2 학년영어 YBM( 박 ) 강의명시간 ( 분 ) 교재 코드날짜선생님확인 4 단원 6 다운로드 499302 적중예상문제 5 단원 8 다운로드 499303 6 단원 (Special lesson) 6 다운로드 499312 4 단원 42 p84~87 499305 쏙쏙핵심개념 5 단원 38 p108~111 499306 기말고사대비요점정리종합 1 36 다운로드 499307 기말고사대비요점정리종합 2 16 본문 499308 플러스문제 기말고사대비모의고사 1 21 p153~157 499310 기말고사대비모의고사 2 34 p158~162 499311
2-1 영어 YBM( 박 ) 단원명 : 4단원문제동영상코드 : 499302 개념동영상코드 : 499305 [1~3] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. A: Can you pick up my book at the Mixbook? I ordered it last week. B: Sure. But where is the bookstore? A: It's 6th Street, next to the post office. 4. 다음대화의순서를바르게배열한것은? A: Can you do me a favor? B: Can you walk my dog? C: Sure. What can I do for you? D: I can do that. 1 A - B - C - D 2 A - C - B - D 3 B - C - D - A 4 C - D - A - B 5 D - A - B - C 5. 다음빈칸에들어갈알맞은것은? 1. 다음중위의대화를읽고답할수없는질문은? 1 What is A's request? 2 When did A order the book? 3 Where is Mixbook? 4 How long does it take to go to 6th Street? 5 What's next to Mixbook? 2. 빈칸에알맞은말은? 1 at 2 in 3 on 4 up 5 to 3. 대화내용과일치하지않는것은? 1 A 가 B에게부탁을하고있다. 2 A 는지난주에책을주문했다. 3 A 는서점이름을모른다. 4 B 는서점위치를모른다. 5 서점은우체국옆에있다. Hello, nice to meet you. Let me introduce. 1 yourself 2 you 3 me 4 myself 5 herself 6. 밑줄친부분중생략할수없는말은? 1 Did you do your homework by yourself? 2 He himself cooked all that food. 3 She got a car herself. 4 I myself will go there. 5 Did you want to meet him yourself? 7. 다음을영어로고쳐쓰시오. 만약네가매일운동을한다면, 너는건강해질것이다. become healthy. every day, you will 1
단원명 : 5단원문제동영상코드 : 499303 개념동영상코드 : 499306 8. 빈칸에공통으로들어갈말은? * Get a of different foods. * Try to on one leg. 1 meet 2 need 3 worry 4 balance 5 sing [9~10] 다음빈칸에들어갈알맞은것을고르시오. 9. A: Sue makes fun of me. B: I think you make another friend. 1 sure 2 play 3 better not 4 should 5 too 11. 밑줄친 (a) - (e) 중어법상틀린것은? The movie was (a) so (b) funny (c) that she (d) could (e) help laughing. 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 12. 밑줄친말과바꾸어쓸수있는말은? I frequently see my grandparents. 1 seldom 2 more 3 sometimes 4 often 5 always 13. 밑줄친 what 과쓰임이같은것을고르시오. I was upset because of what he said. 1 What are you doing? 2 What do you want to drink? 3 What a pretty girl! 4 I don't know what he's eating. 5 That's what I wanted! 10. A: That boy is throwing food at the monkeys. He shouldn't do that. B:. That's not nice. 1 I disagree. 2 I should. 3 I will. 4 I do. 5 I agree. 14. 우리말을영어로옮겨문장을완성하시오. 음악이너무커서그사람말이하나도안들린다. The music is loud I hear a word he says. 2
단원명 : 6 단원 - 스페셜레슨 15. 우리말과같도록괄호안의말을바르게배열하시오. 그녀의노래는너무좋아서나는꿈속에있는것처럼느껴져. (her songs, I feel like, I'm, a, dream, in, are, nice, so, that) 문제동영상코드 : 499312 개념동영상코드 : 없음 17. 다음밑줄친말과바꿀수있는것은? She takes care of her brother. 1 looks after 2 looks down on 3 talks to 4 looks up to 5 is careful with 16. 어법상틀린부분을바르게고치시오. He goes sometimes to soccer games. 18. 밑줄친 still 과같은의미로쓰인것은? The bird was sitting still in her cage. 1 You are still taller than me. 2 I still think he's the best. 3 Stand still! 4 There still is more bad news. 5 It rained. Still, I had fun. 19. 둘중알맞은표현을고르시오. A bird (fell / fall) from a tree. 20. 단어의쓰임이어색한것은? 1 Angels have wings. 2 I will keep it to myself. 3 He careful move the box. 4 I felt bad about the caged animals. 5 We should protect wild animals. 3
21. 빈칸에공통으로들어갈말은? * I would like a puppy for a. * He is the teacher's. 1 fun 2 pet 3 animal 4 fan 5 gift 24. 다음을배열하여문장을완성하시오. (let, his bird, away, he, fly) because he loved it. [22~23] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. (a) Michael found a baby bird. (b) He made a cage for it. (c) The bird fell out of a tree and ( ) its wings. (d) Michael waited but no big bird came. (e) So, he took the bird home. 25. 다음우리말과같도록영어로쓰시오. 산책을가자. go a walk. 22. (a) - (e) 중흐름상어색한것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 23. 윗글의괄호안에다음철자로시작하는알맞은말을쓰시오. The bird fell out of a tree and (h ) its wings. 4