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1 High School Level Glossary Integrated Algebra Glossary / Translation of Integrated Algebra terms based on the Coursework for Integrated Algebra Grades 9 to 12. Word-for-word glossaries are used for testing accommodations for ELL/LEP students Last Updated: 08/10/09 THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234

2 THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY Education - P-16 Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Continuing Education and Office of Higher Education Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University MERRYL H. TISCH, Chancellor, B.A., M.A., Ed.D.... New York MILTON L. COFIELD, Vice Chancellor, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.... Rochester ROBERT M. BENNETT, Chancellor Emeritus, B.A., M.S.... Tonawanda SAUL B. COHEN, B.A., M.A., Ph.D... New Rochelle JAMES C. DAWSON, A.A., B.A., M.S., Ph.D.... Plattsburgh ANTHONY S. BOTTAR, B.A., J.D.... Syracuse GERALDINE D. CHAPEY, B.A., M.A., Ed.D.... Belle Harbor HARRY PHILLIPS, 3rd, B.A., M.S.F.S.... Hartsdale JOSEPH E. BOWMAN, JR., B.A., M.L.S., M.A., M.Ed., Ed.D... Albany JAMES R. TALLON, JR., B.A., M.A.... Binghamton ROGER TILLES, B.A., J.D.... Great Neck KAREN BROOKS HOPKINS, B.A., M.F.A... Brooklyn CHARLES R. BENDIT, B.A.... Manhattan BETTY A. ROSA, B.A., M.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed., M.Ed., Ed.D... Bronx LESTER W. YOUNG, JR., B.S., M.S., Ed. D.... Oakland Gardens CHRISTINE D. CEA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.... Staten Island WADE S. NORWOOD, B.A.... Rochester Interim President of the University and Commissioner of Education CAROLE F. HUXLEY Senior Deputy Commissioner of Education, P 16 JOHANNA DUNCAN-POITIER Associate Commissioner for Curriculum and Instructional Support JEAN STEVENS Coordinator, Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign language Studies PEDRO J. RUIZ Acknowledgements: The New York State Education Department Glossaries for Language Learners were reviewed and updated during the school year. We would like to thank in these efforts the New York State Education Department Language BETACs (Spanish, Asian and Haitian Bilingual Education Technical Assistance Centers), the NYS Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Instructional Technology; the New York City Department of Education Office of Language Learners, and the NYC Department of Education Translation and Interpretation Unit. The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portions of this publication can be made available in a variety of formats, including brailed, large print or audio tape, upon request. Inquiries concerning this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department s Office for Diversity, Ethics, and Access, Room 530, Education Building, Albany, NY

3 Problem Solving algebraically concept conjecture 추측 ( 하다 ) constraint equivalent formulate generalization graphically multiple representations numerically parameter pattern relative efficiency strategy verbally Reasoning and Proof appropriate approximation argument 문제해결대수적으로개념 제약동등, 동치공식화하다일반화사실적으로, 그래프로배수표현수리적으로, 숫자로매개변수, 모수, 도움변수 ( 반복되는 ) 양식상대적인효율성전략구어로, 말로추론및증명적절한근사, 어림셈토론, 편각, 변수 claim 요구 ( 하다 ), 주장 ( 하다 ) conclusion 결론 conjecture 추측 ( 하다 ) counterexample 반례 explain 설명 ( 하다 ) inductive reasoning logical argument mathematical conjecture proof refute systematic approach validity 귀납적추론논리적인토론수리적추측증명반박하다체계적인접근타당성 T-7686 () 1

4 Venn diagram verify Communication accuracy analyze argument coherent communicate comprehension 이해 ( 력 ) conclusion 벤다이어그램, 벤도표증명하다의사교환정밀도분석하다토론, 편각, 변수응집성의, 연접의의사소통하다 결론 conjecture 추측 ( 하다 ) decoding elicit equation evaluate extend formula function graph interpretation mathematical visual rationale standard (mathematical) notation strategy table technical writing terminology valid Connections coherent whole concept connection formulate 해독하기이끌어내다등식, 방정식평가하다, 수치를구하다연장하다, 늘리다공식, 식상관관계, 함수그래프, 표해석, 통역수리적시각정보이론적근거표준 ( 수리적 ) 기수법전략테이블, 표기술관련작문용어타당한, 유효한연결, 관계, 결합응집된전체개념연결, 관계, 결합공식화하다 T-7686 () 2

5 physical model procedure quantitative model representation Representation angle of elevation array chart 물리적표준절차, 순서수량적표준표현, 대표, 진술표현, 대표, 진술양각, 올려본각배열차트, 표 compare 비교 ( 하다 ), 대조 ( 하다 ) diagram equation function graph interpret mathematical phenomena organize physical phenomena profit record social phenomena symbol table technology translate Number Sense and Operations absolute value algebraic problem arithmetic operation 다이어그램방정식함수, 기능, 작용그래프, 표해석하다, 토영하다수리적현상구성하다, 조직하다물리적현상이윤, 이익표시하다사회적현상상징테이블, 표기술, 테크놀로지해석 ( 하다 ), 번역 ( 하다 ), 도형을이동시키다수리개념및계산절대값대수학적문제산술연산 arrangements (permutations) 배열, 배치 ( 순열, 치환 ) associative property closure property commutative property counting techniques 결합, 집합자산닫힘법칙교환법칙계산법 T-7686 () 3

6 decimal denominator discount distributive property exponential expression expression factorial 소수, 십진법분모할인, 감소분배법칙지수공식식, 공식계수 field 범위, 체 ( 體 ); 장 ( 場 ). fraction Fundamental Principle of Counting group identity property inverse property like/unlike radical terms number theory numerator percent of increase/decrease product properties of the Real numbers proportionality/direct variation quotient radical radicand real numbers scientific notation simplest form variable Algebra acute angle adjacent side/angle algebraic equation algebraic expression algebraic fraction 분수기본경우의수원리그룹, 단체항등법칙역법칙무리개념같은 / 같지않은정수론분자증가 / 감소퍼센트곱실수의법비례항 / 정비례몫근호피제곱근수실수유효숫자표기법방식의간단화변수대수예각이숫각대수방정식대수식대수분수 T-7686 () 4

7 analyze axis of symmetry binomial coefficient common base complement of a subset coordinates cosine dependent difference of two perfect squares element equation exponent exponential growth and decay expression factoring fractional expression greatest common factor (GCF) hypotenuse independent variable inequality integer integral coefficient integral exponent integral root(s) intersection of sets interval notation lead coefficient legs of a right triangle line parallel to the x- or y-axis linear equation in one variable linear inequality in one variable literal equation 분석하다대칭축이항계수공통밑변부분집합의여집합좌표코사인종속 2개의완전제곱의차이점 ( 집합 행렬의 ) 원, 요소방정식지수지수적성장및소멸식, 공식인수분해분수식최대공약수빗변독립변수부등식정수론적분계수적분지수적분근교집합구간기수법우세계수직각삼각형의다리들 x 또는 y 축에평행한선일차방정식의 1개변수일차부등식의 1개변수일차방정식 T-7686 () 5

8 lowest terms fraction monomial multiplication property of zero opposite side/angle parabola parallel polynomial product properties of exponents proportion Pythagorean Theorem quadratic equation quantitative quotient ratio relation right angle right triangle root(s) of an equation roster form set set-builder notation sine slope solution set subset sum system of linear inequalities systems of linear equations tangent 분수의가장낮은항단항식 0의곱셈법칙반대변 / 각포물선평행다항식곱지수법비례파타고라스의정의이차방정식수량적인, 계량할수있는몫, 지수비율관계직각직삼각형방정식의근원소나열법집합조건제시법사인기울기해집합부분집합합연립일차부등식연립일차방정식탄젠트 translate (from verbal to symbolic) 번역하다, 해석하다 ( 말한것을문자로 ) trigonometry trinomial 삼각법, 삼각술삼항 T-7686 () 6

9 undefined union of sets universal set variable verbal expression verbal sentence vertex x-axis y-axis Geometry absolute value function angle area axis of symmetry of a parabola circle coefficient cylinder decagon exponential function function generalize geometric shape graph of a relation hexagon investigate nonagon octagon ordered pair parabolic function parallelogram pentagon perimeter 불확정의, 정의하기어려운합집합전체집합변수구어표현구어문장꼭지점 x-축 y-축기하학절대값함수각면적포물선축의대칭원계수원기둥십각형지수함수함수일반화하다기하학정모양그래프의관계육각형조사하다, 연구하다구각형팔각형순서쌍포물선함수평행사변형오각형둘레 T-7686 () 7

10 polygon quadrilateral 다각형사변형 quarter-circle 원의사분의 1 rational coefficient rectangle rectangular solid regular polygon relation rhombus roots of a parabolic function sector of a circle semi-circle spatial reasoning square surface area trapezoid triangle vertex visualization volume Measurement appropriate unit conversion cubic unit error linear measure linear unit magnitude measurement system rate relative error square unit unit 유리계수직사각형입체직사각형정다각형관계마름모포물선함수의근원의부채꼴반원공간적추론정사각형표면적사다리꼴삼각형꼭지점시각화부피측량, 계산적절한단위전환법세제곱단위착오, 오류척도법길이의단위크기측량체계비율상대적오류제곱단위단위 T-7686 () 8

11 Statistics and Probability appropriateness biased bivariate box-and-whisker plot 통계및확률 타당성 편견 2 변량의, 2 변량을갖인 calculated probability 계산된확률 categorize 분류하다 causation 인과관계 central tendency 중심경향성 complement 보충물, 여집합 conditional probability 조건부확률 correlation 상관 cumulative frequency distribution table 누적도수분포표 cumulative frequency histogram 누적도수히스토그램 data 데이터 dependent events 종속사건 dependent variable 종속변수 element 원소, 원 empirical probability 경험적확률 experimental design 실험용디자인 extrapolation 추측, 추론, 보외 ( 법 ) favorable event 우호적인사건 finite sample space 유한표본공간 five statistical summary 5개의통계종합 frequency distribution table 도수분포표 histogram 히스토그램 independent events 독립사건 independent variable 독립변수 interpolation 삽입, 보간법 line of best fit linear transformation maximum 상자수염도 ( 정량형자료의형태를나타내는데사용되는그래프 ) 최량적합선 ( 그래프에서서로다른두가지데이터간의상관관계를보여주는 trend line) 선형변환, 일차변환 최대값 T-7686 () 9

12 mean measure of central tendency median minimum mode mutually exclusive events not mutually exclusive events percentile rank probability qualitative quantitative quartiles (specifically: first, second, third or lower, middle, upper) 낮은, 중간의, 위의 ) range sample space 평균중심경향성측량중간값최소값최빈수상호배반 ( 배타 ) 적인사건상호배반 ( 배타 ) 적이지않은사건백분위정렬확률질적수량적사분위수 ( 특별히 : 첫번째, 두번째, 세번째또는 범위표본공간 scatter plot 산포도 ( 점그래프 ) series univariate 급수일도량의 T-7686 () 10

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