Intermediate School Level Glossary Mathematics Glossary English / Korean Translation of Mathematics Terms Based on the Coursework for Mathematics Grades 6 to 8. Word-for-word glossaries are used for testing accommodations for ELL/LEP students. Last Updated: 08/10/09 THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 Education - P-16 Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Continuing Education and Office of Higher Education Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University MERRYL H. TISCH, Chancellor, B.A., M.A., Ed.D.... New York MILTON L. COFIELD, Vice Chancellor, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.... Rochester ROBERT M. BENNETT, Chancellor Emeritus, B.A., M.S.... Tonawanda SAUL B. COHEN, B.A., M.A., Ph.D... New Rochelle JAMES C. DAWSON, A.A., B.A., M.S., Ph.D.... Plattsburgh ANTHONY S. BOTTAR, B.A., J.D.... Syracuse GERALDINE D. CHAPEY, B.A., M.A., Ed.D.... Belle Harbor HARRY PHILLIPS, 3rd, B.A., M.S.F.S.... Hartsdale JOSEPH E. BOWMAN, JR., B.A., M.L.S., M.A., M.Ed., Ed.D... Albany JAMES R. TALLON, JR., B.A., M.A.... Binghamton ROGER TILLES, B.A., J.D.... Great Neck KAREN BROOKS HOPKINS, B.A., M.F.A... Brooklyn CHARLES R. BENDIT, B.A.... Manhattan BETTY A. ROSA, B.A., M.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed., M.Ed., Ed.D... Bronx LESTER W. YOUNG, JR., B.S., M.S., Ed. D.... Oakland Gardens CHRISTINE D. CEA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.... Staten Island WADE S. NORWOOD, B.A.... Rochester Interim President of the University and Commissioner of Education CAROLE F. HUXLEY Senior Deputy Commissioner of Education, P 16 JOHANNA DUNCAN-POITIER Associate Commissioner for Curriculum and Instructional Support JEAN STEVENS Coordinator, Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign language Studies PEDRO J. RUIZ Acknowledgements: The New York State Education Department Glossaries for English Language Learners were reviewed and updated during the 2008-2009 school year. We would like to thank in these efforts the New York State Education Department Language BETACs (Spanish, Asian and Haitian Bilingual Education Technical Assistance Centers), the NYS Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Instructional Technology; the New York City Department of Education Office of English Language Learners, and the NYC Department of Education Translation and Interpretation Unit. The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portions of this publication can be made available in a variety of formats, including brailed, large print or audio tape, upon request. Inquiries concerning this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department s Office for Diversity, Ethics, and Access, Room 530, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.
GRADES 6,7,8 COMPILED Korean LIST absolute value 절대값 accurately label work 정확히표기된풀이 adapt 적응하다, 적합하다 additive inverse 덧셈역수 adjacent 인접한, 이웃의 adjacent side of a triangle 삼각형의이웃한면 algebra 대수학 algebraic equation 대수공식 algebraic expression 대수식 algebraic inequalities 대수부등식 algebraic pattern 대수적패턴 algebraic solution 대수적해법 algebraically 대수적으로 alternate exterior angles 외각교체 alternate interior angles 내각교체 altitude 높이 analyze 분석 angle bisector 각의이등분선 angle pairs 쌍각 apply 응용, 대입, 계산 apply a variety of strategies 다양한전략 ( 수식 ) 적용하기 appropriate mathematical 적절한수학용어 terms approximation 대략, 근사 ( 값 ) arc 호 area 넓이, 면적 area of a circle 원의면적 argument 논쟁 arithmetically 산술적으로 associative property of 덧셈의결합성 addition associative property of 곱셈의결합성 multiplication base (of percent) 백분율의밑 base of a 2-dimensional 이차원도형의밑변 shape base of a 3-dimensional 입체도형의밑변 shape base ten number system 10 진법의기수 binomial 이항식의 bisector 이등분선 ( 면 ) calculate 계산
calculate distance calculate unit price calculate volume Celsius central angle chord circle circle graph circumference clarifying questions coefficient coherent collaboration combine like terms commission commutative property of addition commutative property of multiplication compare strategies compare unit prices compass complementary angles compound events comprehend conclusion conduct congruent conjecture (noun) conjecture (verb) connections consecutive integers consolidate constraints construction convert money convert capacity within a given system convert mass within a given system convert volume within a given system convert within a given system coordinate geometry 거리계산단위가격계산부피계산섭씨중심각현서클, 원원그래프원주, 원둘레질문사항을명백히하다계수연접의, 통일성있는협력, 협동유사한개념묶기명령, 위임덧셈의교환법칙곱셈의교환법칙전략비교단위가격비교콤파스, 양각기보각복합사건포함하다, 이해하다결과이행하다합동추측추측하다연결연속하는정수뭉치다, 합병하다제한, 구속구성, 작도통화전환주어진체계하에서수용량전환주어진체계하에서질량전환주어진체계하에서부피전환주어진체계하에서전환좌표기하학
coordinate plane corresponding angles corresponding sides counterexample counting (natural) numbers counting numbers cup customary units of capacity customary units of mass data decode defend degree of a polynomial density dependent events describe develop formulas diameter differentiate dilate dilation dimensions discuss distance distinguish distributive property domain double bar graph double line graphs draw a graph draw a picture draw conclusions equation equation of a line equidistant equivalent customary units of capacity equivalent fractions equivalent numerical expressions equivalent ratios estimate area circumference 좌표평면동위각대응면반례 ( 자연 ) 수세기숫자세기컵통상적인용량의단위통상적인질량의단위데이터, 자료해독하다, 번역하다막다, 방어하다, 옹호하다다항식의차수밀도종속사건설명하다공식도출지름, 직경차별화하다, 미분하다넓히다팽창, 확대치수, 크기, 차원논의, 논쟁거리구별하다, 분류하다분배의법칙영역이중막대그래프이중선그래프그래프그리기그림그리기결과도출하기방정식선의방정식등거리동치의통상적인용량단위동등한분수값동등한수식동등한비율추정넓이, 면적원주, 원둘레
volume 부피, 체적 evaluate 수치를구하다, 평가하다 evaluate conjectures 추정수치구하기 evaluate efficiency 효율성구하기 exchange rate table 환율표 expenses 지출, 경비 explain 설명하다 explore 탐구하다 exponent 지수 exponential form 지수형 extend 확장하다 exterior angle 외각 extremes (of a proportion) 비율의외항 faces and bases 면과밑면 of cones 원뿔의 of cylinders 원통의 of prisms 각기둥의 of pyramids 사각뿔의 factor 인수, 인자, 인수분해하다 Fahrenheit 화씨 favorable outcomes 유리한결과 fixed distance 고정거리 formally 공식적으로 formula 공식 formulate 공식으로나타내다 formulate mathematical 수학문제공식으로나타내다 questions fraction 분수 frequency 빈도 frequency table 빈도표 function 함수 function notation 함수기호 function rule 함수공식 fundamental counting 기본적인계산원리 principle gallon 갤론 generalizations 일반화하다 geometric shape 기하학적모양, 도형 geometry 기하 ( 학 ) graphically 그래픽으로 gratuity 선물, 팁 greatest common factor 최대공약수 height 높이, 키 histogram 히스토그램
hypotenuse ideas identity identity element identity property of addition identity property of multiplication image impossible outcomes income indirect inductive reasoning inequality informally input values integer integer coefficients integral integral exponents interconnect interest interest rates interior angle interpret interpret graphs invalid approach inverse element inverse operation investigate investigate conjectures irrational numbers irregular polygon irrelevant information justify language of logic (and, or, not) law of exponents for division law of exponents for multiplication laws of exponents legs of a right triangle length levels of precision like (common) denominators 빗변의견, 생각, 아이디어항등항등원덧셈의항등성곱셈의항등성상불가능한결과수입간접적인귀납적추론부등식비공식적으로입력값정수정수계수적분, 정수의적분지수연결하다이자이자율내각통역하다, 해석하다그래프해석실효성이없는접근법역원역연산조사하다추측조사무리수불규칙다각형관련없는정보정당화하다, 옳다고하다논리용어 ( 및, 또는, 아니다 ) 나눗셈지수의법칙곱셈지수의법칙지수의법칙직삼각형의변길이정확도의수준유사 ( 공통 ) 분모
like terms 유사개념 ( 용어 ) line 줄, 선 line graph 선그래프 line symmetry 선대칭 linear equation 1 차방정식 linear inequalities 1 차부등식 linear relationship 직선의관계 liter 리터 logic 논리 logical argument 논리적인논쟁 logical reasoning 논리적추론 lowest terms 약분한분수 magnitude 크기, 길이 make conjectures 추측하기 manipulative(s) 수학에필요한도구 ( 들 ) map scale 축척 mathematical argument 수학적논쟁 mathematical ideas 수학적아이디어 mathematical language 수학적언어 mathematical phenomena 수학적현상 mathematical relationships 수학적관계 mathematical statement 수학적정의 mean 평균 means (of a proportion) 비율식의내항값 measure capacity 용량측정 measures of central tendency 중심경향의측정값 median 중간 ( 수 ) methods of proof 증명방법 metric system 미터법 metric units of capacity 용량계량단위 metric units of mass 질량의미터법단위 milliliter 밀리리터 misleading 오해하게만들다 mixed number 혼합수 mode 최빈값 model (noun) 모델 model problems 표본문제 model situations 표본상황 model using manipulatives 도구를이용한경우 model(s) 모델 ( 들 ) models 모델들 monitor 모니터, 감독관 monomial 단항식 multiple 배수
multiple representations 다양한표현, 그림 multiplicative inverse 곱셈에대한역원 (reciprocal) multiply (multiplication) 곱하기하다 ( 곱하기 ) natural numbers 자연수 negative 부정의, 음수의 nonadjacent side of a triangle 삼각형의이웃하지않은변 nonlinear equation 일차방정식이아닌 nonlinear relationship 일차관계가아닌 non-perfect squares 정사각형이아닌 non-repeating decimal 불순환소수 nonstandard representations 규격외표현, 그림 non-terminating decimal 무한소수 not preserved 저장되지않은 number line 수직선 number system 수체계 numeric (arithmetic) 수리적표현 expression numerical problem 계산 ( 숫자 ) 문제 numerically 숫자상으로 observe patterns 패턴관찰 operation 연산 operations with polynomials 다항식연산 order (verb) 순서, 차례, 명령하다 order of operations 연산순서 ordered pair 순서쌍 organize work 조직, 정리일, 업무 organized chart 정리된도표 organized list 정리된목록 parallel lines 평행선 percent 퍼센트, 백분단위 percent decrease 감소퍼센트 percent increase 증가퍼센트 percent of quantity 분량의퍼센트 perfect square 완전제곱 perimeter 둘레 perpendicular bisector 수직이등분 personal references for 용량에관한개인적참조 capacity personal references for units 질량, 무게에관한개인적인참조 of mass physical phenomena 물리적현상 pi (π) 파이 (π) pint 파인트
plot point polygon polynomial population positive possible outcomes power predict pre-image preserved prime factorization probability procedures process of elimination profit properties of real numbers proportion proportional reasoning proportionality protractor Pythagorean theorem quadrant quadratic equation quadratics quadrilateral quart radius range rate rate rate of change rate of interest ratio rational number rationale real numbers reasonableness of a solution recognize connections record data rectangle rectangular prism reflect reflection 점으로표시하다점다각형, 다면체다항식인구양의가능한결과승예상하다예상보관하다소인수분해확률진행, 절차제거절차이익, 몫실수의법칙비율식, 비례식균형잡힌추론비례적으로각도기파타고라스의정의사분원, 사분면이차방정식이차의사변형쿼트, 사분의일반지름범위율, 비율율, 비율전환비율이자율율, 비율유리수이론적설명실수합리적인해법연관관계의인식데이터기록직사각형직사각형각기둥반사반사, 경영
refute 반박하다 regular polygon 규칙다각형 relation 관련 relative error 상대적인실수 relevant information 관련있는정보 repeating decimal 순환소수 results 결과 rhombus 마름모꼴 right angle 직각 rotate 순환, 회전 rotation 회전 rotational symmetry 회전대칭 round (verb) 반올림하다 rule 규칙 sale price 세일가격 sales 판매 sampling 샘플링 scientific notation 과학적인법칙 sector 부채꼴 segment bisector 활꼴이등분선 similar triangles 유사삼각형 simple interest 단순금리 simplify 단순화하다 simplify expressions 공식을간략화하다 slope 기울기 slope-intercept form 기울기절선형 social contexts 사회적인의미 social phenomena 사회적인현상 solution 답, 해답 solution set 해집합 solution set of an equation 해집합공식 solution set of an inequality 해집합부등식 solutions 답, 해답 solve 해결하다, 풀다 solve a simpler problem 더간단한문제를풀다, 해결하다 spatial reasoning 공간추론 special case(s) 특별한경우 ( 들 ), 케이스 ( 들 ) square 사각형, 제곱 square root 제곱근 standard form of a number 숫자의표준형 standard representations 표준표현들, 그림들 statistics 통계 straight edge 직선자 strategies 전략
strategy selection 전략선택 subset 부분집합 substitute 대입하다, 대신하다 supplementary angles 보각 supportive argument 보조적인논쟁 surface area of prisms 각기둥의겉면적 surface area of cylinders 원기둥의겉면적 symbols in verbal form 구두로설명된기호 symbols in written form 글로설명된기호 symmetry 대칭 system of equations 연립방정식 system of inequalities 연립부등식 table of values 값의도표 tax 세금 technical writing 기술적인글쓰기 term 항, 용어 terminating decimal 유한소수 transformation 이동, 변환 transformational geometry 변형기하학 translate 번역하다 translation 번역 transversal 횡단선 trapezoid 사다리꼴 trial and error 시행오차 triangle 삼각형 trinomial 삼항식 unlike denominators 분모가같지않은 valid approach 적절한접근 ( 법 ) validity of sample methods 샘플분류법의정당성 variable 변수 Venn diagram 밴다이어그램 verbal expression 구두표현 verbal form 구두양식 verbal sentence 구두문장 verbal symbols 구두부호, 심볼 verbally 구두로 verify claims of others 다른이의주장을검증하다 verify results 결과를검증하다 vertex 정점 vertical 수직적 vertical angles 맞꼭지각 vertical line test 수직선테스트 vertical lines 수직선 visualization 시각화
volume 부피, 체적 volume of a cylinder 원통의부피 volume of a prism 각기둥의부피 whole number 정수 width 폭, 넓이 work backwards 거꾸로풀기 write an equation 방정식적기 written symbols 필기된부호 y-intercept y 절편 zero property of multiplication 0 의교환법칙