학년 : 고등학교 1 학년 Advertising Useless Inventions 1. 수업목표기존의광고를분석하여창의적인광고기법을찾아내고이를바탕으로쓸모없는내용목표발명품조차구매하도록할수있는창의적인광고문구를만들수있다. 광고문구를만들때 Be being made/no(thing) more ~than 구문을적절히활용언어목표할수있다. 상품에대한직접적인홍보문구를쓰지않고도사람들이한번더보게하는광고창의목표를만들수있다. 사람의마음을흔들수있는광고문구를만들기위해서사람들의심리를파악할인성목표수있다. 2. 관련교과서단원검인정교과서 1 학년진학사 Lesson 7. Nature Inspired Technology 1 학년민중서림 Lesson 5. Inventions : Past, Present, and Future 1 학년금성출판사 Lesson 10. Stories Behind Everyday Things 2 학년민중서림 Lesson 2. The Invention of Windshield Wipers 3. 수업의개요 현수업개요 창의인성수업모형 1 차시 주제소개, 듣기 1 차시주제소개, 듣기 2 차시 말하기 2 차시 말하기 3 차시 읽기 1 3 차시 읽기 1 4 차시 읽기 2 4 차시 읽기 2 5 차시 읽기 3 5 차시 읽기 3 6 차시 읽기 4 6 차시 읽기 4 문법, 쓰기 : 상품을직접적으로언급하지않는창의적인광고문을보고 7 차시문법, 쓰기 7 차시 상품을유추하고이러한활동에서창의적인광고기법을찾는다. 치명적인단점으로인해쓸모없는발명품조차구매하도록하는 창의적인광고문구를만든다. 346
4. 평가계획 평가내용 평가척도 상중하 내용 일반 창의 인성 기존의광고를분석하여창의적인광고기법을찾아내고이를바탕으로쓸모없는발명품조차구매하도록할수있는창의적인광고문구를만들수있는가? 상품에대한직접적인홍보문구를쓰지않고도사람들이한번더보게하는광고를만들수있는가? 언어 광고문구를만들때 Be being made/no(thing) more ~than 구문을적 절히활용할수있는가? 5. 본시지도안 1차시 교과서 내용 기존의광고를분석하여창의적인광고기법을찾아내고이를바탕으로쓸모없는발명품조차구매하도록할수있는창의적인광고문구를만들수있다. 언어 광고문구를만들때 Be being made/no(thing) more ~than 구문을적절히활용할수있다. 창의 상품에대한직접적인홍보문구를쓰지않고도사람들이한번더보게하는광고를만들수있다. 인성 사람들의심리를파악하여마음을흔들수있는광고문구를만들수있다. 활동 활동내용 도입 ² 문법학습 - 본문에등장한문법학습 1) be being made : Efforts are being made to improve its function. 2) No(thing) more~than. : Nothing is more convenient than Velcro. 전개 문제해결을위한은유적사고 (Metaphorical thinking for solving problems) ( 창의 ² 광고문구를보고광고상품유추하기 인성방식 ) Step 1. 각모둠에창의적인광고상을수상한광고의그림과광고문구를주고어떠한상품을광고하고있는지유추하기 T: I m going to give creative advertisements that make people look twice. Try to think of what they are advertising and give a reason for your guess. Step 2. 광고가선전하는상품확인하기 T: Look at the woman and man hugging. What seems to be advertised? S: I think it seems to be chocolate which tastes sweet like love. T: That s a great idea. But the answer is a Duracell battery. Can you see why it is a battery? S: The ad is exaggerating that the battery lasts longer than other batteries. 347
Step 3. 창의적인광고기법찾기 T: It s quite true about the saying There s no second chance at making a good first impression. The purpose of an advertisement is to persuade the reader, listener, or viewer to buy a product or subscribe to a certain viewpoint. If advertisements don t catch your attention within seconds, they are considered failures. So, the idea has to be really out of the box, something that makes you laugh, talk about it, or at least makes you look twice. Can you think of any techniques from these advertisements? S: These advertisements don t show the specific products and make people curious Eliminate bad breath. Last longer, much longer. about what they are advertising. Use only what you need. Denver Water Clorets (Chewing Gum) Duracell(Battery) 확장 ( 창의인성방식 ) If you really want to touch Life s too short for the wrong Once you taste it, you ca someone, send them a letter. job stop! Australia Post Jobs in Town Dunkin Donut 새롭고참신한생각으로문제상황에대처하기 (Coping well with Novelty) ² 쓸모없는발명품의광고만들기 Step 1. 쓸모없는발명품소개 T: These inventions are introduced in the book of 101 useless Inventions written by Kenji Kawakami. These inventions are very creative and useful in some ways. But people will not buy them because of detrimental shortcomings which make them useless. Step 2. 창의적인광고만들기 T: One of your team members is going to choose one invention from the box and you are going to think of a creative advertisment so that you can persuade people to buy it. Also, think of an interesting name for the product. When you write the advertisment, it is good to make use of the expressions that we learned in the beginning of the lesson. Step 3. 광고발표하기 T: Each team is going to show and explain their advertisement. MacGyver Farming tool. Look silly? Just use it! Nothing is more valuable than this! 348
<Worksheet 1> Think of the products that these advertisements promote. Use only what you need. Eliminate bad breath. Last longer, much longer. If you really want to touch someone, send them a letter. Life s too short for the wrong job Once you taste it, you can t stop! 349
<Worksheet 2> Let s make a creative advertisments for the useless inventions. Farming tool Lighter Headband for when we eat noodles. Tie that can be used as a wallet It s heavy to hold. It takes time to You can t use it It might be torn light a Cigarette. outside your home. because it is heavy. Oxygen Mask Umbrella that can be Paper holder for Slipper for killing worn on the head people who catch a cockroach cold It s better to grow It can trigger a People might think It s better to lots of plants. headache. you are crazy. use a swatter. 350