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제 1 단원 : 물질주요개념 1.1 : 아래의단위를사용하여물체의물리적성질을측정, 비교하여기록하라 * 표준단위 ( 미터 ) 와비표준단위 * 사용가능한도구들 1.2: 물질의물리적성질을비교하여설명하라.( 크기, 모양, 질량 / 무게, 부피, 색깔, 조직, 냄새등 ) Unit 1: Matter Key Ideas: 1.1: Measure, compare and record physical properties of objects using: *Standard (metric) and nonstandard units *Appropriate tools 1.2: Describe and compare the physical properties of matter (size, shape, mass/weight, volume, color, texture, odor, etc.) 단원개괄 액체와고체의길이와부피를측정하는여러도구들이있다. 온도계는온도를측정하는도구이고, 양팔저울은질량을측정하는도구이며, 용수철저울은힘을측정하는도구이다. 표준측정은합의된측정법으로, 과학자들은국제측정시스템을사용한다. 그것을미터법이라한다. 물질이란무엇인가? 공간을차지하는모든것을물질이라고한다. 물질은공간뿐만아니라질량을가진다. 질량은물질의양을일컫는다. 물질은물리적성질을갖는다. 당신은이물리적성질을발견하는데에감각을사용할수있다. 당신은이물리적성질에따라서한물체를다른물체로부터구분할수있다. Unit Overview There are different tools to measure the length or volume of a liquid or a solid. A thermometer measures temperature. A pan balance measures mass. A spring scale measures forces. A standard measure is an accepted measurement. Scientists use the International System of Measurements. It is called the Metric System. What is matter? Everything that takes up space is matter. Matter not only takes up space but also has mass. Mass is the amount of matter something contains. There are physical properties of matter. You use your senses to detect physical properties. You can tell one object from another by their physical properties. Science Bilingual Study Notes Gr. 4 & 5 Unit 1 Page 1

제 1 단원 : 물질필수적질문 : 물질의성질은무엇인가? 핵심개념 : 1.1 : 물체의물리적성질을아래의것을이용하여측정, 비교하여기록하라.: * 표준단위 ( 미터법 ) 와비표준단위 * 사용가능한도구들 과학용어 :1. 특성 2. 질량 내용 : 전세계과학자들은일치된측정방법을사용함으로, 서로의실험을이해할수있다. 학급실험에서사용하는 6 가지도구들 : * 미터자 : 높이, 길이, 넓이를재는도구 * 용수철저울 : 무게를재는도구 * 수평저울 : 질량을재는도구 * 화씨 (F) 와섭씨 (C) 온도계 : 온도를재는도구 * 눈금실린더와계량컵 : 부피를재는도구 온도계눈금실린더용수철저울 Unit 1: Matter Essential Question: What are some of the properties of matter? Key Idea 1.1: Measure, compare and record physical properties of objects using: *Standard(metric) and nonstandard units *Appropriate tools Scientific Terms: 1. property 2. mass Content: Scientists throughout the world use the same measuring systems so they can understand each other s experiments. 6 tools you might use in a classroom experiment: * metric ruler: to find height, length, width * spring scale: to find weight *pan balance: to find mass * Fahrenheit(F) and Celsius (C) thermometers: to find temperatures * graduated cylinders and measuring cups: to find volume * beakers: thermometer graduated spring scale cylinder Science Bilingual Study Notes Gr. 4 & 5 Unit 1 Page 2

계량컵 양팔저울 measuring cup pan balance 미터자 metric ruler 과학자들은데이터 ( 관찰에의해수집한정보 ) 를그래프에표시한다그래프는패턴을알게하는장점이있다. 패턴을통해과학자들은그들의데이터를해석하고, 이해할수있다. 과학자들은관찰한것과실험에사용한 재료들, 실험과정을계속해서기록한다. 그 기록은다른과학자들이같은실험을 반복할때도움을주며, 그들은그결과를 확인할수있다. 복습 : 1. 전세계모든과학자들은왜같은측정방법을사용하는가? 2. 학급실험에서사용하는 6 가지도구들은무엇인가? 3. 그래프는데이터를확인할때어떤도움을주는가? Scientists plot their data (the information gathered from their observations) on graphs. Graphing the data helps to show patterns. Finding patterns helps scientists interpret, or understand, their data. Scientists keep journals to record observations, the materials they used in the experiment and the steps they followed. The recorded information helps the other scientists repeat the experiment, so they can check the results themselves. Review: 1. Why do scientists around the world use the same measuring systems? 2. What are six tools you might use in a classroom experiment? 3. What do graphs help to show about data? Science Bilingual Study Notes Gr. 4 & 5 Unit 1 Page 3

제 1 단원 : 물질핵심질문 : 물질의특성에는어떤것들이있는가? 주요개념 1.2: 물질의물리적특성을설명하고비교하라 ( 크기, 모양, 질량 / 무게, 부피, 색상, 조직, 냄새등 ) 과학용어 :1. 물질내용 : 특성 : 특성은물체에대한관찰로설명될수있다. 크기, 모양, 색상, 경도, 맛그리고무게가물체에대한특성이다. 물질은무엇인가? 공간을차지하고, 질량을가지는모든것이물질이다. 물질은우리의감각으로관찰할수있는특징들로구성되어있다. 예를들어당신의옷이나당신이밟고서있는보도블록같이당신이맛보고, 냄새맡을수있고, 혹은만질수있는모든것이물질이다. 바람또한물질이다왜냐하면공기도공간을차지하고있기때문이다. 그것은당신이풍선에바람을불때에증명된다. 당신이풍선에바람을불때공기는풍선의안쪽면을밀어내면서더넓은공간을만들어내며커진다. 물질이아닌것은무엇인가? 열, 빛, 그리고생각등은물질이아니다. 이러한것들은존재하지만공간을차지하고있지않기때문에물질은아니다. 질량은무엇인가? 물질은공간을차지할뿐만아니라질량을가진다. 질량은물질의양이다. 질량은균형에따라서측정된다. 질량은그램으로측정된다. 질량이많으면많을수록무게는더나간다. 물체의질량은물리적특성의하나이다. 다른물체적특성은물체의외관이나조직을포함한다. Unit 1: Matter Essential Question: What are some of the properties of matter? Key Idea 1.2: Describe and compare the physical properties of matter (size, shape, mass/weight, volume, color, texture, odor, etc.) Scientific Terms: 1. matter Content: Property: A property is what can be observed about an object. Size, shape, color, hardness, taste and weight are properties of an object. What is matter? Everything that takes up space and has mass is matter. Matter is made up of particles that have properties that can be observed through our senses. This includes you, your clothes and the sidewalk under you. Just about everything is matter. If you can taste, smell, or touch something, it is matter. Even a breeze is matter because air takes up space. You prove that when you blow up a balloon. The air you blow into the balloon pushes out its sides. The air inside the balloon takes up space. What is not matter? Heat, light, and ideas are examples of things that are not matter. Even thought they exist, they don t take up any space. What is mass? Matter not only takes up space but also has mass. Mass is the amount of matter something contains. Mass is measured with a balance. Mass is measured in grams. The more mass it has, the heavier it is. The mass of an object is one of its physical properties. Other physical properties include an object s look and texture. Science Bilingual Study Notes Gr. 4 & 5 Unit 1 Page 4

부피 : 물질이차지하고있는공간의양이다. 색상, 모양, 그리고조직 : 감각을통해서물리적특성을발견할수있다. 길이, 넓이, 부피, 크기, 모양, 질량혹은무게, 온도또한그물체를설명하는데도움을주는특성들이다. 오렌지의특징들 : * 울퉁불퉁한껍질, 부드러움 ( 만질때 ) * 둥글거나원형이며, 오렌지색깔 ( 볼때 ) * 아삭아삭한소리, 좋은소리 ( 껍질을벗길때 ) * 오렌지향기 ( 냄새맡을때 ) * 달고시다 ( 맛을볼때 ) 복습 : 1. 물질은무엇인가? 세가지예를들어라. 2. 질량은무엇인가? 많은질량을가진물체를말하고, 작은질량의물체를말하라. 3. 바나나를설명하는데어떤물리적특성을사용할수있는가? 책상은? Volume: It is the amount of space that matter takes up. Color, shape, and texture: You use your senses to detect these physical properties. Length, width, volume, size, shape, mass or weight, and temperature are also properties that help us describe an object. Properties of an orange: * bumpy texture, feels soft when you touch it * round or spherical, an orange color when you look at it * hear a crisp, ripping sound when you peel it * smells like an orange when you smell it *tastes sweet or sour when you taste it Review: 1. What is matter? Give three examples. 2. What is mass? Name one object with a lot of mass and one with little mass. 3. What physical properties could you use to describe a banana, a desk? Science Bilingual Study Notes Gr. 4 & 5 Unit 1 Page 5

정답제 1 단원 : 1.1 1. 전세계과학자들은같은측정방법을사용함으로서로의실험을이해할수있다. 2. 6 가지도구들 : 미터자, 용수철저울, 접시저울, 화씨 / 섭씨저울, 눈금실린더와계량컵, 비커 3. 그래프는패턴을읽는데에도움을준다. 패턴을통해과학자들은그들의데이터를해석하고, 이해할수있다. 1.2 1. 공간을차지하는것, 질량을가지는모든것이물질이다. 물질은우리의감각으로관찰될수있다. 만약당신이맛보고, 냄새를맡아보고, 만질수있다면그것은물질이다. 당신의옷, 바람, 보도블록같은것들이물질의좋은예이다. 2. 물질은공간과질량을차지한다. 질량은물질의양이다. 질량은균형에의해서측정되어지며그램으로나타난다. 질량이많으면많을수록, 더무거워진다. 골프공은테니스공보다더많은질량을가진다. 3. 바나나 : 당신이바나나를만질때, 부드러운결을느낀다. 눈으로볼때에, 길고노랗다. 냄새는바나나냄새가나며, 맛은달고부드럽다. 책상 : 책상을만지면차고딱딱하며평평하고부드럽다. 눈으로볼때, 어떤것은높고, 어떤것은낮게다르게보인다. 책상을밀때, 무게감을느낀다. Answer Key Unit 1: 1.1 1. Scientists throughout the world use the same measuring systems so they can understand each other s experiments. 2. The six tools are: metric ruler, spring scale, pan balance, Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers, graduated cylinders and measuring cups, and beakers. 3. Graphing the data helps to show patterns. Finding patterns helps scientists interpret, or understand, their data. 1.2 1. Everything that takes up space and has mass is matter. Matter can be observed through our senses. If you can taste, smell, or touch something, it is matter. Your clothes, a breeze, and the sidewalk under you, are examples of matter. 2. Matter takes up space and has mass. Mass is the amount of matter something contains. Mass is measured with a balance, in grams. The more mass something has, the heavier it is. A golf ball has more mass; a table tennis ball has little mass. 3. A banana: When you touch itsmooth texture; when you look at itlong and yellow; when you smell itsmells like a banana; when you taste it- tastes sweet and soft. A desk: When you touch it- it s cool, hard but flat and smooth; when you look at it- it has different shapes, some high and some low; when you push it- it has some weight. Science Bilingual Study Notes Gr. 4 & 5 Unit 1 Page 6