한수지 49(3), 367-37, 216 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 49(3),367-37,216 동해포항연안문치가자미 (Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae) 의성숙과산란 김소라ㆍ차형기ㆍ이재봉 1 ㆍ이해원 2 ㆍ양재형 3 ㆍ백혜자 4 ㆍ김성태 * 국립수산과학원연근해자원과, 1 국립수산과학원원양자원과, 2 국립수산과학원연구협력과, 3 동해수산연구소자원환경과, 4 부경대학교자원생물학과, 동해수산연구소독도수산연구센터 Maturity and Spawning of the Marbled Flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae off the Coast of Pohang, East Sea Sora Kim, Hyung Kee Cha, Jae Bong Lee 1, Hae Won Lee 2, Jae Hyeong Yang 3, Hae Ja Baek 4 and Sung Tae Kim * Coastal Water Fisheries Resources Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Busan 4683, Korea 1 Distant Water Fisheries Resources Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Busan 4683, Korea 2 Research Cooperation Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Busan 4683, Korea 3 Fisheries Resources and Environment Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Gangneung 243, Korea 4 Department of Marine Biology, Graduate School, Pukyong National University, Busan 4813, Korea Dokdo Fisheries Research Center, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Pohang 3779, Korea Marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae is a commercially important flatfish in the coastal waters of the East Sea off Pohang, Korea. Maturity and spawning dynamics of P. yokohamae were investigated based on samples collected by gill net and long line in the coastal waters off Pohang from January 213 to December 214. We analyzed monthly changes in maturity stage, gonadosomatic index (GSI), egg diameter, fecundity, and total length at % group maturity. We found that the spawning period was December to February, wherein fecundity ranged from,76 eggs at 2.4 cm total length (TL) to 1,9,7 eggs at 46.6 cm TL. The relationship between TL and fecundity (F) was F =.17 TL 3.64 (R 2 =.6984), and F increased with increasing TL. We estimated the TL at % group maturity as 27.4 cm for female and 23. cm for male P. yokohamae, respectively. The results from this research will aid in the development of policies on season and minimum catch length for sustainable production of P. yokohamae. We propose that it is necessary to conduct long-term ecological monitoring for this species because biological properties such as spawning ecology and growth performance are being affected by climate change. Key words: Maturity, Spawning, Marbled flounder, Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae, East Sea 서론 (Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae) (Pleuronectiformes) (Pleuronectidae),, (Kang et al., 198; Kim and Youn, 1994; Kim et al., 2; FishBase, 21). Pleuronectes yokohamae, Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae (Ji et al., in press). (Seo et al., 2), 37 http://dx.doi.org/.67/kfas.216.367 Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 49(3) 367-37, June 216 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3./) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received February 216; Revised 13 May 216; Accepted 13 June 216 *Corresponding author: Tel: +82. 4. 724. 2 Fax: +82. 4. 724. 88 E-mail address: kste1362@korea.kr Copyright 216 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 367 pissn:374-8111, eissn:2287-881
368 김소라ㆍ차형기ㆍ이재봉ㆍ이해원ㆍ양재형ㆍ백혜자ㆍ김성태, (NFRDI, 24a). (Bivalvia), (Amphipoda), (Polychaeta), (Anthozoa), (Ophiuroidea) (carnivore) (Huh et al., 212)., 6% (NFRDI, 214),., (Yusa, 196; Han et al., 21), (Lee et al., 198; Kang et al., 198), (Huh et al., 212), (Suzuki, 1967; Solomon et al., 1987; Kim et al., 1991; Shafieipour et al., 1999; Kooka et al., 2; Kume et al., 26; Lee et al., 29; Hoshio et al., 212; Joo and Gwak., 214; Kim et al., 21), (Kume et al., 26; Tanda et al., 28; Seo et al., 2).,. (Family Pleuronectidae) (Eopsetta grigorjewi) (Hippoglossoides dubius), (Cha et al., 211; Choi et al., 213)...,, (GSI),,. 재료및방법 213 1 214 12 (Fig. 1). (TL, Total length).1 cm, (BW, Body weight).1 g (GW, Gonad weight).1 g. chi-square test (X 2 -test). NFRDI (24b),,,, (immature), (maturing), (mature), (spawning), (spent). (Gonadosomatic Index, GSI). GSI = GW 2 BW GW (g, wet weight), BW (g, wet weight). (KODC), (GSI)., Gilson 1.1 mm. (F) 1-2 (LEICA, MZ-12),. F = A - B C e, A, B, C, e C. 1 cm, % logistic (Zhang, 2). P i = 1 1+e (ib 1 - b 2 TL i ) e P i i, TL i i, b 1, b 2. 체장분포및암수비율 결과 213 1 214 12,24 (Table 1, Fig. 2), 2,79 1. cm 46.6 cm, 27. cm
동해포항연안문치가자미의성숙과산란 369 Table 1. Monthly size distributions (TL, cm) of marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea, January 213-December 214 Year 213 214 Month Female Range (cm) Mean (cm) n Sex ratio (%) Range (cm) Mean (cm) n Sex ratio (%) 22.1-43. 3.4 121 41. 17.9-3.6 26.2 174 9. 17.8-3. 2.3 67 48.2 17.6-29. 24.3 72 1.8 17.-37.7 2.4 7 46.4 1.-33. 22.4 81 3.6 17.-3.1 26.4 79 61.7 13.9-3.2 22.9 49 38.3 May. 16.3-3. 2.9 78 3.1 1.4-34. 23.9 69 46.9 1.-36. 2. 91 47.4 17.2-3. 24. 1 2.6 17.9-36.1 2.2 67. 1.4-31.9 23.7 67. 21.7-3. 28.1 66 4.1 18.-3. 26.3 6 4.9 17.-37. 26.2 8 62.1 17.1-31. 23. 66 37.9 17.8-36. 26. 72 61. 17.4-3.6 22.2 46 39. 16.-4.2 27. 337 61.2 1.-4.3 24. 214 38.8 1.6-46.6 26.3 367 62.4 1.-3. 24.3 221 37.6 2.1-36.4 27.6 1 72.4 2.1-33. 2. 9 27.6 16.8-3.8 2.7 14 6.2 17.-32.6 23.3 96 39.8 1.8-4. 28.2 13 1.2 18.6-3. 24.7 146 48.8 19.-4. 26.8 16 7.8 19.-37. 24.8 117 42.2 May 16.4-43. 27. 92.4 18.3-33.8 24. 74 44.6 18.2-3. 28.2 67.8 18.6-32.8 2.9 6 49.2 18.-43. 28.4 98 7. 19.3-33.6 2.6 74 43. 17.-4.4 27. 111 6.9 17.3-33.4 2.3 84 43.1 19.7-42.1 29.2 47 42. 2.-31.9 2.8 6 8. 21.1-36.8 27.3 48 37.2 17.6-31.7 2.7 81 62.8 19.2-4.4 26.9 92 48.2 18.-36.7 26. 99 1.8 16.1-38.1 27.1 4 66.2 17.-38.7 2.6 3 33.8 Total 1.-46.6 27. 2,79.6 13.9-4.3 24.6 2,229 44.4 Male, 2.-2.9 cm 8.2%. 2,229 13.9 cm 4.3 cm, 24.6 cm, 23.-23.9 cm 11.7%..6:44.4 (X 2 -test, P<.). 27 cm,. 생식소발달과정 (gymnovarian conditon) (crystovarian conditon). (crystovarian conditon),.,,, (Cha et al., 28; Cha et al., 26;, 23; Byun., 22). 암컷 (Immature) (Fig. 3A). (Maturing) (Fig. 3B). (Mature), (Fig. 3C). (Spawning), 1/2. (Fig. 3D). (Spent),. (Fig. 3E). 수컷 (Immature)
37 김소라ㆍ차형기ㆍ이재봉ㆍ이해원ㆍ양재형ㆍ백혜자ㆍ김성태 A B C D E Fig. 1. Sampling area of the Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea. Fig. 3. Maturity stages of female marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea. (A), Immature (Sampled in June 214); (B), Maturing (December 213); (C), Mature (February 214); (D), Spawning (February 214); (E), Spent (April 214). 1 Female N : 2,79 Avg.: 27. cm A B Frequency (%) Male N : 2,229 Avg.: 24.6 cm C D 1 12 14 16 18 2 22 24 26 28 3 32 34 36 38 4 42 44 46 Total length (cm) Fig. 2. Length-frequency distribution of marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea. (Fig. 4A). (Maturing) (Fig. 4B). (Mature), (Fig. 4C). (Spawning), (Fig. 4D). (Spent), Fig. 4. Maturity stages of male marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea. (A), Immature (Sampled in March 214); (B), Maturing (December 214); (C), Mature (December 213); (D), Spawning (January 214); (E), Spent (March 214). (Fig. 4E). 월별성숙도비율 E (Fig. A), 213 2-12 36.-%, 214
동해포항연안문치가자미의성숙과산란 371 8 (A) Female 3 2 2 (A) Female 6 1 Frequency (%) 4 2 8 (B) Male Immature Maturing Mature Spawning Spent Gonadosomatic index 3 2 2 (B) Male 6 1 4 2 May May 213 214 Immature Maturing Mature Spawning Spent Fig.. Monthly changes in maturity stages of female (A) and male (B) marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea. 1-12 31.6-%. 213-12 27.6-63.%, 214-12 3.4-3.3%. 213 1 71.9%, 213 12-1 22.4-31.%. 213 1-2 9.-9.1%, 214 1 2.6%. 213 1-2 18.2-19.4%, 214 1-2 17.9-34.8%. (Fig. B), 213 2-12 34.7-%, 214 1-12 37.4- %. 213 11-12 26.- 4.7%, 214-12 6.2-.6%. 213 12 36.8%, 214 11-12 3.8-7.1%. 213 1-2 33.3-82.8%, 214 1 2.%. 213 1-2 16.7-31.9%, 214 1-2 3.4-22.9%. 생식소숙도지수 (GSI) 의월변화 (GSI) (Fig. 6A), 213 1 18.48 3-9.1-2.26. 12 6.66, 214 1 8.39 2 May May 213 214 Fig. 6. Monthly variation in water temperature and gonadosomatic index of the marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea (Vertical bars represent the standard deviation)...8-4.6, 11-12. (GSI) (Fig. 6B), 213 1 9.77 3-.19-.2. 11 12-1 8.92-6.4..2-.93, 11 12 8.77 GSI. 12-2. 포항연안수온의월변화와생식소숙도지수의관계 213-214 (Fig. 7), 213 1 6.8, 9 23.8. 214 1 7.4, 9 23.8. 1 9. (GSI), 1 (6.8 ) GSI 3-9 (.2-23.8 ), (19. ) GSI. 11 (1.1 ) GSI
372 김소라ㆍ차형기ㆍ이재봉ㆍ이해원ㆍ양재형ㆍ백혜자ㆍ김성태 Water temperature ( ) 3 2 2 1 12 (9. ), 3-9 GSI, GSI. 12-2 6.8-9.. 난경변화 -2 (Fig. 8). GSI.2 µm, 11 GSI.86 3-4 µm, 12 GSI 13.97 4-6 µm. 1 GSI 18.73 6-7 µm, 2 µm. 포란수 May. May. 213 214 Fig. 7. Monthly mean sea surface temperatures in the coast of Pohang, East Sea, January 213 ~ December 214. 97 (Table 2), (absolute fecundity),76 ( 2.4 cm), 1,9,8 ( 46.6 cm). (relative fecundity) 2,733 ( 2.4 cm), 3,981 ( 46.6 cm). (TL) (F) F =.2TL 3.489 (R 2 Frequency (%) 8 6 4 2 8 6 4 2 8 6 4 2 6 4 2 6 4 2 =.7183) (Fig. 9). 군성숙도 Maturing 13 Dec, 16. GSI = 13.97 TL : 3. cm Mature 14 Jan, 24. GSI = 18.73 TL : 28.8 cm 2 3 4 Eggs diameter (μm) Immature 14 OCT, 2. GSI =.2 TL : 23.6 cm Maturing 13 Nov, 1. GSI =.86 TL : 38.6 cm Spent 14 Feb, 21. GSI = 2.89 TL : 27. cm 6 7 8 Fig. 8. Frequency distributions in egg diameter of marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea. 12-2 473 ( 2.4-46.6 cm), 397 ( 17.9-38.7 cm) Table 2. Absolute and relative fecundities according to total length of marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea, January 213-December 214 Total length (cm) Absolute fecundity (eggs) Relative fecundity (eggs/cm) Mean Range Mean Range No. of specimens 2.4-24.9 139,444,76-221,334,991 2,733-9,146 12 2.-29.9 261,126 82,34-34,918 9,46 3,7-2,1 31 3.-34.9 429,193 1,629-73,64 13,343 4,646-22,36 34 3.-39.9 64,94 236,728-946,2 16,244 6,39-23,962 16 4.-46.6 1,469,96 1,49,897-1,9,8 34,383 33,4-3,981 4
동해포항연안문치가자미의성숙과산란 373 Fecundity ( 3 eggs) 18 16 14 12 8 6 4 2 F =.2TL 3.489 R² =.7183 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Total length (cm) Fig. 9. Relationship between total length and fecundity of marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea. Group mmaturity (%) 7 2 7 2 Female TL % = 27.4 cm 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Total Length (cm) Male TL % = 23. cm Fig.. Relationship between total length and group maturity of female and male marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in the coast of Pohang, East Sea. (Fig. ). 2 cm, 38 cm. 17 cm, 33 cm. Logistic % 27.4 cm, 23. cm. 고찰 46. cm, 4.3 cm, 27. cm, 24.6 cm. 41.9 cm, 31.2 cm, 23.7 cm, 21.3 cm (Seo et al., 2), 3.3 cm. ( ) (Choe et al., 1999)., Lee et al. (29).,,.,. (12-2 ) 6.8-9., 8.2 (KODC, 21). 7-9 (Yusa, 196), (Na et al., 2)., 11-2. 11.2-11.4 2, (Seo et al., 2). Tanda et al. (28), 11-, 7-11.. 2- (Cha et al., 26), 1-4 (Choi et al., 213), 2-3 (Choe et al., 1999), 3-6 (Cha et al., 28).,. Aida (1991) 6
374 김소라ㆍ차형기ㆍ이재봉ㆍ이해원ㆍ양재형ㆍ백혜자ㆍ김성태, ( : 12-2 )., 1 6-7 µm,. 1, (Choe et al., 1999), (Byun, 22), (Seo et al., 2) 1.,76-1,9,8, 7,1-1,37,19 (Seo et al., 2). 274,8-1,944,632 (Choe et al., 1999), 27,372-91,29 (Choi et al., 213), 38,72-133,8 (Cha et al., 26), 1,146-1,491 (Cha et al., 28). % 27.4 cm, 38 cm. % 19.8 cm, 32 cm (Seo et al., 2). % % 7 cm., % 28.8 cm cm (Cha et al., 211)., % 39 cm 4 cm (Choi et al., 213)..,, ( ) (, ).,.,., (Hong et al., 28; Lee et al., 212).,. 사사 216 (R2163). References Aida K. 1991. Environmental regulation of reproductive rhythms in teleosts. Bull Inst Zool Academia Sinica Monograph 16, 173-187. Byun SG. 22. Reproductive biological characteristics and early development of slime flounder, Microstomus achne, Thesis, Yosu National University, Yosu, Korea. Cha HK, Kang SK, Choi JH, Oh TY and Seo YI. 211. Reproduction of the shotted halibut in the southern Korean waters. J Kor Soc Fish Tech 47, 194-22. Cha HK, Kwon HC, Lee SI, Yang JH, Chang DS and Chun YY. 28. Maturity and spawning of Korean flounder Glyptocephalus stelleri (Schmidt) in the East Sea of Korea. Korean J Ichthyol 2, 263-271. Cha HK, Park KY, Lee SI, Park HW, Kwon HC and Choi SH. 26. Maturity and spawning of brown sole, Pleuronectes herzensteini (Jordan et Snyder) in the East Sea of Korea. Kor J Ichthyol 18, 363-367. Choe SH, Hur YH, Chun YY and Zhang CI. 1999. Growth and maturity of pointedhead flounder, Cleisthenes Pinetorum herzensteini (Schmidt) in the East Sea. J Korean Soc Fish Res 2, 1-13. Choi YM, Yoon BS, Park JH, Park KY, Sohn MH, Lee JB and Kim JW. 213. Maturation and spawning of the flathead flounder Hippoglossoides dubius off the coast of Gangwon Province, East Sea of Korea. Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 46, 83-842. Fish Base. 21. www.fishbase.org. on 21//. Han KH, Park JT, Jin DS, Jang SI, Joung HH and Cho JK. 21. Morphological development of larvae and juveniles of the marbled sole, Limanda yokohamae. Korean J Ichthyol 13, 161-16. Hong BK, Kim JK, Park KD, Jeon YY, Hwang KS, Kim YS and Park KY. 28. Species composition of fish collected in gill nets from Youngil Bay, East Sea of Korea. J Kor Fish Soc 41, 33-362.
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