주말마다신나는우리민속공연 K O R E A N F O L K P E R F O R M A N C E F O R V I S I T O R S 찾아오시는길 지하철 1 호선 : 시청역 4 번출구에서마을버스 11 번이용 3 호선 : 경복궁역 5 번출구, 안국역 1 번출구에서도보로 15 분 5 호선 : 광화문역 2 번출구에서마을버스 11 번이용 버스광화문세종로일대버스정류장 ( 도보로 15 분 ) 함께누리는문화행복한대한민국 Korean Folk Performance For Visitors 주차경복궁주차장이용 주소서울특별시종로구삼청로 37 국립민속박물관 ( 우 03045) National Folk Museum of Korea, Samcheongro 37, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea (03045) 전화 02-3704-3114 홈페이지 www.nfm.go.kr 국립민속박물관 정문 정독도서관 경북궁역 주차장 안국역 세종문화회관 광화문역 조계사 인사동 이용안내 개관및관람시간 03~05월 09:00-18:00 17:00까지입장 06~08월 09:00-18:30 17:30까지입장 09~10월 09:00-18:00 17:00까지입장 11~02월 09:00-17:00 16:00까지입장 05~08월주말 공휴일 09:00-19:00 18:00까지입장 야간개장매달마지막수, 금, 토 09:00-21:00 20:00까지입장 휴관일매주화요일 입장료무료 공연접수공고는 4~5월과 9~10월에박물관홈페이지를통해하고있습니다. 04April 2016 토요상설공연 Saturday Performances in April 2016 년 4 월매주토요일오후 3 시, 국립민속박물관대강당 일요열린민속무대 Sunday Performances in April 2016 년 4 월매주일요일오후 2 시, 국립민속박물관앞마당
4 월토요상설공연 Saturday Performances in April, Every Saturday 3:00Pm, Museum Auditorium 2016 년 4 월매주토요일, 오후 3 시, 국립민속박물관대강당 함께누리는문화행복한대한민국 Korean Folk Performance For Visitors 제 942 회 予 ( 너여 ) 汝 ( 나여 ) 의天聲地音 ( 천성지음 ) Boy and Girls, Beautiful voice of Heaven 04. 02. 제 943 회 조경아의춤 봄향기는내마음에 Dance by Jo kyung-a The scent of spring in mind 04. 09. 4 월일요열린민속무대 Sunday Performances in April, Every Sunday 2:00Pm, Museum Courtyard 2016 년 4 월매주일요일, 오후 2 시, 국립민속박물관앞마당 제 385 회바람의연희 Play of wind 04. 03. 제 944 회해설이있는풍류음악회 Pungryu Concert with explanation 04. 16. 제 386 회고성오광대전과장 Entire Gwajang of Goseong Ogwangdae 04. 10. 제 945 회최정옥의춤 Dance by Choi Jeongok 04. 23. 제 387 회희망의오복락락 The Hope of Obokrakrak 04. 17. 제 946 회 국악과함께하는 노래하는박물관 A singing Museum with Gukak 04. 30. 제 388 회다같이노는날 The day We play together 04. 24.
Korean Folk Performance For Visitors 5월공연일정미리보기 Performance Schedule in May 05. 01. ( 일 ) 연희판놀음 打 & 樂콘서트 전통연희단잔치마당 ( 연희 ) 05. 07. ( 토 ) 봉산이네사자의눈, 코, 입, 꼬리를찾아주세요 The 나린 ( 기악 ) 05. 08. ( 일 ) 세계를향해본때를보인다! 본때 결련택견 ( 무예 ) 05. 14. ( 토 ) 송미숙의춤송미숙 ( 무용 ) 05. 15. ( 일 ) 담양우도농악대동굿우도농악담양보존회서울지부 ( 연희 ) 05. 21. ( 토 ) 춤, 희노애樂이동준 ( 무용 ) 05. 22. ( 일 ) 진도북놀이박상준 ( 연희 ) 05. 28. ( 토 ) 조갑녀류정명희의춤정명희 ( 무용 ) 05. 29. ( 일 ) 관객이참여하는단심줄대동놀이한마당예천엔터테인먼트 ( 연희 )
予 ( 너여 ) 汝 ( 나여 ) 의天聲地音 ( 천성지음 ) Boy and Girls, Beautiful voice of Heaven 2016. 04. 02. Saturday( 토 ) 3:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Auditorium 제 942 회토요상설공연 The 942nd Saturday Performance 이번공연은굿에서쓰이는노래와장단을위주로연주되며다함께즐기는다채로운공연을선보인다. 첫무대는철무리굿의흥겨운장단을장구합주로재구성한작품으로 철무리굿을위한다스름 을선보인다. 이어서우리민족음악의원초적뿌리인무속의축원덕담과다양한장단이어우러지는 소리굿, 황해도굿에서물바가지장단을치고놀며부르던노래 나나니 타령, 함경도민요로한식과단오때달래춤을추며노래판이벌어져모두같이즐기며노는 돈돌라리, 서해안풍어제에서불리는노래로경기도연평도, 충청남도천수만, 전라도철산바다까지도어업노동요로불리고있는 배치기 노래, 마지막으로소고놀음, 사자춤, 버나놀음등다양한연희가한데어우러지는 연희판굿 으로공연의대미를장식할것이다. This show consists of song and rhythm of Gut and presents variety performance and bring merriment to audience. Firstly,'Chulmurigut', creative dance pieces combing drum dance and chulmurigut on a stage. This is follow by 'Sorigut' that whose lyrics are well-being remarks for shamanism and harmony with rhythm, 'nanani taryeong', a rhythmical song of a gourd for dipping water in Hwanghaedo gut, 'Dodolrari', a Hamgyeongdo Minyo and wild chive dance during the dano, the festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, 'Baeqigi', a song of wishing a big catch in the western coastal region especially in Yeonpyeongdo, Cheonsuman and cheolsan mountain. Lastly, 'Yeonhui Pangut', consist of various play like Sogonoreum, a dance performed with a lion's mask, Beona noreum will finalize the whole stage. 01 철무리굿을위한다스름 Chulmurigut 02 소리굿 Sorigut 03 나나니 Nanani 04 돈돌라리 Dondolrari 05 배치기 Baeqigi 06 연희판굿 Yeonhui Pangut 대표전순필연출김백광출연강대현, 윤명희, 박준하, 윤광현, 김성회, 이도형, 이창모, 이나라, 장효선, 김양호
바람의연희 Play of Wind 2016. 04. 03. Sunday( 일 ) 2:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Courtyard 제 385 회일요상설공연 The 385th Sunday Performance 이번공연은광개토사물놀이예술단이미주, 유럽순회공연을통해다양한국악연희의원형과변형을넘나들며현대적감성에맞는우수한무대를준비하였다. 한국전통연희의과거와현재, 미래의종합적인전통문화공연으로사물놀이, 판소리, 비보이, 비트박서가모여젊은이들만의신선하고독창적인열정을표현하였다. 그리고많은공연활동의경험을토대로제작한작품들은전통과현대어느한쪽에치우치지않고포괄적인공연을선사함으로써관람하는모든이에게큰호응을얻을것이다. 전통문화의다양한공연예술형태위에우리음악의멋과흥을가미하여신명으로이끌어내는이번무대는박물관을찾는국내외관람객들에게한국문화의자긍심을느끼게하는자리가될것이다. Gwangaeto Samulnori Art troupe had a concert tour to America and Europe, through the performance they reform and translate into different style of Gukak Yeonhui. This show presents fascinating performance that gathering from past, present and future of Yeonhui in a stage by Samulnori, Pansori, B-boy and beat box, Also meet modern sensibility through which young souls express their energy and enthusiasm. It is such a total package of traditional plays combined with pansori and world famous korean samulnori, which will definitely appeals to everyone. Watching the show with the beauty and excitement of korean music added to various types of traditional art performances, those visiting the museum from home and abroad will be proud of Korean cultures. 01 전통창작타악합주 운우풍뢰-혼의소리 Traditional creative percussion ensemble-'unupungloe' 02 비보이퍼포먼스 코리아 Style B-boy performance 'Korea Style' 03 모듬북난타퍼포먼스 Mega Drum Drum Nanta Performance 'Mega Drum' 04 비트박스 & 사자탈놀이 어흥 yo! Beat box & Lion mask dance nori 'Eheong Yo!' 05 판소리 & 비트박스퍼포먼스 판Beat 소리 - 신춘향전 Pansori & Beatbox performance 'Pan Beat sound'-new Chunhyangjeon 06 창작연희놀음판 MOVEMENT KOREA Yeonhui Noreum Pan-'Movement Korea' 대표권준성 ( 광개토사물놀이예술단장 ) 출연권준성, 조용성, 장지성, 최동환, 박지웅, 김윤만, 강일진, 박문성, 박진형, 조현지, 김유나, 김성용
조경아의춤 봄향기는내마음에 Dance by Jokyung-A The scent of Spring in mind 2016. 04. 09. Saturday( 토 ) 3:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Auditorium 제 943 회토요상설공연 The 943rd Saturday Performance 이번공연은전통과창작을넘나들며활발히활동중인조경아무용단의공연으로한국무용의전통을바탕으로한창작작품, 신고전작품등을선보인다. 한국무용을대표하는무용가인국수호와서한우의하사를통해전통을재해석한작품들로구성되었다. 본무대는춤이가지는곧은선의명료함과유연함그리고몸의언어를통해한국무용의아름다움을널리알리고자한다. 또한춤이가지고있는다양한느낌들을격조, 절제, 단아, 정취, 풍류등의미로해석하여조경아의춤언어로관객들과소통하는무대로꾸며졌다. 본공연을통해다채로운한국무용에서려있는멋과기품그리고신명을두루담아전통춤의멋을더욱세련되고아름답게표현하고자한다. Jokyung-a dance company who actively performs crossing genres of classical and folk will presents number of korean traditional and creative dance in the stage. The show comprised of reinterpreted the tradition by Guksoho, Korean dancer of performing art and master Seohanwu. The dancer express a flexibility and sharp crisp lines of dance to widespread of beauty of korean dance for domestic and abroad. Also, the dance performance presents into Jokyung-a style of dignified, elegant, selfcontrol, mood and pungryu to embellish a stage. Through a dancer's hand movements, dignified steps and joy will give audience may appreciate the colorful motion of Korean dance. 01 태평무 Taepyeongmu 02 장한가 Changhanga 03 풍운화무 ( 風雲花舞 ) Pungunhwamu 04 춘설 Chunseol 05 입춤 Ipchum 06 경고무 Gyeonggomu 07 버꾸춤 Beokkuchum 대표조경아 ( 조경아무용단대표 ) 출연조경아, 조황경, 엄률희, 이민선, 황근영, 고예나, 송영림, 백아람
고성오광대전과장 Entire Gwajang of Goseong Ogwangdae 2016. 04. 10. Sunday( 일 ) 2:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Courtyard 제 386 회일요상설공연 The 386th Sunday Performance 이번공연은봉천놀이마당이중요무형문화재로지정되어많은이들의사랑을받고있는중요무형문화재제7호고성오광대공연을선보인다. 고성오광대는경남고성지방에서전해내려오는마당극으로써, 흔히탈춤이라불리며탈을쓰고춤을추며재담을통해서민생활의애환과민중의삶의모습을반영하였다. 고성오광대는현존하는영남지역탈춤중가장그원형에가깝게전승되고있는대표적인탈춤으로써극보다는춤이월등히앞서있다는평가를받고있다. 공연을 5과장으로구성된문둥북춤, 오광대놀이, 비비과장, 승무, 제밀주과장순으로진행되며제밀주과장에이어공연되는상여과장또한볼거리이다. 본무대에서펼쳐질다양한춤사위의감동과더불어신명을함께느낄수있는시간이될것이다. This show presents 'Goseong Ogwangdae' which is desiganted as Important Intangible Cultural Property No.7 and also loved by a number of People. Goseong Ogwandae is 'Madanggeuk' orginating from Goseong, Gyeongnam, where those with masks on express the life of sorrow of ordinary people by making jokes. Goseong Ogwandae, among the mask dances existing in Yeongnam regions, is organized as having been passed down in the form closet to its original state and its danc stands out more than its play. The show consits of 5 Gwajangs that take plase in the order of Mundungbukchum, Ogwangdaenori, Binigwajang, Seumgmu, and Jemijugwajang. Sangyeongwajang following Jemijugwajang is also something you should never miss out on. you will for sure enjoy and be impressed with a dazzling display of dancing skills. 01 1과장문둥북춤 Gwajang 1 Mundungbukchum 02 2과장오광대놀이 Gwajang 2 Ogwangdaenori 03 3과장비비놀음 Gwajang 3 Bibinoreum 04 4과장승무과장 Gwajang 4 Seungmugwajang 05 5과장제밀주과장 Gwajang 5 Jemiljugwajang 대표장미이 ( 봉천놀이마당대표 ) 연출전결화출연김선우, 김이남, 김지원, 김희선, 이윤일, 오은하, 이상우, 신희준, 백지영, 윤인지, 하승규, 강문철, 구재연, 정영수, 서유경, 이동열, 장미이, 전태현, 전결화, 정성래, 조미경, 조상형, 최진희, 이형근, 김미정, 김민주, 김문숙, 김명숙, 김성담, 김돈구, 김희진, 박진기, 박현숙, 박상미, 박찬민, 서승욱, 정태권, 안갑술, 오현주, 우말숙, 유경자, 은종운, 이길자, 이은욱, 이태영, 임경자, 장태숙, 정상순, 이양순
제 944 회토요상설공연 The 944th Saturday Performance 해설이있는풍류음악회 Pungryu Concert with explanation 2016. 04. 16. Saturday( 토 ) 3:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Auditorium 이번공연은우리의생활에서사라져가는우리고유풍류문화의계승발전과풍류문화정착을위해힘쓰고있는일요풍류회가대중에게잊히는소중한풍류문화를선보인다. 특별히아정하고고상한음악 정악 중 정가 를중심으로선보일오늘공연은서양으로치면고전음악 (classical music) 에속한다. 풍류란풍치가있고멋스럽게노는일, 또는자연과인생과예술이혼연일체가된삼매경에대한미적표현이기도하다. 우리에게절실한것은삭막해진인간성을회복하는과정에서우리의조상들이향유하였던풍류정신을확산하는일이다. 정가와상령산연주로여유롭고고상함을선사하려고한다. 오늘일요풍류회와함께풍류의정원으로오셔서풍류의고상함과아름다움을같이즐기는무대가될것이다. Sunday Pungryu Association protects a succession of development and settlement of Pungryu culture. They are going to presents precious Pungryu culture in this stage. Today, the performers are going to show a Korean style of Classical music. Pungryu means elegant culture that was enjoyed by korean, they visited beautiful mountains and valleys reciting poem and playing traditional korean instruments since ancient times. Nowadays, Korean have less humanity and recover of the moment and widespread pungryu culture at the same time. Classical music and sangryongsan playing will deliver. Please come to visit national Folk Museum of Korea and enjoy Sunday Pungryu Association performance. The audience might be able to enjoy stage together about elegant and beauty of Pungryu. 01 평시조 청산리 Pyung Sijo 'Cheongsanri' 02 여창가곡우조평거 일소백미 Female's song ujo pyeonggo 'Ilsobaekmi' 03 대금피리병주 - 평조회상중상령산 Daegeum & Piri - sangryungsan 04 여창가곡우조우락 바람은 Female's ujo urak ' Wind' 05 여창가곡계면조이수대엽 언약이 Female's gyemyeonjo 'Eonyak' 06 거문고산조 Geomungo Sanjo 대표사재성 ( 중요무형문화재제 46호피리정악및대취타전수조교 ) 출연이삼스님, 정창관, 이승윤, 윤선숙, 김계희, 김유라, 김세화
희망의오복락락 The Hope of Obokrakrak 2016. 04. 17. Sunday( 일 ) 2:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Courtyard 제 387 회일요상설공연 The 387th Sunday Performance 이번공연은오복락락을주제로壽 ( 수 ) 는長壽 ( 장수 ) 하는것, 富 ( 부 ) 는부유한삶을영위하는것, 康寧 ( 강녕 ) 은우환이없이편안한것, 攸好德 ( 유호덕 ) 은덕을좋아하며즐겨덕을행하려고하는것, 考終命 ( 고종명 ) 은天命 ( 천명 ) 을다하는것으로오복을통한희망을얻는무대를준비하였다. 첫무대는웅장한멜로디아름다운선율로전통과현대국악기의현대적인감각으로그가능성을높이는프런티어를선보인다. 이어서국악관현악기의선율과사물놀이의다채로운장단을통한흥과멋을느낄수있는매사냥, 제주도민요를편곡하여선사하는너영나영, 모듬북연주에화려한장단과절도있는동작으로신명을자아내는 Korean Drum, 우리국악기를소개하고소통하는국악기소개, 마지막으로국악관현악과판놀음협연으로공연의대미를장식한다. Under the theme of 'Obokrakrak', Fusion Gukak(Korean traditional music) concert will be presented. Obok(literally, 5 blessings) represents five fortures: longevity, wealth, health, love of virtue and natural death. 'Frontier', a song in which traditional and contemporary musical instruments generate dignified melodies in harmony, opens the stage. In 'New Compilation', the audience may appreciate the mirth and style of korean classical music through the melodies of traditional string instruments and varied rhythm of traditional percussion. What follows is 'Neoyoung Nayoung', a reinterpretation of Jeju island's folk song. Later, performer introduce korean traditional music instruments and present 'Sarangga(a love song)' from Pansori Chunhyangga which is inscribed in UNESCO'S representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Lastly, a gukak chamber mucic piece 'Wandering' and exciting korean folk percussion 'Pannoreum' will close the entire show. 01 국악관현악 프론티어 Gukak orchestral music 'Frontier' 02 사물놀이와국악관현악을위한 매사냥 'Eagle hunting' for Samulnori and Chamber music 03 국악가요 너영나영 Gukak gayo 'Neoyoung Nayoung' 04 모듬북퍼포먼스 Korean Drums Drum Performance 'Korean Drum' 05 아리랑과함께하는국악기소개 Introduction of Korean traditional music instrument with Arirang 06 풍물놀이와국악관현악의협연 판놀음 2016 '2016 Pannoreum' with Pungmulnori and Traditional music orchestra 대표김지수 ( 월드퓨전시나위예술단장 ) 출연김유나, 윤보영, 조애라, 조연희, 안헌영, 소명진, 박한규, 김윤만, 최동환, 조용배, 장지성, 박지웅
최정옥의춤 Dance by Choi Jeongok 2016. 04. 23. Saturday( 토 ) 3:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Auditorium 제 945 회토요상설공연 The 945th Saturday Performance 이번공연은화성재인청보존회회원으로서활동중인최정옥의전통춤사위를선보인다. 첫무대는일반대중들이접하기어려운춤으로망자의저승길에명복을빌고춤을추며, 인간의축원이신에게전달되는듯한움직임속에서무속적인신비로움을창출하는이동안선생의엇중모리신칼대신무로객석과공연자모두의부모님을극락왕생하시기를기원하는의미를담고있다. 이어서김수악선생의애달픈구음에여인들의한과멋기쁨을춤으로표현하는교방굿거리, 삶의희노애락을살풀이수건에담아서허공에뿌리며절제미와함께단아하고화려한살풀이춤, 따뜻한봄날꽃과나비처럼남녀의사랑이야기를담은풍류도, 신명나는진도북춤으로흥을돋우고나라의풍년과태평성대를기원하는태평무로공연의대미를장식한다. Choijeongok, who is the member of Hwaseong Jaein Chung Preservation Association, is going to show the tradition dance performance in this stage. 'Sinkaldaesinmu Dance', a korean dance to wish a easy passage eternity and to mourn for one's dead parent. The dance is done by solo in white traditional Korean dress. Also, performer is showing a mysterious motion of Shamanism at the same time, wishing a gentle an easy death of both audience and performer's parents. 'Gyobang gutgeori' express the sadness of sorrowing feeling and beauty of Korean women, 'Salpurichum', with a betray one's feeling, restrained moderated and splendid of dance into Salpuri towel brushing in the air, 'Pungryudo', a love story of couple butterflies and flowers in warm spring opportunity to may appreciate Heung, 'Taeyeongmu', a dance to wish a great peace and prosperity for the country will embellish the finale. 01 신칼대신무 ( 화성재인청류 ) Sinkaldaesinmu(Hwaseongjaeincheng style) 02 소고춤 ( 채종실류 ) Sogochum(Chaejongsil style) 03 교방굿거리춤 ( 김수악류 ) Gyobanggutgeorichum (Kimsuak style) 04 살풀이춤 ( 한영숙류 ) Salpurichum (Hanyoungsuk style) 05 풍류도 Pyungryudo 06 진도북춤 ( 박병천류 ) Jindobukchum (Parkbyeongcheon style) 07 태평무 ( 한영숙류 ) Taepyeongmu (Hanyoungsuk style) 대표최정옥 ( 경기무형문화재제8호승무, 살풀이춤이수자 ) 사회정명희출연이계영, 송혜주, 김순덕, 이미정, 주정숙, 이혜령, 김성심, 전건자, 김희자
다같이노는날 The day We play together 2016. 04. 24. Sunday( 일 ) 2:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Courtyard 제 388 회일요상설공연 The 388th Sunday Performance 이번공연은전통예술을쉽게접하기힘든현대인들에게다양한장르의공연을경험할수있도록전통예술공연단타투에서전통과현대의조화로운연희공연을선보인다. 전통예술공연을단순히관람하는것이아니라관객이직접참여하고그자체가공연이될수있도록꾸며보았다. 춤추는날, 두드리는날, 노래부르는날의시리즈를종합하여다같이노는날이라는타이틀을갖추고공연자만이아닌관람객들도다같이참여하여공연을만들어나갈수있도록구성하였다. 전통예술공연의형태위에멋과흥을가미하여신명으로이끌어내는이번무대는박물관을찾는국내외관람객들에게한국문화의자긍심을느끼게하는자리가될것이다. In this stage, Traditional Art Troupe 'Tatoo' presents crossing genres of Korean traditional art which is unfamiliar and uneasy to modern people. Today, they recreated to fit the modern taste for tradition and modern music in harmony. The 'tatoo' is not only amusing eyes and ears of the audience but also make a chance to audience to on a stage. Under the titled of 'The day we play together', combing with 'The dance day, The hitting day, The singing day'. The stage where the audience can interact with the performer beyond the boundaries between them. Everyone include dancer and audience will enjoy the performance with merriment and excitement. The dancers will bring joyful and delightful of traditional art performance and each of visitor and audience may appreciate the performance proud of korean culture. 01 두드림의승부사 ( 모듬북합주 ) Adventurer of Dudeurim 02 판스텝 ( 판소리 &DJing) Step of Pan (Pansori&DJing) 03 타투와날라리 ( 창작태평소시나위 ) Tatoo & Nalrari (Tapyeongso Sinawi) 04 쑥대머리 ( 국악가요,b-boy, 한국무용 ) Ssukdaemoeri (Gukak Gayo, B-boy, Korean dance) 05 다같이노는날 ( 대동놀이 ) The day 'We play together'(dadongnoli) 대표최재학 ( 전통예술공연단타투 ) 연출최재학출연최재학, 이호윤, 김보미, 황석찬, 이승동, 김재성, 이은미, 최지민, 강윤지, 이혜빈
국악과함께하는 노래하는박물관 A singing of Museum with Gukak 2016. 04. 30. Saturday( 토 ) 3:00pm 국립민속박물관대강당 Museum Auditorium 제 946 회토요상설공연 The 946th Saturday Performance 이번공연은 7인으로구성된국악실내악단과경기민요가함께하는공연이다. 전통의시김새가도드라져흥과멋이살아있는민속악부터대중들의눈높이에맞춘창작음악까지남녀노소를불문하고모두가함께즐길수있는무대가펼쳐진다. 첫시작은 fly to the sky 는한국의아름다운정서를표현한웅장한곡이다. 이어홀로아리랑을국악의소리로들어보게될 홀로아리랑 은독도를주제로한곡으로잔잔하고서정적인곡이다. 세번째곡을연주하기전국악기에대한해설과함께악기들의독주를들어볼수있는시간이마련된다. 이어지는세번째곡은서울, 경기지방의대표적인경기민요를소리꾼 김보성 의구성진소리를감상한다. 이어국악실내악으로양방언의프론티어, 배띄워라, 신뱃놀이를소리와함께웅장하고아름다운음악을들어볼수있다. This show consists of Gyeonggi Minyo and Gukak Chamber Ensemble performed by seven members of K-music group. Folk music has a traditional sigimsae of Heung and Beauty and performers translate a stage into creative style loved by both gender. 'Fly to the sky', a magnificent song which express the beauty of korean emotion, 'Solo performance, Arirang', a song under the theme of Dokdo which is calmly and softly perform at a stage, The performer makes a special stage with story-telling style commentary to enhance audience understanding before move on to third song. Kimboseong, a singer, will sing a Gyeonggi Minyo from Seoul and Gyeonggi region. For the Gukak Chamber ensemble, Frontier by Yangbangen, set a ship of afloat, sound of sinbaetnori will close the show, bringing merriment and excitement to the audience. 01 fly to the sky Fly to the sky 02 홀로아리랑 Solo performance, Arirang < 악기소개 > Introduce of Instrument 03 경기민요 Gyeonggi Minyo 04 프론티어 Frontier 05 배띄워라 Set a ship afloat 06 신뱃놀이 Sinbaetnori 대표장수미 (k-music group 미소 대표 ) 출연장수미, 김보성, 이현정, 장연정, 김현정, 윤희상, 오경준