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Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.4, 2012, pp.435~448 http://dx.doi.org/10.7780/kjrs.2012.28.4.7 Estimation of Satellite-based Spatial Evapotranspiration and Validation of Fluxtower Measurements by Eddy Covariance Method Chanyang Sur*, Seungjae Han*, Junghoon Lee** and Minha Choi* *Department of Civil engineering, Hanyang University, **Hydrological Survey Center Abstract : Evapotranspiration (ET) including evaporation from a land surface and transpiration from photosynthesis of vegetation is a sensitive hydrological factor with outer circumstances. Though both direct measurements with an evaporation pan and a lysimeter, and empirical methods using eddy covariance technique and the Bowen ratio have been widely used to observe ET accurately, they have a limitation that the observation can stand for the exact site, not for an area. In this study, remote sensing technique is adopted to compensate the limitation of ground observation using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) multispectral sensor mounted on Terra satellite. We improved to evapotranspiration model based on remote sensing (Mu et al., 2007) and estimated Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration considering regional characteristics of Korea that was using only MODIS product. We validated evapotranspiration of Sulma (SMK)/Cheongmi (CFK) flux tower observation and calculation. The results showed high correlation coefficient as 0.69 and 0.74. Key Words : Evapotranspiration, Eddy covariance technique, MODIS, Penman-Monteith algorithm, RS-PM, Remote Sensing 435

Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.4, 2012 436

Estimation of Satellite-based Spatial Evapotranspiration and Validation of Fluxtower Measurements by Eddy Covariance Method 437

Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.4, 2012 (a) (b) Fig. 1. Geographical location at study sites. (a) Seolmacheon b) Cheongmicheon). Table 1. Site description Site ID SMK CFK Site name Seolmacheon Site Cheongmicheon Farmland Site Longitude 126 57 17 E 127 39 10 E Latitude 37 56 20 E 37 9 35 N Altitude 293 m 141 m Annual temperature 11.5 C 11.5 C Annual precipitation 1332 mm 1107 mm Landuse Mixed forest Rice paddy Dominant Species Q. variaabilis, Q. mongolica, Q. serrata, P. koraiensis Oryza sativa Soil type Sandy loam Silty loam to loam 438

Estimation of Satellite-based Spatial Evapotranspiration and Validation of Fluxtower Measurements by Eddy Covariance Method Table 2. MODIS products (http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/) Product Type Product ID Dataset Atmosphere MOD07_L2 Atmospheric Profiles MOD11A1 Land Surface Temperature (LST) & Emissivity MCD12Q1 Land Cover Type Land MOD13A2 Gridded Vegetation Indices MOD15A2 Leaf Area Index (LAI) & Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) MCD43B3 Broad-band Surface Reflectance (Surface Albedo) R N =(1 _ a) R sd + R ld _ Rlu (1) R N a R sd R ld R lu a R sd = G sc cosq d r t sw (2) G sc q d r t sw t sw _ t sw = 0.35 + 0.627exp _ [ 0.00146Pa 0.075 ( W ) 0.4] (3) K t cosq cosq P a W K t K t d r d r = 1 + 0.033 cos (DOY(2p/365)) (4) R ld R N R ld 4 R ld = e a s T a (5) 439

Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.4, 2012 e a s T a e a e a = 1.24(e a /T a ) 0.14 (6) 4 R lu = se s T s (7) e s T s R N C s = c L m(t min ) m(vpd) (8) C s c L m(t min ) m(vpd) m(t min ) m(vpd) if T min T min.open, m(t min ) = 1.0 T min _ Tmin.close if T min.close < T min < T min.open, m(t min ) = T (9) min.open _ Tmin.close if T min T min.close, m(t min ) = 0.1 if VPD VPD open, m(vpd) = 1.0 VPD close _ VPD if VPD open < VPD < VPD close, m(vpd) = VPD _ (10) close VPD open if VPD VPD close, m(vpd) = 0.1 C s C C C C = C s LAI (11) 440

Estimation of Satellite-based Spatial Evapotranspiration and Validation of Fluxtower Measurements by Eddy Covariance Method r NIR _ rred NDVI = r (12) NIR + r red r NIR _ rred EVI = G r (13) NIR + C 1 r red _ C2 r blue + L r NIR r red r blue G C 1 C 2 F c EVI _ EVI min F c = EVI (14) max _ EVImin A c = F c A (15) A SOIL = (1 _ F c ) A (16) A A c A SOIL r tot r s r u r tot = r u + r s (17) r tot r totc r totc r tot = r totc rcorr (18) rcorr = 1.0 0 (19) 273.15 + T 101300 293.15 P ( ) 1.75 r u r a r a r a r c r r r a r C p r r = (20) 4.0 s T 3 r c r r r a = r (21) c + r r la SOIL + rc p (e sat _ e)/ra le SOIL.POT = s + g r tot r r a (22) RH le SOIL =le SOIL.POT ( ) (e sat _ e)/100 100 (23) ΔA c + rc p (e sat _ e)/ra le = Δ + g(1 + r s /r a ) (24) l le e sat e r C p r a g s 441

Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.4, 2012 R N _ G = H + LE (25) R n H LE R LE = N _ G (26) 1 + B R N _ G (a) SMK (b) CFK Fig. 2. Time series of Latent Heat Flux(LE_Est: Estimated LE, LE_BR: corrected by Bowen ratio, LE_res: corrected by residual method). 442

Estimation of Satellite-based Spatial Evapotranspiration and Validation of Fluxtower Measurements by Eddy Covariance Method (a) (b) Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of evapotranspiration (a) 2010. 01. 14 11:00, b) 2010. 08. 23 11:50). (a) Fig. 4. Relationship between MODIS-based evapotranspiration(latent Heat Flux) and fluxtower measurement evapotranspiration (SMK) (a) Latent Heat Flux, (b) Bowen ratio correction, (c) residual correction). (b) 443

Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.4, 2012 Fig. 4. Continued (c) (a) (b) (c) Fig. 5. Relationship between MODIS-based Evapotranspiration(Latent Heat Flux) and fluxtower measurement Evapotranspiration CFK) (a) Latent heat flux, (b) Bowen ratio correction, (c) residual correction). 444

Estimation of Satellite-based Spatial Evapotranspiration and Validation of Fluxtower Measurements by Eddy Covariance Method Table 3. Statistics comparing observed and estimated evapotranspiration Min. Value Max. Value Mean Vlaue CV Bias RMSE s CV RMSE (W m -2 ) (W m -2 ) (W m -2 ) (MODIS-Fluxtower LE) MODIS LE 0.27 529.66 167.88 151.02 0.90 SMK Fluxtower LE 0.78 334.97 97.21 80.47 0.83 Fluxtower BR 10.03 627.39 242.68 134.28 0.55 70.67 148.25 Fluxtower res 84.46 564.23 330.98 134.60 0.41 MODIS LE 2.81 468.94 108.09 116.71 1.16 CFK Fluxtower LE 7.36 409.38 157.47 106.10 0.67 Fluxtower BR 53.48 439.41 215.24 120.60 0.56 Fluxtower res 37.44 529.45 271.75 132.71 0.49-125.36 155.10 R N _ G = H + LE R N _ G = H + LE R N G H LE 445

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