핵심요소 구현방안 도전감 (Challenge) 집중력 (Concentrate) 명확한목표및피드백 (Clear goal & feedback)) 통제력유지 (Control) 기타, 시간감 (Transformation Of Time) 적절한난이도의과제설정 참신성유지, 방해요소제거 피드백의신속성및내용성 학습과정의자유도 시간척도의조절가능성 학습자의기술 / 지식수준평가, 지식요소별난이도설정 / 반영 동일컨텐츠반복시다른방식으로노출, 과제활동이외의부적절한주의요소제거 피드백단계세분화를통한피드백주기단축, 구체적인피드백제공을통한피드백정보가향상 학습과정자체를학습자가통제 / 변형할수있는가능성확장, 동일학습컨텐츠도다양하게경험할수있게함 지식의특성에따라서관련된사건들의시간왜곡가능성제공등
< 표 5> 컨버전스학습의특징
개인학습모형 협동학습모형 커뮤니티기반학습모형 특성 반성적사고, 반복연습, 주관적목표설정및성취도평가 관점의전환, 변형연습, 상대적목표설정및성취도평가 단순정보교환, 일회적질의응답, 사회성 / 정체성 시스템기능 난이도조절, 세부적피드백, 정보검색 Interaction 유형분석, 효과적 interaction 유도 성취도에대한사회적평가와가치공유시스템 학습목표 자기설명유도, 생성효과 자기설명유도, 생성효과, 동기부여 학습목표에대한가치부여와공유, 학습활동의장기적지속성획득
Text Think-Aloud 해석 1 2 3 4 5 "Lou and Oz raced past the empty yard and inside the schoolhouse. Breathless, they hustled to their seats." "She had passed secret coves overhung with willow and corralled by rock. Many of the coves were graced with cups of frothing springwater. There were neglected fields of long-vanished homesteads, the broomsedge flourishing there around the rock bones of chimneys without houses." (chapter 26, section 3) "They prepared for winter by sharpening tools with the grinder and rattail files, mucking out the stalls and spreading the manure over the plowed-under fields. They brought the livestock in, kept them fed and watered, milked the cows, and did theirchores, which now all seemed as natural as breathing." (chapter 31, section 3) "Louisa brought over a bucket and a glass. She put the glass on the table, draped a cloth over it, and poured the milk from the bucket into it, foam bubbling up on the cloth." (chapter 12, section 2) "Lou looked at her glass. 'What's the cloth for?' 'Take things out the milk you don't need in you,' answered Louisa." (chapter 12, section 2) [It sounds as if they're late to school.] It's easy to imagine that this was once a thriving community. My mother grew up on a farm and had to do the same things. [I don't understand what Louisa is doing in these sentences.] [Oh, I now understand why the milk was poured through the cloth.] 예측 상상 비교 이해문제 이해문제해소
6 "The barn smelled of stacked hay, wet earth, large animals and their warm manure. The floor was dirt covered with straw. On the walls hung bridles and harnesses, some cracked and worn out, others well oiled and supple." (chapter 12, section 2) [I like the way these sentences paint a picture and make me almost see and smell the barn.] 코멘트
NEXT-COLUMN IF the goal is to solve an addition problem and c1 is the rightmost column without an answer digit THEN set a subgoal to write out an answer in c1 PROCESS-COLUMN IF the goal is to write out an answer in c1 and d1 and d2 are the digits in that column and d3 is the sum of d1 and d2 THEN set a subgoal to write out d3 in c1 WRITE-ANSWER-CARRY IF the goal is to write out d1 in c1 and there is an unprocessed carry in c1 and d2 is the number after d1 THEN change the goal to write out d2 and mark the carry as processed WRITE-ANSWER-LESS-THAN-TEN IF the goal is to write out d1 in c1 and there is no unprocessed carry in c1 and d1 is less than 10 THEN write out d and the goal is satisfied WRITE-ANSWER-GREATER-THAN-NINE IF the goal is to write out d1 in c1 and there is no unprocessed carry in c1 and d1 is 10 or greater and d2 is the ones digit of d1 THEN write out d2 and note a carry in the next column and the goal is satisfied
Principle 2. 모바일기기는 PC 에비해네트워킹이나화면표시에서 느린속도를갖는다.
(M20: 20대남성, M60: 60대남성, W60: 60대여성 )
Guideline 1. 학습내용에포함되어있는그림혹은애니메이션을설명할때에는텍스트보다나레이션이더효과적이다.