THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2015 Sep.; 26(10), 914 923. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) An Efficient Frequency Utilization Policy for UAS in Hyper-Connectivity Era 강영흥 Young-Heung Kang 요약 UAS(Unmanned Aircraft System),,. UAS (next) 5G. UAS (NAS: National Airspace System), (non-payload), (payload). UAS UAS. Abstract UAS(Unmanned Aircraft System) has been used a lot in military applications but recently its usage is expanding to commercial applications due to its recent technical development and its market is expected to grow rapidly in the future. In hyper-connectivity society, especially UAS would play major role as an one of potential infrastructures for the architecture of the next 5G system. The ultimate goal is the successful integration of UAS in NAS(National Airspace System) relies heavily on ensuring reliable spectrum for the robust CNPC(Command and Non-Payload Communication) links as well as payload links for other various applications in the upcoming hyper-connectivity era. In this paper, we have focused on the analysis of the existing frequencies for UAS radio-control and the current issues for CNPC and payload frequencies, and proposed future efficient utilization policy for UAS in the hyper-connectivity society. Key words: UAS, Hyper-Connectivity, C2, CNPC, R/C, Spectrum. 서론 (UAV: Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle),.,,.,,,,,, 2015 (: B01721510760001002). (School of Computer, Information & Communication Engineering, Kunsan National University) Manuscript received August 31, 2015 ; Revised October 5, 2015 ; Accepted October 8, 2015. (ID No. 20150831-063) Corresponding Author: Young-Heung Kang (e-mail: 914 c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved.
,,, (,, ) [1],[2]. UAS(Unmanned Aircraft System), UAS (next) 5G. 1, (flying relay node) UAS [3]. UAS,. UAS ( / ).,,,,.,,.. UAS, UAS. 그림 1. UAS [1] Fig. 1. Future architecture including UAS. UAS (NAS: National Airspace System), ISR(Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) UAS. 2028 [4], FAA(Federal Aviation Administration) NAS UAS, [5]. - NAS [6], S&A(Sense and Avoid) [7]. UAS, UAS NAS C2(Command and Control). 2 UAS, 3, 4 LOS(Line-of-Sight) BLOS(Beyond LOS), 5 UAS 6.. UAS 시스템 2-1 정의 UAS 2,,,,,., LOS BLOS.,., 99.9 % (link availability), /. UAS (uplink) (downlink), 915
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 26, no. 10, Oct. 2015. (UAV GCS). GCS ATC GCS ATC [9].. 무선조정 1 2 2.4 GHz VHF. 그림 2. UAS [8] Fig. 2. Components for UAS. [8]. 2-2 정보교환 UAS 3,. C2 GCS(Ground Control Station), ATC(Air Traffic Control), ATS(Air Traffic Service), ATC, S&A (non-payload). (throughput) (payload) (, HD ) 그림 3. UAS [9] Fig. 3. Internal and external information flow for UAS. 3-1 2.4 GHz 대역 2005 2.4 GHz ISM. 1. VHF 2.4 GHz. Radio Control(R/C) 100 m, 2.4 GHz [10]. 3-2 VHF 대역 2,,, 표 1. 2.4 GHz Table 1. Radio control in 2.4 GHz band. 2.4 GHz 50 70 % 1 W ( 100 mw ) ( (FH), (DS), FH/DS, ) (FH) : 100 mw : 10 mw ( (FH), (DS), FH/DS, ) 916
표 2. Table 2. Comparison of radio control requirements in countries. 27 50 72/75 27 50/72 /75 72/75 A1D F1D A1D F1D A1D F1E 1 W (27.225 5 W) 750 mw ±50 ppm ±20 ppm 56+10Log TP[dB] ERP 100 mw ±750 Hz 47 74 87.5 118 4 mw 174 230 470 862 10 GHz 250 mw 10 GHz 1μW ERP 750 mw 27 ±100 ppm 40/72 ±30 ppm A1D F1D 500 m 200 μv/m [10].,, UAS. 3-3 무선조정용주파수 4. (surface) (airborne), 100 mw., SRD(Short Range Device) 49 10 mw., 50 53 Ham. 그림 4. (: ) Fig. 4. Comparison of radio control frequencies.. 공역통합 (, ),,, NAS. (CNPC: Control and Non-payload Communications). ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization) CNPC ITU AM(R)S (Aeronautical Mobile(Route) Service) AMS(R)S(Aeronautical Mobile Satellite(Route) Service). AM(R)S LOS CNPC, AMS(R)S BLOS CNPC [11]. 4-1 CNPC 스펙트럼소요대역폭 UAS CNPC ITU 2030 [12]., LOS 34, BLOS ( ) 46 56. UAS. 917
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 26, no. 10, Oct. 2015. LOS 34 BLOS 56 4-2 LOS CNPC 스펙트럼 AM(R)S LOS CNPC ITU [13]. 960 1,164 AM(R)S, 5 DME(Distance Measuring Equipment) TACAN(Tactical Air Navigation), 960 977 17, UAS 34 [13]. WRC-12 5,030 5,091 AM(R)S [14]. ARNS(Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service) MLS(Microwave Landing System), AM(R)S. 4-3 BLOS CNPC 스펙트럼 BLOS CNPC 56 5,030 5,091 LOS 17 44. WRC-15 FSS(Fixed Satellite Service) UAS, UAS CNPC 그림 6. FS UAES [11] Fig. 6. Interference scenario between FS and UAES. FSS. NASA 6 UAS CNPC FSS FS(Fixed Service) [11]. UAS FSS (UAES: UA Earth Station) FS P-P(Point-to-Point). WRC-15 Agenda Item 1, 5 3., FS 20 % I/N= 10 db. 7 14.0 14.5 GHz NASA [11]. 20 % I/N 50 db 40 db. 표 3. WRC-15 Table 3. Candidate bands for compatibility in WRC-15. 그림 5. DME TACAN [11] Fig. 5. Spectral occupancy of DME and TACAN ground assignment. ( 6) Ku 10.95 12.75 GHz 2 and 2s Ka 17.3 20.2 GHz 2 and 2s Ku 14.0 14.5 GHz 3 and 3s Ka 27.5 30.0 GHz 3 and 3s 918
그림 7. UAES FS I/N [11] Fig. 7. Example of cumulative distribution of I/N for UAES interference into FS station receiver.. UAS 주파수의효율적이용 UAS, WRC-12 UAS 5 GHz (5,030 5,091 ) CNPC, WRC-15 UAS BLOS UAS. UAS. 5-1 Free Band 및 ISM 대역의활용 GHz (K-ICT Free Band) 8 GHz [15]. Free Band 262 264, IoT, UAS, 2.4 GHz 5.8 GHz ISM UAS. 5-2 주파수공동사용방안 UAS UAS 그림 8. UAS [9] Fig. 8. Spectrum management infrastructure for UAS.,. UAS 8 [9].. (broker) (TV white space, 3.5 GHz) UAV (, )., UAV,. 5-2-1 CNPC 용주파수 UAV (cooperative). (routes) (P-P aerial - based), -(master-slave) UAS. TI (throughput intense)-uav S&A SU(secondary user) S&A CNPC. 9 UAS 919
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 26, no. 10, Oct. 2015. (a) UAV (a) Independent UAV mission 그림 10. 2.9 3.1 GHz [16] Fig. 10. Regional locations of the radio stations in 2.9 3.1 GHz. (b) UAV (b) Cooperative UAV mission 그림 9. [9] Fig. 9. Spectrum sharing use cases. [9]. 9. Case 1 (tier) UAV CNPC, Case 2. (intra- tier) UAV. Case 3 UAV, PU(primary user) UAV SU. Case 1 3 (inter- tier)., 2.9 3.1 GHz 9 Case 3. 10,, ( ), 3,050, 4.,,,, [16]. LSA, 5-2-2 업무용주파수 LSA(Licensed Shared Access) UAS 그림 11. 2.9 3.1 GHz [16] Fig. 11. Spectrum access model for 2.9 3.1 GHz. 920
. 1-Tier 11 2-Tier,, UAS. 5-3 인지무선기술의도입 (, IEEE S, IEEE L, ISM ),. (,, PDA, ). (, WiFi, WiMAX, ) UAS. UAS, UAS. FCC(Federal Communications Commission) PU. (dynamic) (CR: Cognitive Radio). UAS [17].. 결론 UAS 4. VHF 2.4 GHz,., 2.4 GHz 5.8 GHz ISM. 2.4 GHz 5.8 GHz, 26 2 264 Free band, LSA 표 4. UAS Table 4. Frequencies for UAS components. CNPC Payload S&A LOS BLOS 27, 35, 40, 50, 53, 71, 75, 262 264, 458, 2.4 / 5.8 GHz 960 1,164 5,030 5,091 1,545 1,555 / 1,646.5 1,656.5 10.95 12.75 / 14.0 14.5 GHz 17.3 20.2 / 27.5 30.0 GHz 430, 900, 2.4 / 5.8 GHz 4G / LTE 2,700 3,100 9,000 9,200 9,300 9,500 ISM Free Band, DME/TACAN, MLS FS, WRC-15 ISM /,, 2-tier 3-tier,., WRC-7 WRC-12 LOS CNPC 34, BLOS CNPC 54. 5,030 5,091 Ku/Ka FS., WRC-15. UAS NAS C2, S & A,.,. UAS, 921
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