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274 한국문화 73

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민속지_이건욱T 최종

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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승






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2008 Korean Second Language Written examination


SOLT 1 Korean Holidays The US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School in association with The University of Arizona, South Camber Advanced Computer Learning Company

Holidays Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Tip of the Day "Thuck-Guk" ( 떡국 ) and "Song-Pyoun" ( 송편 ) There are two big traditional holidays in Korea. One is 설날 and the other is 추석. 설날 is the New Year's Day of the lunar calendar and 추석 is the Thanksgiving Day of Korea. On 설날, people have rice-cake soup in the morning, which is called 떡국, and after having a bowl of 떡국, they usually say that they are one year older. Sometimes, people eat two bowls of 떡국 and joke that they are now two years older, but in all actuality they are only one year older. On 추석, all Koreans eat some rice cakes steamed on a layer of pine needles and they refer to the rice cake as 송편. There are two different kinds of 송편. One has sesame inside of the cake and the other one has beans in it. 떡국 송편 66

Korean SOLT I Holidays Lesson Scenario 1 Lunar New Year Read the following dialogue between David and Mr. Choi. They are talking about their plans for the Lunar New Year. Then, answer the questions below. INTRODUCTION 데이빗 : 최민수씨, 이번설날에고향에가세요? 최민수 : 예. 가서부모님께세배도드리고, 조카녀석들세뱃돈도좀줘야지요. 데이빗 : 명절때마다꼭고향에내려가나요? 최민수 : 가능하면꼭가려고노력하는데, 지난추석에는일때문에못갔어요. 데이빗씨는계획이어떻게되세요? 데이빗 : 저는특별한계획은없어요. 그냥가족들과함께야외로놀러갈까 생각중이예요. 최민수 : 그럼우리고향에놀러오시겠어요? 오시면저희어머님의기가막힌 떡국도맛볼수있고, 함께윷놀이도할수있는데요. 데이빗 : 고맙지만사양하겠어요. 오랫만에가족, 친지분들과좋은시간 보내세요. 최민수 : 이번에오셔서제게세배하시면세뱃돈으로만원이나드리려고 했는데 ( 농담 ) 데이빗 : 그래요? 저는민수씨가저에게세배하면 2 만원드릴께요. ( 농담 ) 최민수, 데이빗 : 하하하 ( 웃음 ) 최민수 : 데이빗씨도세배는어른들에게만드린다는걸아시네요. 데이빗 : 물론이죠. 그정도는저도알아요. 돌아올때송편이나좀가져다 주세요. 최민수 : 송편은한가위때먹는떡이예요. 데이빗 : 아, 맞아요. 제가잠깐혼동했어요. 추석때송편먹고, 강강술래하지요? 최민수 : 예. 올추석에강강술래나같이하지요. 데이빗 : 그럴까요? 그때가기다려지는데요. 최민수 : 어쨌든, 새해복많이받으세요. 데이빗 : 민수씨도요. Scenario1 Exercise 1. 최민수씨는설날에어디를갑니까? a. 고향 b. 야외 c. 세배 2. 설날에무엇을먹습니까? a. 송편 b. 떡국 c. 윷놀이 67

Holidays Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Exercise 1 Create Korean sentences using the words in the box below. Try to use several of the words together in one sentence. The student who uses the most words will win. 명절, 설날, 추석, 윷놀이, 강강술래, 송편, 떡국, 고향, 세배, 세뱃돈, 한가위 Example 1: 명절, 고향 나는명절때마다고향에내려가서어릴적뛰어놀던들판에앉아추억에잠기곤합니다. Example 2: 송편 나는콩이들어있는송편보다깨가들어있는송편이더맛있읍니다. Exercise 2 (Group Work) The following passage is an entry from the diary of Mi-Sun. Read it and answer the questions below, in Korean. Then, discuss the entry, in Korean, within your group. 2000 년 2 월 4 일날씨 : 맑음 내일은기다리던음력설, 구정이다. 어머니께서는음식준비에한참이셨고, 아빠는오늘내게새한복을사다주셨다. 나는설날이참좋다. 맛있는음식도많이먹을수있고, 세뱃돈도두둑하게생기기때문이다. 또한재미있는윷놀이도할수가있다. 내일이면나이도한살더먹게되니, 보다의젓하게행동해야겠다. (1) 한국의설날은왜 2 월 5 일입니까? 68

Korean SOLT I Holidays (2) 미선이는왜설날을좋아합니까? INTRODUCTION (3) 미선이는왜내일이면나이를한살더먹게된다고했습니까? Exercise 3 (Group Work) Review the passages below that discuss four traditional holidays in Korea and decide which one is most interesting for you. Afterwards, explain your choice to the rest of the class, in Korean. 설날설날은새해의첫날로원단혹은세수라고도한다. 섣달그믐저녁부터복을기원하고잡귀를막는의미로복조리, 갈퀴, 체등을벽에걸고새해맞이준비를한다. 설날아침에는 ' 설빔 ' 이라하여새옷을마련해입고정성껏준비한음식으로조상에게차례를지낸다. 차례를지낸후어른들께새배를드리는데, 절을받은어른들은덕담을하거나아이들에게세배돈을준다. < 세배 > 차례는떡국으로지내는데떡국을먹었다는것은나이를한살더먹었다는의미가된다. 또한세주라하여데우지않은찬술을마시는데, 이술을마시면질병을앓지않는다고하며봄을맞이하는뜻이들어있다. 또한가족과친지들이모여윷놀이, 널뛰기, 연날리기, 잣치기, 제기차기등의놀이를즐긴다. 69

Holidays Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION 정월대보름 음력정월 15 일인대보름에는풍요를기원하며농사와관련된많은행사들이벌어진다. 아침일찍한해의안녕과무병을기원하며 ' 부럼 ' 을까고, ' 귀밝이술 ' 을마신다. 또한쌀, 찹쌀, 팥, 콩, 수수를넣어오곡밥을지어먹으며여러가지나물을김에싸먹는다. 그런가하면더위먹지않고여름을보내기위해이른아침친구에게찾아가이름을불러대답하면 ' 내더위사가라 ' 고말한다. 농사가잘되길기원하며마을사람들이모여제사를지내거나줄다리기, 지신 ( 地神 ) 밟기, 차전 ( 車戰 ) 놀이등을벌인다. 그런가하면한해의나쁜재앙을리보내는의미로하늘에연을날려보내고, 달이뜰무렵엔둑에불을질러잡귀와해충을쫓거나쥐불놀이를하고달을보며 1 년의행복을기원하기도한다. < 쥐불놀이 > 단오 음력 5 월 5 일은단오로수리 ( 戌衣 ) 또는천중절 ( 天中節 ) 이라고도하며, 차례를지내고새옷을입고하루를즐겁게보낸다. 쑥떡을만들어먹거나재액을쫓기위해쑥을문옆에세워두며, 이날뜯은쑥과익모초는병에특효가있다고알려져있다. 또한창포물에머리를감거나세수를하는데이렇게하면머리결에윤기가나고건강에좋다고한다. 여성들은창포의뿌리로비녀를만들어머리에꽂기도한다. 이날의큰행사들은주로밖에서이루어지는데, 남자들은모여서씨름을하고여자들은그네뛰기를하며흥겹게보내는데, 여러지방에서열리는단오제중대표적인것으로강릉단오제가있다. 70

Korean SOLT I Holidays 추석 음력 8 월 15 일인추석은추수를감사하며새로운삶을준비하는즐거운명절로, 중추 ( 中秋 ) 또는 ' 한가위 ' 라고도한다. 아침에일어나면먼저추석빔이라하여새옷이나깨끗한옷으로갈아입고, 햇곡식으로떡과술을만들어조상에게차례를지낸다. 집에서차례를지낸뒤간단히제수를준비하여성묘 ( 省墓 ) 를간다. INTRODUCTION 추석에먹는대표적인절식으로는햅쌀에햇콩과햇밤등을넣어만든송편이있다. 이외에도밤, 대추, 감, 배, 사과등과일이풍성하여마음까지풍요로워지는때이다. 이날은마을에서거북이놀이, 소맥이놀이, 사자놀이, 강강술래, 줄다리기등을하고술과음식을들며하루를즐긴다. < 강강술래 > Exercise 4 Read the following dialogue between David and Mr. Choi and answer the questions below. They are discussing the traditional Korean day, 정월대보름. Class discussion, in Korean, will follow. Choi: 데이빗씨, 어제왜결근했어요? David: 예? 어제공휴일아니었어요? Choi: 어제가무슨공휴일이예요? David: 어제정월대보름이었잖아요. Choi: 데이빗씨, 정월대보름은명절이기는하지만공휴일은아니예요. David: 무슨소리예요, 명절과공휴일이다른거예요? Choi: 예, 모든명절이다쉬는날은아니예요. 설날과추석같은명절에는쉬지만, 정월대보름이나단오같은명절은공휴일은아니예요. David: 그렇군요. 71

Holidays Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION (1) 데이빗씨는어제왜결근을했나요? (a) 몸이아팠기때문에. (b) 어제는공휴일이었기때문에. (c) 정월대보름을명절로착각했기때문에. (d) 정월대보름을공휴일로착각했기때문에. (2) 다음중공휴일이아닌것은? (a) 한가위 (b) 설날 (c) 단오 (d) 식목일 (3) 다음중올바른문장은? (a) 모든명절은공휴일이다. (b) 모든공휴일은명절이다. (c) 모든명절이다공휴일인것은아니다. (d) 어떤명절도공휴일은아니다. Exercise 5 (Group Work) The class will be divided into two groups. Discuss each Korean holiday below with your group members and answer the following questions, in Korean. Then, share the information you gather with the other group. 설날, 추석, 어버이날, 어린이날, 현충일, 단오, 정월대보름, 석가탄신일, 제헌절, 성탄절, 광복절, 삼일절, 개천절, 국군의날, 동지, 스승의날. (1) 위에서공휴일을찾아나열하시오. (2) 위에서명절을찾아나열하시오 (3) 명절과공휴일의차이점은무엇입니까? 72

Korean SOLT I Holidays INTRODUCTION Tip of the Day There are two New Year s Days in Korea. One is January 1 st of the Solar Calendar ( 신정 ), and the other is January 1 st of the Lunar Calendar ( 구정 ). In general, New Year s Day is 구정, not 신정. In Korea, they just take one day off for 신정, but they take a three day holiday for 구정. Exercise 6 Read the following paragraph about the Lunar New Year and answer the questions below. Active class discussion, in Korean, will follow. 설날에는차례도규격맞추어지내고고마운분들에게선물도해야하는것아니냐고생각하기마련인데어른들생각에그치는것같습니다. 요즈음많은젊은이들은설날을일단쉴수있다는데의미를두고있습니다. (1) 위의문장이나타내고자하는뜻은무엇입니까? (a) 설날에는고마운분들에게선물을해야한다. (b) 어른들은차례를지내고, 젊은이들은쉬어야한다. (c) 요즈음젊은이들은전통적인설의의미를잊고살아가고있어서안타깝다. (d) 설날과같은명절은쉴수있다는데의미가있다. (2) 위의문장의 " 어른 " 을가장잘표현한것은다음중무엇입니까? (a) 전통을중요시여기는사오십대이상의사람들 (b) 만 20 세이상의성인 (c) 설날이면꼭선물을하는 18 세이상의성인 (d) 설날이면쉬기를원하는많은젊은이들 73

Holidays Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Exercise 7 Create complete sentences, in Korean, with the following words in parentheses. Share them with the rest of the class. Example: ( 설날, 덕담, 어른들, 세배 ) 설날에는어른들께세배를드리고덕담을듣는다. (1) ( 설날, 조카, 세뱃돈, 덕담 ) (2) ( 설날, 즐겁다, 윷놀이, 가족 ) (3) ( 추석, 과일, 예년, 비싸다 ) (4) ( 건국, 경축일, 축하, 개천절 ) (5) ( 탄생, 크리스마스, 축하 ) Exercise 8 (Pair Work) With your partner, read the following article about the price of some fruits needed in a sacrificial rite and discuss the questions below, in Korean. Then, share your opinion about the article, in Korean, with the rest of the class. 추석을앞두고지금배한개값이 9,000 원, 사과 1 개에 2,000 원남짓합니다. 햇과일가격으로치부하기에는웬만한식사한끼보다훨씬비쌉니다. 추석이예년보다열흘이상빨라지면서제수용과일이제때익지않았기때문입니다. 이렇게제수용품가격이들먹이자정부는다음달 9 일까지를특별대책기간으로정하고농수산물비축분을풀기로했습니다. (1) 과일값이큰폭으로오른이유는무엇입니까? (2) 추석날짜가매년바뀌는이유는무엇입니까? (3) 정부가농수산물비축분을풀기로한이유는무엇입니까? (4) 명절과물가와는어떤관계가있습니까? 74

Korean SOLT I Holidays Lesson Scenario 2 - Weekend The following passage is about weekend leisure activities. Read it carefully and discuss with a partner, in Korean, what you do on the weekends for fun. INTRODUCTION 평소에는시간이없어서하고싶은일이있어도마음대로못한다. 그러나주말이되면편한마음으로이일저일을할수있다. 토요일이나월요일이공휴일이면연휴가되어서더좋다. 다른때보다자기시간을많이가질수있기때문이다. 주말을보내는방법은사람에따라서다르다. 어떤사람은독서나음악감상을하면서조용하게지내기도하고어떤사람은고궁이나박물관, 또는미술전람회를찾기도한다. 산이나들로나가서자연을즐기다가오는이도있고집안일이나운동을하면서하루를보내는이도있다. 오래간만에친구들과만나서함께영화를보는것, 분위기있는다방에가서이야기꽃을피우는것, 그런것도주말에맛볼수있는재미중의하나이다. 무엇보다도즐거운것은주말여행을떠나는일이다. 여행은사람들에게잊을수없는추억을만들어준다. 새로운곳에가서보고듣고느끼는것, 그것은산경험이고즐거움이다. 주말은우리생활에새힘을준다. 주말이없다면우리는어디에서살아가는힘을얻을수있을까? Exercise 9 Create sentences, in Korean, using the words in the box below. Try to use several of the words together in one sentence. 주말, 등산, 음악감상, 전람회감상, 운동, 집안일, 여행, 영화감상 Example: 주말, 등산 나는주말이면북한산에등산을간다. 75

Holidays Korean SOLT I INTRODUCTION Lesson Scenario 3 Trip Mr. Lee and Mr. Kim discuss what types of vacations they enjoy. Read the dialogue below and then talk about your dream vacation with a partner, in Korean. Lee: 주말여행은어떠셨습니까? Kim: 좀멀기는했지만경치도아름답고구경할것도많아서아주좋았어요. Lee: 그근처에있는섬이관광지로유명하다고하던데가보셨어요? Kim: 아니오, 시간이없어서못가봤어요. 명희씨는요? Lee: 저도말로만들었어요. 언제한번가보고싶어요. Kim: 그럼, 신혼여행때가도록하시죠뭐. Exercise 10 Imagine you are at the office with your work colleagues. Ask and answer questions about your weekend activites, in Korean. Example : A: 주말을어떻게보내셨어요? B: 예, 여의도에놀러갔었어요. 76

Korean SOLT I Holidays The Dative Postposition ( 여격조사 ): to (a person), - 에게, - 께 Use - 에게 for a person of the same age or younger. Use - 께 for a senior or a higher officer. Example: 나는조카에게세뱃돈을주었다. 나는부모님께세배를드렸다. GRAMMAR NOTES Exercise 1 Translate the following sentences into Korean. (1) My old friend gave a birthday gift to me. (2) I wrote a letter to my mother. (3) A beautiful lady spoke to me. (4) My instructor lectured us on a Korean traditional holiday today. 77

Holidays Korean SOLT I 맛보다얻다즐기다 동사 (Verbs) to taste something to gain to enjoy VOCABULARY 부사 (Adverbs) 마음대로 as one wishes ~ 에따라서 according to 평소 usually 경험고궁관광지독서들방법섬신혼여행자연전람회추억 여행 (Tour) experience ancient palace tourist site reading field, open land method island honeymoon nature exhibition recollection 개천절경축일고향공휴일광복절국경일국군의날귀향기념 공휴일 (Holidays) The National Foundation Day A festival day hometown a day off, a holiday National Liberation Day national holiday Armed Forces Day returning to one's native place memory 78

Korean SOLT I Holidays 대보름대추덕담동지섣달떡국명절민속밤보름삼일절설날성탄절세배세뱃돈송편식목일양력어린이날윷놀이음력전통음식정월제사제헌절조카중추절차례추석축하탄생풍속풍습한가위한글날한복햇과일현충일 the 15th of January by the lunar calendar jujube, a Chinese date well wishing remarks the 11th and 12th of the lunar month rice-cake soup traditional holiday folk customs chestnut full moon day The Anniversary of the Independence Movement of March 1st 1919 New Year's Day Christmas formal bow of respect to one's elders on New Year's Day, kowtow handsel A rice cake steamed on a layer of pine needles Arbor Day The Solar Calendar Children's Day Traditional Four-Stick Game The Lunar Calendar traditional foods January sacrificial rite Constitution Day nephew or niece The Harvest Moon Day, Thanksgiving Day ancestor-memorial services The Harvest Moon Day, Thanksgiving Day celebration birth customs customs The Harvest Moon Day, Thanksgiving Day Hangul (Korean alphabet) Proclamation Day Korean traditional clothes new fruits of the year Memorial Day VOCABULARY 79

Holidays Korean SOLT I National Holidays CULTURAL NOTES January 1st New Year's Day Lunar New Year's Day March 1st Independence Movement Day April 5th Arbor Day May 5th Children's Day April 8th (Lunar) Birth of Buddha June 6th Memorial Day July 17th Constitution Day August 15th Liberation Day The first two days of the year are officially designated as holidays. Most Koreans take this time to visit their elders and other relatives. Before Korea adopted the Julian Calender from the West, Koreans considered Lunar New Year's the start of the new year. In fact, most Koreans have returned to traditional ways and observe this day as the true New Year's Day, observing the traditional "harae" (giving thanks to deceased ancestors) the first thing in the morning. In 1919, 33 Korean patriots signed and circulated the Declaration of Independence that sparked a nationwide, peaceful protest against Japanese colonial rule. Memorial services are held for the lost patriots at Seoul's Tapgol (Pagoda) Park where the declaration was first proclaimed. Government offices are closed this day to encourage people to plant saplings throughout the country, as the peninsula suffered massive deforestation during the close of World War II and the Korean War. On January 15, 1975, the government designated May 5th as Children's Day, which is observed as a national holiday, so parents can enjoy a spring day with their children. Solemn rituals are held at temples on this day, with throngs of devout Buddhists attending. At night, tens of thousands of amber lanterns light up temple grounds. Cities string electric lanterns along downtown streets, and there is a large parade in downtown Seoul which ends at Chogye-sa Temple. Most activities on this day come to a full stop at 10:00 a.m. for a moment of silence to remember those who died for the nation. Ranking government officials, civic leaders, and foreign dignitaries join white-clad bereaved relatives of fallen soldiers to lay wreaths and burn incense at the National Cemetery. Ceremonies are held to commemorate the founding of the Republic of Korea and the promulgation of the constitution in 1948. On this day in 1948, the Republic of Korea was established, reclaiming national sovereignty after 36 years of Japanese colonial rule and three-years of the United States Army Military Government in South Korea. 80

Korean SOLT I Holidays August 15th (Lunar) Chuseok October 3rd National Foundation Day December 25th Christmas Day Chuseok literally means "Fall's Eve" and is a time reserved to give thanks to the ancestors for the year's harvest. Normally a grand feast and celebration follow the formal expression of thanks. The literal translation for the holiday is "The Day the Heavens Opened". This is the day that the nation's legendary founder, Tangun, is said to have descended to earth 5,000 years ago. Mortal leaders decreed the date would be observed according to the solar calendar in 1949. Korea has the second-largest Christian following in Asia, a quarter of the population according to the 1995 national census. For them the holiday is a spiritual event celebrated within their religious communities. CULTURAL NOTES Tip of the Day Family Holidays Besides national holidays, several family holidays are important to all Koreans and they are celebrated with feasting and merriment. They include 백일 (the 100th day after a child's birth), 돌 (baby's first birthday), and 회갑 or 환갑 (one's 60th birthday), which is considered to be the completion of the 60-year cycle of the Oriental zodiac. These special days were observed with much enthusiasm when infant mortality was high and life expectancy was low. In fact, these types of occasions were celebrated by having grand festivals, in which even remote relatives attended, but these days they are usually observed by only close family members. As for, more and more senior citizens turn to other forms of celebration, such as overseas travel, instead of enjoying celebrations at home. 81

Holidays Korean SOLT I New Year's Day ( 설날 ) In Korea, everybody automatically becomes one year old when he/she is born. So, if your son was born on August 31, 2000, he was one year old immediately after labor. People also gain one year on New Year's Day. So, hypothetically, your son would have turned 2 years old on New Year's Day in 2001. Exercise: Suppose that your son was born, in Korea, on December 31, 1991. How old is he today? CULTURAL NOTES 82

Korean SOLT I Holidays Activity 1 (Group Speaking Activity) Discuss your answers to the following questions, in Korean, with your group. (1) 지난추석 (or Thanksgiving) 에무엇을했습니까? (2) 지난설에무엇을했습니까? (3) 명절이좋은이유는무엇입니까? (4) 한국의설과미국의 New Year s Day 는무엇이다릅니까? Activity 2 Work together with your partner to match the dishes below with their name, appropriate holiday, and its date. Then, in Korean, compare the dishes with the holiday food common in the U.S. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 송편만두떡국오곡밥 설날정월대보름추석단오 음력 5 월 5 일음력 1 월 1 일음력 1 월 15 일음력 8 월 15 일 83

Holidays Korean SOLT I Activity 3 Appropriate Response Students pair up and take turns saying what is customary and appropriate (from the right column) for each event (in the left column) that is listed below. If you end up with two unmatchables, start all over again. 설날 생일을축하합니다. 성탄절 새해복많이받으세요. 추석 만수무강하십시오. 생일 메리크리스마스. 축하드립니다. 회갑잔치행복하세요. 결혼식 ( 마음속으로 ) 감사합니다. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES ` 84

Korean SOLT I Holidays Activity 4 Read the following article about Korean women s duties on festive days and discuss the questions with your group members, in Korean. 즐거워야할명절이즐겁지가않은주부들이있읍니다. 명절이오면온갖일을도맡아해야하기때문에추석을앞두고머리가아파온다는주부들에게는이른바 명절증후군 이라는새로운병이생기고있읍니다. 그증상으로머리가아프다든지, 가슴이두근두근한다든지, 소화가안된다든지, 또는입맛이떨어진다든지한다고합니다. 이같은증상은무엇보다남성중심의명절문화가원인입니다. 남자들은밤늦도록술도마시고, 고스톱도치고하지만, 여자들은계속음식만들고, 갖가지집안일을하기때문입니다. (1) 한국의주부들이명절증후군에시달리는이유는무엇입니까? (2) 명절증후군의증상은무엇입니까? (3) 주부들의명절증후군을해소할수있는방법에대해토론해보세요. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 85

Holidays Korean SOLT I Activity 5 Review the following passage concerning Korean holidays with your partner and discuss the questions below, in Korean. 추석 APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 해마다음력팔월보름 ( 양력시월상순부터중순쯤 ) 이되면한국사람들은고향에내려간다. 이날은추석이다. 고향에서조상의산소에성묘하고부모형제친척들과한자리에모여송편과그밖의맛있는음식을먹으면서재미있게지낸다. 이날한국사람들은화려한한복을입고할아버지나큰아버지가사시는큰댁에모인다. 그리고햇곡식으로빚은송편과여러가지떡과새로나온과일나물들그리고갈비찜생선구이등을만들어가지고조상의산소에간다. 산소앞상석위에음식을차려놓고나이가많은분부터차례로조상님께절을한다. 일년동안가족의건강을살펴주시고농사를잘짓게해주신조상님께감사를드린다. 성묘가끝나면산소앞풀밭에돗자리를펴고식구들이다같이음식을나눠먹으면서피크닉을한다. 한국의시월은특히날씨가좋다. 하늘은높이맑게개이고덥지도춥지도않고논과밭의잘익은곡식들은수확을기다리고있다. 추석날밤밝고둥근보름달이떠오르면마을의처녀들은손에손을잡고둥글게빙글빙글돌면서 강강수월레 춤을춘다. 추석이라는이름은한자로 가을저녁 이라는뜻이다. (1) What is the occasion for the 15th of August by the Lunar Calendar? (2) In what month is this occasion by the Solar Calendar? (3) What is the most important event in 추석? (4) What do Koreans wear at the occasion? (5) What is the typical food at 추석? (6) What is the typical dance at 추석? 86

Korean SOLT I Holidays Activity 6 (Group Activity) With the help of your instructor, learn this old Korean folksong that people sing as they watch the full moon on 추석 and discuss what this song is about, in Korean. 1. 달아달아밝은달아이태백이놀던달아 2. 저기저기저달속에계수나무박혔으니 3. 옥도끼로찍어내어금도끼로다듬어 4. 초가삼간집을짓고양친부모모셔다가 5. 천년만년살고지고천년만년살고지고 Activity 7 Read each description and choose the holiday it depicts from the box below. (1) 어른들께세배를하면세뱃돈을주십니다. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES (2) 아기예수가탄생하신날입니다. (3) 일본식민지에서해방한날을기념하는날입니다. (4) 가족들과달구경을합니다. (5) 부처님이탄생하신날입니다. 87

Holidays Korean SOLT I (6) 이날부럼을까먹으면일년동안부스럼이없습니다. 성탄절, 정월대보름, 광복절, 설, 석가탄신일, 추석 APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 88

Korean SOLT I Holidays Activity 1 Write down the holidays that the following cards are intended to commemorate. Then, choose an appropriate message for each from the box below. Class discussion, in Korean, will follow. 명절 메세지 SKILL ENHANCEMENT 89

Holidays Korean SOLT I 즐거운한가위가되기를바라며풍성한수확을기원합니다. 부처님오신날을봉축하오며귀댁에자비가가득하기를축원합니다성탄절을맞아온가정에기쁨과사랑이넘치기를기원합니다희망찬오월, 푸른꿈을간직한슬기로운어린이가되어라새해복많이받으시고소원성취하시기바랍니다 Activity 2 Read the following sign from a flower shop and answer the questions below. Compare your answers with those of your classmates. 오늘은 6.25 동란과월남전쟁에서장엄하게돌아가신형제나어버이들을추모하는날입니다. 명동꽃집 SKILL ENHANCEMENT (1) 이사인은무슨날을기념하는것입니까? (a) 광복절 (b) 삼일절 (c) 어버이날 (d) 현충일 (2) 이사인은무엇을팔기위해만들어진것입니까? (a) 태극기 (b) 꽃 (c) 카드 (d) 책 90

Korean SOLT I Holidays Activity 3 Read the following article concerning a Buddhist religious ceremony and choose the correct statement. 욕불식음력 4 월 8 일의석가세존탄신일은가장오래된기념일의하나이다. 그날이되면신도들은모두절에찾아가가족수대로의갖가지모양의색등을사서걸고밤내촛불을켜놓아가족의건강과행운을빈다. 절에서는전통적인관욕, 봉행, 헌화, 독경으로기념행사를거행한다. (a) (b) (c) The article is about the Buddhist ceremony held on the eighth day of the fourth month by the Lunar Calendar. Buddhists gather and light candles in memory of Buddha s death. It is about a Buddhist ceremony at Chogyesa Temple where Buddhists gather with lanterns and pray to Buddha for the health and happiness of their families, in commemoration of Buddha s Birthday. It is about a Buddhist ceremony, The Bathing of Buddha, held on the night of Buddha s Birthday. A new Buddhist is introduced or bathed in the lantern light, symbolic of Buddhahood. Activity 4 (Pair Work) The following two articles are on the same subject as the previous activity. Listen to the instructor read the first article aloud. Then, present a summary of it in Korean. Next, with your partner, read the second article and write down the problem that both articles present and possible solutions, in Korean. Be prepared to present to the class. (1) 이번에는몇시간이나걸릴까? 한국산업안전공단직원인여정기씨 (32). 고향이대구인여씨는추석을앞두고또한번자신과의약속을어긴다. 매년명절때마다귀성전쟁을겪고 다시는승용차로고향을찾지않을것 이라고다짐을하지만그때뿐. 설이나추석을앞두고기차나비행기표를구하지못하면어쩔수없이승용차로눈을돌릴수밖에없다. 여씨는이번추석이연휴기간말미에있기때문에고향가는길보다는집에돌아오는길이더걱정이다. 그래서출발시간결정과우회도로망활용등전략세우기에여념이없다. 미리알고접근하면아무래도나을것이란판단에서다. SKILL ENHANCEMENT 91

Holidays Korean SOLT I (2) 이번추석을앞두고도로공사교통정보센터팀장주진구씨의걱정거리는귀성길이아니라귀경길이다. 고향으로내려가는기간은금요일인 8 일저녁부터추석전날까지무려나흘간이어서교통이분산돼극심한체증은없을것같아요. 그러나귀경교통량은추석오후부터그다음날까지집중될수밖에없습니다. 명색이교통정보전문가인주씨도올추석귀경전쟁을피할수있는묘수는없다고잘라말한다. 그러나막히는도로와 10 년째씨름하다보니나름의노하우가쌓였다. 귀경길고생을줄일수있는방법이전혀없는것은아니다. 여기몇가지방법을제시한다. 아침차례를지내고바로떠나야한다. 이날낮 12 시만지나도본격적인교통체증이시작된다. 어차피추석당일친지들과함께할수있는시간을충분히갖지못한다면오전 11 시이전에귀경에나서는것이좋다. 13 일아침출발도방법이다. 12 일낮부터극심한교통체증을빚는다고보면 13 일오전에출발해도막히기는마찬가지다. 충분한잠을자고 13 일아침에출발하는것도괜찮을듯. 가장막힐것이라고예상한시간에의외로막히지않는경우가종종있다. 체증을우려한사람들이그시간을피하기때문. 가장혼잡할것으로예상되는 13 일오후 2 시경출발하는것도고려할만하다. 교통상황은시시각각변하고예상은어긋나기마련. 라디오에만의존하지말고직접전화로확인하는것이좋다. 오랫동안차안에서지낼각오를하고놀이기구나음식물등을준비한다. 귀경교통혼잡을완전히피할수없기때문이다. 마음의여유가중요하다. SKILL ENHANCEMENT Activity 5 (Pair Work) One item in each of the following groupings does not belong there. Take turns reading each group of items to your partner and he/she will choose the one that does not fit. Switch roles, so you can both practice. 92

Korean SOLT I Holidays (1) (a) 추석 (b) 타이어 (c) 보름달 (2) (a) 주말 (b) 토요일 (c) 송편 (3) (a) 행진 (b) 신랑 (c) 신부 (4) (a) 태극기 (b) 은퇴 (c) 광복절 (6) (a) 반지 (b) 결혼식 (c) 삼일절 (7) (a) 떡국 (b) 설날 (c) 추석 (8) (a) 세배 (b) 석가탄신일 (c) 부처 (9) (a) 산타크로스 (b) 구정 (c) 성탄절 (5) (a) 축구 (b) 겨울 (c) 여름 (10) (a) 새해복많이받으세요 (b) 구정 (c) 삼일절 SKILL ENHANCEMENT 93

Holidays Korean SOLT I 1. Put the holidays below in the correct chronological order. (1) (a) 식목일 (2) (b) 성탄절 (3) (c) 추석 (4) (d) 국군의날 (5) (e) 설날 (6) (f) 삼일절 (7) (g) 광복절 (8) (h) 어린이날 2. Listen to the dialogues and mark true or false for the statements below. Be prepared to defend your answers, in Korean, in class. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 116 - M6L3HW2) (1) The daughter s birthday is celebrated on the 16th of December. The daughter s birthday is celebrated on Christmas Eve. The daughter s birthday is celebrated with a Christmas tree. True False HOMEWORK (2) The conversation is about holidays. The conversation is about weekends. The conversation is about workdays. True False 94

Korean SOLT I Holidays (3) This conversation is about a wedding. This conversation is about New Year s Day. This conversation is about a Korean custom. True False 3. Read the following article concerning the traditions surrounding a specific Korean holiday and answer the questions below, in Korean. Be prepared to actively discuss, in Korean, the article in class. 속으로우는사람들 엊그제의눈물은기쁨과감격의눈물이었다. 50 년동안쌓인한 ( 恨 ) 의눈물이기도했다. 내일이산가족들이흘리는눈물은짧은만남에대한아쉬움과언제또만나게될지모르는안타까움의눈물일것이다. 이번에혈육상봉의꿈을이룬이산가족들은세계인들이지켜보는무대위에서 TV 카메라의조명을받으며뜨겁게포옹하고마음껏울었다. 반면무대뒤에서소리없이눈물을흘린사람들이휠씬더많았을것이다. 우선이산의아픔이야똑같지만컴퓨터추첨에서떨어져이번기회를놓치고다음을기다리는사람들이 7 만 6000 여명이나된다. 정확히남측에서상봉신청을한사람이 7 만 6793 명, 이중 100 명만뽑혔으니까 7 만 6693 명이기다리고있는셈이다. 마음속으로울음을삼키는사람들중에는 또다른이산가족 이있다. 이른바납북자및국군포로가족들이다. 특히대부분어부들인납북자가족들은비전향장기수도북으로송환되는마당에아무죄없이끌려간사람들은생사확인조차못하니답답하기짝이없다고호소한다. HOMEWORK 95

Holidays Korean SOLT I (1) What is this article about? (2) According to the article, why did people cry? (3) How many people have been selected to participate in this event? (4) Who are the people who cry out loud? (5) According to the article, how many people are on the waiting list? 4. Read the following article and make a list, in Korean, of different events that take place on Children s Day. Be prepared to discuss your list in class. HOMEWORK 제 78 회어린이날인 5 일전국의어린이들은흐린날씨속에서도부모들과손에손을잡고다채로운볼거리와놀거리가마련된공원과유원지등을찾아동심의날개를한껏펼쳤다. 과천서울대공원드림랜드등주요놀이공원마다인파가몰려입구에서부터입장객이줄을서는등붐볐지만모처럼나들이를나온어린이들은마냥즐겁기만했다. 이날오전 10 시세종문화회관에서는어린이날기념식과함께효행예절봉사정신이투철한모범어린이들에대한서울어린이및소년상시상식이열렸다. 이어오전 11 시청와대본관앞잔디밭에서김대중 ( 金大中 ) 대통령내외와모범어린이, 소년소녀가장, 낙도어린이등 1000 여명의어린이가참석한가운데축하행사가열렸다. 용산가족공원에서는오전 9 시부터 머리가하늘까지닿겠네 라는이름의 새천년어린이날한마당 행사가전국교직원노동조합환경연합참교육전국학부모회장애우권익문제연구소등시민단체공동주관으로열렸다. 서울광진구능동어린이대공원에서는 DDR 경연대회, 가족사랑가훈써주기, 사랑나누기엽서쓰기대회, 가족노래자랑대회등흥겨운행사들이펼쳐졌고야외음악당에서는수도방위사령부군악대의연주회도열렸다. 이날전국의주요도시에서도다채로운어린이날행사가열렸다. 96

Korean SOLT I Holidays 5. Compare and contrast Korean 추석 and American Thanksgiving Day. Write down the similarities and differences below, in Korean. Be prepared to discuss your comparisons, in Korean, in class. 추석 Thanksgiving 6. Listen to the article and answer the questions below, in Korean. Then, be prepared to orally summarize the article, in Korean, in class. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 117 - M6L3HW6) HOMEWORK (1) 이글은어떤경축일에관한글입니까? 97

Holidays Korean SOLT I (2) 한국기독교총연합회는어디서어디까지퍼레이드를벌였습니까? (3) 특설무대는어디에마련되었습니까? (4) 몇명의신도들이대규모성탄축하예배에참여하였습니까? (5) 현재는몇년도입니까? HOMEWORK 98