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328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유




韓國開發硏究제 31 권제 2 호 ( 통권제 15 호 ) 외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와 정부의범죄억지정책 김두얼 ( 한국개발연구원부연구위원 ) 김지은 ( 한국개발연구원연구원 ) Growth of Felonies after the 1997 Financial Crisis in Korea Duol Kim (Associate Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute) Jee Eun Kim (Research Assistant, Korea Development Institute) * 본논문의초고는경제학공동학술대회법경제학회분과, 서울대학교법과대학법과문화포럼및경제학부경제사세미나, 경제사상연구회, 29 Annual Meeting of Asian Law and Economics Association, KDI Journal of Economic Policy Conference, 29 KIEA International Conference 에서발표되었다. 유익한논평을해주신김종면, 이인재, 윤용준선생님및세미나참석자여러분께감사드린다. ** 김두얼 : (e-mail) duolkim@kdi.re.kr, (address) Korea Development Institute, 49 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 13-74, Korea 김지은 : (e-mail) mangodream@kdi.re.kr, (address) Korea Development Institute, 49 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 13-74, Korea * Key 한진희 Word: -제1 (Felonies), 저자, 최용석 -공저자 1997 (Financial Crisis of 1997), (Deterrence Policy), (Crime Rate), (Repeated Offender) JEL code: H4, H59, K14, K42, N4 Received: 29. 5. 28 Referee Process Started: 29. 5. 28 Referee Reports Completed: 29. 1. 21

ABSTRACT The Korean economy successfully overcame the macroeconomic downturns driven from the Asian financial crisis in a very short period of time. The economic shock, however, generated a variety of social problems, one of which was the increase in felonies (homicides, robbery, rape, and arson), or degradation of public safety. We argue that the Korean criminal policy has not been effective to ameliorate the rising trends in crime caused by the financial crisis. In order to substantiate this claim, we assess the effectiveness of criminal policy: policing, sentencing, and corrections. First, there has been resource shortage in policing since the 1997 financial crisis. For the past ten years, the investment of human resource and budget in the police has been virtually stagnant, as well as in prosecutors investigation activities. The insufficient resource allocation in policing caused a huge decline in arrest rates and prosecution rates. Second, the Korean judicial system has not increased the severity of punishment. Comparing the pre- and the post-financial crisis period, the average length of prison sentence by the courts has declined. Given the degrading in the quality of crime and the decreasing amount of inputs into the policing and prosecution, the government should have increased the severity of punishment to deter crime. Third, we found that the government hired more officers and allocated larger budget into prison and probation. However, it is difficult to suggest that the increased level of resources in correctional programs have been effective in preventing released prisoners from committing future crimes. This is because the number of repeat offenders convicted of more than a third offense increased dramatically since 1997, pushing felonies upward. In sum, the government organizations failed to respond respectively or to make coordinated actions, eventually causing a dramatic increase in crimes. This research brings explicit policy implications. In order to prevent possible additional degradation of public safety, the government must put more efforts into increasing the effectiveness of policy and to investing more resources into said policies. We also emphasize the importance of the institutional mechanisms which foster policy coordination among the Police, the Prosecutor s Office, the Ministry of Justice, and other relevant government organizations.


158 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ Ⅰ. 서론 1997 1,.,,,,,. 1),.,. (28), (27), (28), (23),. Cook and Zarkin(1985), Raphael and Winter-Ebmer(21), Donohue and Levitt (21), Machin and Meghir(24). Levitt (24, p.171),.. 1997, 1).

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 159 (, deterrence)..,.,..,,,,,,.,,,.. (index crime).,.,,,,,. Ⅱ. 범죄억지정책의틀 (security) (deterrence) (prevention) (punishment)..,

16 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ <Table 1> Theoretical Framework of Criminal Deterrence Policy (A) Policy measures and goals of criminal deterrence Policy Measures Policy Instruments Intermediate Variables Policy Goal Police Forces and Expenditure Policing Sentencing Workforce and Expenditure in the Prosecution Office Prosecutor s demanded sentence Sentence by the courts Arrest Rates Control the number of crime and crime rate Correction Workforce Expenditure Repeat Offense Rates (B) Government organizations in charge of policy instruments Criminal Deterrence Policy Policing The Police O Government Organizations The Prosecution Apprehension O O The Court Sentencing O O Correction The Ministry of Justice O. 2) (incapacitation), (rehabilitation).. ( ) ( ), ( ), ( ) (Table 1 ).,,. 2) Becker(1968).

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 161,,.,....,,,. Becker(1968), Ehrlich (1973), Wolpin(1978)..,,.,,,.,..,..,,,,

162 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ, (coordination failure).,,..,. Ⅲ. 흉악범죄의추이.,..,,, 4 ( ) ( ),. 3), 27 21, (Table 2 ). 1.1%, 2.5%,,,, 5.4%, 21.4%, 3), ( ), ( ),. ( ),

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 163 <Table 2> The Number of Crimes and Trial Cases in 27 Crime Occurrence and Treatment (Criminal Analysis) The criminal trial (book of Judicature) Name of Offense Reported case The number of Cases in prosecuted Trial Name of Offense Received case Criminal Offense 845,311 269,521 63,695 Criminal Offense 11,388 Homicide 1,124 674 674 Homicide 762 Robbery 4,47 1,397 1,397 Theft 212,53 22,353 1,736 Robbery and Theft 14,44 Arson 1,694 42 392 Accidental Fire 1,98 45 27 Arson and Accidental Fire 83 Rape 13,634 4,52 2,17 Adultery 613 41 36 Rape and Adultery 2,153 Others 69,338 24,197 48,416 Others 92,626 Special Law Offense 1,12,666 772,952 53,134 Special Law Offense 139,784 Total 1,965,977 1,42,473 116,829 Total 25,172 Felony 2,922 6,525 4,48 Violent Crime 18,973 5,574 3,146 Violent Crime 3,718 Notes: Felony includes homicide, robbery, arson, and rape. Violent crime refers to homicide, arson, accidental fire, rape, and adultery. See the text for detailed discussion on the definition of the violent crime. Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor s Office, Criminal Analysis 28, pp.5~55, 343~345; National Court Administration, book of Judicature 28, pp.864~873. 8.1%, 65.1%. 21, 196 3, 6 (Figure 1 ). 4) 7%. 1 196 1 27 43 4. 4) 1964 1967.

164 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ [Figure 1] Trends in Felonies and Felony Rates(1967~27) 25 5 45 2 4 35 Number of felonies 15 1 3 25 2 Felony rates 15 5 1 5 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 Number of felonies Felony rate Notes: Felony rate is computed per 1, people. Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor s Office, Criminal Analysis; Korea National Statistical Office, Korea Statistical book.. 196 197 3,~5, 198 1,. 198 199 15 1, 1997 27 21,.. 5),,,. 196 27 2, 4.5, 8, 1, 1997 (Figure 2 ). < 3> 1977 27 3, 5) 197 1997.

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 165 [Figure 2] Trends in Felonies and Felony Rates by Category(1967~27) (A) Homicide 12 3. 1 2.5 8 2. Number of Crimes 6 1.5 Crime rate 4 1. 2.5 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25. Number of crimes Crime rate (B) Robbery 8 18 7 16 6 14 Number of crimes 5 4 3 12 1 8 6 Crime rate 2 4 1 2 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 Number of crimes Crime rate

166 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ (C) Arson 2 4. 18 3.5 Number of crimes 16 14 12 1 8 3. 2.5 2. 1.5 Crime rate 6 4 2 1..5 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25. Number of crimes Crime rate (D) Rape 16 3 14 25 12 Number of crimes 1 8 6 2 15 1 Crime rate 4 2 5 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 Number of crimes Crime rate Notes: Crime rate is computed per 1, people. Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor s Office, Criminal Analysis; Korea National Statistical Office, Korea Statistical book.

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 167 <Table 3> Proportion of Felonies and the Growth Rate Number of Crimes Proportion(%) 1977 1987 1997 27 1977~27 Felony 5,229 9,135 11,914 2,964 Homicide 516 631 815 1,94 Robbery 1,24 3,23 4,425 4,577 Arson 33 558 885 1,69 Rape 3,179 4,923 5,79 13,64 Felony 1. 1. 1. 1. Homicide 9.9 6.9 6.8 5.2 Robbery 23. 33.1 37.1 21.8 Arson 6.3 6.1 7.4 8.1 Rape 6.8 53.9 48.6 64.9 Average Annual Growth Rate (%) Felony 6.2 2.9 6.5 5.2 Homicide 3.4 2.4 3.9 3.2 Robbery 12.1 6.4 1.5 6.7 Arson 4.9 5.9 9.3 6.7 Rape 5. 2. 9.6 5.5 Notes: The number of cases is the three-year average before and after the base year. The average for 27 is the average of 26 and 27. The average annual growth rate is computed by average value of annual growth rates. Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor s Office, Criminal Analysis....

168 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ [Figure 3] Intentional Homicide Rates of the OECD Countries(2~24) 6 Intentional Homicides (per 1, people) 5 4 3 2 1 United States Turkey Switzerland Finland Sweden Slovenia Czech Republic Korea Hngrary United Kingdom Canada Portugal France Poland Nation Belgium Australia New Zealand Italy Spain Germany Iceland Netherands Norway Luxembourg Austria Denmark Greece Notes: Homicide rate is computed per 1,. The homicide rates of Mexico marks 13 per 1, people, the highest among the OECD nations, but excluded in this figure. The average of homicide rates in the OECD countries is 2.16 (1.77 excluding Mexico), median is 1.6. Source: UNDP, Human Development Report 27/28, pp.322~325...,, 2 25 UNDP, OECD (Figure 3 ). 6), OECD..,, 6) UNDP 199 Human Development Report, 26, 27/8.

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 169, DNA..,..,..,. 4 2, 8, 1997...,,,.. [Figure 4]. 197 27 3.5, ( ) 3. 4...

17 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ 5. 4.5 4. 3.5 [Figure 4] Trends in Felony, Violent Crime, and All Crimes(1977~27) Crime Index 3. 2.5 2. 1.5 1..5. 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Felony All crimes Violent crime Notes: The average of crimes occurred from 197 to 198 is indexed as 1. Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor s Office, Criminal Analysis.. [Figure 1],. 1997,.. Ⅳ. 정부의범죄억지정책 1. 방범및검거,,,. 7)

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 171,., 197 57, 199 16, 1996 147, (Figure 5(A) ). 1975 1995 2 16 34, 3.,,, 196 33, 27 96,324 3 (Figure 5(B) ). 63, 9% 57, 196 1997, 1 1% 6,695. 8) 197 199 199 6 1996 5, 2 5. 1995 1995 8 4..,,. 1975 26 1, 1 5 (Figure 6(A) ).,. (Figure 6(B) )., 198 7) 2 3, 3. 8), 1998 1 2.

172 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ [Figure 5] Trends in Police (A) Police(1975~26) 18 4 16 35 14 3 Police (unit=1) 12 1 8 6 25 2 15 Police per 1, people 4 1 2 5 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 Police forces Police forces per 1, people (B) Police Officers, Combat Police, Administrative Employees(196~27) 1 9 8 7 unit= 1 people 6 5 4 3 2 1 196 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Police officer Combat police Administrative employees Source: The National Police Agency, The Whitepaper of Police; The National Police Agency, Statistical book of Police; Statistical Korea, Korean Statistical Information Service(KOSIS)

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 173 [Figure 6] Trends in Police Expenditure(Real Term, 2, = 1) (A) Police Expenditure(1975~27) 6 7 5 6 Police expenditure (Unit=1 billion won) 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 Expenditure per police (Unit=1 million won) 1 1 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 연도 year Total Expenditure Expendiutre per polic (B) Proportion of Labor Cost in Police Expenditure and Expenditure on Non-Labor Cost per Police(1982~27) 7 14 Proportion of labor cost in total police expenditure (%) 65 6 55 5 45 12 1 8 6 4 2 Non-labor cost per police (Unit=1 million won) 4 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 199 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 Proportion of labor cost Non-labor expenditure per police Notes: We divided total police expenditure by the number of police officers since the number of total police employees is not available for some years. Labor Cost Raito of labor cost = Total Police Expenditure Source: The National Police Agency, The Whitepaper of Police; The National Police Agency, Statistical book of Police.

174 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ 199 5%, 2 15%p 65%.. 1 1 ( ) 총예산 인건비 경찰청인력 (1). [Figure 6] (B), 198 199., 1. 198 7 27 1,7, 1988 4, 27 8, (Figure 7(A) ). 1988 27 4.5. 1 199 8 6, 1 1997 (Figure 7(B) ).,, 1. 9),., 1977 1997 96%, 9) 1.

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 175 [Figure 7] Trends of Workforce and Expenditure in the Prosecution (A) Workforce in the Prosecution 18 9 16 8 14 7 Prosecutor 12 1 8 6 6 5 4 3 Prosecution Employees 4 2 2 1 1988 1989 199 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Prosecutor Prosecution Employee (Excluding prosecutors) (B) Assistant Employees per Prosecutor and Real Expenditure 9 35 8 3 Assistant employees per prosecutor 7 6 5 4 3 2 25 2 15 1 Expenditure per prosecutor (2=1) 1 5 1988 1989 199 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 Assistant employees per prosecutor Expenditure per prosecutor Total Prosecution Employees Prosecutors Note: Assistants per prosecutor = Prosecutors Source: The Public Prosecutors' Quota Act, Ministry of Justice, book of Judicial Affairs.

176 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ [Figure 8] Arrest Rate of Offenders(1967~27) 15 1 Prosecution rate (%) 95 9 85 8 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Note: 1977~1997: The Average: 97.1%, Median 96.6%, 1998~27: The Average: 91.1%, Median 9.8%. Arrested cases Arrest Rates = Reported cases We excluded the arrest rate in 1993 because the number is 115%. Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor s Office, Criminal Analysis. 9% 6%p (Figure 8 ).,, 5% 2 3% (Figure 9(A) )., (Figure 9(B) ).,..

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 177 [Figure 9] Prosecution Rates and the Number of Prosecuted Offenders (A) All Crimes (1967~27) 12 7 1 6 Prosecuted offenders 8 6 4 5 4 3 2 Prosecution rates (%) 2 1 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 Number of prosecuted offenders Prosecution rates (B) Prosecution Rates by Crime Category 1 9 8 7 Prosecution rates 6 5 4 3 2 1 1965 197 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Homicide Robbery Arson Rape Number of Prosecuted Offenders Note: Prosecution Rates = Number of Arrested Offenders Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor s Office, Criminal Analysis.

178 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ, 1997...,. 2. 양형,,. 1953. 1995,..,. t 1 (2) : t 1 : i.,.,..,,,,,

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 179,,. 1),,,., (Table 2 ).,.,.,..,, 1, 1, 3, 5, 1. (2) (3) : :.,,,,. 1), 21,,., 21,.,.

18 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ (2). 3. 197 4% 2 2% (Figure 1(A) )., 197 6% 2 4% (Figure 1(B) )... <Table 4>., 1. <Table 4> 15,. 2. 25 2.,,,.,, 3..,.,

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 181 [Figure 1] Sentencing: Imprisonment, Suspended Sentencing, (A) Criminal Offense Monetary Penalty 1 9 8 Number of the convicted 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Monetary penalty Suspended sentencing Dealth penalty, Imprisonment for life,iimprisonment for definite terms 25 (B) Violent Crimes 2 Number of the convicted 15 1 5 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Monetary penalty Suspended sentencing Dealth penalty, Imprisonment for life,iimprisonment for definite terms Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor s Office, Criminal Analysis.

182 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ <Table 4> Weight Given to a Sentence Range for Computation of the Average Prison Sentence Suspended Sentencing Fines Less than a year Imprisonment for definite terms 1~3 years 3~5 years 5~1 years More than 1 years Imprisonment for life Death Penalty Weight.5 1.5 4 7.5 15 3 3.,, (4). (4)., (4).,. (5),.,. [Figure 11]. 1...,, 3 5~1 1 (Figure 12 ).

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 183 [Figure 11] Sentencing of Violent Crimes(1975~27) 6 5 Average prison sentnece () 4 3 2 1 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Violent crime (imprisonment) Violent crime (All forms of sentence) Source: Ministry of Justice, book of Judicial Affairs; Ministry of Justice, book of Judicature. [Figure 12] Proportion of Each Sentence Length at the Criminal Trials 7 6 5 Proportion (%) 4 3 2 1 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Less than 3 years 3-5 years 5-1 years More than 1 years Notes: The number of cases sentenced to Less than 3 years is the sum of Less than 1 year and Less than 3 years. Source: National Court Administration, book of Judicature.

184 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ 3., 3. 1. [Figure 13],. 1998. 11) 1.,. [Figure 1],,,,. 12) (5),. 3. 교정. 13), 11) 1948 1998 92 ( 19 ), 1989 1998, 1998. 12), [Figure 1(A)].. 13), 1.

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 185 [Figure 13] Number of Cases Sentenced to Imprisonment for Life and Death (A) Death Penalty Penalty(1975~27) 4 35 3 Number of the convicted 25 2 15 1 5 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Creminal offense Violent crime Special law offense 16 (B) Imprisonment for life 14 Number of the convicted 12 1 8 6 4 2 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Criminal offense Violent crime Special law offense Source: Ministry of Justice, book of Judicial Affairs, National Court Administration, book of Judicature.

186 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ..,.,,. 14) (incapacitation), (rehabilitation). Levitt(24). Dills, Miron, and Summers(28) Levitt(24). Donohue and Siegelman(1998).,. 199 (Figure 14(A) ). (Figure 14(B) ). 198 7 2 3. 1 1981 27 4. 198,.,, (Figure 14(C), (D) ).. 14) (27), p.188.

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 187 [Figure 14] Trends in Prison Inmates and Resource Input(1981~26) (A) The Number of Prison Inmates per Prison Officer and the Real Expenditure per Prisoner 8 9 7 8 Number of prisoners per prison officer 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Expenditure per prisoner (Unit=1billion, at 2 price) 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 Number of prisoners per prison officer Real expenditure per prisoner (B) Average Number of Prison Inmates per Day 8 Average prison inmates per day (Unit=1 people) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 21 23 25 27 Average number of prison inmates per day

188 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ 16 (C) The Workforce of Correctional Facilities 14 12 1 1 people 8 6 4 2 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Prison officer Correction commissioner (D) Expenditure on Correctional Facilities(At 2 prices) 9 8 Expenditure on Correctional Facilities (Unit=1 Billion, at 2 prices) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 Source: Ministry of Justice, book of Judicial Affairs.

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 189 1989, 1997,., 1997, 15 (Figure 15 )... 198 9,, 7~8%. 2 4, 3 6, (Figure 16 )..... Ⅴ. 맺음말 1997., 1.,.,,

19 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ 4 [Figure 15] Trends in Probationers and Resource Input (A) The Number of Probationers per Probation Officers The number of probationers per probation officers 35 3 25 2 15 1 5 199 1992 1994 1996 1998 2 22 24 26 28 Juvenile All age (B) Probationers and Number of Probation Officiers 18 14 16 12 14 12 1 Probationer 1 8 8 6 Probation officer 6 4 4 2 2 1989 199 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Probationer Probation officer Source: Ministry of Justice, book of Judecial Affairs.

외환위기이후흉악범죄의증가와정부의범죄억지정책 191 [Figure 16] Repeat Offenders among Felony Criminals(1975~27) 1 9 8 Defendant (Unit=1 people) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1975 198 1985 199 1995 2 25 21 First offense Second offense More than third offense Source: The Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office, Criminal Analysis.,.,,,. 1,,.,.,, 3.

192 韓國開發硏究 / 29. Ⅱ......

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