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RTE 개요 RTE 정의및주요구성요소 4

RTE(Real-Time Enterprise) 란? an enterprise that competes by using up-todate information to progressively remove delays to the management and execution of its critical business processes - Gartner, Definition of Real Time Enterprise Real-Time Enterprise 기업환경의변화속도에대응하기위한새로운전략의필요성에의해출현 중요업무의관리와프로세스의실행간의지연최소화가가장중요한요소 ( Remove delays ) 이를위한가장최신 ( Up-to-date ) 정보를제공하고활용하는기업 5

기업혁신 기본적인이슈 Real-Time Information Real-Time Processes q Enterprises continue to struggle Leverage existing systems Move from manual batch uploads real-time information Align IT support with business requirements q Differentiate one enterprise from another Time-to-market Profitability Quality of service 6

기업업무의복잡성, 프로세스의단절 Enterprise Customers & Agents Suppliers & Regulators 7

비호환적, 비효율적, 고비용구조 Point-to-point integration File-based forecasting and reporting Phone/email for dealing with suppliers & customers 8

기업구조정보통합요구 Branches Personalized Web-based Workspaces Partners Integrated Data Hub Contractors Browser Access Suppliers 9

응용시스템데이타통합 Financials & Logistics Systems Integration Integrated Coast Guard Systems (Deepwater) Coast Guard Oracle Financials (CGOF) Fleet Logistics System (FLS) Aviation Logistics MIS (ALMIS) Civil Engineering Data System (CEDS) Integrated Hub ICGS & non-deepwater Coast Guard Data Naval & Electronic Supply Support System (NESS) Facility Engineering Data System (FEDS) Automated Requisition Mgmt System Other Systems Configuration Management PluS 10

비즈니스프로세스통합및관리 Development Framework Transactions Information Access Business Processes Applications Collaboration Data Hub Intelligence Integration Grid Infrastructure Management Framework.NET Client (Support) Orchestration Web Client (Self Service) Portal (Self Service) Management and Security WSDL WSDL WSDL WSDL WSDL APPLICATION Portals J2EE Applications Servlets PROCESS FLOWS BPEL XSLT XQuery WS-Security WS-Policy, SAML BUSINESS SERVICES Apps Servers Databases Storage SOAP JDBC JMS JCA RMI XML, XML Schema WSDL/WSIF SOAP, JCA, JMS.NET/Axis Database Mainframe Packaged Apps EJBs Seamlessly integrate the enterprise across diverse activities Provide real-time information visibility Achieve rapid ROI on technology spend Integrate and consolidate IT systems 11

RTE 의주요체계 변화에대응하는민첩성 (Agility) 을확보하기위해다음의각사이클을지속적으로최적화하는활동을수행 실시간모니터링 (Visibility) : awareness & recognition 실시간분석 (Intelligence) : decision 실시간실행 (Speed) : action Decision Sense (Earlier) Awareness Action Respond (Faster) 12

RTE 의전제및주요구성요소 RTE 구축의전제 : 통합플랫폼 데이터통합 애플리케이션통합 프로세스통합 비즈니스구성요소 Process Innovation 혹은 BPR 6 시그마 기술구성요소 SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture) & EDA(Event-Driven Architecture) as Design Principle Data integration through EDW & ODS Application integration through EAI Process integration through BPM/BAM/BI 13

Business Process Management ORACLE BPM Full life-cycle mgmt: Design, Deploy, Execute, Monitor, Improve Developers specify flow, decision logic: no coding Can integrate Web Services and non-web Services Native OASIS BPEL standard 1980 s First Wave 1990 s Second Wave 2000 s Third Wave Nature of Change TQM Continuous Incremental BPR/Big bang Disruptive Radical BPM Continuous Lifecycle Operation Job Manual Little Automation ERP and PKG s One-time optimization Process focus of IT Closed loop optimization Application DBMS Sharing data Distributed computing Sharing functions BPMS Sharing Process Howard Smith (BPM The 3 rd Wave) 14

Business Intelligence What Happened? Query tool Detailed/Historical Data Why did it happen? OLAP Tool Monitor and Change BSC, Strategy Tools Operational Integration Execute Hypothesis Customer Data Warehouse Marts Summaries What Might Happen if? OLAP Tool What will Happen? Data Mining 15

오라클의구축지원전략 Information-Driven Enterprise 16

정확하고적절한정보확보를위한요구조건 단순화 (Simplify) 분산데이타의통합 단일데이타베이스로모든정보를통합하고공유 Data in One Place 표준화 (Standardize) 전사정보의의미및표현형태의표준수립 이를기반으로중복성제거 Information Driven Enterprise 자동화 (Automate) 정보관리프로세스를최대한자동화 정보의일관성유지 정보의변환 / 추출 / 이관자동화 이벤트기반정보서비스 실시간대응성을극대화 17

오라클의 RTE 대응비젼 : IDE (Information-Driven Enterprise) 정보가주가되는기업, 글로벌경쟁력극대화 Information-Driven Enterprise 데이타표준화 데이타품질 전사통합정보인프라 Information in One Place 데이타일관성및정합성유지 사용의편의성 Simplify Standardize Automate Quality Data Hub Information Architecture 18

RTE 에대응하는 IT 기술요소 표준화되고, 통합된인프라구축 표준화된전사업무프로세스및기술환경 ERP 신기술을이용한통합된인프라구축 -Grid 신속한반응및응답을위한애플리케이션 서비스지향아키텍쳐 웹서비스, 통합,BPEL 정보의실시간접근 센서기반서비스 RFID 모바일서비스 -Wireless 경쟁과생존을위한 정보기반환경의중요성 전략정보의신속성 통합분석엔진 BI(OLAP, Data Mining) 정보공유의효율성 다양한기업정보의통합및연계 19

오라클의역할 RTE 구현기술의 one-stop solution 을제공 다차원분석 Tool OLAP 보고 / 분석 RFID HR Supply Chain Marketing Customers, Products, & Everything Else! Financials Order Management ERP Sales Service Contract Management Discount Service Get Discount Send Credit Application Credit Service Receive Credit Result BPEL Flow start 10:00am Handle Negative Credit Exception Determine if? Can Fulfill e n 03:00pm d EAI & BPEL Send Inventory Request Inventory Service Receive Inventory Result 예산수립 Grid 예측 / 추정 Business Intelligence Oracle Edge Server Oracle ebiz Suite 11i RTE With Oracle BPEL Manager Oracle 10g Wireless ebi Tools Information-Driven Wireless Server 20

The Information Company Integration Expertise to Deliver Rapid Integration Process Platform Best Practice Reuse and Portability Comprehensive Platform for Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA) 21

Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S 22