J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 한국식품영양과학회지 38(2), 125~130(09) DOI: 10.3746/jkfn. Black Raspberry 침출액의 Anthocyanin 및 Polyphenol 함량과항산화능 이보경 1 신혜현 1 정지현 1 황금택 1 이연숙 1 김태영 2 1 서울대학교식품영양학과, 생활과학연구소 2 농촌진흥청농업과학기술원농촌자원개발연구소 Anthocyanins, Polyphenols and Antioxidant Activities of Black Raspberry Exudates Bo-Kyung Lee 1, Hye-Hyun Shin 1, Ji-Hyun Jung 1, Keum Taek Hwang 1, Yeon-Sook Lee 1, and Tae-Young Kim 2 1 Dept. of Food and Nutrition, and Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea 2 Rural Resource Development Institute, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Gyeonggi 441-853, Korea Abstract Intact black raspberry fruits, which were crushed by hand or ground using a blender, were immersed in %, %, %, and % ethanol (125 g fruits per 900 ml ethanol) and exuded for 30,, and 90 days at room temperature. Monomeric anthocyanin contents (MAC) and polyphenol contents (PHC) of the exudates were determined measuring absorbance using a spectrophotometer. DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging activities (50%; SC 50) were determined for the antioxidant activities of the exudates. Twenty % ethanol exudates from black raspberry had significantly lower MAC and PHC regardless of the fruit types. SC 50 were higher in % ethanol exudates, suggesting % ethanol exudates from black raspberry had lower antioxidant activities. MAC and PHC of the black raspberry exudates decreased with time. This study suggests that MAC and PHC in the black raspberry could be exuded more efficiently using % or higher concentration of ethanol and that crushing and grinding little affect exuding MAC and PHC. The exudates with higher MAC and PHC showed higher antioxidant activities. Key words: black raspberry, anthocyanin, polyphenol, antioxidant activity, radical scavenging capacity 서론 Rubus 속식물인나무딸기류는장미과 (Rosaceae) 에속하는낙엽관목으로 blackberry, black raspberry, boysenberry, dewberry 등이유럽및북미를비롯하여아시아서부, 아프리카등지에분포되어있다. 우리나라에자생하는나무딸기류는복분자딸기, 멍석딸기, 수리딸기등다양하며, 그중에서복분자딸기 (Rubus coreanus Miquel) 가널리알려져있다. 복분자딸기는오래전부터미숙과를말려약용으로사용해왔으며, 피로로인한간손상을보호하고, 눈을밝게하며, 발기부전에효과가있어성기능을높인다고알려져있다 (1). 근래에우리나라에서주로재배하여판매되고있는나무딸기는 black raspberry인 Rubus occidentalis로주로과일주제조에활용되고있으며, 항산화, 항암작용등을한다고알려져있다 (2). Tulio 등 (2) 은이러한생리활성작용이 anthocyanin과 polyphenol 함량이풍부한것과관련이있다고하였는데, 이품종은다른나무딸기류에비해색이진하여 anthocyanin 함량이높은것으로보고되고있다. Wada와 Ou(3) 는 blackberry와 boysenberry의 anthocyanin 함량이각각 91과 131 mg/100 g이고, black raspberry는이보다월등히높은 589 mg/100 g이라고보고하였다. 또한 Wu 등 (4) 은 red raspberry에 anthocyanin이 92 mg/100 g, black raspberry에는 687 mg/100 g이함유되어있다고보고하였다. 나무딸기에는 anthocyanin류외에 ellagitannin, quercetin, flavonol 등다량의 phenolic compounds, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium 등이함유되어있으며 (5), 그로인해항산화효과, 항균성, 아질산염소거능등의생리활성기능을나타낸다 (6). Siriwoharn 등 (7) 은 blackberry에 ellagitannin류가 32 mg/100 g( 생과기준 ), flavonols이 12 mg/100 g( 생과기준 ) 함유되어있고, 총 polyphenol 함량이 903 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g이라고보고하였으며, Anttonen과 Corresponding author. E-mail: keum@snu.ac.kr Phone: 82-2-8-2531, Fax: 82-2-884-0305
126 이보경 신혜현 정지현 황금택 이연숙 김태영 Karjalainen(8) 은 red raspberry에 quercetin이 0.32~1.55 mg/100 g( 생과기준 ), ellagic acid가 38~118 mg/100 g( 생과기준 ) 이함유되어있다고보고하였다. 최근건강에대한사람들의관심이늘어나면서생리활성기능을가진천연재료들을활용한가공품들의개발이증가하고있으며, 우리나라에서도 black raspberry와그침출액을이용한술과청량음료등의가공식품이다양하게개발되고있다 (9). 본연구에서는 black raspberry를여러가지방법으로침출하여색소성분, polyphenol 성분, 항산화능을비교분석하고효율적인침출조건을알아내어, black raspberry를활용한기능성가공식품개발연구에기초자료를제공하고자하였다. 실험재료 재료및방법 실험에사용한 black raspberry는전라북도고창군에서 08년 5~6월에수확한것을구입하여 - o C에서냉동보관하였고, 침출액제조시에는실온에서해동하여사용하였다. Black raspberry 침출액제조 Black raspberry 과실을원형, 손으로으깬것, 녹즙기 (Angelia, Angel Juicer Co., Ltd., Busan, Korea) 를사용하여간것으로나누어각각,,, % 의 ethanol(ducksan Pure Chemicals, Seoul, Korea) 에담가 ( 용액 900 ml 당과실 125 g) 빛을차단하여실온에보관하였고, 30일단위로채취하여분석하였다. Monomeric anthocyanin 함량측정 Monomeric anthocyanin 함량은 ph differential method 를사용하여측정하였다 (10). Anthocyanin은 ph의변화에따라가역적인구조적변형을일으켜유색의 oxonium 형태는 ph 1.0에서, 무색의 hemiketal 형태는 ph 4.5에서우세하며, ph-differential method는이반응에기초를두었다. 0.025 M potassium chloride(oriental Chemical Ind. Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea) buffer로시료를희석하여흡광도값이 0.7 1.0이나오도록희석배수를정하고그희석배수로시료를 0.025 M potassium chloride(oriental Chemical Ind. Co.) buffer(ph 1.0) 와 0.4 M sodium acetate(samchun Pure Chemical Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea) buffer(ph 4.5) 로각각희석하였다. 15분동안평형화시킨후 spectrophotometer (Beckman DU R 530; Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA, USA) 를사용하여최대흡수파장 (515 nm) 과 700 nm에서흡광도를측정한후다음식에의하여 monomeric anthocyanin 함량을산출하였다. Monomeric anthocyanin (mg/l)= (A MW DF 1000) (ε 1) A=(A λ vis-max-a 700 nm) ph1.0-(a λ vis-max-a 700 nm) ph4.5 A λ vis-max: 최대흡수파장에서의흡광도 A 700 nm: 700 nm에서의흡광도 MW: cyanidin-3-glucoside의분자량=449.2 DF: 희석배수 ε: 몰흡광계수=26,900 Polyphenol 함량측정 Black raspberry 침출액의 polyphenol 함량은 Folin- Ciocalteu 방법 (11) 에따라측정하였다. 시료 μl에증류수 1.58 ml와 2 N Folin-Ciocaltue reagent(sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) 를첨가하였다. 3분후 % Na 2CO 3 용액 300 μl를가하여 o C에서 30분간방치하고 spectrophotometer(beckman DU R 530) 를사용하여 765 nm 에서흡광도를측정하였다. Gallic acid(sigma Chemical Co.) 에의한표준곡선을이용하여 polyphenol 함량을산출하였다. DPPH radical scavenging activity 측정 DPPH radical scavenging activity는농축한시료를 methanol로희석하여 50, 100, 0, 300, 500 μg/ml의농도로각각 1 ml씩제조하고, 2,2'-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH; Sigma Chemical Co.) 를 methanol에녹인 DPPH 0.1 mm 용액을 2 ml씩첨가하여암소에서반응시켰다. 30 분후 spectrophotometer(beckman DU R 530) 를사용하여 517 nm에서흡광도를측정하고, 다음식에의해 free radical scavenging activity를구하였으며 (12), free radical scavenging activity를시료의농도별로나타낸곡선으로부터 50% 의 DPPH free radical scavenging activity(dpph SC 50) 를구하였다. Free radical scav- = enging activity (%) ( 1- 시료첨가구의흡광도시료무첨가구의흡광도) 100 ABTS radical scavenging capacity 측정 ABTS radical scavenging activity는 Brand-Williams 등의방법 (12) 으로측정하였다. 2,2'-Azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammounium salt(abts; Sigma Chemical Co.) 를증류수에녹여 7 mm의 ABTS 용액을만들고 potassium persulfate(sigma Chemical Co.) 를첨가 (6.6 mg/10 ml) 한후잘혼합하여암소에방치하였다. 12~18시간후 734 nm에서흡광도값이 0.700±0.05가되도록 ethanol로희석하고, 50, 100, 0, 300, 500 μg/ml의농도가되도록제조해놓은시료 0 μl 당희석한 ABTS 용액 3,0 μl를넣고 1분간반응시켜 734 nm에서흡광도를측정하였다. 다음식에의해 free radical scavenging activity를구하였고, free radical scavenging activity를시료의농도별로나타낸곡선으로부터 50% 의 ABTS free radical scavenging activity(abts SC 50) 를구하였다.
Black Raspberry 침출액의 Anthocyanin 및 Polyphenol 함량과항산화능 127 Free radical scav- = enging activity (%) ( 1- 시료첨가구의흡광도시료무첨가구의흡광도) 100 통계분석 본실험은 3회반복하였으며, 실험결과는 SPSS program (SPSS version 12.0) 을이용하여, 평균과표준오차 (mean ±SE) 를구하였고, one-way ANOVA test 후 p<0.05 수준에서 Duncan의다중검정법으로실험군간의유의성을분석하였다. 결과및고찰 Black raspberry 침출액의 monomeric anthocyanin 함량침출조건과기간에따른 black raspberry 침출액의 monomeric anthocyanin 함량은 Fig. 1과같다. 원형, 손으로으깬것, 녹즙기를이용하여간 black raspberry를농도가서로다른 ethanol에넣어침출하였을때세가지형태의시료모두 % ethanol에서 monomeric anthocyanin 함량이 172 ~282 mg/l로서다른농도의 ethanol 침출액보다유의적으로낮았다 (p<0.05). %, %, % ethanol에침출한시료에는 248~3 mg/l의 monomeric anthocyanin이함유되어있었고, 이들사이에서는유의적인차이를보이지않았으며 (p>0.05), black raspberry 과실의형태에따라서도 monomeric anthocyanin 함량이유의적인차이가없었다 (p> 0.05). 이러한결과로볼때 ethanol을용매로침출한 black raspberry 침출액의 monomeric anthocyanin은 % 를제외한농도의 ethanol을사용하고 black raspberry 과실을으깨거나갈지않고침출하여도유사한양이침출되므로원형그대로를사용하는것이효율적임을알수있었다. Kang (13) 은복분자열매를원형으로담근침출주보다파쇄하여담근침출주에서의 anthocyanin 함량이높아으깨어침출할때침출효과가있다고보고하였는데, 이는침출기간과침출시설탕을첨가하는등의침출조건이다른데서기인한것으로생각된다. 기간에따른 monomeric anthocyanin 함량 은 30일침출후에 239~3 mg/l, 일후에 216~337 mg/l, 90일후에 172~308 mg/l로침출기간이길어질수록 monomeric anthocyanin 함량이감소하는경향을나타냈다. 이는 red radish와 red-fleshed potato를실온인 25 o C에서 65주동안저장하면서침출하였을때 monomeric anthocyanin 함량이감소함을보고한 Rodŕiguez-Saona 등 (14) 의연구와 raspberry juice의 monomeric anthocyanin 함량을 100 일이지난후측정한결과처음함량의 1% 만남아있음을보고한 Rein(15) 의연구와유사하였다. Black raspberry 침출액의 polyphenol 함량 Black raspberry 침출액에함유되어있는 polyphenol 함량은 Fig. 2에나타냈다. Polyphenol 함량은 monomeric anthocyanin 함량과유사하게 % ethanol에서침출한시료에서 772~905 mg/l로낮았으며, 일째의모든형태와 90일째의원형인것과손으로으깨어 % ethanol에침출한시료에서는유의적으로낮았다 (p<0.05). %, %, % ethanol 침출액의 polyphenol 함량이 913~1,059 mg/l로비교적높았으나, 이들사이에서의유의적인차이는없었다 (p>0.05). 이처럼 monomeric anthocyanin을포함한 polyphenol류가 % ethanol에서유의적으로최저추출효율을보인것은 black raspberry에물보다비극성인 ethanol과유사한극성을가진 polyphenol류가많기때문으로추정된다. Black raspberry 침출액의 polyphenol 함량도과실의형태에따른유의적인차이는없었다 (p>0.05). 이러한결과는 black raspberry 과실을파쇄하여담근침출주에서원형으로담근침출주보다 polyphenol 함량이높게나타난 Kang(13) 의연구결과와는달랐는데, monomeric anthocyanin 함량과마찬가지로침출조건의차이에따른결과로추정된다. 30일간격으로채취한 black raspberry 침출액의 polyphenol 함량은 30일째에 870~1,059 mg/l, 일째에 790~1,031 mg/l, 90일째에 772~963 mg/l로침출기간이길어짐에따라감소하는경향을보였다. 이와같이 black raspberry의유용성분인 monomeric anthocyanin과 polyphenol 모두침출기간에따라감소하는경향을나타냈으므로 black rasp- 450 30 days days 90 days 0 Monomeric anthocyanins (mg/l) 350 300 250 0 150 100 50 0 Intact Crushed Ground Fig. 1. Monomeric anthocyanin contents in black raspberry exudates exuded under different conditions. Intact, black raspberry without any crushing or grinding; crushed, black raspberry crushed by hand; ground, black raspberry ground using a blender; numbers, ethanol concentrations for exuding. Bars represent means±se (n=3). p<0.05: significantly different among the groups of black raspberry exudates with the same fruit type and exuding days.
128 이보경 신혜현 정지현 황금택 이연숙 김태영 10 30 days days 90 days Polyphenols (GAE,mg/L) 1000 0 0 0 0 0 Intact Crushed Ground Fig. 2. Polyphenol contents in black raspberry exudates exuded under different conditions. GAE: gallic acid equivalent. Legends are the same as in Fig. 1. Bars represent means±se (n=3). p<0.05: significantly different among the groups of black raspberry exudates with the same fruit type and exuding days. berry를이용한가공식품의특성에따라적절한가공시간을선택해야하며, 이를위해 30일보다짧은침출기간에대한추후연구가필요하다고판단된다. Black raspberry 침출액의항산화활성 Black raspberry 침출액의항산화능을알아보기위한실험에서는결과의타당성을높이기위해 DPPH와 ABTS를이용한두가지의측정법을사용하였다. DPPH는화학적으로안정화된 free radical을가지고있는수용성물질로항산화활성이있는물질로부터전자를공여받으면 radical이소거되어색깔이보라색에서옅은노란색으로변하며, ABTS radical은항산화성을가진물질에의해제거되어 radical 특유의청록색이탈색된다 (16,17). DPPH와 ABTS를이용하여 black raspberry 침출액의 free radical scavenging activity를구하고, 이를시료의농도별로나타낸곡선으로부터 DPPH SC 50 와 ABTS SC 50 을구한값을 Table 1과 2에나타냈다. DPPH SC 50 값은 30일째분석한시료중에서으깨어 % ethanol에침출한시료가 127 μg/ml, 일째와 90일째분석한시료중에서도녹즙기로갈아 % ethanol에침출한시료가각각 134 μg/ml와 162 μg/ml로서다른조건들보다낮은값을나타내어항산화능이높음을알수있었다. 또한, 30일째시료중에서녹즙기로갈아 % ethanol에침출한시료, 일째시료중에서원형으로 % ethanol에침출한시료, 90일째시료중에서도으깨어 % ethanol에침출한시료의 DPPH SC 50 값이각각 2 μg/ml, 6 μg/ml, 2 μg/ml로비교적높은값을나타내어다른조건들보다항산화능이낮음을알수있었다. 원형으로 % ethanol에침출하여 30일째분석한시료와갈아서 % ethanol에침출하여 30일째분석한시료를제외하고, 같은형태의과실로침출한침출액내에서 % ethanol 침출액의항산화능이가장낮게나타난것은 monomeric anthocyanin과 polyphenol 함량이유의적으로적게침출된결과와관계가있는것으로판단된다. ABTS SC 50 값도 30일, 일, 90일째분석한시료모두 Table 1. DPPH radical scavenging activities of black raspberry exudates exuded under different conditions DPPH SC 50 (μg/ml) 1) Samples Exuding time (days) 30 90 Intact Crushed Ground 177±33 2)NS3) 171±6 151±23 188±9 0±16 127±12 168±11 163±14 172±42 142±28 143±8 2±38 193±14 cd4) 186±17 bcd 143±16 ab 6±9 d 167±6 abcd 137±12 a 147±18 ab 137±11 a 171±11 abcd 134±17 a 1±6 abc 146±14 ab 217±27 NS 172±22 178±28 189±41 2±52 177±27 185±35 187±32 227±39 162±12 181±19 169±13 Legends are the same as in Fig. 1. 1) 50% DPPH radical scavenging activity. 2) Values are means±se (n=3). 3) NS: not significant at p<0.05. 4) Values with different superscripts within the same columns are significantly different at p<0.05. monomeric anthocyanin과 polyphenol 함량이낮은 % ethanol 침출액에서가장높은값을나타내었는데, 이러한결과들은 monomeric anthocyanin 함량과 polyphenol 함량이높을수록항산화능이우수하다고보고한선행연구들의결과와유사하였다 (3,18,19). 그러나 % ethanol 침출액의 monomeric anthocyanin 함량과 polyphenol 함량은다른조건의침출액보다유의적으로낮은값을나타낸반면, % ethanol 침출액의 ABTS SC 50 값은다른침출액에비해높은경향을보였으나유의적인차이는없었다 (p>0.05). 이는본연구에서분석한 monomeric anthocyanin과 polyphenol 외에 black raspberry에함유되어있는다른항산화물질들이관여할수있기때문이라고생각된다. DPPH와 ABTS free radical scavenging activity 모두 black raspberry 과실의형태에따른유의적인차이는나타나지않았으며 (p> 0.05), 침출기간에따른일정한경향도볼수없었다.
Black Raspberry 침출액의 Anthocyanin 및 Polyphenol 함량과항산화능 129 Table 2. ABTS radical scavenging activities of black raspberry exudates exuded under different conditions ABTS SC 50 (μg/ml) 1) Samples Exuding time (days) 30 90 Intact Crushed Ground 269±54 2)ab3) 213±31 ab 235±38 ab 285±30 ab 327±38 b 184±11 a 254±26 ab 261±21 ab 251±58 ab 217±31 ab 226±12 ab 279±42 ab 242±27 NS4) 2±34 216±21 286± 256±34 184±24 211±28 9±25 290±47 6±42 238±36 215±33 288±38 ab 238±15 a 2±38 ab 244±24 a 364±76 b 263±36 ab 266±34 ab 277±14 ab 341±34 ab 256±24 ab 282±17 b 257±25 ab Legends are the same as in Fig. 1. 1) 50% ABTS radical scavenging activity. 2) Values are means±se (n=3). 3) Values with different superscripts within the same columns are significantly different a p<0.05. 4) NS: not significant at p<0.05. 본실험의 free radical scavenging activity를국내산생약추출물의전자공여능과비교해보면, 300 ppm의농도에서작약 (86.6%), 목단 (.4%), 오미자 (85.7%) 등과비슷한결과를보였다 (). 또한 Moyer 등 (18) 의연구에서항산화능을나타내는 ORAC 값이 black raspberry가 146 μmol Trolox equivalents(te)/g으로 69.5 μmol TE/g인 blackberry에비해 2배이상높게나타나는등 Rubus속중에서도상대적으로높아, black raspberry가천연항산화제로서의이용가치가있는것으로생각된다. 요 Black raspberry 과실을원형으로사용하거나, 손으로으깨거나, 녹즙기로갈아서 %, %, %, % ethanol에담가 ( 용액 900 ml 당과실 125 g) 30,, 90일동안침출한후각침출액에대한 monomeric anthocyanin 함량, polyphenol 함량, DPPH와 ABTS free radical scavenging activity를측정하였다. 과실의형태와상관없이 % ethanol 을사용하여침출한경우에 monomeric anthocyanin 함량과 polyphenol 함량이유의적으로낮았다. 침출기간이길어질수록 monomeric anthocyanin 함량과 polyphenol 함량이감소하는경향을보였으며, 50% DPPH와 ABTS free radical scavenging activity는 % ethanol에서침출한경우에비교적높아항산화능이낮았다. 이러한연구결과로볼때 black raspberry 침출시 % ethanol을제외한용매를사용하고과실은으깨거나마쇄할필요없이원형그대로사용하는것이효율적이며, black raspberry의가공시침출기간도중요한고려사항인것으로생각된다. 약 감사의글 본연구는 08년농촌진흥청수확후관리연구사업단연구비지원에의해수행되어이에감사드립니다. 문 1. Shin TY, Shin HY, Kim SH, Kim DK, Chae BS, Oh CH, Cho MG, Oh SH, Kim JH, Lee TK, Park JS. 06. Rubus coreanus unripe fruit inhibits immediate-type allergic reaction and inflammatory cytokine secretion. Nat Prod Sci 12: 144-149. 2. Tulio AZ Jr, Reese RN, Wyzgoski FJ, Rinaldi PL, Fu R, Scheerens JC, Miller A. 08. Cyanidin 3-rutinoside and cyanidin 3-xylosylrutinoside as primary phenolic antioxidants in black raspberry. J Agric Food Chem 56: 18-1888. 3. Wada L, Ou B. 02. Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of Oregon caneberries. J Agric Food Chem 50: 3495-3500. 4. Wu X, Beecher GR, Holden JM, Haytowitz DB, Gebhardt SE, Prior RL. 06. Concentrations of anthocyanins in common foods in the united states and estimation of normal consumption. J Agric Food Chem 54: 69-75. 5. Xue H, Aziz RM, Sun N, Cassady JM, Kamendulis LM, Xu Y, Stoner GD, Klaunig JE. 01. Inhibition of cellular transformation by berry extracts. Carcinogenesis 22: 351-356. 6. Lee JH, Lee SR. 1994. Some physiological activity of phenolic substances in plant foods. Korean J Food Sci Technol 26: 317-323. 7. Siriwoharn T, Wrolstad RE, Finn CE, Rereira CB. 04. Influence of cultivar, maturity, and sampling on blackberry (Rubus L. Hybrids) anthocyanins, polyphenolics, and antioxidant properies. J Agric Food Chem 52: 21-30. 8. Anttonen MJ, Karjalainen RO. 05. Environmental and genetic variation of phenolic compounds in red raspberry. J Food Compos Anal 18: 759-769. 9. Shin KS, Park PJ, Boo HO, Ko JK, Han SS. 03. Chemical components and comparison of biological activities on the fruit of natural bogbunja (Rubus coreanus Miquel). Korean J Plant Res 16: 109-117. 10. Giusti MM, Wrolstad RE. 01. Characterization and measurement of anthocyanins by UV-visible spectroscopy. In Current Procotols in Food Analytical Chemistry. Wrolstad RE, ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. p F1.2.1-F1.2.13. 11. Singleton VL, Orthofer R, Lamuela-Raventos RM. 1999. Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Methods Enzymol 299: 152-178. 12. Brand-Williams W, Cuvelier ME, Berset C. 1995. Use of a free radical method of evaluate antioxidant activity. Lebensm-Wiss Techol 28: 25-30. 13. Kang J. 06. Changes of antioxidental components and activity during fermentation of Rubus coreanus Miq. and Morus alba L. fruits. MS Thesis. University of Jeonju, Korea. p 51-56. 14. Rodŕiguez-Saona LE, Giusti MM, Wrolstad RE. 1999. Color and pigment stability and red-fleshed potato juice model systems. J Food Sci 64: 451-456. 15. Rein M. 05. Copigmentation reactions and color stability of berry anthocyanins. Academic Dissertation. University of Helsinki, Finland. p 47-51. 헌
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