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() ( ) () 1968.03.15 ( 49 ) O 2006. 7. 24 2016. 7. 04 2006. 7. 28 2016. 7. 04 APEC Engineer 2006. 7. 28 2002. 5. 27 2006. 7. 28 1991. 7. 31 1 2006. 7. 28 1984. 3 1987. 2 - - 1987. 3 1992. 2 1992. 3 1994. 2 1994. 3 1998. 8 1999. 1 2000. 12 Colorado State University 2012. 9 2013. 8 Texas A & M University Postdoctoral Fellow Visiting Research Scholar Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hydrology Program Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

1994. 3. 1. 1998. 8.21 1994. 3. 1. 1994. 8.21 1996. 8.26. 1997. 2.22. 1997. 3. 2. 1997. 8.21 1997. 3. 2. 1997. 8.21 1997. 3. 2. 1998. 8.21 1998. 8.26 1999. 2.22 1997. 8.26. 1999. 2.22 1998. 8.26. 1999. 2.22 1998. 8.26. 1999. 2.22 2001.3.02 2001. 8.30 2001.3.02 2001.8.22 2001.9.01 2005.3.31 2004.3.02 2009.8.22 2005.4.01 2006.11.30 2006.12.01 2009.02.28 2009.03.01,,,,,,,, 1 (, ), (, ),,, (, ) ( ), ( ) ( ), (2),,, (1), (2),,, (2),,,, (1), (2),,,,,,,,,,,

2001. 09-2003. 09 2003. 12-2005. 12 2001. 11-2004. 03 2004. 04-2001. 09-2003. 09 2005. 06-2007. 02 2006. 03-2006. 05-2008. 05 2006. 08-2008. 08 2006. 08-2008. 08 2006. 09-2008. 09 2004. 11 - Reviewer, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE SCI Journal 2005. 05-2006. 08-2010. 05 2007. 05-2007. 03-2009. 02 2007. 03-2009. 02 2007. 03-2009. 02 2007. 03-2009. 02 2008. 01-2008. 03-2008. 04 - Editorial Board, International Journal (SCIE) Disaster Advances SCIE Journal 2008. 05-2010. 05 2008. 11-2010. 10 2008. 11-2010. 10 2008. 11-2010. 10

() 2009. 01-2009. 12 ( ) 2009. 01-2012. 12 2009. 02-2012. 12 2009. 03-2013. 02 2009. 03-2011. 02 2009. 03-2011. 02 2009. 03-2011. 06 2009. 05-2012. 04 2009. 06-2011. 05 2009. 07. 20 3 2009. 01 - Reviewer, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering SCIE Journal 2009. 06 - Reviewer, Irrigation Science SCI Journal 2009. 07 - Reviewer, Agricultural Water Management SCI Journal 2009. 08. 20 2009. 10 - Reviewer, Water Resources Management SCI Journal 2009. 10 - Reviewer, Scientia Horticulturae SCI Journal 2009. 12-2013. 12 2010. 04-2011. 04 2010. 06 - Editorial Board, International Journal Journal of Engineering 2010. 07-2012. 07, 2010. 08 - ( ) 2010. 10 - Reviewer, International Journal of Climatology SCI Journal 2010. 10 - Reviewer, Computers and Fluids SCI Journal 2010. 11-2012. 10 2010. 10-2012. 10 2011. 02-2013. 01

() 2011. 03-2012. 02 2011. 03-2012. 03 4 2011. 04-2011. 05-2011. 05 - Reviewer, Journal of Hydroinformatics SCIE Journal 2011. 07 - Reviewer, Journal of Hydrology SCI Journal 2011. 09 -, 2011. 10-2011. 10 -, 2011. 11 - Reviewer, Computers & Geosciences SCI Journal 2012. 02 - Reviewer, Hydrological Sciences Journal SCIE Journal 2012. 02-2008 2012. 07-2016. 06 2012. 09 - Reviewer, Hydrology Research SCIE Journal 2013. 01-2014. 12 2013. 02-2015. 01 2013. 09 - Reviewer, Geoscience Letters International Journal 2013. 09-2015. 09 2013. 09-2015. 09 2013. 12 - Reviewer, Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering International Journal 2014. 02-2016. 02 2014. 04. 15-2014. 09 - Reviewer, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE SCI Journal 2014. 11 - Reviewer, Neural Computing and Applications SCIE Journal 2015.01.19. 12.31. 2015. 01. 05-2017. 01. 04. 2015. 02-2017. 02 10 (BTL) (Hydroinformatics)

() 2015. 03-2015. 04 - Reviewer, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences International Journal 2015. 04. 10-2015. 05 01 2018. 04.30 2015. 05 - Reviewer, Journal of Applied Geophysics SCI Journal 2015. 05 - Reviewer, Measurement SCI Journal 2015. 06 - Reviewer, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply SCIE Journal 2015. 07 - Reviewer, Water SCIE Journal 2015. 07 - Reviewer, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering SCI Journal 2015. 09. 23-2017. 09. 22 2015. 10 - Reviewer, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A SCIE Journal 2015. 11 - Reviewer, Proceedings of ICE Water Management SCIE Journal 2015. 11-2017. 10 2015. 12 - Reviewer, Environmental Processes International Journal 2016. 01-2016. 12, 2016. 02 - Reviewer, Theoretical and Applied Climatology SCI Journal 2016. 03 - Reviewer, River Research and Applications SCI Journal 2016. 03 - Reviewer, Remote Sensing SCIE Journal 2016. 04 - Reviewer, American Journal of Applied Sciences SCOPUS 2016. 05 - Reviewer, Atmosphere SCIE Journal 2016. 05 - Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Applied Sciences SCOPUS 2016. 06 - Reviewer, Sustainability SCIE Journal 2016. 07 - Reviewer, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) SCIE Journal 2016. 08 - Reviewer, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies SCOPUS 2016. 08. 30 2019. 08. 29 2016. 09 - Reviewer, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment SCIE Journal 2016. 09 - Reviewer, PLOS ONE SCIE Journal

() 2016. 10 - Reviewer, Computational Intelligence SCIE Journal 2016. 10 - Reviewer, Advances in Mechanical Engineering SCIE Journal 2016. 11 - Reviewer, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment SCI Journal 2016. 12 - Reviewer, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture SCIE Journal 2016. 12 - Reviewer, Applied Sciences SCIE Journal 2017. 01-2018. 12 2017. 01-2019. 01

1995. 03. 1. 1995. 03. 1. 1996. 12. 1. 1997. 10. 1. (IWRA) 1997. 12. 1. 1998. 03. 1. 1999. 04. 1. (ASCE) 2003. 10. 1. 2006. 04. 1. 2006. 05. 1. (IAHR) 2007.02.22 2007 2012.02.22 2012 2006-2007 Marquis Who'sWho in Science and Engineering, 9th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2008-2009 Marquis Who'sWho in Science and Engineering, 10th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2007 Marquis Who'sWho in Asia, 1st Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2008 Marquis Who'sWho in the World, 25th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2009 Marquis Who'sWho in America, 63rd Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2009 Marquis Who'sWho in the World, 26th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2010 Marquis Who'sWho in the World, 27th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2010 Marquis Who'sWho in America, 64th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2011 Marquis Who'sWho in the World, 28th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2011 Marquis Who'sWho in America, 65th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2011-2012 Marquis Who'sWho in Science and Engineering, - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2012 Marquis Who'sWho in Asia, 2nd Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2013 Marquis Who'sWho in the World, 30th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2013 Marquis Who'sWho in America, 67th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho

2014 Marquis Who'sWho in the World, 31th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2014 Marquis Who'sWho in America, 68th Edition - Inclusion Maqruis Who'sWho 2007.01 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century 2007 - Inclusion 2007.04.26 The IBC Leading Engineers of the World 2007 - Inclusion 2007.03 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 2009 - Inclusion 2007 The Cambridge Blue Book 2008/2009 - Inclusion 2008.12 Dictionary of International Biography, 34th Edition - Inclusion 2009.12 Dictionary of International Biography, 35th Edition - Inclusion 2010.03 2000 Outstanding Scientists 2010 - Inclusion 2007.03.23 Great Minds of the 21st Century 2007/2008 - Inclusion American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2007.09.14 500 Greatest Geniuses of the 21st Century - Inclusion American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2010.01 500 Great Leaders - Inclusion American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2010.03 International Profiles of Accomplished Leaders - Inclusion American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2007 Vice-President of the Recognition Board of the World Congress of Arts, Sciences and Communications 2007.05 Da Vinci's Vitruvian Award 2007.07.12 Order of International Fellowship Award 2007.06.10 International Order of Merit Award 2007.09 IBC Lifetime Achievement Award 2007.06.13 The Da Vinci Diamond Award 2007 Hall of Fame Award 2008.12.02 Certification of IBC Cambridge Blue Book 2009.03.02. Certification of Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century

2007.03 Life Fellowship - Election Association(IBA) 2007 Order of International Ambassadors Award American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2007 Research Board of Advisors - Election American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2007 The American Order of Excellence Award American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2007 International Peace Prize American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2008 American Hall of Fame Award American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2009 4th Quarter 2009 Research Drive - Election American Biographical Institute(ABI) 2008 21-2011 - 2013-2015 - 2016.04 Certificate of Reviewing Journal of Hydrology

1. (International Journal, SCI(E)) 1 2 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (IF=0.600, 2015) KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (IF=0.600, 2015) 2000. 06 Sungwon Kim 2004. 01 Sungwon Kim Vol. 4, No. 2 Vol. 8, No. 1 91-101 141-148 The Long-term Inflow Analysis of Multipurpose Reservoirs by the SEAMOD Neural Networks Model and Embedded Stochastic Processes for Hydrological Analysis in South Korea 3 Journal of the American Water Resources Association (IF=1.659, 2015) 2008. 02 Kim, Sungwon Kim, Hung Soo Vol. 44, No.1 148-165 Uncertainty Reduction of Flood Stage Forecasting using Neural Networks Model 4 Journal of Hydrology (IF=3.043, 2015) 2008. 04 Kim, Sungwon Kim, Hung Soo Vol. 351, Issues 3-4 299-317 Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm Approach for Nonlinear Evaporation and Evapotranspiration Modeling 5 Disaster Advances (IF=2.272, 2012) 2009. 01 Park, Ki-Bum Kim, Sungwon Lee, Yeonghwa Vol. 2, No. 1 Suggestion of Monthly Water Supply Reliability Indexes for 22-30 the Drought Disaster Prevention in South Korea 6 Disaster Advances (IF=2.272, 2012) 2009. 07 Kim, Sungwon Kim, Jung-Hun Park, Ki-Bum Vol. 2, No. 3 51-63 Neural Networks Models for the Flood Forecasting and Disaster Prevention System in the Small Catchment 7 Disaster Advances (IF=2.272, 2012) 2010. 10 Kim, Sungwon Vol. 3, No. 4 14-24 Modeling of Precipitation Downscaling using MLP-NNM and SVM-NNM Approach 8 Disaster Advances (IF=2.272, 2012) 2011. 01 Kim, Sungwon Vol. 4, No. 1 53-63 Nonlinear Hydrologic Modeling using the Stochastic and Neural Networks Approach 9 Disaster Advances (IF=2.272, 2012) 2012. 07 Kim, Sungwon Park, Ki-Bum Seo, Young-Min Vol. 5, No. 3 34-43 Estimation of Pan Evaporation using neural networks and climate-based models 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Water Resources Management (IF=2.437, 2015) Hydrology Research (IF=1.779, 2015) Water Resources Management (IF=2.437, 2015) Theoretical and Applied Climatology (IF=2.433, 2015) Journal of the American Water Resources Association (IF=1.659, 2015) Water Resources Management (IF=2.437, 2015) Hydrology Research (IF=1.779, 2015) Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE (IF=1.530, 2015) Theoretical and Applied Climatology (IF=2.433, 2015) Theoretical and Applied Climatology (IF=2.433, 2015) Journal of Hydrology (IF=3.043, 2015) 2012. 09 2013. 01 2013. 05 2013. 11 2013. 12 2014. 01 2014. 03 2014. 05 2014. 07 2014. 11 2015. 01 Kim, Sungwon Jalal Shiri Ozgur Kisi Ana Pour-Ali Jalal Shiri Baba Ozgur Kisi Ahmad Fakheri Fard Kim, Sungwon Rouhallah Amini Kim, Sungwon Jalal Shiri Ozgur Kisi Vijay P. Singh Ozgur Kisi Kim, Sungwon Jalal Shiri Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Youngmin Seo Hung Soo Kim Jalal Shiri Kim, Sungwon Ozgur Kisi Youngmin Seo Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Youngmin Seo Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Youngmin Seo Kim, Sungwon Ozgur Kisi Vijay P. Singh Vol. 26, No. 11 Vol. 44, No. 1 Vol. 27 No. 7 Vol. 114 Issue 3-4 Vol. 49 Issue 6 Vol. 28 No. 1 Vol. 45, No. 2 Vol. 19 No. 5 Vol. 117 Issue 1-2 Vol. 118 Issue 3 Vol. 520 3231-3249 131-146 2267-2286 365-373 1421-1435 185-206 165-181 978-992 1-13 PP 465-479 PP 224-243 Pan Evaporation Modeling using Neural Computing Approach for Different Climatic Zones Estimating daily reference evapotranspiration using available and estimated climatic data by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and artificial neural network (ANN) Estimating Daily Pan Evaporation Using Different Data-Driven Methods and Lag-Time Patterns Estimation of dew point temperature using neuro-fuzzy and neural network techniques Flood forecasting using neural computing techniques and conceptual class segregation Modeling nonlinear monthly evapotranspiration using soft computing and data reconstruction techniques Estimation of daily dew point temperature using genetic programming and neural networks approaches Assessment of Uncertainty in the Spatial Distribution of Rainfall Using Geostochastic Simulation Evaluation of pan evaporation modeling with two different neural networks and weather station data Modeling daily soil temperature using data-driven models and spatial distribution concepts Daily Water Level Forecasting Using Wavelet Decomposition and Artificial Intelligence Techniques

21 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (IF=0.600, 2015) 2015. 02 Water Resources 22 Management 2015. 04 (IF=2.437, 2015) 23 Water (IF=1.687, 2015) 2015. 06 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hydrological Sciences 2015. 06 Journal (IF=2.182, 2015) KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2015. 09 (IF=0.600, 2015) Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE 2015. 09 (IF=1.855, 2015) Water Resources Management 2016. 09 (IF=2.437, 2015) Hydrology Research In Press (IF=1.779, 2015) International Journal of In Press Climatology (IF=3.609, 2015) Journal of Irrigation and Under Drainage Engineering, ASCE Review (IF=1.020, 2015) Water Resources Under Management Review (IF=2.437, 2015) Youngmin Seo Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Youngmin Seo Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Kim, Sungwon Jalal Shiri Vijay P. Singh Ozgur Kisi Gorka Landeras Kim, Sungwon Vijay P. Singh Chang-Joon Lee Youngmin Seo Kim, Sungwon Youngmin Seo Vijay P. Singh Youngmin Seo Kim, Sungwon Ozgur Kisi Vijay P. Singh Kamban Parasuraman Kim, Sungwon Ozgur Kisi Youngmin Seo Vijay P. Singh Chang-Joon Lee Karimi, Sepideh, Ozgur Kisi, Kim Sungwon, Amir Hossein Nazemi and Jalal Shiri Ozgur Kisi Vahdettin Demir Kim, Sungwon Mohammad Rezaie-Balf Zahra Zahmatkesh Kim. Sungwon Vol. 19 Issue 2 Vol. 29 No. 7 Vol. 7 No. 6 Vol. 60 No. 6 Vol. 19 Issue 6 Vol. 29 Issue 5 Vol. 30 No. 11 PP Multistep-ahead flood forecasting using wavelet 401-417 and data-driven methods Estimating spatial precipitation using regression PP kriging and artificial neural network residual 2189-2204 kriging (RKNNRK) hybrid approach PP Spatial disaggregation of areal rainfall using two 2707-2727 different artificial neural networks PP Predicting daily pan evaporation by soft 1120-1136 computing models with limited climatic data Modeling the physical dynamics of daily dew PP point temperature using soft computing 1930-1940 techniques Assessment of Pan Evaporation Modeling PP using Bootstrap Resampling and Soft 04014063 Computing Methods PP River stage forecasting using wavelet packet 4011-4035 decomposition and machine learning models Assessment of rainfall aggregation and disaggregation using data-driven models and wavelet decomposition Modeling daily reference evapotranspiration in humid locations of South Korea using local and cross-station data management scenarios Estimation long-term temperatures by three different adaptive neuro-fuzzy approaches using geographical inputs Soft computing techniques for rainfall runoff simulation: local non-parametric paradigm vs. model classification methods

2. (International Journal, SCOPUS) 1 American Journal of Applied Sciences 2016. 09 2 American Journal of Applied Sciences 2016. 11 3 Procedia Engineering 2016. 12 Youngmin Seo Sungwon Kim Ki-Bum Park Youngmin Seo Seunghyun Kim Sungwon Kim Youngmin Seo Sungwon Kim Vol. 13, No. 8 891-899 Vol. 13, No. 11 1096-1103 Vol. 154 1225-1230 Hydrological Forecasting Using Hybrid Data-Driven Approach Surveying for Users Pattern and Preference of Waterfront Space, Daegu City, South Korea River Stage Forecasting using Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Data-Driven Models 4 Procedia Engineering 2016. 12 SungwoKim Young-Min Seo Chang-Jun Lee Vol. 154 1231-1236 Modeling of Rainfall by Combining Neural Computation and Wavelet Technique 5 Procedia Engineering 2016. 12 SungwoKim Youngmin Seo Vijay P. Singh Vol. 154 1237-1242 Estimating Global Solar Irradiance for Optimal Photovoltaic System

3. (Domestic Journal,, ) 1997. 12 39 6 1998. 03 12 2 1998. 06 40 3 4 1998. 08 7 4 5 1998. 10 7 5 6 1998. 12 7 6 7 1999. 02 41 1 8 1999. 08 8 4 9 1999. 09 13 4 10 1999. 10 41 5 11 2000. 02 9 1 12 2000. 04 Jose, D. Salas 33 2 13 2000. 10 33 5 14 2000. 11 20 6-B 15 2001. 08 34 4 16 2003. 04 36 2 17 2005. 11 25 6-B 18 2005. 11 25 6-B 19 2007. 01 40, 1 20 2007. 01 40, 1 21 2008. 03 28, 2-B 22 2010. 07 30, 4B 23 2010. 12 12, 3 24 2011. 02 20, 2 25 2011. 09 31, 5B 26 2011. 12 20, 12 27 2013. 02 22, 2 54-66 127-139 63-74 451-459 581-590 793-801 39-51 L-Moments 431-441 SWRRB 136-151 53-67 35-42 247-262 537-550 801-811 Hybrid Neural Networks 303-316 195-209 1. 473-482 2. 483-491 73-88 89-99 199-213 399-412 79-97 199-205 459-466 1541-1551 225-234 확률강우량의공간분포추정에있어서 Bayesian 기법을이용한공간통계모델의매개변수불확실성해석 GIS를이용한토석류위험도평가에관한연구 ( 소규모개발지역중심으로 )

4. ( ), 1 1995. 01 2 1996. 03 2 1 16 3 1996. 12 1 4 1996. 12 13 5 1996. 12 13 2 79-102 80-91 - 77-88 - - 339-356 - 319-337 6 16 1997. 05 2 47-62 7 25 1997. 06 9-18 1 :. 8 1997. 08 10 49-59 9 1997. 08 10 37-47 - Double Sweep Method - 10 1997. 09 4 149-176 11 4 1997. 09 2 183-195 12 1997. 12 17 9-23 1 13 1997.12 25 1-8 2 :. 14 25 1 1997. 12 9-17 2 15 1997. 12 14 HEC-6 367-381 16 1997. 12 14 633-644 17 1998. 03 5 177-197 18 1998. 03 5 67-80 1 19 5 L-moments 1998. 09 3 381-395 20 1 1998. 12 24-2 89-105 - - 21 1 1998. 12 24-2 73-88 Muskingum-Cunge 22 2002. 03 8 Development of Flood Discharge Forecasting Model by 19-31 1 the RBF Neural Networks 23 2003. 03 9 Hydrological Analysis using Coupled Stochastic and 35-54 1 Neural Networks Approaches

5. (International Conference) 1 Proceeding of Watershed Management 2000 2000. 06 Sungwon Kim Soontak Lee Published in CD-ROM Forecasting of Flood Stage using Neural Networks in the Nakdong River, South Korea 2 3 4 5 6 Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, 2003 International Symposium on Disaster Mitigation and Basin-Wide Water Management ISDB 2003 Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, 2004 Proceeding of 31th IAHR Congress, 2005 Proceeding of 31th IAHR Congress, 2005 2003. 06 Sungwon Kim Jeong-Suk Published in Cho Jong-Kwon Park CD-ROM 2003. 12 Sungwon Kim Jeong-Suk Cho 465-474 2004. 06 Sungwon Kim Published in CD-ROM 2005. 09 Sungwon Kim 5715-5724 2005. 09 Sungwon Kim 4819-4827 Hydrological Analysis using the Neural Networks in the Parallel Reservoir Groups, South Korea. Uncertainty Analysis of Flood Stage Forecasting using Time-Delayed Patterns in the Small Catchment. Neural Networks Model for Analysis of Input Information Uncertainty in the Small Catchment Reliability Analysis of Hydrological Time Series using Neural Networks Model 1. Model Development and Application Reliability Analysis of Hydrological Time Series using Neural Networks Model 2. Uncertainty Analysis of Input Data Information 7 Proceeding of 31th IAHR Congress, 2005 2005. 09 Sungwon Kim 5675-5685 Flood Forecasting Model using Radial Basis Function embedded K-Means Clustering Algorithms 8 9 10 Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, 2006 Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, 2006 Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, 2006 2006. 05 Sungwon Kim Hung Soo Kim 2006. 05 Sungwon Kim Hongkee Jee 2006. 05 Sungwon Kim Kibum Park Published in CD-ROM Published in CD-ROM Published in CD-ROM Estimation of the Reference Evapotranspiration using Neural Networks Model and Limited Climatic Variables An Expansion of the Ungaged Pan Evaporation using Neural Networks Model in Rural Regions, South Korea. Construction of the FFWS using Supervised and Unsupervised Performance in the Small Catchment 11 Proceeding of 2nd AOGS 2006 2006. 07 Sungwon Kim Hung Soo Kim Published in CD-ROM Evaporation and Evapotranspiration Modeling using Neural Networks Model and Genetic Algorithm Proceedings of the Korean 12 13 Environmental Sciences Society International Conference, 2007 Proceeding of World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, 2008 2007. 07 2008. 05 Ki-Bum, Park Sungwon Kim Sungwon Kim Hung Soo Kim 236-240 Published in CD-ROM A study on the correction between the basin characteristics and the design flood discharge Integrational Operation Method using Stochastic/Neural Networks Model 14 Proceeding of 5th AOGS 2008 2008. 06 Sungwon Kim Published in CD-ROM Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm for the Climatic Variables Modeling 15 Proceeding of 5th AOGS 2008 2008. 06 Sungwon Kim Published in CD-ROM Uncertainty Analysis of the Climatic Variables Modeling 16 17 18 19 Proceeding of 33rd IAHR Congress, 2009 Proceeding of 33rd IAHR Congress, 2009 Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2010 Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2010 2009. 08 Sungwon Kim Minsoo Kyoung Byung Sik Kim Hung Soo Kim 2099-2108 Downscaling Point Precipitation using Neural Networks Model 2009. 08 Sungwon Kim Jung-Hun Statistical Learning Theory for the Disaggregation of the 1154-1162 Kim Ki-Bum Park Climatic Data 2010. 09 Sungwon Kim 1037-1043 Flood Stage Forecasting using Class Segregation Method based on Neural Networks Models 2010. 09 Sungwon Kim 1044-1052 Precipitation Change Scenario using Neural Networks Models

. (International Conference) Sungwon Kim Jalal 20 IAHR-APD 2012 2012. 08 21 IAHR-APD 2012 2012. 08 22 IPWE 2013 2013. 01 Shiri Ki-Bum Park Young-Min Seo Young-Min Seo Ki-Bum Park Sungwon Kim Young-Min Seo Ki-Bum Park Sungwon Kim Vijay P. Singh 1-9 1-7 1-10 Gene Expression Programming for Hydrologic Forecasting Comparison of Bayesian and Spatial Bootstrap Methods for Estimating Rainfall Spatial Distribution Application of Bootstrap-Based Artificial Neural Networks for Flood Forecasting and Uncertainty Assessment 23 IPWE 2013 2013. 01 SungwoKim Young-Min Seo Ki-Bum Park Chang-Jun Lee Vijay P. Singh 1-10 Soft Computing Method for Evapotranspiration Forecasting under Limited Climatic Data 24 APHW 2013 2013. 08 25 APHW 2013 2013. 08 26 APHW 2013 2013. 08 27 APHW 2013 2013. 08 Sungwon Kim Hung Soo Kim Vijay P. Singh Soojun Kim SungwoKim Vijay P. Singh Youngmin Seo Chang-Jun Lee Sungwon Kim Vijay P. Singh Youngmin Seo Sungwon Kim Vijay P. Singh 1-1 1-6 1-7 1-8 Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior using Chaos Approach to Monthly CIMIS Evapotranspiration Dewpoint Temperature Modeling using Soft Computing Approaches Estimating Daily Soil Temperature using Artificial Neural Networks Flood Forecasting and Uncertainty Assessment Using Bootstrapped ANFIS

6. (Domestic Conference) 1 1997 ( ) 1997. 10 69-72 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1998 1998. 05 56-64 - - 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2002. 05 98-103 2002. 05 928-933 2002. 11 155-158 SSNNM 2002. 11 70-73 2003. 05 547-550 Hybrid Neural Networks Modeling for Flood Forecasting in the Small Watershed, South Korea. Streamflow Analysis using Stochastic and ANNs Approaches in the Parallel Reservoir Groups, South Korea. 2003. 05 551-554 2003. 05 891-894 MCSM 2003. 05 378-382 Hydrological Analysis of Improvement of Reservoir Operation Rules 2003. 10. 2541-2546 2003. 10. 2067-2071 2004. 05 Short-term Hydrological Forecasting using Recurrent Neural Networks Model 2004. 10 5029-5033 Loop - 2005. 03 653-658 Development of Forecasting System for the Flood Hazard Mitigation in the Small Catchment 2005. 05 GRNNM GA Rating Curve 2005. 05 Cascade-Correlation Algorithm 2005. 10 1278-1281 2005. 10 1486-1489 2005-2005. 11 395-399 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006. 02 739-744 2006. 05 115-119 2006. 10 1129-1132 2006. 10 1133-1136 Pan Evaporation Modeling for Drought Disaster Mitigation System Construction

6. (Domestic Conference) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2006. 10 1906-1909 2007. 05 1423-1426 2007. 05 1427-1431 2007. 05 218-222 Modeling of Nonlinear Time Series 2007. 05 199-202 Uncertainty Reduction of Nonlinear Time Series Model 2007. 10 1893-1896 Nonlinear Analysis using the Artificial Neural Networks Model 2007. 10 1897-1900 Derivation of the Optimal Artificial Neural Networks Model using Uncertainty Analysis 2007. 10 1212-1215 2008. 02 669-673 2008. 05 2193-2196 2008. 05 1147-1150 2008. 10 2773-2776 2008. 10 3570-3573 2009. 05 2009. 05 112-115 Downscaling Downscaling 125-128 40 2009 2009. 05 1207-1210 1. 41 2009 2009. 05 1211-1214 2. 42 2009 2009. 05 1215-1218 3. 43 2009 2009. 05 1612-1615 The Monthly Water Supply Reliability Indexes in the Parallel Reservoir System 44 2009 2009. 10 Sungwon Kim 2579-2582 Precipitation Downscaling using Neural Networks Models 1. Modeling of the Daily Time Series 45 2009 2009. 10 Sungwon Kim 2583-2586 Precipitation Downscaling using Neural Networks Models 2. Modeling of the Monthly Time Series

6. (Domestic Conference) 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009. 10 2009. 10 2009. 11 Sungwon Kim Jung-Hun Kim Ki-Bum Park Hongkee Jee 2567-2570 3410-3413 401-404 2010. 05 1346-1349 2010. 05 1560-1563 2010. 05 1645-1648 2010. 05 1596-1599 2010. 05 1439-1442 Pan Evaporation Disaggregation using Neural Networks Models SVM-NNM Polynomial Networks Approach 2010. 05 1293-1297 2010. 10 2010. 10 1889-1892 1893-1896 57 2010 2010. 10 1897-1900 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2010. 10 1901-1904 SVM-NNM 2010. 10 1953-1956 GMDH 2010. 10 1569-1572 FAO-56 Penman-Monteith 2010. 10 1957-1960 2010. 11 328-329 2011. 01 133-136 2011. 01 165-170 2011. 01 171-175

6. (Domestic Conference) 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011. 05 1-4 PNA 2011. 05 1-4 2011. 05 1-4 1. 2. 2011. 05 1-4 2011. 05 1-4 2011. 05 1-4 8? 2011. 11 1536-1539 2011. 11 2011. 11 2011. 11 Jung-Hun Kim Sungwon Kim Sungwon Kim Ki-Bum Park Sungwon Kim Bugyum Seo Hak-Soo Jung Jaekyoung Lee 1621-1624 1618-1621 1869-1872 2011. 11 1760-1763 Precipitation Downscaling using MLP-NNM and DRNNM Computing Approach Application of Neuro Computing to Estimate the Daily Pan Evaporation Establishment of Flood Stage-Discharge Relation using Neural Computing Approaches 77 2012 2012. 05 1-4 78 2012 2012. 05 1-4 79 2012 2012. 05 1-4 80 2012 2012. 05 Sungwon Kim Ki-Bum Park 1-4 Application of Soft Computing Model for Hydrologic Forecasting 81 2012 2012. 10 Sungwon Kim Chang-Joon Lee Young-Min Seo Ki-Bum Park 825-828 Modeling of Dew Point Temperature using Neuro-Computing Technique 82 2012 2012. 10 829-832 Turning Bands 83 84 85 86 2012 2012 2013 2013 2012. 10 833-836 Bootstrap 2012. 10 1701-1704 2013. 05 421-425 2013. 05 420

6. (Domestic Conference) 87 2014 2014. 05 Sungwon Kim 1-4 Estimating areal rainfall using artificial neural networks 88 2014 2014. 05 Sungwon Kim Youngmin Seo 1-4 Spatial disaggregation of areal rainfall using multilayer perceptron 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014. 05 Sungwon Kim Chang-Joon Lee 1-4 2014. 05 1-4 2014. 10 993-994 2014. 10 933-934 2014. 10 Sungwon Kim 935-936 2014. 10 Sungwon Kim Youngmin Seo 937-938 2015. 05 Sungwon Kim Youngmin Seo 475-478 2015. 05 Sungwon Kim 479-482 2015. 05 Sungwon Kim 483-486 2015. 05 606-609 2015. 10 51-52 Deriving self-orgizing feature map for areal rainfall disaggregation using spatial concepts Modeling of solar radiation using artificial neural network Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for estimating global solar radiation using limited weather data Estimating global solar radiation using wavelet and data driven techniques Computation of daily solar radiation using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system in Illinois Estimating daily solar radiation using soft computing method Support vector regression

7. Book Chapter Chapter Title 1 Evapotranspiration 2011. 03 Sungwon Kim Hung Soo Kim 123-147 Evapotranspiration - 2 Remote Sensing and 2012. 01 Sungwon Kim 351-376 Modeling 3 Harmony Search SungwoKim Youngmin 2015. 12 Algorithm Seo Vijay P. Singh 279-284 4 Harmony Search Youngmin Seo Sungwon 2015. 12 Algorithm Kim 259-266 Nonlinear Evapotranspiration Modeling Using MLP-NNM and SVM-NNM Development of Hybrid Method for the Modeling of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration Computation of Daily Solar Radiation using Wavelet and Support Vector Machines; A Case Study Physical Interpretation of River Stage Forecasting using Soft Computing and Optimization Algorithms 2016 10 31