ㄹ Yoon s BEFL Note 15 Yoon s Fresh English Book 6 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 6 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표계절의특징을나타내는표현을익히고대화에사용할수있다. 날짜 Part Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을 자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족핚부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Fresh English Book 6 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 4( 의 ) four ~ 시 o clock ~ 후에 after 1A 1B 일요일지켜보다텔레비전읽다생활, 생명핚국매우계절봄가을겨울꽃열다, 피다잎소풍깨끗핚강 Sunday watch TV read life Korea much season spring fall winter flower open leaf picnic clean river 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 더운 hot 산 mountain 언덕 hill 안개 fog 2A 비 ( 가오다 ) 긴, 오랜 rain long 방학, 휴가 vacation 바다 sea 때때로 sometimes 즐기다 enjoy 아름다운 beautiful 날씨 weather 서늘핚 cool 추운 cold 2B 하늘 맑은 푸른색의 sky clear blue 구름낀 cloudy 노란색의 yellow 붉은 red 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 눈 ( 이내리다 ) 헐벗은 snow bare 입다 wear 따뜻핚 warm 3A 의복 스케이트 ( 를타다 ) 스키 ( 를타다 ) 크리스마스 설날 남자친구 clothes skate ski Christmas New Year s Day boyfriend 고향 hometown 호수 lake 정말, 실제로 really 3B 수영하는사람 과일 배구 swimmer fruit volleyball 잘 well 색깔 스포츠, 운동경기 날, 요일 color sport day 5
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 테니스 tennis 치약 toothpaste 인형 doll 아프리카 Africa 4A 돈 나르다 money carry 버터 butter 배우다 learn 여행객 tourist 각자, 각각의 each 집 house 예쁜 pretty 뚱뚱핚 fat 0( 의 ) zero 4B 지퍼를잠그다 자전거타기 zip cycling 거인 giant 여왕 queen 질문 question 풀 grass 6
Book 6 Part 1 What Do You Do After School? 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 four 4( 의 ) 11 매우 much 2 o clock ~ 시 12 4( 의 ) four 3 after ~ 후에 13 텔레비전 TV 4 Sunday 일요일 14 생활, 생명 life 5 watch 지켜보다 15 읽다 read 6 TV 텔레비전 16 ~ 후에 after 7 read 읽다 17 핚국 Korea 8 life 생활, 생명 18 지켜보다 watch 9 Korea 핚국 19 일요일 Sunday 10 much 매우 20 ~ 시 o clock 20 개중 개정답 7
Key Points < 일과묻기 > ~ 에무엇을하나요? 라고일과에대해물을때는 What do[does] + 주어 + do + 시갂을나타내는말? 의표현을써요. 대답은 주어 + 활동을나타내는동사 ~. 로해요. watch TV, play soccer, do homework 등의다양핚일상의활동을나타내는표현을사용핛수있어요. A: What do you do on Sundays? ( 당신은일요일에무엇을하나요?) B: I play soccer. ( 나는축구를해요.) Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성하세요. Expression A: What do you do on Sundays? B: I play soccer. New Word 1. A: What do you do on Saturdays? B: My wife and I go shopping. Saturdays / go shopping 2. A: What do you do after school? B: I do my homework. after school / do my homework 3. A: What do you do on Sundays? B: I go to church. Sundays / go to church 4. A: What does she do after dinner? B: She watches TV. after dinner / watch TV 5. A: What does he do on weekends? B: He reads books. weekends / read books 8
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 몇시예요? (time / it) What time is it? 2. 당신은방과후에무엇을하나요? (what / do / after) What do you do after school? 3. 나는테니스를쳐요. (play) I play tennis. 4. 나는 TV 를보거나책을읽어요. (TV / books) I watch TV or read books. 5. 나는나의숙제를해요. (do / my) I do my homework. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. It s four o clock. 2. What do you do on Sundays? 3. I like it very much. 4. How s life in Korea? 5. What time is it there? 9 선생님확인
Book 6 Part 2 Spring 1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 season 계절 11 잎 leaf 2 spring 봄 12 열다, 피다 open 3 fall 가을 13 강 river 4 winter 겨울 14 봄 spring 5 flower 꽃 15 소풍 picnic 6 open 열다, 피다 16 가을 fall 7 leaf 잎 17 계절 season 8 picnic 소풍 18 깨끗핚 clean 9 clean 깨끗핚 19 겨울 winter 10 river 강 20 꽃 flower 10 20 개중 개정답
Key Points < 관사 + 형용사 + 명사 > 관사 (a, an, the) 와형용사가함께오면보통관사가형용사앞에위치해요. This is a house. ( 이것은집이에요.) + This is big. ( 이것은커요.) This is a big house. ( 이것은큰집이에요.) Let s Practice A. 괄호안에주어진단어를두개의빈칸중알맞은위치에써넣으세요. 1. I want to buy a pretty hair pin for my sister. ( pretty ) 2. There is a green tomato in the basket. ( green ) B. 주어진문장을보기처럼바꿔다시쓰세요. < 보기 > That dog is cute. That is a cute dog. 1. This cat is angry. This is an angry cat. 2. That egg is fresh. That is a fresh egg. 3. That box is heavy. That is a heavy box. 11
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 핚국에는사계절이있어요. (in / have / seasons) In Korea we have four seasons. 2. 봄은좋은계절이에요. (is / nice) Spring is a nice season. 3. 우리는많은새나뭇잎들을볼수있어요. (can / many / leaves) We can see many new leaves. 4. 그것은작은마을이에요. (small / town) It is a small town. 5. 우리소풍갑시다. (let s / picnic) Let s go on a picnic. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. 2. Birds sing in the trees. 3. Flowers open in spring. 4. People go on a picnic in spring. 5. Do you like spring, too? 12 선생님확인
Book 6 Part 3 Summer 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 hot 더운 11 즐기다 enjoy 2 mountain 산 12 안개 fog 3 hill 언덕 13 때때로 sometimes 4 fog 안개 14 방학, 휴가 vacation 5 rain 비 ( 가오다 ) 15 바다 sea 6 long 긴, 오랜 16 산 mountain 7 vacation 방학, 휴가 17 더운 hot 8 sea 바다 18 비 ( 가오다 ) rain 9 sometimes 때때로 19 긴, 오랜 long 10 enjoy 즐기다 20 언덕 hill 20 개중 개정답 13
Key Points < 일반사람을나타내는 we, you, they> we, you, they가 우리, 당신, 그들 이아닌막연히일반사람을가리킬때는우리말로해석하지않아요. We have a lot of wind in spring. ( 봄에는바람이많이불어요.) You have harsh winters in Japan. ( 일본은겨울날씨가매서워요.) They speak English in Australia. ( 호주에서는영어를사용해요.) Let s Practice 주어진문장을우리말로옮겨보세요. 1. They have much rain in Thailand. 태국에는비가많이온다. 2. We had much snow last winter. 지난겨울에는눈이많이내렸다. 3. We have four seasons in Korea. 핚국에는사계절이있다. 4. You push this button to get a light 이단추를누르면불이켜진다. 5. They have many old castles in Europe. 유럽에는오래된성이많다.. 14
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 여름은더운계절이에요. (summer / hot) Summer is a hot season. 2. 우리는강이나바다에서수영을핛수있어요. (we / or / sea) We can swim in the river or in the sea. 3. 때때로우리는산에갈수있어요. (sometimes / to / mountains) Sometimes we can go to the mountains. 4. 봄에는안개가많이껴요. (we / a lot of / in) We have a lot of fog in spring. 5. 겨울방학은어때요? (about) How about winter vacation? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Trees, mountains, and hills are green. 2. We have a lot of rain in summer. 3. In summer, it is very hot but we enjoy our summer. 4. We have a long vacation. 5. Do you have much rain in summer? 15 선생님확인
Book 6 Part 4 Fall 2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 beautiful 아름다운 11 하늘 sky 2 weather 날씨 12 노란색의 yellow 3 cool 서늘핚 13 맑은 clear 4 cold 추운 14 푸른색의 blue 5 sky 하늘 15 날씨 weather 6 clear 맑은 16 아름다운 beautiful 7 blue 푸른색의 17 서늘핚 cool 8 cloudy 구름낀 18 붉은 red 9 yellow 노란색의 19 추운 cold 10 red 붉은 20 구름낀 cloudy 16 20 개중 개정답
Key Points < 날씨묻기 > ~ 의날씨는어떤가요? 하고날씨에대해물을때는 How is the weather ~? 의표현을써요. 대답은 It s ~. 라는하는데이때 it은 그것 이라고특별히해석하지않아요. cold, sunny, fine, rainy 등다양핚날씨를나타내는형용사를사용핛수있어요. A: How s the weather today? ( 오늘날씨어때요?) B: It s cold today. ( 오늘은추워요.) A: How s the weather in summer? ( 여름의날씨는어때요?) B: It s hot. ( 더워요.) Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성하세요. Expression A: How is the weather in summer? B: It s hot. New Word 1. A: How is the weather in spring? B: It s windy. spring / windy 2. A: How is the weather in Finland? B: It s snowy. Finland / snowy 3. A: How is the weather in India? B: It s hot. India / hot 4. A: How is the weather in Brazil? B: It s sunny. Brazil / sunny 17
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 날씨는서늘해요. (weather / cool) The weather is cool. 2. 우리는많은노랗고붉은나뭇잎들을볼수있어요. (can / many / leaves) We can see many yellow and red leaves. 3. 오늘은구름이끼었어요. (cloudy) It s cloudy today. 4. 가을에는날씨가어떤가요? (how s / in) How s the weather in fall? 5. 당신은봄을좋아하나요, 가을을좋아하나요? (do / or / fall) Do you like spring or fall? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Fall is a beautiful season. 2. We have new fruit in fall. 3. The sky is clear and blue. 4. Mountains are beautiful in fall. 5. Do you want some cold water? 선생님확인 18
Book 6 Part 5 Winter 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 snow 눈 ( 이내리다 ) 11 입다 wear 2 bare 헐벗은 12 따뜻핚 warm 3 wear 입다 13 눈 ( 이내리다 ) snow 4 warm 따뜻핚 14 크리스마스 Christmas 5 clothes 의복 15 헐벗은 bare 6 skate 스케이트 ( 를타다 ) 16 스키 ( 를타다 ) ski 7 ski 스키 ( 를타다 ) 17 스케이트 ( 를타다 ) skate 8 Christmas 크리스마스 18 의복 clothes 9 New Year s Day 설날 19 남자친구 boyfriend 10 boyfriend 남자친구 20 설날 New Year s Day 19 20 개중 개정답
Key Points <many와 much> 1) many + 셀수있는명사의복수형 : ( 수가 ) 많은 My sister has many pencils. ( 나의여동생은많은연필을갖고있어요.) 2) much + 셀수없는명사의단수형 : ( 양이 ) 많은 We have much money. ( 우리는많은돈을갖고있어요.) Let s Practice 크리스마스 A. 괄호안에서알맞은말을골라동그라미하세요. 1. There are ( many / much ) books in my bag. 2. We had ( many / much ) snow last winter. 3. Do you drink much ( coffee / coffees )? 4. We didn t visit many ( city / cities ) in England. B. 빈칸에 many 또는 much 를써넣으세요. 1. She has much work to do tonight. 2. Many friends will come to my birthday party. 3. Her father has much money. 20
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 겨울은추운계절이에요. (winter / season) Winter is a cold season. 2. 그것들은잎을가지고있지않아요. (they / have) They do not[don t] have leaves. 3. 우리는스케이트나스키를탈수있어요. (can / or) We can skate or ski. 4. 당신은너무많은커피를마셔요. (drink / too) You drink too much coffee. 5. 당신은겨울에무슨운동을즐기나요? (sports / enjoy / winter) What sports do you enjoy in winter? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. We have a lot of snow. 2. Many trees are bare. 3. We wear warm clothes. 4. We have Christmas and New Year s Day in this season. 5. You have too much homework. 21 선생님확인
Book 6 Part 6 What Season Do You Like? 3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 hometown 고향 11 잘 well 2 lake 호수 12 정말, 실제로 really 3 really 정말, 실제로 13 과일 fruit 4 swimmer 수영하는사람 14 스포츠, 운동경기 sport 5 fruit 과일 15 고향 hometown 6 volleyball 배구 16 색깔 color 7 well 잘 17 수영하는사람 swimmer 8 color 색깔 18 날, 요일 day 9 sport 스포츠, 운동경기 19 호수 lake 10 day 날, 요일 20 배구 volleyball 20 개중 개정답 22
Key Points < 기호묻기 > 무슨 ~ 을좋아하나요? 하고기호를물을때는 What + 명사 + do[does] + 주어 + like? 라는표현을써요. 대답핛때는 주어 + like[likes] + 명사 ~. 로해요. A: What season do you like? ( 무슨계절을좋아하나요?) B: I like summer. ( 나는여름을좋아해요.) Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성하세요. Expression A: What season do you like? B: I like summer. New Word 1. A: What sport do you like? B: I like tennis. sport / tennis 2. A: What subject does she like? B: She likes math subject / math 3. A: What color does he like? B: He likes red. color / red 4. A: What fruit do you like? B: I like apples. fruit / apples 5. A: What animal do you like? B: I like lions. animal / lions 23
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 나는겨울을매우좋아해요. (like / very) I like winter very much. 2. 당신은어때요? (about) How about you? 3. 날씨가너무더워요. (it s) It s too hot. 4. 당신은무슨계절을좋아하나요? (what / like) What season do you like? 5. 핚국에는몇개의계절이있나요? (seasons / there / in) How many seasons are there in Korea? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. What season do you like, Mike? 2. In my hometown, it snows a lot and it s very cold. 3. We can skate on the lakes. 4. It s a hot season, but I can swim in summer. 5. I am a good swimmer. 24 선생님확인
Book 6 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 tennis 테니스 11 배우다 learn 2 toothpaste 치약 12 여행객 tourist 3 doll 인형 13 아프리카 Africa 4 Africa 아프리카 14 버터 butter 5 money 돈 15 각자, 각각의 each 6 carry 나르다 16 돈 money 7 butter 버터 17 인형 doll 8 learn 배우다 18 테니스 tennis 9 tourist 여행객 19 나르다 carry 10 each 각자, 각각의 20 치약 toothpaste 25 20 개중 개정답
Key Points < a lot of > 양과수를모두나타내는말로셀수있는명사와셀수없는명사앞에쓸수있다. 1) a lot of + 셀수없는명사의단수형 (= much) We have a lot of rain in summer. = We have much rain in summer. ( 여름에는비가많이와요.) 2) a lot of + 셀수있는명사의복수형 (= many) I have a lot of books. = I have many books. ( 나는책을많이갖고있어요.) * a lot of = lots of Let s Practice 주어진문장을보기처럼바꿔다시쓰세요. < 보기 > You have a lot of cards. You have many cards. 1. I don t drink a lot of milk. I don t drink much milk. 2. Farmers harvest a lot of apples. Farmers harvest many apples. 3. She put a lot of sugar into the tea. She put much sugar into the tea. 4. A lot of computers are needed at schools. Many computers are needed at schools. 5. Little changes can save a lot of water. Little changes can save much water. 26
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. Jane 은많은드레스를갖고있어요. (has / dresses) Jane has many[a lot of] dresses. 2. Mike 는우유를많이마시지않아요. (doesn t / milk) Mike doesn t drink much[a lot of] milk. 3. 겨울에는몹시추워요. (it / very / in) It is very cold in winter. 4. 지금몇시인가요? (what / now) What time is it now? 5. 가을에는너무덥지않아요. (not / fall) It is not too hot in fall. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Don t use too much toothpaste. 2. Many animals live in Africa. 3. He learns a lot of subjects in school. 4. It is Sunday today. 5. It is two thirty. 27 선생님확인
Book 6 4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 house 집 11 풀 grass 2 pretty 예쁜 12 자전거타기 cycling 3 fat 뚱뚱핚 13 거인 giant 4 zero 0( 의 ) 14 지퍼를잠그다 zip 5 zip 지퍼를잠그다 15 예쁜 pretty 6 cycling 자전거타기 16 뚱뚱핚 fat 7 giant 거인 17 질문 question 8 queen 여왕 18 0( 의 ) zero 9 question 질문 19 여왕 queen 10 grass 풀 20 집 house 20 개중 개정답 28
Key Points < 시각묻기 > 몇시인가요? 하고시각을물을때는 What time is it? 의표현을써요. 대답은 It is + 시각. 으로해요. o clock( 정각 ), p.m.( 오후 ), a.m.( 오전 ) 등의시갂을나타내는표현도함께알아두세요. A: What time is it? ( 몇시인가요?) B: It is five o clock. (5시정각이에요.) Let s Practice 주어진그림을보고대화를완성하세요. Expression A: What time is it? B: It is five o clock. 1. A: What time is it? B: It is six fifteen. 2. A: What time is it? B: It is two o clock. 3. A: What time is it? B: It is eight thirty. 4. A: What time is it? B: It is eleven fifty-five. 5. A: What time is it? B: It is three fifty. 29
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 이것은뚱뚱핚고양이에요. (this / fat) This is a fat cat. 2. 밤에는밝은별들을볼수있어요. (you / bright / at) You can see bright stars at night. 3. 나는일요일에학교에가지않아요. (don t / Sunday) I don t go to school on Sunday. 4. 나는 6 시 30 분에일어나요. (get / at) I get up at six thirty. 5. 차가운물좀드시겠어요? (want / some) Do you want some cold water? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. This is a big house. 2. We have a lot of wind in spring. 3. Let s meet at seven o clock. 4. How s the weather today? 5. What time is it? 선생님확인 30
NEAT Speaking 유형연계질문에답하기 F: What time is it now? M: It's four o'clock. F: What do you do after school? 문제 M: I play tennis. F: What do you do on Sunday? M: I watch TV or read books. 출처 B6, p. 8 힌트 He plays ~ 답안 He plays tennis after school. 31
NEAT Writing 유형출처힌트답안 주어진조건에맞게쓰기 B6, p.66,67 I like ~ because ~ spring/summer/fall/winter warm/hot/cold flowers mountains leaves winter activities [spring] I like spring because I can go on a picnic. It is warm. I can see many new l eaves. Flowers open. Birds sing. [summer] I like summer because I have a long vacation. The weather is hot in the s ummer. I can swim in the river or in the sea. I can go to the mountains. [fall] I like fall because the weather is cool. It's not too hot, and it s not too cold. I can see many yellow and red leaves. The mountains are beautiful in fall. [winter] I like winter because I can skate or ski. It is cold in the winter. But we can e njoy the snow and the many fun winer activities. 32