Vol. 3 No. 4 THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES December 2016 02 회원 공지 사항 04 학회지 소식 05 추계학술대회 스케치 06 해외 연수기 07 학회주관 연구과제 소개 08 회원 동정 09 2017년도 학술행사 안내 대한감염학회 소식지 Tel (02) 2055-1441 발행일 2016. 12 Fax (02) 2055-1442 발행인 김민자 이사장 Email:ksinfect@ksid.or.kr 발행처 대한감염학회 http://www.ksid.or.kr 주소: 06621 서울시 서초구 서초대로74길23 서초타운트라팰리스 806호 편집인 송영구 홍보이사 디자인 인쇄 進기획
회원공지사항 패혈증연구회 항생제내성예방캠페인 대한감염학회회장이취임, 패혈증연구회를소개합니다. 2015 11 () 2016? 56 2016 (World Antibiotic Awareness Week), ( )., 2017 ( ) : ( 2016. 11. 10) : ( ) 11 14 ( ) (2016~2020 ), 11 14 ( ) (, ),, ( ), (), (, ), (), (),,,, ( (pugae1@hanmail.net) ) 패혈증연구회일동, ( : ). 2016. 12. 01 2 3
학회지소식 추계학술대회스케치 Infection & Chemotherapy ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) 등재 Infection & Chemotherapy 2016 9 SCI(E), Thomson Reuters ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) Infection & Chemotherapy ESCI, PubMed, PubMed Central, KoreaMed, Synapse, KoMCI, CrossRef, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CAS and Google Scholar 11 database Index Infection & Chemotherapy SCI(E) Infection & Chemotherapy 2016 Vol.48 no.4 Review articles Original articles Case reports Correspondence 4 5 Editorials Indirect Effects of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines in National Immunization Programs for Children on Adult Pneumococcal Disease Treatment of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia Clinical and Therapeutic Implications of Aeromonas Bacteremia: 14 Years Nation-Wide Experiences in Korea Current Situation of Antimicrobial Resistance and Genetic Differences in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Complex Isolates by Multilocus Variable Number of Tandem Repeat Analysis Analysis of Risk Factors for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Pneumonia and among Adult Patients with Acute Respiratory Illness during 2011-2014 Influenza Seasons in Korea Sensitivity of the Cytomegalovirus Antigenemia Assay to Diagnose Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Clinical Impact of Mixed Respiratory Viral Infection in Children with Adenoviral Infection Association between Body Mass Index and Sputum Culture Conversion among South Korean Patients with Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis in a Tuberculosis Referral Hospital Acinetobacter Prosthetic Joint Infection Treated with Debridement and High-Dose Tigecycline Epstein-Barr Virus Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome after Scrub Typhus Infection A Case of Transverse Myelitis Caused by Varicella Zoster Virus in an Immunocompetent Older Patient Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Presenting with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Budding Yeast Cells in Peripheral Blood Smear: Clue to Candidemia Beyond the Routine Influenza Surveillance Mixed Respiratory Viral Infections in Children with Adenoviral Infections Predictors of Treatment Success for Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis Young Keun Kim, David LaFon, and Moon H. Nahm Eun Ju Choo, and Henry F. Chambers Ji Young Rhee, Dong Sik Jung, and Kyong Ran Peck Ji-Young Rhee, Jae-Hoon Song, and Kwan Soo Ko Seong Hui Kang, Hee Jin Cheong, Joon Young Song, Ji Yun Noh, Ji Ho Jeon, Min Joo Choi, Jacob Lee, Yu Bin Seo, Jin-Soo Lee, Seong-Heon Wie, Hye Won Jeong, Young Keun Kim, Kyung Hwa Park, Shin Woo Kim, Eun Joo Jeong, Sun Hee Lee, Won Suk Choi, and Woo Joo Kim Sun In Hong, Taeeun Kim, Se Yoon Park, Jiwon Jung, Joo Yong Lee, Yong Phil Chong, Heungsup Sung, Sang-Oh Lee, Sang-Ho Choi, Yang Soo Kim, Jun Hee Woo, and Sung-Han Kim Hyun Jun Lee, Young Eun Seo, Seung Beom Han, Dae Chul Jeong, and Jin Han Kang Hyun-Oh Park, Sung-Hwan Kim, Seong-Ho Moon, Joung-Hun Byun, Jong-Woo Kim, Chung-Eun Lee, Jong-Duk Kim, In-Seok Jang, and Jun-Ho Yang Andrea Vila, Hugo Pagella, Claudio Amadio, and Alejandro Leiva Jeong Woo Hong, Hyun Seon You, Tae Won Lee, Won Yong Jo, Bo Ra Kim, Young Sun Suh, In-Gyu Bae, and Oh-Hyun Cho Jeong Eun Lee, Shinwon Lee, Kye-Hyung Kim, Hee Ryeong Jang, Young Joo Park, Jin Suk Kang, Sung Yong Han, and Sun Hee Lee Jongmin Lee, Gyeongmin Jeong, Ji-Hun Lim, Hawk Kim, Sun-Whan Park, Won-Ja Lee, and Jae-Bum Jun Sung-Yeon Cho, Hyojin Chae, Myungshin Kim, Dong-Gun Lee, and Hee-Je Kim Sang-Ho Choi Jin Lee Sang Won Park 2016 대한감염학회 대한화학요법학회추계학술대회 () 11 3 ( ) ~ 11 4 ( ), 2016,,,, 463, Bacteriology and Antimicrobial Resistance, Virology / Pediatric Infection, Clinical Microbiology : Recent Update, Clinical syndrome : Recent Update, Infectious Disease Images (Interactive Session), Emerging Infectious Diseases, Mycology / Immunocompromised Host Infection, Infection Control, HIV,, Satellite Symposium,
해외연수기 ( ) 학회주관연구과제소개, Mayo Clinic IBM Mayo Clinic. 24 4, biofilm Mayo Clinic IDRL(infectious disease research laboratory) lab 1,, 2 40 IDRL lab Dr. Robin Patel 2,,. 6 7 5-6, 2.,,. 8 3,. (,,, ), 10,000,,,,, Mayo Clinic 2....,,,,,,.. 연구과제명 : * 1 : * 2 : * 3 : 2016. 감염병분류체계개편방안연구 * : () * : 2016.06.16~2016.12.15, 1. 2. - : 2016.12.12( ) 09:30, - :,,, - - 신종및원인불명감염병의능동형감시체계개발 * ( ) : () * : 2015.12.29~2016.10.28 발주부서 ( 질병관리본부 ).,,,. 1. 연구책임자 ( 부서 ) () () () ( ) ( ) ( ) () 2. 3. 4. - : 2016 9 ~11, /, / / / - : - 2016 년맞춤형감염병예방교육홍보사업 * : ( ), () * : 2016.06.13~2016.12.31 연구기간 2016 06 16 ~ 2016 12 15 2016 06 13 ~ 2016 12 31 2016 09 01 ~ 2017 2 28 참여인원 ( 명 ) 16 29 4 6 19 22 25
학회주관연구과제소개 2017 년도학술행사안내, 1.,,,, 2. 3. 4. 30 회원동정 감염내과의료진정부포상 국내유입가능한감염병의대응관리지침개발 * : () * : 2016.09.01~2017.02.28 1. 2. 3. ( ) 2017 년도대한감염학회학술행사일정 학술행사명개최날짜장소비고 2017 2017. 03. 11 ( ) 2017 2017. 04. 13 ( ) ~ 2017. 04. 14( ) 2017 2017. 5 2017 2017. 06. 24 ( ) 2017 2017. 09. 09 ( ) Joint Meeting of ISAAR & ICIC 2017 2017.09.14 ( ) ~ 2017.09.16 ( ) BEXCO 27th ECCMID (European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) - : 22-25 April 2017, Vienna, Austria - : 3 : ( ) () 2016 (2016.11.17~18, ),, 1,000, (), ( ) (, ) (), () 수상자 () () ( ) () () () 유관학회학술행사일정 주관학회행사명날짜장소 2017 1. 03.06( ) 18:30 2. 05.08( ) 18:30 3. 06.12( ) 18:30 4. 10.16( ) 18:30 604 2017 10.22( ) 2017 6 7 2017 11 2017 04.07( ) 15 03.12( ) 2017 4 ( ) 2017 05.14 ( ) The-K 2017 22 03. 29 ~ 03. 31 2017 05.25 ~ 05. 26 * ( ) 8 9