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DOI http: d doi org 10 14380 AHF 2014 39 107 1980 I. 30 년전으로돌아가기 李旼修 추계예술대학교강사홍익대학교미술사학과박사과정수료한국현대미술사 柄谷善男 60 1990 1930 120 1870 1 30 * : : 二重性 23 2009; : 2012 1 b 2008 pp 7 14 Immanuel Wallerstein 1930 world system 16 world empire world economy 1980 1980 107

86 88 86 88 1980 1986 1988 6 1 1980 1986 1988 2 1 4 1987 9 11 9 17 1988 4 2 4 7 1986 3 25 3 31 1986 8 27 9 2 2 1987 7 29 8 4 86 1987 1 17 2 24 88 1 2 5 1986 8 1988 86 88 1980 1986 1987 70 80 2 86 88 5 2004 2014 11 14 2015 1 11 80 1981 1982 1982 1987 3 4 1980 1980 80 5 3 1982 1980 1922 1982 1981 12 31 1983 1982 : 1985 11 pp 41 42 4 1939 1963 1964 1968 1971 1971 6 21 p 5 1992 2005 5 1981 5 9 p 10 108 1980 : 109

1986 6 1986 1988 1980 1974 21 1976 30 1977 4 1982 : II 1986 1970 1970 1980 1980 86 88 88 1 2 90 7 8 86 88 6 1 1980 2014 1980 Ⅱ 1980 Ⅲ 1980 Ⅳ 88 V 88 6 1986 4 2 1975 11 1986 5 1 p 10 7 1 4 1987 7 3 410 : 1989 p 9 8 88 1988 2 2; 1988 2 6; 88 1988 2 9 110 1980 : 111

Ⅱ. 전통에서현실로, 한국화에서현대미술로 寫生 實景山水畵 1980 1970 1970 9 10 11 70 以堂金殷鎬 1892 1979 心汕盧壽鉉 1899 1978 心香朴勝武 1893 1980 小亭卞寬植 1899 1976 靑田李象範 1897 1972 毅齎許百鍊 1891 1977 ' 大家 ' 30 40 12 1 1970 13 1976 21 14 10 2 2 10 15 9 1960 1959 4 25 : 2010 p 822 63 2 50 85 3 1964 11 9 p 3 10 1956 1960 1970 1970 1970 1971 1972 1974 1974 1974 1976 1976 1977 1977 2010 pp 821 822 11 1970 8 30 4 2 10 4 1 5 6 4 1970 3 19 p 5 1975 22 7 15 8cm 2 8 130 150cm 50 4 1975 6 24 p 6 12 40 21 20 1976 7 8 p 5 1970 100 2002 pp 296 299 1 苔韻 1974 162 130cm 23 70 1980 70 16 1920 1950 1970 13 2012 p 69 1977 1970 7 pp 101 102 14 4 1970 : Vol 1 1997 p 174 15 1970 2006 2006 p 251 2012 p 71 16 1980 p 20 112 1980 : 113

19 70 5 reality 70 80 17 70 2 3 4 5 6 9 20 30 7 18 70 2 1978 145 112cm 1 3 1978 66 133cm 4 1979 91 182cm 2 1978 120 150cm 1 contemporaneity 1982 : 1970 70 1950 60 謙齋鄭敾 1676 1759 眞景山水 70 20 檀園金弘道 1745 1806 30 40 1920 30 1950 60 1970 1980 17 30 Ⅲ 19 1980 pp 21 24 18 1980 p 19 20 1970 1982 pp 40 47 114 1980 : 115

21 1970 1980 70 8 9 22 1980 23 1980 21 1982 p 47 22 23 1982 1982 1997 pp 18 19 10 6 2 1972 160 110cm 21 7 秋 31 1977 162 130cm 26 8 1978 90 140cm 9 山景 1981 90 154cm ' ' 1983 24 25 26 4 24 1983 9 pp 83 85 1983 10 pp 90 92 1983 11 pp 112 114 1983 11 pp 115 121 1983 12 pp 102 108 1984 1 pp 120 123 25 1983 9 pp 83 85 26 1983 11 1983 p 114 1983 p 119 116 1980 : 117

29 27 1970 1980 1980 10 11 20 10 都心 1984 112 145cm 11 1983 54 49cm 30 28 1984 Ⅲ. 국제화시대의한국화 1950 1954 : 27 1983 12 p 229 28 1983 pp 103 108 20 1980 29 1984 pp 58 66 30 118 1980 : 119

31 1956 3 : 美 32 1980 1980 33 34 1980 standardization 35 1950 36 1970 1980 80 1980 1984 31 : 1954 8 5 32 : 1956 8 3 p 4 33 1959 2 20 21 2 1971 70 15 1976 11 pp 69 83 34 1957 10 23 11 7 7 14 10 23 p 3 1958 1957 8 9 4 48 42 11 101 11 10 7 6 5 3 1 3 2 1 1957 8 25 p 4 35 1956 8 5 p 4 37 36 1950 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 2000 p 154 37 1984 5 p 122 120 1980 : 121

1980 38 39 40 1985 文 書 41 墨 42 43 形 44 1980 80 1986 11 12 11 21 11 26 12 13 14 6 20 30 38 1984 p 122 39 1985 12 pp 60 61; 1985 12 pp 61 62 40 1985 12 pp 62 63 41 1985 11 p 25 42 1985 p 26 43 1985 p 28 44 1985 p 28 122 1980 : 123

45 12 1986 11 25 外誌 46 Gérard Xuriguera 15 12 1987 90 90cm 13 II 1985 132 205cm 6 14 1986 92 7 172cm 47 88 Ⅳ. 문제적사건 : 88 서울올림픽 세계현대미술제 45 1986 11 12 10 10 3 2 8 46 28 1986 12 p 54 1981 9 30 IOC Juan Antonio Samaranch 24 16 86 47 1986 p 55 124 1980 : 125

1983 3 86 88 5 48 88 2 32 36 1987 7 IOC 72 165 49 50 51 48 1983 12 8 p 9 49 1 2 1988 pp 43 47 50 1989 pp 38 61 51 15 中原佑介 Thomas Messer 5 3 18 15 84 7 1984 120 136cm 86 52 Pierre Restany Ante Glibota 2 1987 3 1986 5 9 53 54 1988 p 836 838 90 1987 9 1989 p 237 52 文信 1923 1995 1986 2 10 1986 2 1 1984 1993 1990 47 3 1993 6 24 p 13 53 International Art Promotion 25 1986 9 p 160 1987 3 88 54 25 1986 9 p 161 126 1980 : 127

64 158 21 3 55 18 1987 7 11 88 9 2 56 410 161 14 5 57 55 21 56 1989 : 8 57 1988 2 6 1 2 3 70 10 4 5 30 40 50 20 6 7 58 4 7 88 TV 59 60 58 1988 3 1989 p 257 59 1989 p 322 60 88 128 1980 : 129

64 11 V. ' 한국화 ' 의소외, 그이후 1988 2 13 88 ' ' 61 88 4 306 95 97 93 591 62 20 50 65 88 1988 50 88 1980 1945 1970 66 70 1988 9 15 10 14 63 : 1988 3 1989 p 271 279 61 1988 2 13 62 1988 4 20 1989 p 99 63 185 2000 3 p 125 64 1988 10 pp 40 41 65 1988 6 30 氣 氣韻生動 1988 : 46 1988 8 p 28 50 1988 5 54 p 15 66 1945 90 1998 pp 257 278 130 1980 : 131

UN 1970 67 1980 1980 88 1980 90 2014 주제어 keywords 1980 년대 1980s, 한국화 Korean painting, 실경산수화 Real-scenery landscape painting, 수묵화운동 Ink wash painting movement, 미술의세계화 globalization of art, '88 서울올림픽미술제 '88 Seoul Olympic Arts Festival, 세계현대미술제 Olympiad of Art 투고일 2014 년 8 월 29 일 심사일 2014 년 9 월 12 일 게재확정일 2014 년 9 월 26 일 67 93 1993 11 pp 215 216 1961 79 참고문헌 도록 Choi Byoungsik : The Contemporary Korean Color & Ink Paintings Vol 1 4 Seoul: Artpark 1997 Ante Gilibota ed Olympiad of Art Seoul: Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee 1988 논저 Karatani Kojin Cho Youngil trans History and Repetition b Seoul: Publication b 2008 Kim Kichang Today and Tomorrow of Korean Painting Misulsegae 28 1986 12 Kim Seobong : White Paper on Seoul Olympic Arts Festival Seoul: Eolgul 1989 Kim Hyunsook 1980 Deorientalization of Korean Oriental Painting in the 1980s Journal of History of Modern Art 24 2008 Park Yongsook 88 88 Olympic Arts Festival and Etics of Status of Korean Arts Misulsegae 48 1988 9 Song Soonam Setting Up Direction Upon the E perimentations of Korean Painting Space 1983 9 Oh Gwangsoo The Challenge of the Young Generation in Oriental Painting Geyganmisul 1980 Oh Gwangsoo The Spirit of the Times Korean Arts Paju: Mijinsa 2007 Committee on Publication Oh Gwangsoo 70th Birthday Celebration ed Rethinking on Korean Modern and Contemporary Art Paju: Mijinsa 2007 Yoo Hongjoon How Do China and Japan Solve These Problems Space 1983 12 132 1980 : 133

Wallerstein Immanuel Song Chulsoon trans The Geoculture of Development or the Transformation of Our Geoculture Sahoepyoungron Gil 93 1993 11 Wallerstein Immanuel K Hopkins Terence K The Age of Transition Seoul: Changbi 1998 Won Dongsuk Problems and Prospects in Korean Painting Hakwon 1984 5 Hong Yongsun : 1970 A Willingness to Establish Legitimacy: Oriental Painting in the 1970s Sunmisul 1982 ABSTRACT Situation and Conflicts of Korean Painting in the 1980s Focusing on the Discussion about Contemporaneity of Korean Painting in the Context of Globalization of Art Lee, Minsoo Interests in ours such as tradition reality and Korean 韓國 are increased when there is a situation stimulating them in other words when e ternal influence is appeared or the condition is given Korean painting 韓國畵 should be also grasped In the mid 1950s Cheongkang Kim Young ki 晴江金永基 1911 2003 advocated national painting 國畵 and new Korean painting 新韓國畵 when our traditional painting circles were about to advance to international stage And then Korean artistic circles in the 1970s after the 1960s encountered regular situation of contemporary art globalization of art and development of artistic market So developmental aspect of Korean painting in the 1980s shows a series of responses from interests in ours to our reality furthermore contemporaneity Active e periences and seeking including ink wash painting movement in Korean painting area of the 1980s were very noticeable and there were lots of discussions about them But it means that e ternal conditions and situations were more deepened Actually representative modifiers attached to Korean painting of the 1980s were depression problems and prospect and it s supported by the fact interests of people and artistic circles in Korean painting were rapidly reduced from 1986 Finally Korean painting was thoroughly e cluded in Olympiad of art and Korean contemporary art e hibition which were planned as a part of 1988 Seoul Olympics cultural event so alienation of Korean painting was visualized This thesis intended to go back to the 1980s 134 1980 : 135

when fierce discussions about Korean painting were displayed and consider the aspects so as to diagnose the process of alienation of Korean painting It can be an essential process to continue following discussions in connection with current situation of Korean painting 136 1980 : 137