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1 The Korean Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 42, No. 3, September 2006, p Copyright 2006, The Microbiological Society of Korea e ³ w ³ w Á Á½ Áx Á 1 Á 2, * w w w w w w e ³ ³ w p w. e ³ w ù š» 30 cm l ³ ³ multiplex PCR assay» w w Streptococcus iniae S. parauberis ƒƒ 46% 54%. S. iniae 9 10 ùkü ù S. parauberis 3 4 ùkû. S. iniae S. parauberis w w ù S. iniae q, k,, S. parauberis y, d. ampicillin amoxicillin, S. iniae ³ S. parauberis ³ doxycycline, erythromycin, oxytetracycline. Key words ý olive flounder, Streptococcosis, S. iniae, S. parauberis, multiplex PCR assay ³ ³ vw³ ƒ j, wš ƒ»z ùkü ƒ w ù p w ƒ w Streptococcus iniae, S. parauberis, S. difficilis, S. shiloi, Lactococcus garvieae, L. piscicum, Vagococcus salmoninarum š š (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15). w ³ w» w, t ³ S. iniae L. garvieae w p e (LD 50 ) š (10). e(paralichthys olivaceus) ³ w š Nakatsugawa(16) w e ³ ³ S. iniae šw, ü š Lee (12) w yw 16S rrna gene p w L. garvieaeƒ e ³ š. w Jung (11) w yw 16S-23S ISR (Intergenic Spacer Region) w S. iniae w š. w w» w, x x,,, w ƒ. ù wš w w w. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: , Fax: kbc1922@jeju.go.kr wr, w w ü ù št t w ƒ ú ƒ š ƒ, ey v ƒwš. ù w» ü e»k ³ w s, x x w, p w», kw» w. w ƒ w w p w» s w š, w»» û p ƒ š (13, 18, 19). v z w kw» ƒ v w. ù t e(p. olivaceus) šƒ š, w ù w e ³ kw ww» wš w w. ³ ³ w w l ü t e(p. olivaceus), û, e ƒƒ 1,365,, 199
2 200 Yong-Uk Jeong et al. Kor. J. Microbiol ³ w w, w. ³ w» w 1.5% NaCl-BHIA (Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Difco, USA) x w» w x w (Komed, Korea) w z 30±0.5 C o w. ³ Thoesen (20) Vibrio spp., Edwardsiella spp., Streptococcus spp. w, Streptococcus spp. x w ³ w z 1.5% NaCl-BHIB (Brain Heart Infusion Broth, Difco, USA) z ³ glycerol ƒw -80 C z o w. Multiplex PCR assay mw Streptococcus spp l ³ ùkü w š, Streptococcus spp. 198 ³ w w. ƒ ³ 1.5% NaCl-BHIA w š, 2-3 colony 5% Chelex (BioRad, USA) 100 µl ³ ywš 95 C 10 boilingw o genomic DNA w. Mata (14) w S. parauberis, S. iniae, L. garveiae ƒ 3 w ƒ w 3 primer set (Spa-2152, Spa-2870, LOX-1, LOX- 2, plg-1, plg-2) w multiplex PCR assay w š, 1.2% agarose gel s» w ƒƒ w. w KCTC (Korean collection for type cultures) l Streptococcus iniae KCTC 3657, Streptococcus parauberis KCTC 3651, Lactococcus garveiae KCTC 3772 w. Primer sequence w s j» Table 1 ùkü. S. iniae S. parauberis w w p 140 ³ w w p w. w y, q, k,, x, x, ƒ x, d w. x 198 ³ w x Muller Hinton agar w Ampicillin 8 w w disk y w w. x w w ampicillin, amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, erythro-mycin, nalidic acid, oxolinic acid, oxytetracycline BBL t w. S. iniae S. parauberis w» w ³ ƒ w w ƒ w ùkü š, ³ ³ p w. š ³ w ³ w q w» w l ¾ ü e ³» q w 1, w ³ ³ w 22.1%. e j» ³ w ƒƒ 10 cm e 2 w š 10 cm 20 cm 12, 20 cm 30 cm 65, 30 cm 40 cm 137, 40 cm 85, e e l» ¾ ³ wš ù 30 cm w ùkü. w e» š ù» ùkü q (Table 2). w w 8, 9, 10 ùkû, û 1 2 q ƒƒ 5.0% 6.3 % Streptococcus spp.ƒ ƒ ù w p ùkü. w» w ƒ 5 o C z¾ w w ww w w 13 o C (1) (Table 2). wš, v w w w. ù 30 cm ùkü. w p p Table 1. Primer sequences used for species specific PCR detection assay and the expected amplicon sizes Primer Sequences (5' to 3') Target gene PCR amplicon size (bp) Pathogen Spa 2152 Spa 2870 LOX-1 LOX-2 plg-1 plg-2 TTTCGTCTGAGGCAATGTTG GCTTCATATATCGCTATACT AAGGGGAAATCGCAAGTGCC ATATCTGATTGGGCCGTCTAA CATAACAATGAGAATCGC GCACCCTCGCGGGTTG 23S rrna 718 S. parauberis Lactate oxidase (lcto) 870 S. iniae 16S rrna 1,100 L. garvieae
3 Vol. 42, No. 3 e ³ w 201 Table 2. Occurrence of streptococcosis related to the size and month of cultured flounder in Jeju island from 2003 to 2004 Month No. of samples for infected with streptococci <10 10 < < < Sum & ratio (%) a No. of total diseased samples Jan (5.0) 75 Feb (6.3) 78 Mar (7.6) 92 Apr (10.2) 86 May (7.6) 122 Jun (7.0) 182 Jul (8.3) 165 Aug (10.2) 117 Sep (13.0) 100 Oct (9.6) 140 Nov (8.0) 111 Dec (7.0) 97 Sum & ratio (%) b 2 (0.7) 12 (4.0) 65 (22.0) 137 (46.0) 85 (28.0) 301 No. of total samples ,365 ratio(%) a, b Streptococcosis detection ratio by monthly(%) a and fish size(%) b.» q, e 2 3 wš 1 w e»» š y p š š, e» œ w t œ ƒ ù,» ƒ š ƒ œ w w ƒ š.,» w ³ w ù ú p w e»» q. e ³ kw p l ³ ùkü w š, Streptococcus spp. 198 ³ w. ³ Gram ³, Catalase, Cytochrome oxidase. w,, l ³ ( ). ³ w w» ü w ³ ³ S. iniae (KCTC 3657), S. parauberis (KCTC 3651), L. garvieae (KCTC 3772) ü t ³ w w w.» ƒƒ ³ p primer w ƒƒ ƒ w multiplex PCR assay(14) w. t ³ w multiplex PCR» ww p, S. iniae (KCTC 3657), S. parauberis (KCTC 3651), L. garviae (KCTC 3772) ƒƒ s, 870 bp, 718 bp, 1,100 bp s y w (Fig. 1). ƒƒ t ³ w multiplex PCR» ww Table 1 ùkü s j» ew S. iniae, S. parauberis, L. garvieae 3 ³ w ƒ w y w.» x w multiplex PCR assay w w ³ 198 ³ S. iniaeƒ 91 ³ 46% š, S. parauberisƒ 107 ³ 54%. ù Lee (12) š e(p. olivaceus) ³ L. garvieae (Table 3). w multiplex PCR assay mw x x w S. iniae β x š S. Fig. 1. Multiplex PCR assay for detection of S. parauberis (718 bp), S. iniae (870 bp) and L. garvieae (1,100 bp). 198 isolated strains of streptococci identified to S. parauberis and S. iniae species in Jeju island flounder farms from 2003 to M, 100 bp DNA ladder (invitrogen, USA); lane 1-12, isolated strains; lane 13, S. parauberis (KCTC 3651); lane 14, S. iniae (KCTC 3657); lane 15, L. garvieae (KCTC 3772).
4 202 Yong-Uk Jeong et al. Kor. J. Microbiol Table 3. Monthly isolation rate of S. iniae, S. parauberis and L. garvieae associated of streptococcosis flounders related in Jeju Island from June 2003 to May 2005 No. of isolated streptococcosis causative pathogens No. of Month S. paruberis S. iniae L. garvieae tested strains Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sum Isolate rate(%) paraubris α γ x. S. iniae, S. parauberis w ³ w x w ù ³ ³ š Streptococcus spp.ƒ œm, w l ³ ( ) e ³ S. iniae S. parauberis w. ü w ³ ³ w S. iniae w ƒ, ü x ³ (18). wr, l (Scophthalmus maximus) ³ š α x S. parauberis x w, x, x w š š(6), cells/fish 50% s w š (5). ü e š Baeck (3) ³ e S. parauberis w šw ƒ š, S. parauberis w s ü» w š S. iniae w šw ƒ (2). ƒ w wš 2» w» ƒ v wš, w e(p. olivaceus) ³ L. garvieae w w w ƒ w. S. iniae S. parauberis xy S. iniae š»» 9 10 ùkþ, S. parauberis 14 C o 17 C o 3 l 5 (Table 3). Nguyen (17) w S. iniae š» šw š, 9 10 ¾ šw ü ew p. wr S. parauberis w ³ w š ù, r l (S. maximus) ³ wš (6). S. parauberisƒ š»» š, ƒ ³ ³ w». S. iniae S. parauberis w e w p S. iniae, S. difficile w,, qx w š š š L. garvieae qx w y ƒ w p. w e ƒƒ š (7, 9, 10). e ƒ w w p ƒ w w v w š. ƒƒ S. iniae S. parauberis q e w y, q, k,, üd x, x, ƒ x, d(non-ocular side). S. iniae q, k, ƒ š S. parauberis y d (Table 4). w w ƒ ù, x S. parauberis w p z ù w p sƒw w» y». S. parauberis S. iniae ³ w Table 4. Comparison of external symptoms of olive flounder infected by S. parauberis and S. iniae in Jeju aqua culture area Symptoms Incidence of symptoms (%) S. parauberis S. iniae Darkened surface Distended abdomen Protruded anus Ascitic fluid in the peritoneal cavity Haemorrhaging in the inner surface of abdomen Exophthalmia Haemorrhaging in the eye Haemorrhaging in the opercular region Haemorrhaging in the non-ocular side
5 Vol. 42, No. 3 e ³ w 203 Table 5. Comparison of antibiotics susceptibility ratio between S. parauberis and S. iniae Antibiotics Rate of antibiotics susceptibility (%) S. parauberis S. iniae Ampicillin Amoxicillin Ciprofloxacin Doxycycline Erythromycin Nalidixic acid Oxolinic acid Oxytetracycline w S. parauberis S. iniae ³ œm w ampicillin amoxicillin r w 95%, S. parauberis S. iniae doxycycline, erythromycin, oxytetracycline w û (Table 5). x œm w y yw ùkü» e y».» ww e(p. olivaceus) ³ s ù wš, 30 cm š š, ³ S. iniae S. parauberis q, š» S. iniae w»» 14 o C 17 C w o S. parauberis w p ùküš. e ³ y w ³ w» w w, w e ³ w v x S. iniae S. parauberis w w p. w ey w v p w. š x e(paralichthys olivaceus) l ³ p w. w w. p ,,,,, ½. e, Paralichthys olivaceus w Streptococcus parauberis wz œ w z t. p Baeck, G.W., J.H. Kim, D.K. Gomez and S.C. Park Isolation and chracterization of Streptococcus sp. from diseased flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in Jeju Island. J. Vet. Sci. 7, Berovier, H., C. Ghittino, and A. Eldar Immunization with bacterial antigens: infections wih streptococci and related organism. Dev. Biol. Stand. 90, Curras, M., B. Magarinos, A.E. Toranzo, J.L. Romalde Dormancy as a survival strategy of the fish pathogen Streptococcus parauberis in the marine enviroment. Dis. Aquat. Org. 52, Domenech, A., J.F. Fernandez-Garayzabal, C. Pascual, J.A. Garcia, M.T. Cutuli, M.A. Moreno, M.A. Moreno, M.D. Collins, and L. Dominguez Streptococcosis in cultured turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), associated with Streptococcus parauberis. J. Fish Dis. 19, Eldar, A., Y. Bejerano, and H. Bercovier Streptococcus shiloi and streptococcus difficile: two new streptococcal species causing a meningoencephalitis in fish. Curr. Microbiol. 28, Eldar, A., A. Horovitcz, and H. Bercovier Development and efficacy of a vaccine against Streptococcus iniae infection in farmed rainbow trout. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 56, Eldar, A., M. Goria, C. ghittino, A. Zlotkin, and H. Bercovier Biodiversity of Lactococcus garvieae strains isolated from fish in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65, Eldar, A. and C. Ghittino Lactococcus garvieae and Streptococcus iniae infections in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss: similar but different diseases. Dis. Aquat. Org. 36, Jung, Y.U., B.J. Kang, G.T. Park, and M.S. Heo Use of 16S- 23S rrna intergenic spacer region for identification in the fish pathogenic Streptococcus iniae. J. Fish Pathol. 17, Lee, D.C., J.I. Lee, C.I. Park, and S.I. Park The study on the casual agent of streptococcosis(lactococcus garvieae), isolated from cultured marine fishes. J. Fish Pathol. 14, Leong, J.C., E. Anderson, L.M. Bootland, P.W. Chiou, M. Johnson, C. Kim, D. Mourich, G. Trobridge Fish vaccine antigens produced or delivered by recombinant DNA technologies. Dev. Biol. Stand. 90, Review. 14. Mata, A. I., A. Gibello, A. Casamayor, M. M. Blanco, L. Dominguez, and J. F. Fernandez-Garayzabal Multiplex PCR Assay for Detection of Bacterial Pathogens Associated with Warm-Water Streptococcosis in fish. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70, Muzquiz, J. L., F. M. Royo, C. Ortega, I. D. Blas, I. Ruiz, and J. L. Alonso Pathogenicity of streptococcosis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): dependence on age of diseased fish. Bull. Eur. Assoc. Fish Parthol. 19, Nakatsugawa, T A streptococcal disease of cultured flounder. Fish Pathology 17, Nguyen, H.T., K. Kanai, and K. Yoshikoshi Ecological investigation of Streptococcus iniae in cultured Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) using selective isolation procedures. Aquaculture. 205, Tatner, M The ontogeny of humoral immunity in the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 12, Tatner, M.F. and M.J. Manning The ontogeny of the cellular immunity in the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, in relation to the stage of development of the lymphoid organs. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 7, Thoesen, J. C Bluebook, suggested procedure for the detec-
6 204 Yong-Uk Jeong et al. Kor. J. Microbiol tion and identification of certain finfish and shellfish pathogens. American fisheries society. (Received June 20, 2006/Accepted September 24, 2006) ABSTRACT : Characterization of Streptococcosis Occurrence and Molecular Identification of the Pathogens of Cultured Flounder in Jeju Island Yong-Uk Jeong, Chul-Young Kang, Min-Ju Kim, Moon-Soo Heo, Duck-Chul Oh 1, Bong- Jo Kang 2, * (Faculty of Applied Marine Science, Cheju National University, Jeju , Korea, 1 Department of Life Science, College of Natural Sciences, Cheju National University, Jeju , Korea, 2 Jeju Province Fisheries Resources Research Institute, Jeju , Korea) Streptococcosis of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) is an important bacterial disease in Jeju island. In this study, we investigated monthly infection pattern of this disease in different size of the flounder fish. Even though the disease occurred throughout the year, the infection ratio was relatively higher in the months with warm water season. The infection was more prevalent in adult flounder over 30 cm total length compare to these of small size fish. Two infectious species of streptococcosis pathogens were detected by multiplex PCR assay. Detection ratios of Streptococcus iniae and S. parauberis reached up to 46% and 54%, respectively, from June 2003 to May 2005 in Jeju island. S. iniae occurred intensively from September to October, whereas S. parauberis reported from March to May. S. iniae and S. parauberis infections of cultured flounder share some common features, but clinical findings showed considerable differences between two diseases. Distended abdomen, protruded anus and ascitic fluid in the peritoneal cavity are evident lesions detected in S. iniae infection, whereas, flounders infected by S. parauberis showed prominent lesions such as darkened surface and haemorrhaging in the non-ocular side. Both streptococcosis pathogens were sensitive to antibiotics, such as ampicillin and amoxicillin. However, S. iniae strains were more sensitive to doxycycline, erythromycin and oxytetracycline than S. parauberis strains.
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제1장 제17장 성홍열 및 사슬알균 감염증 사슬알균 (Streptococci)은 증식 중의 특징적으로 쌍 또는 사슬모양의 그람양성 알균 으로 catalase 음성, 통성혐기성균이며, 보통 한천배지에서는 발육이 어렵고 혈액이나 혈청 등을 첨가한 배지에서 잘 발육한다. 포도당이나 다른 탄수화물을 분해하나 포도당 을 분해하여 가스를 생성하지 않는다. 이들은 최소
Lumbar spine
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Analyst 유주연 (639-4584) juyeon.yu@meritz.co.kr RA 박지은 (639-451) jeeeun.park@meritz.co.kr 213.11.22 유통업 Overweight 1월 매출동향: 대형마트 -6.4%, 백화점 -2.2% Top Pick 하이마트 (7184) Buy, TP 15,원 현대홈쇼핑 (575) Buy, TP 21,원
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