CLEAN TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2012, pp. 1~13 총설 국제환경규제유해물질의최근동향및국내수출기업에미치는영향 조영달, 변성원, 최은경 *, 김상헌 한국생산기술연구원국제환경규제대응기술지원단유해물질분석실 426-910 경기도안산시사 3 동 1271-18 한국생산기술연구원산업용섬유기술센터 426-910 경기도안산시사 3 동 1271-18 한국과학기술연구원유럽연구소, 글로벌지식연구센터잘란트대학 E71, 자브리켄 66123, 독일 (2011 년 11 월 18 일접수 ; 2011 년 12 월 19 일수정본접수 ; 2011 년 12 월 19 일채택 ) EU Environmental Prohibition on Hazardous Substances and Its Impacts on International Trades of Korea Companies Young Dal Cho, Sung Won Byun, Eun Kyung Choe*, and Sang Hun Kim Eco-testing and Knowledge Service Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 1271-18 Sa-3-dong, Sangrok-gu, Ansan 426-910, Korea Technical Textile Technology Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 1271-18 Sa-3-dong, Sangrok-gu, Ansan 426-910, Korea Global Knowledge Research Center, KIST Europe Universitaet des Saarlandes Campus E71, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany (Received for review November 18, 2011; Revision received December 19, 2011; Accepted December 19, 2011) 요 2000 년중반기이후, 산업경쟁력에서환경규제, 특히제품함유유해물질규제가 EU 를중심으로점차강화되어큰영향을미쳐왔고, 이는 1990 년초섬유산업에서시작하여전기전자산업을거쳐전산업으로확장되고있다. 본총설에서는 EU 의제품함유유해물질규제흐름을알아보고, EU 에서규제하고있는유해물질의종류, 규제사유, 관련근거및법령을주요섬유제품에코라벨인 Oeko-Tex Standard, 전기전자제품의 RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment) 및 REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of CHemicals) 의 SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern, 고위험성물질 ) 를중심으로고찰해보면서 NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) 단체들의활동으로도출되고있는 ChemSec (the International Chemical Secretariat) 의 SIN (Substitute It Now) list 와그의미를조사해보았다. 또한, 국내수출기업이국제시장에서받고있는클레임사례를통해규제유해물질이시장에주는영향을살펴보고, 유해물질로인한국제환경규제의단기및중장기대응방안을고찰해보기로한다. 주제어 : 유해물질, 고위험성물질, 위험성물질, 국제환경규제, 전기전자제품, 섬유제품에코라벨, 리치 약 Abstract : Starting with textile products in the middle of 1990, environmental requirements on prohibition of hazardous substances in products have been led by EU member countries and expanded to electrical and electronic equipment with implementaion of RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment) in 2006. Under EU REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of CHemicals), the concept of SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) and resulting regulatory duties regarding it have been introduced to the supply chain of almost all industry sectors. In this technical review, kinds of hazardous substances, reasons for restrictions and related directives and regulations are reviewed with its influence on the international market. Suggestions are made how to cope with environmental regulations as well as mid-to-long term market strategy to secure global market competitiveness. Keywords : Hazardous substances, SVHC, RoHS, REACH, Electronic and electrical products, Textile eco-label, SIN list * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 1. 서론 : EU 의제품함유유해물질규제흐름 EU 의환경규제는제품함유유해물질규제, 공정규제, 폐기, 1
2 청정기술, 제 18 권제 1 호, 2012 년 3 월 사용지침으로구분될수있으며, 소비자들에게설득력을가지면서규제관리가비교적수월하여국제시장에서강력한효력을지녀온규제가제품함유유해물질규제로서, 다른규제에비해오랜역사를지니고있다. 1990년중반에코라벨부착을권장하는섬유제품유해물질규제부터시작하여 [1-4], 10 여년후인 2006년 7월 RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, RoHS) 의시행으로전기전자제품함유유해물질규제가진행되었다 [5]. 2007년 6월시행된 REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals, 신화학물질통합관리제도, REACH) 로인하여특정제품군규제보다더포괄적인전산업군에해당하는 SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern, 고위험성물질, SVHC) 의사용제한, 신고및허가로이어지고있다 [6]. RoHS 항목추가도 EU에서진행중에있고 [7,8] China RoHS ( 전자제품오염방지법 ) 도 2006년공표되어 2007년부터시행되고있다. 생활용품에서 Bisphenol A, Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) 등총 18종물질을규제하는노르웨이제품법규인 PoHS (Prohibition on certain Hazardous Substances in Consumer Products, PoHS) 가 2008년초안이마련되었고 [9], 국제시장에서는 EU Directive 2006/122/EC에근거한 Perfluorooctance sulfonates (PFOS) 규제, EU Directive 2003/53/ EC에근거한 Nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPEO) 의규제가진행되고있으며 Biocides Directive 98/8/EC에근거한 DMFu (Dimethylfumarate 규제도국내에서감지되어왔다 [10-15] (Figure 1). 국제환경규제는선진국, 특히 EU에서주도하며, 규제자체가선진국에유리하게전개되어나가는특징이있는데예로, 대체물질을선진국에서개발한후, 기존에사용되어온유해물질을규제하는방식으로 1990년중반이후진행되어온유해아민, 알레르기염료등일련의염료규제가 EU 염료생산기업의신제품개발시기에맞추어시행된것을들수있다. 이와더불어규제에대응하는신규서비스시장 ( 시험분석, 인증, 규제대응컨설팅등 ) 또한 EU를중심으로창출되어이중으로 EU가경쟁우위에서게되는상황이다. REACH의경우를살펴보아도지난 40여개의화학물질관련법이종합된결과로, EU의유해화학물질의관리체계는지난 40년간화학물질관련지침규정, 권고문등이 500여개이상제정되고관리되어왔기때문에, 물리화학적특성, 인체독성, 생태독성에대한물질자료도 EU에서상대적으로월등히많이보유하고있으며, 이러한물질자료를생성하는 GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) 기관도비교우위에있다 [16]. 본고에서는시장유통에적지않은영향을미쳐온제품함유유해물질규제인섬유제품에코라벨인 Oeko-Tex Standard 100 및전기 전자제품 RoHS에대한최신동향그리고국내관련기업의수출시유해물질검출로인한클레임사례를통하여수출제품에대해최근이슈가되고있는유해물질항목을살펴보기로한다. 아울러유해물질규제에관한주요 EU Directive, SIN (Substitute It Now, SIN) list 및 REACH에서다루고있는 SVHC의법적의무사항을발췌해보고, 현재까지발표된 SVHC를정리해보기로한다. 2. EU 규제유해물질및수출시장에서의영향 2.1. 섬유제품에규제되는유해물질섬유제품에대한유해물질사용제한은 EU에서 1992년부터제창되기시작한섬유제품에코라벨부착요구로시작되었고, 1995년까지 Oeko-Tex Standard 100, Toxproof, SG, Ecoproof, ASG, eco-tex, Flower, swan, Milieukeur, Esprit사의 ecollection (Esprit사), Otto-Versand (Otto-Versand사), its one world (Steilmann사 ), ELTAC 라벨등약 20여개의에코라벨이존재하였다 [3,4]. 최초의에코라벨은 1977년독일의푸른천사 (Blue Angel) 라벨로섬유관련대상으로는황마와사이설마제품 (Jute and sisal product) 에대한작업이이루어졌었지만, 섬유제품에함유된유해물질제한을기준으로둔섬유제품에코라벨은 1992 년 Oeko-Tex Standard로시작하였고, 유럽각국가별민간섬유연구소가연합한 Oeko-Tex Association의탁월한경영력으로운영되어온 Oeko-Tex Standard 100이실제국제무역에서다른 20여개의섬유제품에코라벨과는차별화되게상업적으로성공해왔다 [1,4]. 그성공의배경에는유해물질-free 섬유제품을마켓팅전략으로삼는유럽을중심으로하는해외바이어 (Figure 2) 주도하에 Oeko-Tex Standard 100 에코라벨부착 Figure 1. History of EU's prohibition on use of hazardous substances. Figure 2. International textile and clothing retailers promoting hazardous substance-free products as marketing strategy.
국제환경규제유해물질의최근동향및국내수출기업에미치는영향 3 Table 1. Prohibited chemicals in textile industry by Oeko-Tex Standard (a) Prohibited chemicals in textile products by Oeko-Tex Standard 100[2] Substances 1 PCP (Pentachlorophenol) TeCP (2,3,5,6-Tetrachlorphenol) 2 Formaldehyde 3 Colorants : Cleavable arylamines (24 Substances) 4-Aminodiphenyl, Benzidine, 2-Naphthylamine, 4-Chloro-o-toluidineo-Aminoazotoluene, 2-Amino-4-nitrotoluene, p-chloroaniline, 2,4-Diaminoanisole, 4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane, 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine, 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine, 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine, 3,3'-Dimethyl-4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane, p-cresidine, 4,4'-Methylene-bis-(2-chloroaniline), 4,4'-Oxydianiline, 4,4'-Thiodianiline, o-toluidine, 2,4-Toluylenediamine, o-anisidine, 2,4,5-Trimethylaniline, 4-Aminoazobenzene, 2,4-Xylidine, 2,6-Xylidine 4 Colorants : Carcinogenic dyestuffs (9 Substances) C.I. Acid Red 26, C.I. Basic Red 9, C.I. Basic Violet 14, C.I. Disperse Orange 11, C.I. Disperse Yellow 3, C.I. Direct Black 38, C.I. Direct Blue 6, C.I. Direct Red 28, C.I. Disperse Blue 1 5 Colorants : Allergenic dyestuffs (21 Substances) C.I. Disperse Blue 1, 3, 7, 26, 35, 102, 106, 124, C.I. Disperse Brown 1, C.I. Disperse Orange 1, 3, 37 (=76), C.I. Disperse Red 1, 11, 17, C.I., Disperse Yellow 1, 3, 9, 39, 49 6 Other banned dyestuffs (2 Substances) C.I. Disperse Orange 149, C.I. Disperse Yellow 23 7 Extractable heavy metals (10 kinds) Heavy metals in digested sample (2 kinds) Sb (antimony), As (arsenic), Pb (lead), Cd (cadmium), Cr (chromium), Cr VI, Pb, Cd Co (cobalt), Cu (copper), Ni (nickel), Hg (mercury) 8 Pesticides (60 Substances) 9 Phthalates (7 Substances) DINP, DNOP, DIDP, DEHP, BBP, DBP, DIBP 9 Organic tin compounds TBT (Tributyltin), TPhT (Triphenyltin), DBT (Dibutyltin), DOT (Diotyltin) 10 Other chemical residues OPP (Orthophenylphenol), Arylamines from polyurethane, PFOS, PFOA, SCCP (Short chain chlorinated paraffins), TCEP (Tris (2-chloroethyl)phosphated 14 Chlorinated benzenes and toluenes (10 kinds) 16 PAH (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (16 Substances) 17 Biological active products : with exception accepted by Oeko-Tex 18 Flame retardant agents PBB (Polybromobiphenyl), TRIS (Tri-(2.3-dibromopropyl)-phosphate), TEPA (Tris-(aziridinyl)-phophine-oxide), pentabde (Pentabromodiphenylether), octabde, decabde, HBCDD. SCCP, TCEP 19 Emission of volatiles (9 kinds including formaldehyde, aromatic hydrocarbons..etc.) 20 Banned fibers : Asbestos (b) Prohibited chemicals in textile processing by Öko-Tex Standard 1000[17] Class Prohibited chemicals - 24 Carcinogenic arylamines, 9 Carcinogenic dyestuffs and pigments, 21 Allergenous dyestuffs and pigments, 2 Other banned dyestuffs Dyes / - with Acute toxicity LD Pigments 50<100 mg/kg - containing Lead or Cadmium - with a high potential risk to the environment: Blue dyestuff (Index No 611-070-00-2, EC 405-665-4) Pesticides The use of pesticides for storing and transfortation is not allowed Flame retardants - containing the toxic Antimony or Arsenic - Brominated flame reardants : PBB (Polybromobiphenyl), Hexabromocyclododecane, PBDE (polybrominated diphenylether), TRIS (Tri-(2.3-dibromopropyl)-phosphate) - with Chloroparaffines or Fluorides - TEPA (Tris-(aziridinyl)-phophine-oxide)
4 청정기술, 제 18 권제 1 호, 2012 년 3 월 Carriers Tensides Textile washing detergents Others Ozone layer reducible substances - Chlorinated organic carriers (Chlorobenzene, Chlorotoluene, Chlorophenol) - Phthalimides - APEO (alkylphenol ethoxylate) - Nonylphenol - Dichloromethane* - Trichloroethylene* - Tetrachloroethylene* - EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) - DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) - > 0.5 % Phospor - Phosphates * Cleaning and degreasing agents for machine maintenance shall not contain these ingredients - Asbestoe - Chloroform - Sodiumcyanide, Potassiumcyanide - Sodium sulfide - Fluorochlorohydrocarbons (22 kinds) - Aromatic hydrocarbons as solvent - Completely or partly Halogenated fluorohydrocarbons (HCFC's) - Completely or partly Halogenated fluorohydrocarbons containing bromine - Quintolen - Protective agents as trialkyltin-, triaryltin, arsenic compounds for production water - TBT, DBT. MBT - PFOS - Dimethylfumarate (DMFu) 요구가있어왔고세계시장에서경쟁력을확보하려는전세계섬유수출국들이 Table 1의포름알데히드, PCP (Pentachlorophenol, PCP), 유해아민, 알레르기염료, 암유발염료, 중금속, 유기캐리어, 농약등 20 여종물질군의유해물질사용을제한함에의해국제시장요구에부응하여온것에기인한다. Table 1(a) 는 Oeko-Tex Standard 100에서섬유제품사용에규제하고있는유해물질의상세리스트이며유해물질의기준치는항목에따라미함유로부터극미량의함유만이허용되어있고, 이는유아용, 피부와직접적으로접촉하는지의여부와비의류용 ( 장식용 ) 으로분류하여기준치가차이가있다 [2]. 이중포름알데히드, PCP, 유해아민등은 1996년이후독일, 덴마크, 네덜란드등 EU 일부국가의강제적인법규로채택됨에따라국제시장에서더엄격히제한되어왔다 [4]. 섬유제품함유유해물질규제에공정규제를더하여 Oeko- Tex Standard 1000[17] 이라는섬유제품에코라벨이시장에규제의도구로도입되었고 1999년 EU Decision이제정되어 EU Flower 라벨에섬유제품군이도입되었다 [18,19]. 그러나제품유해물질뿐만아니라, 생산공정의환경성도고려한평가항목이포함된공정규제는 EU 국가와국제시장에서제품규제와는달리크게효력을미치지는못해온상황이다. 섬유제품을생산하는기업현장 (site) 에주는인증인 Oeko-Tex Standard 1000의부여기준항목에서는품질보증, 환경경영측면의회사의조직과기술적인측면을다루고있으며전자는 ISO 9000 과 ISO 14,000으로대체할수있다. 기술적인측면은적어도회사제품의 30% 가제품함유유해물질에대한요구사항이부여기준인 Oeko-Tex Standard 100 인증에합당해야함을기본으로하여, 금지기술및금지화학약품, 공지의무사항, 향후개선목표사항, 폐수, 대기, 소음, 에너지, 작업장에대한기준이설정되어있으며, 이중금지화학약품, 즉공정중유해물질사용규제에관한사항은 Table 1(b) 와같다 [17]. 제품에함유된유해물질을규제하는에코라벨이국제시장에서강력한비관세무역장벽으로작용해온예는섬유산업에서가장먼저시도되었고유일하다고할수있었다. 인증사업에서독점적인라벨로성장한 Oeko-Tex Standard 100의국제 적인호응도는 1992년의라벨제창이래 1993년 214개제품, 1996년에는 2000개가넘는제품이인증을받았고 1998년까지급증하여총 5,900 제품 (1800여개의섬유회사가참여, 이중약 37% 가독일회사 ), 2000년도까지는총 15,000개제품이인증을받았고, 2004년 40,000여개, 2006년 53,000개섬유제품에인증서가발급되었다 [1,19]. 섬유제품의유해물질사용규제는섬유제품생산에사용되는염료, 조제, 가공제의규제로이어져관련산업에도크게영향을주어왔으며, 난연제, 항균가공제도상업적제품명으로독성자료를기준으로 EU Oeko-Tex 연합회에서리스트화하고있다 [1]. Table 1(a) 의섬유제품에규제되는유해물질항목중알레르기염료, 암유발염료, 아조염료중간체인유해아민및그외규제염료등 4개분야로나누어세부물질을규제하고있다 [2,20]. 섬유제품과는염색이라는공통공정을거쳐생산되는피혁 (leather) 에대해서는별도의 Directive나에코라벨제품군은없으나신발류 (Footwear) 에대한 Directive가있고 (Table 3) 이를기준 (Criteria) 으로유럽연합에코라벨인 Flower에신발류제품군이설정되어있다. 다음은신발류제품에잔류하는유해물질종류와규제치이며, 이를통해피혁에대한유해물질규제를살펴볼수있다 [21] : 비소 (As), 카드뮴 (Cd), 납 (Pb) 사용금지 포름알데히드및 Cr (VI) 의제한적사용 : - 포름알데히드 ( 섬유소재 < 75 ppm), 피혁소재 < 150 ppm) - Cr (VI) 10 ppm PCP 및 TeCP (Tetrachlorophenol) 기준치 ( 섬유소재 < 0.05 ppm), 피혁소재 < 5 ppm) 22종유해아민기준치 ( 섬유및피혁소재부품모두 < 30 ppm) 9종 N-nitrosamines 금지 ( 고무소재에해당 ) C10-C13 Chloroalkanes 사용금지 ( 섬유소재, 고무소재, 피혁소재에해당 ) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 사용금지 (25 g VOC/pair, 패션용, 유아용및실내용은 20 g VOC/pair)
국제환경규제유해물질의최근동향및국내수출기업에미치는영향 5 PVC 사용금지 ( 재활용 PVC의외창 (outsole) 사용은허용하나 PVC에 DEHP, BBP, DBP 3종프탈레이트가함유되면안됨 ) 2.2. 전기전자제품에규제하는유해물질전기전자제품에유해물질을규제하는 RoHS는 2006년 7 월시행되었고, 2002년제정된 Directive 2002/95/EC에의거하여 4종중금속 Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr (VI) 및 2종브롬계난연제 PBB (Polybrominated biphenyls, PBB), PBDE (Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDE) 의총 6종유해물질을규제해오고있다 [5]. 2008년 12월유럽위원회는 RoHS II 제안문초안을유럽연합이사회와의회에제출하였고이에대해유럽연합이사회및의회가 2009년 10월수정안을제안하여검토가이루어졌고개정본문인 RoHS II가채택 ( 공표 ) 되면 2014년이전에 RoHS II가시행될예정으로있다 [7,8,22]. 수정안중규제유해물질을중점적으로살펴요약하면 Table 2와같다. RoHS II 개정안에서는새로운규제를목적으로신규유해물질을 Annex IV에넣고있으며, Annex III에는향후우선적고려대상물질리스트가들어있다. 물질의사용으로부터인체및환경에허용될수없는위해 (risk) 가있게되는경우 Annex IV 리스트에추가되어야하는데특히 Annex III의물질사용을고려해야한다는의미이다 [7]. 브롬계난연제인 HBCDD와 3종프탈레이트 DEHP (Di-(2- ethylhexyl) phthalate), BBP (Butyl benzyl phthalate), DBP (Dibutylphthalate) 를새로운규제를위한고려대상물질 (Annex III) 로제안한유럽위원회의제안과는달리유럽의회는 HBCDD, DEHP, BBP, DBP 및브롬계난연제 (Brominated flame retardants), 염소계난연제 (Chlorinated flame retardants), PVC (Polyvinylchloride PVC), 염소계가소제 (Chlorinated plastisizers) 를 신규규제물질 (Annex IV) 로제안하는더강화된입장을보이고있다. 3종프탈레이트인 DEHP, BBP, DBP 및 HBCDD는 RoHS II의최우선규제물질임을알수있다 [7,21,22]. 독일의 Oeko-Institute. V. 에서 RoHS Directive 에추가할목적으로전기전자제품사용제한물질의후보리스트 46 항목을공개하여이해관계자들의설문조사를거쳐 2008년 4월유럽위원회에제출한바있다 [23]. 2006년공표되고, 2007년 3월시행된 China RoHS( 중국전자정보제품오염방지관리법 ) 의경우, 현재까지는국내시험기관에서 6대유해물질시험한후, 유해물질미함유혹은유해물질함유를나타내는오염통제심볼과정보공개 ( 유해물질함유여부및함유량 ) 를표시하면수출이가능하였으나이러한 1단계시행을업데이트시킨자발적인증 (SRVC, State Recommendation Voluntary Certification) 및자기적합성선언을시행하는개정안이 2011년말곧공표되고공표 1년후시행될예정으로있다. SRVC 인증대상범위는 6대제품 ( 휴대폰, 유무선전화기, 프린터, TV, 컴퓨터, 모니터 ) 및모든부품 / 구성품으로확대되어있다. 또한중점관리품목에대하여전기전자제품의강제인증 (CCC, China Compulsory Certification) 이라는대폭강화된시행을준비하고있는데, 강제인증대상제품으로설정해놓은 11개전자정보제품군에대해서는중국자국의 26개소시험기관에서수행한시험만인정되어무역장벽이예측되고있다 [24,25]. 2.3. EU Directive로살펴본규제유해물질유럽연합의 Directive( 지침 ) 는유럽의회 (European Parliament) 와이사회 (Council of the European Union) 혹은유럽집행위 (European Commission) 에서채택되는데, Regulation( 법령 ) 이 EU 모든국가에즉시적용되는법이라면 Directive는회원국별로 Table 2. Restriction of the use of certain hazard substances in electrical and electronic equipment: comparison of RoHS versus RoHS II[5,7,22] Annex III : Substances to be addressed for inclusion in Annex IV Annex IV : Prohibited substances RoHS - 1. Lead (0.1 %) *1 2. Mercury (0.1 %) 3. Cadmium (0.01 %) 4. Hexavalent chromium (0.1 %) 5. Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) (0.1 %) 6. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) (0.1 %) Proposal (2008.12.3) by EU Commission 1. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) 2. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) 3. Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) 4. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 1. Lead (0.1 %) *1 2. Mercury (0.1 %) 3. Cadmium (0.01 %) 4. Hexavalent chromium (0.1 %) 5. Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) (0.1 %) 6. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) (0.1 %) *1 Maximum concentration values tolerated by weight in homogeneous materials RoHS CII Proposal (2009.10.22) by EU Parliament and the Council of the European Union 1. Arsenic compounds 2. Beryllium and its compounds 3. Antimony trioxide 4. Dinickeltrioxide 5. Bisphenol A 6. Organobromines other than brominated flame retardants 7. Organochlorines other than chlorinated flame retardants or plasticisers Part A : 6 Substances in RoHS Part B (all : 0.1 %) : 7. Brominated flame retardants 8. Chlorinated flame retardants 9. Polyvinylchloride(PVC) 10. Chlorinated plastisizers 11. DEHP 12. BBP 13. DBP
6 청정기술, 제 18 권제 1 호, 2012 년 3 월 Table 3. EU's prohibition of hazardous substances and related directives Product group Hazardous subsances Related decision & directive Electronic and electrical equipment Motor vehicles (ELV, end-of-life vehicles) Toys and childcare articles Textile product Colourants Indoor paints, vanishes & vehicle refinishing products Restrictions of dangerous substances & preparations (amending for directive 76/769/EEC) Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr (VI), PBBs, PBDEs, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr (VI), VOC (Sick-car), Emissions (SOx, COx, CO, HC, NOx, PM) BEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, DIDP, DNOP Formaldehyde, pesticides, PCP/TeCP, Heavy metals (10 kinds), Cleavable arylamines (22 Subs.), Carcinogenic dyes (6 kinds), Allergy-causing (9 Subs.), Chlorinated organic carriers (10 Subs.), Emission of volatiles, Flame retardant finishes, APEO, ETAD aromatic amine (22 kinds) blue colorant (Index No 611-070-00-2, EC 405-665-4) Component I, II Pb, Cd, Cr (VI), Hg, As, APEOs, formaldehyde, Isothiazoline compound, DEDME (Diethylene glycol methyl ether), VOC, VAH (volatile aromatic hydrocarbons), R50~53, R23~28, R39, R45, R46, R48, R60, R61 Toluene, Trichlorobenzene Nonylphenol, Nonylphenol ethoxylate and cement Perfluorooctance sulfonates Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Directive 2000/53/EC Directive 70/220/EEC Directive 98/485/EC Directive 2005/84/EC Decision 1999/178/EC Decision 2002/371/EC Decision 2009/567/EC Directive 2002/61/EC (azocolourants) Directive 2003/3/EC (blue colourant) Directive 1999/13/EC Directive 2004/42/EC Directive 2005/59/EC Directive 2003/53/EC Directive 2006/122/EC Footwear Pb, Cd, Cr (VI), As, formaldehyde, PCP & TeCP, aromatic amine (22 kinds), C10~13 chloroalkane, N-nitrosamines (9 kinds), VOC, DEHP, BBP, DBP Decision 1999/179/EC Decision 2002/231/EC Decision 2009/563/EC 법적용방법을제정한후에회원국에적용된다. EU 지침중위험한화학물질사용을제한하는지침을조사하여각지침에서규제하는유해물질을정리하여보면 Table 3과같다. 전기전자제품, 자동차, 완구및유아용품, 섬유제품, 염료, 페인트, 신발류등에규제하는유해물질을알수있고 Decision 2009/567/EC (Decision 1999/178/EC 및 Decision 2002/371/EC의개정판 ) 에서사용을규제하는유해물질은 1990년초반 EU 각국의민간섬유기관이연합하여제창한섬유제품에코라벨 Öko- Tex Standard 100에서규제하는유해물질 [2] 과대동소이하며, EU 에코라벨인 Flower의섬유제품군의부여기준이되고있다 [5]. Decision 2002/739/EC 및 Decision 2009/563/EC에서는각각페인트및신발류에규제되는유해물질을다루고있는동시에에코라벨부여기준이되고있다 [21]. Table 3에열거된일련의지침은관련지침이계속개정된것이며, 최근년도지침을참조하면된다. 전기전자제품의유해물질규제는 Directive 2002/ 95/EC, PFOS사용규제는 Directive 2006/122/EC, nonylphenol, NPEO 사용규제는 Directive 2003/53/EC에서다루고있다 [5, 10,11]. 위험물질 (dangerous substances) 및위험한혼합물 (dangerous preparations) 의분류, 포장및표시에관한규칙, 규정및행정상조항에관한지침은각각 Directive 67/548/EEC 및 Directive 1999/45/EC에서다루고있다 [26,27]. 예로포름알데히드가 Directive 67/548/EEC에서 Carcinogenic cat.3; R40T, R23/ 24/25C; R34, R43의위험물질로분류되어있듯이수천개의위험물질이어떤위험범주에속하는지의분류가되어있다 [26]. Directive 67/548/EEC 및 Directive 1999/45/EC에수록되어있는위험물질사용에대한제한조건은 Directive 76/769/EEC 에서다 루고있는데 [28] 계속이를업데이트되는 Directive가발표되어왔고 (Table 3의 7째줄 ) 현시점 REACH 부속서 17( 제한물질 ) 에그대로반영되어있다 [6]. 2.4. REACH 규제유해물질과법적의무사항 2007년 6월발효된 REACH 제도란, 유럽에서생산또는수입되는화학물질의등록, 평가, 허가및제한에관한법령으로서기존유럽연합내 40여개화학물질관련법령을통합한제도이다. REACH에서는유해물질을 SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern, 이하 SVHC), 즉고위험성물질이라는용어로다루며, CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or Toxic for Reproduction( 발암성, 돌연변이유발성혹은생식독성 ), PBT (Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic: 잔류성, 생물농축성및독성 ), vpvb( 고잔류성및고생물농축성 ) 물질혹은내분비장애 (Endocrine disrupting) 물질로정의한다 [6]. Table 4는 REACH 법령집내에서 SVHC 관련정보를발췌하여본것으로 Annex( 부속서 ) 8에는어떤물질이 PBT, vpvb 물질에분류되는지의기준이제시되어있고 Annex 14 허가대상물질목록에등재될수있는물질의최우선조건은 1) Directive 67/548/EEC[26] 에서 carcinogenic category 1 혹은 2로분류되거나 mutagenic category 1 혹은 2로분류된물질이며 (REACH 법령 57항 ) 2) PBT 혹은 vpvb 물성을갖거나 3) 다양한용도로널리사용되고있거나혹은대량유통되고있는세가지경우이며이에해당할경우최우선물질 (priority substances) 이되고있다 (REACH 법령제58장 )(Table 4).
국제환경규제유해물질의최근동향및국내수출기업에미치는영향 7 Table 4. Mapping of information regarding SVHC in REACH Regulation[6] Location of information Content Details Article 58.3 Regarding priority substances to be included in Annex XIV - PBT or vpvb properties; or - Wide dispersive use; or - High volume Annex XIII Criteria for the identification of PBT and vpvb substances - Annex XIV List of substances subject to authorization 6 Substances Annex XVII Restrictions on the manufacture, Placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances, Prepadations and articles Total 58 groups including substances, groups of substances, or preparations Appendix 1 Carcinogens : category 1 @ 88 Substances Appendix 2 Carcinogens : category 2 @ 789 Substances Appendix 3 Mutagens : category 1 - Appendix 4 Mutagens : category 2 @ 176 Substances Appendix 5 Toxic to reproduction : category 1 17 Substances Appendix 6 Toxic to reproduction : category 2 66 Substances Appendix 7 Labelling of articles containing asbestos - Appendix 8 Azocolourants : list of aromatic amines 22 Substances Appendix 9 Azocolourants : list of azodyes Mixture of 2 chromated dyes with EC No. 405-665-4 Comp.1: CAS-No:118685-33-9 Appendix 10 Azocolourants : list of testing methods - 허가후보 SVHC 목록 (Candidate list of SVHC for authorization) 은현재까지총 53종물질이발표되어있다 [29]. 그경위를살펴보면유럽화학물질청 (European Chemical Agency, 이하 ECHA) 에서최초 15종 (2008.10.28) 의물질을허가후보 SVHC 목록으로등재한이후 14종 (2010.1.13), 1종 (2010.3.30), 8종 (2010.6.18), 8종 (2010.12.15), 7종 (2011. 6. 20) 의총 53종물질을허가후보물질목록으로등재하였고이들물질이 SVHC로분류되는지의근거, 즉 CMR, PBT, vpvb 중어떤분류에속하는지를같이발표하고있다 (Table 5). 이들물질에대하여국내기업은신고의무뿐만아니라 완제품내의 53종 SVHC의 Table 5. Candidate List of SVHC for Authorization published by ECHA *1 [29] Substances CAS No. EC No. Classification 1E (2008.10.28) 15 Substances 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 204-371-1 PBT 2 4,4'- Diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA) 101-77-9 202-974-4 (C)MR *2 3 Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 84-74-2 201-557-4 CM(R) 4 Cobalt dichloride 7546-79-9 231-589-4 (C)M(R) 5 Diarsenic pentaoxide 1303-28-2 215-116-9 (C)MR 6 Diarsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 215-481-4 (C)MR 7 Sodium dichromate, dihydrate 7789-12-0 (C)(M)(R) 8 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-Xylene (Musk xylene) 81-15-2 201-329-4 vpvb 9 Bis (2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate) (DEHP) 117-81-7 204-211-0 CM(R) 10 Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) 25637-99-4 247-148-4 PBT 11 Alkanes, C10-13, chloro (Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins) 85535-84-8 287-476-5 PBT, vpvb 12 Bis (tributyltin)oxide (TBTO) 56-35-9 200-268-0 PBT 13 Lead hydrogen arsenate 7784-40-9 232-064-2 (C)M(R) 14 Triethyl arsenate 15606-95-8 427-700-2 CM(R) 15 Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) 85-68-7 201-622-7 (C)MR 2E (2010.1.13) 14 Substances 16 Anthracene oil 90640-80-5 292-602-7 (C)MR, PBT
8 청정기술, 제 18 권제 1 호, 2012 년 3 월 17 Anthracene oil, Anthracene paste, Distn. lights 91995-15-2 295-278-5 18 Anthracene oil, Anthracene paste, Anthracene fraction 90640-81-6 295-275-9 (C)(M)R 19 Anthracene oil, Anthracene-low 91995-17-4 292-604-8 PBT. vpvb 20 Anthracene oil, Anthracene paste 90640-82-7 292-603-2 21 Pitch, Coal tar, High temp. 65996-93-2 266-028-2 (C)MR, PBT, vpvb 22 Aluminosilicate refractory ceramic fibres - 650-017-00-8 (C)MR 23 Zirconia aluminosilicate refractory ceramic fibres - 650-017-00-8 (C)MR 24 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (2,4,DNT) 121-14-2 204-450-2 (C)MR 25 Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) 84-69-5 201-553-2 CM(R) 26 Lead chromate 7758-97-6 235-759-9 (C)M(R) 27 Lead chromate molybdate sulphate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104) 12656-85-8 235-759-9 (C)M(R) 28 Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34) 1344-37-2 215-693-7 (C)M(R) 29 Tris (2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TECP) 115-96-8 204-118-5 CM(R) 3E (2010.1.13) 1 Substance 30 Acrylamide 79-06-1 201-173-7 (C)(M)R 4E (2010.6.18) 8 Substances 31 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 201-167-4 (C)MR 32 Boric acid 10043-35-3 / 11113-50-1 233-139-2 234-343-4 CM(R) 33 Disodium tetraborate, Anhydrous 1330-43-4 12179-04-3 215-540-4 CM(R) 1303-96-4 34 Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide, Hydrate 12267-73-1 235-541-3 CM(R) 35 Sodium chromate 7775-11-3 235-889-5 (C)(M)(R) 36 Potassium chromate 7789-00-6 232-140-5 (C)(M)R 37 Ammonium dichromate 7789-09-5 232-143-1 (C)(M)(R) 38 Potassium dichromate 7778-50-9 231-906-6 (C)(M)(R) 5E (2010.12.15) 8 Substances 39 Cobalt(II) sulphate 233-334-2 10124-43-3 (C)M(R) 40 Cobalt(II) dinitrate 233-402-1 10141-05-6 (C)M(R) 41 Cobalt(II) carbonate 208-169-4 513-79-1 (C)M(R) 42 Cobalt(II) diacetate 200-755-8 71-48-7 (C)M(R) 43 2-Methoxyethanol 203-713-7 109-86-4 CM(R) 44 2-Ethoxyethanol 203-804-1 110-80-5 CM(R) 45 Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 (C)(M)R 46 Acids generated from chromium trioxide and their oligomers: Chromic acid, Dichromic acid oligomers of chromic acid and dichromic acid (2011.6.20) 7 Substances 231-801-5 236-881-5 7738-94-5 13530-68-2 (C)MR 6E 47 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 111-15-9 203-839-2 CM(R) 48 Strontium chromate 7789-06-02 232-142-6 (C)MR 49 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-c7-11-branched and linear alkyl ester (DHNUP) 68515-42-4 271-084-6 CM(R) 50 Hydrazine 302-01-2 206-114-9 (C)MR Hydrazine hydrate 7803-57-8 206-114-9 (C)MR 51 1-methyl-2-Pyrrolidone 872-50-4 212-828-1 CM(R) 52 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 202-486-1 (C)M(R) 53 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-c6-8-branched alkyl ester, C7-rich (DIHP) 71888-89-6 276-158-1 CM(R) *1 updated in November 2011 *2 classifed as CMR because it is (C)arcinogenic
국제환경규제유해물질의최근동향및국내수출기업에미치는영향 9 Figure 3. Schematic diagram showing relation between the candidate list and list of SVHC for authorization and the corresponding regulatory obligation in REACH. 함유여부 에대하여 45일이내에제공해야하는의무를가지게되었다 (Figure 2)[30,31]. Table 5의총 53개물질중 6개물질 (Table 6) 이 2011년 2월허가후보물질목록에서허가대상 SVHC 목록 (List of SVHC for authorization) 으로정해져서 (Regulation No.143/2011) REACH 부속서 XIV에수록되게되었고 [32] Figure 2의 scheme에서알수있듯이허가후보물질도계속적으로작업을하고있고, 또이중에서허가대상물질로의스크리닝작업도지속적으로이루어지므로이에대한모니터링이필요하다. REACH SVHC에대한법적인의무사항은신고 (Notification), 허가 (Authorization) 및제한 (Restriction) 그리고공급망 (Supply chain) 을따라주고받아야하는정보의무 (duty to communicate information on substances in articles, 33조 ) 가있다. 신고는완제품 (Article) 에서비의도적으로배출되는화학물질이허가후보물질목록에있고, 완제품대비 SVHC가 0.1 중량 % 이상이면서연간총량 1톤을초과하고노출차단이불가능한물질일경우, 신고의무를규정하고있으며허가후보물질목록에포함된시점에서 6개월이내신고해야한다. 허가는 SVHC 물질의위해관리및유해성이큰물질을유해성이낮은물질로대체해나가기위한조치로허가대상물질목록 (REACH 법령집부속서 XIV) 에등재된물질에대해서해당용도에대한사용허가를받기위해신청마감일까지허가신청을해야하며허가되지않으면그날이후로는해당용도로사용이불가능한마지막날 (Sunset date) 을정해놓고있으며신청마감일 18개월전까지허가신청서를제출하여야하고대체물질이존재할경우대체계획안을작성하여제출하고대체물질이없을경우는대체계획과관련한 R&D 계획이포함되어야한다. 6종물질 musk xylene, MDA, HBCDD, DEHP, BBP, DBP 6종물질은 Table 6에서처럼현재까지다양한용도로사용되어왔으나이들물질은결국 2014~2015년이후에는허가없이는사용할수없게되고결국은유럽에서퇴출되어야하는 REACH 시행이후의첫공식적인물질이라는의미가있다 [30,31,33]. REACH 법령집부속서 17에수록된제한물질목록은 2.3 절에서언급한바와같이 REACH 이전에이미제한되어온물질들을포함하며, 법령집공표초기에 52개의그룹 ( 물질혹은물질군 ) 으로되어있었으나 [6], 2009년 6월 (Regulation No. 552/2009) 이후 58개그룹으로갱신되었다 [35]. 2011년 4월 14일자로유해물질의시장유통및사용제한지침인 Directive 76/769/EEC[28] 의부속서 I이편입됨이발표되었고추가제한 Table 6. List of SVHC for authorization published by ECHA and their current usage[32] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Substances / sunset date 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-Xylene (Musk xylene) 2014.7.21 4,4'- Diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA) 2014.7.21 Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) 2015.7.21 Bis (2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate) (DEHP) 2015.1.21 Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) 2015.1.21 Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 2015.1.21 *1 classifed as CMR because it is (R)eproduction CAS No/ EC No. 81-15-2 201-329-4 101-77-9 202-974-4 25637-99-4 247-148-4 117-81-7 204-211-0 85-68-7 201-622-7 84-74-2 201-557-4 Classification vpvb (C)MR PBT CM(R) *1 CM(R) CM(R) Uses Fragrance enhancer in detergents, fabric softeners and fabric conditioner Hardener in epoxy resins and adhesives Flame retardant in textile applications and in polystyrene, further processed for the production of insulation panels/ boards or packaging products Plasticiser in a wide range of PVC and other polymer applications: flooring, roofing, coated fabrics, medical devices or primary packaging of medical products as well as in sealants, adhesives and inks Plasticiser in polymer products, particular in PVC for flooring applicatio, in textile and leather coating as well as in sealants, adhesives and inks Specialist plasticiser in PVC/non-PVC applicatios : floor covering or primary packaging of medical products and as a component of adhesives or paints
10 청정기술, 제 18 권제 1 호, 2012 년 3 월 예상물질로 Phenylmercury compounds, 수은, 납과그화합물및 DMFu가이해당사자의의견수렴중에있다 [36]. 부속서 17의제한물질목록구성의예를보면벤젠 (5번), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) 및 0.005% w/w 이상함유된혼합물 (1번), PCP (22번), azocolourants (43번, Appendix 8의 22개물질 ), DEHP DBP, BBP (51번), PFOS (53번) 그리고 28~30번에 Appendix 1~6 (Table 4) 에수록된 CMR 물질모두가포함되어있어그수는수천개의물질에해당한다고볼수있다 [6,34]. 각물질혹은물질군별로제한조건 (Conditions of restriction) 이구체적으로명시되어있고제한조건부합시 EU 역내시장출시가금지된다 [34,35]. Figure 4. Quick overview of what endocrine disrupting chemicals and the SIN list of ChemSec are[41]. 2.5. SIN (Substitute It Now) list REACH 제도의성공은유럽시장에서유통되는유해한물질들을얼마나신속하고효율적으로확인하여, 이러한유해물질을어떻게안전한물질로대체하는가로요약할수있다. 인체내암을유발시키는발암성물질, 생물체및환경에장기간잔류하는잔류성물질등과같은 SVHC 조건을만족시키는화학물질에관한후보물질목록은 REACH 허가과정의핵심이다. ChemSec (the International Chemical Secretariat, 스웨덴 Goeteborg 소재 ) 은유럽내 NGO (Non-Governmental Organization, 비정부조직 ) 로서 REACH 입법과정에적극적으로참여하여왔으며, 유럽과미국의주도적인환경단체와협력하여 REACH SIN list 1.0을개발하였다 [36,37]. SIN list 1.0은 REACH 제57조의 SVHC에대한 6가지기준중최소한한가지를만족하며 ELC (Equivalent Level of Concern) 그룹 (30종), PBT 그룹 (17종), CMR 그룹 (309종) 총 356개물질로구성되어있으며, 세제, 페인트, 전자제품, 주택, 옷, 장난감등우리일상에서어디에서나사용되는물질들을포함하며 [38] 현시점에서최종업데이트된 2.0은총 378 물질로구성되어있다 [39]. 다음의 (a)~(f) 가 REACH 제57조에서명시하는 SVHC이며, 이중 (a), (b), (c) 에해당하는 CMR 물질은기존 EU Directive 67/548/EEC의부속서 I[26] 에명기되어있던물질목록을기초로쉽게확인가능하다. 또한 (d), (e) 에해당하는 PBT, vpvb 물질도마찬가지로 EU의 Technical Committee of New and Existing Chemical Substances 의 PBT 작업반이 PBT와 vpvb 기준에부합하는일부물질들을선정해놓았기때문에확인가능하다. 반면에 (f) 에해당하는물질들은확인하기가어렵고해당기준을충족시키는물질을모아놓은기존목록은존재하지않는다 ; (a) 발암성물질카테고리 1 또는 2 (C) (b) 돌연변이성물질카테고리 1 또는 2 (M) (c) 생식독성물질카테고리 1 또는 2 (R) (d) 잔류성, 생물농축성, 독성물질 (PBT) (e) 고잔류성, 고생물농축성물질 (vpvb) (f) 내분비계교란물질과같이상기물질과동등한수준의우려물질 (Substances of Equivalent Concern) 이에 ChemSec에서는자체평가기준 [40] 을거쳐 Figure 4에 서알수있는내분비계장애물질 [41] 에해당하는 3-Benzylidene camphor, 4-Nitorphenol, Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE), PCP, Perchloroethylene, Resorcinol 등의신규 22종을 SIN list 2.0 에추가하였다 [42]. ChemSec은공개된자료를근거로유럽내 SIN list에있는화학물질을생산하거나수입하는 389개회사들에대한리스트 (SIN Producers List) 도작업해놓고있다 [43]. SIN list가가지는의미는소비자와근로자및환경을보호하기위한활동의결과이며, SVHC에대한중요한기술자료인본목록을통해기업은공식적인 REACH SVHC 후보물질목록에등재될가능성이상대적으로높은물질이무엇인지를조기에확인할수있으며, 잠재위험물질에대한초기대응전략을마련할수있다는것이다. ChemSec은이러한 REACH SIN list 작업을하는과정에서다국적기업에게유해화학물질을보다안전한물질로대체하는것이가능하다는것을보여줄것을촉구해왔고, 현재 Eureau( 상하수관리회사 ), Sara Lee( 대표적 FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) 기업 ), Sony Ericsson (Mobile devices), H&M( 스웨덴의류판매유통업체 ), Fred Butler ( 드라이크리닝회사 ), NCC( 스웨덴건설회사 ) BEUC (The European Consumers' Organization) 등이 SIN list 물질을적극적으로대체하고있는유럽기업의예이다 [37]. 2.6. 규제유해물질이시장에주는영향 : 클레임사례중심 REACH 이전국제시장에서섬유제품에코라벨, RoHS 등에서시작한제품의유해물질규제가수출장벽이된사례및대응예는 Table 7에서볼수있다. Table 7의사례들은유해물질규제로인해국제시장에서수출클레임이생긴수출업체가본분석실 [44] 에원인규명을요청한것을정리해본결과이다. NPEO는 EU Directive 2003/53/EC에근거한규제로인해수출장벽이 2005년부터국내기업에감지되었던물질이다. 사례 1은 NPEO가폴리에스테르원사, 염색된실크 / 면혼방원단등에서 100 ppm 범위에서검출되어해외바이어가구매를유보한경우였는데, 원인은 NPEO가폴리에스테르나실크의방사공정에서방사유제로사용했었기때문이었고원인규명을통해향후 NPEO-free 품질관리계획을유해물질-free 제품을마켓전략으로하는해외바이어에게제공한후오히려국제환경규제는지속적인수출보장의기회가될수있었다 [12]. 이물질은 Table 2(b)] 의 Oeko-Tex Standard 1000에서
국제환경규제유해물질의최근동향및국내수출기업에미치는영향 11 Table 7. Case Examples of Non-tariff Export Barrier of Korean Companies due to Prohibited Hazardous Substances[44] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Substances Restriction / Regulation Uses Product detected Export Barrier / Copement Nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPEO) Pentachloro phenol (PCP) Hexachloro benzene Aryl amines (24 Subs.) Allergenic dyestuffs (21 Subs.) Pentabromo diphenylether (PBDE) - Oeko-tex Standard 1000 - Directive 2003/53/EC - SIN list 2.0 - Oeko-tex Standard 100 - SIN list 2.0 - Oeko-tex Standard 100 - SIN list 2.0 - Oeko-tex Standard 100 - SIN list 2.0 - Oeko-tex Standard 100 - Decision 2002/371/EC - Oeko-tex Standard 100 - Directive 2002/95/EC - Fiber-spinming aid - Textile auxiliaries - Anti-dusting agent - Preservative in sizing agent for weaving - Organic carriers added during polyester dyeing or in formulation of dispersive dyes - Intermediate chemicals for azo dyes - Dyes for polyester and nylon fibers - Flame retardant - Case 1: dyed fabrics - Case 2: dyes (powder type) - Claimed by a German and Hong Kong buyers ($ 300,000~500,000/case) - Substituted by alkylated ethoxylate (AEO) or through removal of residual NPEO - Undyed woven fabric - Claimed by a Dutch buyer ($ 80,000/case) - Dyed polyester fabric - Dyed fabrics or azo dyes (220 cases) - Dyed polyester fabrics or dispersive dyes (120 cases) - Various plastic parts for electronic eqipments 7 TBBPA - PoHS - Flame retardant - Rubber bushing 8 Toluene - Oeko-tex Standard 100 - Directive 2005/59/EC - Solvent - Safety belt for car seat - Claimed by a Hong Kong buyer ($ 100,000/case) - Frequently claimed by EU and Hong Kong buyers during 2003~2006 - Substituted by other dyes - Frequently claimed by EU and Hong Kong buyers during 2003~2006 - Solved by dye manufacturer's quality control of imported dye press cake from China - Big issues of EU-exporters since 2006 - Substituted by non-regulated flame retardant - Claimed by a Japanese buyer($ 500,000/ year) - Substituted by non-regulated flame retardant - Claimed by a Japanese buyer requiring toluen-free products - Solved by process improvement and quality control by VOC tests 공정중사용을금지하는물질이고 SIN list 2.0에수록되어있는물질이면서현재 REACH 부속서 17의제한물질목록에도들어있다. 여기에는혼합물기준 (0.1 w/t% 이하 ) 만있고제품자체에대한기준치는아직없는데 Figure 2 등의유럽바이어를중심으로자체바이어기준 ( 예로 100 mg/kg 이하 [45] 이있어국제시장에서제품에함유된 NPEO 규제를주도해오고있다. 2000년중반에는규제물질인유해아민 (Aryl amine) 을중간체로합성된아조염료의사용 ( 사례 5) 과알레르기염료로분류되어자체로규제되었던 21종염료물질이검출 ( 사례 6) 되어 EU 및홍콩바이어들에게클레임이걸린경우가빈번히발생하였는데대부분의경우규제염료를주성분으로사용해서가아니라극소량오염되었던경우가많았고, 염료생산이이미국내에서후발개도국으로이전한경우, 품질관리에어려움이있음을보여주기도했다 [46]. Table 7의사례들은유해물질검출로인해해외바이어에게클레임이걸렸을경우, 한회당 8만 ~50만불정도의수출물량에문제가생김을보여주며, 무엇보다이를잘대응하지못하면수출파트너를잃게될수있음을시사한다. REACH 시행과함께이러한유해물질규제는더욱확장되었는데십여년간 ( 섬유산업 ) 혹은수년간 ( 전기전자산업 ) 제품함유환경규제 를대응해온산업에서는타산업에비해 REACH 대응에준비가잘되어있는편이라볼수있다. REACH 대상이되는화학물질또는이를포함한제품의 EU 27개국에대한수출실적을보면 (2006년), 단일물질수출은 11.6억달러, 혼합물질은 24.1억달러, 완제품은 424.6억달러로 REACH 대상물질총수출 460.2억달러가운데각각 2.5%, 5.2% 및 92.3% 를차지하고있다 [47]. 3. 결론선진국, 특히유럽주도의유해물질규제는전세계적으로시장유통에크게영향을주어수출기업들에게위기이자기회인교역분위기를조성해왔다. 시행되고있는국제환경규제대응하여수출현장모니터링및적시저비용대응에초점을맞추는한편 (Table 7의클레임해결이한예 ), 현재진행되고있는환경규제와관련되어한국에유리하도록적극적으로참여하는것이바람직한데, 이와관련하여 RoHS 분석법의표준화 (IEC 62321) 를담당하는 IEC TC 111 국제표준회의에국내에서확립한분석법을제안하여국제표준을주도하고있는것이그예라할수있다 [48,49]. 국제환경규제를모니터링하여규제예비물질들에대한국내검출및사용현황을선행
12 청정기술, 제 18 권제 1 호, 2012 년 3 월 조사해놓으면 [50] 기업들에게유용한자료가될수있다. 또한중장기적으로는우위기술에있으면서생산경쟁력을보유하고있는국내산업분야에서예비규제유해물질을대체하는제품을기획, 개발하여선도적그린제품 ( 예로섬유산업의안티몬-free 폴리에스테르개발 ) 으로국제경쟁력을갖도록주력하는전략이필요하다고볼수있다. 감사본연구는지식경제부 산업원천기술개발사업 ( 청정생산기반분야 ) 으로수행된결과이며연구비지원에감사드립니다. 약어 BBP : Butylbenzyl phthalate CCC : China Compulsory Certification ChemSec: the International Chemical Secretariat CMR : Carcinogenic( 발암성 ), Mutagenic( 돌연변이유발성 ) or Toxic for Reproduction( 생식독성 ) DMFu : Dimethylfumarate DBP : Dibutyl phthalate DEHP : Diethylhexyl phthalate, Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate DIDP : Di-iso-decylphthalate DINP : Di-iso-nonylphthalate DNOP : Di-n-octylphthalate ECHA : European Chemicals Agency 유럽화학물질청 EDC : Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 내분비계장애물질 ELC : Equivalent level of concern GLP : Good Laboratory Practice 우수실험실 ( 관리 ) 기준 HBCDD : Hexabromocyclododecane IEC : International Electrotechnical Commission NGO : Non-Governmental Organization, 비정부조직 NPEO : Nonylphenol ethoxylate PBB : Polybrominated biphenyls 폴리브로민화바이페닐 PBDE : Polybrominated diphenyl ethers 폴리브로민화다이페닐에테르 PBT : Persistent( 잔류성 ), Bioaccumulative( 생물농축성 ), and Toxic( 독성 ) PCP : Pentachlorophenol PCTs : Polychlorinated terphenyls PFOS : Perfluorooctance sulfonates PVC : Polyvinyl Chloride, 폴리비닐클로라이드 REACH : Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of CHemicals RoHS : Restrictions of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment SIN : Substitute It Now SRVC : State Recommendation Voluntary Certification SVHC : Substances of Very High Concern 고위험성물질 vpvb : very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative 고잔류성및고생물농축성참고문헌 1. 2. Oeko-Tex Standard 100, Oeko-Tex International, Zuerich, 2011. 3. Choe, E. K., Son, E. J., and Park, C. R., The Eco-labelling Scheme for Textile Products: Present Position and Prospects, Fiber Technol. & Industry, 3(3/4), 85-103 (1999). 4. Choe, E. K., Study on the European Environmental Requirements and Ecolabel Certification on Textile Products, Final Report to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Cheonan, 2001. 5. Directive 2002/95/EC, Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Official Journal of the European Union, L37, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2002. 6. Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), Official Journal of the European Union, L396, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2006. 7. COM (2008) 809/4, EU Commission's Recast Proposal for Directive 2002/95/EC, the European Parliament, 2008. 8. draft-completed?viewid=641. 9. 10. Directive 2006/122/EC, Restrictions on the Marketing and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances and Preparations (Perfluorooctane Sulfonates), Journal of the European Union, L372/ 32, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2006. 11. Directive 2003/53/EC, Restrictions on the Marketing and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances and Preparations (Nonylphenol, Nonylphenol Ethoxylate and Cement), Journal of the European Union, L178/24, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2003. 12. Choe, E. K., and Hwang, J. Y., Case Study on Textile Products Claimed Due to Residual NPEO, COMPASS Analyst Report No. 311-09-032, Korea National Cleaner Production Center, 2009. 13. Commission Decision 2009/251/EC, Requiring Member States to Ensure that Products Containing the Biocide Dimethylfumarate are not Placed or Made Available on the Market, Official Journal of the European Union, L74/32, The Commission of the European Communities, 2009. 14. Hwang, J. Y., and Kim, J. W., Detection of DMFu in Shoes
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