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The Role of Historical Relativity in International Exchange of Culture and Tourism at the Regional Level: A Case of Gyeonggi and Shandong Province Jung-hoon Lee** Kyung-Eun Choi*** Eun-Ja Lee****,.,,.,,.,,.,.,.,,, Abstract : This paper is to examine the role of historical relativity in promoting the international exchange of culture and tourism sectors at the regional level, in the case of Shandong province in China and Gyeonggi province in South Korea. Various exchanges have been made active across the Yellow Sea over past centuries. This has produced plenty of interrelated histo-cultural heritages that are the important base of culture and tourism exchange between two regions. Key heritages with historical relativity, including Chishan Fahuayuan (Fahua Temple, ), the Confucian culture, and a rich pottery and porcelain culture, are discussed as the main sources that can help promote exchange of culture and tourism. This paper argues that historical relativity, in addition to geographical proximity and close economic relationships as underlying conditions, plays a significant role in providing the substantial contents for international exchange of culture and tourism and also has big potential to develop new exchange programs between two regions. Finally, on the basis of main cultural assets with historical relativity discussed, some concrete corresponding exchange programs and their geographical locations in both regions are suggested as a viable way for facilitating the international exchange and for making it a sustainable flow. Key Words : culture and tourism, international exchange and cooperation at the regional level, historical relativity, corresponding exchange programs and their geographical locations * 2007 4 24 4 ( - ),. **, (Gyeonggi Research Institute, Research Fellow, jhoon@gri.re.kr) *** (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore, Post-Doc. Fellow, geomink@hanmail.net) **** HK (Institute of Rice, Life & Civilization, Chonbuk National University, HK Professor, ej1884@hanafos.com)

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