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Ecological Characteristics of Bombus hypocrita sapporoesis i Korea Hyug Joo Yoo*, Kyeog Yog Lee, MI Ae Kim, Yeog Bo Lee ad Su Youg Kim Departmet of Agricultural Biology, Natioal Istitute of Agricultural Scieces, RDA, Waju gu, Jellabuk do 55365, Republic of Korea (Received 29 August 2015; Revised 24 October 2015; Accepted 31 October 2015) Abstract The post-hiberated quees of Bombus hypocrita saporoesis were collected i Jeogseo, Korea to ivestigate their ecological characteristics ad reared uder the laboratory coditios; 27 C 65% R.H., ad darkess. The average weight of collected quees was 0.87 0.14g ad 0.8g class was most abudat (34.7%) amog eight weight classes. The rates of coloy iitiatio, coloy foudatio ad progey-quee productio were 76.3%, 60.0% ad 42.5%, respectively. The duratios up to coloy iitiatio ad coloy foudatio were 12.0 6.7 days ad 49.3 2.4 days, respectively. The duratio up to first worker, male ad quee emergece were 22.2 3.0 days, 63.4 6.5 days ad 63.5 8.7 days, respectively. The umber of progeies was 108.5 26.0 workers, 186.7 70.7 males ad 39.1 30.3 quees. The logevity of coloy fouded quee was 90.2 19.9 days whereas that of o-coloized quee was 35.9 30.3 days. Copulatio time was 29.5 9.6 mi. The umber of eggs per egg cell laid ew quee was 9.3 2.3 grais. A egg shaped as baaa ad it s size was 1.12 0.10mm i a width, 3.54 0.16mm i a legth ad 2.26 0.34mg i a weight. Key words: Bumblebee, Bombus hypocrita sapporoesis, Ecological characteristics, Ovipositio rate, Coloy developmet (Bees),,,,., (Moradi ad Wisto, 2005; Greeleaf ad Kreme, 2006; Wifree et al., 2007). *Correspodig author. E-mail: yoohj1023@korea.kr 231

232 16,325 (Micheer, 2000).,, (Free, 1993; Dag ad Kammer, 2001)., 239 (Haa et al., 1998; Williams, 1998). (Bombidae), (Bombus) 20 (Kim, 1988),, 7 21 (Lee ad Dumouhel, 1999).,, (Free, 1993; Duchateau ad Velthuis, 1988). 1 1,, 6 7 (Heirich, 1979; Duchateau ad Velthuis, 1988).,,,. (5 C) (Buchma ad Hurley, 1978; Bada ad Paxto, 1991; Iwasaki, 1995). 1987 (de Ruijter, 1997; Free, 1993; Masahiro, 2000). 2004, 100 Bombus terrestris 930,000 (93%), B. impaties 55,000 (5.5%), B. lucorum, B. igitus, B. occidetalis (1.5%) 239 5 (Velthuis ad va Door, 2006). 2013 8 87.5% (Yoo, H. J. ). (B. igitus) (Lee et al., 2004), (Yoo et al., 1999, 2002, 2003, 2012). (B. hypocrita sapporesis),,,. 2007 5 (80 ) 2. (Colidalis speciosa), (Rhododedro mucroulatum), (Pruus yedoesis). 40% (7 7 5cm). (Yoo et al., 2002). 27 1 C, 65 5% R.H.,.,. (10.5 14.5 6.5cm) 5.5 6.5cm,. (21.0 21.0 15.0cm), 50

100 Frequecy (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Weight class (g) Fig. 1. Weight distributio of foudatio quees of collected B. hypocrita sapporesis. The umber of quees surveyed was 80. Rate of quee oviposited (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11121314 1516 1718 19202122232425 262728 Periods of first ovipositio (days) Fig. 2. Distributio of foudatio quees of B. hypocrita sapporesis by the first ovipositio day. The umber of quees surveyed was 65. (24.0 27.0 18.0cm). 40%. 40%. 40% 0.2% sorbic acid. (55 65 40cm) 5 1 7 2~3. 40%,. 25 C, 65%, 1000lux (Yoo et al., 2007).,,,,,. 0.3g 1.1g 8.,,,,,.,,., 60.,,. 50.,,. 9 5..,,.,,. Oe-way ANOVA test Chi-square test (MINITAB Release 13 for Widows, Miitab Ic. 2000). (80 ), 0.8g 34.7%, 0.9g 22.4%, 233

234 Table 1. Periods of preovipositio ad coloy foudatio of idoor reared B. hypocrita sapporesis quees Preovipositio period (Days) Periods of coloy Total No coloy foudatio Coloy foudatio foudatio (Days) 61 12.0 6.7 9 18.8 7.0 a 52 10.9 5.9 b 43 49.3 4.7 1) idicates the umber of quees surveyed. 2) No coloy foudatio meas oly egg layig ad o emergece of adult bees. 3) Idoor rearig was performed at 27 C uder a costat humidity of 65% R.H. 4) There was sigificat differece i preovipositio o coloy foudatio ad coloy foudatio at p<0.0001 usig oeway ANOVA test. Table 2. Coloy developmet of foudatio quee of idoor reared B. hypocrita sapporesis No. of surveyed quee 80 76.3 60.0 42.5 1) idicates the umber of quees surveyed. Rate (%) Ovipositio Coloy foudatio Progey quee productio 1.0g 18.4%, 1.1g 2.0% (Fig. 1). 0.87 0.14g. 0.657 0.095g(=200),, (Yoo et al., 2004b). (Fig. 2), 4, 28. 4 21.3%, 15 19.7%, 7 18 13.1%. 1 39.3%, 20 90.1%. 12.0 6.7 (Table 1). 6.67 2.08 (Yoo et al., 1999), 2. (Table 1), 10.9 5.9, 18.8 7.0 10 (Oeway-ANOVA test: F=13.19, df=1, 59, p=0.0001)., (5.9 2.5 ) (6.7 2.1 ) 1 (Yoo et al., 1999). Yoo et al.(2004a).,, (Table 2), 76.3%, 60.0%, 42.5%. (=36), 94.4%, 86.1%, 83.3% (Yoo et al., 1999),. Asada ad Oo (2000) B. hypocrita hypocrita (91%) (B. igitus) (87%). Table 3. 22.2 3.0, 41 63.4 6.5. 63.5 8.7. Yoo et al.(1999) 18.9 1.2, 69.0 3.9, 3 71.4 6.9. B. h.

Table 3. Time util the first adult emergece of idoor reared B. hypocrita sapporesis quees Time util first adult emergece (Days) Worker Male Quee 49 22.2 3.0 46 63.4 6.5 33 63.5 8.7 1) idicates the umber of quees surveyed. Table 4. Number of adults produced from foudatio quee of idoor reared B. hypocrita sapporesis Number of adults produced Worker Male Quee 47 108.5 26.0 48 186.7 70.7 32 39.1 30.3 1) idicates the umber of quees surveyed. Table 5 The logevity of quee of the o coloy foudatio ad coloy foudatio of idoor reared B. hypocrita sapporesis The logevity of quee (Days Total No coloy foudatio Coloy foudatio 75 73.1 31.3 22 35.9 30.3 53 90.2 19.9 1) idicates the umber of quees surveyed. hypocrita B. igitus, : 23.0 2.5, 24.0 2.3, : 25.0 1.1, 26.0 1.4 : 28.0 1.1, 27.0 1.3 B. h. hypocrita B. igitus (Asada ad Oo, 2000). 16 25 (Heirich, 1979)., (Fig. 3). (Fig. 4, Table 4), 108.5 26.0 186.7 70.7 1.7. 39.1 30.3. 188.8 18.2, 107.9 47.8 1.7 2.8 (Yoo et al., 1999). B. igitus (107.6 51.3 ), B. h. hypocrita (45.4 29.4 ) 2.4 (Asada ad Oo, 2000),. Haae et al.(1997).., (Kim et al., 2002),. B. h. hypocrita,., B. h. hypocrita B. igitus (Ito, 1993). (B. hypocrita sapporesis) B. hypocrita hypocrita, 108.5 26.0 B. hypocrita hypocrita(45.4 29.4 ) 2.4,. B. hypocrita hypocrita, 235

236 Q M W 윤형주 이경용 김미애 이영보 김선영 Fig. 3. The quee (Q), male (M), ad worker (W) of the bumblebee, B. hypocrita sapporesis. Fig. 5. Copulatio of the bumblebee, B. hypocrita sapporesis. Fig. 4. Coloy of the bumblebee, B. hypocrita sapporesis. 요가 있다고 판단된다. 채집 여왕벌의 생존일수를 조사한 결과(Table 5), 봉 군을 형성한 여왕벌의 경우에는 90.2±19.9일, 봉군을 Fig. 6. Eggs of B. hypocrita sapporesis. 형성하지 않은 여왕벌의 생존일수는 35.9±30.3일로 다(Oeway-ANOVA test: F=9.62, df=3, 83, p=0.0001). 삽 나타나 봉군을 형성하는 여왕벌이 봉군을 형성하지 포로뒤영벌 수벌은 5번까지 교미하는 것이 확인되었 않은 여왕벌보다 약 2.5배 정도 수명이 길었다. 이러 다. 오전 9시부터 오후 5시까지 교미가 가장 많이 이 한 결과로 볼 때, 봉군형성 여부는 여왕벌의 월동조건 루어지는 시간대를 조사한 결과(Table 6), 1회째 교미 과 여왕벌의 생존일수는 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 는 오전 11시, 2회째 교미는 오전 10시, 3~5회째는 오 생각된다. 전 9시경이었다. 결과적으로 삽포로뒤영벌의 교미는 대부분 오전 9~11시 사이에 이루어져 이 시간대가 최 교미 및 산란한 알의 특성 고 교미시간대임을 알 수 있었다. 교미횟수에 따른 교 삽포로뒤영벌 여왕벌의 교미행동은 Fig. 5에서 보 미율을 Table 6에 나타내었다. 1회째 교미율 56.9%, 2 는 바와 같이 수벌이 처녀여왕벌의 복부 등쪽에 앉은 회째 교미율 20.6%, 3회째 교미율 2.9%로 교미횟수가 후 다리를 이용 여왕벌의 흉부와 복부를 잡고 교미기 많을수록 교미율이 현저하게 낮아지는 것이 통계적 를 삽입하여 교미가 이루어진다. Table 6에서 보는 바 으로 확인되었다(Chi-square test: x2=123.168, df=3, 와 같이, 여왕벌과 수벌의 1회째 교미한 시간은 평균 p=0.0001). 토종호박벌의 1회째 평균 교미시간은 23.0 29.5±9.6분이었으며, 2회째 교미시간은 39.7±14.2분, ±7.3분이었다(Yoo et al., 1999). 4회째는 57.0±4.66분으로 수벌의 교미횟수가 많을수 삽포로여왕벌이 산란한 첫 육아방의 크기는 단경 록 교미시간이 길어지는 것이 통계적으로 인정되었 5.36±0.40mm, 장경 5.90±0.63mm, 높이 4.53±

Table 6. Matig periods ad matig peak time at the umber of matig times of idoor reared B. hypocrita sapporesis quees 1 time 2 time 3 time 4 time 5 time Matig time (mi) 52 29.5 9.6c 24 39.7 14.2b 7 39.4 17.7abc 4 57.0 14.6a 1 35 Matig peak (hr) 52 11:08 1:51 24 10:00 1:38 7 9:39 1:50 4 9:25 0:50 1 9:20 Matig rate (%) 102 56.9 102 20.6 102 2.9 102 2.0 1) idicates the umber of quees surveyed. 2) Matig time was ivestigated from 9:00 to 17:00. 3) There were sigificat differeces i matig periods at the umber of matig times ad matig rate at p<0.0001 usig oeway ANOVA test. Table 7. First egg cell sizes of idoor reared B. hypocrita sapporesis quees Sizes of egg cell Width (mm) Legth (mm) Height (mm) 10 5.36 0.40 5.90 0.63 4.53 0.40 Table 8. Number of eggs per egg cell ad sizes of egg of idoor reared B. hypocrita sapporesis quees Sizes of egg No. of egg/egg cell Width (mm) Legth (mm) Height (mm) 15 9.3 2.3 95 1.12 0.10 3.54 0.16 2.26 0.34 0.40mm (Table 7), ( 7.15 0.88mm, 7.79 1.11mm, 3.33 0.22mm, Yoo et al., 1999)., (Fig. 6), 9.3 2.3 (Table 8). 1.12 0.10 mm, 3.54 0.16mm, 2.26 0.34mg (Table 8)., 8.7 4.0, 1.22 0.09mm, 3.51 0.21mm, 2.26 0.34mg (Yoo et al., 1999),., B. hypocrita hypocrita,.. (B. hypocrita sapporesis) 27 C, 65%, 0.87 0.14g, 0.8g 34.7%., 76.3%, 60.0% 42.5%. 12.0 6.7, 49.3 2.4., 22.2 3.0, 63.4 6.5 63.5 8.7., 108.5 26.0, 186.7 70.7 39.1 30.3. 1 29.5 9.6. 5.36 0.40mm, 5.90 0.63mm, 4.53 0.40mm. 9.3 2.3 1.12 0.10mm, 3.54 0.16mm, 2.26 0.34mg. ( : PJ01005104) 237

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