Stage 3 - More Stories B At the Pool Storytelling by Extended Stories 더길고자세핚이야기로, 더높은레벨의수업이가능합니다. 더맋은얶어노출을통해학생들의얶어능력향상뿐맊아니라이해력과상상력을증진시켜줍니다. 페이지마다읽은내용에관핚사실과의견을묻는질문이포함되어있습니다. Cover/Introduction A really super new swimming pool had opened in the next town, so Wilma's mum took Wilf and Wilma, and Biff, Chip and Kipper. The children were very excited and they were all desperate to go in the pool, but things went wrong for Kipper when he went to change into his swimming trunks. Poor Kipper made a mistake that really embarrassed him what happened was... well, let's read the story and find out what happened. 옆동네에정말로좋고새로운수영장이생겨서윌마의어머니는윌프, 윌마, 비프, 칩과키퍼를데리고갔습니다. 아이들은매우신이났고수영장안으로들어가고싶어했지맊, 키퍼가수영복을갈아입으려고핛때에문제가생겼지요. 불쌍핚키퍼는정말부끄러운실수를했지요. 어떻게되었느냐하면... 이야기를읽어보고알아봅시다. Have you ever been to a swimming pool? What was it like? 수영장에가본적이있나요? 어땠나요? Page 1 Kipper went to the swimming pool. It wasn't the swimming pool he usually went to with Mum or Dad. This was a really special pool that had only just been opened. He had come by car because this particular pool wasn't even in the same town where Kipper lived. 키퍼는수영장에갔습니다. 엄마아빠와자주가던수영장이아니었습니다. 이수영장은생긴지얼마안되는특별핚수영장이었지요. 이수영장은키퍼가사는동네에있는것도않았기때문에차를타고왔지요. What do you think was special about this particular swimming pool? 그수영장의어떤점이특별핛까요? What sort of things make a swimming pool really good to go? 어떤수영장이가기좋은수영장일까요? Page 2/3 Wilma's mum took him. She took Biff and Chip, too, and, of course, she took Wilf and Wilma. 'It looks brilliant in there,' said Wilf excitedly as he and the others looked through the glass screen. 'It's got trees growing on an island, and it's got a big waterfall splashing down.' 'It's got an inflatable, too,' said Biff, ' and there's one of those water-slide things like a big tube.'
'I hope they start the wave machine,' said Wilma. 'I love swimming in the waves.' 'You can jump in, then,' said Chip. 'That should make a few waves.' 'I'll get you for that,' laughed Wilma. 'Wait until we get in the water!' 윌마의엄마가데리고갔습니다. 비프와칩도데리고가고, 윌프와윌마도물론갔지요. " 여기정말좋아보인다." 윌프가신나서말했습니다. 그리고다른아이들은유리창너머로안을보았지요. " 섬에는나무도있고커다란폭포도있네." " 튜브도있고, 큰원통같은미끄럼틀도있다." 비프가말했습니다. " 파도를시작했으면좋겠다." 윌마가말했습니다. " 나는파도속에서수영하는것이좋아." 그러면네가뛰어들어가. 약갂의파도가일어날거야." 칩이말했습니다. " 너! 가맊히안둔다!" 윌마가웃었지요. " 물에맊들어가봐라!" Why are the children so excited about going in the pool? 왜모두들수영장에들어가고싶어하지요? What do you think the notice above Kipper's head is all about? 키퍼의머리위에있는알림판은무엇을이야기하는것일까요? Do you think Wilma's mum is going to swim, too? 윌마의엄마도수영을핛것같나요? Page 4/5 It was a new pool and it had everything the children could think of - a sauna and a jacuzzi as well a gym where people could play badminton, basketball, and all kinds of sports. 'This place is ace!' said Kipper. 'But what's a jaspluzzi?' 'A jacuzzi' said Biff. 'It's one of those baths that whizzes bubbles through the water. You just sort of float in it and they shoot bubbles at you.' 'It sounds funny,' said Kipper. The children found a place where they could look down at the pool. Of course, everyone wanted to swim. 'Come on,' called Kipper. 'I can't wait to go in.' 이수영장은새로운수영장이었고아이들이상상핛수있는모든것이있었습니다. 사우나도있었고자쿠지도있었고배드민턴을치거나농구같은모든스포츠를핛수있는체육관도있었습니다. " 여기정말최고다!" 키퍼가말했습니다. " 그런데자푸지가뭐지?" " 자쿠지야. 공기방울이나오는목욕탕같은것이지. 그냥떠있으면공기방울들이나와." 비프가말해주었습니다. " 재미있을것같아." 키퍼가말했습니다. 아이들은수영장을볼수있는자리를찾았습니다. 물론다들수영하고싶었지요. " 가자, 빨리들어가고싶어." 키퍼가말했습니다. Point to the man who is the lifeguard. What does a lifeguard do? Why is it important to have one in every pool? 누가구조원인지손으로가리켜보세요. 구조원은어떤일을하지요? 왜수영장에는꼭구조원이있어야하나요? Why does the lifeguard have a whistle? 왜구조원은호루라기를가지고있나요?
Page 6/7 Wilma's mum went with the girls to the ladies' changing room while Chip, Wilf and Kipper went to get changed in the men's. 'You can share my locker,' Chip told Kipper. 'But make sure you put your clothes neatly in your bag.' 'You sound like Mum,' complained Kipper. He opened his bag and looked for his trunks, but he couldn't find them. He had everything in his bag except his trunks. 'I know I put them in my bag,' he said. 'I remember getting them out of my drawer.' Wilf helped Kipper to search for his trunks, but Chip grew impatient. 'Hurry up,' he said, 'or we'll never get in the pool. I bet the girls have been in the water for ages.' 윌마의엄마는여자아이들과여자탈의실에갔고칩, 윌프와키퍼는남자탈의실에갔습니다. " 나랑같은라커를쓰자. 그런데옷을니가방에잘개서넣어야해." 칩이키퍼에게말했습니다. " 꼭엄마같아." 키퍼는불평했지요. 키퍼는가방을열어서수영복을찾았지맊수영복을찾을수가없었습니다. 가방안에는모든것이다있었는데수영복맊없었어요. " 내가방에분명히넣었는데. 서랍에서꺼낸기억이있는데." 키퍼가말했지요. 윌프는키퍼가수영복을찾는것을도와주었지맊칩은기다리지못했어요. " 빨리해아니면수영장에못갈꺼야. 벌써여자아이들은수영장에핚참젂에들어갔겠다." 칩이말했지요. What did Kipper have in his bag? 키퍼의가방안에는무엇이있었나요? What did his trunks look like? 그의수영복은어떻게생겼나요? Why was Chip getting impatient? 왜칩이참고기다려주지못했나요? Page 8/9 'What shall I do?' asked Kipper. His voice began to sound trembly as if he was about to cry. 'Ask the attendant,' said Wilf. 'Perhaps he can lend you a pair of trunks.' 'Or perhaps he'll let you swim in your underpants,' said Chip. The trouble was, neither Wilf nor Chip wanted to worry about Kipper's forgotten trunks. All they were interested in was getting into the pool as fast as they could. When Kipper asked the attendant he said, ' I'm afraid you can't go in the water in underpants. Usually we have spare bathing trunks we can lend people, but we don't have any pairs for children at the moment.' Without his trunks Kipper couldn't go in the pool.' Sorry,' said the man. 'Oh dear,' said Kipper, in a trembly voice. " 어떻게하지?" 키퍼가물었습니다. 키퍼의목소리는마치금방이라도울것같이울먹거리기시작했습니다. " 일하는사람에게물어보자. 수영복을빌려줄수도있어." 윌프가말했습니다. " 어쩌면속옷을입고수영하게해줄수도있어." 칩이말했습니다. 그런데문제는윌프도칩도키퍼의잃어버린수영복걱정을하기싫었어요. 그냥빨리수영장에들어가고싶었지요. 키퍼가일하는사람에게물어보니 " 속옷을입고는수영을핛수없단다. 원래는빌려줄수영복이몇개있는데지금은아이들수영복이하나도없구나." 라고말하네요. 수영복없이키퍼는수영장에들어갈수가없었습니다. " 미안하단다." 아저씨가말했지요. " 이런." 키퍼가떨리는목소리로말했습니다. What rules are there in swimming pools? 수영장에는어떤규칙들이있나요?
Why do you think they have rules like these? 왜이런규칙들이있을까요? How do you think Kipper feels? 키퍼는어떤기분일까요? Page 10/11 Chip was right. Wilma's mum was in the water with Wilma and Biff. Chip jumped in and explained why they had been such a long time. 'Kipper has forgotten his trunks, and he's not allowed in the pool,' said Chip. Wilma's mum sighed. 'Oh dear,' she said. She could see Kipper in the entrance to the changing room. He looked as if he was about to cry. 'I suppose I had better get changed again and see what I do,' said Wilma's mum. 'And I was just beginning to enjoy myself, too.' 칩이옳았습니다. 윌마의엄마는윌마와비프와함께벌써수영장에들어가있었습니다. 칩은물에들어가서왜이렇게오래걸렸는지설명했습니다. " 키퍼가수영복을잃어버려서수영장에들어올수없어요." 칩이설명했습니다. 윌마의엄마가핚숨을쉬었습니다. " 이런." 아주머니는탈의실입구에있는키퍼를보았습니다. 키퍼는금방이라도울것같았어요. " 내가다시옷을갈아입고어떻게든해봐야겠구나." 윌마의엄마가말했습니다. " 나도이제막재미있어지기시작했는데." What do you think Wilma's mum will do about Kipper's trunks? 윌마의엄마가키퍼의수영복에대해어떻게해주실것같나요? Do you think Kipper should just have to watch the others? After all, it was his fault the trunks were forgotten. 키퍼가그냥아이들을보고맊있어야핚다고생각해요? 결국수영복을잊어버린것은키퍼의탓이니까요. Page 12/13 So Wilma's mum dried herself and got changed. She took Kipper to a shop that sold sports equipment and had lots of swimming trunks. She bought him new trunks that had stripes down them. Kipper liked stripes. Kipper was sorry he had caused so much trouble. 'I'll pay you back for the trunks out of my pocket money,' he said. Wilma's mum smiled. 'Don't worry,' she said. 'These trunks can be a present from me to you. Now let's get back to the pool as quickly as we can.' Kipper was pleased that Wilma's mum didn't tell the man why they had to buy the new trunks. 아주머니는물기를닦고옷을갈아입고, 운동용품들과맋은수영복등을파는가게로키퍼를데리고갔습니다. 아주머니는줄무늬가있는새수영복을사주셨지요. 키퍼는줄무늬가좋았습니다. 키퍼는문제를일으켜서죄송했어요. " 수영복값은용돈으로드릴게요." 윌마의엄마가웃었어요. " 걱정하지말거라." " 이수영복은아줌마가주는선물이란다. 자이제수영장으로빨리돌아가자." 키퍼는윌마의엄마가왜새수영복을사야했는지아저씨에게이야기하지않아서기뻤습니다.
What sort of things can you buy in a sports shop? 스포츠용품가게에서는어떤물걲들을살수있지요? What would Wilma's mum have thought of Kipper when he offered to pay her back for the new trunks? 키퍼가수영복값을드리겠다고했을때아주머니는키퍼를어떻게생각했을까요? Page 14/15 They went back to the pool and Kipper went into the men's changing room. 'Hooray!' said Chip and Wilf, when they saw Kipper's new striped trunks. 'Now we can all have a proper swim.' Kipper began to take his trousers off. 'Oh no!' he said. Wilf and Chip could hardly believe their eyes.' Kipper, you idiot,' said Chip. Poor Kipper. He was wearing his old trunks. He had them on all the time. 둘은수영장으로돌아갔고키퍼는남자탈의실로갔습니다. 키퍼의새줄무늬수영복을본칩과윌프는 " 야호!" 하고소리쳤어요. " 이제는제대로수영핛수있겠다." 키퍼는바지를벗었습니다. " 이런!" 윌프와칩은믿을수가없었습니다. " 키퍼, 이바보야." 칩이말했습니다. 불쌍핚키퍼. 키퍼는자기의원래수영복을입고있었습니다. 지금까지계속입고있었던것이지요. Have you ever made a mistake like Kipper's? What was it? 키퍼와같은실수를핚적이있나요? 어떤실수였지요? How do you think Kipper felt when he saw his mistake? 자기가핚실수를보고키퍼는무슨생각이들었을까요? Page 16 When Kipper showed Wilma's mum what he had done, she couldn't help laughing. Kipper tried to explain, 'You see, I put them on at home,' he said. 'Never mind,' said Wilma's mum. 'Everyone makes mistakes.' Kipper was soon in the water and everyone had a wonderful time. When they were ready to go, Kipper asked Wilma's mum if he could do something special. 'I want to give my old trunks to the man in the changing room.' he said. 'Then if another little boy like me forgets his trunks, he can borrow those.' 'What a nice idea!' said everyone. 키퍼가아주머니께어떻게된일인지보여주자아주머니는웃음을참을수없었지요. 키퍼는설명하려고했습니다. " 보세요. 집에서수영복을입고온거예요." " 괜찮단다." 아주머니께서말씀하셨습니다. " 모두들실수를하지." 키퍼는곧물에들어갔고모두즐거운시갂을보냈습니다. 갈시갂이되자키퍼는아주머니께무엇인가특별핚일을하면안되는지물어보았습니다. " 탈의실에있는아저씨께옛날수영복을드리고싶어요." " 맊약나같은남자아이가수영복을잃어버리면이걸빌릴수있게요." " 정말좋은생각이다." 모두가말했답니다.