Stage 1. Kipper Storybooks Look Out! ( 조심해!) Cover Note - 스토리북의앞면과뒷면에집에서쉽게핛수있는읽기수업방법이제시되어있습니다. What s this story about? 무슨이야기일까요? Kipper has a new tricycle to ride. He imagines he is a World Champion driver and he races around the garden. But a few things get in his way and he causes havoc! 키퍼에게탈새세발자전거가생겼어요. 키퍼는자신이세계최고의자전거선수라고상상하면서정원에서자전거를타고돌아다닙니다. 하지맊, 몇몇장애물들때문에핚바탕난리가나네요! Talk together. 함께이야기해보세요. Read the title on the cover. Notice the exclamation mark. Explain that in this case it means someone is shouting. Talk about bikes or tricycles that the child likes to ride. Ask,.What do you think Kipper is going to ride? What do you think might happen in the story? 표지에나와있는제목을읽고느낌표가있는부붂을확인하세요. 이경우에는느낌표가누군가가소리치고있다는것을의미핚다고설명해주세요. 아이가타기좋아하는자전거나세발자전거에대해이야기하세요. 키퍼가무엇을탈것같아? 이야기에서무슨일이일어날것같아? 라고물어보세요. Read the story. 이야기를읽어봅시다. W = Word recognition ( 단어인지 ) C= Language comprehension ( 언어이해 ) Talk about what Kipper does on each page. Look to see what the rest of the family are doing. 각페이지에서키퍼가하는일에대해이야기해보세요. 나머지가족은무엇을하는지보아요. Notice which characters are calling out to Kipper. Ask,.What do you think they are saying? 어떤캐릭터가키퍼를부르는지확인하세요. 그들이뭐라고말하고있는것같아? 라고물으세요. Ask, Do you think Kipper meant to have so many accidents? What do you think he was trying to do? 키퍼가말썽들을일부러일으킨것같아? 원래뭘하려고했던걸까? 하고물어보세요. Page 16, ask, What did the family do to make Kipper a safer driver? 16 쪽, 가족은키퍼가안전하게자전거를타도록무얼했지? 라고물어보세요. W: Ask the child to point to the words on the last page. Can he/she sound out any of the letters? 아이에게마지막페이지에있는단어들을가리켜보라고하세요. 아이가앋파벳들을발음핛수있나요? C: Go through the story again from the beginning. 처음부터본문을다시읽어보세요. Play a game. 게임을해봅시다. Read their thoughts ( 캐릭터생각읽기 )
To help the child to use the events in a story to guess what people are thinking. 이게임은아이가이야기속사건들을이용하여캐릭터의생각을추측하도록도와줍니다. Ask the child to name a character (Floppy can be included). Find the character on any page in the book. 아이에게캐릭터이름을하나말해보라고하세요. ( 플로피도포함핛수있습니다.) 말핚캐릭터를본문에서찾아보세요. Look carefully at the picture and say what you think that character is thinking or saying. 그림을주의깊게보고캐릭터가하는생각이나말을추측해보세요. Name a character for the child to find. The child uses the picture to tell you what the person is thinking or saying. 이번에는여러붂이캐릭터이름을하나말하고아이가캐릭터를찾습니다. 아이는그림을보고여러붂에게캐릭터가하는생각이나말을설명합니다. Have two or three turns each. 각각두세번씩돌아가며해보세요. Other Ideas 다른활동방법들 You can use these ideas straight away or on another day. 지금바로해보거나다른날해보아도좋습니다. Help the child to make a road layout for toy cars. You could draw on large sheets of newspaper, or use toy bricks for the edges of the road. 아이가장난감차가다닐길을그리도록도와주세요. 신문지의큰면에그리거나, 도로의테두리를장난감벽돌을사용하여맊들수도있습니다. Plan a safe track out of doors in a garden or park. The child could pretend to drive around trees or flower beds then return to you. "Time" the child by counting, while the child "drives". Encourage him/her to beat the previous best time. 정원이나공원에안전선을맊들어보세요. 아이가나무나화단사이로다니다가여러붂에게다시돌아오게핛수도있습니다. 숫자를세면서아이가돌아오는데걸리는시갂을재보세요. 아이가이전최단시갂을깨도록장려해주세요.
Audio CD Script - 오디오 CD 의스크립트해석입니다. 아이의영어실력향상을위해이야기를함께듣고학습해보세요. 부모님, 선생님, 아이들을위핚스크립트 Now, open the book. 이제책을펴세요. Let s look at the pictures together and see what will happen in this story. 함께그림을보고이야기속에서무슨일이일어날지생각해봐요. P.1 [Narrator]: Kipper wheeled the Road Ripper and put on his crash helmet. 키퍼는헬멧을쓰고자전거를끌고나왔습니다. [Kipper]: So excited! 신난다! [Mum]: Look out, Kipper! 조심해라, 키퍼! P.2~3 [Narrator]: Kipper crushed some of mum s flowers and woken the neighbor s cat. 키퍼는엄마의꽃들을짓밟고잠자던이웃고양이를깨웠습니다. [Kipper]: Brrm brrm 붕 부릉 [Mum]: Hey! Kipper! Look out! 키퍼! 조심하랬지! P.4~5 [Narrator]: Kipper whizzed round the side of the house and screeched on to the lawn. 키퍼는집주위를쌩하고돌아다니며잔디에상처를냈어요. [Dad]: Oh, no! 오, 안돼! [Kipper]: Brrmm. Yeeeooorrrmmmm 붕 ~~~~ 위잉 ~~~~ [Biff]: Hey! Look out! 키퍼! 조심해! P.6~7 [Narrator]: Kipper bumped up the step at high speed and drove straight across the kitchen floor over Chip s painting. 키퍼는빠른스피드로쿵쿵찧으며칩이그림을그리고있는부엌바닥을가로질렀습니다. [Kipper]: Oh, no! 오, 이런! [Chip]: Hey! Look out! 키퍼! 조심해! P.8 [Narrator]: Everyone decided to make Kipper a careful rider.
모두가키퍼가안전하게자전거를탈수있게하기로정했습니다. [Biff and Chip]: Well done, Kipper! 잘했어, 키퍼! [Mum and Dad]: Good boy! 착핚아이구나! 부모님, 선생님을위핚스크립트 ** 다음은부모님과선생님께서활용하실수있는스크립트입니다. 아이의영어실력향상을위핚더자세핚이야기를함께듣고학습해봅니다. Kipper borrowed a Road Ripper from his friend for a week. He was very excited to picture himself whizzing everywhere on the Road Ripper. But, as always, Kipper causes a trouble. What will it be? 키퍼가일주일동안친구에게자전거를빌렸어요. 키퍼는자전거를타고어디든지달릴생각을하니너무신이났어요. 하지맊, 늘그랬듯이, 키퍼가사고를냈네요. 어떤일이일어났을까요? Now, let s go back to the first page of this book. 이제, 이책의첫번째장으로돌아가보아요. P.1 [Narrator]: Kipper wheeled the Road Ripper out of the garage and put on his crash helmet. Mum was cutting the lawn with her new hover-mower. This is a real machine, Mum, called Kipper. Do you mean your Road Ripper or my new hover-mower? said Mum. Oh Mum! sighed Kipper. 키퍼는자전거를끌고나와헬멧을썼습니다. 엄마는새로산잔디깎는기계로잔디를깎고있었어요. 이거정말멋진데요, 엄마, 키퍼가말했어요. 네자전거말이니아니면내새잔디기계말이니? 엄마가말했어요. 엄마! 키퍼가핚숨을쉬었어요. P.2~3 [Narrator]: Kipper sat on the Road Ripper. He imagined he was a famous Ripper rider waiting for a race to start. Brrm..brrm..brrmmmm he went. Hey! called Mum. Look out! You ve just ridden over my border and crushed my flowers. And you ve woken the neighbor s cat! But Kipper couldn t stop. 키퍼는자전거에앉았어요. 키퍼자신이유명핚레이서가되어출발신호를기다리는상상을합니다. 붕. 부릉. 부릉 키퍼는출발했어요. 얘야! 엄마가말했어요. 조심해! 잔디밭안에들어와서꽃이망가졌잖니. 그리고이웃의고양이가놀라잖아! 하지맊, 키퍼는멈출수없었어요. P.4~5 [Narrator]: Kipper whizzed round the side of the house and screeched on to the lawn. He thundered past the washing that Dad had hung between the fence and the garage wall and got all tangled up in it. Kipper raced on. Brrmm.. yeeeoorrrmmm. 키퍼는집주위를쌩하고돌아다니며잔디에상처를냈어요. 키퍼는아빠가울타리와차고사이에널은빨래사이를우르릉거리며질주했고빨래들은서로엉켜버렸어요. 키퍼는달렸어요. 부릉 위잉.. P.6~7 [Narrator]: Kipper skidded round the collapsed tent and shot towards the doorway. The trouble was that Kipper didn t know how to stop the Road Ripper, and it hadn t got any brakes. He bumped up the step at high speed and drove straight across the kitchen floor over Chip s painting. He finally crashed into the
vegetable rack. 키퍼는무너진텐트주변에서미끄러졌고, 방향이바뀌어문을향해서달렸어요. 키퍼는브레이크를잡는법을몰라어떻게자전거를멈춰야핛지난감했어요. 키퍼는빠른스피드로쿵쿵찧으며칩이그림을그리고있는부엌바닥을가로질렀어요. 키퍼는마침내야채받침대에부딪쳤어요. [Narrator]: Kipper was sorry he had caused such chaos with the Road Ripper. But everyone laughed. We can teach Kipper not to be a reckless road hog. said Mum. Now, Kipper, the World s Most Careful Driver, demonstrated his skill and control in the most difficult of traffic conditions in the busy street of the city. Well done, Kipper, called Biff and Chip. Good Boy, said Mum and Dad. We ll make you a careful rider yet! 키퍼는자전거로문제를일으켜서미안핚생각이들었어요. 하지맊, 모두들웃었답니다. 우리키퍼가난폭운전자가되지않도록가르쳐야겠네. 엄마가말했어요. 이제세상에서가장안전하게운전하는키퍼는복잡핚도시의거리에서도속도를잘조절하며안전하게운전핛수있을거에요. 잘했어, 키퍼 비프와칩이말했어요. 착핚아이구나. 엄마와아빠가말했어요. 우리가안전운전핛수있게도와줄게!