Yoon s BEFL Note Train Train English Book 4 Dictation 은 스마트베플리 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 4 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 1. 명령문을쓸수있다. 2. 조동사의쓰임을이해한다. 3. be 동사의과거시제와과거진행시제를쓸수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Train Train English Book 4 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 조용한 quiet 조심스러운 careful 친절한 kind 1A 지도 줍다 map pick up 쓰레기 trash 밖에서 outside 표지판 sign 시끄러운 noisy 무례한 rude 데려오다, 가져오다 bring 1B 애완동물 휴대전화 pet cell phone 담배를 피우다 smoke ~ 을벗다 take off 외투 coat 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 연기를하다 act 연극 play 고치다 fix 2A 꽃 찾다 flower find 연 kite 이기다, ( 상등을 ) 타다 상 win prize 도서관 library 규칙 rule 제때에 on time 2B 반납하다 ~ 을제자리에 놓다 return put ~ back 큰소리로 loudly 음식 food 세탁물자루 laundry bag 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 가난한 poor 영리한 smart 허약한 weak 3A 잘생긴 예쁜 handsome pretty 건강한 healthy 부유한 rich 강한 strong 남편 husband 파티 party 어젯밤 last night 3B 영화관 cinema ~ 의밖에 out of 마을 town 식당 restaurant 주말 weekend 5
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 짖다 bark 요리하다 cook 던지다 throw 4A 차다 테니스 kick tennis 잡다 catch 치다 hit 야구 baseball 스케이트를 타다 skate 햄버거 hamburger 기타 guitar 4B 말 마차 horse wagon 우스꽝스러운 funny 옷 clothes 퍼레이드 parade 6
Book 4 Unit 1 명령하는말명령문 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 quiet 조용한 1 쓰레기 trash 2 careful 조심스러운 2 밖에서 outside 3 kind 친절한 3 표지판 sign 4 map 지도 4 조용한 quiet 5 pick up 줍다 5 조심스러운 careful 6 trash 쓰레기 6 친절한 kind 7 outside 밖에서 7 지도 map 8 sign 표지판 8 줍다 pick up 16 개중 개정답 7
Key Points 명령문 : 상대방에게명령하거나부탁할때쓰는말 - be동사명령문 : 주어를생략하고 be동사로시작 ex) Be a good boy. - 일반동사명령문 : 동사원형으로시작 ex) Open your book. - 공손한명령문 : 명령문의맨앞이나뒤에 please를붙임 ex) Please help me. / Help me, please. Let s Practice 다음문장을명령문으로바꿔보세요. ex) You are quiet. Be quiet. 1. You are kind to your friend. Be kind to your friend. 2. You look at the sign. Look at the sign. 3. You pick up your trash. Pick up your trash. 4. You give me some water. Give me some water. 다음의명령문이어떤상황에서쓰이는것인지바르게짝지어보세요. Practice 1. Turn off the water. a 놀이공원에서 a 놀이공원에서길을길을못찾는못찾는친구에게친구에게 2. Look at the map. b 공을 b 공을혼자혼자가지고가지고놀고놀고있는있는친구에게친구에게 3. Be on time. c 약속에 c 약속에늦은늦은친구에게친구에게 4. Please pass me the ball. d 물을 d 물을사용사용후잠그지후잠그지않는않는친구에게친구에게 8
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 곧장가라. (straight) Go straight. 2. 네손들을들어라. (raise) Raise your hands. 3. 앉아주세요. (sit down) Please sit down. [Sit down, please.] 4. 조심해라. (careful) Be careful. 5. 너의장난감들을주워라. (toys) Pick up your toys. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Wash the dishes, please. 2. Play outside. 3. Stand up. 4. Look at me. 5. Be kind to old people. 선생님확인 9
1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 noisy 시끄러운 1 무례한 rude 2 rude 무례한 2 데려오다, 가져오다 bring 3 bring 데려오다, 가져오다 3 애완동물 pet 4 pet 애완동물 4 휴대전화 cell phone 5 cell phone 휴대전화 5 담배를 피우다 smoke 6 smoke 담배를피우다 6 ~ 을벗다 take off 7 take off ~ 을벗다 7 외투 coat 8 coat 외투 8 시끄러운 noisy 16 개중 개정답 10
Key Points 명령문 - 부정명령문 : Do not [Don t] + 동사원형 ( 의미 : ~ 하지마 ) ex) Don t sing a song. - Let s 명령문 : Let s + 동사원형 ( 의미 : ~ 하자 ) ex) Let s listen to the radio. Let s Practice 다음영화관규칙에서잘못된부분을고쳐써보세요. Cinema Rules 1. Kick the front seat. 2. Take pictures. 3. Talk loudly. 4. Throw your trash on the floor. 5. Talk on your cell phone. Expression Don t jump on the seat. 1. Kick the front seat. Don t kick the front seat. 2. Take pictures. Don t take pictures. 3. Talk loudly. Don t talk loudly. 4. Throw your trash on the floor. Don t throw your trash on the floor. 5. Talk on your cell phone. Don t talk on your cell phone. 11
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 외투를벗읍시다. (take off, coats) Let s take off our coats. 2. 과자를좀가져오자. (bring, cookies) Let s bring some cookies. 3. 욕실에가자. (bathroom) Let s go to the bathroom. 4. 여기서먹지마세요. (eat, here) Don t eat here. 5. 담배를피우지마세요. (smoke) Don t smoke. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Don t be noisy. 2. Don t bring a pet. 3. Do not use your cell phone. 4. Let s buy this T-shirt. 5. Let s drink some coffee. 선생님확인 12
Book 4 Unit 2 동사를도와주는말조동사 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 act 연기를하다 1 연 kite 2 play 연극 2 이기다, ( 상등을 ) 타다 win 3 fix 고치다 3 상 prize 4 flower 꽃 4 연기를하다 act 5 find 찾다 5 연극 play 6 kite 연 6 고치다 fix 7 win 이기다, ( 상등을 ) 타다 7 꽃 flower 8 prize 상 8 찾다 find 16 개중 개정답 13
Key Points 조동사 can : be동사나일반동사앞에서동사에특정한의미를더해주는말 - 의미 : ~ 할수있다 - 형태 : can + 동사원형 (can은형태가변하지않음 ) ex) He can read a book. (o) He cans read a book. (x) - 부정문 : cannot [can t] + 동사원형 (~ 할수없다 ) ex) He cannot go there. He can t go there. Let s Practice 다음중에서적절한표현을골라내가할수있는것과할수없는것에대한문장을 써보세요. act in a play fix a dress dance fly a kite jump speak in English ( 아래답은예시입니다.) Expression A: I can swim. B: I can t swim. I can do I can t do 1. I can act in a play. 2. I can t fix a dress. 3. I can dance. 4. I can t fly a kite. 5. I can jump. 6. I can t speak in English. 14
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 이앵무새는말할수있어요. (parrot, talk) This parrot can talk. 2. 그녀는걸을수없어요. (walk) She can t walk. 3. 거북이는수영할수있어요. (a turtle) A turtle can swim. 4. 독수리는날수있어요. (an eagle) An eagle can fly. 5. 소는나무에오를수없어요. (a cow, climb the trees) A cow can t climb the trees. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Terry can make a flower. 2. I can t find my dog. 3. We can t win the prize. 4. Susan can act in a play. 5. You can t hit a ball. 선생님확인 15
2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 library 도서관 1 제때에 on time 2 rule 규칙 2 반납하다 return 3 on time 제때에 3 ~ 을제자리 에놓다 put ~ back 4 return 반납하다 4 큰소리로 loudly 5 put ~ back ~ 을제자리에놓다 5 음식 food 6 loudly 큰소리로 6 세탁물자루 laundry bag 7 food 음식 7 도서관 library 8 laundry bag 세탁물자루 8 규칙 rule 16 개중 개정답 16
Key Points 조동사 must : 의무를나타내는말 - 의미 : ~ 해야한다 - 형태 : must + 동사원형 = have[has] to + 동사원형 ex) He must clean his house. = He has to clean his house. - 부정문 : must not + 동사원형 (~ 해서는안된다 ) ex) You must not sleep. Let s Practice must 또는 must not 을사용하여도서관에서지켜야할규칙을다시써보세요. Library Rules 1. Return books on time. 2. Turn off your cell phone. 3. Don t write on books. 4. Don t bring food. 5. Don t play computer games. Expression You must bring your library card. / You must not talk loudly. 1. Return books on time. You must return books on time. 2. Turn off your cell phone. You must turn off your cell phone. 3. Don t write on books. You must not write on books. 4. Don t bring food. You must not bring food. 5. Don t play computer games. You must not play computer games. 17
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 우리는식사후에깨끗이치워야해요. (clean up, after eating) We must clean up after eating. 2. 우리는더러운옷들을세탁물자루에넣어야해요. (dirty, laundry bag) We must put dirty clothes in the laundry bag. 3. 우리는오후아홉시이후에는텔레비전을보면안돼요. (watch TV, after 9 p.m.) We must not watch TV after 9 p.m. 4. 우리는나쁜말을쓰면안돼요. (bad language) We must not use bad language. 5. 그녀는지금가야해요. (now) She must go now. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. You must bring your library card. 2. You must follow the library rules. 3. You must put the books back. 4. You must not read books loudly. 5. We must open and close the doors quietly. 선생님확인 18
Book 4 Unit 3 ~ 이었다 를나타내는말 be 동사의과거 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 poor 가난한 1 건강한 healthy 2 smart 영리한 2 부유한 rich 3 weak 허약한 3 강한 strong 4 handsome 잘생긴 4 가난한 poor 5 pretty 예쁜 5 영리한 smart 6 healthy 건강한 6 허약한 weak 7 rich 부유한 7 잘생긴 handsome 8 strong 강한 8 예쁜 pretty 16 개중 개정답 19
Key Points be동사의과거 : ~ 이었다, ~ 에있었다 라는의미로주어에따라 was 또는 were - 형태 : I, he, she, it, 단수명사가주어일때 was ex) I was young. you, we, they, 복수명사가주어일때 were ex) You were thin. 과거를나타내는말 yesterday, last month, ago, then 등과함께쓰임 - 부정문 : was[were] + not (~ 이아니었다, ~ 에있지않았다 ) ex) Tom was not rich. Let s Practice 친구들의과거와현재상태를비교한표를보고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. Name Past Present Jenny poor rich Tommy weak strong Minsu short tall Brad and Kim in New York in Seoul Semi and Nana not pretty pretty Expression Betty was ugly, but she is pretty now. 1. Jenny was poor, but she is rich now. 2. Tommy was weak, but he is strong now. 3. Minsu was short, but he is tall now. 4. Brad and Kim were in New York, but they are in Seoul now. 5. Semi and Nana were not pretty, but they are pretty now. 20
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 잭은소방관이었어요. (Jack, firefighter) Jack was a firefighter. 2. 당신은젊었어요. (young) You were young. 3. 그는못생기지않았어요. (ugly) He wasn t ugly. 4. 우리는나이가많지않았어요. (old) We weren t old. 5. 그녀는마르지않았어요. (thin) She wasn t thin. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. We were in New York four years ago. 2. I was not handsome. 3. We weren t good students. 4. You were not healthy. 5. We were in Paris last month. 선생님확인 21
3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 husband 남편 1 주말 weekend 2 party 파티 2 남편 husband 3 last night 어젯밤 3 파티 party 4 cinema 영화관 4 어젯밤 last night 5 out of ~ 의밖에 5 영화관 cinema 6 town 마을 6 ~ 의밖에 out of 7 restaurant 식당 7 마을 town 8 weekend 주말 8 식당 restaurant 16 개중 개정답 22
Key Points be동사과거의의문문 - 의미 : ~ 이었나요?, ~ 에있었나요? - 형태 : be동사 + 주어 ~? ex) Was the party exciting? - Yes, it was. / No, it wasn t. Were they at home yesterday? - Yes, they were. / No, they weren t. Let s Practice 사람들이어제머물렀던장소가쓰인카드를보고문장을완성해보세요. Victoria at the party Suzy at the circus Julia and Bill at the cinema I at the restaurant Pattern Practice A: Was Victoria at home yesterday? 1. A: Was Victoria at home yesterday? B: No, she wasn t. B: No, she wasn t. 2. A: Was Suzy at the circus yesterday? B: Yes, she was. 3. A: Were Julia and Bill at school yesterday? B: No, they weren t. They were at the cinema. 4. A: Were you at the restaurant yesterday? B: Yes, I was. 23
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 그개는귀여웠나요? (cute) Was the dog cute? 2. 당신의오빠는혼자있었나요? (alone) Was your brother alone? 3. 케이트는공원에있었나요? (Kate, park) Was Kate at the park? 4. 그는아침에은행에있었나요? (bank, in the morning) Was he at the bank in the morning? 5. 당신은지난주말에당신의아내와같이있었나요? (with your wife, weekend) Were you with your wife last weekend? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Were you at home last night? 2. Was your husband with you last night? 3. Were you out of town last night? 4. Was Sue at the circus last weekend? 5. Was Tom at the supermarket yesterday? 선생님확인 24
Book 4 Unit 4 과거에진행되고있던일과거진행 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 bark 짖다 1 치다 hit 2 cook 요리하다 2 야구 baseball 3 throw 던지다 3 던지다 throw 4 kick 차다 4 차다 kick 5 tennis 테니스 5 테니스 tennis 6 catch 잡다 6 잡다 catch 7 hit 치다 7 짖다 bark 8 baseball 야구 8 요리하다 cook 16 개중 개정답 25
Key Points 과거진행 : 과거에진행되고있는동작을나타낼때 - 의미 : ~ 하고있는중이었다, ~ 하고있었다 - 형태 : be동사과거형 (was/were) + 동사-ing ex) I was walking. - 부정문 : be동사과거형 (was/were) + not + 동사-ing (~ 하고있는중이아니었다, ~ 하고있지않았다 ) ex) I was not walking on the ground. Let s Practice 어제저녁 8 시에민지네집에서있었던일들을보고, 빈칸에알맞은말을넣어문장을완성해 보세요. the dog bark my mother cook food my sister sleep I play a computer game my father read a newspaper Expression The boys were playing baseball. 1. The dog was barking in the living room. 2. My mother was cooking food. 3. My sister was sleeping. 4. I was playing a computer game. 5. My father was reading a newspaper. 26
Sentence Master 주어진단어를알맞은형태로바꿔문장을써보세요. 1. 나는공을던지고있지않았어요. (throw) I was not throwing a ball. 2. 그녀는공을잡고있지않았어요. (catch) She was not catching a ball. 3. 소녀들은테니스를치고있지않았어요. (play) The girls were not playing tennis. 4. 그는사과를먹고있었어요. (eat) He was eating an apple. 5. 그는영어를공부하고있지않았어요. (study) He was not studying English. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. He was watching TV last night. 2. Sara was reading a book last night. 3. Jenny and Tim were playing basketball. 4. Steve was kicking a ball. 5. Paul was hitting a ball. 선생님확인 27
4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 skate 스케이트를타다 1 퍼레이드 parade 2 hamburger 햄버거 2 스케이트를 타다 skate 3 guitar 기타 3 햄버거 hamburger 4 horse 말 4 기타 guitar 5 wagon 마차 5 말 horse 6 funny 우스꽝스러운 6 마차 wagon 7 clothes 옷 7 우스꽝스러운 funny 8 parade 퍼레이드 8 옷 clothes 16 개중 개정답 28
Key Points 과거진행의의문문 - 의문사가없는의문문 : be동사과거형 (was/were) + 주어 + 동사-ing ~? ex) Were you skating? - ( 긍정 ) Yes, I was. ( 부정 ) No, I wasn t. - 의문사가있는의문문 : 의문사 + be동사과거형 (was/were) + 주어 + 동사-ing ~? ex) What were you doing? - I was reading a book. Let s Practice 다음은지난주말에놀이공원에서벌어진상황에대한글이에요. 괄호안에주어진말을 올바른형태로바꿔써보세요. skate eat a hamburger drink a cup of coffee play the guitar ride a wagon take a picture wait in line watch a parade Expression They were taking a picture. There were a lot of people in the amusement park last weekend. 1. A woman was skating. (skate) 2. A man was eating a hamburger. It was delicious. (eat) 3. And he was also drinking a cup of coffee. (drink) 4. A boy was playing the guitar. He was a very good musician. (play) 5. The girls were riding a wagon. They were happy. (ride) 6. The water slide was very popular. Many people were waiting in line. (wait) 7. At night, I was watching a parade. It was so great! (watch) 29
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. ( 필요하면단어의형태를바꾸세요.) 1. 당신은무엇을하고있었나요? (do) What were you doing? 2. 샐리는감자칩을먹고있었나요? (Sally, eat, potato chips) Was Sally eating potato chips? 3. 그는울고있었어요. (cry) He was crying. 4. 그들은점프하고있었나요? (jump) Were they jumping? 5. 그들은무엇을보고있었나요? (watch) What were they watching? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Were they riding a horse? 2. He was juggling. 3. Was she sitting at the table? 4. Were you fixing a camera? 5. Was he wearing jeans? 선생님확인 30
4-Skill BEFLY-Speaking 유형문제해결하기출처 B4, pp. 6, 12, 27 Don't ~. read books loudly 힌트 use one's cell phone be quiet 답안 Don't read books loudly, and don't use your cell phone. Please be quiet. 31
4-Skill BEFLY-Writing 유형 그림의세부묘사완성하기 문제 Question number 1. What was Sara doing last night? Question number 2. Were Jack and Ted watching TV last night? 출처 B4, p. 50 힌트 (1) She was ~ (2) No, they ~. They were ~ 답안 (1) She was reading a book (last night). (2) No, they weren't. They were playing tennis (last night). 32