2016 년 12 월 25 일주일설교 왕이신예수 (Jesus the King) 요한계시록 5:6-14 1. Merry Christmas! On behalf of all Church of Koinonia members, I welcome all worshippers for Jesus Christ. 오늘예배에오신모든분들을환영합니다. 특히, 오늘헨델의오라토리오 메시아 로 드리는예배를찾아나오신모든분들을주님의이름으로환영합니다. 오늘저는아주짧게말씀을나누려합니다. My sermon today will be brief because the Messiah itself is a sermon, actually a collection of sermons about Jesus Christ. 메시아자체가설교 묶음이라할수있습니다. 오늘여러분은성악가들과성가대가전하는설교를듣는셈입니다. 보통의예배에서는성가대가보조역할을하고목사가주된역할을합니다만, 오늘예배는 성가대와성악가들이주된역할을하고저는보조역할을하는것입니다. Today s main messenger will be the singers and the choir, not me. When he wrote this masterpiece, George Frederick Handel was going through a dark valley of failure, loneliness, hopelessness and depression. 메시아를작곡할때헨델은인생에있어서가장 어두운시기를지나고있었다고하지요. 때로고난은우리를진실하게하고간절하게만듭니다. We tend to be true and pure when we endure pain and suffering. That is what happened to Handel. 헨델도그랬던것같습니다. He wrote this music, 53 pieces all together, for 20 some days in 1741. 메시아는모두 53 개의주옥같은곡들로구성되었는데, 헨델은그것을 20 여일만에써냈다고 합니다. 말그대로밤낮으로작곡에몰두했던것입니다. When he was done, he said, I feel like I am empty. 그것은마치누군가에사로잡혀받아적는것과같았습니다. It was almost as if someone took his hands to write the music. This is why the Messiah has been one of the most favorite music for the past half a century. 바로그것이메시아가과거거의 5 백년동안사랑받아온이유일것입니다. Probably the Hallelujah chorus is the best known and most loved piece out of all 53 pieces. 메시아의전곡중에서 44 번할렐루야합창이아마도가장잘알려져있고또가장많이사랑받는 곡일것입니다. 이곡을완성했을때옆에서돕고있던조수가눈물을흘리면서 내가하늘이열린 것을본것같아요. 그리고하나님의얼굴을보았어요 라고말했다고합니다. When he completed the Hallelujah chorus, his assistant said to him, I did think I saw heaven open, and saw the very face of God. Today our choir will sing several pieces from the first part of the Messiah and the Hallelujah chorus. 오늘우리성가대는메시아중에서탄생부분에속한몇곡과할렐루야합창을불러주실 것입니다. 여러분도이음악을들으시는중에하늘이열린것과하나님의얼굴을볼수있기 바랍니다. It is my prayer that you also, while listening to the music, may come to see heaven open and see the very face of God. 2.
The word Messiah means being anointed in Hebrew. The people of Israel anointed someone with oil when they appointed that person to an important office such as king or prophet. 메시아라는말은히브리어로 기름부음을받다 라는뜻입니다. 이스라엘사람들은어떤사람을왕이나예언자같은직책에임명할때기름을부었습니다. 그리스말을하는사람들은 메시아 라는말을 그리스도 라는말로번역했습니다. People who used Greek language translated the word Messiah to Christ. That is why we call Jesus Christ. Many people mistake Jesus as the first name and Christ as the last name. 미국사람들중에예수는이름이고그리스도는성이라고생각하는사람들이많습니다. 그렇지않습니다. 그리스도는이름도, 성도아닌칭호입니다. Christ is a title. When we say Jesus Christ, we actually mean Jesus is the Christ. 그러므로 나는예수그리스도를믿습니다 라는말은 나는예수가그리스도이심을믿습니다 라는뜻입니다. 메시아 라는히브리어그리고 그리스도 라는그리스어를오늘우리가사용하는말로바꾸면어떻게될까요? If we translate the Hebrew word of Messiah and the Greek word of Christ to our own language, what will it be? The most likely candidate will be the King. 아마도왕이라는단어가가장가까울것입니다. 보통왕이아니라영원한왕을의미합니다. When we use the word of king to Jesus, we need to use the capital K for that because Jesus is the one and only eternal King. When we say Jesus Christ, we actually mean Jesus the King. 우리가예수그리스도라고말할때우리는실제로 나의왕예수 라고말하는것입니다. 우리는왕이무엇인지, 왕에게어떻게해야하는지그리고왕이나의삶에어떤의미를가지는지잘모릅니다. We do not know what the king is, how to treat the king and what kind of difference the king makes to our lives. First, we haven t experienced the king s rule. 그첫번째이유는우리가왕을경험해보지않았기때문입니다. 왕대신에우리는우리손으로대통령을뽑는제도에익숙해있습니다. We are more familiar with electing our president by our hands. The king is not whom we choose. 왕은우리가뽑는것이아닙니다. 우리는왕에게복종해야할의무를집니다. We have to obey to the king. People don't like the monarchy, that is, the political system of king. That is why most civilized countries choose the democracy as their political system. 우리는왕정제도를싫어합니다. 그래서대부분의문명국가에서는민주제도를채택하고있습니다. 하지만최근에이르러민주제도에대한깊은회의와반성이일어나고있습니다. Recently, however, people have begun to reconsider the democratic system. It has proven so vividly that the democratic system is so vulnerable to the power of money and the propaganda of the populists in this age of SNS. 민주제도가금권선거와포풀리스트들의공작에너무도쉽게망가질수있음을보고있기때문입니다. 대중의손으로지도자를직접뽑는제도가과연최선인지를고민하고있습니다.
저도그런생각을했습니다. 세종대왕이나아브라함링컨같은훌륭한임금을얻을수만있다면민주제도를포기하고왕정제도로돌아갔으면좋겠다고말입니다. Recently I thought to myself that if there is any guarantee for securing good kings such as Sejong or Abraham Lincoln, I would prefer the king system to the democracy. We are all longing for a good leader. 우리는모두좋은지도자에목말라있습니다. 정말도덕적으로흠이없고모든점에서존경하고찬양할만한그런지도자는없는것일까요? Is there anyone who deserves our wholehearted respect and devotion? It will be impossible to see such a leader or president in our life time. There has not been such a perfect king throughout the past human history. Even Sejong and Lincoln were with flaws and weaknesses. 안타까운말이지만그런대통령을생전에볼가능성은전혀없습니다. 인류역사상에그런임금은없었습니다. 세종대왕도, 아브라함링컨도완전한사람들이아니었습니다. 하지만우리에게는그런왕이있습니다. We, however, have Jesus who is eternal and perfect King. 그분은예수그리스도이십니다. 그분은혈통으로왕이된것도아니고사람들이뽑아세운왕도아닙니다. His kingship is neither from blood nor from election. God appointed Jesus as the King by anointing with oil. 하나님께서기름부어세우신왕입니다. 그래서메시아입니다. That is why He is called the Messiah. 3. Now we are celebrating the birth of the Messiah. 지금우리는메시아의탄생을축하하고있습니다. 달리말하면, 우리의왕이태어나셨음을축하하는것입니다. In other words, we are celebrating the birth of our King. This King came to us in the lowliest manner possible. 이왕은가장비천한모습으로우리에게오셨습니다. 그리고가장고통스러운삶을살다가셨습니다. And he lived a life with all kinds of pain and suffering. 그분은십자가에달려죽임을당하셨습니다. He died on the cross as a criminal. But God raised Him from the dead and exalted Him on the eternal throne of heaven and earth. 그분은십자가에서죄인의신분으로죽임을당하셨지만, 하나님께서는그분을죽은자들가운데서살리시고높이셔서영원한왕으로세워주셨습니다. 오늘우리는사도요한이밧모섬에유배되었을때본환상의일부를읽었습니다. 하나님은사도요한에게하늘보좌의모습을보여주셨습니다. Today you heard a text from the Revelation of John. God revealed a glimpse of God s Kingdom to John the apostle. John saw that Jesus who was slain is now the eternal King of heaven and earth. 요한은죽임당하신예수님이하늘과땅의영원한왕이되셨음을봅니다. 지금우리눈에보이지는않지만그영원한왕이하늘과땅의모든것을다스리고계십니다. Even though we don t see, Jesus
the King reigns over heaven and earth. John heard the chorus of angels. 요한은그때 천사들의합창을들었습니다. 죽임을당하신어린양은권세와부와지혜와힘과존귀와영광과찬양을받으시기에합당하십니다. ( 계 5:12) Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, To receive power and wealth and wisdom And the strength and honor and glory and praise. 천사들이그렇게합창을하자, 하늘과땅과땅아래있는모든피조물이이렇게 화답합니다. When angels finished their chorus, creatures in heaven and on earth and under the earth and all that is in them, saying: To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb Be praise and honor and glory and power, For every and ever! 보좌에앉으신분과어린양께서는 찬양과존귀와영광과권능을 영원무궁하도록받으십시오. ( 계 5:13) The last piece of the oratorio Messiah is Worthy is the Lamb that Was Slain. Its lyrics come from the text we read. 헨델의메시아의마지막곡이 죽임당하신어린양 이라는제목으로되어있습니다. 이곡의가사가바로조금전에읽은본문에서나왔습니다. I personally like this piece most. 개인적으로제가제일좋아하는곡입니다. I am sorry that this piece is not in the list today. I encourage you to listen this piece at home. It sounds like angels sing and all the creatures respond. 오늘연주곡목에는이찬송이포함되지않았는데, 오늘성가대의찬양의감흥을마음에품고집에가셔서들어보시기바랍니다. 마치천사가찬송을하고모든피조물이응답하는것같습니다. 4.
It is my prayer that the songs you are going to listen may open your heaven to see God s throne and to see the Lamb who was slain but is now reining heaven and earth. 오늘우리가이곳에모인이유가무엇입니까? 그저아름다운음악을감상하기위한것만은아님을기억하시기바랍니다. 성령께서헨델을통하여전하려했던그메시지를들으시기바랍니다. I hope you listen to the message that Handel wanted to speak through his music. 우리에게는영원한왕이있다는! That we have the eternal King! 그왕은진실로우리의모든존경과찬양을받으시기에합당하시다는! That He is worthy of our whole-hearted respect and honor and praise! Then Jesus the King will be born again within your world. 그렇게되면왕이신예수님이여러분의세상안에다시태어나실것입니다. 바로그것이우리의희망입니다. That is the only hope for us. That s message for each and every one of us today! 바로그것이오늘우리각자가들어야할메시지입니다. 이왕을모셔들이고이왕과함께살아가시길바랍니다. May each and every one of you receive this King and live with that King every day of your life! Amen!