U V W X y Z Contents Ursus and the Unicorn The Vulture and the Vole The Whale and the Woodpecker The Fox and the Ox The Yak and Neptune s Yard The Zebra in the Zoo Review UVWXYZ 132 136 140 144 148 152 156 131
본문과해석 The Elephant Ursus and the Unicorn Eskimo 내이름은얼서스야. 내라틴이름이얼서스지. 북극곰과유니콘 라틴이름에대해이야기하고있는북극곰과유니콘 내이름은유니콘이야. U /< / uncle umbrella umpire up under 얼서스! What is the story called? It s called Ursus and the Unicorn. 유니콘은라틴이름이없지. 네머리위에있는그게뭐니? What s an ursus? It s a Latin word for bear. 내뿔이야. 예쁘지않니? What is this animal called? It s a unicorn. What s on the unicorn s head? The unicorn has a horn. Are unicorns real? No, they re not real. 유니콘은라틴이름이필요없어. Read the words that start with the letter u, please. Uncle, umbrella, umpire, up, and under. How do you spell umbrella? U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A. 예쁘다구, 하! 132 133
Ursus and the Unicorn 1 2 No 1. My name is Ursus. No 2. My name is Unicorn. n c i r b l a n d r Ursus : What s that thing on your head? Unicorn : My horn. Isn t it beautiful? Talk + 연상력그림판 U umpire up under No 1. uncle No 2. umbrella 134 135
본문과해석 The Vulture and the Vole 밖으로나와, 작은들쥐야, 나오라니까! 대머리수리와들쥐 전대머리수리가싫어요. 땅속에숨어있는들쥐를잡아먹으려는대머리수리 밖으로나와, 들쥐야! V /v/ vulture vole van vest violin 절대로안나가요! What are the names of these two animals? They re a vulture and a vole. What does the vulture say? The vulture says, Come out, Vole! 난정말좋은친구래두. 밖으로나와! The vole is under the ground. Why doesn t the vole want to go out? The vole doesn t like vultures. / The vole is afraid of the vulture. Does the vole think that the vulture is a good fellow? No, he doesn t. Open the Sounds and Letters page. Read the words that start with the letter v. Vulture, vole, van, vest, and violin. 오, 들쥐야! 난좋은친구란다. 절대로안나가요! 대머리수리님, 전당신이무서워요. 136 137
The Vulture and the Vole Vulture : Come out, little vole, come out! Vole : I don't like vultures. Vulture : Oh, Vole! I'm a nice fellow. Vole : Vulture, I'm afraid of you. 3 4 1 2 vulture van Vulture : Come out, Vole! Vole : No, never! violin vest vole Talk + 연상력그림판 V violin vulture van vole vest 138 139
본문과해석 The Whale and the Woodpecker 당신은뭐예요? 고래와딱따구리 고래를나무로착각하는딱따구리 W /w/ woodpecker worm wolf watch wig 어이, 딱따구리! 난나무가아니야. 고래! There s the sea. There s a ship at sea. What is this? Is it a tree? No, it s a whale. 와! 고래아저씨는정말크군요. 너이근처에사니? The whale is spraying water out. What s this bird? It s a woodpecker. 아니요, 전그냥구경왔어요. 딱따구리는숲에살아요. Are whales very big? Yes, whales are the biggest mammals. Do woodpeckers live at sea? No, woodpeckers live in the forest. Where do whales live? Whales live in the sea. Turn to the Sounds and Letters page. Read the words starting with the letter w, please. Woodpecker, worm, wolf, watch, and wig. 그럼. 고래는제일큰포유동물이야. 140 141
The Whale and the Woodpecker Woodpecker : What are you? Whale : A whale! Woodpecker : Wow! Whales are really big. wolf 2 1 4 watch worm woodpecker Whale : Do you live around here? Woodpecker : No, I m just visiting. Woodpeckers live in the forest. wig Talk + 연상력그림판 W woodpecker watch wolf worm wig 142 143
본문과해석 The Fox and the Ox 여우는황소를보았어요. 황소는여우를보았어요. 여우와황소 우연히만난황소를속이려는교활한여우 황소야, 나랑같이가자. X / ks / fox ox ax six box 황소는여우랑같이가지않아. Let s meet a fox and an ox. Their names end with the letter x. What is the fox doing? The fox is looking at the ox. What is the ox doing? The ox is looking at the fox. What does the fox say to the ox? The fox says, Come with me, Ox. Why doesn t the ox go with the fox? Oxen don t go with foxes. Why not? Foxes are sly fellows. What does the angry fox say to the ox? The fox says, Oxen are dumb fellows. Can you tell me the words that end with the letter x? Fox, ox, ax, six, and box. 왜안돼, 황소야? 여우는교활한녀석이니까. 황소는바보같은녀석이야. 144 145
The Fox and the Ox Fox : Come with me, Ox. Ox : Oxen don t go with foxes. 2 4 Fox : Why not, Ox? Ox : Foxes are sly fellows. ox box ax Talk + 연상력그림판 X ax six box ox fox No 1. ax No 2. fox No 3. ox 2 3 1 146 147
본문과해석 The Yak and Neptune s Yard 야크야, 내뜰에와서살렴. 야크와냅튠의뜰 당신의뜰이어디에있는데요? 산에사는야크와바다에사는넵튠신 Y / j / yak yard yawn yo-yo yacht 바다속에. Who is the man? He s Neptune. He s the god of the sea. What s this animal? It s a yak. Where s Neptune s yard? (It s) In the sea. 야크는땅에살아요. Why doesn t the yak want to go to Neptune s yard? Yaks live on land. What do yaks like? Yaks like mountains. Can you tell me words starting with the letter y? Yak, yard, yawn, yo-yo, and yacht. Now, it s time to read the last story of Animal World, Animal Words. 이리오렴, 야크. 내뜰에와서살렴. 안돼요! 야크는산을좋아한다구요. 148 149
The Yak and Neptune s Yard Neptune : Come on, Yak. Come live in my yard. Yak : Never! Yaks like mountains. 1 4 yacht yawn 2 3 yard yak yo-yo Yak : Where s your yard? Neptune : In the sea. Talk + 연상력그림판 Y yo-yo yawn yacht No 1. yawn No 2. yacht 150 151
본문과해석 The Zebra in the Zoo 나는동물원에서얼룩말을보았어요. 얼룩말, 얼룩말, 까맣고희네. 얼룩말, 얼룩말, 까만줄무늬, 흰줄무늬. 동물원의얼룩말 동물원의얼룩말에게과자를주려는소녀 Z /z / zebra zoo zigzag zero zipper Can you read the name of the story? The Zebra in the Zoo. Where are the zebras? They re at the zoo. What does a zebra look like? They re black and white. They have black and white stripes. What does the girl have in her hand? She has some (zebra) cookies. 자, 얼룩말아, 얼룩말과자좀먹어. 고마워. 너얼룩말과자좋아하니? Do zebras like (zebra) cookies? Sure, all zebras like them. Can you tell me the words that start with the letter z? Zebra, zoo, zigzag, zero, and zipper. Why don t we review the six letters we ve learned today? I ll tell you the letter. You tell me any word that you remember from each story. U! V! Unicorn! Vulture! W! Good job! Whale! 그럼, 얼룩말은모두얼룩말과자를좋아해. I m sure that you ll do a great job with the new books! 152 153
The Zebra in the Zoo I saw a zebra in the zoo. Zebra, zebra, black and white. 4 1 2 3 zigzag zero zoo Girl : Do you like zebra cookies? Zebra : Sure, all zebras like them. zipper Talk + 연상력그림판 Z zipper zoo zigzag zebra zero 154 155
The Elephant and the Eskimo 1 3 4 uncle v w vulture 6 2 5 woodpecker w v fox y u yak z y No 1. Ursus : My Latin name is Ursus. Unicorn : My name is Unicorn. No 2. Neptune : Come on, Yak. Come live in my yard. Yak : Never! Yaks like mountains. No 3. Vulture : Come out, Vole! Vole : No, never! No 4. Woodpecker : Wow! Whales are really big. Whale : Sure. Whales are the biggest mammals No 5. Girl : I saw a zebra in the zoo. Girl : Zebra, zebra, black and white. No 6. Fox : Oxen are dumb fellows. zebra u z u x v z e r o w o l f zoo yacht umpire v o l e zipper ax 156 157
English Notebook 활동자료 6 권듣기평가문제와답 The Elephant and the Eskimo 24 쪽 10 쪽 7 쪽 30 쪽 16 쪽 50 쪽 56 쪽 20 쪽 60 쪽 50 쪽 158 159
160 6 권 Study Plan