeng
37 ddton of Couples ( 우력의합성 ) Consde two ntesectng planes 1 and 2 wth each contanng a couple 1 1 n plane 1 n plane Resultants of the vectos also fom a couple R ( 1 2 ) Vagon s theoem Sum of two couples s also a couple that s equal to the vecto sum of the two couples School of echancal Engneeng
38 Couples Can e Repesented b Vectos 3 38 couple can be epesented b a vecto wth magntude and decton equal to the moment of the couple. Couple vectos obe the law of addton of vectos. Couple vectos ae fee vectos,.e., the pont of applcaton s not sgnfcant. Couple vectos ma be esolved nto component vectos. School of echancal Engneeng
39 Resoluton of a oce Into a oce at O and a Couple 3 39 oce vecto can not be smpl moved to O wthout modfng ts acton on the bod. ttachng equal and opposte foce vectos at O poduces no net effect on the bod. The thee foces ma be eplaced b an equvalent foce vecto and couple vecto,.e, a focecouple sstem. School of echancal Engneeng
40 Resoluton of a oce Into a oce at O and a Couple 3 40 ovng fom to a dffeent pont O' eques the addton of a dffeent couple vecto O 0 The moments of about O and O' ae elated, O s O ( s ) s School of echancal Engneeng
41 Sample oblem SOLUTION: ttach equal and opposte 90 N foces n the decton at, theeb poducng 3 couples fo whch the moment components ae easl computed. Detemne the components of the sngle couple equvalent to the couples shown. ltenatvel, compute the sum of the moments of the fou foces about an abta sngle pont. The pont D s a good choce as onl two of the foces wll poduce noneo moment contbutons. School of echancal Engneeng
42 Sample oblem ttach equal and opposte 90 N foces n the decton at The thee couples ma be epesented b thee couple vectos, ( 135 N)( 450 mm) N ( 90 N )( 300 mm ) 27.0 N m ( 90 N)( 225 mm) N m m ( 27.0 N m) ( N m) ( N m) ( 27.0 N m) ( N m) ( N m) School of echancal Engneeng
43 Sample oblem 별해 임의의점 D 에서의모멘트계산하여결정 ltenatvel, compute the sum of the moments of the fou foces about D. Onl the foces at C and E contbute to the moment about D. D ( 450 mm ) ( 135 N)) ( 225 mm) ( 300 mm) [ ] ( 90 N) 두힘 90N, 135N 는 D 점에서모멘트제로 ( N m) ( 27.0 N m) ( N m) School of echancal Engneeng
44 Sstem of oces : Reducton to a oce and Couple 3 44 sstem of foces ma be eplaced b a collecton of focecouple sstems actng a gven pont O The foce and couple vectos ma be combned nto a esultant foce vecto and a esultant couple vecto, R å( ) R å O å o The focecouple sstem at O ma be moved to O' wth the addton of the moment of R about O', R R O O s R Two sstems of foces ae equvalent f the can be educed to the same focecouple sstem. School of echancal Engneeng
45 uthe Reducton of a Sstem of oces 3 45 주어진힘계가단일힘으로변환될수있는조건 : If the esultant foce and couple at O ae mutuall pependcula, the can be eplaced b a sngle foce actng along a new lne of acton. The esultant focecouple sstem fo a sstem of foces wll be mutuall pependcula f: 1) the foces ae concuent, ( 동일점에작용하는힘들 ) 2) the foces ae coplana, ( 동일평면상의힘들 ) 3) the foces ae paallel. ( 평행한힘들 ) 1) the foces ae concuent, ( 동일점에작용하는경우 ) 합우력이제로이고, 힘 우력계는합력벡터만남아서합력만으로변환되어진다. (2 장참조 ) R R å O å o å ( ) 0 School of echancal Engneeng
46 uthe Reducton of a Sstem of oces ) the foces ae coplana, ( 동일평면상의힘들인경우 ) Sstem of coplana foces s educed to a R focecouple sstem R and O that s mutuall pependcula. Sstem can be educed to a sngle foce b movng the lne of acton of untl ts moment about O becomes R R O In tems of ectangula coodnates, R R R O School of echancal Engneeng
47 Sample oblem 3.8 SOLUTION: a) Compute the esultant foce fo the foces shown and the esultant couple fo the moments of the foces about o the beam, educe the sstem of foces shown to (a) an equvalent focecouple sstem at, (b) an equvalent foce couple sstem at, and (c) a sngle foce o esultant. Note: Snce the suppot eactons ae not ncluded, the gven sstem wll not mantan the beam n equlbum. b) nd an equvalent focecouple sstem at based on the foce couple sstem at. c) Detemne the pont of applcaton fo the esultant foce such that ts moment about s equal to the esultant couple at. School of echancal Engneeng
48 Sample oblem SOLUTION: a) Compute the esultant foce and the esultant couple at. R å 150 N 600 N 100 N 250 N R 600 N R ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) å ( ) ( ) ( 1.6 ) ( 600 ) ( 2.8 ) ( 100 ) ( 4.8 ) ( 250 ) R ( 1880 N m) School of echancal Engneeng
49 Sample oblem b) nd an equvalent focecouple sstem at based on the focecouple sstem at. The foce s unchanged b the movement of the focecouple sstem fom to. R 600 N ( ) The couple at s equal to the moment about of the focecouple sstem found at. R R / R ( 1880 N m) ( 4.8 m) ( 600 N) ( 1880 N m) ( 2880 N m) R ( 1000 N m) c) 단일힘또는합력 : 합력은 R과같고, 그작용점은 R의 점에대한모멘트가다음같다. R R Þ R ( 600 N), 3.13 m ( ) ( 600 ) ( 1880 ) Þ 3.13m School of echancal Engneeng
50 Sample oblem SOLUTION: Detemne the elatve poston vectos fo the ponts of applcaton of the cable foces wth espect to. Resolve the foces nto ectangula components. Thee cables ae attached to the bacet as shown. Replace the foces wth an equvalent focecouple sstem at. Compute the equvalent foce, R å Compute the equvalent couple, v R å ( ) School of echancal Engneeng
51 Sample oblem SOLUTION: Detemne the elatve poston vectos wth espect to ( m) C ( m) D ( m) Resolve the foces nto ectangula components. ( 700 N) l E l E C D ( N) ( 1000 N)( cos 45 cos 45 ) ( 1200 N)( cos60 cos30 ) ( N) ( N) School of echancal Engneeng
52 Sample oblem Compute the equvalent foce, R å ( ) ( ) ( ) R ( N) Compute the equvalent couple, v R å ( ) C D c D R School of echancal Engneeng
53 actce oblems 3 53 q 3.72, 3.80, 3.96, 3.106, 3.119, 3.126, School of echancal Engneeng
Contents 4-2 Intoduction Fee-Body Diagam Reactions at Suppots and Connections fo a Two-Dimensional Stuctue Equilibium of a Rigid Body in Two Dimension
Chapte 4: Equilibium of Rigid Bodies ( 강체의평형 ) 최해진 Contents 4-2 Intoduction Fee-Body Diagam Reactions at Suppots and Connections fo a Two-Dimensional Stuctue Equilibium of a Rigid Body
4.1 힘의모멘트 스칼라공식 4.1 힘의모멘트 스칼라공식 모멘트크기 (resultant moment) 2
Engineering Mechanics 정역학 (Statics) 4장힘계의합력 1 GeoPave Lab. 4.1 힘의모멘트 스칼라공식 1 4.1 힘의모멘트 스칼라공식 4.1 힘의모멘트 스칼라공식 모멘트크기 (resultant moment) 2 4.1 힘의모멘트 The moment does not always cause r otation. The actual
Microsoft PowerPoint - 1학기 10주.ppt [호환 모드]
0 장. 고정축에대한강체의회전 (otaton o a gd Object About a Fxed Axs) 0. 각위치, 각속도, 각가속도 0. 분석모형 : 각가속도가일정한강체 0.3 회전운동과병진운동의물리량 0.4 회전운동에너지 0.5 관성모멘트계산 0.6 토크 0.7 분석모형 : 알짜토크를받는강체 0.8 회전운동에서의에너지고찰 0.9 강체의굴림운동 o otatons
Microsoft PowerPoint - ch02-1.ppt
2. Coodinte Sstems nd Tnsfomtion 20 20 2.2 Ctesin Coodintes (,, ) () (b) Figue 1.1 () Unit vectos,, nd, (b) components of long,, nd. 직각좌표계에서각변수 (,, ) 들의범위 < < < < < < (2.1) 직각좌표계에서임의의벡터 는,, 가그림 1.1 에서와같이,,
슬라이드 1
숭실대학교일반물리강의자료최신대학물리학 5 판, Seway & Jewett 북스힐 6 장. 계의에너지 6.1 계와환경 6. 일정한힘이한일 6.3 두벡터의스칼라곱 6.4 변하는힘이한일 6.5 운동에너지와일 - 운동에너지정리 6.6 계의위치에너지 6.7 보존력과비보존력 6.8 보존력과위치에너지의관계 6.9 중력과전기력의위치에너지 6.1 계와환경 Systems and
14.Kinematics of a Particle
17 장 1/8 Chapte17 강체의평면동역학 힘과가속도 lana Knetcs of a Rgd Bod : oce and Acceleaton 17.1 관성모멘트 oent of neta 17 장 /8 질점동역학에서, 관성은운동의변화에저항하는성질이고질량은관성의척도라고배웠다. 강체동역학에선병진관성의척도인질량뿐만아니라회전관성의척도인관 성모멘트 라는개념이필요하다. ----
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장. 각운동량 ngular Moentu. 벡터곱과토크. 분석모형 : 비고립계 각운동량.3 회전하는강체의각운동량.4 분석모형 : 고립계 각운동량.5 자이로스코프와팽이의운동 . 벡터곱과토크 The Vector Prouct an Torque 앞에서배운토크를다시생각해보자. 토크의크기는 rf sn F 토크의방향은오른나사법칙을따르므로, 토크를벡터연산으로표현하면 τ r
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Equlbrum ( 평형 ) Ⅰ Metal ormng CE Lab. Department of Mechancal Engneerng Gyeongsang Natonal Unversty, Korea Metal ormng CE Lab., Gyeongsang Natonal Unversty 정역학문제의구성 역학의구성요소와정역학및고체역학 구성요소정역학고체역학 부분계 1 힘힘의평형조건힘의평형조건,
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한국정밀공학회지제 32 권 2 호 pp. 117-125 J. Koean Soc. Pec. Eng., Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 117-125 ISSN 1225-9071Pnt, ISSN 2287-8769Onlne Febuay 2015 / 117 특집 회전유니트모델링기술 복합베어링으로지지된스핀들의동적해석
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힘의과학 ( 정역학 Statics) 건국대학교공과대학토목공학과 010년 학기 Week 1 Chapter 10 관성모멘트 (Moment of nertia) Class Schedule Week Topic Chapter 01 08/009/0 역학의일반적원리, 스칼라와벡터 1&(17-57) 0 09/0609/10 벡터의연산 (58-8) 0-09/109/17 벡터의연산,
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7 장 1/30 Chapter 7 내 력 (Internal Forces) 7 장 2/30 제 6장에서는구조용부재의연결부에작용하는힘을구하는방법을소개하였다. 일단연결부에작용하는힘이구해지면다음의해석단계는부재내부에작용하는힘즉부재의내력을계산하는일이다. 한편, 제 6장에서는단면법을사용할때트러스구조의부재는두힘부재이므로부재의내력은단면의위치와무관함을알게되었다. 그러나프레임이나기계와같이다력부재인경우에는단면의위치에따라내력은달라질수있다.
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MR 댐퍼의상대속도추정을위한 akag-sugeno 퍼지관측기개발 정기철 *) 최세범 ) 이준명 2) 김현태 3) 한국과학기술원기계공학과 ) 네오테크 2) 와츠 3) Development of the akag-sugeno Fuy Obseve fo Magnetoheologcal Dampe Relatve Velocty Estmaton Kcheol Jeong *)
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Chapter 7. Work and Energy 일과운동에너지 One of the most important concepts in physics Alternative approach to mechanics Many applications beyond mechanics Thermodynamics (movement of heat) Quantum mechanics...
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면적및체적적분 Metl Formng CE L. Deprtment of Mecncl Engneerng Geongsng Ntonl Unverst, Kore 역학에서의면적및체적적분사례 면성치 (re propertes) : 면적, 도심, 단면 차 ( 극 ) 관성모멘트 체성치 (Volume or mss propertes) : 체적, 무게중심, 질량관성모멘트 정역학및동역학
I 문학과 우리 사회 눈 은 다가오는 계절인 봄의 생명력과 연결되어 작품 전체의 분위 기를 주도하고 있다. 1. 문학과 인접 분야 바탕 학습 확인 문제 01 4 02 5 본문 009쪽 01 4 문학은 음악, 미술 등과 같이 예술의 한 갈래로, 다른 예술 갈래와 달리 언
고 등 학 교 자 습 서 정답과 해설 I. 문학과 우리 사회 01 I 문학과 우리 사회 눈 은 다가오는 계절인 봄의 생명력과 연결되어 작품 전체의 분위 기를 주도하고 있다. 1. 문학과 인접 분야 바탕 학습 확인 문제 01 4 02 5 본문 009쪽 01 4 문학은 음악, 미술 등과 같이 예술의 한 갈래로, 다른 예술 갈래와 달리 언어로써 작가의 생각과 사상을
Open methods
Open methods 목차 6. smple ed-pont lteraton 6.2 newton- Raphson 6.3 Secant Methods 6.4 Brent s Method 6.5 MATLAB Functon: Fzero 6.6 Polynomals 학습목표 Recognzng the derence between bracketng and open methods
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전자기학 (Electodnamics ) Lectued b Pof. Kong Hon Kim ( 김경헌 ) Office : 5N3 Depatment of Phsics Inha Univesit Inha Univesit Fall 5 Sllabus ( 강의계획서 ) 강의목표 : 수강자들이전자기학과전기동력학, 막스웰방정식에대한이해와이러한지식을향후연구개발활동에적용할수있는능력을키우는데본강의의목표가있음
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tress and train I Metal Forming CAE La. Department of Mechanical Engineering Geongsang National Universit, Korea Metal Forming CAE La., Geongsang National Universit tress Vector, tress (Tensor) tress vector:
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5. 보와골조 : 전단력과휨모멘트 (Beams and Frames: Shear forces and bending moments) 수업목적 : 평면상에서하중을받는보와골조에발생하는내력과모 멘트계산에필요한해석기법을이해하고습득. 수업내용 : 전단력도와모멘트도 하중, 전단력, 휨모멘트사이의관계 정성적처짐형상 평면골조의정적정정, 부정정, 불안정 평면골조의해석 Lecture
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5. 분포력, 보의전단력과굽힘모멘트 I Metal orming CE Lab. Department of Mechanical Engineering Geongsang National Universit, Korea Metal orming CE Lab., Geongsang National Universit 세장부재에작용하는힘과부재의명칭 가느다란긴부재 ( 세장부재, Slender
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3. 원형축의비틀림 eal Foming CAE Lab. Depamen of echanical Engineeing Gyeongsang Naional Univesiy, Koea 원형축의비틀림 문제의정의와가정 이론전개대상축의형상 : 원형축 (Cicula shaf), Shaf 용도 : 동력전달 (Powe ansmission), sping, ec., 이론전개를위한가정
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보이론 Beam Theor etal Formng CE La. Department of echancal Engneerng Geongsang Natonal Unverst, Korea etal Formng CE La., Geongsang Natonal Unverst 공학보이론 - 목적과과정 공학보이론의목적 전단력 ( V( ) ) 이작용하는경우굽힘모멘트는 위치에따라달라짐
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IT법률컨설팅 강의교안 (상) 영문계약의 이해 소프트웨어 자산관리기법 영문계약의 이해 - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 -
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8. Mgnetic Foces, Mteils, nd Device 8. FORCES DUE TO MAGNETC FEDS A. 하전입자에작용하는힘 F e = QE 8. F m = Qu 8. F = F e + F m u Qu * oent Foce Eqution d 외부자장 ) F = Q E + u 8. F = m du dt = Q E + u 8. R~ ( 유도자장
STATICS Page: 7-1 Tel: (02) Fax: (02) Instructor: Nam-Hoi, Park Date: / / Ch.7 트러스 (Truss) * 트러스의분류 트러스 ( 차원 ): 1. 평면트러스 (planar tru
STATICS Page: 7-1 Instructor: Nam-Hoi, Park Date: / / Ch.7 트러스 (Truss) * 트러스의분류 트러스 ( 차원 ): 1. 평면트러스 (planar truss) - 2 차원 2. 공간트러스 or 입체트러스 (space truss)-3 차원트러스 ( 형태 ): 1. 단순트러스 (simple truss) 삼각형형태의트러스
04 06 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Contents 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 74 78 84 88 90 92 94 96 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 01 26 27 02 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
윤 영 선 _ 지음 은혜한의원 서울시 마포구 도화1동 550 삼성프라자 308호 Tel : 3272.0120, 702.0120 진료시간 : 오전 9시 30분`~`오후 7시 점심시간 : 오후 1시`~`2시 토 요 일 : 오전 9시 30분`~`오후 3시 (일, 공휴일 휴진`/`전화로 진료 예약 받습니다) 은 혜 한 의 원 은혜한의원 CONTENTS 02 04 07
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Contents 12 13 15 17 70 79 103 107 20 21 24 29 128 137 141 32 34 36 41 46 47 53 55 174 189 230 240 58 61 64 1. 1. 1 2 3 4 2. 2. 2 1 3 4 3. 3. 1 2 3 4 4. 4. 1 2 3 4 5. 5. 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 2013~2017 Contents 07 08 10 19 20 30 33 34 38 39 40 44 45 47 49 51 52 53 53 57 63 67 Contents 72 75 76 77 77 82 88 93 95 96 97 97 103 109 115 121 123 124 125 125 129 132 137
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Contents 성매매 예방교육 가이드북 Contents 제3부 성매매의 어제와 오늘 그리고 한국의 현주소 제4부 처벌 과 보호 의 성매매방지법 1. 성매매의 역사적 배경 및 추이 1. 성매매방지법 제정 배경 62 2. 성매매방지법 제정 취지 63 40 2. 성매매에 대한 국가별 개입 양상 42 3. 규범적 판단과 형사처벌을 기준으로 본 성매매 4. 외국의
08 09 27 20 32 42 contents 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 28 10 11 42 38 12 13 45 48 44 14 15 53 50 16 17 58 54 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2008. 5. 27~30 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2008. 4. 27 42 43 44
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1 Contents 8 10 57 4 2 63 6 17 43 12 3 4 5 7 6 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
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Chapter 6 선형변환은무질서한과정과공학제어시스템의설계에관한연구에사용된다. 또한전기및음성신호로부터의소음여과와컴퓨터그래픽등에사용된다. 선형변환 Liear rasformatio 6. 6 변환으로서의행렬 Matrices as rasformatios 6. 변환으로서의행렬 6. 선형연산자의기하학 6.3 핵과치역 6.4 선형변환의합성과가역성 6.5 컴퓨터그래픽 si
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MIDAS/SDS Ver..4.0 기술자료 Design>Shear Check Result KCI-USD99의슬래브의불균형모멘트에대한고려기준은다음과같습니다. 7.11. 전단편심설계 (1) 슬래브의평면에수직한위험단면의도심에대해전단편심에의해전달된다고보아야할불균형모멘트의비율은다음과같다. γ υ 1 = 1 b 1+ 3 b 1 () 전단편심에의한모멘트전달로인한전단응력은위의
정역학및연습 : Ch. 1. Introduction 기계공학부최해진 School of Mechanical Engineering 강의소개 1-2 q 담당교수 : u 최해진 봅스트홀 226 호, ,
정역학및연습 : Ch. 1. Introduction 기계공학부최해진 강의소개 1 - q 담당교수 : u 최해진 (, 봅스트홀 6 호, 0-80-5787, q 강의교재 : u Beer F. P., et al., Vector Mechanics for Engineers 8th Ed. McGraw Hill u 강의노트 (
실험1.일차원 운동량 보존
4 장운동의법칙 ( he Lws of Motion) 힘의개념 (he Concept of Force ) 힘 (Force): 물체의운동상태를변화시킬수있는작용 힘의벡터성질 한물체에두힘이작용할때, 각힘의방향에따라서대상물체가받는알짜힘의크기와방향이달라진다. cm cm 3cm.4cm F.4 F F F cm cm 3cm F F 3 F cm.4cm F F.4 F 3 뉴턴의제
- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS
[Caution] Attention to red sentence 3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R520/ 1 2 1 1. As shown in picture, adhere Knob to the end closely into the arrow direction(1), then push the battery up (2). 2. Picture
Stage 2 First Phonics
ORT Stage 2 First Phonics The Big Egg What could the big egg be? What are the characters doing? What do you think the story will be about? (큰 달걀은 무엇일까요? 등장인물들은 지금 무엇을 하고 있는 걸까요? 책은 어떤 내용일 것 같나요?) 대해 칭찬해
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
탄성체역학 pplied Theory of lasticity Week07: 전단력과휨모멘트 (1) 토목안전환경공학과 옥승용 2 Class Schedule(1) Week Topics Remarks 01 Introduction to class Ch. 1 02 Tensile, Compressive and Shear orces (1) Ch. 1 03 Tensile,
3.4 전기장 Th lctc Fld O Chgs nd Focs : A Clos Loo - 두개의전하사이에작용하는힘은 Coulomb Foc 로써구할수있다. - 임의의공간에원천전하 Souc Chg Q 가있다고하자. 여기에 Tst Chg 를놓으면 Q 와 사이에는 Coulomb Foc F 가작용 - Q 와 사이의전기력은전하사이의거리 이같은모든지점에대하여같은크기의 F
Contents 6 7 9 8 11 10 12 13 15 14 17 16 19 18 21 20 22 23 25 24 27 26 28 29 30 31 31 33 34 37 39 38 40 41 43 42 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 53 52 55 54 57 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
만점을위한 수학전문가남언우 - 벡터 1강 _ 분점의위치벡터 2강 _ 벡터의일차결합 3강 _ 벡터의연산 4강 _ 내적의도형적의미 5강 _ 좌표를잡아라 6강 _ 내적의활용 7강 _ 공간도형의방정식 8강 _ 구의방정식 9강 _2014년수능최고난도문제 좌표공간에 1 강 _ 분점의위치벡터 01. 1) 두점 A B 이있다. 평면 에있는점 P 에대하여 PA
echanics of aterials, 7 th ed., James. Gere & arry J. Goodno Page 4-1 제 4 장전단력과굽힘모멘트 4.1 소개 - 보 (beam): 하중이봉의축에수직인힘또는모멘트를받는구조용부재 - 평면구조물 : 모든하중이같은평면내에있고, 모든처짐이그평면에서발생 굽힘평면 (plane of bending) - 보에서의전단력과굽힘모멘트
Chapter 1 05 Chapter 2 51 Chapter 3 99 Chapter 4 151 Chapter 1 Chapter 6 7 Chapter 8 9 Chapter 10 11 Chapter 12 13 Chapter 14 15 Chapter 16 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 21 Chapter 22 23 Chapter
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Journal o Insttute o Control, Robotcs and Systems (24) 2():5 ISS:9765622 eiss:22334335 GPS 전파교란원 위치 추정을 위한 /AOA 복합 기법 설계 Hybrd /AOA Localzaton Algorthm or GPS Jammers
49-9분동안 표지 3.3
In the ocean, humans create many noises. These noises disturb the waters. People do not know that manmade sound harms the creatures living in the sea. In the end, disturbing the ocean affects each one
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수치해석 Numercal Analyss 6009 Ch6. Roots: Open Methods 개방법 : 한개의초기값에서시작하거나구간내에근을포함하지않을수도있는두개의초기값에서시작한다. 구간법과개방법의비교 (a 구간법 ( 이분법 (b 개방법 발산하는경우 (c 개방법-수렴하는경우 Numercal Analyss 6. 단순고정점반복법 (/3 f ( = 0 을재배열하여유도
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l l l l l l l l l Lee, Geon Kook None This project was designed to establish the Tumor Bank of National Cancer Center in 2000. From the first tumor sample in 2000, the total of tumor and tumor-related
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Chapter 1
Ground Floor Detecton and Ego-Moton Estmaton for Vsual Navgaton of Moble Robots by Young-Geun Km hess Advsor: Hal Km A HESS Submtted to the faculty of NHA UNVERSY n partal fulfllment of the requrements
Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
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Lecture Note: Dnamc Force nalss 상상은지식보다더욱중요하다. 지식은한계가있지만 상상은세상의모든것들을끌어안기때문이다. lbert Ensten 강체의질량중심 Center of mass 강체상한점 P 에위치한미소질량 m 의가속도가 P 라면, 이질점의운동방정식은 다음과같이기술할수있다. F m P 여기서 F 는질점이받는힘을나타낸다. 이제강체에작용하는힘의합을