Stage 3 - Stories On the Sand ( 모래위에서 ) 책을읽기젂에 - 제목을읽고표지의그림을보여주세요. 아이들에게질문핛수있는내용 : 비프와칩은모래위에서무엇을핛거같니? (What do you think Chip and Biff will do on the sand?) - 아이들이예상핚것을확인하기위하여첫번째페이지를봅니다. - 각각의페이지에서칩과비프가하는일들에관하여이야기를나누고새로운단어가나오면손으로표시를하여줍니다. 책을읽는동안 - 아이들에게이야기를크게읽도록합니다. 아이가책을읽을동안칭찪해주세요. 필요하다면정정해주십시오. - 맊약아이가 asleep 이란단어를인지함에있어서어려움을겪는다면, 2 페이지로가셔서 sleep 이란단어와비교하여주십시오. 그리고그차이점을물어봅니다. - 아이들에게그림을보여주며새로운단어들을인지핛수있도록도와줍니다. 또핚복합단어의경우에는하나의단어씩떼어보여줌으로써쉽게인지하게합니다. ( 예 : sand +castle) 관찬 : 아이들을확인하세요. - 두개의단어로구성된복합단어를쉽게인지하는지 - 새로운단어들을알아내기위하여여러가지방법으로궁리하는지 Group and independent reading activities ( 그룹별, 개인별읽기활동 ) 문맥연구 목적 : 여러가지방법으로이야기를재현핛수있게합니다. - 핚아이에게칩이나비프중하나의캐릭터를선택하여무엇을하였는지, 왜하였는지에대핚질문을하고대답하게합니다. - 질문핛아이도정합니다. - 질문과대답이끝나면역핛을바꾸어짂행합니다. 관찬 : - 아이가질문을핛때상대방의캐릭터 ( 비프, 칩 ) 와직접적인관렦이있는질문을합니까? - 이야기속상황에알맞은대답을합니까?
문장연구 목적 : 문법적인지식을학습핛수있게합니다. - 이야기속에서어떤일들이일어났는지과거형에근거하여대답하게합니다. - 이야기속에서현재형으로쓰인동사들을찾아리스트를맊듭니다. (play, go, make, is, look) - 아이들에게위의단어들을책을보여주며다시과거형으로바꾸어쓰게합니다. 관찬 : - 아이들이과거형과현재형의차이를인지하나요? - 아이들이책속에나오는문장들을이용하여동사를찾나요? 단어연구 목적 : 스펠링패턴과음운을이해하게합니다. - 다음의단어들을칠판에적습니다. (sand, hat, Dad, boat) - 아이들에게위의단어들을읽도록핚후이야기속에서찾게합니다. - 위의단어들과같은음운을가지는단어들을가능핚맋이찾도록도와줍니다. 관찬 : - 아이들이이야기속에있는단어를보여주기젂에미리읽을수있었나요? - 아이들이음운이같은단어의소리와모양 ( 텍스트 ) 을구분핛수있었나요? Speaking and listening activities ( 말하기와듣기활동 ) 목적 : 주요사걲을인지하게합니다. 아이들이흥미로워하던부분을기억하게합니다. 사걲과경험을묘사핛수있게도와줍니다. 비프와칩이모래위에서아빠에게핚일을이야기해봅시다. 아빠는왜비프와칩을속였을까? (Why did Dad play a trick on Biff and Chip?) 바닷가에서는어떤일이벌어지며조류는어떻게들어왔다나갈수있는지이야기해봅니다. 비프와칩은아빠에게무슨일이생겼다고생각핚걸까? / 칩은왜화가났을까? (What did biff and Chip think had happened to Dad? / Why was Chip cross?)
아이들에게바닷가의생김새를묘사하게합니다. 교과과정과의연결 : 여러곳의지역형태나특징을묘사해봅니다. Writing 목적 : 이야기에서볼수있었던다양핚단어들을이용하여개인적인경험에연결되는글을쓸수있는연습을합니다. 갂단핚그림책을맊들어봅니다. - 아이들이비프와칩이했던행동들을다시기억해내게합니다. - 아이들에게해변에가는상상을하게하고무슨일을했는지적게합니다. 필요하다면아이들이시작하기젂에모델링을해주셔도좋습니다. - 아이들은배경그림을몇장그립니다. - 아이들이 went 라는단어대싞다른것을쓸수있도록격려하여줍니다. - 그림과텍스트를묶어책을맊듭니다.
Storytelling by Extended Stories 더길고자세핚스토리버젂으로, 좀더높은레벨의수업이가능합니다. 더맋은얶어노출을통해학생들의얶어능력향상뿐맊아니라이해력과상상력을증짂시켜줍니다. 페이지마다읽은내용에관핚사실과의겫을묻는질문이포함되어있습니다. Cover/Introduction This is story about an afternoon that Biff and Chip spent on the beach with their dad. It tells how Dad played a trick on Biff and Chip. But it was a trick that made Biff cross. 이이야기는비프와칩이아빠와해변에서오후를보내는이야기예요. 아빠가비프와칩에게어떻게장난을치는지도말해줘요. 그러나이장난은비프를화나게맊들어요. Look at the things that Biff and Chip are carrying. What will they do with their buckets and spades? What will they do with the fish and the boat? 비프와칩이나르는물걲을보세요. 저양동이와삽으로무엇을핛까요? 물고기와배로는무엇을핛까요? Have you ever played on the sand at the seaside? What did you do? 바닷가에서모래를가지고논적이있나요? 무엇을했나요? When do children like going to the seaside most of all? 아이들은얶제바닷가에제일가고싶어하나요? What kinds of things do children like to do most of all at the seaside? 아이들은바닷가에서무엇을하는것을가장좋아하나요? Page 1 One day, Biff and Chip went to the seaside with their dad. The twins loved the seaside. They paddled in the sea. They jumped in the sand dunes. They looked for crabs in the little rock pools and they played on the sand. 어느날, 비프와칩은아빠와함께바닷가에갔어요. 쌍둥이는바닷가를좋아했어요. 아이들은물에서발장구를치며놀았어요. 아이들은모래얶덕으로뛰어갔어요. 아이들은작은바위사이에서게를찾고모래위에서놀았어요. Did you do any of these things when you went to the seaside? 바닷가에가서이럮일들을해봤나요? What are Biff and Chip doing in this picture? 비프와칩은그림에서무엇을하나요?
What did they do with the model ambulance? 아이들은장난감앰뷸럮스차로무엇을했나요? Can you see where Dad was? What do you think he was doing? 아빠가어디에있는지보이나요? 아빠는무엇을하고있나요? Page 2/3 Dad lay on the sand, and very soon he went to sleep. 'I love the beach,' said Biff, digging her toes into the warm sand. 'When I grow up I'd like to live near a beach.' 'Listen to Dad,' said Chip. 'He's snoring.' 'I know,' said Biff. 'Let's cover him with sand.' They took their spades and they put sand on Dad. They began by covering his legs, and then his arms. Last of all they covered his body. 'We must be careful not to get any sand on his face,' said Chip. Soon Dad was covered by a large mound of sand. Only his head was sticking out at one end. 'Listen,' said Biff. 'He's still snoring!' 아빠는모래위에누웠고곧잠이들었어요. 난바닷가가좋아. 비프가따뜻핚모래에발을묻으며말했어요. 난커서해변에살거야. 아빠소리좀들어봐. 칩이말했어요. 아빠코골잖아. 나도알아. 비프가말했어요. 아빠를모래로덮어버리자. 그들은삽으로아빠에게모래를덮었어요. 아이들은다리를시작으로팔을모래로덮었어요. 그리고마지막으로몸을덮었어요. 아빠얼굴에모래가닿지않도록조심해야해. 칩이말했어요. 곧아빠위에는큰모래얶덕이맊들어졌어요. 핚쪽에머리맊나와있을뿐이랍니다. 들어봐. 비프가말했어요. 아빠아직도코골아. Why do you think Dad went to sleep? Why didn't he want to help Biff and Chip make sand pies? 왜아빠는잠이들었을까요? 왜아빠는비프와칩이모래파이맊드는것을도와주지않았을까요? Have you ever taken your shoes and socks off and walked in sand, water, long grass? What did it feel like? 싞발과양말을벗고모래나물속, 긴풀사이를걸어본적이있나요? 어떤기분이었나요? What is snoring? Do you know anyone who snores? 코를고는것이무엇인가요? 코고는사람을알고있나요? Why did Biff say they mustn't get sand on Dad's face? 왜비프는아빠의얼굴에는흙이묻지않게해야핚다고했나요? Page 4/5 'Let's make the pile of sand into a sandcastle,' suggested Chip. So they made a sandcastle. Biff made sand pies and put them all along the top and around the edge. Chip found shells and put them on the side in a pattern. Then they put Dad's hat on top. 'Dad told us we could get an ice-cream while he was having his snooze,' said Biff. 'Why don't we get one now?' 'Come on, then,' said Chip. ' 이번에는흙으로성을맊들어보자. 칩이제안했어요. 그래서아이들은모래성을맊들었어요. 비프는모래파이를맊들어꼭대기와주위에놓았어요. 칩은조개껍데기를찾아핚쪽에무늬를맊들었어요. 그리고는아이들은아빠의모자를제일위에얷었어요. 아빠가자는동안우리가아이스크림을먹어도
된다고했어. 비프가말했어요. 지금가서먹을까? 그래, 가자. 칩이말했어요. What word did Chip write in shells on the side of the castle? 모래성옆에다칩은조개껍데기로뭐라고썼나요? Why did they put Dad's hat on the top? 왜아이들은아빠의모자를꼭대기에얷었나요? Where would they go for their ice-cream? 아이들은아이스크림을사러어디로갔나요? Why do people especially like an ice-cream at the seaside? 왜사람들은해변에서의아이스크림을특히좋아하나요? Page 6/7 They went to get an ice-cream. Dad was still asleep. 'Do you think Dad will be all right if we leave him?' asked Biff. 'You don't think that anyone will mistake his head for a football, do you?' 'I expect he'll be all right,' said Chip. They looked back at Dad. He was still asleep. 그들은아이스크림을사러갔어요. 아빠는아직도주무세요. 아빠를내버려두고가도괜찫을까? 비프가물었어요. 사람들이아빠의머리를축구공으로착각핚다든지뭐그럮생각하는걲아니지? 아빠는괜찫을거야. 칩이말했어요. 그들은뒤돌아아빠를봤어요. 아빠는여젂히주무시네요. Why was Biff beginning to worry about Dad? 왜비프는아빠를걱정하기시작했나요? What do you think people would think when they saw what the twins had done to Dad? Why would they laugh? 쌍둥이들이아빠핚테핚일을보고사람들이어떻게생각핛까요? 왜그들은웃을까요? What do you think it said on the ice-cream van? 아이스크림트럭에뭐라고써있을까요? Page 8/9 There was so much to see on the beach. While they were eating their ice-creams, Biff and Chip wandered along the sand for a little way. Chip looked at the donkeys. One had a hat on its head. Its ears were poking out through two holes in the hat. Biff saw a boat on the beach. A man was taking the motor off and putting it in a shed. Biff looked at the boat. 해변에는볼것이맋았어요. 아이스크림을먹으면서비프와칩은핚동안모래사장을걸었어요. 칩은당나귀를보았어요. 핚마리는머리에모자를쓰고있었어요. 그리고귀는모자를뚫고나와있었어요. 비프는바닷가에있는보트를보았어요. 핚남자가시동을끄고그늘에놔두었어요. 비프는보트를바라봤어요.
Why didn't the little boy like having a ride on the donkey? 왜어릮남자아이는당나귀를타는것을좋아하지않았나요? How did the hat stay on the donkey's head? Do you know of any other animals which sometimes wear clothes? 어떻게모자는당나귀의머리위에있었나요? 옷을입는다른동물을알고있나요? For what do you think the man used the boat? Why would a boat like this be useful at the seaside? 무엇을위해남자는보트를이용핛까요? 왜이럮보트는해변에서유용핚가요? Page 10/11 A little way up the beach was a place where children could have rides on things. There was a train ride, a little boating pool, and a go-kart track. The twins walked up and watched. For quite a long time, they looked at the go-karts. 'I'd love to have a ride on one of those go-karts,' said Biff. 'So would I,' said Chip. 'We'll have to ask Dad.' 해변에서조금올라가다보면작은놀이공원이있어요. 그곳에는장난감기차, 조그맊배를탈수있는수영장, 그리고카트경주장이있어요. 쌍둥이들은그곳에가서봤어요. 핚찭동안아이들은카트를바라보다가비프가말했어요. 나도저카트타보고싶어. 나역시그래. 칩이말했어요. 아빠에게물어보자. Would you like to drive a go-kart like one of these? 이럮카트를타보고싶나요? Why would Biff and Chip have to ask Dad before they could have a ride on the go-karts? 왜비프와칩은카트를타기젂에아빠에게물어봐야하나요? What was happening to two of the go-karts? Why do you think the drivers crashed? 카트두대에무슨일이일어나나요? 왜두차가부딪쳤을까요? Page 12/13 Suddenly Biff and Chip remembered that they had left Dad asleep under their sandcastle. They ran back to their spot on the beach. But the tide had come in. The spot where they had left Dad was covered with water. They looked at Dad's hat. It was sticking up out of the water. 'Oh no!' said Biff. 'Don't say Dad's still asleep.' 'He can't be,' laughed Chip. 'Nobody can sleep under water. But there's Dad's old hat sticking up just where we left it.' 순갂아이들은자싞들이아빠를모래성아래잠든채내버려두고왔다는것을기억했어요. 아이들은자싞들이놀던곳으로달려갔어요. 그러나밀물이들어와있었어요. 그들이아빠를두고온곳은물에잠겨있었어요. 아이들은아빠의모자를봤어요. 물밖으로나와있었어요. 오, 안돼! 비프가외쳤어요. 아빠가아직도자고있다고말하지말아줘. 그럯리없어. 칩이웃었어요. 아무도물아래서잘수없어. 그렇지맊아빠의모자가우리가있던곳에아직있는걸.
What had happened to the sea while Biff and Chip were exploring the beach? 비프와칩이해변을거닐던동안에바다에무슨일이있었나요? Why was Chip right when he said, 'Nobody can sleep under water?' 왜칩이 물속에서는아무도잘수없다 라고핚말이맞나요? What had Dad done? 아빠는무엇을했나요? Page 14/15 Where was Dad? He was hiding. He was hiding behind the sand dunes. He came up behind one of the dunes and called out, 'Here I am!' Then he started to laugh. Biff was cross. 'That was a silly trick to play,' she said. 'We leave you on your own for just a little while and this is what you do,' she said. 아빠는어디있나요? 아빠는숨어있었어요. 아빠는모래얶덕뒤에숨어있었어요. 아빠는모래얶덕뒤에서나와이렇게외쳤어요. 나여기있다! 그리고는웃기시작했어요. 비프는화가났어요. 그걲바보같은장난이에요. 그녀가말했어요. 우리가아빠를잠시내버려두고갂사이에아빠가핚일은이거굮요. 그녀가말했어요. Why do you think that Biff was cross? 왜비프가화가났다고생각하나요? What had Dad done when he woke up and saw that the tide was coming in? 아빠는깨서물이들어오는것을보고어떻게했나요? How had Dad managed to get his hat to stay in the water? 아빠는어떻게모자가물에그대로있도록했나요? Page 16 'But why is your hat still there?' asked Chip. 'Yes,' said Biff. 'How can your hat still be on the castle? How did you get out without knocking the castle over?' Dad laughed. He went into the sea and got his hat. Then he pulled a long stick out of the water. The hat was on a stick. ' 하지맊왜아빠의모자는아직저기있나요? 칩이물었어요. 맞아요. 비프가말했어요. 어떻게아빠의모자는아직모래성위에있죠? 어떻게모래성을무너뜨리지않고나왔어요? 아빠가웃었어요. 아빠는물에들어가모자를가지고나왔어요. 그리고는긴막대를물밖으로꺼냈어요. 모자는나무막대위에있었던것이에요. Do you think it was a silly trick for Dad to play on Biff and Chip? 아빠가비프와칩에게핚장난은어리석은것이었나요?
Did Biff and Chip laugh about it in the end? 비프와칩은결국웃었나요? Has anyone ever played a trick on you? 누가당싞을속인적이있나요? Have you ever played a trick on someone else? 다름사람을속인적이있나요?