2007. 1. 26. 영국의화장품바이어정보 목차 1. 영국의화장품바이어정보 내용문의 한국보건산업진흥원수출통상팀 (02-2194-7428, yutaka2@khidi.or.kr)
영국의화장품바이어정보 전화번호 +44-1903-731500 팩스 +44-1903-726250 1. The Body Shop 홈페이지이메일설립연도직원수 http://www.uk.thebodyshop.com/web/tbsuk UKCustomer.Relations@the-body-shop.com 1976년 6,836명 연간매출액 708.7 천파운드 (2005) 취급품목 주소 Accessories, Skin Care, Fragrances, Hair Care, Make Up, Home Fragrances, Sun Care The Body Shop International PLC, Watersmead, Little Hampton, West Sussex, UK, BN17 6LS Body Shop International 은최근기초적인자체상품을도입하고있는 Boots 등다른유통 판매체인회사들과의경쟁이심화되고있는시장상황에놓여있음 ꠏ 한국보건산업진흥원수출입정보은행 2
전화번호 +44-115-950-6111 2. Boots Company PLC 홈페이지 설립연도 http://www.boots-plc.com/ 1849 년 직원수 69,631 명 (2005. 3) 연간매출액 5,469 천파운드 (2005) 취급품목 주소 Pharmaceuticals, Skin Care, Hair Care, Make Up, Over the Counter Medicines Boots Group PLC, 1 Thane Road, Nottingham, UK, NG90 1BS Boots 는영국에서가장신뢰받는브랜드중하나로자리잡고있음 최근고급프레스티지급화장품 (cosmetics, fragrances, skin care, hair care) 에초점을맞춘순수 beauty shop을개장, 운영하기시작하였음 또한건강과미용, 그리고일반적인웰빙등에초점을맞춘디지털 TV 채널및웹사이트를출범시켰음 ꠏ 한국보건산업진흥원수출입정보은행 3
전화번호 +44-20-8684-7000 3. Superdrug PLC 홈페이지이메일설립연도직원수연간매출액취급품목주소 http://www.superdrug.com/ customer.relations@uk.aswatson.com 1964년 12,500명 1,000천파운드 In-Store Pharmacies, Fragrances, Vitamins, Non-Prescriptive Medical Products, Baby Toiletries, Drinks and Snacks, Newspapers, Household Accessories Superdrug PLC, 118 Beddington Lane, Croydon, Surrey, UK, CR0 4TB Superdrug 는현재화장품유통시장의리더인 Boots 의강력한경쟁사로떠오르고있음 현재고급브랜드화장품으로취급상품의초점을옮기고있음 자체브랜드상품이현재전체판매량의약 125% 를조금넘게차지하고있음 전화번호 +44-1274-356000 4. Morrisons 홈페이지설립연도직원수연간매출액취급품목주소 http://www.morrisons.co.uk/ 1899년 46,000명 3,920천파운드 Groceries, In-Store Pharmacy, Health and Beauty Products Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC, Thornton Road, Bradford, BD8 9AX 영국내네번째로큰슈퍼마켓체인점으로빠른성장세를보이고있음 ꠏ 한국보건산업진흥원수출입정보은행 4
전화번호 +44-113-243-5435 팩스 +44-113-241-7732 5. Asda 홈페이지 설립연도 http://www.asda.co.uk/ 1965 년 직원수 117,000 ( 영국 ) (134,000 ( 전세계 )) 연간매출액 취급품목 주소 11.500 천파운드 Groceries, Pharmaceutical Services, Health and Beauty Products ASDA House, Southbank, Great Wilson Street, Leeds, LS11 5AD 영국내세번째로큰슈퍼마켓체인점으로전영국에 258개의점포를소유하고있음 점포의평균매장은 43,700 평방피트이고, 141개의주유소를함께운영하고있음 Wal-Mart 에의해 1999년에인수되었음 - 주요화장품바이어, 유통업체분류및웹사이트정보 약국소매체인 (pharmacy retailers) >Boots : http://www.boots-plc.com/ >Superdrug : http://www.superdrug.com/ 슈퍼마켓체인 (supermarkets) >Tesco : http://www.tesco.co.uk/ >Sainsbury : http://www.sainsburys.co.uk/ >ASDA : http://www.asda.co.uk/ >Safeway : http://www.safeway.co.uk/ >Waitrose : http://www.waitrose.com/ >Somerfield : http://www.somerfield.co.uk/ 백화점 (department stores) >Harrods : http://www.harrods.com/ >Harvey Nichols : http://www.harveynichols.com/ ꠏ 한국보건산업진흥원수출입정보은행 5
>Selfridges : http://www.selfridges.co.uk/ 독립전문점 (independent and specialist stores) >Garden Pharmacy : http://www.garden.co.uk/ >Haskins : http://www.haskins.co.uk/ >SpaceNK : http://www.spacenk.co.uk/ >Think Natural : http://www.thinknatural.com/ 선물체인점 (giftware chain) >English Heritage : http://www.heritage.gov.uk/ >National Trust : http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ - 화장품관련기관, 단체및웹사이트정보 정부관련기관 >DTI Guide to the Cosmetic Products (Safety) Regulations : http://www.dti.gov.uk/access/cosmetic/regulations.html/ >EU-DG III Cosmetics Site Map : http://dg3.eudra.org/ >Health and Safety Executive : http://www.hse.gov.uk/ >Her Majesty s Stationery Office : http://www.hmso.gov.uk/acts.htm/ >Local Authorities Co-ordinating Body on Food and Trading Standards (LACOTS) : http://www.lacots.com/ >Medical Control Agency : http://www.mca.gov.uk/ >UK Exporters Database : http://www.tradeuk.com/ >UK Patents Office : http://www.ukpats.org.uk/ 영국내관련협회및단체 >British Aerosol Manufacturers Association (BAMA) : http://www.bama.co.uk/ >Cosmetic Toiletries and Perfumery Association : http://www.ctpa.org.uk/ >Professional Beauty : http://www.professionalbeauty.co.uk/ >Proprietary Association of Great Britain : http://www.pagb.org.uk/ >Soap and Detergent Industry Association : http://www.sdia.org.uk/ >Society of Cosmetic Scientists : http://www.scs.org.uk/ ꠏ 한국보건산업진흥원수출입정보은행 6
>Trade Standards (British organisations) : http://www.tradingstandards.net/ >UK Cleaning Products Industry Association : http://www.sdia.org.uk/ >COLIPA (The European Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association) : http://www.colipa.com/ >EFfCI (European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients) : http://www.effci.com/ >EFFA (European Flavour and Fragrances Association) : http://www.effa.be/ >European Chemical Industry Council, Cefic : http://www.cefic.org/ >E.F.E.O. (European Federation of Essential Oils) : http://www.efeo-org.org/ >International Federation of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) : http://www.ifscc.org/ >Unitis (European Organisation of Cosmetic Ingredients Industries and Services) : http://www.unitis.org/ >A.I.S.E. (International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products) : http://www.aise-net.org/ ꠏ 한국보건산업진흥원수출입정보은행 7