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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은


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74 현대정치연구 2015년 봄호(제8권 제1호) Ⅰ. 서론 2015년 1월 7일, 프랑스 파리에서 총격 사건이 발생했다. 두 명의 남성이 풍자 잡지 주간 샤를리 의 본사에 침입하여 총기를 난사한 것이다. 이 사건으로 인해 열두 명의 사람이 목숨을 잃었다. 얼마 후에




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328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유


1 Polumerw/j kai. polutro,pwj pa,lai o` qeo.j lalh,saj toi/j patra,sin evn toi/j profh,taij In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 옛적에선지자( 先知者 ) 들로여러부분( 部分 ) 과여러모양( 模樣 ) 으로우리 조상( 祖上 ) 들에게말씀하신하나님이 2 evp evsca,twn tw/n h`merw/n tou,twn evla,lhsen h`mi/n evn ui`w/ o]n e;qhken klhrono,mon pa,ntwn di ou- kai. tou.j aivw/naj\ evpoi,hsen but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 이모든날마지막에아들로우리에게말씀하셨으니이아들을만유( 萬有 ) 의후사( 後嗣 ) 로세우시고또저로말미암아모든세계( 世界 ) 를지으셨느니라 3 o]j w'n avpau,gasma th/j do,xhj kai. carakth.r th/j u`posta,sewj auvtou/ fe,rwn te ta. pa,nta tw/ r`h,mati th/j duna,mewj auvtou/ div eautou/ kaqarismo.n poihsa,menoj tw/n a`martiw/n hmw/n( evka,qisen evn dexia/ th/j megalwsu,nhj evn u`yhloi/j The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 이는하나님의영광( 榮光 ) 의광채( 光彩 ) 시요그본체( 本體 ) 의형상( 形像 ) 이시라그의 능력( 能力 ) 의말씀으로만물( 萬物 ) 을붙드시며죄( 罪 ) 를정결( 淨潔 ) 케하는일을하시고 높은곳에계신위엄( 威嚴 ) 의우편( 右便 ) 에앉으셨느니라 4 tosou,tw krei,ttwn geno,menoj tw/n avgge,lwn o[sw diaforw,teron par auvtou.j keklhrono,mhken o;noma So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs. 저가천사( 天使 ) 보다얼마큼뛰어남은저희보다더욱아름다운이름을기업( 基業 ) 으로얻으심이니 5 Ti,ni ga.r ei=pe,n pote tw/n avgge,lwn Ui`o,j mou ei= su, evgw. sh,meron gege,nnhka, se kai. pa,lin VEgw. e;somai auvtw/ eivj pate,ra kai. auvto.j e;stai moi eivj ui`o,n For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son; today I have

become your Father"? Or again, "I will be his Father, and he will be my Son"? 하나님께서어느때에천사( 天使 ) 중( 中 ) 누구에게네가내아들이라오늘날내가너를낳았다하셨으며또다시나는그에게아버지가되고그는내게아들이되리라하셨느뇨 6 o[tan de. pa,lin eivsaga,gh to.n prwto,tokon eivj th.n oivkoume,nhn le,gei Kai. proskunhsa,twsan auvtw/ pa,ntej a;ggeloi qeou/ And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all God's angels worship him." 또맏아들을이끌어세상( 世上 ) 에다시들어오게하실때에하나님의모든천사( 天使 ) 가저에게경배( 敬拜 ) 할지어다말씀하시며 7 kai. pro.j me.n tou.j avgge,louj le,gei ~O poiw/n tou.j avgge,louj auvtou/ pneu,mata kai. tou.j leitourgou.j auvtou/ puro.j flo,ga In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire." 또천사( 天使 ) 들에관( 關 ) 하여는그는그의천사( 天使 ) 들을바람으로, 그의 사역자( 使役者 ) 들을불꽃으로삼으시느니라하셨으되 8 pro.j de. to.n ui`o,n ~O qro,noj sou o` qeo,j eivj to.n aivw/na tou/ aivw/noj r`a,bdoj euvqu,thtoj h` r`a,bdoj th/j basilei,aj sou But about the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom. 아들에관( 關 ) 하여는하나님이여주( 主 ) 의보좌( 寶座 ) 가영영( 永永 ) 하며주( 主 ) 의 나라의홀( 笏 ) 은공평( 公平 ) 한홀( 笏 ) 이니이다 9 hvga,phsaj dikaiosu,nhn kai. evmi,shsaj avnomi,an\ dia. tou/to e;crise,n se o` qeo,j o` qeo,j sou e;laion avgallia,sewj para. tou.j meto,couj sou You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy." 네가의( 義 ) 를사랑하고불법( 不法 ) 을미워하였으니그러므로하나님곧너의하나님이즐거움의기름을네게부어네동류( 同類 ) 들보다승( 勝 ) 하게하셨도다하였고 10 kai, Su. kat avrca,j ku,rie th.n gh/n evqemeli,wsaj kai. e;rga tw/n ceirw/n sou, eivsin oi` ouvranoi,\ He also says, "In the beginning, O Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. 또주( 主 ) 여태초( 太初 ) 에주( 主 ) 께서땅의기초( 基礎 ) 를두셨으며하늘도주( 主 ) 의

손으로지으신바라 11 auvtoi. avpolou/ntai su. de. diame,neij kai. pa,ntej w`j i`ma,tion palaiwqh,sontai They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. 그것들은멸망( 滅亡 ) 할것이나오직주( 主 ) 는영존( 永存 ) 할것이요그것들은다 옷과같이낡아지리니 12 kai. w`sei. peribo,laion e`li,xeij auvtou,j kai. avllagh,sontai\ su. de. o` auvto.j ei= kai. ta. e;th sou ouvk evklei,yousin You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment they will be changed. But you remain the same, and your years will never end." 의복( 衣服 ) 처럼갈아입을것이요그것들이옷과같이변( 變 ) 할것이나주( 主 ) 는 여전( 如前 ) 하여연대( 年代 ) 가다함이없으리라하였으나 13 pro.j ti,na de. tw/n avgge,lwn ei;rhke,n pote Ka,qou evk dexiw/n mou e[wj a'n qw/ tou.j evcqrou,j sou u`popo,dion tw/n podw/n sou To which of the angels did God ever say, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet"? 어느때에천사( 天使 ) 중( 中 ) 누구에게내가네원수( 怨讐 ) 로네발등상되게 하기까지너는내우편( 右便 ) 에앉았으라하셨느뇨 14 ouvci. pa,ntej eivsi.n leitourgika. pneu,mata eivj diakoni,an avpostello,mena dia. tou.j me,llontaj klhronomei/n swthri,an Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? 모든천사( 天使 ) 들은부리는영( 靈 ) 으로서구원( 救援 ) 얻을후사( 後嗣 ) 들을 위( 爲 ) 하여섬기라고보내심이아니뇨 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자히1:1~14)

1 Dia. tou/to dei/ perissote,rwj h`ma/j prose,cein toi/j avkousqei/sin mh,pote pararruw/men) We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. 그러므로모든들은것을우리가더욱간절( 懇切 ) 히삼갈지니혹( 或 ) 흘러떠내려갈까염려( 念慮 ) 하노라 2 eiv ga.r o` di avgge,lwn lalhqei.j lo,goj evge,neto be,baioj kai. pa/sa para,basij kai. parakoh. e;laben e;ndikon misqapodosi,an For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, 천사( 天使 ) 들로하신말씀이견고( 堅固 ) 하게되어모든범죄( 犯罪 ) 함과순종( 順從 ) 치 아니함이공변된보응( 報應 ) 을받았거든 3 pw/j h`mei/j evkfeuxo,meqa thlikau,thj avmelh,santej swthri,aj h[tij avrch.n labou/sa lalei/sqai dia. tou/ kuri,ou u`po. tw/n avkousa,ntwn eivj h`ma/j evbebaiw,qh how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. 우리가이같이큰구원( 救援 ) 을등한( 等閑 ) 히여기면어찌피( 避 ) 하리요이 구원( 救援 ) 은처음에주( 主 ) 로말씀하신바요들은자( 者 ) 들이우리에게확증( 確證 ) 한 바니 4 sunepimarturou/ntoj tou/ qeou/ shmei,oij te kai. te,rasin kai. poiki,laij duna,mesin kai. pneu,matoj a`gi,ou merismoi/j kata. th.n auvtou/ qe,lhsin God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. 하나님도표적( 標蹟 ) 들과기사( 奇事 ) 들과여러가지능력( 能力 ) 과및자기( 自己 ) 뜻을 따라성령( 聖靈 ) 의나눠주신것으로써저희와함께증거( 證據 ) 하셨느니라 5 Ouv ga.r avgge,loij u`pe,taxen th.n oivkoume,nhn th.n me,llousan peri. h`j lalou/men It is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking. 하나님이우리의말한바장차( 將次 ) 오는세상( 世上 ) 을천사( 天使 ) 들에게는 복종( 服從 ) 케하심이아니라

6 diemartu,rato de, pou, tij le,gwn Ti, evstin a;nqrwpoj o[ti mimnh, skh auvtou/ h' ui`o.j avnqrw,pou o[ti evpiske,pth auvto,n But there is a place where someone has testified: "What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? 오직누가어디증거( 證據 ) 하여가로되사람이무엇이관대주( 主 ) 께서저를 생각하시며인자( 人子 ) 가무엇이관대주( 主 ) 께서저를권고( 眷顧 ) 하시나이까 7 hvla,ttwsaj auvto.n bracu, ti par avgge,louj do,xh kai. timh/ evstefa,nwsaj auvto,n kai. kate,sthsaj auvto.n evpi. ta. e;rga tw/n ceirw/n sou\ honor You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and 저를잠간( 暫間 ) 동안천사( 天使 ) 보다못하게하시며영광( 榮光 ) 과존귀( 尊貴 ) 로 관( 冠 ) 씌우시며 8 pa,nta u`pe,taxaj u`poka,tw tw/n podw/n auvtou/ evn ga.r tw/ u`pota,xai auvtw/ ta. pa,nta ouvde.n avfh/ken auvtw/ avnupo,takton nu/n de. ou;pw o`rw/men auvtw/ ta. pa,nta u`potetagme,na\ and put everything under his feet." In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him. 만물( 萬物 ) 을그발아래복종( 服從 ) 케하셨느니라하였으니만물( 萬物 ) 로저에게 복종( 服從 ) 케하셨은즉복종( 服從 ) 치않은것이하나도없으나지금우리가만물( 萬物 ) 이 아직저에게복종( 服從 ) 한것을보지못하고 9 to.n de. bracu, ti par avgge,louj hvlattwme,non ble,pomen VIhsou/n dia. to. pa,qhma tou/ qana,tou do,xh kai. timh/ evstefanwme,non o[pwj ca,riti qeou/ u`pe.r panto.j geu,shtai qana,tou But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. 오직우리가천사( 天使 ) 들보다잠간( 暫間 ) 동안못하게하심을입은자( 者 ) 곧 죽음의고난( 苦難 ) 받으심을인( 因 ) 하여영광( 榮光 ) 과존귀( 尊貴 ) 로관( 冠 ) 쓰신예수를 보니이를행( 行 ) 하심은하나님의은혜( 恩惠 ) 로말미암아모든사람을위( 爲 ) 하여죽음을 맛보려하심이라 10 :Eprepen ga.r auvtw/ di o]n ta. pa,nta kai. di ou- ta. pa,nta pollou.j ui`ou.j eivj do,xan avgago,nta to.n avrchgo.n th/j swthri,aj auvtw/n dia. paqhma,twn

teleiw/sai In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. 만물( 萬物 ) 이인( 因 ) 하고만물( 萬物 ) 이말미암은자( 者 ) 에게는많은아들을이끌어 영광( 榮光 ) 에들어가게하시는일에저희구원( 救援 ) 의주( 主 ) 를고난( 苦難 ) 으로 말미암아온전( 穩全 ) 케하심이합당( 合當 ) 하도다 11 o` te ga.r a`gia,zwn kai. oi` a`giazo,menoi evx e`no.j pa,ntej\ di h]n aivti,an ouvk evpaiscu,netai avdelfou.j auvtou.j kalei/n Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. 거룩하게하시는자( 者 ) 와거룩하게함을입은자( 者 ) 들이다하나에서난지라그러므로형제( 兄弟 ) 라부르시기를부끄러워아니하시고 12 le,gwn VApaggelw/ to. o;noma, sou toi/j avdelfoi/j mou evn me,sw evkklhsi,aj u`mnh,sw se He says, "I will declare your name to my brothers; in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises." 이르시되내가주( 主 ) 의이름을내형제( 兄弟 ) 들에게선포( 宣布 ) 하고내가주( 主 ) 를 교회( 敎會 ) 중( 中 ) 에서찬송( 讚頌 ) 하리라하셨으며 13 kai. pa,lin VEgw. e;somai pepoiqw.j evp auvtw/ kai. pa,lin VIdou. evgw. kai. ta. paidi,a a[ moi e;dwken o` qeo,j And again, "I will put my trust in him." And again he says, "Here am I, and the children God has given me." 또다시내가그를의지( 依支 ) 하리라하시고또다시볼지어다나와및하나님께서내게주신자녀( 子女 ) 라하셨으니 14 evpei. ou=n ta. paidi,a kekoinw,nhken sarko,j kai. ai[matoj kai. auvto.j paraplhsi,wj mete,scen tw/n auvtw/n i[na dia. tou/ qana,tou katargh,sh to.n to. kra,toj e;conta tou/ qana,tou tou/tve;stin to.n dia,bolon Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is, the devil-- 자녀( 子女 ) 들은혈육( 血肉 ) 에함께속( 屬 ) 하였으매그도또한한모양( 模樣 ) 으로 혈육( 血肉 ) 에함께속( 屬 ) 하심은사망( 死亡 ) 으로말미암아사망( 死亡 ) 의세력( 勢力 ) 을 잡은자( 者 ) 곧마귀( 魔鬼 ) 를없이하시며

15 kai. avpalla,xh tou,touj o[soi fo,bw qana,tou dia. panto.j tou/ zh/n e;nocoi h=san doulei,aj and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. 또죽기를무서워하므로일생( 一生 ) 에매여종노릇하는모든자( 者 ) 들을놓아주려하심이니 16 ouv ga.r dh,pou avgge,lwn evpilamba,netai avlla. spe,rmatoj VAbraa.m evpilamba,netai For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants. 이는실( 實 ) 로천사( 天使 ) 들을붙들어주려하심이아니요오직아브라함의자손( 子孫 ) 을붙들어주려하심이라 17 o[qen w;feilen kata. pa,nta toi/j avdelfoi/j o`moiwqh/nai i[na evleh,mwn ge,nhtai kai. pisto.j avrciereu.j ta. pro.j to.n qeo,n eivj to. i`la,skesqai ta.j a`marti,aj tou/ laou/ For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. 그러므로저가범사( 凡事 ) 에형제( 兄弟 ) 들과같이되심이마땅하도다이는하나님의 일에자비( 慈悲 ) 하고충성( 忠誠 ) 된대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 이되어백성( 百姓 ) 의죄( 罪 ) 를 구속( 救贖 ) 하려하심이라 18 evn w- ga.r pe,ponqen auvto.j peirasqei,j du,natai toi/j peirazome,noij bohqh/sai Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. 자기( 自己 ) 가시험( 試驗 ) 을받아고난( 苦難 ) 을당( 當 ) 하셨은즉시험( 試驗 ) 받는 자( 者 ) 들을능( 能 ) 히도우시느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자히2:1~18)

1 {Oqen avdelfoi. a[gioi klh,sewj evpourani,ou me,tocoi katanoh,sate to.n avpo,stolon kai. avrciere,a th/j o`mologi,aj h`mw/n Cristo.n VIhsou/n Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess. 그러므로함께하늘의부르심을입은거룩한형제( 兄弟 ) 들아우리의믿는 도리( 道理 ) 의사도( 使徒 ) 시며대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 이신예수를깊이생각하라 2 pisto.n o;nta tw/ poih,santi auvto.n w`j kai. Mwsh/j evn o[lw tw/ oi;kw auvtou/ He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God's house. 저가자기( 自己 ) 를세우신이에게충성( 忠誠 ) 하시기를모세가하나님의온집에서한것과같으니 3 plei,onoj ga.r do,xhj ou-toj para. Mwsh/n hvxi,wtai kaq o[son plei,ona timh.n e;cei tou/ oi;kou o` kataskeua,saj auvto,n\ Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. 저는모세보다더욱영광( 榮光 ) 을받을만한것이마치집지은자( 者 ) 가그집보다더욱존귀( 尊貴 ) 함같으니라 4 pa/j ga.r oi=koj kataskeua,zetai u`po, tinoj o` de. ta. pa,nta kataskeua,saj qeo,j For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. 집마다지은이가있으니만물( 萬物 ) 을지으신이는하나님이시라 5 kai. Mwsh/j me.n pisto.j evn o[lw tw/ oi;kw auvtou/ w`j qera,pwn eivj martu,rion tw/n lalhqhsome,nwn Moses was faithful as a servant in all God's house, testifying to what would be said in the future. 또한모세는장래( 將來 ) 에말할것을증거( 證據 ) 하기위( 爲 ) 하여하나님의온 집에서사환( 使喚 ) 으로충성( 忠誠 ) 하였고 6 Cristo.j de. w`j ui`o.j evpi. to.n oi=kon auvtou/\ ou- oi=ko,j evsmen h`mei/j eva,nper th.n parrhsi,an kai. to. kau,chma th/j evlpi,doj me,cri te,louj bebai,an kata,scwmen But Christ is faithful as a son over God's house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast. 그리스도는그의집맡은아들로충성( 忠誠 ) 하였으니우리가소망( 所望 ) 의담대( 膽大 ) 함과자랑을끝까지견고( 堅固 ) 히잡으면그의집이라

7 Dio, kaqw.j le,gei to. pneu/ma to. a[gion Sh,meron eva.n th/j fwnh/j auvtou/ avkou,shte So, as the Holy Spirit says: "Today, if you hear his voice, 그러므로성령( 聖靈 ) 이이르신바와같이오늘날너희가그의음성( 音聲 ) 을듣거든 8 mh. sklhru,nhte ta.j kardi,aj u`mw/n w`j evn tw/ parapikrasmw/ kata. th.n h`me,ran tou/ peirasmou/ evn th/ evrh,mw do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, 노( 怒 ) 하심을격동( 激動 ) 하여광야( 曠野 ) 에서시험( 試驗 ) 하던때와같이너희마음을 강퍅( 剛愎 ) 케하지말라 9 ou- evpei,rasan me oi` pate,rej u`mw/n evdokimasa,n me( kai. ei=don ta. e;rga mou tessara,konta e;th\ where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did. 거기서너희열조( 列祖 ) 가나를시험( 試驗 ) 하여증험( 證驗 ) 하고사십년( 四十年 ) 동안에나의행사( 行事 ) 를보았느니라 10 dio. prosw,cqisa th/ genea/ evkei,nh ( kai. ei=pon VAei. planw/ntai th/ kardi,a auvtoi. de. ouvk e;gnwsan ta.j o`dou,j mou That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, 'Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.' 그러므로내가이세대( 世代 ) 를노( 怒 ) 하여가로되저희가항상( 恒常 ) 마음이 미혹( 迷惑 ) 되어내길을알지못하는도다하였고 11 w`j w;mosa evn th/ ovrgh/ mou\ Eiv eivseleu,sontai eivj th.n kata,pausi,n mou So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.'" 내가노( 怒 ) 하여맹세( 盟誓 ) 한바와같이저희는내안식( 安息 ) 에들어오지 못하리라하셨다하였으니 12 Ble,pete avdelfoi, mh,pote e;stai e;n tini u`mw/n kardi,a ponhra. avpisti,aj evn tw/ avposth/nai avpo. qeou/ zw/ntoj See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 형제( 兄弟 ) 들아너희가삼가혹( 或 ) 너희중( 中 ) 에누가믿지아니하는악심( 惡心 ) 을 품고살아계신하나님에게서떨어질까염려( 念慮 ) 할것이요

13 avlla. parakalei/te e`autou.j kaq e`ka,sthn h`me,ran a;crij ou- to. Sh,meron kalei/tai i[na mh. sklhrunqh/ tij evx u`mw/n avpa,th th/j a`marti,aj But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. 오직오늘이라일컫는동안에매일( 每日 ) 피차( 彼此 ) 권면( 勸勉 ) 하여너희중( 中 ) 에 누구든지죄( 罪 ) 의유혹( 誘惑 ) 으로강퍅( 剛愎 ) 케됨을면( 免 ) 하라 14 me,tocoi ga.r gego,namen tou/ Cristou/ eva,nper th.n avrch.n th/j u`posta,sewj me,cri te,louj bebai,an kata,scwmen We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first. 우리가시작( 始作 ) 할때에확실( 確實 ) 한것을끝까지견고( 堅固 ) 히잡으면 그리스도와함께참예( 參與 ) 한자( 者 ) 가되리라 15 evn tw/ le,gesqai Sh,meron eva.n th/j fwnh/j auvtou/ avkou,shte Mh. sklhru,nhte ta.j kardi,aj u`mw/n w`j evn tw/ parapikrasmw/ As has just been said: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion." 성경( 聖經 ) 에일렀으되오늘날너희가그의음성( 音聲 ) 을듣거든노( 怒 ) 하심을 격동( 激動 ) 할때와같이너희마음을강퍅( 剛愎 ) 케하지말라하였으니 16 ti,nej ga.r avkou,santej parepi,kranan avll ouv pa,ntej oi` evxelqo,ntej evx Aivgu,ptou dia. Mwse,wj) Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt? 듣고격노( 激怒 ) 케하던자( 者 ) 가누구뇨모세를좇아애굽에서나온모든이가아니냐 17 ti,sin de. prosw,cqisen tessara,konta e;th ouvci. toi/j a`marth,sasin w-n ta. kw/la e;pesen evn th/ evrh,mw And with whom was he angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the desert? 또하나님이사십년( 四十年 ) 동안에누구에게노( 怒 ) 하셨느뇨범죄( 犯罪 ) 하여그 시체( 屍體 ) 가광야( 曠野 ) 에엎드러진자( 者 ) 에게가아니냐 18 ti,sin de. w;mosen mh. eivseleu,sesqai eivj th.n kata,pausin auvtou/ eiv mh. toi/j avpeiqh,sasin

And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed? 또하나님이누구에게맹세( 盟誓 ) 하사그의안식( 安息 ) 에들어오지못하리라하셨느뇨곧순종( 順從 ) 치아니하던자( 者 ) 에게가아니냐 19 kai. ble,pomen o[ti ouvk hvdunh,qhsan eivselqei/n di avpisti,an So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief. 이로보건대저희가믿지아니하므로능( 能 ) 히들어가지못한것이라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자히3:1~19)

1 Fobhqw/men ou=n mh,pote kataleipome,nhj evpaggeli,aj eivselqei/n eivj th.n kata,pausin auvtou/ dokh/ tij evx u`mw/n u`sterhke,nai Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. 그러므로우리는두려워할지니그의안식( 安息 ) 에들어갈약속( 約束 ) 이남아있을 지라도너희중( 中 ) 에혹( 或 ) 미치지못할자( 者 ) 가있을까함이라 2 kai. ga,r evsmen euvhggelisme,noi kaqa,per kavkei/noi\ avll ouvk wvfe,lhsen o` lo,goj th/j avkoh/j evkei,nouj mh. sugkekrame,noj th/ pi,stei toi/j avkou,sasin For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith. 저희와같이우리도복음( 福音 ) 전( 傳 ) 함을받은자( 者 ) 이나그러나그들은바 말씀이저희에게유익( 有益 ) 되지못한것은듣는자( 者 ) 가믿음을화합( 和合 ) 지 아니함이라 3 eivserco,meqa ga.r eivj th.n kata,pausin oi` pisteu,santej kaqw.j ei;rhken ~Wj w;mosa evn th/ ovrgh/ mou Eiv eivseleu,sontai eivj th.n kata,pausi,n mou kai,toi tw/n e;rgwn avpo. katabolh/j ko,smou genhqe,ntwn Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, "So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.'" And yet his work has been finished since the creation of the world. 이미믿는우리들은저안식( 安息 ) 에들어가는도다그말씀하신바와같으니내가 노( 怒 ) 하여맹세( 盟誓 ) 한바와같이저희가내안식( 安息 ) 에들어오지못하리라하셨다 하였으나세상( 世上 ) 을창조( 創造 ) 할때부터그일이이루었느니라 4 ei;rhken ga,r pou peri. th/j e`bdo,mhj ou[twj Kai. kate,pausen o` qeo.j evn th/ h`me,ra th/ e`bdo,mh avpo. pa,ntwn tw/n e;rgwn auvtou/ For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: "And on the seventh day God rested from all his work." 제( 第 ) 칠일( 七日 ) 에관( 關 ) 하여는어디이렇게일렀으되하나님은제( 第 ) 칠일( 七日 ) 에그의모든일을쉬셨다하였으며 5 kai. evn tou,tw pa,lin Eiv eivseleu,sontai eivj th.n kata,pausi,n mou And again in the passage above he says, "They shall never enter my rest." 또다시거기저희가내안식( 安息 ) 에들어오지못하리라하였으니

6 evpei. ou=n avpolei,petai tina.j eivselqei/n eivj auvth,n kai. oi` pro,teron euvaggelisqe,ntej ouvk eivsh/lqon di avpei,qeian It still remains that some will enter that rest, and those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in, because of their disobedience. 그러면거기들어갈자( 者 ) 들이남아있거니와복음( 福音 ) 전( 傳 ) 함을먼저받은 자( 者 ) 들은순종( 順從 ) 치아니함을인( 因 ) 하여들어가지못하였으므로 7 pa,lin tina. o`ri,zei h`me,ran Sh,meron evn Dabi.d le,gwn meta. tosou/ton cro,non kaqw.j ei;rhtai( Sh,meron eva.n th/j fwnh/j auvtou/ avkou,shte mh. sklhru,nhte ta.j kardi,aj u`mw/n Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." 오랜후( 後 ) 에다윗의글에다시어느날을정( 定 ) 하여오늘날이라고미리이같이일렀으되오늘날너희가그의음성( 音聲 ) 을듣거든너희마음을강퍅( 剛愎 ) 케말라하였나니 8 eiv ga.r auvtou.j VIhsou/j kate,pausen ouvk a'n peri. a;llhj evla,lei meta. tau/ta h`me,raj For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. 만일( 萬一 ) 여호수아가저희에게안식( 安息 ) 을주었더면그후( 後 ) 에다른날을 말씀하지아니하셨으리라 9 a;ra avpolei,petai sabbatismo.j tw/ law/ tou/ qeou/ There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; 그런즉안식( 安息 ) 할때가하나님의백성( 百姓 ) 에게남아있도다 10 o` ga.r eivselqw.n eivj th.n kata,pausin auvtou/ kai. auvto.j kate,pausen avpo. tw/n e;rgwn auvtou/ w[sper avpo. tw/n ivdi,wn o` qeo,j for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. 이미그의안식( 安息 ) 에들어간자( 者 ) 는하나님이자기( 自己 ) 일을쉬심과같이 자기( 自己 ) 일을쉬느니라 11 spouda,swmen ou=n eivselqei/n eivj evkei,nhn th.n kata,pausin i[na mh. evn tw/ auvtw/ tij u`podei,gmati pe,sh th/j avpeiqei,aj

Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience. 그러므로우리가저안식( 安息 ) 에들어가기를힘쓸지니이는누구든지저순종( 順從 ) 치아니하는본( 本 ) 에빠지지않게하려함이라 12 Zw/n ga.r o` lo,goj tou/ qeou/ kai. evnergh.j kai. tomw,teroj u`pe.r pa/san ma,cairan di,stomon kai. dii?knou,menoj a;cri merismou/ yuch/j te kai. pneu,matoj a`rmw/n te. kai. muelw/n kai. kritiko.j evnqumh,sewn kai. evnnoiw/n kardi,aj\ For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 하나님의말씀은살았고운동력이있어좌우( 左右 ) 에날선어떤검( 劍 ) 보다도 예리( 銳利 ) 하여혼( 魂 ) 과영( 靈 ) 과및관절( 關節 ) 과골수( 骨髓 ) 를찔러쪼개기까지하며 또마음의생각과뜻을감찰( 監察 ) 하나니 13 kai. ouvk e;stin kti,sij avfanh.j evnw,pion auvtou/ pa,nta de. gumna. kai. tetrachlisme,na toi/j ovfqalmoi/j auvtou/ pro.j o]n h`mi/n o` lo,goj Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. 지으신것이하나라도그앞에나타나지않음이없고오직만물( 萬物 ) 이우리를상관( 相關 ) 하시는자( 者 ) 의눈앞에벌거벗은것같이드러나느니라 14 :Econtej ou=n avrciere,a me,gan dielhluqo,ta tou.j ouvranou,j VIhsou/n to.n ui`o.n tou/ qeou/ kratw/men th/j o`mologi,aj Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 그러므로우리에게큰대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 이있으니승천( 昇天 ) 하신자( 者 ) 곧 하나님아들예수시라우리가믿는도리( 道理 ) 를굳게잡을지어다 15 ouv ga.r e;comen avrciere,a mh. duna,menon sumpaqh/sai tai/j avsqenei,aij h`mw/n pepeirame,non de. kata. pa,nta kaq o`moio,thta cwri.j a`marti,aj For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin. 우리에게있는대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 은우리연약( 軟弱 ) 함을체휼( 體恤 ) 하지아니하는 자( 者 ) 가아니요모든일에우리와한결같이시험( 試驗 ) 을받은자( 者 ) 로되죄( 罪 ) 는 없으시니라

16 prosercw,meqa ou=n meta. parrhsi,aj tw/ qro,nw th/j ca,ritoj i[na la,bwmen e;leon( kai. ca,rin eu[rwmen eivj eu;kairon boh,qeian Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. 그러므로우리가긍휼( 矜恤 ) 하심을받고때를따라돕는은혜( 恩惠 ) 를얻기 위( 爲 ) 하여은혜( 恩惠 ) 의보좌( 寶座 ) 앞에담대( 膽大 ) 히나아갈것이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자히4:1~16)

1 Pa/j ga.r avrciereu.j evx avnqrw,pwn lambano,menoj u`pe.r avnqrw,pwn kaqi,statai ta. pro.j to.n qeo,n i[na prosfe,rh dw/ra, te kai. qusi,aj u`pe.r a`martiw/n Every high priest is selected from among men and is appointed to represent them in matters related to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. 대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 마다사람가운데서취( 取 ) 한자( 者 ) 이므로하나님께속( 屬 ) 한 일에사람을위( 爲 ) 하여예물( 禮物 ) 과속죄( 贖罪 ) 하는제사( 祭祀 ) 를드리게하나니 2 metriopaqei/n duna,menoj toi/j avgnoou/sin kai. planwme,noij evpei. kai. auvto.j peri,keitai avsqe,neian He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness. 저가무식( 無識 ) 하고미혹( 迷惑 ) 한자( 者 ) 를능( 能 ) 히용납( 容納 ) 할수있는것은 자기( 自己 ) 도연약( 軟弱 ) 에싸여있음이니라 3 kai. dia. tauvth.n ovfei,lei kaqw.j peri. tou/ laou/ ou[twj kai. peri. e`autou/ prosfe,rein u`pe.r a`martiw/n This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins, as well as for the sins of the people. 이러므로백성( 百姓 ) 을위( 爲 ) 하여속죄제( 贖罪祭 ) 를드림과같이또한자기( 自己 ) 를 위( 爲 ) 하여드리는것이마땅하니라 4 kai. ouvc e`autw/ tij lamba,nei th.n timh,n avlla. o` kalou,menoj u`po. tou/ qeou/ kaqa,per kai. o` VAarw,n No one takes this honor upon himself; he must be called by God, just as Aaron was. 이존귀( 尊貴 ) 는아무나스스로취( 取 ) 하지못하고오직아론과같이하나님의부르심을입은자( 者 ) 라야할것이니라 5 Ou[twj kai. o` Cristo.j ouvc e`auto.n evdo,xasen genhqh/nai avrciere,a avll o` lalh,saj pro.j auvto,n Ui`o,j mou ei= su, evgw. sh,meron gege,nnhka, se\ So Christ also did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But God said to him, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father." 또한이와같이그리스도께서대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 되심도스스로영광( 榮光 ) 을취( 取 ) 하심이아니요오직말씀하신이가저더러이르시되너는내아들이니내가오늘날너를낳았다하셨고

6 kaqw.j kai. evn e`te,rw le,gei Su. i`ereu.j eivj to.n aivw/na kata. th.n ta,xin Melcise,dek And he says in another place, "You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek." 또한이와같이다른데말씀하시되네가영원( 永遠 ) 히멜기세덱의반차( 班次 ) 를좇는제사장( 祭司長 ) 이라하셨으니 7 o]j evn tai/j h`me,raij th/j sarko.j auvtou/ deh,seij te kai. i`kethri,aj pro.j to.n duna,menon sw, zein auvto.n evk qana,tou meta. kraugh/j ivscura/j kai. dakru,wn prosene,gkaj kai. eivsakousqei.j avpo. th/j euvlabei,aj During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. 그는육체( 肉體 ) 에계실때에자기( 自己 ) 를죽음에서능( 能 ) 히구원( 救援 ) 하실 이에게심( 甚 ) 한통곡( 痛哭 ) 과눈물로간구( 懇求 ) 와소원( 所願 ) 을올렸고그의 경외( 敬畏 ) 하심을인( 因 ) 하여들으심을얻었느니라 8 kai,per w'n ui`o.j e;maqen avf w-n e;paqen th.n u`pakoh,n Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered 그가아들이시라도받으신고난( 苦難 ) 으로순종( 順從 ) 함을배워서 9 kai. teleiwqei.j evge,neto toi/j u`pakou,ousin auvtw/ pa/sin ai;tioj swthri,aj aivwni,ou and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him 온전( 穩全 ) 하게되었은즉자기( 自己 ) 를순종( 順從 ) 하는모든자( 者 ) 에게 영원( 永遠 ) 한구원( 救援 ) 의근원( 根源 ) 이되시고 10 prosagoreuqei.j u`po. tou/ qeou/ avrciereu.j kata. th.n ta,xin Melcise,dek and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek. 하나님께멜기세덱의반차( 班次 ) 를좇은대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 이라칭( 稱 ) 하심을 받았느니라 11 Peri. ou- polu.j h`mi/n o` lo,goj kai. dusermh,neutoj le,gein evpei. nwqroi. gego,nate tai/j avkoai/j We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. 멜기세덱에관( 關 ) 하여는우리가할말이많으나너희의듣는것이둔( 鈍 ) 하므로

해석( 解釋 ) 하기어려우니라 12 kai. ga.r ovfei,lontej ei=nai dida,skaloi dia. to.n cro,non pa,lin crei,an e;cete tou/ dida,skein u`ma/j tina. ta. stoicei/a th/j avrch/j tw/n logi,wn tou/ qeou/ kai. gego,nate crei,an e;contej ga,laktoj kai. ouv sterea/j trofh/j In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 때가오래므로너희가마땅히선생( 先生 ) 이될터인데너희가다시하나님의말씀의초보( 初步 ) 가무엇인지누구에게가르침을받아야할것이니젖이나먹고단단한식물( 植物 ) 을못먹을자( 者 ) 가되었도다 13 pa/j ga.r o` mete,cwn ga,laktoj a;peiroj lo,gou dikaiosu,nhj nh,pioj ga,r evstin\ Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 자( 者 ) 요 대저( 大抵 ) 젖을먹는자( 者 ) 마다어린아이니의( 義 ) 의말씀을경험( 經驗 ) 하지못한 14 telei,wn de, evstin h` sterea. trofh, tw/n dia. th.n e[xin ta. aivsqhth,ria gegumnasme,na evco,ntwn pro.j dia,krisin kalou/ te kai. kakou/ But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. 단단한식물( 植物 ) 은장성( 長成 ) 한자( 者 ) 의것이니저희는지각( 知覺 ) 을 사용( 使用 ) 하므로연단( 鍊鍛 ) 을받아선악( 善惡 ) 을분변( 分辨 ) 하는자( 者 ) 들이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자히5:1~14)

1 Dio. avfe,ntej to.n th/j avrch/j tou/ Cristou/ lo,gon evpi. th.n teleio,thta ferw,meqa mh. pa,lin qeme,lion kataballo,menoi metanoi,aj avpo. nekrw/n e;rgwn kai. pi,stewj evpi. qeo,n Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, 그러므로우리가그리스도도( 道 ) 의초보( 初步 ) 를버리고죽은행실( 行實 ) 을 회개( 悔改 ) 함과하나님께대한신앙( 信仰 ) 과 2 baptismw/n didach/j evpiqe,sew,j te ceirw/n avnasta,sew,j te nekrw/n kai. kri,matoj aivwni,ou instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. 세례( 洗禮 ) 들과안수( 按手 ) 와죽은자( 者 ) 의부활( 復活 ) 과영원( 永遠 ) 한심판( 審判 ) 에 관( 關 ) 한교훈( 敎訓 ) 의터를다시닦지말고완전( 完全 ) 한데나아갈지니라 3 kai. tou/to poih,somen eva,nper evpitre,ph o` qeo,j And God permitting, we will do so. 하나님께서허락( 許諾 ) 하시면우리가이것을하리라 4 VAdu,naton ga.r tou.j a[pax fwtisqe,ntaj geusame,nouj te th/j dwrea/j th/j evpourani,ou kai. meto,couj genhqe,ntaj pneu,matoj a`gi,ou It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 되고 한번( 番 ) 비췸을얻고하늘의은사( 恩賜 ) 를맛보고성령( 聖靈 ) 에참예( 參與 ) 한바 5 kai. kalo.n geusame,nouj qeou/ r`h/ma duna,meij te me,llontoj aivw/noj who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, 하나님의선( 善 ) 한말씀과내세( 來世 ) 의능력( 能力 ) 을맛보고 6 kai. parapeso,ntaj pa,lin avnakaini,zein eivj meta,noian avnastaurou/ntaj e`autoi/j to.n ui`o.n tou/ qeou/ kai. paradeigmati,zontaj if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public

disgrace. 타락( 墮落 ) 한자( 者 ) 들은다시새롭게하여회개( 悔改 ) 케할수없나니이는 자기( 自己 ) 가하나님의아들을다시십자가( 十字架 ) 에못박아현저( 顯著 ) 히욕( 辱 ) 을 보임이라 7 gh/ ga.r h` piou/sa to.n evp auvth/j polla,kij evrco,menon u`eto,n kai. ti,ktousa bota,nhn eu;qeton evkei,noij di ou]j kai. gewrgei/tai metalamba,nei euvlogi,aj avpo. tou/ qeou/\ Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. 땅이그위에자주내리는비를흡수( 吸收 ) 하여밭가는자( 者 ) 들의쓰기에 합당( 合當 ) 한채소( 菜蔬 ) 를내면하나님께복( 福 ) 을받고 8 evkfe,rousa de. avka,nqaj kai. tribo,louj avdo,kimoj kai. kata,raj evggu,j h`j to. te,loj eivj kau/sin But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned. 만일( 萬一 ) 가시와엉겅퀴를내면버림을당( 當 ) 하고저주( 詛呪 ) 함에가까와그 마지막은불사름이되리라 9 Pepei,smeqa de. peri. u`mw/n avgaphtoi, ta. krei,ttona kai. evco,mena swthri,aj eiv kai. ou[twj lalou/men Even though we speak like this, dear friends, we are confident of better things in your case--things that accompany salvation. 사랑하는자( 者 ) 들아우리가이같이말하나너희에게는이보다나은것과구원( 救援 ) 에가까운것을확신( 確信 ) 하노라 10 ouv ga.r a;dikoj o` qeo.j evpilaqe,sqai tou/ e;rgou u`mw/n kai. tou/ ko,pou th/j avga,phj h`j evnedei,xasqe eivj to. o;noma auvtou/ diakonh,santej toi/j a`gi,oij kai. diakonou/ntej God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. 하나님이불의( 不義 ) 치아니하사너희행위( 行爲 ) 와그의이름을위( 爲 ) 하여나타낸 사랑으로이미성도( 聖徒 ) 를섬긴것과이제도섬기는것을잊어버리지아니하시느니라 11 evpiqumou/men de. e[kaston u`mw/n th.n auvth.n evndei,knusqai spoudh.n pro.j th.n plhrofori,an th/j evlpi,doj a;cri te,louj

We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. 우리가간절( 懇切 ) 히원( 願 ) 하는것은너희각( 各 ) 사람이동일( 同一 ) 한부지런을 나타내어끝까지소망( 所望 ) 의풍성( 豊盛 ) 함에이르러 12 i[na mh. nwqroi. ge,nhsqe mimhtai. de. tw/n dia. pi,stewj kai. makroqumi,aj klhronomou,ntwn ta.j evpaggeli,aj We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. 게으르지아니하고믿음과오래참음으로말미암아약속( 約束 ) 들을기업( 基業 ) 으로 받는자( 者 ) 들을본( 本 ) 받는자( 者 ) 되게하려는것이니라 13 Tw/ ga.r VAbraa.m evpaggeila,menoj o` qeo,j evpei. kat ouvdeno.j ei=cen mei,zonoj ovmo,sai w;mosen kaq e`autou/ When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, 하나님이아브라함에게약속( 約束 ) 하실때에가리켜맹세( 盟誓 ) 할자( 者 ) 가 자기( 自己 ) 보다더큰이가없으므로자기( 自己 ) 를가리켜맹세( 盟誓 ) 하여 14 le,gwn =H mh.n euvlogw/n euvlogh,sw se kai. plhqu,nwn plhqunw/ se\ saying, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants." 가라사대내가반드시너를복( 福 ) 주고복( 福 ) 주며너를번성( 蕃盛 ) 케하고 번성( 蕃盛 ) 케하리라하셨더니 15 kai. ou[twj makroqumh,saj evpe,tucen th/j evpaggeli,aj And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. 저가이같이오래참아약속( 約束 ) 을받았느니라 16 a;nqrwpoi men ga.r kata. tou/ mei,zonoj ovmnu,ousin kai. pa,shj auvtoi/j avntilogi,aj pe,raj eivj bebai,wsin o` o[rkoj\ Men swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument. 사람들은자기( 自己 ) 보다더큰자( 者 ) 를가리켜맹세( 盟誓 ) 하나니맹세( 盟誓 ) 는 저희모든다투는일에최후( 最後 ) 확정( 確定 ) 이니라 17 evn w- perisso,teron boulo,menoj o` qeo.j evpidei/xai toi/j klhrono,moij th/j evpaggeli,aj to. avmeta,qeton th/j boulh/j auvtou/ evmesi,teusen o[rkw Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very

clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. 하나님은약속( 約束 ) 을기업( 基業 ) 으로받는자( 者 ) 들에게그뜻이변( 變 ) 치 아니함을충분( 充分 ) 히나타내시려고그일에맹세( 盟誓 ) 로보증( 保證 ) 하셨나니 18 i[na dia. du,o pragma,twn avmetaqe,twn evn oi-j avdu,naton yeu,sasqai qeo,n ivscura.n para,klhsin e;cwmen oi` katafugo,ntej krath/sai th/j prokeime,nhj evlpi,doj\ God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. 이는하나님이거짓말을하실수없는이두가지변( 變 ) 치못할사실( 事實 ) 을 인( 因 ) 하여앞에있는소망( 所望 ) 을얻으려고피( 避 ) 하여가는우리로큰안위( 安慰 ) 를 받게하려하심이라 19 h]n w`j a;gkuran e;comen th/j yuch/j avsfalh/ te kai. bebai,an kai. eivsercome,nhn eivj to. evsw,teron tou/ katapeta,smatoj We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 우리가이소망( 所望 ) 이있는것은영혼( 靈魂 ) 의닻같아서튼튼하고견고( 堅固 ) 하여휘장( 揮帳 ) 안에들어가나니 20 o[pou pro,dromoj u`pe.r h`mw/n eivsh/lqen VIhsou/j kata. th.n ta,xin Melcise,dek avrciereu.j geno,menoj eivj to.n aivw/na where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. 그리로앞서가신예수께서멜기세덱의반차( 班次 ) 를좇아영원( 永遠 ) 히 대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 이되어우리를위( 爲 ) 하여들어가셨느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자히6:1~20)

1 Ou-toj ga.r o` Melcise,dek basileu.j Salh,m i`ereu.j tou/ qeou/ tou/ u`yi,stou o` sunanth,saj VAbraa.m u`postre,fonti avpo. th/j koph/j tw/n basile,wn kai. euvlogh,saj auvto,n This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, 이멜기세덱은살렘왕( 王 ) 이요지극( 至極 ) 히높으신하나님의제사장( 祭司長 ) 이라 여러임금을쳐서죽이고돌아오는아브라함을만나복( 福 ) 을빈자( 者 ) 라 2 w- kai. deka,thn avpo. pa,ntwn evme,risen VAbraa,m prw/ton me.n e`rmhneuo,menoj basileu.j dikaiosu,nhj e;peita de. kai. basileu.j Salh,m o[ evstin basileu.j eivrh,nhj and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, his name means "king of righteousness"; then also, "king of Salem" means "king of peace." 아브라함이일체( 一體 ) 십분( 十分 ) 의일( 一 ) 을그에게나눠주니라그이름을 번역( 飜譯 ) 한즉첫째의( 義 ) 의왕( 王 ) 이요또살렘왕( 王 ) 이니곧평강( 平康 ) 의 왕( 王 ) 이요 3 avpa,twr avmh,twr avgenealo,ghtoj mh,te avrch.n h`merw/n mh,te zwh/j te,loj e;cwn avfwmoiwme,noj de. tw/ ui`w/ tou/ qeou/ me,nei i`ereu.j eivj to. dihneke,j Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest forever. 아비도없고어미도없고족보( 族譜 ) 도없고시작( 始作 ) 한날도없고생명( 生命 ) 의 끝도없어하나님아들과방불( 彷佛 ) 하여항상( 恒常 ) 제사장( 祭司長 ) 으로있느니라 4 Qewrei/te de. phli,koj ou-toj w- kai. deka,thn VAbraa.m e;dwken evk tw/n avkroqini,wn o` patria,rchj Just think how great he was: Even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder! 이사람의어떻게높은것을생각하라조상( 祖上 ) 아브라함이노략물( 擄略物 ) 중( 中 ) 좋은것으로십분( 十分 ) 의일( 一 ) 을저에게주었느니라 5 kai. oi` me.n evk tw/n ui`w/n Leui. th.n i`eratei,an lamba,nontej evntolh.n e;cousin avpodekatou/n to.n lao.n kata. to.n no,mon tou/tve;stin tou.j avdelfou.j auvtw/n kai,per evxelhluqo,taj evk th/j ovsfu,oj VAbraa,m\ Now the law requires the descendants of Levi who become priests to collect a tenth from the people--that is, their brothers--even though their brothers are descended from Abraham.

레위의아들들가운데제사장( 祭司長 ) 의직분( 職分 ) 을받는자( 者 ) 들이율법( 律法 ) 을 좇아아브라함의허리에서난자( 者 ) 라도자기( 自己 ) 형제( 兄弟 ) 인백성( 百姓 ) 에게서 십분( 十分 ) 의일( 一 ) 을취( 取 ) 하라는명령( 命令 ) 을가졌으나 6 o` de. mh. genealogou,menoj evx auvtw/n dedeka,twken to.n VAbraa,m kai. to.n e;conta ta.j evpaggeli,aj euvlo,ghken This man, however, did not trace his descent from Levi, yet he collected a tenth from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises. 레위족보( 族譜 ) 에들지아니한멜기세덱은아브라함에게서십분( 十分 ) 의일( 一 ) 을 취( 取 ) 하고그약속얻은자( 者 ) 를위( 爲 ) 하여복( 腹 ) 을빌었나니 7 cwri.j de. pa,shj avntilogi,aj to. e;latton u`po. tou/ krei,ttonoj euvlogei/tai And without doubt the lesser person is blessed by the greater. 폐일언( 蔽一言 ) 하고낮은자( 者 ) 가높은자( 者 ) 에게복( 福 ) 빎을받느니라 8 kai. w-de me.n deka,taj avpoqnh, skontej a;nqrwpoi lamba,nousin evkei/ de. marturou,menoj o[ti zh/ In the one case, the tenth is collected by men who die; but in the other case, by him who is declared to be living. 또여기는죽을자( 者 ) 들이십분( 十分 ) 의일( 一 ) 을받으나저기는산다고 증거( 證據 ) 를얻은자( 者 ) 가받았느니라 9 kai. w`j e;poj eivpei/n dia. VAbraa.m kai. Leui. o` deka,taj lamba,nwn dedeka,twtai\ Abraham, One might even say that Levi, who collects the tenth, paid the tenth through 또한십분( 十分 ) 의일( 一 ) 을받는레위도아브라함으로말미암아십분( 十分 ) 의 일( 一 ) 을바쳤다할수있나니 10 e;ti ga.r evn th/ ovsfu,i? tou/ patro.j h=n o[te sunh,nthsen auvtw/ o` Melcise,dek because when Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the body of his ancestor. 이는멜기세덱이아브라함을만날때에레위는아직자기( 自己 ) 조상( 祖上 ) 의허리에있었음이니라 11 Eiv me.n ou=n telei,wsij dia. th/j Leuitikh/j i`erwsu,nhj h=n o` lao.j ga.r evp auvth/ nenomoqe,thto( ti,j e;ti crei,a kata. th.n ta,xin Melcise,dek e[teron avni,stasqai i`ere,a kai. ouv kata. th.n ta,xin VAarw.n le,gesqai

If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the law was given to the people), why was there still need for another priest to come--one in the order of Melchizedek, not in the order of Aaron? 레위계통( 系統 ) 의제사( 祭祀 ) 직분( 職分 ) 으로말미암아온전( 穩全 ) 함을얻을수 있었으면 ( 백성( 百姓 ) 이그아래서율법( 律法 ) 을받았으니) 어찌하여아론의 반차( 班次 ) 를좇지않고멜기세덱의반차( 班次 ) 를좇는별다른한제사장( 祭司長 ) 을세울 필요( 必要 ) 가있느뇨 12 metatiqeme,nhj ga.r th/j i`erwsu,nhj evx avna,gkhj kai. no,mou meta,qesij gi,netai For when there is a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change of the law. 제사( 祭祀 ) 직분( 職分 ) 이변역( 變易 ) 한즉율법( 律法 ) 도반드시변역( 變易 ) 하리니 13 evf o]n ga.r le,getai tau/ta fulh/j e`te,raj mete,schken avf h`j ouvdei.j prose,schken tw/ qusiasthri,w \ He of whom these things are said belonged to a different tribe, and no one from that tribe has ever served at the altar. 이것은한사람도제단( 祭壇 ) 일을받들지않는다른지파( 支派 ) 에속( 屬 ) 한 자( 者 ) 를가리켜말한것이라 14 pro,dhlon ga.r o[ti evx VIou,da avnate,talken o` ku,rioj h`mw/n eivj h]n fulh.n ouvde.n peri. i`erwsunh,j Mwsh/j evla,lhsen For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah, and in regard to that tribe Moses said nothing about priests. 우리주( 主 ) 께서유다로좇아나신것이분명( 分明 ) 하도다이지파( 支派 ) 에는 모세가제사장( 祭司長 ) 들에관( 關 ) 하여말한것이하나도없고 15 kai. perisso,teron e;ti kata,dhlo,n evstin eiv kata. th.n o`moio,thta Melcise,dek avni,statai i`ereu.j e[teroj And what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek appears, 멜기세덱과같은별다른한제사장( 祭司長 ) 이일어난것을보니더욱분명( 分明 ) 하도다 16 o]j ouv kata. no,mon evntolh/j sarki,khj ge,gonen avlla. kata. du,namin zwh/j avkatalu,tou one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his

ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life. 그는육체( 肉體 ) 에상관( 相關 ) 된계명( 誡命 ) 의법( 法 ) 을좇지아니하고오직 무궁( 無窮 ) 한생명( 生命 ) 의능력( 能力 ) 을좇아된것이니 17 marturei/ ga.r o[ti Su. i`ereu.j eivj to.n aivw/na kata. th.n ta,xin Melcise,dek For it is declared: "You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek." 증거( 證據 ) 하기를네가영원( 永遠 ) 히멜기세덱의반차( 班次 ) 를좇는 제사장( 祭司長 ) 이라하였도다 18 avqe,thsij me.n ga.r gi,netai proagou,shj evntolh/j dia. to. auvth/j avsqene.j kai. avnwfele,j The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless 전( 前 ) 엣계명( 誡命 ) 이연약( 軟弱 ) 하며무익( 無益 ) 하므로폐( 廢 ) 하고 19 ouvde.n ga.r evtelei,wsen o` no,moj evpeisagwgh. de. krei,ttonoj evlpi,doj di h`j evggi,zomen tw/ qew/ (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God. ( 율법( 律法 ) 은아무것도온전( 穩全 ) 케못할지라) 이에더좋은소망( 所望 ) 이생기니 이것으로우리가하나님께가까이가느니라 20 Kai. kaq o[son ouv cwri.j o`rkwmosi,aj\ And it was not without an oath! Others became priests without any oath, 또예수께서제사장( 祭司長 ) 된것은맹세( 盟誓 ) 없이된것이아니니 21 oi[ me,n ga,r cwri,j o`rkwmosi,aj eivsin i`erei/j gegono,tej o` de. meta. o`rkwmosi,aj( dia. tou/ le,gontoj pro.j auvto,n\ :Wmosen ku,rioj kai. ouv metamelhqh,setai\ Su. i`ereu.j eivj to.n aivw/na kata. th.n ta,xin Melcisede,k but he became a priest with an oath when God said to him: "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: 'You are a priest forever.'" ( 저희는맹세( 盟誓 ) 없이제사장( 祭司長 ) 이되었으되오직예수는자기( 自己 ) 에게 말씀하신자( 者 ) 로말미암아맹세( 盟誓 ) 로되신것이라주( 主 ) 께서맹세( 盟誓 ) 하시고 뉘우치지아니하시리니네가영원( 永遠 ) 히제사장( 祭司長 ) 이라하셨도다) 22 kata. tosou/ton krei,ttonoj diaqh,khj ge,gonen e;gguoj VIhsou/j Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant. 이와같이예수는더좋은언약( 言約 ) 의보증( 保證 ) 이되셨느니라

23 kai. oi` me.n plei,one,j eivsin gegono,tej i`erei/j dia. to. qana,tw kwlu,esqai parame,nein\ Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; 저희제사장( 祭司長 ) 된자( 者 ) 의수효( 數爻 ) 가많은것은죽음을인( 因 ) 하여 항상( 恒常 ) 있지못함이로되 24 o` de. dia. to. me,nein auvto.n eivj to.n aivw/na avpara,baton e;cei th.n i`erwsu,nhn\ but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. 예수는영원( 永遠 ) 히계시므로그제사( 祭祀 ) 직분( 職分 ) 도갈리지아니하나니 25 o[qen kai. sw, zein eivj to. pantele.j du,natai tou.j prosercome,nouj di auvtou/ tw/ qew/ pa,ntote zw/n eivj to. evntugca,nein u`pe.r auvtw/n Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. 그러므로자기( 自己 ) 를힘입어하나님께나아가는자( 者 ) 들을온전( 穩全 ) 히 구원( 救援 ) 하실수있으니이는그가항상( 恒常 ) 살아서저희를위( 爲 ) 하여 간구( 懇求 ) 하심이니라 26 Toiou/toj ga.r h`mi/n e;prepen avrciereu,j o[sioj a;kakoj avmi,antoj kecwrisme,noj avpo. tw/n a`martwlw/n kai. u`yhlo,teroj tw/n ouvranw/n geno,menoj Such a high priest meets our need--one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. 이러한대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 은우리에게합당( 合當 ) 하니거룩하고악( 惡 ) 이없고 더러움이없고죄인( 罪人 ) 에게서떠나계시고하늘보다높이되신자( 者 ) 라 27 o]j ouvk e;cei kaq h`me,ran avna,gkhn w[sper oi` avrcierei/j pro,teron u`pe.r tw/n ivdi,wn a`martiw/n qusi,aj avnafe,rein e;peita tw/n tou/ laou/\ tou/to ga.r evpoi,hsen evfa,pax e`auto.n avnene,gkaj Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. 저가저대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 들이먼저자기( 自己 ) 죄( 罪 ) 를위( 爲 ) 하고다음에 백성( 百姓 ) 의죄( 罪 ) 를위( 爲 ) 하여날마다제사( 祭祀 ) 드리는것과같이할필요( 必要 ) 가 없으니이는저가단번( 單番 ) 에자기( 自己 ) 를드려이루셨음이니라 28 o` no,moj ga.r avnqrw,pouj kaqi,sthsin avrcierei/j e;contaj avsqe,neian o` lo,goj

de. th/j o`rkwmosi,aj th/j meta. to.n no,mon ui`o.n eivj to.n aivw/na teteleiwme,non For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever. 율법( 律法 ) 은약점( 弱點 ) 을가진사람들을제사장( 祭司長 ) 으로세웠거니와 율법( 律法 ) 후( 後 ) 에하신맹세( 盟誓 ) 의말씀은영원( 永遠 ) 히온전( 穩全 ) 케되신아들을 세우셨느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자히7:1~28)

1 Kefa,laion de. evpi. toi/j legome,noij toiou/ton e;comen avrciere,a o]j evka,qisen evn dexia/ tou/ qro,nou th/j megalwsu,nhj evn toi/j ouvranoi/j The point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, 이제하는말의중요( 重要 ) 한것은이러한대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 이우리에게있는 것이라그가하늘에서위엄( 威嚴 ) 의보좌( 寶座 ) 우편( 右便 ) 에앉으셨으니 2 tw/n a`gi,wn leitourgo.j kai. th/j skhnh/j th/j avlhqinh/j h]n e;phxen o` ku,rioj kai. ouvk a;nqrwpoj by man. and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not 성소( 聖所 ) 와참장막( 帳幕 ) 에부리는자( 者 ) 라이장막( 帳幕 ) 은주( 主 ) 께서베푸신 것이요사람이한것이아니니라 3 pa/j ga.r avrciereu.j eivj to. prosfe,rein dw/ra, te kai. qusi,aj kaqi,statai\ o[qen avnagkai/on e;cein ti kai. tou/ton o] prosene,gkh Every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. 대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 마다예물( 禮物 ) 과제사( 祭祀 ) 드림을위( 爲 ) 하여세운자( 者 ) 니 이러므로저도무슨드릴것이있어야할지니라 4 eiv me.n ga.r h=n evpi. gh/j ouvd a'n h=n i`ereu,j o;ntwn tw/n i`ere,wn tw/n prosfero,ntwn kata. to.n no,mon ta. dw/ra\ If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already men who offer the gifts prescribed by the law. 예수께서만일( 萬一 ) 땅에계셨더면제사장( 祭司長 ) 이되지아니하셨을것이니이는 율법( 律法 ) 을좇아예물( 禮物 ) 을드리는제사장( 祭司長 ) 이있음이라 5 oi[tinej u`podei,gmati kai. skia/ latreu,ousin tw/n evpourani,wn kaqw.j kecrhma,tistai Mwsh/j me,llwn evpitelei/n th.n skhnh,n {Ora ga,r fhsi,n poih,sh j pa,nta kata. to.n tu,pon to.n deicqe,nta soi evn tw/ o;rei\ They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain." 저희가섬기는것은하늘에있는것의모형( 模型 ) 과그림자라모세가장막( 帳幕 ) 을

지으려할때에지시( 指示 ) 하심을얻음과같으니가라사대삼가모든것을산( 山 ) 에서네게보이던본( 本 ) 을좇아지으라하셨느니라 6 nuni. de. diaforwte,raj te,teucen leitourgi,aj o[sw kai. krei,ttono,j evstin diaqh,khj mesi,thj h[tij evpi. krei,ttosin evpaggeli,aij nenomoqe,thtai But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises. 그러나이제그가더아름다운직분( 職分 ) 을얻으셨으니이는더좋은 약속( 約束 ) 으로세우신더좋은언약( 言約 ) 의중보( 中保 ) 시라 7 Eiv ga.r h` prw,th evkei,nh h=n a;memptoj ouvk a'n deute,raj evzhtei/to to,poj For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. 저첫언약( 言約 ) 이무흠( 無欠 ) 하였더면둘째것을요구( 要求 ) 할일이없었으려니와 8 memfo,menoj ga.r auvtoi/j le,gei VIdou. h`me,rai e;rcontai le,gei ku,rioj kai. suntele,sw evpi. to.n oi=kon VIsrah.l kai. evpi. to.n oi=kon VIou,da diaqh,khn kainh,n But God found fault with the people and said: "The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. 저희를허물하여일렀으되주( 主 ) 께서가라사대볼지어다날이이르리니내가이스라엘집과유다집으로새언약( 言約 ) 을세우리라 9 ouv kata. th.n diaqh,khn h]n evpoi,hsa toi/j patra,sin auvtw/n evn h`me,ra evpilabome,nou mou th/j ceiro.j auvtw/n evxagagei/n auvtou.j evk gh/j Aivgu,ptou o[ti auvtoi. ouvk evne,meinan evn th/ diaqh,kh mou kavgw. hvme,lhsa auvtw/n le,gei ku,rioj\ It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord. 또주( 主 ) 께서가라사대내가저희열조( 列祖 ) 들의손을잡고애굽땅에서인도( 引導 ) 하여내던날에저희와세운언약( 言約 ) 과같지아니하도다저희는내언약( 言約 ) 안에머물러있지아니하므로내가저희를돌아보지아니하였노라 10 o[ti au[th h` diaqh,kh h]n diaqh,somai tw/ oi;kw VIsrah.l meta. ta.j h`me,raj evkei,naj le,gei ku,rioj\ didou.j no,mouj mou eivj th.n dia,noian auvtw/n kai. evpi. kardi,aj auvtw/n evpigra,yw auvtou,j kai. e;somai auvtoi/j eivj qeo.n kai. auvtoi.

e;sontai, moi eivj lao,n\ This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 또주( 主 ) 께서가라사대그날후( 後 ) 에내가이스라엘집으로세울언약( 言約 ) 이 이것이니내법( 法 ) 을저희생각에두고저희마음에이것을기록( 記錄 ) 하리라나는 저희에게하나님이되고저희는내게백성( 百姓 ) 이되리라 11 kai. ouv mh. dida,xwsin e[kastoj to.n plhsi,on auvtou/ kai. e[kastoj to.n avdelfo.n auvtou/ le,gwn Gnw/qi to.n ku,rion o[ti pa,ntej eivdh,sousi,n me avpo. mikrou/ auvtw/n e[wj mega,lou auvtw/n No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. 또각각( 各各 ) 자기( 自己 ) 나라사람과각각( 各各 ) 자기( 自己 ) 형제( 兄弟 ) 를가르쳐 이르기를주( 主 ) 를알라하지아니할것은저희가작은자( 者 ) 로부터큰자( 者 ) 까지다 나를앎이니라 12 o[ti i[lewj e;somai tai/j avdiki,aij auvtw/n kai. tw/n a`martiw/n auvtw/n kai. tw/n avnomiw/n auvtw/n( ouv mh. mnhsqw/ e;ti For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." 내가저희불의( 不義 ) 를긍휼( 矜恤 ) 히여기고저희죄( 罪 ) 를다시기억( 記憶 ) 하지 아니하리라하셨느니라 13 evn tw/ le,gein Kainh.n pepalai,wken th.n prw,thn\ to. de. palaiou,menon kai. ghra,skon evggu.j avfanismou/ By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. 새언약( 言約 ) 이라말씀하셨으매첫것은낡아지게하신것이니낡아지고 쇠( 衰 ) 하는것은없어져가는것이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자히8:1~13)

1 ei=ce,n me.n ou=n kai. h` prw,th skhnh, dikaiw,mata latrei,aj to, te a[gion kosmiko,n Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. 첫언약( 言約 ) 에도섬기는예법( 禮法 ) 과세상( 世上 ) 에속( 屬 ) 한성소( 聖所 ) 가있더라 2 skhnh. ga.r kateskeua,sqh h` prw,th evn h- h[ te lucni,a kai. h` tra,peza kai. h` pro,qesij tw/n a;rtwn h[tij le,getai {Agia\ A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand, the table and the consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place. 예비( 豫備 ) 한첫장막( 帳幕 ) 이있고그안에등대( 燈臺 ) 와상( 床 ) 과 진설병( 陳設餠 ) 이있으니이는성소( 聖所 ) 라일컫고 3 meta. de. to. deu,teron katape,tasma skhnh. h` legome,nh {Agia ~Agi,wn Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place, 또둘째휘장( 揮帳 ) 뒤에있는장막( 帳幕 ) 을지성소( 至聖所 ) 라일컫나니 4 crusou/n e;cousa qumiath,rion kai. th.n kibwto.n th/j diaqh,khj perikekalumme,nhn pa,ntoqen crusi,w evn h- sta,mnoj crush/ e;cousa to. ma,nna kai. h` r`a,bdoj VAarw.n h` blasth,sasa kai. ai` pla,kej th/j diaqh,khj which had the golden altar of incense and the gold-covered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. 금향로( 金香爐 ) 와사면( 四面 ) 을금( 金 ) 으로싼언약궤( 言約櫃 ) 가있고그안에 만나를담은금( 金 ) 항아리와아론의싹난지팡이와언약( 言約 ) 의비석( 碑石 ) 들이있고 5 u`pera,nw de. auvth/j ceroubim do,xhj kataskia,zonta to. i`lasth,rion\ peri. w-n ouvk e;stin nu/n le,gein kata. me,roj Above the ark were the cherubim of the Glory, overshadowing the atonement cover. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now. 그위에속죄( 贖罪 ) 소를덮는영광( 榮光 ) 의그룹들이있으니이것들에관( 關 ) 하여는 이제낱낱이말할수없노라 6 Tou,twn de. ou[twj kateskeuasme,nwn eivj me.n th.n prw,thn skhnh.n diapanto,j eivsi,asin oi` i`erei/j ta.j latrei,aj evpitelou/ntej When everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly into

the outer room to carry on their ministry. 이모든것을이같이예비( 豫備 ) 하였으니제사장( 祭司長 ) 들이항상( 恒常 ) 첫 장막( 帳幕 ) 에들어가섬기는예( 禮 ) 를행( 行 ) 하고 7 eivj de. th.n deute,ran a[pax tou/ evniautou/ mo,noj o` avrciereu,j ouv cwri.j ai[matoj o] prosfe,rei u`pe.r e`autou/ kai. tw/n tou/ laou/ avgnohma,twn But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance. 오직둘째장막( 帳幕 ) 은대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 이홀로일년( 一年 ) 일차( 一次 ) 씩 들어가되피없이는아니하나니이피는자기( 自己 ) 와백성( 百姓 ) 의허물을위( 爲 ) 하여 드리는것이라 8 tou/to dhlou/ntoj tou/ pneu,matoj tou/ a`gi,ou mh,pw pefanerw/sqai th.n tw/n a`gi,wn o`do.n e;ti th/j prw,thj skhnh/j evcou,shj sta,sin The Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing. 성령( 聖靈 ) 이이로써보이신것은첫장막( 帳幕 ) 이서있을동안에성소( 聖所 ) 에 들어가는길이아직나타나지아니한것이라 9 h[tij parabolh. eivj to.n kairo.n to.n evnesthko,ta kaq o]n dw/ra, te kai. qusi,ai prosfe,rontai mh. duna,menai kata. sunei,dhsin teleiw/sai to.n latreu,onta This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. 이장막( 帳幕 ) 은현재( 現在 ) 까지의비유( 譬喩 ) 니이에의지( 依支 ) 하여드리는 예물( 禮物 ) 과제사( 祭祀 ) 가섬기는자( 者 ) 로그양심상( 良心上 ) 으로온전( 穩全 ) 케할수 없나니 10 mo,non evpi. brw,masin kai. po,masin kai. diafo,roij baptismoi/j kai. dikaiw,masin sarko.j me,cri kairou/ diorqw,sewj evpikei,mena They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings--external regulations applying until the time of the new order. 이런것은먹고마시는것과여러가지씻는것과함께육체( 肉體 ) 의예법( 禮法 ) 만되어개혁( 改革 ) 할때까지맡겨둔것이니라 11 Cristo.j de. parageno,menoj avrciereu.j tw/n mello,ntwn avgaqw/n dia. th/j mei,zonoj kai. teleiote,raj skhnh/j ouv ceiropoih,tou tou/tve;stin( ouv tau,thj th/j kti,sewj