96 年 理 療 1103 8 1 類 1 ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 glabella 列 nasal bone ethmoid bone frontal bone sphenoid bone 2 trigeminal nerve sphenoid bone zygomatic bone occipital bone parietal bone 3 Eustachian tube 咽 mastoid sinus 4 列 vomer nasal bone maxilla zygomatic bone 5 mandibular condyle fibrocartilage hyaline cartilage cortical bone fascia 6 列 不 suprahyoid muscles digastric muscle geniohyoid muscle mylohyoid muscle sternohyoid muscle 7 列 internal pterygoid muscle external pterygoid muscle temporal muscle masseter muscle 8 列 咽 tonsillar pillar stylohyoid muscle 9 1 outer oblique ligament inner horizontal ligament sphenomandibular ligament stylomandibular ligament
1103 8 2 10 列 auditory tube 來 降 力 11 狀 filiform papilla 葉狀 foliate papilla 輪廓 vallate papilla 狀 fungiform papilla 12 列 larynx valve cartilage ligament 來連 13 cerebrospinal fluid 粒 arachnoid granulations 列 狀 superior sagittal sinus 狀 inferior sagittal sinus straight sinus confluence of sinuses 14 列 superficial temporal artery 離 parotid glandmandibular neck 度 transverse facial artery 行 terminal branch 兩 inferior superficial temporal artery middle superficial temporal artery zygomatico-alveolar artery 輪 15 列 塞 thrombosis sphenoid sinus cavernous sinus straight sinus 狀 sigmoid sinus 16 列 anterior tympanic artery posterior tympanic artery inferior tympanic artery caroticotympanic artery 17 見 滑 兩 fimbriated fold sublingual vein deep lingual vein lingual artery 行 accompanying vein of the hypoglossal nerve 18 列 淋 咽 淋 retropharyngeal nodes 淋 anterior cervical nodes 淋 inferior auricular nodes 淋 occipital nodes 淋 parotid nodes 淋 superficial cervical nodes 淋 submandibular nodes 淋 paramandibular nodes 19 列 buccinator musclebuccal nerve facial expression muscles facial nerve
1103 8 3 20 列 來 infraorbital foramen round foramen 卵 oval foramen stylomastoid foramen 21 列 posterior belly of the digastric muscle levator veli palatini muscle buccinator muscle masseter muscle 22 列 submandibular ganglion 來 submandibular gland 泌 來 inferior salivary nucleus facial nerve 索 maxillary nerveround foramen 23 universal system 列 16 6 14 3 24 FDI 數 quadrant 25 line angle 列 2 6 6 來 26 類 列 六 六 27 類 列 28 29 malformation 列 30 X panoramic radiograph 12 9 7 5
1103 8 4 31 列 32 度 列 33 連 concrescence 兩 連 列 34 congenital missing 不 35 列 terminal plane relationship % Class II molar relationship 25 35 45 55 36 lateral movement 列 mesial cusp ridge 切 distal cusp ridge mesial cusp ridge mesial buccal cusp ridge distal cusp ridge distal buccal cusp ridge mesial buccal cusp ridge 37 列 兩 切 1/3 度 切 隆 cingulum 38 39 廓 隆 height of contour 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 40 連 41 列 buccal view 狀 稜 bulging shoulders & angular outline occlusal view 輪廓 卵 oval outline proximal viewbuccal cusp lingual cusp 度 數 2 1 42 異 列 兩 數 43 列 易 accessory canals 1/3 1/3 1/3
1103 8 5 44 列 pulp chamber 不 卵 鈴 45 列 索 索 enamel organ 46 列 enamel organ stratum intermedium tight junctions 連 47 列 enamel tufts 見 狀 狀 狀 見 48 dentinogenesis 列 cap stage bell stage dentin odontoblast layer 49 復 reparative dentin collagen noncollagenous matrix proteins 量 兩 兩 50 列 不 peritubular dentin
1103 8 6 51 abrasion primary dentin intertubular dentin dead tracts 復 reparative dentin 52 列 dentin sensitivity 年 降 露 不 dehydration 不 53 列 老年 見 true pulp stone 見 療 54 列 arterioles 路 arteriovenous shunt 狀 55 列 度 56 acellular afibrillar cementum 57 年 度 什 年 年 58 狀 coiled ending 列 59 Hertwig s epithelial root sheath 拉塞 留 epithelial cell rests of Malassez cementicle acellular afibrillar cementum
1103 8 7 60 列 利 狀 61 melanocyte 列 62 列 63 列 不易 secretory IgA IgG IgM IgE 64 離 amylase mucin lysozyme statherin 65 ~ 切 不 年 切 6 66 滑 synovial membrane temporomandibular joint 列 articular surface articular discarticular surface articular disc articular capsule 67 列 理狀 2' 1' 68 列 oxidative phosphorylation high-energy phosphate 來 matrix H + 量 oligomycin Fo proton pump 量 69 Pyruvate oxaloacetate 列 enzyme pyruvate carboxylase pyruvate dehydrogenase aconitase citrate synthase 70 Insulin 列 glycogen glucose-6-phosphatase phosphorylase kinase phosphodiesterase adenylyl cyclase
1103 8 8 71 列 量 糖 72 列 glycogen 糖 glucose 量來 量 glycogen 73 列 RNA 錄 transcription 不 proofreading mrna processing 錄 行 transcription-coupled translation polycistronic monocistronic 74 palindrome 列 DNA 列 cruciform DNA Z form DNA H form DNA B form DNA 75 兩 度 50 度 4 離 來 列 不 更 流 fluid 更 phosphatidyl ethanolamine 76 狀 糖 glycolysis NAD + regeneration dihydroxyacetone phosphate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate pyruvate lactate citric acid cycle electron transport chain 77 Pompe disease enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase branching enzyme phosphorylase α-1,4-glucosidase 78 率 rate limiting step A acetyl CoA A acetyl CoA carboxylase A acetyl CoA A malonyl CoA A malonyl CoA 79 E. coli camp CRP camp receptor protein CRP-cAMP CRP site RNA lac operon positive regulation repressor lac operon lactose repressor lac operon lac operon 不 80 列 phage life cycle operon attenuation enhancer upstream activator sequence UAS