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Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T

Stage 2 First Phonics

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종

May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil



Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정


퇴좈저널36호-4차-T.ps, page Preflight (2)

Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에

004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을

Objective 이야기를즐기며정전기의원리를이해하기 Look at~. 의표현을이용하여말해보기 Key Words & Expressions Rub the balloon. Look at the paper. Look at his hair. Procedure Contents M

April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

중학영어듣기 2학년


1_2•• pdf(••••).pdf




T: Look! What s the title of the book? This book is called Do As We Do T: Tuntun! ( 가족을가리키며 ) What are the family doing? Do as I do. ( 달려가는흉내를내며 ) Run

Microsoft Word - Lessonplan_10




1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

야쿠르트2010 9월재출

I&IRC5 TG_08권

< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>


Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C



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71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370

Unit 4 Let s Talk Around Town 학생용교재레벨 6, Unit 4, 페이지 우리아이가배운내용은 대화문 : Where s the food court? Do you know? Let s look at the map. It s across fr

4. Are We There Yet? 학습목표 차를타고워터파크에가는규리와친구들의이야기를즐기며주요질문익히기 주요질문 Q1: Are we there yet? A1: Not yet. / Just wait. / Yes, we are. / Almost. Q2: What do y

Picture Book 1 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 1 Objectives Main Sentences Words 나누어쓰면좋은것에대해생각해본다. 가지고있는것말하는표현배우기교실에서볼수있는사물이름배우기 I have --. We have --. It's

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활



3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

step 1-1

1. 청소년의 이해

49-9분동안 표지 3.3

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

Unit 1 Let s Talk The Great Outdoors 학생용교재레벨 4, Unit 1, 4-5 페이지 We re going to go camping tomorrow. I m really excited! How s the weather going to be?


_KF_Bulletin webcopy

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


6. Separate HDD by pulling in the arrow direction. * Cautions Avoid lifting HDD excessively, because Connector can be damaged ODD Remove






E F G H Contents The Elephant and the Eskimo The Flamingo and the Frog The Greyhound and the Grasshopper The Horse and the Hippo Review EFGH


Speaking Cue 1 Unit 1 About Myself 자신의 모습을 그리고 이름과 국적, 좋아하는 음식 등에 대해 답하며 1,인칭 표현을 구사함으로써 자신 있게 자 기 소개를 할 수 있다. 1. Speaking Cue를 시작하는 첫 시간, 학급 친구들을 처음

Read Together Kitty lived near the sea. 키티는 바닷가에 살았어요. She played alone on the beach. 키티는 해변에서 혼자 놀았답니다. She wanted to make friends. 키티는 친구를 사귀고 싶었어요.

Picture Book 1 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 1 Objectives 다양한새의이름을배우기 요청하고답하는표현배우기 친구의의미와나눔에대해생각해보기 Main Sentences You have -- feathers. Can I have one? Ok

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and



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뿔l 앓 醫 l활칸사 / 창간사 김 우 명 t 찰 즈i / 창간호 6 떠돌이 (시 ) 박 명 성 7 라 파스에서 생긴 일 이 달 호 14 아버지 만세 김 영 ;;<} 17 안타까운대면 박 명 성 21 석장의 졸엽장 임 숙 자 22 <;>!- 화 김 혜

Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck


Picture Book 3 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 1 Objectives 가족구성원의이름을배우기 집안구조와명칭을익히기 Main Sentences Where is everybody? -- is not in the --. Words mom, dad,

Picture Book 2 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 1 Objectives 곤충의이름배우기 1 부터 5 까지숫자세어보기 Main Sentences How many -- do you see? I see --. Words spider, butterfly


1967년 비틀즈는 ‘Sergeant Pepper

- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS


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Picture Book 5 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 1 Objectives 날씨이름알기 특정날씨에할수있는활동알아보기 Main Sentences On a sunny day, I take a sunbath. Words sunny, sunbath, rainy, walk, windy, kite, snowy, sled, cloudy, nap Materials 날씨그림자료, 날씨그림카드, 동작그림카드 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 마주보고고개숙이며인사하며날씨와일상에관한이야기를나눈다. Hello, everyone. How's the weather today? Is it sunny or cloudy? It's a little cloudy in the morning. Now it's sunny. Do you like sunny days? What do you like to do on sunny days? Playing at the playground? Go on an outing? Whatever you do, it will be fun. Daily Song 1 : How's the Weather? - 일상노래 1을다함께배워서부른다. How's the weather? How's the weather? It's sunny. It's sunny. It is sunny now. 2. It's rainy. 3. It's snowy. 4. It's windy. 5. It's cloudy. Before Reading 본 활 동 Prior Knowledge - 날씨에관해이야기를나눈다. T : ( 날씨의특징을나타내는동작을통해날씨를설명하며, 관련소품을이용하면좋음 ) Look at me. What am I doing? ( 우산을들고걷는시늉을하거나, 빗방울맞고차가워하는시늉을하며 ) I am walking. What do I have? S : An umbrella. T : Yes, I have an umbrella. When do you need an umbrella? S : 비올때요. T : Right. On a rainy day, you need an umbrella. ( 비오는날씨그림자료를보여주며 ) How's the weather? S : 비가와요. T : Yes, it's rainy. How's the weather? S : It's rainy. T : Good. Next, what do I have? ( 손에연을들고날리는시늉하며 ) S : It's a kite. T : Yes, I am flying a kite. When can you fly a kite? S : 바람이불때요. T : Yes, you're right. On a windy day, you can fly a kite. ( 바람부는날씨그림자료를보여주며 ) How's the weather? S : It's windy. (pinwheel 등..) * 사물과날씨를연관지어날씨에대한표현을소개한다.

Word Preview : sunny, rainy, windy, snowy, cloudy - 전체일어나서동작을따라하며단어를말하도록한다. T : ( 햇살이따가워눈을가리며걷는시늉을하며 ) Sunny. S : ( 햇살이따가워눈을가리며걷는시늉을하며 ) Sunny. T : ( 우산쓰고걷는시늉을하며 ) Rainy. S : ( 우산쓰고걷는시늉을하며 ) Rainy. T : ( 바람에옷깃을여미는시늉을하며 ) Windy. S : ( 바람에옷깃을여미는시늉을하며 ) Windy. T : ( 눈싸움을하거나눈사람을만드는시늉을하며 ) Snowy. S : ( 눈싸움을하거나눈사람을만드는시늉을하며 ) Snowy. T : ( 흐린날씨에인상찌푸리고하늘보는시늉을하며 ) Cloudy. S : ( 흐린날씨에인상찌푸리고하늘보는시늉을하며 ) Cloudy. Storytelling (optional) - 교재의그림과스토리이해도를높이기위해교재그림을사용한교구또는그림자료를이용하여책없이스토리텔링하기 Presentation Cover Talk & Picture Walking : Think Aloud - 표지를보기이야기나눈다. Who do you see? I see a boy in a big hat. Where is he going? Can you see a little duck? The duck is walking along with the boy. The duck is wearing a hat, too. - 그림책내지그림을보며그림에대해이야기나눈다. How s the weather? It s sunny. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. The boy is lying down on a lawn chair. He is taking a sunbath. He is wearing a straw hat and sunglasses. The duck is enjoying a sunbath on a rock. Read Aloud : Think Aloud (Focus on Picture Reading) * While Reading - 교사가책을보여주며소리내어읽어준다. - 원숭이가이야기하는부분과여자아이가들에게주어지는질문은반복되므로처음이후부터는같이읽을수있도록유도하고, 날씨를나타내는단어는큰소리로읽어기억하도록한다.

* After Reading - 질문을통해스토리이해여부확인하기 What do the boy and the duck do a on sunny day? Does the boy stay at home on a rainy day? What does the boy take on a windy day? Does the duck fly a kite with the boy? What does the boy do on a snowy day? What is the boy wearing on a snowy day? Where is the boy on a cloudy day? Why does the boy look sad on a cloudy day? Do the boy and the duck play outside on a cloudy day? Song : On a Sunny Day - 동물의동작을보여주는그림자료또는그림책을활용해노래를들려준다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ What Do You Need? ] 학습목표 : 날씨와관련된사물의이름을알아본다. 준비물 : 날씨를나타내는그림을붙인보드 ( 날씨별로칸구분 ), 관련된그림카드 ( 우산, 장화, 비옷, 털모자, 털장갑, 썰매, 연, 썬글라스등 ) 1) 보드에날씨별그림을보며어떤날씨인지말해본다. 2) 그림카드를테이블위에섞어놓는다. 3) 한명씩나와그림카드를하나골라어떤날씨에필요한물건인지말한다. 4) 그림카드를해당날씨칸에붙인다. T : Let's see what kind of weather cards are here. Look at this. How is the weather? S : Sunny/Rainy/Windy/Snowy/Cloudy. T : Good job. Now pick a card and put it on the board. S1: ( 우산카드를골라보여준다.) T : What is that? S1: An umbrella. T : When do you need an umbrella? S1: On a rainy day. T : Yes, you need an umbrella on a rainy day. So, where should it go? S1: ( 비오는날씨그림칸에카드를붙인다.) Game Activity 2 [ How's the Weather? ] 학습목표 : 그림책에나온날씨에대해알아본다. 준비물 : 날씨그림카드 ( 같은그림카드가 2장씩 ) 1) 그림카드의그림을보며어떤날씨인지를말해본다. 2) 테이블위에그림카드를모두뒤집어놓는다. 3) 한사람씩나와서그림카드를두장의그림카드를고르게한다음같은카드인지아닌지본다. Here are some picture cards about the weather. There are two cards that are the same. You can pick two cards at a time. 4) 두장이같은카드인경우스티커를준다.

If the two cards are the same, I will give you a sticker. S1 : ( 그림카드를두장골라교사에게준다.) T : Look at the cards. Are they the same? S1 : Yes! T : Good job. How's the weather? S1 : It's windy. T : Great! You can fly a kite on a windy day. 마 무 리 Review & Song - 스토리송을율동과함께부르고마무리한다. Round up

Picture Book 5 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 2 Objectives 날씨이름알기 Main Sentences On a sunny day, I take a sunbath. Words sunny, sunbath, rainy, walk, windy, kite, snowy, sled, cloudy, nap Materials 날씨그림자료, 날씨그림카드, 동작그림카드 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하고날씨나일상대화나누기 Daily Song 1 : How's the Weather? - 일상노래 1을다함께부른다. Before Reading 본 활 동 Review : Words - 날씨에관한표현을복습한다. T : ( 화창한날씨그림카드를보여주며 ) Look at the card. How's the weather? S : It's sunny. T : Good. Next, how's the weather? ( 비오는날씨그림카드를보여주며 ) S : It's rainy. T : Yes, it is rainy. How's the weather? S : It's windy. - 동작이나사물을나타내는그림자료를보여주며단어를확인한다. T : What do I have? ( 연그림을보여주며 ) S : A kite. T : Yes, it is a kite. What is the boy doing? ( 일광욕하는그림을보여주며 ) S : He is taking a sunbath. T : Excellent! He is taking a sunbath. Look at this. What is it? ( 썰매그림을보여주며 ) S : A sled. T : Good job. It is a sled. * 같은방법으로 umbrella, kite, sunbath, sled, nap 등의단어를확인한다. * Song : On a Sunny Day - 율동과함께스토리노래부르기 Presentation Read Aloud (Focus on Picture Reading) - 교사가그림책보며큰소리로읽어주기 - 지난시간에읽은내용을기억하는지확인하며간단한질문을던질수있다. What can the boy do on a sunny/rainy/windy/snowy/cloudy day? He can take a sunbath/walk/my kite/my sled/ a nap. Shared Reading (Focus on Picture Reading) - 교사는그림책속의교사역할을맡고유아들은동물역할을맡아해당대사를말하도록한다.

Now, we will read the book together. I will ask 'What do you do on a day?' and you will answer the question. You should read your part aloud. Are you ready? T : What do you do on a sunny day? S : I take a sunbath. * 전체문장을말하기어려워하면교사가 I take a 를말해줄수도있다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Make a Sentence ] 활동목표 : 각날씨에무엇을할수있는지묻고대답해본다. 준비물 : 날씨그림카드, 동작그림카드 1) 날씨와동작그림카드를두개의상자에각각넣어놓고두명씩나와서각각한장의카드를고르게한다. 2) 각각자신이고른카드를가지고주어진표현을말한다. 날씨상자에서카드를고른경우 On a ~ day' 동작상자에서카드를고른경우 I take ~.' 라고말한다. 3) 두사람의카드가어울리는내용으로하나의문장으로완성되면하이파이브를한다. 4) 서로의카드가어울리는내용이아닌경우에는카드를도로상자에넣는다. S1 : ( 바람부는날씨그림카드를고른다.) S2 : ( 연날리는그림카드를고른다.) T : Good. You can make a sentence. S1 : On a windy day S2 : I take a kite. T : Wonderful! On a windy day, I take a kite. Game Activity 2 [ Tell Me When ] 학습목표 : 그림책에나온날씨를말해본다. 준비물 : 날씨그림카드와관련된동작카드그림카드를넣을상자 1개, 날씨를 4개로구분해놓은보드 (sunny, rainy, windy, snowy) 1) 그림카드의그림을보며이름을알아본다. 2) 상자 1개에날씨관련그림카드를모두넣는다. 3) 상자에서그림카드하나를꺼내보여주고질문을통해날씨를말하게한다. 4) 보드에써있는해당날씨칸에그림카드를붙인다. T : ( 상자에서그림카드를꺼내며 ) Look at this. What is it? S : It's a kite. T : Good job. When do you take a kite? S : On a windy day. T : Great! You take a kite on a windy day. ( 그림카드를 windy 칸에붙인다.) 마 무 리 Review & Song - 스토리송을율동과함께부르고끝인사를한다. Round up

3~4회차수업추가활동 Game Activity 1 [ Laundry Day ] 학습목표 : 날씨와관련사물말하기준비물 : 날씨주사위, 빨래집게여러개, 옷카드여러개, 옷걸이또는빨래줄 ( 날씨아이콘그림 : 5-5 그림자료폴더 ) * 주사위에날씨카드는두종류 (sunny, rainy) 또는네종류만 (sunny, windy / rainy, snowy) 붙여야한다. 1) 날씨그림을붙여주사위를만들고여러가지옷카드를여러개준비하여책상이나보드위에붙인다. 한쪽에빨래집게와빨래줄을이용하여옷그림을걸수있게한다. ( 옷그림한두개는미리걸어놓는다.) Look at the picture of the weather. Let's say the name of the weather. Here are some clothes. Can you say the names of the clothes? Please come up to the front. 2) 한사람씩나와서주사위를굴리게하고나온날씨이름을말하게한다. sunny. windy가나오면날씨가좋아서옷그림을빨래줄에걸게하고 rainy, snowy가나오면날씨가좋지않아서걸려있는빨래를한개걷게한다. Please roll the dice.( 주사위를굴린다.) ( 나온그림을보여주며 ) What weather is it? It is sunny(windy). It is sunny. The weather is good, so we can put one item of clothing on the hanger. Choose one of the clothing cards from the desk and hang it on the clothes hanger. Roll the dice one more time. What weather is it this time? It is rainy. Is it okay that we put the clothes on the hanger? No! The clothes will get wet. So we have to take the clothes off the hanger. Please choose one clothing card and take it off hanger. Extra Activity 2 [ Pick & Guess ] 학습목표 : 그림책에나온날씨말하기 준비물 : 날씨그림카드 1) 그림카드를섞어놓고유아를한명씩나오게해서그림카드를한장고르게한다. 2) 카드를보지못하게한상태에서어떤카드인지추측하도록한다. 3) 유아가추측한카드가맞으면스티커를준다. 4) 틀린경우 Try again!' 이라고말하며다시기회를줄수도있다. S1: ( 비오는그림카드를골라교사에게준다.) T : Can you guess how the weather is? S1: It is sunny. T : Let's see if you are right. ( 카드를모두에게보여주어확인한다.) Oh, sorry. It is rainy. ( 카드는다시섞어놓는다.)

S2: ( 눈오는그림카드를골라교사에게준다.) T : Can you guess how the weather is? S1: It is snowy. T : Let's see if you are right. ( 카드를모두에게보여주어확인한다.) Oh, yes! It is snowy. ( 유아에게스티커를준다. 카드는다시섞어놓는다.) Extra Activity 3 [ Let s Take Action ] 활동목표 : 날씨별우리의행동을표현하는음률활동을통하여날씨에해당하는영어표현을자연스럽게익히고, 종이접기와불기, 찟기등을통하여소근육을발달시킨다. 준비물 : 음악 ( 아라베스크등잔잔한클래식음악 ), A4 종이또는신문, 물뿌리개, 눈사람만들기용비닐봉투 2 개 ( 만들고자하는개수에따라준비 ), 박스테이프, 유성매직, 날씨그림카드 1) 날씨에대해이야기를나눈다. Today, we re going to move to show what kind of weather it is. (sunny 카드를보여주며 ) How s the weather? Yes, It s sunny. When the sun is shining, it s very shiny. So we put our hand on our forehead to cover our face like this. ( 손바닥을이마에갖다대는동작을보여준다.) (rainy 카드를보여주며 ) How s the weather? Yes, It s rainy. What do we need on a rainy day? An umbrella! Let s make an action that looks like we are using an umbrella. (windy 카드를보여주며 ) How s the weather? Yes, It s windy. Can we make a wind sound with our mouths? Blow the wind. Soft wind. Strong wind. Now let s stop! Good job! (snowy 카드를보여주며 ) How about this card? Yes, It s snowy. On a snowy day, what can we make? We can make a snowman. ( 칠판에눈사람을그리며 ) A circle and another small circle make a snowman. Can we draw a snowman with our hands? Draw two circles to make a snowman. 1) Sunny 종이로부채만들기 - 종이로태양을가리는동작 Now, here is some paper. You will get a paper to make a fan to cover your face from the sun then, I will turn the music on and we will make an action that goes with the changing weather. Let s start! Fold this side up and turn the paper. Fold this side up and turn the paper to make a fan. ( 음악을잔잔하게틀어놓는다.) Everyone! It s sunny. The sun is very shiny. Cover your face like me. ( 부채로얼굴을가리고천천히교실을걷는다. 부채질을해도좋다.) Good job! 2) Rainy 종이를다시펴서, 종이배또는모자만들기 교사는물뿌리개로물을뿌리고, 유아는모자로비를피하는동작 ( 다음동작을위해물을적당히뿌린다.) Now have a sit to make a sun hat. Unfold your paper like me. Fold the paper in half and make a mountain. Fold this part up and turn the paper. Fold this side up. Let s wear it! Everyone! It s rainy. ( 물뿌리개로물을골고루뿌린다. 아이들이뛰지않도록주의시키며, 바닥에미끄럽지않도록조금만뿌린다.) 3) Windy 종이를다시펴서길게찢어손에쥔다. - 입으로불어날리는동작 Now, unfold your paper again. This time, we are going to tear the paper like this and hold the paper in your hand. ( 종이를길게찢어손에쥔다.) Blow on it softly. Blow on it strongly. Good. ( 반복한다.) 4) Snowy 종이를잘게자른다. - 종이를위로던지며, 눈처럼뿌리는동작 Now, let s make snow with the paper. Tear the paper to pieces. Let s throw the paper over our heads! Not too strong. Softly. 5) Make a snowman 준비된비닐봉투에종이를주워담는다. - 정리동작 Now, let s tidy up! Put the paper into the plastic bag. ( 정리하는노래를부르며함께질서있게정리한다. 봉지 2 개가차면, 아이들을제자리에앉게한다.) I will stick the bag together. Look! How does it look? It looks like a snowman. Yeh~ ( 눈, 코, 입을유성매직으로그리고교실에둔다.) It will never melt on a sunny day. We can call it a magic snowman.

Nonfiction Book 5 Lesson Plan : Week 2 Day 1 Objectives 날씨에대해알아보기 Main Sentences Words Materials It is cloudy. cloud, cloudy, raindrop, rainy, rainbow, sunny, tree, windy, snowman, snowy 날씨그림카드, 날씨그림자료 Contents Greeting - 날씨를묻거나기분을물으며인사하기 Daily Song 1 : How's the Weather? - 일상노래 1을날씨를표현하는율동과함께부른다. Review 도 입 Word Review - 그림책에나온날씨에관한단어를복습한다. Picture Book Review - Oral Reading (Focus on Picture Reading & Chunking) 방법1) 그림책을보고같이읽어보기방법2) 날씨와동작에관한그림을보여주며질문과대답을통해책의내용을연습한다. T : What do you do on a sunny day? ( 화창한날, 일광욕그림을보여주며 ) S : On a sunny day, I take a sunbath. - 율동과함께스토리노래 On a Sunny Day를부른다. Before Reading 본 활 동 Prior Knowledge 1) 날씨와관련된자연의모습을보여주는그림자료 ( 혹은교재의 1, 2, 4, 6페이지이용 ) 를보며날씨에대해이야기한다. 흐린하늘 : Look at the picture. What is this? It is the sky. What do you see in the sky? There are dark and heavy clouds. It looks like it will rain soon. 무지개 : There is a road. Look at the end of the road. What do you see in the sky? It's a rainbow. How many colors are there in a rainbow? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. There are seven colors. The rainbow looks beautiful, doesn't it? 흔들리는나무 : Look at this picture. It is a tree. The tree is being blown over. Do you know why? There is a strong wind. That's why the tree is bending to one side. * 날씨와관련된그림자료 ( 햇살을받고자라는꽃, 눈에덮인마을, 비오는거리,..) 를이용하여대화를나눈다. 2) 교재에나오지않는폭풍, 태풍, 토네이도, 가뭄, 홍수에대해그림자료나영상자료를보여주고날씨에대해 이야기나누어도좋다.

Word Preview : cloud, raindrop, rainbow, tree, snowman - Picture Book에서배운단어를제외하고나머지단어를그림자료를이용해소개하기 T : ( 하늘, 땅을구분한배경이되는보드판을이용, 구름그림을하늘에붙이며 ) Look at the sky. What is this? S : A cloud. T : Yes, it is a cloud. ( 빗방울모양을붙이며 ) What is this? S : Rain. T : Yes, it is rain. We call it a raindrop. A raindrop is falling down. Next, what is this?( 나무를붙이며 ) S : A tree. T : Good. It is a tree. And what is this?( 무지개를붙이며 ) S : A rainbow. T : Great! It is a rainbow. There are seven colors in a rainbow. What colors are they? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. ( 눈사람을붙이며 ) In winter, you can make this with snow. What is it? S : A snowman. T : Wonderful! It is a snowman. ( 보드판에붙인것을하나씩가리키며단어를따라말하게한다.) Cloud, raindrop, tree, rainbow, and snowman. S : Cloud, raindrop, tree, rainbow, and snowman. Presentation Picture Walking - 표지부터순서대로교재의그림을보며상황과대화를이야기한다. Do you see a girl looking out the window? It s raining outside. The girl seems to be thinking of something. What is she thinking of? She might be thinking of her mommy or daddy. She does not look happy. On a rainy day, how do you feel? Read Aloud (Focus on sounds and pictures) - 교사가책을보여주며사진속상황을실감나게표현하며읽기 After Reading 학습목표 : 책에서제시하는날씨를이해시킨다. 준비물 : 교재에등장하는날씨그림 1) 교사가날씨그림을보여주면서날씨와관련된소리를내면단어를말해보도록유도한다. T : ( 비오는날씨를보여주며 ) It is... S : Rainy. T : Yes, it is rainy. 2) 책에나온날씨관련풍경이나사물을이용해서날씨를말해보도록한다. T : ( 흐린하늘을보여주며 ) How is the weather? S : Cloudy. T : Yes, it is cloudy. ( 눈사람그림을보여주며 ) How is the weather? S : Snowy. T : Right. It is snowy. * 책을보며교사가상황을설명하며다시소리내어읽어준다.

Let s Chant : Echo Reading - 논픽션북보며문장챈트따라서부르기 More Information - 교재에나온날씨외에다른날씨를추가하여문장을말해본다. ( 안개낀날시그림을보여주며 ) It is foggy. ( 추운날씨그림을보여주며 ) It is cold/freezing. ( 더운날씨그림을보여주며 ) It is hot/humid. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Matching Cards ] 활동목표 : 관련그림을보고날씨를말할수있다. 준비물 : 관련그림각각한쌍으로이루어진그림카드 ( 무지개 + 화창한날씨, 우산 + 비오는날씨, 먹구름 + 흐린날씨, 눈사람 + 눈오는날씨, 흔들리는나무 + 바람부는날씨 ) 1) 테이블위에모든그림카드를뒤집어놓는다. 2) 유아한명씩나와카드를두장씩고른다. 3) 두장의카드가같은날씨를표현하는짝카드인경우스티커를받는다. T : Here are 5 pairs of picture cards about the weather. You can pick two cards at a time. If the two cards make a pair, I will give you a sticker. S 1: ( 먹구름과흐린날씨카드두장을고른다.) T : How is the weather? S 1: It is cloudy. T : Great! Here is a sticker. S 2: ( 무지개와바람부는날씨카드를고른다.) T : How is the weather? S 2: It is... T : I'm sorry. * 짝이아닌카드를고른경우다시한번기회를주어짝을찾도록해서가능하면스티커를줄수있도록한다. Game Activity 2 [ Give Me a Hint ] 활동목표 : 날씨를표현할수있다. 준비물 : 날씨카드, 카드를담은상자 1) 유아한명이상자에담은카드중한장을골라어떤날씨인지를확인한다. 2) 다른유아들이 'Please give me a hint. 라고말하면힌트를준다. 동작을사용해서힌트를주는데직접적인단어를사용할수없다. 3) 유아들은힌트를보고어떤날씨인지를맞춘다. 완전한문장을말한유아에게스티커를주거나다음순서를진행하도록한다. T : Pick a card from the box. And give your friends a hint so that they can guess how the weather is. S 1: ( 비오는카드를고른다.) S : Please give me a hint. S 1: ( 우산쓰고걷는동작을한다.) S 2: It is rainy. 마 무 리 Review & Song - 논픽션에코챈트동작과함께부르고끝인사를한다. Round up

Nonfiction Book 5 Lesson Plan : Week 2 Day 2 Objectives 날씨에대관해알아보기 Main Sentences It is cloudy. Words cloud, cloudy, raindrop, rainy, rainbow, sunny, tree, windy, snowman, snowy Materials 날씨그림카드, 날씨그림자료 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하기 Daily Song 1 : How's the Weather? - 일상노래 1을부른다. Before Reading Picture Book Review - Oral Reading (Focus on Picture Reading & Chunking) 1) 그림책을빠르게같이읽어보기 2) 그림책노래를부른다. Nonfiction Book Review - 교재그림을보여주며단어확인하기 T: Look at the sky. What do you see? S: A cloud/a raindrop/a rainbow. T: Look at the picture. What do you see? S: A tree/a snowman. 본 활 동 - 교재그림을보며날씨에대해확인하기 T: Look at the cloud. How is the weather? S: It is cloudy. T: Look at the rainbow. How is the weather? S: It is rainy. - 논픽션에코문장챈트부르기 큰그림자료나책을보며문장챈트를듣고큰소리로부른다. Read Aloud (Focus on sounds and pictures) - 책을보여주며교사가소리내어읽어주기 Presentation Guided Reading - 책의그림보며교사가설명하고문장말하기 - 교사가페이지별로신체그림가리키면유아들이큰소리로단어말하기 - 교사가페이지별로그림가리키며 Look at the sky. 하며상단에있는텍스트를말하면유아들이큰소리로 It is ~. 라고날씨를말하기 - 페이지별로교사가그림가리키면유아들이말하기

Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Weather Reporter ] 활동목표 : 그림을보고일기예보를해본다. 준비물 : 일기예보와관련된날씨상징그림, 우리나라지도 1) 학생한명을나오게하여일기예보기자가되었다고가정하게한다. 그런다음날씨상징그림을하나골라지도에붙이게한다. 2) 다른학생들이날씨를물으면날씨상징그림을가리키며대답한다. 3) 대답을잘하면 You are a good reporter!' 라고칭찬해준다. T : This is a map of Korea. Here are some pictures to show how the weather is. From now on, you are a weather reporter. You have to let people know about today's weather. S1: ( 먹구름그림을지도에붙인다.) S : How is the weather today? S1: It is cloudy. T : You are a good reporter! Game Activity 2 [ Do a Puzzle ] 활동목표 : 날씨그림을완성하고날씨를말할수있다. 준비물 : 퍼즐조각 2-4개로이루어진각날씨그림 ( 퍼즐조각을선으로그어진배경그림판에붙여그림을완성하게함 ) 1) 날씨의퍼즐조각을전체유아들에게하나씩나누어준다. 2) 한명씩나와서배경그림판에조각을붙이게한다. 3) 조각이다모여그림이완성되면다같이날씨이름을말한다. T : You have a piece of a weather picture. Guess how weather it is. First, let's finish this picture.( 비오는날씨그림배경판을가리키며 ) Do you have a piece of this picture? Now come up to the front and put it on the board. S1: ( 자신이가진조각을가지고나온다.) T : Can you find where it should go? S1: Yes. ( 조각을말배경그림판에붙인다.) 그뒤다른유아가나와서말그림이완성된다. T : Look! The picture is completed. How is the weather? S : It is rainy. 마 무 리 Review & Song - 논픽션에코챈트율동과함께부르고끝인사를한다. Round up

Extra Activity 1 [ Weather Dice ] 활동목표 : 날씨를말할수있다. 3~4 회차수업추가활동 준비물 : 날씨그림 (sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy, windy, foggy) 이붙은주사위 1) 유아를두팀으로나누어한팀에서한명씩나와날씨주사위를던지게한다. 2) 주사위를던져나온날씨그림을보고다른팀유아들이 ( 혹은교사가 ) How is the weather? 하고물으면 주사위를던진유아는대답을한다. 3) 대답을잘하면그팀에스티커를붙여준다. 대답을잘못하면같은팀의다른유아가도와줄수있게할수도있다. T : I have a die. Look at the die carefully. What picture can you see? There are six different types of weather. So, this is called a weather die. Do you want to throw it? OK. Let's play a die game. A 팀 S1: ( 주사위를던져흐린날씨그림이나온다.) B 팀 S : How is the weather? A 팀 S1: It's cloudy. T : Good job! I will put a sticker on your team. ( 보드의 A 팀칸에스티커를붙인다.) Extra Activity 2 [ Listen and Move ] 활동목표 : 날씨를표현하는말을듣고안다. 준비물 : 날씨그림자료, 날씨별로구분하여바닥에표시할수있는테이프 1) 바닥에날씨별로 5 개의구역을만들어서로구분할수있도록테이프로띠를둘러놓는다. 2) 유아전체가일어나서손을잡고둥글게선후날씨노래를다같이부르며빙글빙글돈다. 3) 교사가날씨그림자료중하나를골라위로올려보여주면해당날씨구역으로유아들은이동해야한다. T : Look at the floor. There are five weather spots. They are sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, and snowy. Now, I will turn on the music and you will spin around. You have to stop and look at the picture that I show you. And then, you have to move to the correct weather. Are you ready? Don't forget to sing out loud. S : ( 날씨노래를부르면서빙글빙글돈다.) T : ( 눈오는날씨그림을보여준다.) S : ( 날씨구역으로이동한다.) T : How is the weather? S : It is snowy. * 노래를들으면서춤을추게할수도있다. Extra Activity 3 [ 날씨땅따먹기게임 ] 활동목표 : 날씨를말하는표현하는말할수있다. 준비물 : 날씨그림카드, 보드판, ( 날씨아이콘그림 :5-5 그림자료폴더 ) 1) 교사대유아들로팀을나눈후유아한명을나오게한후교사와가위바위보를하여 이긴사람이보드판에서날씨를말하고카드를한개가져간다. 2) 가지고간곳에는팀의영역을표시하는그림을붙여두면누가더많이가져갔는지보기좋다. 말이없으면활동마지막에누가더많이가져갔는지카드를세어보면된다. Let's play a teacher vs. the children weather game. Let's do rock-paper-scissors to see who goes. ( 가위바위보를한후유아가이기면 ) You won! Pick one card and say the name of the weather. Good. Let's put your team card on the board. Let's do rock-paper-scissors again. I won this time. So I will take one card off and replace it with my team card.

Nursery Rhymes Book 5 Lesson Plan : Week 3 Day 1 Objectives 비오는날놀고싶은마음을표현한너서리라임배우기 Main Sentences Rain, rain, go away. Words rain, go, away, come, again, day, play Materials 날씨그림카드, 원숭이와여자아이가하는일을나타내는그림자료 Contents Greeting - 날씨를묻거나안부를물으면서인사하기 Daily Song 2 : It's Time to Get Up - 일상노래 2를배워서부른다. Wake up, Johnny. Wake up Jenny. Wake up, everyone. It's time to get up. Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along. Merrily we roll along. It's time to get up. Review 도 입 Picture Book Review - 그림책노래부르기 Nonfiction Book Review - Oral Reading (Focus on Picture Reading & Chunking) 1) 논픽션에코문장챈트부르기 2) 교사가동물그림보여주면서 How is the weather? 하면유아들이동물이름말하고울음소리표현하기 T : ( 흐린날씨그림카드보여주며 ) What do you see in the picture? S : Cloud. T : How is the weather? S : It's cloudy. T : ( 비오는날씨그림카드보여주며 ) What do you see in the picture? S : Raindrops. T : How is the weather? S : It's rainy. * 지난시간에배운단어와날씨표현을확인한다. Before Reading 본 활 동 Prior Knowledge - Picture Book과 Nonfiction Book에서배운날씨와날씨마다하는일에대해확인하기 T : ( 화창한날씨그림을보여주며 ) How is the weather? S : It is sunny. T : What can you do on a sunny day?

S : I can take a sunbath./ I can play outside. / I can go on a picnic. T : ( 눈오는날씨그림을보여주며 ) How is the weather? S : It is snowy. T : What can you do on a snowy day? S : I can ride a sled. / I can sled. / I can make a snowman./ I can have a snowball fight. T : ( 비오는날씨그림을보여주며 ) How is the weather? S : It is rainy. T : What can you do on a rainy day? S : I can take a walk. / I can play in the puddles. T : What if it rains a lot? * 비가많이오면어떨까에대해생각해보게하여이야기상황의이해를돕는다. Character Preview : a monkey and a girl - 교재에나온그림자료나손인형을이용하여원숭이와여자아이소개하기 T : Today we're going to meet a little monkey and a little girl. They like to play outside just like you. But on a rainy day, they cannot play outside. What are they going to do on a rainy day? Let ask when we meet them. ( 원숭이그림을보여주며 ) Look who's here. This is Monkey. Would you please say hello to Monkey? S : Hello, Monkey. T : Let's ask him what he likes to do. Monkey, what do you like to do? S : Monkey, what do you like to do? T : ( 원숭이목소리로 ) I like to play outside. T : Let's ask him what he does on a rainy day. Monkey, what do you do on a rainy day? S : Monkey, what do you do on a rainy day? T : ( 원숭이목소리로 ) I watch TV. T : Look! This is Susie. Hello, everyone.( 여자아이목소리로 ) Let's say hello to Susie. Hello, Susie. S : Hello, Susie. * 위에서제시간원숭이와같은방식으로대화를나눈다. Word Preview : go away, come, play - 상황을연출하여자연스럽게단어를이해하도록한다. T : ( 뭔가먹는시늉을하며 ) Mmm. It's yummy. I like bread. Uh? What's that? Oh no! It is a fly! Shoo! Shoo! Go away! Will you help me shoo the fly away? S : Yes. T : Let's say out loud. 'Go away!' S : Go away! T : Thank you for helping me. T : ( 뭔가발견한듯놀란표정을지으며바닥을가리키며 ) Uh? Here is something. ( 바닥에앉아유심히살펴보며고개를갸웃거리며 ) What is this? Do you want to see what it is? S : Yes. T : If so, come over here. Come! S : ( 교사에게달려간다.) T : Oh, it is slimy and yucky.( 뭔가더러운것을집는시늉을하며 ) Go away! S : ( 소리지르며달아난다.) T : ( 심심해하는표정을지으며 ) I don't know what to do. Look out the window. It is sunny.

I want to play outside. How about you? Do you want to play? S : Yes. T : Let's say out loud. 'Play!' S : Play! T : OK. Let's play after class. Storytelling - 교재그림을사용한교구 / 그림자료를이용하여책없이스토리텔링하기 Presentation Cover Talk : Think Aloud - 책의표지를보면서그림을확인하고간단한이야기를나눈다. Who do you see in the picture? A monkey is sitting under the banana tree. How s the weather? It s raining. Do you like rainy days? Why or why not? The monkey doesn t feel happy. He looks sad. Why do you think he is sad? He cannot play outside because of the rain. Picture Walking : Think Aloud What is the monkey doing? The monkey is watching TV. Look here! The monkey is cooking/sweeping. Sometimes he reads a book and takes a nap. Look at the monkey. What is he doing? He s swinging from branch to branch. He looks happy. He likes to play in the jungle. Read Aloud (Focus on sounds and pictures) - 교사가책을보여주며소리내어읽어주기 - 원숭이와여자아이를가리키는부분외에는가사가동일하므로처음이후부터는같이읽을수있도록유도한다. - Rain, rain, go away. 부분은다같이큰소리로말할수있도록한다. After Reading Q&A How is the weather? Does Monkey/Susie like rainy days? Why does Monkey/Susie want the rain to go away? What can Monkey/Susie do on a sunny day? Song : Rain, Rain, Go Away - 율동과함께노래부르기 Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Moving the Raindrops ] 활동목표 : 너서리라임의주요표현을말할수있다. 준비물 : 빗방울그림카드 20 장, 양동이 2 개

1) 유아를두팀으로나누어각팀별로한줄로서게한다. 2) 각팀맨앞사람의앞쪽에각각양동이를놓는다. 3) 팀별로빗방울그림카드를 10 장씩나누어주고뒷사람부터앞사람까지전달하도록한다. 4) 다음사람에게전달하는사람은 Rain, rain, go away! 라고말해야한다. 맨앞사람은양동이에빗방울을넣으며 Rain, rain, go away! 라고한다. 5) 먼저빗방울을모두옮긴팀이이긴다. T : I will give each team 10 raindrops. You have to transfer the raindrops to the front. Don't forget to say 'Rain, rain, go away!' when you move the raindrops. S1: Rain, rain, go away! (S2 에게빗방울을건네며 ) S2: Rain, rain, go away! (S3 에게빗방울을건네며 )... S5: Rain, rain, go away! ( 양동이에빗방울을넣으며 ) T : Very good. Game Activity 2 [ Pick the Picture ] 활동목표 : 너서리라임의내용을이해할수있다. 준비물 : 교재각페이지그림자료, 액자틀 1) 교재각페이지그림자료를하나씩보여주며가사내용을큰소리로말한다음그림자료를섞어놓는다. 2) 유아한명씩나오게하여교사가말하는문장을듣고해당그림을골라반전체가볼수있게한다. 3) 1 절과 2 절로나누어두번진행한다. 4) 전체를두팀으로나누어어느팀이빨리그림을찾아드는지팀게임으로진행할수도있다. T : Rain, rain, go away! S1: ( 원숭이가비에게가라고손짓하는그림을골라보여준다.) T : Great! Who's next? ( 그림자료를섞어놓는다.) S2: ( 앞으로나온다.) T : Little Monkey wants to play. S2: ( 원숭이가노는그림을골라보여준다.) T : Wonderful! 마 무 리 Review & Song - 율동과함께 Rain, Rain, Go Away 부르기 Round up

Nursery Rhymes Book 5 Lesson Plan : Week 3 Day 2 Objectives Main Sentences Words 3)Materials 비오는날놀고싶은마음을표현한너서리라임배우기 Rain, rain, go away. rain, go, away, come, again, day, play 날씨그림카드, 원숭이와여자아이가동작그림자료, 보드판, 찍찍이공 1~2개, 동물카드 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하기 Daily Song 2 : It's Time to Get Up - 일상노래 2를율동과함께부른다. Before Reading Review - 스토리노래율동과함께부르기 - 논픽션에코문장챈트부르기 - Rain, Rain, Go Away 너서리라임율동과함께부르기 Presentation Read Aloud (Focus on action and pictures) - Rain, Rain, Go Away 책을보여주며교사가소리내어읽어주기 - rain과캐릭터인 Monkey, Susie를강조하며읽는다. - Rain, Rain, Go Away 파트를유아들이말하도록하여읽는다. Guided Reading & Shared Reading 1) Rain, Rain, Go Away 파트만유아가말하기 본 활 동 2) 원숭이와수지역할을맡아흉내내며말하기 - 교사가원숭이흉내를내며읽고유아들이수지흉내를내며읽는다. - 남자유아들이원숭이흉내를내며읽고여자유아들이수지흉내를내며읽는다. - 두사람을뽑아읽어보게한다. 3) 원숭이와수지대신다른이름을넣어읽어본다. - 가족명넣기 ; My Mommy, My Daddy, Little Brother, Little Sister, Little Baby - 친구이름넣기 ; ( 실제아이들이름사용하기 ) - 동물이름넣기 ; puppy, kitten, piggy, chick, and mouse... Singing Along - 읽기에서와마찬가지로원숭이와수지역할을바꿔가며노래를불러본다. - 아이들이름을넣어가사를바꿔서노래를불러본다. Game Activity 1 [ Hide and Seek ] 학습목표 : 너서리라임이해하기 준비물 : 원숭이와수지그림자료여러장 Practice & Production

1) 유아들로하여금눈을감게하고원숭이와수지그림을교실여기저기에숨긴다. ( 너무찾기어렵게하지말고유아들이쉽게찾을수있도록한다.) 1절노래를듣는동안은원숭이를찾고, 2절을듣는동안은수지를찾도록한다. 2) 눈을뜨게한다음노래를틀어주고노래가끝날때까지숨긴그림을찾도록한다. 3) 그림을찾은유아에게는스티커를준다. T : Close your eyes. I will hide little monkeys in the classroom. No peeking! ( 원숭이그림을숨긴다.) Now, open your eyes. I will turn on the CD. You have to find the ittle monkeys before the song is over. When you find a little monkey, say out loud,'here it is!' ( 노래를 1절만들려준다.) S1 : Here it is! ( 원숭이그림을찾아가져온다.) T : Excellent! Game Activity 2 [ Who Wants to Play? ] 학습목표 : 동물이름과 OO wants to play. 문장말해보기준비물 : 6~9개의문열수있는보드판 ( 겉은융부착 ), 동물카드 6~9개찍찍이공 1~2개 1) 문을열수있는융이부착된보드판을만들고안에는동물카드를넣어놓는다. 문을한개씩열면서안에누가들었는지같이말해본다. Some animals who want to play with us are behind the doors. Let's see who is behind the door. Who is it? Yes, it's Monkey. Monkey wants to play. 2) 유아를한명나오게한후찍찍이가부착된공을던지게한후공이부착된문을열도록한다. 안에있는동물이름을넣어서 OOO wants to play. 하고말하도록한다. * 문을곧장열지말고공이맞은문에누가있는지기억해서말하게할수있다. Here is a ball. Throw the ball. Which door is the ball on? Open the door and say the name of the animal. Who is it? Good. It's Cat. Let's say 'Cat wants to play.' Now, throw the ball again. Which door is the ball on? Do you remember who is behind the door? Dog? Are you sure? Let's open the door. Excellent. It is Dog. Let's say ' Dog wants to play.' * 유아들이한번에문을못맞출수있으므로공을 2 개정도준비하는것이좋다. 마 무 리 Review & Song Round up - 율동과함께 Rain, Rain, Go Away 부르고끝인사를한다.

3~4 회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Weather Frame ] 활동목표 : 날씨이름말해본다. 준비물 : 큰날씨액자 5 개 (5-5 그림자료폴더 ), 주사위 1) 구멍을크게뚫어서아이가얼굴을내밀수있는날씨액자를만든다. 2) 유아를나오게하여주사위를던지게한다. What is it? It is a weather frame. The frame has a hole, so you can stick your face through the hole. Please come up here. Throw the dice. How's the weather? Yes, it is rainy. 3) 나온날씨의액자를찾아얼굴을내밀고날씨이름을말하게한다. Can you find the same weather frame? Good. Put it on and say the weather. Extra Activity 2 [ Weather Wheel 1 ] 활동목표 : 날씨이름과관련사물을안다. 준비물 : 돌림판 (5-5 그림자료폴더 ), 날씨카드 4 개, 사물카드 4 개와보너스카드 1) 돌림판에그림책의주인공이각날씨에했던놀이에필요한사물카드를붙인다. 책상이나보드판에는날씨카드를붙여놓는다. Look at the board. Can you say the name of the weather? How's the weather? Now look at the wheel. What is it? It's a sled. What weather can we sled in? Yes, we can sled on a snowy day. 2) 돌림판을돌리게한후가리킨사물이필요한날씨카드를골라서날씨를말하게한다. Spin the arrow. The arrow is on the kite What weather can we fly a kite on? Yes, go find the weather card and take it off. 3) 별그림에화살이가리키면아무카드를고를수있게한다. If the arrow is on the star, you can get any card that you want.

Workbook 5 Lesson Plan : Week 4 Day 1 Objectives 그림책, 논픽션북, 너서리라임복습하기 Materials Workbook(with 스티커 ), 색연필 ( 또는연필 ) Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하기 Daily Song 2 : It's Time to Get Up - 일상노래 2를율동과함께부른다. Review Review - 스토리율동과함께노래부르기 - 논픽션에코문장챈트부르기 - Rain, Rain, Go Away 율동과함께노래부르기 Workbook 본 활 동 * Unit 1 < 엄마오리에게가는길찾기 > T : Who is this? or What animal is this? S : (He is) Baby Duck.(Duckling.)/It is a baby duck. T : What is he doing? S : He is looking for his mom. T : Where is his mom/mommy duck? S : Here she is. T : Find the way to mommy duck and draw a line. S : ( 엄마오리에게가는길을따라선을긋는다.) < 같은그림찾아연결하기 > T : Look at the first picture. What is the turtle doing? S : He is taking a nap. T : Yes. He says, "I take a nap." Now, look on the left side. Can you find another animal who says, "I take a nap"? S : The cat. T : That's right. The cat is taking a nap, too. Now connect the turtle with the cat. S : ( 거북이와토끼그림을연결한다.)

* Unit 2 < 날씨그림색칠하고말하기 > T : Look at the first picture. What is this? S : The sun. T : Yes, it is the sun. The sun shines brightly. Would you please color the sun? S : Yes. ( 해를색칠한다.) T : Good. The sun is red/yellow. How is the weather? S : Sunny. T : Yes, it is sunny. < 날씨에맞은옷연결하기 > T : When do you wear rain boots? S : On a rainy day. ( 장화가비오는날을연결한다.) T : On a sunny day what do you wear? S : Sunglasses. ( 선글라스와화창한날을연결한다.) * Unit.3 < 동작에맞는원숭이그림찾아스티커붙이기 > T : Look at this. What does it look like? Someone is jumping. Can you guess who he is? S : Monkey. T : Yes, Monkey is jumping. S : ( 점프하는원숭이스티커를붙인다.) T : He says, "I want to jump." What does he say? S : I want to jump. < 동물그림찾아스티커붙이기 > T : Look at the picture. How is the weather? S : It is rainy. T : Yes. On a rainy day someone is standing by the door. Why are they standing there? S : They want to play. T : Yes, they want to play outside. But they can't. First, who is this? Can you guess? S : Monkey. ( 원숭이스티커를붙인다.) T : Right. Monkey wants to play. * Review < 알맞은날씨스티커붙이기 > T : Look at the first picture. What is the boy doing? S : Taking a sunbath. T : Yes, he is taking a sunbath. When does he take a sunbath? S : On a sunny day. ( 화창한날씨스티커를붙인다.) T : Right. On a sunny day he takes a sunbath. * Hybrid Hybrid CD 를이용하여복습하기 마 무 리 Review & Song - 율동과함께스토리노래부르고끝인사를한다. Round up

Arts & Crafts 5 Lesson Plan : Week 4 Day 2 Objectives 북메이킹을통해재미있게그림책을복습한다. Main Sentences It is sunny. Words sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy Contents 도 입 Greeting - 날씨에대해물어보며인사하기 Daily Song 2 : It's Time to Get Up - 일상노래 2를율동과함께부른다. Review 본 활 동 Review - 스토리송율동과함께노래부르기 - 논픽션에코문장챈트부르기 - Rain, Rain, Go Away 율동과함께노래부르기 Arts & Crafts 작품소개하기작품명 : Weather Theater T : Today we're going to make something special. Can you guess what it is? It is a theater. Do you know what a theater is? It is a place where you can see a movie.

Tara~ ( 완성된날씨극장을보여주며 ) How does it look? It is nice, isn't it? Look at the theater. What do you see in the theater? You see different types of weather. I will show you a weather movie. ( 필름을밀면서날씨그림을보여주며 ) 재료와과정소개하기 T : Let's check what we have. We have a piece of paper. On one side of the paper, you can see the stage of a theater. The other side of the paper is white. There is nothing on it. And we need a glue stick and a pencil. ( 유아들의재료가빠짐없이준비되어있는지확인한다.) 시범보이기 T : I'm going to show you how to make a weather theater. It's easy to make but you have to be very careful. ( 극장모양을펴서내부를보여주고펼치고접는법을보여준다.) 함께만들기 T : Now it's time to make your own weather theater. This paper will be a theater.( 극장이될종이를보여주며 ) And this will be a film.( 필름이될종이를보여주며 ) First, turn over the theater paper so that the white side faces up. S : ( 종이를흰면이위로오게놓는다.) T : Next, put some glue on the part that says 'Glue here.' S : ( 풀칠표시가된부분에풀을칠한다.) T : Then, fold the paper in half and press it gently. S : ( 종이를반으로접고살살누른다.) T : The theater is ready. Now we have to make a film. Color the pictures on the film paper. S : ( 필름의그림을색칠한다.) T : Are you done? S : Yes. T : OK. Now, put the film through the screen. Push the film slowly and you will see a weather movie. S : ( 필름을스크린으로끼워천천히밀어넣는다.) T : OK. What do you see? Can you tell me the weather you see? S : Sunny. 작품을이용하여대화나누기완성한날씨극장을이용하여대화를나눈다. T : We've made a weather theater. What kind of weather can you see? S : Sunny/Rainy/Cloudy/Windy/Snowy. T : Yes, you see five kinds of weather. What is your favorite weather? S : Sunny/Rainy/Cloudy/Windy/Snowy. 작품소개하기한명씩교사의질문에대답하며자기가만든작품을들고소개하기 T : What did you make? S1: A weather theater. T : What can you see at the theater? S1: Weather. T : What kind of weather can you see? S1: Sunny/Rainy/Cloudy/Windy/Snowy. * Hybrid Hybrid CD 를이용하여복습하기 마 무 리 Review & Song - 율동과함께 Nursery song 부르고끝인사를한다. Round up

3~4회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ How Do You Feel? ] 학습목표 : 그림책, 논픽션북에나온날씨복습하기준비물 : 날씨그림카드 1) 유아한명을나오게하여카드를한장고르게한다. 고른카드는교사에게만보여준다. 2) 유아는동작을흉내를내어그림카드의날씨를표현한다. 3) 다른유아들은어떤날씨인지맞힌다. 나온유아는다음유아에게카드를뽑아보여주고들어간다. S1: ( 앞으로나와비오는날씨카드를골라교사에게보여준다.) ( 우산쓴흉내를내며비오는날씨를표현한다.) S : Rainy. T : Good job! It is rainy. S2: ( 바람부는날씨를뽑아교사에게보여준다.) ( 바람에휘날리는나무흉내를낸다.) S : Windy. T : Wonderful! Extra Activity 2 [ Weather Wheel 2] 활동목표 : 날씨이름을말하고관련사물을찾을수있다. 준비물 : 돌림판, 날씨카드 5 개 ( 날씨아이콘과돌림판 : 5-5 그림폴더 ) 날씨에필요한사물또는옷카드여러개 1) 돌림판에날씨카드를붙이면서날씨이름을다같이이야기해본다. 날씨에필요한사물의이름을말하며카드를보여준후카드를교실여기저기에놓아둔다. Look at the wheel. How's the weather? It is rainy. What do we need on a rainy day? We need an umbrella, a raincoat and rain boots. What do we need on a windy day? We need a jacket and a hat. What can we do on a windy day? Yes, we can take a kite out and fly it. I will put these cards in the classrooms. Look carefully at where I put these cards. 2) 유아를나오게하여돌림판을돌리게한후나온날씨를말하게한다. 날씨를말한유아는해당날씨에필요한사물또는옷을교실에서찾아서가지고온다. Now, spin the arrow. What weather is it? Good. It is sunny. What do we need on a sunny day? Find any card that we need on a sunny day. 3) 화살이별을가리키면보너스처럼아무카드를가지고와도되도록하거나 꽝 으로표시해서재미난벌칙을줄수있다. If the arrow is on the star, you can get any card that you want. Extra Activity 3 [ Is It Windy Today? ] 활동목표 : 바람은그자체가우리눈에보이지않지만, 바람을통해머리카락이날리고, 어느쪽으로바람이불어오는지를이해하며, 자연현상에흥미를가진다. 준비물 : 휴지심 ( 또는두꺼운도화지로준비한다.), 색종이, 습자지, 빨대또는나무젓가락, 실, 가위, 풀, 바람에날리는것들그림카드 (hair, trees and grass, pinwheel, flag, wind sock) 1) 바람에날리는것들그림또는사진을보여준다. Look at the next photo. Is it windy? Can you see the wind? No. Then how do you know? We can not see the wind but we can feel the wind and we can see how the wind works.

Look at the trees. Can you see the wind blowing? The trees go like whooosh~ whooosh~. Right? ( 몸을좌우로흔들어보인다.) The tree is being moved by the wind. Can you move your body like a tree that is being blown over by the wind? ( 몸을좌우로움직여본다.) It is a dandelion. In fall, the dandelion changes its petals to seeds that blow away just like in this photo. When it is windy, the seed is carried off by the wind and then it falls to the ground where it sleeps all through winter until it becomes a new dandelion in spring. When it is spring you can see the yellow dandelion. Have you ever blown the seeds off of a dandelion? Let s pretend to blow the dandelion. Whooo! 2) 샘플을보여주고, 휴지심과색종이를먼저나누어준다. Pick a color paper that you like and glue it on a tissue pipe. 3) 풀이마르는동안, 습자지를색깔별로붙인다. ( 휴지를이용해도됨.) After that, you will glue the tissue paper to the end of the tissue pipe. 4) 실과빨대를달아준다. ( 구명은미리뚫어놓으면편하다.) When you finish, line up and show it to the teacher. I will put a string on the straw. 5) 실과빨대를달아주고밖으로나가날려본다.