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1. 원인 1) 과다사용으로피로축척대퇴부강력한근육의시작부부위염좌, 미세출혈건열골절 ( 청소년기 : 골성장미숙 ) Tearing at insertion of rectus abdomins 2) 직접적인손상 선수끼리부딪힘 Conjoined tendon disruption Adductor microtears and/or inflammation 1. 10 to 18 groin injuries / 100 players : 62 % - adductor strains 가장많다 1) 직접손상 : 내전운동시다리가서로부딪혀서발생함 2) 과다사용 : 반복적으로강한내전힘을가하는경우 ex) inside Kick, 골반의과도한회전 ( 외전및과신전 ) 진단 : 고관절내회전시서혜부로의방사통, 운동범위감소 특징소견 : Squeeze test (+) : 하지의내전시저항에건부위압통 진단 : US - musculotendinous junction of the adductor longus or gracilis 양 0 운 M/17 전 0 고 US - musculotendinous junction of the adductor longus or gracilis 2

진단 2) Groin Disruption 서혜부단열 : MRI intermuscular or intramuscular hematoma 잦은결장, 경기력저하시키고만성적으로진행재발이많다 02-03 주이상충분한휴식연습과시합에너무빨리복귀하는것을막는것이중요함. Rx: Rest, Ice, NSAID, PT Groin stretching, strengthening Ex Muscle balance Ex 특징 : Groin pain on exertion, Pain with resisted adduction of the hip (65%) Pain & DT - provoked with pressure or half sit-ups Vl Valsalval 시통증 원인 : Tears of external oblique aponeurosis, Tears or dehiscence of the conjoined tendon Schematic view of the inguinal region 2) Groin Disruption 서혜부단열 2) Groin Disruption 서혜부단열 Conjoint tendon : a fusion of the tendons of int. obl. & trans. Abd. Muscles Conjoint tendon Junctional zone : superficial fibres of add. Long. tendon intermesh with those of conjoint tendon R = rectus abdominis muscle, T = transversalis fascia at the posterior wall of inguinal canal, M=trans. Abd. Muscles A = Adductor longus muscle and tendon, Arrowhead = inguinal ligament, Dotted arrow =deep inguinal ring US : conjoint tendon -thickening and/or swelling -tenderness Junctional zone 2) Groin Disruption 서혜부단열 3) Tearing at insertion of Rectus Abdominis M/19 한남대 M/13 해 0 중 X-ray, CT, bone scans, MRI : 다른감별진단에더도움이됨 Rx: Rest Groin stretching, strengthening Ex Core strengthening Ex Operation- open pelvic repair if refractory 국소압통, 북직근운동시통증및압통 Rx: Rest, NSIAD Groin stretching, strengthening Ex Core strengthening Ex Operation- open pelvic repair if refractory 3

2. Sports Hernia 스포츠탈장 2. Sports Hernia 스포츠탈장 Tearing of transversalis fascia 특징 : insidious-onset, gradually worsening, diffuse, deep groin pain. It may radiate along the inguinal ligament, perineum and rectus muscles. 원인 : Posterior abdominal wall weakness - occult direct 또는 indirect hernia 초래 Resulting in posterior inguinal wall incompetency posterior abdominal wall 이손상되기때문에이학적검사에서 inguinal hernia 가관찰되지않습니다 2. Sports Hernia 스포츠탈장 3. Osteitis Pubis 치골염 특징 : pubic symphysis pain & DT (+) Exercise-induced pain in the lower abdomen & medial thighs. Posterior abdominal wall weakness- thinning or tearing X-ray, CT, bone scans, MRI : 다른감별진단에더도움이됨 Rx: Rest Groin stretching, strengthening Ex Core strengthening Ex Operation- open pelvic repair if refractory 증상 : gradual in onset, slowly increasing in severity 몇주휴식취하면증상완전히사라지고운동시바로재발되는경향 3. Osteitis Pubis 치골염 3. Osteitis Pubis 치골염 조 o 빈 M/17 영생고 진단 : X-ray : widening of the pubic symphysis irregular contour of articular surfaces 이소성골화 : heterotrophic osification 감별진단 : 치골주위건염, 복부근육염좌, 스포츠탈장, 비뇨생식시이상, 고관절염 치료 : 초기에 icing, NSAIDS 투여및안정후기에 stretching MRI - marrow edema in the pubic bones 4

Common Features of occult Groin Injuries 4. Avulsion Fracture of Groins 골반골건열골절 Type Clinical features Pathologic features Treatment Athletic Pubalgia Inguinal pain Lower abdominal pain +/- Adductor pain Tearing of abdominal muscle attachment to pelvis Tearing of conjoined tendon Adductor microtearing Subtle pelvic instability/anterior pelvic tilt Surgery (if refractory ) Open pelvic floor repair 10 대청소년기 - 골단판이열려있어쉽게기시부건열골절발생 충격, 과도한킥동작 전상장골극, 전하장골극, 대전자부, 소전자부, 좌골조면 이 o 일 M/16 전주 0 고 Sports Inguinal I i l pain Posterior P t i inguinal i wall deficiency i ConservativeC Hernia Lower abdominal pain Thinning / tearing of transversalis fascia Surgery (refractory case only) Laparascopic Vs. Open Osteitis Pubis Peri-symphyseal pain Groin pain +/- Adductor pain Peri-symphyseal inflammation Conservative Cortisone injection Surgery (refractory case only) Curretage Vs. arthrodesis AIIS fx 4. Avulsion Fracture of Groins 골반골건열골절 4. Avulsion Fracture of Groins 골반골건열골절 오 o 석 M/18 영 0 고 김 o 호 M/17 영 0 고 김 o 세 M/13 해 0 중 김 o 호 M/14 완 0 중 Both AIIS fx ASIS fx AIIS fx - 부정유합 1cm 이상전위시수술부정유합 5. Ilioinguinal Nerve entrapment syndrom 서혜 - 장골신경포착증후군 횡복근, 내사근, 서혜부인대의피부를지배한다. 음경의아래부분, 음낭, 대음순, 내측허벅지에신경을전달한다. 직접적인외상, 집중적인복근운동, 염증성자극 이부위에화끈거린다거나쑤시는통증을표현함 감각저하, 촉각변화, 고관절굴곡시통증 치료 : 국소마취제 +steroid 주사, Gabapentine, 감별진단이매우중요 조기치료와충분한휴식 5

Thigh Muscle Injury Thigh Muscle Injuries in Athletes 대퇴부손상 1) Rectus Femoris Strain 대퇴직근손상 비구위쪽근육의시작부에서손상 1) 과도한킥훈련 - 과다사용증후군 고관절굴곡과슬관절신전시통증 2) 급성 : 갑작스런킥동작이나경기중상대방과충돌시급작스런근수축으로발생한다 1) Rectus Femoris Strain 대퇴직근손상 2) Quadriceps contusion 대퇴사두근좌상 전방에서직접가격으로발생 능동적수축과수동적스트레칭시통증악화 RICE 와약물요법 : 통증소실되면내전근스트레칭과근육강화운동시작 근육 Conditioning : 대퇴근육강화, 탄력성, 지구력 예방 : 스트레칭이가장좋은예방법 Dead leg!! 2) Quadriceps contusion 대퇴사두근좌상 혈종이있는지확인이매우중요- MRI, US RICE - 첫 24 시간치료에매우중요 이기간동안마사지금지 정 0 식 M/21 우 0 대 윤 0 수 M/21 우 0 대 점진적으로통증없는범위로관절운동을회복시키는데치료의역점 6

경기력의저하가현저히오래지속됨 송 0 현군장대 나이가들수록증가함 Arsenal FC : Wallcott 김 0 준전주대 원인 : Balanced Muscle power : Quadriceps > Hamstring (60-70%) 갑작스런킥 60-70% Injury Hamstring 60-70% Quad 공에발을뻗을려고슬근이과도하게스트레칭될때 슬근의유연성부족, 부적적한 warm-up RICE치료 손상직후통증없는범위내에서스트레칭 Take Off Message 다양한원인과손상만성손상으로진행조기정확한진단과치료 재활 : 04 주이상통증을가능한빨리사라지게한다유연성늘리기운동과근력강화운동시작 - 근육의완전한길이를얻은뒤에근력운동을서서히시행햐야함 - 근력이완전히회복해야재손상적음 Adductor strains ( mc) Osteitis pubis Sports hernia Groin disruption Avulsion fractures Nerve compression 7

Take Off Message 병명 특징 치료선택 Adductor strains 하지내전시저항에건부위통증 휴식 NSAID PT ( mc) 복직근파열 국소압통 sit up시통증 휴식 NSAID PT 서혜부단열 Valsalva 술식- 통증 휴식 NSAID PT Surgeory Osteitis pubis 치골부위압통, 내전저항시통증, 방사선촬영 Sports hernia 점점심해지고깊어지는통증, 복부, 서혜인대, 사타구니로통증진행, 후복벽의약화 휴식 NSAID steroid injection 후기에스트레칭 휴식, PT, Core Ex, Surgeory 건열골절 압통, 방사선사진 휴식, 1cm 이상시수 술 신경포착증후군 작열감, 촉각변화, 고관절굴곡시통증 국소마취제 + steroid, Gabapentine Be Happy with Your Good Insoles! Thanks for your attention!! 전주참병원송하헌 htosong@hanmail.net 8