학년영어 동아( 이) 강의명 시간( 분) 교재 코드날짜선생님확인 단원 6 다운로드 69808 적중예상문제 단원 8 다운로드 69809 6단원 8 다운로드 6980 단원 p7~7 698 단원 0 p9~9 698 쏙쏙핵심개념 6단원 p~ 698 기말고사대비요점정리종합 8 다운로드 698 기말고사대비요점정리종합 9 본문 6986 플러스문제 기말고사대비모의고사 p08~ 6988 기말고사대비모의고사 p0~ 6989
- 영어 동아( 이) 단원명: 단원문제동영상코드 : 69808 개념동영상코드 : 698. 밑줄친 This 가설명하는단어는?. 밑줄친부분의쓰임이나머지넷과다른것은? He brought something to eat. Where did you go to take a vacation? I stood up to ask a question. He practiced a lot to win the game. Who was there to talk about the event? This is an activity of staying overnight in a tent at an outdoor facility. holiday vacation camping painting volunteering. 의도하는바가나머지와다른하나는? I agree. I agree with you. I'm against it. I feel the same way. I think so, too.. 괄호안에알맞은표현은? * I want to go to the beach it is hot. * I can't hear you the noise. as - because because - because because of - because because - because of besides - because of 6. 다음중어법상어색한문장은? Why do you have to going so far away? I want to go camping. Why don't we go fishing? I wanted to cook some food. Don't you want to sit by the campfire?. 대화순서를바르게배열한것은? A: What's your opinion on the concert? B: Are you serious? I thought it was terrible. C: It was good. What did you think? D: Really? I thought the music was good. 7. 두문장의의미가같도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. A - B - C - D A - C - B - D B - C - D - A C - D - A - B D - A - B - C I am wearing a hat because it is cold. = I am wearing a hat the cold weather. ~6 단원
- 영어 단원명: 단원문제동영상코드 : 69809 개념동영상코드 : 698 8. 빈칸에공통으로알맞은것은?. 밑줄친부분의쓰임이나머지와다른것은? Amy has met Brian before. Brian has lost his car keys. Amy has eaten at this restaurant before. I have seen the lizard at the zoo. Have you read this book in English? * We have lived in Seoul 0. * I want to read this book I'm interested in art. for forward to at since 9. 빈칸에알맞지않은것은? [~] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. Scheherazade began (a) to tell the story of Sinbad. When she (b) got to an exciting part, she stopped (c) to tell the story and told him that she would (d) tell him the rest of the story the following night. Then she began (e) another story. A: Who is your favorite soccer player? B: A: Which soccer player do you like the most? Excuse me? I'm sorry? Can you say that again? Pardon? Why do you ask?. (a) - (e) 중문맥상어색한것은? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 0. (a) - (e) 중 It ~ that 구문으로강조할수없는것은? (a) Peter (b) won (c) second prize (d) at the contest (e) on Thursday. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e). 글의내용과일치하는것은? Scheherazade became the next king. The king was a great storyteller. The king's name was Sinbad. The king only wanted to hear sad stories. Scheherazade stopped telling a story at an exciting part. ~6 단원
- 영어. 글에등장한영어표현들을우리말로잘못옮긴것은? an exciting part: 흥미진진한지점 the rest of the story: 이야기의나머지부분 the following night: 그다음날밤 when she got to an exciting part: 그녀의이야기가흥미로운지점에다다랐을때 the rest of the story: 휴식에관한이야기 단원명: 6단원 문제동영상코드 : 6980 개념동영상코드 : 698 [7~8] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. A: Do you have plans for the summer? B: I'm going to Jeju! A: B: My grandparents live there.. 우리말과같도록빈칸을채우시오. 나는미국에두번가보았다. I the United States twice. 7. 주어진빈칸에알맞지않은것은? Why are you going there? What makes you go there? Any special reason? Have you been there? Do you have any special reason? 8. 대화내용과일치하는것은? 6. 다음문장에서어색한부분을바르게고쳐쓰시오. A 는제주도에갈계획이다. A 는여름방학이없다. B 는여름에제주에간다. B 는여름방학에계획이없다. A 는부모님이제주에사신다. He has never did any project before. 9. 어법상어색한문장은? If it rains, I'll stay home. If you're too busy, we can do it later. If we will finish early, we will go to a movie. If he has enough money, he will buy a new car. If she drives me, I can be there on time. ~6 단원
- 영어 [0~] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. Many fast food restaurants use signs in red, yellow and orange colors. Those colors make people (a) want to eat more. Then what color makes you (b) want to eat less? The answer is blue. That's because there are not many blue foods. If you want to eat less, paint your kitchen walls or use plates.. 본문빈칸에공통으로알맞은말을한단어로쓰 시오. 0. 글의제목으로가장적절한것은? Colors and Food Colorful Paintings Colors in Life Let's Lose Weight Let's Paint Our Food. 밑줄친 cleanly를어법상알맞은형태로고쳐쓰 시오. Doctors wear white because it looks cleanly.. 대화의밑줄친 (a) 와 (b) 에알맞은단어형태는? want - want to want - want to want - to want want - to want want - wanting. 우리말에맞게다음빈칸을알맞게채우시오. Sad movies make me. ( 슬픈영화는나를울린다.). 글의내용과일치하는것은? Blue is used by many restaurants. Red is used by many fast food restaurants. The yellow color makes people want to eat less. The blue color makes people want to eat more. There are many blue foods. ~6 단원