392 Korean J. Zool Vol. 36 No. 3 textfig. 82; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: Cheju Island. The present specimen is first 76. recorded from the area

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Korean J. Zoo/. 36:391-401,1993 Thalassinidean and Anomuran Fauna of Ulreung Island, Korea Won Kim, Chang Bae Kim, and Jihee Kim Department of Molecular Biology College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University Seoul 151-742 Korea The eight species, Axiopsis (Axiopsis) prirtceps, Petrolisthes japonicus f Pachycheles stevensii, Paguristes acanthomerus 9 P. japonicus f Elassochirus cavimanus, Pagurus japonicus, P. trigonocheirus f are added to the thalassinidean and anomuran fauna of the areas of the Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. With the previously reported 10 species from these areas, the total 18 species are listed and an illustrated key is provided. KEY WORDS: Thalassinidea,Anomura, Decapoda, Ulreung Island. The thalassinidean and anomuran fauna of the Ulreung Island has been poorly known and 10 species have been reported from Ulreung and Dogdo Islands (Kim, 1973; Kim and Choe, 1981; Kim, 1985). In the present study, we prepared an illustrated key to thalassinideans and anomurans from the areas of the Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. On the basis of the materials collected during the periods from July 1989 to November 1991,18 species were included in the key. Of these, 8 species were newly recorded from the areas of the Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. The Material Examined" section lists all specimens examined and the "Literatures' 1 section in each species lists the references of the species reported from Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. 丁 he classification scheme was based on Bowman and Abele (1982). 포란아목 Infraorder Thalassinidea Latreille, 1831 쏙하목 Superfamily Thalassinoidea 1831 쏙상과 Latreille, Family Axiidae Huxley, 1879 ᄌ(KH 지 ] 과 1. Axiopsis (Axiopsis) princeps (Boas, 1880) 가재아재비 Material Examined.-1 $, Dodong (fishing net), Aug. 7,1991. Literatures. Kim? 1985: 69, fig. 1C. Remarks.-Only one male specimen of this species was known previously in korea. The present specimen is first recorded from the areas of East Sea as well as from Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. Systematic Account Order Decapoda Latreille, 1803 십각목 Suborder Pleocyemata Burkenroad,1963 The present study was supported by the Basic Science Research Institute program, Ministry of Education, 1991. Infraorder Anomura H. Milne Edwards, 1832 이미하목 Superfamily Hippoidea Latreille,1825 게 가재상과 Family Albuneidae Stimpson, 1858 게가재 과 2. Blepharipoda liberata Shen, 1949 게 ; 가 재 Literatures. Kim, 1973: 194, pi. 3, fig. 16, 391

392 Korean J. Zool Vol. 36 No. 3 textfig. 82; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: Cheju Island. The present specimen is first 76. recorded from the areas of East Sea as well as from Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. Supcrfamily Galatheoidea Samouelle, 1819 새우붙이상과 Family Galatheidae Samouelle, 1819 새우 7. Paguristes ortmanni Miyakc, 1978 털보 붙이과 3. Galathea orientalis Stimpson, 1858 새 우붙이 Material Examined.-2 호 $,Tonggumi (scuba), Nov. 26, 1991, 7$ $,Dodong (scuba), Nov. 27, 1991. Literatures.-Kim, 1973: 175, pi. 64,fig. 5, textfig. 1 이 Kim & Kim, 1987: 233. Family Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825 게붙 이과 4. Petrolisthes japonicus (Dc Haan, 1849) 갯가게붙이 Material Examined. 2 $ $,Tonggumi (scuba), Nov. 26,1991. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 180, pi. 2,fig. 9, textfig. 22; Kim, 1985: 76; Kim & Kim, 1987: 233. Remarks. This species is newly reported from the areas of Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. 5. Pachycheles stevensii Stimpson, 1858 게붙이 Material Examined.-1 우, Chodong (scuba), Nov. 29 1991. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 182,pi. 66 fig. 10, textfig. 23; Kim, 1985: 76; Kim & Kim, 1987: 233. Remarks.-This species is newly reported from the areas of Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. Superfamily Coenobitoidea Dana, 1851 왼손집게상과 Family Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892 넓적왼 손집게과 6. Paguristes acanthomerus Ortmann, 1892 가시긴마디긴눈집게 Material Examined. 1 $, Sommok, Jul. 16, 1989. Literatures. Kim, 1985: 71; Kim & Kim, 1987: 230. Remarks.-This species was known to occur in 긴눈집게 Material Examined.-3 $ $, Dodong (fishing net), Aug. 6, 1989; 1$, Taepungch'wi, Jul. 12 1989; 1$,1 우 Dodong (fishing net), May 21 1990; 11,Tonggumi (scuba), Nov. 28,1991. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 210,pi. 5,fig. 23 textfig. 42; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: 71; Kim & Kim, 1987: 230. 8. Paguristes japonicus Miyake, 1961 꼬마 긴눈집게 Material Examined.-1 $,Dodong (fishing net), Jul. 10,1989; 1 우,S6mmok, Jul. 16 1989. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 212, pi. 68, fig. 24, textfig. 43; Kim, 1985: 71; Kim & Kim, 1987: 230. Remarks.- This species was known to occur in Cheju Island and southern part of Yellow Sea. The present specimen is first recorded from the areas of East Sea as well as from Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. Superfamily Paguroidea Latreille, 1803 집게상과 Family Lithodidae Samouelle, 1819 왕게 과 9. Hapalogaster dentata (De Haan, 1849) 가시투성어리게 Material Examined.-2 우우, Naesooj6n Yaksoori, Jul 13, 1989; 1우,Sommok, Jul. 16, 1989. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 247,pi. 7,fig. 42, textfig. 65; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: 72; Kim & Kim, 1987: 231. 10. Oedignathus inermis (Stimpson, 1860) 두드러기어리게 Material Examined.-1 $,Hyolam (scuba), Jul. 14,1989. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 249,pi. 73,fig. 43 textfig. 66; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: 72; Kim & Kim, 1987: 231.

Jully 1993 Kim et al. Thalassinidean and Anomuran Fauna of Ulreung Island, Korea 393 Family Paguridae Latreille,1803 집게과 11. Elassochirus cavimanus (Miers, 1879) 오목손참집게 Material Examined.-1 $, 2 우우,Chodong (fishing net), Jul. 16,1989. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 220 pi. 5,fig. 27 textfig. 47; Kim, 1985: 76. Remarks.-This species is newly reported from the areas of Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. 12. Pagurus similis (Ortmann, 1892) 얼룩 참집게 Material Examined.- 2% t, Chodong, Oct. 2, 1987; 1 우,Hyolam (scuba), Jul. 14 1989; 2$ $, Dodong (fishing net), Jul. 16,1989; 2$ $, Dodong (fishing net), May 20, 1990; 3$ $, Dodong (fishing net), Nov. 15,1990; 19$ 1 우,Tonggumi (scuba), Nov. 26,1991; 6$ $,5우우,Dodong (scuba), Nov. 27,1991. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 24ᄋ,pi. 7,fig. 39, textfig. 59; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: 74; Kim & Kim, 1987: 232. 13. Pagurus japonicus (Stimpson, 1858) 붉은눈자루참집게 Material Examined.-3 $ $,Tonggumi (scuba), Nov. 26,1991. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 239,pi. 7,fig. 38, textfig. 58; Kim, 1985: 74; Kim & Kim, 1987: 232. Remarks.-This species is newly reported from the areas of Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. 14. Pagurus dubius (Ortmann, 1892) 긴발 가락참집게 Material Examined. 1 $,Kulam, Jul. 11,1989; 1 $,Naesoojon Yaksoori, Jul. 13,1989; 2% Hyolam (scuba), Jul. 14,1989; 1 $,Chonbu, Jul. 15,1989; 11,Taepungch'wi (Hyonpo),Jul. 15, 1989; 3$ $,2 우우 (1 ovig.), Sommok (scuba), Jul. 16,1989; 1 우,Dodong (scuba), Nov. 26 1991. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 227,pi. 7,fig. 31, textfig. 51; Kim & Kim, 1987: 231. 15. Pagurus trigonocheirus (Stimpson, 1858) 세모손참집게 Material Examined. 7 $ $,2 우우 Chddong (fishing net), Jul. 16,1989. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 234,pi. 6,fig. 35 textfig. 55; Kim, 1985: 74. Remarks.-This species is newly reported from the areas of Ulreung and Dogdo Islands. 16. Pagurus brachiomastus (Thallwitz, 1891) 털손참집게 Material Examined.-1 $,Tonggumi, Jul. 12, 1989; 2 Young, Tonggumi, Nov. 26,1991; 3$ $,Dodong (scuba), Nov. 27,1991; 1 Young, Chodong, Nov. 29,1991. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 236 pi. 70 fig. 36, textfig. 56; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: 74. 17. Pagurus lanuginosus De Haan, 1849 털다리참집게 Material Examined.-2 $ $,Chonbu, Jul. 15, 1989; 14$ $,2 우우, Sommok, Jul. 16,1989; 1 $,Tonggumi (scuba), Nov. 26,1991. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 237,pi. 71, fig. 37, textfig. 57; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: 73; Kim & Kim, 1987: 232. 18. Pagurus pectinatus (Stimpson, 1858) 빗참집게 Material Examined. 2 $ $, 2 우우, Dodong (fishing net), Aug. 6,1989; 11 $ $, 4 우우, Dodong (fishing net), May 20 1990; 1 $ Dodong (fishing net), May 21,1990. Literatures. Kim, 1973: 242,pi. 7,fig. 40 textfig. 60; Kim & Choe, 1981: 197; Kim, 1985: 74; Kim & Kim, 1987: 232. Key to Thalassinideans and Anomurans of Ulreung Island,Korea 울릉도의쏙류및이미류검색표 1. Abdomen extended; tail fan always well developed; carapace without linea thalassinica-, rostrum triangular with margins dentate; each exopod of uropods with transverse suture distally Infraorder Thalassinidea, Family Axiidae, Axiosis (Axiopsis) princeps (Figs. 1-3) 배는길고잘발달하였으며, 꼬리부채는넓

r 4 A 기一게 -- ^ >1 / ga 황속 394 Korean J. Zool Vol. 36 No. 3 /ttiliclmmmmh/y후^내/사,又/./..-ᅵ,一figs. 1-7. Axiopsis (Axiopsis) princeps: 1, carapace; 2, abdomen and tail; 3, telson and uropods. Blepharipoda liberata: 4, carapace and abdomen; 5, right cheliped. Hapalogaster dentate: 6, carapace; 7,right cheliped.

Jully 1993 Kim et al. Thalassinidean and Anomuran Fauna of Ulreung Island, Korea 395 고잘발달하였다. 감각에는탈라시나선이없다. 이마뿔은삼각형이며양옆가장자리에는이들이있다. 꼬리다리의바깥다리는 뒤에횡선이있다. 속히 " 목, 가재아재비과, 가재아재비 ( 그림 1-3) Abdomen bent upon itself or flexed beneath thorax and with uropods; or abdomen without uropods and only four pairs of well developed legs visible Infraorder Anomura 2 배는꼬여있거나가슴밑으로휘어있다. 이럴경우꼬리다리가있다. 또다른경우에는꼬리다리가없고 4 쌍의잘발달된가슴다리만이보인다집게하목 2 2. Abdomen reduced in size, symmetrical, and flexed under thorax; first pair of pereopods subchelate; carapace with four lateral teeth Family Albuneidae, Blepharipoda liberata (Figs. 4,5) 배는축소되어있고대칭이며가슴밑으로휘어있다. 양쪽제 1 가슴다리는불완전한집게를이룬다. 갑각의옆가장자리에는 4 개 의이들이있다 게가재과, 게가재 ( 그림 4,5) Abdomen well developed, symmetrical or asymmetrical 3 배는잘발달하였으며, 대칭이거나비대칭이다 3 3. Abdomen symmetrical, more or less flexed beneath thorax; tail fan well developed or lacking; thorax depressed and crablike 4 배는대칭이고다소가슴밑으로휘어있다. 꼬리부채는잘발달하였거나없다. 가 슴은납작하며게와비슷하다 4 Abdomen asymmetrical; tail fan reduced and adapted for holding body in mollusk shell 8 배는비대칭이다. 꼬리부채는 축소되었고 연체류의껍데기속에서살기알맞게되어 SI 디 8 4. Tail fan lacking, uropods absent; fifth pereopods hidden making only four pairs of legs apparent Family Lithodidae 5 꼬리부채와꼬리다리는없다. 5번째가슴다 리가퇴화되어 4쌍의가슴다리만이 보인다 왕게과 5 Tail fan well developed 6 꼬리부채는잘발달되었다 6 5. Lateral margin of carapace with seven acuminate teeth; carapace and legs with setae densely Hapalogaster dentata (Figs, 6,7) 갑각의옆가장자리에는 7개의뾰족한가시들이있다. 갑각과가슴다리에는털이많다 가시투성어리게 ( 그림 6,7) Lateral margin of carapace unarmed; carapace and legs with setae sparsely Oedignathus inermis (Figs. 8,9) 갑각의옆가장자리는매끈하다. 슴다리에는털이별로없다 갑각과가 두드러기어리게 ( 그림 8,9) 6. Form somewhat lobsterlike; rostrum long and narrow, with teeth laterally; gastric region of carapace with two spines anteriorly Family Gallatheidae, Galathea oriental is (Fig. 10) 닭새우류와비슷한모양이다. 이마뿔은길고좁으며옆가장자리에이들이있다. 갑각위구역의앞가장자리에 2개의가시가있다새우붙이과, 새우붙이 ( 그림 10) Form crablike; rostrum short and broad or absent Family Porcellanidae 7 게모양이다. 이마뿔은작고넓거나없다 게붙이과 7 7. Lateral wall of carapace entire; telson sevenᅳ plated Petrolisthes japonicus (Figs. 11-14) 옆갑이완전하고꼬리마디는 7 마디로되어 있다갯가게붙이 ( 그림 11-14) Lateral wall of carapace divided by membranous interspace into anterior and posterior portions; telson five-plated Pachycheles stevensii (Figs. 15-18) 옆갑이막질의간극에의하여앞부분과뒷 부분으로분리된다. 꼬리마디는 5마디로되 어있다 게붙이 ( 그림 1518) 8. Third maxillipeds approximated basally; chelipeds almost equal in size Family Diogenidae, Genus Paguristes 9 양쪽제 3 턱다리의기부는서로붙어있 다. 양쪽집게다리는크기가같다 넓적왼손집게과, 긴눈집게속 9 Third maxillipeds widely separated; chelipeds unequal, right cheliped considerably larger than left one Family Paguridae 11 양쪽제 3 턱다리의기부는서로떨어져있 다. 오른쪽집게다리는왼쪽집게다리보다 크다 참집게과 11

396 Korean J. Zool Vol. 36 No. 3 Figs. 8-18. Oedignathus inermis: 8,carapace; 9,right cheliped. Galathea orientalis: 10,carapace. Petrolisthes japonicus: 11,carapace; 12,lateral wall of carapace: 13, telson; 14 right cheliped. Pachycheles steuensi/: 15, carapace; 16,lateral wall of carapace; 17 telson; 18,left cheliped.

Jully 1993 Kim et al. Thalassinidean and Anomuran Fauna of Ulreung Island, Korea 7 397 Figs. 19-28. Paguristes acanthomerus: 19,carapace; 20,telson. Paguristes ortmanni: 21,carapace, 22, telson. Paguristes japonicus: 23, carapace; 23,telson. Elassochirus caruimanus: 25,carapace; 26, right cheliped; 27, left hand; 28, dactyus of left fourth pereopod. 9. Posterior margin of telson without denticles; ocular peduncles usually longer than antennular peduncles P. acanthomerus (Figs. 19,20) 꼬리마디의뒷가장자리에는작은이들이없 다. 눈자루는작은더듬이자루보다길다 가시긴마디긴눈집게 ( 그림 19,20) Posterior margin of telson with denticles; ocular peduncles usually shorter than or as long as antenn니lar ped니ncles 10

398 Korean J. Zool Vol. 36 No. 3 꼬리마디의뒷가장자리에는작은이들이나있다 ; 눈자루는대개작은더듬이자루보다짧거나길이가같다 10 10. Antennular peduncles as long as or slightly shorter than ocular peduncles P. ortmanni (Figs. 21,22) 작은더듬이자루는눈자루보다길이가약간짧거나같다 털보긴눈집게 ( 그림 21,22) Antennular peduncles distinctly longer than ocular peduncles P. japonicus (Figs. 23,24) 작은더듬이자루는눈자루보다길다꼬마긴눈집게 ( 그림 23,24) 11. Chela of left cheliped strongly recurved inward; dactyli of fourth pereopods with circular structure on lateral face Genus Elassochirus, E. caui'man니s (Figs. 25-28) 왼쪽집게는안쪽으로크게굽어있다. 제 4 가슴다리의발가락마디측면에는원형구조 가있다오목손참집게속, 오목손참집게 ( 그림 25ᅳ28) Chela of left cheliped not recurved inward; dactyli of fourth pereopods without circular structure on lateral face- -Genus Pagurus 12 왼쪽집게는안쪽으로굽어있지않다. 제 4 가슴다리의발가락마디측면에는원형구조가없다참집게속 12 12. Both sexes with four unpaired pleopods--- 13 암수모두 4 개의쌍을이루지않는배다리룰가진다 13 Male with three unpaired pleopods; females with four unpaired pleopods 14 수컷은쌍을이루지않는 3 개의배다리를가지며, 암컷은쌍을이루지않는 4 개의배다리를가진다 14 13. Rostrum obtuse, shorter than lateral teeth; dactyli of walking legs much longer than propodi; posterior margin of telson separated by median cleft, and with denticles P. similis (Figs. 29-31) 이마뿔은뭉특하고옆돌기보다짧다. 걷는다리의발가락마디는앞마디보다훨씬길다. 꼬리마디의뒷가장자리에는중앙에홈이있고작은이들이나있다얼룩참집게 ( 그림 29-31) Rostrum acuminate, longer than lateral teeth; dactyli of walking legs slightly longer than propodi; posterior margin of telson not separated by median cleft, and with denticles - P. japonicus (Figs. 32-34) 이마쁠은뾰족하고옆돌기보다길다. 걷는다리의발가락마디는앞마디보다약간길다. 꼬리마디의뒷가장자리에는중앙에홈 이없고작은이들이나있다붉은눈자루참집게 ( 그림 32-34) 14. Right cheliped nearly without hair or with short hairs 15 오른쪽집게다리에는털이거의없거나짧은털들이있다 15 Right cheliped with long hairs densely 16 오른쪽집게다리에는긴털들이많다 16 15. Upper surface of chela of left cheliped without spinose median crest P. dubius (Figs. 35-38) 왼쪽집게의손윗면에가시들이나있는삼각기둥모양의구조가없다긴발가락참집게 ( 그림 35-38) Upper surface of chela of left cheliped with spinose median crest P. trigonocheirus (Figs. 39-41) 왼쪽집게의손윗면은삼각기둥모양이며여기에는가시들이나있다세모손참집게 ( 그림 39-41) 16. Rostrum broadly triangular, not longer than lateral teeth; merus of right cheliped with two prominent tubercules on ventral surface P. brachiomastus (Figs. 42-44) 이마뿔은넓은삼각형모양이며옆돌기보다길지않다. 오른쪽집게다리의긴마디의아랫면에는 2개의뚜렷한돌기들이나있다 털손참집게 ( 그림 42 44) Rostrum pointed or triangular, fairly longer than lateral teeth; merus of right cheliped without two prominent tubercules on ventral surface 17 이마뿔은뾰족하거나삼각형모양이며옆돌기보다길다. 오른쪽집게다리의긴마디의아랫면에는 2개의뚜렷한돌기들이없다 17 17. Ischium of third maxilliped with two accessory teeth; upper surface of palm of right chela with row of tubercular teeth along dorsomesial margin P. lanuginosus (Figs. 45-47) 제 3 턱다리의자리마디에는 2개의이가있다. 오른쪽손바닥의윗면에는등중앙을따라과립과같은이들이열을지어있다 털다리참집게 ( 그림 45-47) Ischium of third maxilliped with one accessory

Jully 1993 Kim et al. Thalassinidean and Anomuran Fauna of Ulreung Island, Korea 399 Figs. 29-38. Pagurus similis: 29,carapace; 30, telson; 31,dactylus and propodus of right fourth pereopod. Pagurus japonicus: 32, carapace; 33, telson; 34 dactylus and propodus of right fourth pereopod. Pagurus dubius: 35, carapace; 36, left cheliped; 37, right cheliped; 38,right fourth pereopod.

400 Korean J. Zool Vol. 36 No. 3 Figs. 39-50. Pagurus trigonocheirus: 39 carapace; 40, left cheliped; 41,right cheliped. Pagurus brachiomastus: 42,carapace; 43 right cheliped; 44 ventral surface of merus of right cheliped. Pagurus lanuginosus: 45 carapace; 46! left third maxilliped; 47,right third maxilliped. Pagurus pectinatus: 48,carapace; 49, left third maxilliped; 50 right cheliped.

Jully 1993 Kim et al. Thalassinidean and Anomuran Fauna of Ulreung Island, Korea 401 tooth; palm of right chelia with 9 or 10 irregular rows of strong spines on upper surface spiniform teeth P. pectinatus (Figs. 48-50) 제 3 턱다리의자리마디에는 1 개의이가있다. 오른쪽손바닥의윗면에불규칙한 9-10 개의가시열이나있다빗참집게 ( 그림 48ᅳ50) References Bowman, T.E. and L.G. Abele, 1982. Classification of the recent Crustacea. In: L.G. Abele ed.,the biology of Crustacea, vol. 1, Systematics, the fossil record, and biogeography. Academic Press, pp. 1-27. Kim, H.S., 1973. Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna and flora of Korea, vol. 14,Anomura and Brachyura. Sam Hwa Publishing Co., pp. 1-694, pis. 1-112. Kim, H.S., 1985. Systematic studies on crustaceans of Korea, 1. Decapods. Proc. Coll. Natur. Sci. SNU 10: 63-94ᅳ Kim, H.S. and B.L. Choe, 1981. The fauna of marine invertebrate in Ulreung Is. and Dogdo Is. Rep KACN 19: 193-200 ᅳ Kim, H.S. and C.B. Kim, 1987. The anomuran crabs (including Thalassinideans) of Cheju Island and its adjacent waters, Korea (Crustacea:Decapoda). Korean J. Syst. Zool 3: 225-235. (Accepted June 17,1993) 울릉도해역의쏙류및이미류김원 김창배 김지희 ( 서울대학교자연과학대학분자생물학과 ) 울릉도와독도근해에서식하는쏙류및이미류의종류상에 8 종,Axiopsis (Axiopsis) princeps, Petrolisthes japonicus, Pachycheles stevensii, Paguristes acanthomerus, P. japonicus, Elassochirus cavimanus, Pagurus japonicus, P. trigonocheirus, 이새로이추가되었다. 과거에이지역에서알려진 10 종의쏙류및이미류를포함한총 18 종에대한분류목록을작성하였으며, 그림과함께검색표를작성하였다.