15. acrophobia a. fear of heights 높은곳에대한두려움 b. fear of water 물에대한두려움 c. fear of fire 불에대한두려움 d. fear of a confined space 폐쇠된곳에대한두려움 16. bursary a. a s

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1 Test for Unit Match the best possible definition with the word in the left column. 1. aquatic 2. agrarian 3. benign 4. biogenic 5. cardiac 6. amity 7. biome 8. unanimity 9. autonomy 10. benediction a. relating to the heart 심장과관련된 b. relating to farming 농업과연관된 c. living in the water 물속에사는 d. not dangerous or harmful 위험하거나해롭지않은 e. produced by a living organism 생체에의해생성되는 a. good wishes 축복 b. friendly disposition 우호적감정 c. complete agreement 완전한합의 d. political independence 정치적독립 e. ecological community 생태공동체 Choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning. 11. analgesic a. provision 대비, 준비 b. garment 의복 c. painkiller 진통제 d. investigation 조사 12. archrival a. partner 동반자 b. competitor 경쟁자 c. assistant 조력자 d. successor 후임자 13. autocrat a. noble 귀족 b. dictator 독재자 c. signature 서명 d. automotive 자동차 14. candid a. insensitive 무감각한 b. impulsive 충동적인 c. apprehensive 걱정되는 d. straightforward 솔직한

2 15. acrophobia a. fear of heights 높은곳에대한두려움 b. fear of water 물에대한두려움 c. fear of fire 불에대한두려움 d. fear of a confined space 폐쇠된곳에대한두려움 16. bursary a. a specific field of work 특정분야 b. a difficult responsibility 어려운책임 c. a hole or tunnel in the ground 땅속의구멍이나터널 d. a scholarship or grant 장학금이나보조금 17. archaic a. old and no longer used 오래되어사용되지않는 b. difficult to repair or amend 고치기어려운 c. dishonest and illegal 부정직하고불법인 d. involving intelligence 지성을요하는 18. artificial a. relating to art 예술과관련된 b. produced by humans 인간에의해만들어진 c. crafty and shrewd 약삭빠른 d. temporarily inactive 일시적으로활동하지않는 19. belligerent a. abnormal 비정상적인 b. undeniable 부인할수없는 c. aggressive 공격적인 d. impersonal 개인적이아닌 20. ambiguous a. equivocal 애매한 b. synthetic 합성한 c. simultaneous 동시의 d. vindictive 앙심을품은 Choose the best word to fill the blank. 21. Her voice subsided into a whisper so low that it was scarcely. 그녀의목소리는아주낮은속삭임이되어거의 할수없었다. a. quiet 조용한 b. silent 침묵의 c. audible 들을수있는 d. malicious 악의있는 22. He is such a polite and young man who never complains. 그는공손하고 한청년으로결코불평하는적이없다. a. notable 눈에띄는 b. amazed 놀란 c. rational 이성적인 d. amiable 상냥한

3 23. influenza can be spread from wild birds to domesticated birds. 독감은야생조류에게서집에서기르는새들에게전염될수있다. a. Avian 조류의 b. Swine 돼지의 c. Endemic 풍토의 d. Gastric 위의 24. Today, young people have become so of smart phones that they cannot imagine life without one. 요즘은, 젊은사람들은스마트폰에너무 되어서그것이없는생활은상상할수없다. a. taken ( 사진이 ) 찍힌, ( 물건을 ) 가져간 b. admitted 공인된 c. repelled 격퇴한, 물리친 d. enamored 매혹된, 반한 25. The government troops are attempting to recover the airport from forces. 정부군은 군으로부터공항을탈환하려시도하고있다. a. joint 연합 b. labor 노동 c. rebel 반대, 저항 d. strike 파업 26. Singapore has always been significantly richer than its countries. 싱가포르는 국가들보다항상매우더부유하다. a. closing 마무리짓는 b. adjoining 인접한 c. attending 참석하는 d. sparing 인색한 27. Queen Elizabeth I to the throne on the 17 th of November, 여왕엘리자베드 1 세는 1558 년 11 월 17 일에왕좌에 했다. a. acceded ( 왕좌, 권좌에 ) 오르다 b. boasted 뽐내다, 자랑하다 c. prepared 준비하다 d. demanded 요구하다 28. The of the Internet has completely changed the way people communicate with each other. 인터넷의 은사람들이서로소통하는방법을완전히변화시켰다. a. access 접근 b. advert 광고 c. advent 도래, 출현 d. process 과정, 절차 29. North Korea's growing nuclear capability is as a big threat to world peace. 북한의증가하는핵보유능력은세계평화에큰위협으로 되고있다 a. examined 검사되다 b. perceived 인지되다 c. prescribed 규정되다 d. prohibited 금지되다

4 30. Astronomers use this formula to the distance from the earth to other planets. 천문학자들은이공식을지구와다른혹성간의거리를. 하기위해상용한다. a. foretell 예언하다 b. intend 의도하다 c. calculate 계산하다 d. speculate 추측하다 What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? 31. The candidate who gets the most votes will win the election. 가장많은표를획득한입후보자가선거에서승리할것이다. a. a person who is active in politics 정치에서활동적인사람 b. a person who takes an examination 시험을치르는사람 c. a person who is running for public office 공직에입후보한사람 d. a person who invests money in an enterprise 사업에돈을투자한사람 32. Earthworms play a vital role in maintaining the aeration and drainage of agricultural soils. 지렁이는경작지의통기와배수상태를유지하는데중요한역할을한다. a. adding salt 소금첨가 b. exposing to air 공기에노출 c. producing fruits 과일수확 d. allowing water to flow 배수 33. The company will reimburse you for all expenses associated with the business trip. 회사는업무여행과관련된모든비용을당신에게상환해줄것이다. a. refund 환불하다 b. request 요청하다 c. propose 제안하다 d. recognize 인식하다 34. Although the human eye has a simple anatomical appearance, its internal structure is incredibly complicated. 인간의눈은단순한해부학적인형태를갖고있지만, 그내부구조는놀라울정도로복잡하다. a. skilled in using analysis 분석이뛰어난 b. relating to bodily structure 신체구조와관련된 c. relating to power or energy 동력이나에너지와관련된 d. relating to sense or judgment 감각이나판단력과연관된 35. The protesters trying to make their way toward the city's central square were intercepted by local policemen. 시의중앙광장으로진입하려던데모군중들은지방경찰에의에저지되었다. a. caused damage 상처를입다 b. expressed contempt 경멸을표하다 c. prevented from proceeding 진행을막다 d. brought together in one place 한곳으로모이다 Answer 1. c. 2. b. 3. d. 4. e. 5. a. 6. b. 7. e. 8. c. 9. d. 10. a. 11. c 12. b 13. b 14. d 15. a 16. d 17. a 18. b 19. c 20. a 21. c 22. d 23. a 24. d 25. c 26. b 27. a 28. c 29. b 30. c 31. c 32. b 33. a 34. b 35. c Test for Unit Match the best possible definition with the word in the left column. 1. cryptic 2. cosmic 3. caustic 4. chronic 5. eccentric a. strange or unusual 이상한, 이례적인 b. harsh or corrosive in tone 어조가거친, 비꼬는 c. having a hidden meaning 숨겨진의미가있는 d. occurring again and again 반복해서일어나는 e. relating to the whole universe 우주와연관된

5 6. celerity 7. holocaust 8. jurisdiction 9. counterfeit 10. controversy a. swiftness of motion or action 동작또는행동의기민함 b. great destruction or loss of life 대참사 c. an imitation designed to deceive 속이기위한모조품 d. a dispute or contentious speech act 논쟁또는말싸움 e. official authority to make legal decisions 법적결정을내리는기관 Choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning. 11. addict a. join 잇다, 연결하다 b. reconcile 조화시키다 c. habituate 습관이되다 d. determine 결정하다 12. accelerate a. break 부서지다 b. impede 방해하다 c. decline 감소하다 d. increase 증가시키다 13. indent a. deny formally 공식적으로거절하다 b. make a depression into 움푹한곳을만들다 c. make uncomfortable 불편하게만들다 d. put time or money into 시간또는돈을투자하다 * depression 오목한곳, 움푹한곳

6 14. cataract a. a group of people or things 사람또는사물의그룹 b. a large waterfall 큰폭포 c. a thing that causes changes 변화를야기시키는것 d. the purification of the emotions 감정의정화 15. cerebral a. intellectual 지적인 b. emotional 감정적인 c. physical 신체적인 d. instinctive 본능적인 16. corporal a. relating to the body 신체과연관된 b. tending to encourage 용기를북돋우는 c. of equal rank or degree 등급또는정도가같은 d. relating to large companies 대기업과관련된 17. corpulent a. slim 야윈 b. plump 통통한 c. indolent 나태한 d. hard-working 근면한 18. crucial a. critical 중요한 b. familiar 친숙한 c. occasional 가끔의 d. oppositional 반대하는 19. credible a. unkind or cruel 냉담하고잔인한 b. artificial and inferior 인위적이고열등한 c. showing a lack of judgment 판단력이부족한 d. honest and believable 정직하고믿을수있는 20. clairvoyant a. unable to move 움직일수없는 b. pleasant in behavior 편하게행동하는 c. having great insight 통찰력있는 d. willing to give consent 기꺼이승락하는 Choose the best word to fill the blank. 21. After a long argument, he finally that he had behaved irresponsibly and made a big mistake. 긴논쟁후, 그는자신이무책임하게행동했으며큰실수를저질렀다고 했다. a. secluded 고립시키다 b. conceded 인정하다 c. diminished 줄어들다 d. consumed 소비하다

7 22. Different speed limits apply depending on the type of road, and drivers must not the limits set for the road. 도로의 유형에따라다른속도제한이적용된다, 그리고운전자들은그도로에적용된제한을 해서는안된다. a. follow 따르다 b. expect 기대하다 c. exceed 초과하다 d. override 기각하다 23. Unfortunately, we do not have any means to the accuracy of the report. 불행하게도, 우리는그보도의정확성을 할어떤수단도갖고있지않다. a. ascertain 확인하다 b. exclusive 독점적인 c. incarnate 구현하다 d. conjecture 추측하다 24. The terrorist organization has any responsibility for the explosions in the city. 그테러조직은그도시의폭발에대한책임을 a. posed 제기했다 b. acquired 획득했다 c. crucified 비판했다 d. disclaimed 부인했다, ( 책임이 ) 없다고말했다 25. These two statements do not each other but they are told from two different points of view. 이두진술은서로 한것이아니라두가지의다른관점에서말해진것이다. a. infer 추론하다 b. confine 제한하다 c. contradict 모순되다 d. discharge 석방, 방면하다 26. The confusion around the meaning of human rights needs to be. 인권의의미과관련된혼란은 될필요가있다. a. clarified 명확하게하다 b. embedded 끼워넣다, 파견하다 c. impacted 영향을주다 d. illuminated 비추다, 밝히다 27. The first obstacle they was the racism inherent in the society. 그들이 한첫난관은그사회에내재한인종차별이었다. a. involved 연루시키다 b. initiated 시작하다 c. encouraged 권장하다 d. encountered 직면하다 28. Children and young people are naturally more and impulsive than adults. 아이들과어린사람들은자연적으로성인들보다더 하고충동적이다. a. credible 신뢰할수있는 b. credulous 잘믿는 c. compatible 양립할수있는 d. consecutive 연속적인

8 29. From the beginning, the company has been focused on the consumer market. 처음부터, 그회사는소비자시장을 하는데집중해왔다. a. pretending 라고가장하는 b. alternating 교대로행하는 c. dominating 지배하는 d. compensating 보상하는 30. An ancient dog skull found in Siberia has raised the possibility that dogs were around 33,000 years ago. 시베리아에서발견된고대개의두개골은개들이약 33,000 년에 했다는가능성을제기했다. a. soothed 진정시키다 b. expedited 신속히처리하다 c. immigrated 이주하다 d. domesticated 길들여지다 What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? 31. Hackers often try to access a database that contains usernames, addresses and encrypted passwords. 헤커들은종종사용사이름, 이메일주소, 그리고암호화된비밀번호가포함된데이터베이스에접근하려고시도한다. a. ask about 에대해묻다 b. put into code 암호화하다 c. enfold completely 완전히감싸다 d. replace with another 다른것으로교체하다 32. Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality. (John Tyler) 부는근면함으로얻은소득과절약으로인한저축에의해서만이축적될수있다. a. try to find out 발견하려애쓰다 b. refuse to agree 동의하지않다 c. gather together 함께모으다 d. make greater or larger 더크게만들다 33. The Venus fly trap is one of the most fascinating of the carnivorous plants, which uses its modified leaves as the insect traps. 파리지옥풀은식충식물들중가장흥미로운것들중의하나로, 곤충을잡는덫으로변형된잎을이용한다. a. extremely curious 매우호기심이많은 b. bright and colorful 밝고다채로운 c. producing many offspring 많이번식하는 d. eating meat and flesh 육식을하는 34. In 1918, a deadly flu epidemic swept the world and killed more than 50 million people within months three times as many as the World War I 년, 치명적인전염병이세계를휩쓸었으며수개월내에 5 천만명이넘는사람들의생명을앗아갔다 이수치는 1 차세계대전의 3 배이다. a. an activity of fighting in a war 전쟁에서싸우는행위 b. a widespread occurrence of a disease 질병이널리퍼짐 c. a state of surviving or remaining alive 생존상태 d. a story about ancient people and gods 고대사람들과신들에관한이야기 35. A congressman was charged with bribery and money laundering but, while asserting his innocence of any wrongdoing, he told a press conference that the indictment was a political witch-hunt. 한국회의원이뇌물과돈세탁혐의로기소되었다, 그러나자신의결백을주장하면서, 그는기자회견에서자신에대한기소는정치적마녀사냥이라고말했다. a. a formal accusation of crime 범죄에대한공식적기소 b. an act of troubling someone 누군가를괴롭히는행위 c. a lack of something that you need 필요한것의결핍 d. an act of defending against criticism 비판에대한방어적행위 Answer 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. e 9. c 10. d 11. c 12. d 13. b 14. b 15. a 16. a 17. b 18. a 19. d 20. c 21. b 22. c 23. a 24. d 25. c 26. a 27. d 28. b 29. c 30. d 31. b 32. c 33. d 34. b 35. a

9 Test for Unit Match the best possible definition with the word in the left column. 1. endure 2. endow 3. abduct 4. confide 5. conform 6. esthetic 7. diagonal 8. factitious 9. obdurate 10. congenital a. continue to exist 지속하다 b. be in line with 와일치하다 c. give as a present 선물로주다 d. tell confidentially 비밀을털어놓다 e. take away by force 강제로데리고가다 a. not natural 자연스럽지않는, 인위적인 b. present from birth 타고난, 선천적인 c. relating to beauty 미와관련된 d. having oblique lines 사선으로그려진 e. stubbornly persistent 집요한 Choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning. 11. malefactor a. disciple 제자, 신봉자 b. criminal 범죄자 c. therapist 치료사 d. dependent 피부양자 12. fidelity a. diligence 근면 b. inaccuracy 부정확 c. allegiance 충성 d. nervousness 겁, 신경과민 13. lethargic a. detailed 상세한 b. intensive 집중적인, 철저한 c. vigorous 활발한 d. sluggish 느린, 부진한 14. perfidious a. irregular 불규칙적인 b. destitute 궁핍한 c. unfaithful 충실하지못한 d. gratifying 기쁜

10 15. dynasty a. a diligent effort 근면한노력 b. a system of rules 규칙체계 c. a process of changes 변화과정 d. a succession of rulers 지도자계승 16. eugenics a. an expression of respect 존경의표현 b. the improvement of heredity 유전적향상 c. a feeling of extreme happiness 희열감 d. the use of inoffensive phrases 불쾌하지않은어조 17. epilogue a. a final section or speech 끝맺는말 b. an introduction or preface 소개또는서두 c. a short summary of a report 보고서요약 d. a proposed and tentative idea 잠정적생각 18. perfunctory a. without care or interest 관심이나흥미가없는 b. without defect or blemish 결함이나흠이없는 c. exactly at the time appointed 정해진시간에정확히 d. in an unusual or unexpected way 이례적으로또는예기치않게 19. tetragon a. a three-sided polygon 3 변형 b. a four-sided polygon 4 변형 c. a five-sided polygon 5 변형 d. a six-sided polygon 6 변형 20. ephemeral a. lasting for a short time 짧게지속되는 b. changing liquid into gas 액체를가스로바꾸는 c. easily broken or damaged 쉽게망가지는 d. not giving much attention 큰관심을주지않는 Choose the best word to fill the blank. 21. I don't want to too far away from the main topic, which we came to discuss. 나는우리가논의하기위해모인주제로부터너무멀리 을원하지않는다. a. argue 논쟁하다 b. digress ( 주제에서 ) 벗어나다 c. complain 불평하다 d. circumvent 피하다, 면하다

11 22. We believe that people of all and religious groups should be treated equally. 우리는모든 나종교에속한사람들은동등하게대우받아야한다고믿는다. a. elite 엘리트 b. athletic 운동경기의 c. ethnic 인종의 d. associated 연합의 23. A genome is an organism's complete set of DNA that includes all of its material. 게놈은한유기체의 DNA 의완전한조합으로그것의모든 물질들을포함하고있다. a. genetic 유전적인 b. generic 포괄적인 c. general 일반적인 d. genuine 진품의 24. The merger of the two companies will generate a significant effect. 두회사의합병은상당한 효과를낼것이다. a. united 통합된 b. synergy 동반상승 ( 효과 ), 시너지 c. corporation 기업 d. coordination 조화, 조정 25. Scientists believe that artificial intelligence will our lives completely in the future. 과학자들은인공지능이미래의우리생활을완전히 할것으로믿는다. a. transfer 이동하다 b. transform 바꾸다, 변형시키다 c. transcend 초월하다 d. transgress 벗어나다, 어기다 26. The repeated violence and illegal activities that went on here are the enemies of democracy and cannot be by the court. 이곳에서발생하는반복적인폭력과불법적행위들은민주주의의적이며법정에의해 될수없다. a. conflicted 갈등을겪다 b. confirmed 확정하다 c. condoned 용납하다 d. convinced 납득시키다 27. A business man, who owns one of the largest food companies in the nation, a substantial portion of his personal fortune to children's cancer charities. 국내에서가장큰식품회사들중의하나를소유한한사업가는어린이암치료자선단체에그의개인재산의상당부분을 했다. a. donated 기부하다 b. fathomed 납득시키다 c. presumed 추정하다 d. contemplated 생각하다, 심사숙고하다

12 28. The universe we live in appears to be extremely large, but it is just one of an number of universes making up a multiverse. 우리가살고있는우주는엄청나게크다, 그러나그것은다중우주를이루고있는 수의우주들중의하나에불과하다. a. infinite 무한한 b. intense 강렬한 c. exclusive 독점적인 d. extensive 폭넓은 29. During the forum, presentations will be limited to 10 minutes and speakers should their remarks to the matters under consideration at the time. 포럼이진행되는동안, 발표시간은 10 분으로제한될것이다, 그리고발표자들은발표당시다루어지는문제에관한진술에 해야한다. a. contain 포함하다 b. concern 우려하다 c. commit 범하다 d. confine 제한하다, 국한시키다 30. You have to plan and organize your schedules carefully, and remain in case of unexpected circumstances or changes. 당신은자신의일정을세심하게계획하고정리하여야하며, 또한예기치못한상황이나변경에대한유연성의여지도있어야한다. a. rigid 엄격한, 융통성없는 b. bold 대담한 c. flexible 유연성있는 d. aloof 냉담한, 초연한 What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? 31. Our peace process can be very fragile, if we do not have the military capability to hold off our hostile neighbors. 만약우리가주변적대국들을제어할수있는군사적능력을갖지못한다면, 우리의평화협상과정은매우쉽게깨질수있다. a. frail 약한 b. tough 강한 c. affable 상냥한 d. offensive 공격적인 32. Workers are preparing unpaved, defunct roads to be used as alternate routes in case major highways are washed out by the flood. 인부들은주요고속도로가홍수에쓸려갈경우에대비하여, 사용되지않던비포장도로를이용할수있게작업하고있다. a. new-built 신축한 b. obsolete 구식의, 쓸모없는 c. spacious 넓은 d. insignificant 중요하지않은

13 33. You should be careful when you encounter young animals in their natural habitat, since the parent may return and become aggressive in an attempt to defend its young. 자연서식지에서어린야생동물들을만났을때는주의해야한다, 그이유는어미가돌아와서자신의새끼를보호하기위해공격적이될수있기때문이다. a. meek 온순한, 유순한 b. effective 효과적인 c. energetic 열정적인 d. belligerent 공격적인, 적대적인 34. The strongest hurricane can have a diameter of 800 kilometers, and release an enormous amount of energy, equivalent to thousands of nuclear weapons. 가장큰태풍의직경은 800 km 에달할수있으며, 수천개의핵무기에상응하는엄청난양의에너지를발산한다. a. required 필요한 b. ambiguous 모호한 c. explosive 폭발적인 d. corresponding 상당한, 부응하는 35. Two Asian elephants arrived at the Conrad Care Center at the San Diego Zoo, a facility that specializes in caring for ailing and geriatric elephants. (Fox news) 두마리의인도코끼리가산디에고동물원의콘라드의료센터에도착했다, 이센터는병들고노쇠한코끼리들을돌보는것을전문으로한다. a. female 여성 b. injured 다친 c. elderly 나이든 d. migrating 이동하는 Exercise 3 정답 1. a 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. b 6. c. 7. d 8. a 9. e 10. b 11. b 12. c 13. d 14. c 15. d 16. b 17. a 18. a 19. b 20. a 21. b 22. c 23. a 24. b 25. b 26. c 27. a 28. a 29. d 30. c 31. a 32. b 33. d 34. d 35. c

14 Test for Unit Match the best possible definition with the word in the left column. 1. helix 2. lexical 3. lunatic 4. kinetic 5. heterodox 6. juvenile 7. eloquent 8. loquacious 9. herbivorous 10. homologous a. mentally ill 정신적으로병든 b. spiral shape 나선형모양 c. words or vocabulary 단어또는어휘 d. energetic or dynamic 정열적인, 활동적인 e. breaking with tradition 전통을깨트리는 a. very talkative 말이너무많은 b. feeding on plants 식물을섭취하는 c. young or immature 어리고미성숙한 d. having a similar structure 비슷한구조를갖는 e. expressive and persuasive 표현력과설득력이있는 Choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning. 11. analogy a. anxiety 불안 b. alikeness 똑같음 c. analysis 분석 d. anticipation 예상 12. hypocrisy a. liberty 자유 b. pretence 가식 c. medication 약, 약물치료 d. qualification 자격 13. illuminate a. light up ( 불을 ) 밝히다 b. speed up 속도를내다 c. make up for 보상하다 d. move forward 전진하다 14. macrocosm a. virtual reality 가상현실 b. living organism 생체 c. large structure 대형구조물 d. ecological system 생태계

15 15. magnify a. increase in size 크기를증가시키다 b. make insignificant 하찮게만들다 c. provide a service 서비스를제공하다 d. adapt to a new condition 새로운조건에적응하다 16. rejuvenate a. save something for future use 미래를위해비축하다 b. ask someone to do something 을해달라고요구하다 c. make someone have more energy 더많은활력을갖게하다 d. give something to someone in return 보답으로 을주다 17. isothermal a. feeling apart from others or isolated 다른사람들과떨어져있다고느끼는 b. having a dangerous or violent effect 위험한영향을가지는 c. having been brought to a conclusion 결론을내리는 d. indicating constancy of temperature 온도가일정한 18. isocracy a. a government led by religious leaders 종교지도자에의해이끄는정부 b. a political system run by a privileged class 특권층에의해운영되는정치제도 c. a political system governed by a few people 소수에의해통치되는정치제도 d. a government in which all people have equal power 모든사람들이동등한권력을갖는정부 19. hygrometer a. an instrument for measuring altitude 고도측정기 b. an instrument for measuring humidity 습도측정기 c. an instrument for measuring air pressure 기압측정기 d. an instrument for measuring temperature 온도측정기 20. hydroponics a. a method of growing plants in water 수경재배법 b. a science of the maintenance of health 건강을유지하기위한과학 c. a proposal intended to explain certain facts 어떤사실을설명하기위한제안 d. a trancelike condition induced by another person 다른사람에의해유도되는가수면상태 ( 최면상태 ) Choose the best word to fill the blank. 21. You need to be more in how you spend your money. 당신은돈을쓰는방법에더 할필요가있다. a. jealous 질투하는 b. judicious 신중한 c. genuine 진품인 d. generous 관대한 22. He did not fully on how the information was obtained. 그는그정보를어떻게획득했는지에대해완전히 하지못했다. a. eliminate 제거하다 b. appreciate 감사하다 c. elaborate 상세히설명하다 d. appropriate 전용하다, 도용하다 23. His family lived in poverty, struggling to make ends meet from day to day. 그의가족은, 하루하루살아가기위해애쓰면서, 가난하게살았다. a. abject 극도로비참한 b. addicted 중독된 c. approved 승인된 d. associated 관련된 24. It is very important for distance runners to stay especially in the summer.

16 장거리주자들은특히여름에 하는것은매우중요하다. a. hygienic 위생적인 b. hydrated 수분을유지하는 c. humiliated 굴욕감을주는 d. invigorated 활기를북돋는 25. Taking pictures of small things is known as photography, and you can call it close-up photography. 작은사물을촬영하는것은 사진술로알려져있다그리고근접촬영으로부르기도한다. * macrophotography 확대사진술 a. mini 소형의 b. micro 극소의 c. mass 많은 d. macro 큰, 대규모의 26. There is an investigation underway, so let s stop making any until the investigation is complete. 현재조사가진행중이다, 그러므로조사가끝날때까지 하는것을멈추자. a. conjectures 추측 b. components 구성요소 c. considerations 고려, 숙고 d. contributions 공헌 27. A organism refers to an organism that is large enough to be seen by the naked eye without the aid of a microscope. 유기체는현미경의도움없이육안으로볼수있을정도로큰생물을일컫는다. a. telescopic 망원경의 b. hygroscopic 검습기의 c. arthroscopic 관절경검사의 d. macroscopic 육안으로보이는, 거시적인 28. He has spent his lifetime fighting against racism,, and discrimination and served 15 years in prison. 그는인종차별이나, 그리고 ( 모든종류의사회적 ) 차별과싸우면서평생을보냈으며 15 년을감옥에서보냈다. a. privilege 특권 b. prejudice 편견 c. influence 영향 d. determination 결단 29. The event is scheduled to be held during the Brazilian summer, which is winter time in the northern. 그행사는브라질의여름동안개최될예정이다, 이시기는북 에서는겨울이다. a. semicircle 반원 b. biosphere 생물권 c. hemisphere 반구 d. atmosphere 대기 30. As a famous architect, Julian always goes against traditional architectural thinking, and tries new things without using traditional materials or styles. 유명한 인건축가로서, 줄리안은항상전통적건축적사고에서벗어나전통적재료나양식을사용하지않는새로운것을시도한다. a. capricious 변덕스러운 b. iconoclastic 인습타파주의의 c. conforming 순응하는 d. contemporary 현대의 What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? 31. The dispute between the two countries can only be settled through direct bilateral negotiations. 그두국가간의분쟁은오직쌍방의직접적협상에의해서만해결될수있다. a. having two sides 양면을가지는 b. easy to use or understand 사용또는이해하기쉬운 c. serving as a supplement 보조제로사용되는 d. happening every two years 2 년마다발생하는 32. The Stegosaurus was a large herbivorous dinosaur that lived approximately 150 million years ago. 스테고사우러스는거대한초식성공룡으로약 150 만년전에살았다. a. existing everywhere 도처에존재하는 b. spreading a disease 병을옮기는 c. producing abundantly 많은양을생산하는 d. feeding chiefly on plants 식물을주로섭취하는 33. To prove the hypothesis, the scientists had to include a couple of additional studies in their research. 그가설을입증하기위해, 과학자들은자신들의연구에몇가지부가적인인구를포함시켜야했다. a. a process of removing impurities 불순물을제거하는과정

17 b. an illness characterized by high fever 고열을특징으로하는질병 c. an assumption used in an argument 논쟁에사용되는가정 d. a condition of extreme hardship or danger 극도의곤경또는위험상태 34. Although they look solid from Earth, Saturn's rings are actually translucent and composed mostly of pure ice. 비록지구에서는고체로보이지만, 토성의고리들은반투명체이며대부분순수한얼음으로구성되어있다. a. producing a lot of profit 많은이익을내는 b. converting to another form 다른형태로바뀌는 c. conveniently transported 편리하게운반되는 d. allowing light to pass through 빛을통과시키는

18 35. Dyslexia appears to be a malfunction in the areas of the brain that manage language; studies have shown that the condition is genetic and can be passed down through families. 난독증은두뇌의언어를관장하는부분이잘못기능하는것으로보여진다 ; 연구에의하면이증상은유전적이며혈통에의해물려받을수있다. a. a serious eye infection 심각한안질환 b. any of various reading disorders 여러독서장애들중하나 c. a malignant brain tumor 악성뇌종양 d. a chronic inability to fall asleep 만성불면증 Answer 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. e 6. c 7. e 8. a 9. b 10. d 11. b 12. b 13. a 14. c 15. a 16. c 17. d 18. d 19. b 20. a 21. b 22. c 23. a 24. b 25. d 26. a 27. d 28. b 29. c 30. b 31. a 32. d 33. c 34. d 35. b Test for Unit Match the best possible definition with the word in the left column. 1. marine 2. mutual 3. neurotic 4. narrative 5. symmetry 6. maniac 7. microbe 8. mediocre 9. moribund 10. neophyte a. telling a story 이야기를하는 b. related to water 물과관련된 c. balancing each other 서로균형을이루는 d. worried about something 에관해우려하는 e. shared by two or more parties 둘이상이공유하는 d. violently insane person a. minute life form 아주작은생명체 e. average in quality or ability 품질이나능력이평범한 b. no longer effective 더이상효력이없는 c. any new participant 초보자 Choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning. 11. commute a. achieve 이루다, 달성하다 b. keep 지키다, 보존하다 c. travel 여행하다 d. stay 남다, 머무르다 12. megalith a. a large stone 거석 b. a large organism 큰생명체 c. a large urban area 대도시지역 d. a branch of study 학문의한분야 13. metaphor a. a metric unit 미터법단위 b. a figure of speech 수사법 c. a type of transportation 교통수단 d. a unit of mass and weight 질량과무게단위 14. command a. an expression of support 지지표현 b. a general instruction or order 일반적지시사항이나명령 c. a way of proceeding something 어떤일을진행하는방법 d. an opposition to someone or something 어떤사람또는사항에대한반대 15. matrix

19 a. a state ruled by one person 한사람에의해지배되는상태 b. an exclusive opportunity 독점적기회 c. a large gathering of people 많은사람들의모임 d. something in which something else develops 어떤것이그속에서발달하는곳 16. multitude a. throng 인파, 군중 b. popularity 인기 c. dominance 우월, 지배 d. establishment 설립 17. dismiss a. make clear and visible 명백히보이게하다 b. question if something is true 사실여부에관해묻다 c. force someone to leave 떠나게하다, 보내다 d. put out of its usual place 원래의장소에서벗어나다 * d = dislocate 18. renege a. retire from a position 직위에서물러나다 b. fail to fulfil a promise 약속을이행하지못하다 c. restore to a new condition 새로운상태로회복하다 d. close at the end of a session 회기가끝나다 19. nominate a. talk over in detail 세부적으로논하다 b. return to its normal state 정상으로돌아오다 c. give information about 정보를주다 d. propose as a candidate 후보자로추천하다 20. abnegate a. be angry about 에관해화내다 b. pay back to someone 에게되갚다 c. renounce pleasure ( 쾌락등을 ) 자제하다, 삼가다 d. give little or no attention to 관심을갖지않다 Choose the best word to fill the blank. 21. The majority of people in this country are still in favor of military service. 이나라의대부분은여전히 군복무를선호하고있다. a. assigned 할당된, 지정된 b. assistant 보조의 c. mandatory 의무적인 d. manipulated 인위적인, 조작된 22. The committee will review the reports carefully and attempt to the disputes. 위원회는그보고서를세심하게검토하고논쟁을 하려할것이다. a. vacate 비우다 b. mediate 중재하다 c. arrange 준비하다 d. integrate 통합시키다 23. Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the propagandist to the masses. 대중매체는대중을 하기위해선동가에의해사용되는가장강력한도구이다. a. rehearse 예행연습하다 b. bestow 수여하다, 부여하다 c. vociferate 호통치다 d. manipulate 조종하다 24. Some of the latest designer collections are of the early eighties. 최신디자인제품들중일부는 18 세기초기를. 한다. a. assistant 보조의, 부 b. celebrated 유명한 c. reminiscent 연상시키는 d. memorialized 기념하는 25. Some animals like mongooses and hedgehogs have a(n) immunity to a variety of snake venoms. 몽구스나고슴도치같은동물들은여러종류의뱀독에 면역력을갖고있다. a. innate 타고난 b. erratic 일정치않은 c. inveterate 고질적인 d. stinting 인색한

20 26. Body mass index is a useful tool to assess your weight and disease risk, and is used as a(n) of obesity. 체질량지수는체중과질병에대한위험을측정하는유용한수단이다, 그리고비만의 로사용된다. a. altimeter 고도계 b. barometer 지표, 기압계 c. speedometer 속도계 d. thermometer 온도계 27. The bird flu virus is spread by wild birds and has been found in birds in Russia, Turkey and Romania. 조류독감은야생의 새들에의해전염되며러시아, 터키, 그리고로마니아의새들에서발견되어져왔다. a. inventory 물품목록 b. migratory 이주하는 c. laboratory 실험실 d. ambulatory 이동하는, 보행의 28. Due to their nature, wind farms have to be backed up by fossil-fuel plants for when the wind doesn't blow. 이들의 특성으로인해, 풍력발전소는바람이불지않을경우화석연료발전소의도움을받아야한다. a. ecological 생태학적인 b. violent 난폭한, 격렬한 c. intermittent 간헐적인 d. independent 독립적인 29. The six-nation talks began in August as a(n) effort to convince North Korea to abandon its nuclear program. (Washington Post) 북한이핵개발을포기하도록설득하기위햔 노력으로 6 자회담이 8 월에시작되었다. a. biased 편향된 b. unique 독특한 c. collateral 부수적인 d. multilateral 다각적인 30. The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter. (infoplease.com) 미국의추수감사절은혹독했던겨울이지난후플리머스식민지에서거두어진수확을 하기위해 1621 년최초로행해졌다. a. speculate 추측하다 b. immobilize 고정시키다 c. commemorate 기념하다 d. confiscate 압수하다 What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? 31. She agreed to be interviewed, but asked to remain anonymous for privacy reasons. 그녀는인터뷰에응했다그러나사생활보호를위해익명으로해줄것을요청했다. a. restricted 제한된 b. uncertain 불확실한 c. unknown 알려지지않게 d. notorious 악명높은 32. The president has refused to talk to the terrorist group unless they renounce violence. 대통령은테러단체가폭력을포기하지않을경우그들과의대화를거절해왔다. a. publicize 알리다, 홍보하다 b. relinquish 포기하다 c. discompose 평정심을잃게하다 d. accelerate 가속화하다 33. The resistance groups refused to demobilize until a new government has been elected. 저항군은새로운정부가선거에의해들어설때까지해산하는것을거부했다. a. release soldiers from service 군인들을해산시키다 ( 제대시키다 ) b. train the recruits 신병을훈련시키다 c. build up their military power 군비를증강시키다 d. dispatch soldiers to battlefields 군인들을전장으로보내다 34. So far, no computer virus or malicious code has been transferred into our system, but we need to increase our security measures. 지금까지어떤컴퓨터바이러스나악성코드도우리시스템으로들어오지않았다, 그러나우리는우리의보안장치를더증가시킬필요가있다. a. required by a law or rule 법으로요구되는 b. not conforming to a norm 기준에부합하지않는 c. moving from one region to another 다른지역으로옮기는 d. intentionally mischievous or harmful 의도적으로해를끼치는

21 35. The term, middle class is so amorphous that politicians often cite the group in introducing proposals to engender wide appeal. (New York Times) 중산층이란말은명확한정의가없으므로정치인들이안을상정할때폭넓은지지를얻기위해종종이그룹에속한사람들을언급한다. a. tending to cause anger or resentment 분노를일으키는경향의 b. improving the quality of life for citizens 시민들의생활의질을향상시키는 c. lacking a solid form or crystalline structure 정해진형태나구조가없는 d. being instinctive rather than intellectual 지성적이기보다는본능적인 Answer 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. d 7. a 8. e 9. b 10. c 11. c 12. a 13. b 14. b 15. d 16. a 17. c 18. b 19. d 20. c 21. c 22. b 23. d 24. c 25. a 26. b 27. b 28. c 29. d 30. c 31. c 32. b 33. a 34. d 35. c

22 Test for Unit Match the best possible definition with the word in the left column. 1. outbid 2. expose 3. applaud 4. comport 5. patronize 6. parallel 7. optimal 8. oblique 9. plausible 10. pneumatic a. give support to 을지지하다 b. offer to pay more 더많이지불하겠다고제안하다 c. show approval or praise 찬성또느찬양하다 d. make visible or apparent 명백하게하다 e. behave in a particular way 특정한방법으로행동하다 a. most desirable 가장바람직한 b. slanting in direction 방향이경사진 c. everywhere equidistant 서로거리가같은 d. concerned with air or wind 공기또는바람과관련된 e. acceptable and trustworthy 믿거나신뢰할수있는 Choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning. 11. optical a. visual 시각의 b. elective 선거의 c. outdoors 옥외의 d. periodic 주기적인 12. exodus a. revolution 혁명 b. emigration 이주 c. adjustment 조정 d. construction 건설 13. portfolio a. a city where there is a port 항구가있는도시 b. a piece of furniture for storing things 물건을담는가구 c. a case for carrying documents 서류를들고다니는케이스 d. a device for projecting a beam of light 빛을내뿜는장치 14. permeate a. promote 승진시키다 b. decorate 장식하다 c. animate 생기를불어넣다 d. penetrate 침투하다 15. paleolithic a. stone age 석기시대 b. stone tomb 돌무덤 c. stone structure 석조 d. stone monument 비석 16. photogenic people a. doctors 의사 b. models 모델 c. photographers 사진사 d. scientists 과학자 17. polytheism a. a state of lawlessness 무법상태 b. the worship of many gods 다신숭배 c. a logical way of thinking 논리적사고 d. the custom of having many spouses 많은배우자를갖는풍습 18. omnivorous a. having unlimited power 무한한힘을가진 b. being everywhere simultaneously 모든곳에존재하는 c. understanding all things 모든것을이해하는 d. eating all kinds of foods indiscriminately 모든것을먹는 19. metropolitan a. related to the hot areas near the equator 적도근처더운지방과관련된

23 b. able to be seen through with clarity 안이명료하게보이는 c. constituting a big city and its suburbs 대도시와교외로구성되는 d. creating friendly relationships between countries 국가들간에우호적관계를맺는 20. cacophony a. an unpleasant mixture of loud sounds 요란한소리들이불쾌하게섞이는 b. a group of musicians who play together 함께연주하는음악가들의그룹 c. a long piece of music for an orchestra 오케스트라를위한음악작품 d. an instrument used to amplify the voice 목소리를증폭시키기위한기구 Choose the best word to fill the blank. 21. The child was so and wanted to do everything his own way. 그아이는너무 해서모든것을자기마음대로하기를원했다. a. anxious 불안한 b. satisfied 만족한 c. obstinate 고집센 d. conscious 의식하는 22. He has used a wheelchair since last year after being in an accident. 사고로 된후그는지난해부터휠체어를사용하고있다. a. paralyzed 마비시키다 b. conciliated 달래다, 회유하다 c. promoted 촉진하다 d. overlooked 간과하다, 못본체하다 23. A positive attitude is important to your overall success, because it can help you feel more confident and. 긍정적인태도는당신의전체적인성공에중요하다, 왜냐하면그것은당신이더자신감있고낙관적으로생각할수있게도와주기때문이다. a. outlined 개요를설명한 b. pragmatic 실용적인 c. excellent 우수한 d. optimistic 낙관적인 24. First published in 1980, her novel remains a bestseller, with 300,000 copies sold last year alone 년에최초로발행된, 그녀의소설은 한베스트셀러이며, 작년한해동안만 30 만부가팔렸다. a. annual 연간 b. perennial 지속되는 c. ephemeral 단명하는 d. illustrated 삽화를넣은 25. The story appeared too to be taken seriously, but historical documents proved that it had actually happened. 그이야기는진지하게받아들이기에는너무 해보인다, 그러나역사적자료들은그것이실제로발생했었다는것을증명하고있다. a. genuine 진짜인 b. steadfast 지속적인 c. outlandish 이상한 d. remarkable 뛰어난 26. Researchers argue that the world is still highly vulnerable to a severe flu and medical science alone will not be enough to tackle it. 학자들은논쟁한다세상이여전히심각한플루 에매우취약하며의학만으로는그것을해결하기에충분하지않다고주장한다. a. pandemic ( 세계적 ) 유행병 b. antibiotic 항생물질 c. habitation 거주지 d. spellbind 매혹하다 27. Scaffolding boards must be used to prevent falling debris from injuring, who pass through the construction site. 비계발판은떨어지는잔해들로부터공사장을지나가는 들이다치는것을막기위해사용되어야한다. a. pedigree 족보 b. pedestals 받침대 c. pedestrians 행인 d. pediatricians 소아과의사 * scaffolding ( 공사장의 ) 비계발판, 받침대 28. The between the two families has become implacable, and their mutual hatred for one another has often led to violence. 두가족들사이의 은완강해서그들의서로에대한증오는종종폭력사태로이어지곤했다.

24 a. apathy 무관심 b. antipathy 반감 c. sympathy 동정 d. psychopathy 정신병 * implacable 확고한, 달랠수없는 29. The exhibition famous contemporary artists works with the Renaissance masterpieces that exerted a major influence on them. 그전시회는유명현대작가들의작품과그들에게영향을준르레상스명작들을 한다. a. establishes 설립하다 b. juxtaposes 병치하다, 나란이하다 c. patronizes 후원하다 d. manipulates 조작하다 30. Credited with creating a more intimate confessional form of media communication, Oprah Winfrey is thought to have and revolutionized the tabloid talk show genre. (Wikipedia) 보다더친근한고백형식의대중매체를창안하여명성을얻은, 오프라윈프리는타블로이드토크쇼분야를 하고혁신을일으킨사람으로간주된다. a. eliminated 제거하다 b. broadcasted 방송하다 c. implemented 시행하다 d. popularized 대중화하다 What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? 31. The more polyglot and culturally heterogeneous our societies become, the less manifestly patriotic we are. (BBC) 우리사회가더많은언어를사용하고문화적으로다양해질수록, 우리는애국심이점점더현저히줄어든다. a. having many sides 여러양상을띠는 b. using both hands with equal skill 양손을똑같이사용하는 c. using several languages 여러언어를사용하는 d. relating to many technical arts and sciences 많은기술과과학이관련된 32. The new development project may bring substantial benefits to the economy and society, but cannot be a panacea. 신개발계획은경제와사회에상당한이익을가져올수있다, 그러나그것이만병통치약을아니다. a. a remedy for all diseases or ills 모든병을치료하는처방 b. a thin flat cake of batter fried in a pan 팬에익힌얇고평평한케익반죽 c. a waterway constructed for navigation 항해하기위해건설된수로 d. a craft capable of traveling in outer space 우주를여행하기위한항공기 33. A study suggests that about 90% of students in major Asian cities are suffering from myopia due to insufficient outdoor lighting. 한연구에의하면아시아의주요도시의학생들의약 90% 가야외빛을충분히쬐지못하기때문에근시로고생하고있다고한다. a. a condition resulting from poor nutrition 영양실조상태 b. inability to see distant objects clearly 먼거리의물체를잘볼수없음 c. chronic inability to fall or stay asleep 만성불면증 d. a feeling of being extremely tired 극도의피로감 34. The main industrial areas are situated immediately to the south of the city center and on the eastern periphery of the city. 주산업단지들은도심지바로남쪽과도시의동쪽주변부에위치해있다. a. the most basic part of something 어떤것의가장기본적인부분 b. any phase as contrasted with another 다른것과대조되는양상 c. the lowest support of a structure 구조물의가장낮은기반 (foundation) d. the outside boundary of something 어떤것의외부경계 35. After the storm, residents are urged to notify city officials of any damage in order to expedite repair work in locations that need it the most. 폭풍이지나간후, 주민들은가장필요한곳부터복구공사를신속히처리할수있게시직원들에게피해사항을알려야한다. a. cause to progress more quickly 더빨리진행할수있게하다 b. provide the funds for something 을위한기금을마련하다 c. make a mathematical calculation 수학적계산을하다

25 d. give official permission for something 에대해공식적으로허락하다 Answer 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. e 5. a 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. e 10. d 11. a 12. b 13. c 14. d 15. a 16. b 17. b 18. d 19. c 20. a 21. c 22. a 23. d 24. b 25. c 26. a 27. c 28. b 29. b 30. d 31. c 32. a 33. b 34. d 35. a

26 Test for Unit Match the best possible definition with the word in the left column. 1. purge 2. sedate 3. descend 4. expunge 5. circumscribe 6. radical 7. desolate 8. rubicund 9. postnatal 10. repugnant a. cause to be calm 진정시키다 b. get rid of impurities 불순물을제거하다, 정화하다 c. move to a lower level 단계를내려가다 d. confine or limit something 제한하다, 한정하다 e. remove something completely 완전히지우다, 삭제하다 a. having a red face 얼굴이붉은 b. deserted and bare 버려진황량한 c. occurring after birth 출행후발생하는 d. extremely unpleasant 극도로불편한 e. drastic and thorough 과격하고철처한 Choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning. 11. servile a. confined 막힌, 가두어진 b. submissive 순종적인 c. exclusive 독점적인 d. unreasonable 부당한 12. deride a. obey a rule 규칙을따르다 b. trace the source 출처를추적하다 c. treat with contempt 업신여기다, 비웃다 d. prevent from possessing 갖지못하게하다 13. dissect a. examine critically 엄밀히검토하다 b. disturb or trouble greatly 방해하고애먹이다 c. make arrangements for 을준비하다 d. give encouragement to 에게용기를주다 14. abrupt a. remote 먼 b. dynamic 역동적인 c. radiant 빛을발하는 d. sudden 갑자기

27 15. impulse a. urge 충동 b. influence 영향 c. complaint 불평 d. assistance 도움 16. insanity a. total recall 뛰어난기억능력 b. natural disaster 자연재해 c. mental disorder 정신이상 d. sudden death 단판결승 17. sediment a. a state of being dominated 지배상태 b. a layer of sand or dirt at the bottom 바닥에깔린모래나흙먼지층 c. a feeling of confidence and safety 자신감, 안정감 d. an act of winning the favor of someone 환심을사는행동 18. segregate a. supply with water 물을공급하다 b. blend together into one mass 함께섞어한덩어리로만들다 c. cause to become liquid 액체가되게하다 d. set apart from the main group 주그룹에서분리하다 19. prototype a. a standard or typical example 전형적모범 b. a very small unicellular organism 작은단일세포생명체 c. a formal agreement in politics 공식적인정치적합의 d. a stock of supplies stored for future use 미래사용하기위한비축물품 20. retrogress a. refuse to acknowledge 인정하지않다 b. return to an earlier condition 전상태로돌아가다 c. feel sad about something 애석하게느끼다 d. continue to move forward 계속전진하다 Choose the best word to fill the blank. 21. He developed a sudden interest in working in the movies. 그는영화관련일에대한갑작스러운 흥미를갖게되었다. a. complex 복잡한 b. confined 제한된 c. compulsive 충동적인 d. compound 복합적인

28 22. We should with caution before entering into a joint venture. 우리는합작투자를하기전에주의깊게 해야한다. a. invest 투자하다 b. proceed 진행하다 c. remind 상기하다 d. prevent 막다 23. The major concern for the UN in 1990 was the of extreme poverty 년유엔의주요관심사는극심한빈곤을 하는것이었다. a. eradication 근절 b. proliferation 확산 c. sustainment 유지 d. investment 투자 24. The event has been until further notice because of a lack of participation. 그행사는참가인원의부족으로인해다음통보가있을때까지 되었다. a. executed 실행하다 b. disagreed 반대하다 c. postponed 연기하다 d. scheduled 계획하다 25. In the forest belt, there are many rivers which into innumerable brooks and creeks. 그삼림지대에는무수한개울과시냇물로 하는많은강들이있다. a. ramify 분기하다, 가지를내다 b. radiate 발하다 c. attenuate 희석시키다, 약과시키다 d. intensify 강화하다 26. The log cabin is located in a mountain valley that is really quiet and peaceful. 그통나무집은정말조용하고평화로운 한계곡에위치해있다. a. betrayed 배신한 b. reversed 뒤집은 c. secured 보증된 d. secluded 외딴, 한적한 27. Scotland voted down a referendum to from Britain by 55% to 45% on the 18 th of September 스코틀란드는 2014 년 9 월 18 일영국에서 할것을결정하는국민투표를 55% 대 45% 로부결시켰다, a. endorse 지지하다 b. secede 분리독립하다 c. waive 포기하다 d. yield 생산하다, 산출하다 * vote down 부결시키다 28. He has been charged with encouraging terrorism and supporting a organization. 그는테러리즘을권장하고 한조직을후원한혐의로기소되었다. a. charity 자선 b. nonprofit 비영리 c. proscribed 금지된, 불법의 d. international trade 국제무역 * a proscribed organization 불법단체

29 29. IS propaganda exports a hyper-masculine and dominant male identity while glorifying the female role. IS 선전은극단적으로남성의우월성을강조하고 하는여성의역할을미화시킨다. (BBC news) a. subsequent 차후의, 그다음의 b. substantial 큰, 상당한 c. subservient 굴종하는, 복종하는 d. substituted 대체하는 30. In, a trip to the abandoned village was probably the worst thing we could have done. 해보면, 폐허가된마을로의여행은아마도우리가할수있었던최악의것이었다. a. retroactive 소급하는 b. retroflex 뒤로굽은 c. retrograde 역행하는 d. retrospect 회상, 회고 What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? 31. Insomnia can be caused by stress, depression, anxiety or too much caffeine. 불면증은스트레스, 우울증, 불안감, 또는지나치게많은카페인에의해야기될수있다. a. state of sleeplessness 불면증 b. serious lowering of energy 심각한기력부족 c. nervous or impatient feeling 신경과민 d. clear thinking while under stress 긴장속에서의맑은사고 32. The rumors that the mayor had been prodigal with public funds turned out to be true. 시장이공금을낭비했다는소문은사실인것으로판명되었다. a. ashamed 수치스러운 b. abandoned 유기된, 버려진 c. habituated 길들여진, 익숙한 d. wasteful 낭비하는 33. Grimm's' fairy tales have been expurgated to make it suitable for children to read. 그림동화집은아이들이읽기에적합하게만들기위해 ( 부적절한부분이 ) 삭제됐다. a. increase in size or area 규모나범위가늘어나다 b. supply with explanatory notes 주석을달아서공급하다 c. edit by removing or modifying 삭제하거나수정하다 d. exchange or replace with another 다른것으로교환또는대체하다 34. His novel was written from the third-person, omniscient perspective, which allows readers access to his imagined thoughts. 그의소설은 3 인칭, 전지적관점에서쓰여졌다, 독자들이그가상상하고있는생각을알수있게하는. a. being amused 즐거워하는 b. being open to argument 논쟁의여지를주는 c. being unable to accomplish 이룰수없는 d. having unlimited knowledge 무한한지식을가진

30 35. After the earthquakes, basic hygienic and sanitary items like soap and water purifier are urgently needed to help displaced families maintain their health and dignity. 지진후, 집을잃은가족들의건강과최소한의생활을유지하기위해비누그리고정수기같은기본적인청결위생용품이절실하게필요하다. a. solid and strong 단단하고강한 b. clean and unpolluted 깨끗하고오염되지않은 c. elegant and refined 우아하고세련된 d. charitable and voluntary 자선그리고자원봉사의 Answer 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. e 5. d 6. e 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. d 11. b 12. c 13. a 14. d 15. a 16. c 17. b 18. d 19. a 20. b 21. c 22. b 23. a 24. c 25. a 26. d 27. b 28. c 29. c 30. d 31. a 32. d 33. c 34. d 35. b

31 Test for Unit Match the best possible definition with the word in the left column. 1. verify 2. extort 3. expire 4. speculate 5. exterminate 6. tactile 7. urbane 8. verbose 9. resonant 10. stagnant a. lose validity 타당성을잃다 b. reflect deeply 심사숙고하다 c. prove to be true 사실임을입증하다 d. destroy completely 완전히파괴하다 e. obtain through intimidation 위협하여획득하다 a. deep in sound 소리가깊이울리는 b. elegant and cultured 우아하고세련된 c. affecting a sense of touch 촉각의 d. not growing or developing 자라거나발달하지않은 e. containing too many words 말이많은, 장황한 Choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning. 11. advent a. coming 도래, 시작 b. progress 발전 c. enthusiasm 열정 d. risk 위험 12. contrite a. effective 효과적인 b. penitent 뉘우치는 c. damaged 피해를입은 d. susceptible 민감한 13. detain a. conclude 결론을내리다 b. decline 거절하다 c. confine 제한하다, 가두다 d. disqualify 실격시키다 14. vertigo a. dizziness 현기증 b. uprightness 강직함 c. irrelevance 부적절 d. investment 투자

32 15. vivacious a. shy and timid 수줍고소심한 b. confident and hopeful 자신감있고희망에찬 (sanguine) c. vigorous and active 활발하고활동적인 d. shrewd and calculating 약삭빠르고계산적인 16. benevolent a. showing kindness 친절함을보이는 b. behaving capriciously 변덕스러운 c. characterized by malice 악의, 적의 d. not forced or compelled 강요하지않는 17. consummate a. take control by force 무력으로지배하다 b. bring to completion 완성시키다, 완료하다 c. surround an area completely 지역을완전히포위하다 d. depart from an accepted standard 인정된규격에서벗어나다 18. sophisticated a. completely tired 완전히지친 b. moving very fast 매우빠르게움직이는 c. financially well off 금전적으로유복한 d. complex and refined 복잡하고세련된 19. voluntary a. available 이용할수있는 b. competent 능력있는 c. willing 자발적인 d. mandatory 의무적인 20. intoxicate a. get people together 사람들을모으다 b. impress by repetitions 반복해서이해시키다 c. make drunk 취하게하다 d. make someone completely wet 흠뻑적시게하다 Choose the best word to fill the blank. 21. We have to find a way to these restrictions. 우리는이규제초치들을 할수있는방법을찾아야한다. a. circumcise 할례를하다 b. circumflex 선회하다, 구부리다 c. circumfuse 주위에뿌리다 d. circumvent 우회하다, 빠져나가다 22. A group of gunmen together to rob the bank. 일단의총잡이들이은행을털려고함께 했다. a. confirmed 확인하다, 승인하다 b. conspired 꾸미다, 공모하다 c. contributed 공헌, 기여하다 d. convinced 납득시키다 23. Three witnesses testified for the defense and his innocence. 세명의목격자가피고에게유리한증언을했고그의무죄를. 했다. a. evinced 명시하다, 밝히다 b. complained 불평하다 c. surmised 추측하다 d. reconciled 화해하다 24. His speech at the meeting was entirely unprepared and. 회의에서그의발언은전혀준비하지않은 한것이었다. a. sufficient 충분한 b. rehearsed 예행연습한 c. extempore 즉흥적인 d. interrogated 심문받는 25. The Venus flytrap is probably one of the most familiar plants. 파리지옥풀은아마도가장잘알려진 식물들중의하나일것이다. a. decorous 단정한, 예의바른 b. disastrous 비참한, 피해가큰 c. carnivorous 육식성의, 식충의 d. herbivorous 초식성의

33 26. The bill was passed by a vote of 115 in favor, 70 against, and 5. 그법안은찬성 115, 반대 70, 5 표로가결되었다. a. abstaining 삼가는, 기권하는 b. delaying 늦은, 지연되는 c. degenerating 악화된 d. reacting 반응하는 27. When the tsunami hit the village, the whole area was destroyed and nothing was left. 쓰나미가그마을을덮쳤을때, 전지역이파괴되고 한것은아무것도남지않았다. a. cerebral 지적인 b. empirical 경험적인 c. intact 온전한, 손상되지않은 d. interactive 상호적인 28. He was an excellent basketball player a fine shooter, deft ball handler and defender. 그는뛰어난농구선수였다 훌륭한공격수였고, 공을다루는재간이좋았으며, 한수비수였다. a. capacious 넓은 b. featured 특종의, 주연의 c. perforated 구멍이뚫린 d. tenacious 끈질긴, 집요한 29. The board concluded that the only option is outsourcing from low labor cost countries. 이사회는유일한 선택은임금이낮은국가로부터외부위탁하는것이라는결론을내렸다. a. viable 실행가능한 b. worthy 할가치가있는 c. perceptive 통찰력있는 d. provisional 임시의

34 30. When the wind died down at the dawn of the next day, rescue helicopters reached the area and injured people. 다음날새벽바람이잠잠해졌을때, 구조헬기가그지역에도착했고부상당한사람들을 했다. a. encouraged 격려하다 b. evacuated 비우다, 대피시키다 c. evaporated 증발하다 d. distributed 분배하다 What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? 31. They became more circumspect in expressing their views. 그들은자신들의견해를표현하는데좀더신중해졌다. a. cautious 신중한, 조심하는 b. liberated 해방된 c. restricted 제한된 d. coordinated 통합된, 협동하는 32. The senator has always been equivocal in his public comments about running for president. 그상원의원의대통령출마에관한공식언급은항상모호했다. a. not true or accurate 사실이거나정확하지않은 b. deliberately misleading 의도적으로오해를불러일어키는 c. silly or unreasonable 유치하고부당한 d. capable of being prevented 방지할수있는 33. Flattery, telling people what they want to hear instead of the truth, is often employed by sophistic rhetoricians. 아첨은진실대신사람들이듣고싶어하는것만을말해주는것으로, 궤변적수사학자들이자주사용한다. a. lacking in skill or ability 기술이나능력이부족한 b. present in great quantity 많은양이있는 c. plausible but misleading 그럴듯하지만잘못된 d. complicated and advanced 복잡하고진보된 34. The food aversion is a conditioned response caused by an association between physical or emotional discomfort and a certain type of food. 음식에대한혐오는일종의조건반응으로서신체적또는정서적불편함과특정유형의음식간의연상에의해야기된다. a. strong dislike 심한반감 b. sympathy and sorrow 동정과슬픔 c. being indifferent 무관심 d. friendship and cordiality 우정과친절 35. The government allowed private companies to operate the facilities as long as they did not cause any detriment to the public. 정부는개인회사들이공공의이익을해치지않는, 시설들을활용하는것을허락했다. a. mental skill 정신적기술 b. damage or loss 피해, 손실 c. being cautious 주의, 조심스러움 d. approval and support 찬성, 지지

35 Answer 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. c 7. b 8. e 9. a 10. d 11. a 12. b 13. c 14. a 15. c 16. a 17. b 18. d 19. c 20. c 21. d 22. b 23. a 24. c 25. c 26. a 27. c 28. d 29. a 30. b 31. a 32. b 33. c 34. a 35. b

I&IRC5 TG_08권

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