TH 501e Constructive Theology I 조직신학 I (3 Credits) Fall 2015 Syllabus Class Period ( 수업일정 ): 2015 년 8 월 24 일 ( 월 ) 부터 12 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 까지 Aug 24, 2015(Monday) to Dec 11, 2015 (Friday) Professor ( 담당교수 ): Mooyong Lim, Ph.D (Adjunct Faculty) Office Hours ( 면담시간 ): 이과목은온라인수업으로서교수와학생들이다른주에거주하고있는상황이기때문에다른오프라인과목들과달리직접만나는것이현실적으로어렵습니다. 개인적으로질문이있거나면담이필요할때에는이메일 (preferred) 또는전화를주시면성심껏답변드리도록하겠습니다. Since this is an online course and the professor and students live in different states, it is difficult to have face-to-face office hours. If you have any question or problem, just contact me by e-mail (preferred) or phone. I will answer as best as I can. E-mail: & / Phone: (260) 602-9061 신대원사명에대한과목의공헌 Course Contribution to Seminary Mission 센트럴침례신학대학원은여성과남성들을성경적지식을잘갖추며, 신학적인입장을또렷이표현하며, 영적으로건강하고, 인간적으로세심하며, 전문적인실력을갖춘기독교지도자들이되도록교육하고훈련시킴으로교회와공동체를변화시키도록그들을준비시킨다. 우리는이수업에서기본적으로조직신학의역사에대한지식과이해를얻고자합니다. 이러한지식과이해는학생들이자신의신학적인입장을또렷이표현할수있도록도울것이며, 또한다른과목들을통해전문적인실력을갖추는데있어서토대의역할을할것입니다. Central Baptist Theological Seminary prepares women and men to transform churches and communities by educating and forming them as Christian leaders who are biblically knowledgeable, theologically articulate, spiritually healthy, humanly sensitive and professionally competent. The primary purpose of this course is to attain knowledge and understanding of systemic theology and Christian theology. Such knowledge and understanding will not only help students be theologically articulate, but also serve as the foundation for other courses, in which students are prepared to be professionally competent. 수업개요와목적 Course Description and Purpose The first course in Constructive Theology introduces the student to the discipline of theological reflection, its sources and methodology, and to the doctrines of Revelation and the Triune God, The authority of Scripture, The Good of Creation, The Providence of God and the Mystery of Evil. 1
조직신학의첫번째과목에서는학생들이신학하는자세, 신학의근원들과방법론을시작으로해서계시론, 성경의권위, 삼위일체하나님의신론, 기독론, 창조론, 하나님의섭리와악의신비에대하여공부합니다. The purpose of the course is for the student to become theologically articulate about the faith by which he or she lives in light of the breadth of Christian tradition. 이과목의목적은학생들로하여금역사적기독교교회의폭넓은전승에비추어신앙에대하여신학적으로표현할수있게하는것입니다. We will give attention to biblical materials, key theological figures, and selected literature that are especially relevant for this pursuit. 이목표를추구하기위하여우리는성서적내용과중요한신학적인물들과특별히상관된저술물들을집중적으로볼것입니다. Further, the class will stress the significance of theological praxis in the world and the church, for theology is not an abstraction, but has to do with life and ministry. 나가서, 이수업은세상과교회에있는신학적실행을강조할것이다. 그이유는신학은어떤추상적인것이아니라, 삶과사역에관한것이기때문입니다. Lectures, class discussions, tests, and written assignments are all designed to facilitate a more cognitive and functional grasp of the contours of the Christian faith. 기독교신앙의윤곽을보다지적으로또한기능적으로깨닫기위하여강의, 수업토론, 시험과서술과제가계획되었습니다. 가르침과배움의목표 Teaching-Learning Goals 본수업은학생들이다음의목표를이루어나가도록고안되어있습니다. In this course, we hope to achieve the following: 1. A coherent expression of your beliefs concerning the Triune God presented in a theological credo. 기독교신조에나타난삼위일체하나님께대한자신의신앙을일관성있게표현할수있어야합니다. 2. The conviction that theological construction must be tested by the agonizing questions and suffering in our world, especially issues of divine agency. 모든신학적구성은이세상의고통과그에따른고뇌의질문들, 그가운데하나님의운행하심에의하여반드시시험받아야한다는확신이있어야합니다. 3. An understanding of the sources of theological traditions as Christian and an appreciation of the broader stream of the Church s historic faith. 그리스도인으로서신학전승과교회의역사적믿음의넓은흐름에대한깨달음을갖습니다. 4. An awareness that theological study has to do with the formation of your identity as a human being and as a minister. 신학수업은한개인과사역자로서의자신의정체성에영향을미치는것을인식해야합니다. 5. A hermeneutics of suspicion and reception as we engaged the sources of Christian doctrine and the need for contemporary restatement. 기독교교리의근원들과현대적재구성을살필때의구심과수용의해석학을사용합니다. 가르치고배우는활동들 Teaching-Learning Activities 2
본과정을이수하기위해서학생들은아래나열된모든과제를교수가만족할만한수준으로완성해야합니다. 이과목은온라인수업이기때문에이수업을통해서얼마나많은것을배울수있는가는상당부분학생본인의노력에달려있다는것을잊지말아주시기바랍니다. All of the following assignments must be completed to the satisfaction of the professor in order to pass this course. Please remember that since this is an online course, how much an individual will learn from this course depends greatly on his or her own motivation and effort. 1) Attendance ( 수업참석 ): Class attendance is a necessity, especially in this focused format for time together. 수업참석은절대필요성입니다. 수업은함께배우는집중된시간이기때문입니다. Every person contributes to the class in terms of presence and active participation in learning. 모든학생은참석과적극적인참여로수업에공헌을하기를기대합니다. Excessive absences (or lateness) preclude maximum benefit in the class and will depress grades. (Emergency situations do occur; please let the professor know of extenuating circumstances.) 모든학생은교수가설정한횟수만큼사이버공간에서자신의흔적을남겨야합니다. 출석은그횟수를근간으로집계됩니다. ( 긴급사항은일어날수있기에, 반드시교수님께외부적상황을설명하기를바랍니다.) 2) The seminary policy as found in the catalogue will be followed. 수업참석에관한학교규정은학생카탈록그를따를것입니다. 3) 모든수업은 CBTS 에규율에따라진행됩니다. 부득이한사정으로수업에차질이생길경우에는반드시교수에게사전연락해주시기바랍니다. Every class will be going on by CBTS attendance policy. You have to let teach know if you are not able to attend class before class begin. 4) Availability of the Professor ( 교수와의면담 ): Being accessible to my students is a priority for me; however, I prefer to work by appointment. 학생들의필요에따른면담과상담은중요한교수의사역입니다. 원하시분은제에게이메일로면담요청하시기바랍니다. Use my email, for communication and feel free to text or call my cell phone: 260-602-9061. 5) 중간 / 기말시험 (Final Exam) 수업마지막날학생들은지금까지배운것을토대로기말시험을보게됩니다. 교수가제시한문제들을보시고에세이형식으로답안을작성해주시면됩니다. All students will take a Mid &Final exam based on materials what they have learned in the class on the middle and last day. The professor will give questions relating systemic theology 필독서 Required Reading * Required Texts ( 수업교과서 ): 1. 다니엘 L. 밀리오리. 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙. 신옥수, 백충현번역. 새물결풀러스. 2012 년출간. 2. R.C 스프로울, 모든사람을위한신학. 조계광옮김. 생명의말씀사. 2014 년출간 3
Recommended ( 추천참고서 ): Barth, Karl. Dogmatics in Outline. New York: Harper & Row, 1959. 칼바르트. 교회교의학개요 : 사도신경해설. 신경수번역. 크리스천다이저스트. 1997 년출간. Erickson, Millard J. Introducing Christian Doctrine. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academics, 2001. 밀러드에릭슨. 조직신학개론. 나영화번역. 기독교문서선교회. 2001 년출간. Grenz, Stanley J. Created for Community: Connecting Christian Beliefs with Christian Living. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academics, 1998. 스탠리 J 그랜즈. 하나님의비젼. 장경철번역. 씨유피. 2000 년출간. Olson, Roger E. and Christopher A. Hall. Trinity. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing, 2002. 로저올슨. 삼위일체. 대한기독교서회. 2004 년출간. Packer, J. I., David F. Wright and Sinclair F. Ferguson, eds. New Dictionary of Theology. Downers Grove, IV: IVP Academic, 1998. J. I. 팩커외지음. 아가페신학사전. 이길상외번역. 아가페출판사. 2001 년출간. 4
성적평가안내 (Korean Program Grading Policy Description Letter Points % Criteria 평가기준 Superior 탁월 A 4.0 100-94 1. 출석기준 (*1) 및수업참여도 (*2) 충족 2. 필수및추천도서리딩 3. 기간내과제완료 A- 3.7 93-90 4. 토론적극참석 5. 수업과과제를통한성취도탁월 Above Average 평균이상 Average 평균 B+ 3.3 89-87 B 3.0 86-83 B- 2.7 82-80 C+ 2.3 79-77 C 2.0 76-73 C- 1.7 72-70 1. 5%-1% 결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 기간내과제완료 4. 필수교재리딩 1. 5% 이상결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 늦은과제완료 4. 필수교재리딩 Below Average 평균이하 D+ 1.3 69-67 D 1.0 66-63 1. 10% 이상결석 2. 수업참여자세 (*2) 가부적절한경우 3. 늦은과제제출 D- 0.7 62-60 Failure 낙제 F 0.0 59-0 1. 20% 이상결석하거나, 2. 과제미제출시, 혹은 3. 수업참여도 (*2) 가부적절한뿐아니라다른학생의수업권을방해할경우 * 1. Attendance & Punctuality 출석기준 1) Attend every class. 모든수업에참석한다 2) Get to class on time and stay for the entire class period. 정시에출석하고, 수업시간이종료될때까지수업에충실한다. 3) Listen to the professor and take good notes. 수업에경청하며노트필기를충실히한다. 5) Do not bring children to class. 자녀를수업에동반하지않는다. 6) Failing to participate in more than 20% of a course's contact hours will result in automatic failure. 수업시간의 20% 이상결석할경우자동적으로과목낙제가된다. * 2. Participation & Behaviors 수업참여도및자세 1) Do not have private conversations. 개인적인대화를하지않는다. 2) All cell phones, smartphones, and other electronic devices (e.g., ipods) must be turned off. In emergency case, you can set on vibrate. 셀폰, 스마트폰, 아이팟과같은전기전자제품은전원을정지시켜놓아야한다. 비상사태가예상될경우전화기를진동으로해놓아야한다. 5
3) Laptop and tablet computers are allowed for quiet note taking only. Other activities such as checking personal e- mail or browsing the Internet are prohibited. 노트북은강의필기를위해서만사용되어야한다. 수업시간에이메일확인이나인터넷사용은금지된다. 4) Do not dominate other student's opportunities to learn by asking too many questions. 다른학생들이수업에참여를방해할정도로수업시간을독점해서는안된다. 5) Respect your professor and be polite towards other students. 교수님과동료학생들을예의를가지고대한다. 6) Students should address faculty as "Professor, "Dr.," or "Pastor" 교수를호칭할때, " 교수님, 박사님, 혹은목사님 " 으로칭한다. 7) Participate in class discussions and show much effort towards academic success. 토론에적극적으로참여하고, 배움에대한진지한열정이있어야한다. *3. If a student's GPA drops below 2.0, they will be placed on Academic Probation. 평점이 2.0 미만일경우 " 학사경고 " 처분을받는다. 평가방법 배움의활동들은다음과같이평가될것입니다. Learning activities will be graded as follows: 1 평가항목 주차독서보고서 (Weekly Reflection Paper) & 독서보고서 (Book Report, by 12/18 금 ) 2 강의 feedback 3 페이퍼 (Term Paper) 비율 20% 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙의분량을읽고매주무들에올려주시면됩니다. 그리고나머지한권 ( 모든이들을위한신학 ) 은독서보고서를작성해서 12/18금까제출해주시면됩니다. 15% ( 녹음된강의를듣고 feedback 올리기 ) 20% 선택 (Ordained ministry or extra credit을원하는분만하시면됩니다 ) 4 중간 & 기말시험 (Final Exam) 30% ( 각각 15%) 5 출석및그룹성취도 (Attendance) 15% ( 그룹별성취도는각그룹이얼마큼수업에적극적으로참여하는지를판단합니다. 개인뿐아니라 team 으로서수업참여도를보는부분입니다. ) ** 독서보고서를작성하는방법입니다. 모든사람을위한신학을읽고독서보고서를실라버스마지막페이지에있는양식에맞게작성한후학기말에 (12/18 금까지 ) 제출해주시기바랍니다. 6
** 단, 페이퍼를작성하지않으신분들은최고점수가 A- 입니다. 이점기억해주시기바랍니다. 수업일정 Class Schedule 주차날짜내용 1 8/24 Orientation & Quiz ( 자기소개서작성 ) Reading 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (1 장 : 신학의과제-23-54) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 1,2) 2 8/31 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (2 장 : 계시의의미 I pp.55-70) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 3) 3 9/7 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (2 장 : 계시의의미 II pp.71-92) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 4) 4 9/14 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (3 장 : 성경의권위 I pp.93-122) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 5-6) 5 9/21 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 7-8) 6 9/28 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (4 장 : 삼위일체하나님 I pp.123-139) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 9-12) 7 10/5 중간고사 8 10/12 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (4 장 : 삼위일체하나님 II pp.140-166) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 13-15) 9 10/19 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (5 장 : 선한창조 I pp.167-189) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 16-18) 10 10/26 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (5 장 : 선한창조 II pp.190-206) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 19-22) 11 11/2 Research Week 12 11/9 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (6 장 : 하나님의섭리와악의신비 pp.207-240) 7
13 11/16 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (7 장 : 피조물, 죄인, 그리스도안의새로운존재인인간 I pp.241-278) 14 11/23 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (8 장 : 예수그리스도의인격과사역 I pp.279-295) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 23-26) 15 11/30 기독교조직신학개론 : 이해를추구하는신앙 (8 장 : 예수그리스도의인격과사역 II pp.296-332) 모든사람을위한신학 (chapter 27-30) 16 12/7 기말고사 ** 수업스케줄은다소변경이될수있습니다 ** 8
Reading Report Form Student: Date Completed: Title of the Book: Reading Pages: Overview: 이책에대한간략한개관을쓰세요. Critique: 이책의장점과약점을포함하는비평을쓰세요 Application: 여러분사역에적용할몇가지적용점들을찾아서접목시킬수있는내요을쓰세요. 9