21세기 호모 파베르: 인간본성으로서의 인공성과 기술철학

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Conclusion: 21 st Century Homo Faber: 인간본성으로서의인공성과기술철학 2014 세계인문학포럼발표자료

Contents 호모파베르의두역설 Paradoxes of Homo Faber 기술철학의세흐름 Three Approaches in Philosophy of Technology 호모파베르개념과기술철학이론들의한계 Limits of Current Theories 기술철학의과제 The Tasks of Philosophy of Technology

Paradox of Homo Faber 인간의본성인인공성 기술은인공적이다. 그러나역설적이게도, 이인공성은인간에게자연스러운 ( 본성적인 ) 것이다. 기술이적절하게내면화되었을때, 그것은인간의삶을저급하게만드는것이아니라그가치를높여준다 (Ong 1982: 82). Technologies are artificial, but--paradox again-- artificiality is natural to human beings. Technology, properly interiorized, does not degrade human life but on the contrary enhances it (Ong 1982: 82).

Paradox of Homo Faber 인간의의식을바꾸는기술 기술은단순히외부적인도움을주는것이아니라의식의내부적인변화를일으키는데, 그중에서도언어에영향을미칠때가장그러하다. 그런변화는우리를향상시킨다. 쓰기는의식을고양시킨다 (Ong 1982: 81). Technologies are not mere exterior aids but also interior transformations of consciousness, and never more than when they affect the word. Such transformations can be uplifting. Writing heightens consciousness (Ong 1982: 81).

Paradox of Homo Faber 현대기술에대한철학적물음의시작 도구와기술에대한물음은기술의발전속도가빨라지고그들의인공성이좀더두드러지게나타났을때에야본격적으로제기되기시작했다. 현대기술에대한기대로들떠있던 19 세기의환호를지나, 기술이인간의삶을근본적으로흔드는것을경험한 20 세기중반에기술에대한철학의물음이본격화되었다. The question about tools and technologies was raised only when technology s artificiality became visible due to the rapid technological progress. Philosophy began earnestly questioning about technologies in the mid-20th century, when people broke out of the 19th century s heightened optimistic anticipations for modern technologies and experienced their lives being profoundly shaken by them.

기술철학의세흐름 고전적기술철학 Classical Ph. of Tech. M. Heidegger, J. Ellul, H. Jonas, H. Marcuse... 현대기술에대한비판 지켜야할인간본성 그들은호모파베르로서의인간을부정하지않지만, 그것이인간이인간이게하는핵심요소라고생각하지않는다. 그들이현대기술사회에대해서비판적인이유는현대기술이호모사피엔스를위협하고있기때문이다. Although they did not deny the concept of Homo Faber, they hardly considered it significant. These philosophers were critical about modern technological society because it threatened human as Homo Sapiens.

기술철학의세흐름 경험으로의전환 The Empirical Turn A. Feenberg, L. Winner, D. Ihde, A. Borgmann... 경험과대안의강조 기술의민주화이론 인간과기술에대한일반적인이해와상통 이들과고전적기술철학의입장차이는현대기술의영향력의크기와그로인해야기되는문제들의해결가능성에있는것이지, 훼손되거나회복될수있는인간의본성과이상적인상태에대한것은아니다. The difference between classical philosophy of technology and the empirical turn is their views on the magnitude of modern technology s impact and the solvability of the resulted problems. It is not about whether human nature is liable to damage or is restorable, nor about what the ideal state of human is.

기술철학의세흐름 포스트휴머니즘 PostHumanism Expectation for the emergence of entirely new humanity 전통휴머니즘은인간을태어나는존재로이해하였다면, 포스트휴머니즘은기술이인간을만든다고전제한다. 포스트휴머니즘의주장은특히두측면에서제기된다. 하나는인간이기계와융합하여전혀다른존재가될수있다는것이고, 다른하나는이런포스트휴먼이인간을생물학적한계로부터해방시킨다는주장이다 ( 이진우 2013: 298). While traditional humanism understood that humans are born, posthumanism says humans are made by technology. Roughly speaking, post-humanism raises two arguments in particular: (i) humans can transform themselves through integrating with machines, and; (ii) such posthumans will liberate humans from their biological limitations (Lee, 2013: 298).

포스트휴머니즘의두갈래 Two Approaches of Posthumanism Posthuman-ism: emphasis on the new human that overcomes the physical and mental limit of human beings in traditional sense. Singularity : the moment when technology transcends human Human mind can be downloaded to a computer. Human enhancement More practical, futuristic approach Post-Humanism: emphasis on overcoming modern humanism, human subjectivity, human autonomy, etc. Connected to postmodernism Overcoming anthropocentrism More philosophical, theoretical

기술철학의한계 The Current Limit of Ph. of Tech. a) 인간이기술을만들어사용한다. Human creating technology b) 기술이인간의인간됨에영향을미친다. Technology affecting humanness b ) 인간을인간이게하는가치 ( 본성 ) 는변할수있다. Human nature changeable c) 인간을인간이게하는가치 ( 본성 ) 는변하지않는다. Homan nature unaltered Homo Faber O 고전적기술철학 경험으로의전환 O 포스트휴머니즘 O O O O O O O

기술철학의한계 Homo Faber 고전적기술철학 Classical Phil. of Tech. 이들은호모파베르의다른한측면, 즉인간이도구를만들어사용하는존재라는사실을규범적으로만받아들일뿐실질적으로는무시하고있다. 현대기술앞에인간은완전히무력해진것이다. They effectively ignore the aspect of Homo Faber and consider that man has become completely helpless in the face of modern technology. Post-humanism 주어진조건으로서의기술 Technology as a given condition 기술발전의방향제시와그것을위한판단기준의마련가능 It is still possible to suggest (criteria for desirable) direction of technological development.

기술철학의한계 Faber 가미치는범위 기술은세상과다른사람을보는관점에영향을미치고, 기본적인인식의전제들을바꾼다. technologies change humans world view and their premises of basic awareness. 기술민주화이론의한계 theory of democratizing technology 1. 경계의문제 Problem of boundary 2. 절차적정당성과내용적정당성 justification of procedure and content 3. 기술격차 Technological Divide 개별기술들이연결되었을때초래되는인간의삶과사고의심대한변화고려 The profound impact of technology as a whole on human lives and thinking need to be fully appreciated.

기술철학의과제 The Tasks of Philosophy of Technology 인간은문화와기술을통해서스스로를고양시키고발전시켜나간다. 이과정은적응의과정이고어떤모습이인간의가장이상적인상태인지에대한다양한입장들사이에균형을잡으려는노력과일종의거래다. 이제그변화의속도가현대기술에의해더욱빨라지고가시적이되었다면, 그러한노력과거래도좀더공개적으로일어날필요가있다. Human beings develop and upgrade themselves through culture and technology. This is a process of adaptation and trade-offs to find a balance among various opinions on what constitutes an ideal or desirable human being. Since modern technology has made this change more rapid and visible, the trade-offs and the (re) balancing effort should also be conducted in a more public and open manner.

목적이이끄는기술발전 Purpose Driven Technology 기술적으로가능한것을개발하는것이아니라, 우리가목적하는바를이루기위한기술을개발하는것 Developing technology according to the set purpose, not according to its feasibility 우리가원하는인간과사회의모습에대한고민과좋은기술의기준의설정 Elucidation on what kind of man and society we want to have and on the criteria of good technology 사례 : 새로운기술 ( 미디어 ) 에대한판단기준 Criteria for good media(technology) 합리적사고 rational thinking 민주적절차 democratic process 의미있는정보 meaningful information 도덕적감수성 capacity for goodness

결론 Conclusion 21 세기호모파베르는도구를만들어사용하는것을통해자기자신이바뀌어간다는것을인지하게되었다는점에서이전의호모파베르와다른상황에처해있다. 엄청난규모와힘으로인간의몸과마음, 삶전체에영향을미치게될수많은가능성들중무엇을택하고버릴것인지를결정할수있는기회가 21 세기호모파베르가가진특권이자책임이다. 기술철학은그선택과평가의구체적인기준을먼저제시하고논의를촉발하라는요구에보다적극적으로응해야한다. 21st century Homo Faber now knows the previously concealed fact, namely that creating and using tools shapes his/her humanity. Confronted with numerous possibilities of transforming human body, mind and life completely, the 21st century Homo Faber has the privilege and responsibility of determining what to choose and what to abandon. Philosophy of technology should respond more actively to the calls to initiate relevant discourse by providing specific and concrete standards for the evaluation and selection of these possibilities.