히르슈슈프룽병환자에서미성숙신경절세포의빈도및그의의 본연구는서울대학교병원의임상연구비지원에의하여이루어진것임 접수일 게재승인일 교신저자 김현영 서울특별시종로구연건동대학로 서울대학교어린이병원소아외과
Fig. 1. H&E and Immunohistochemical Staining of Ganglion Cell. A: Ganglion Cell in H&E, B: Mature Ganglion Cell in MAP-2, C: Immature Ganglion Cell in bcl-2
Table 1. Comparisons according to Immunohistochemistry bcl-2(+) (N=55) bcl-2(-) (N=2) p-value Gestational age (w) 39 (32-43) 40 (39-41) 0.305 Birth weight (kg) 3.20 (1.90-4.50) 3.41 (3.12-3.70) 0.563 Age at operation (d) 143 (15-4678) 680 (543-817) 0.921 Body weight at operation (kg) 7.89 (2.70-45.0) 13.25 (13.2-13.3) <0.001 Postoperative day (d) 9 (6-15) 12.5 (10-15) 0.027 Constipation 6 m 4 0 0.927 1 y 5 0 0.908 Soiling 6 m 12 0 0.767 1 y 10 0 0.809 Perianal excoriation 6 m 4 0 0.927 1 y 1 0 0.982 Medication use 6 m 4 0 0.927 1 y 4 0 0.927
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