T: Look! What s the title of the book? This book is called Do As We Do T: Tuntun! ( 가족을가리키며 ) What are the family doing? Do as I do. ( 달려가는흉내를내며 ) Run as I do. T,C: Do as we do. ( 달려가는흉내를내며 ) Run as I do. Do as we do. 우리처럼해보세요. T: ( 트럼펫소리와큰북소리를내며 ) Toot, toot! Boom, boom! Tuntun, do you remember what they are? T: ( 트럼펫부는 ) Toot, toot! I play the trumpet. ( 심벌즈치는 ) I play the cymbals. ( 큰북치는 ) Boom, boom! I play the big drum. Tip. 악기와관련된영어동요를부르면서악기연주를몸으로표현해본다. ( 예 : I am the music man / The Finger Band ) T: Look, Tuntun! What are the children doing? T: Yes, they re scratching like the chimpanzee (in DVD.) T: (Jinny, Jun처럼 ) One, two! Scratch! Three, four! Scratch! Do as we do! Scratch! Scratch! T: (Daddy처럼) I m busy. I m reading a paper. T: ( 침팬지처럼긁는시늉 ) Can you scratch like the chimpanzee? Do as we do! 우리처럼해보세요! Tip. Storybook 2 Do As I Do 이야기와연결시켜복습하며이야기를들려준다.
T: Where are the children? T: Yes, Jinny and Jun are in the kitchen. T: Do you remember the animal to do like Jun? T: Let s bend over like the children do. Do as I do! Bend over as I do! 날따라해봐! 허리를구부려봐! Tip. Storybook 2 Do As I Do 이야기와연결시켜복습하며이야기를들려준다. T: What does Jinny do? T: Yes, she jumps. Do as I do! Jump as I do! T: Do you remember what the frog did in the last story? What did he say? T,C: Ribbit, ribbit. Hop as I do! Do as I do! Jump as I do! 날따라해봐! 나처럼뛰어봐! Tip. Hopping 과 Jumping 을보여주며동작으로표현해본다. ( 한발로깡충뛰는것을보여주며 ) Am I hopping or jumping? T: They re in the living room. Look! They re crawling like a baby. T(Jun처럼 ): Daddy! Look at me! Do as I do! ( 기어가는흉내를내며 ) Crawl as I do! T: Tuntun, do as I do! ( 기어가는흉내를내며 ) Crawl as I do! T,C: ( 기어가는흉내를내며 ) Crawl as I do! Do as I do! Crawl as I do! 날따라해봐! 나처럼기어봐! T(Jinny 처럼 ): Do as I do! Roll as I do! T: ( 구르는아빠를가리키며 ) Look! Now, Daddy and Bomi are rolling in the floor, too. T(Jinny, Jun, Mommy 처럼 ): ( 박수를치며 ) Yay! T: Tuntun, do as I do! ( 구르는시늉을보여주며 ) Roll as I do! Do as I do! Roll as I do! 날따라해봐! 나처럼굴러봐!
T: Run! Run! They re all running in the house. T(Mommy 처럼 ): Catch me! Catch me! Run as I do! I ll run faster! Run as I do! T: Tuntun, I ll start running now. You try to catch me. Okay? ( 달려가면서 ) Catch me! Catch me! Do as I do! Run as I do! Do as I do! Run as I do! 날따라해봐! 나처럼달려봐! T: It looks like every one is having fun. T: ( Do as we do! 노래를들려주면서 ) Tuntun, let s dance together! Do as I do! Dance as I do! T: Now, let s listen to the song and do what they tell you to do. Do as I do! Dance as I do! 날따라해봐! 나처럼춤춰봐! Tip. Tralala Song Do as we do 를들으며앞에서배운문형을듣고몸으로표현한다. T: Bomi is crying. Tuntun, why is she crying? T: That s right. He tower broke. ( 우는목소리로 ) 앙앙 ~ T: Let s say it together, Tuntun. Don t cry, Bomi. T: Bomi is still crying. Jinny and Jun! Have a good idea. T: Look at the picture. What are they doing? T: That s right. They re tickling each other. How they look? T: Yes, they look really happy. Can we try, too? T,C: Do as we do! ( 서로간지럼을태우며 ) Tickle as we do! T: What a happy family! Do as we do! Tickle as we do! 우리처럼해보세요! 우리처럼간지럽혀보세요!
Listen & Move Together 활동명 : Clap and Go Game 활동목표가족들이행동하는모습을동작으로표현하며익힌다. 활동자료색깔매트, TLD Pen, Action Book 2 Do As We Do 의스티커 ( 활동자료 ) 활동방법 1. 색깔매트를바닥에깔아활동할준비를하고, 2. Do As We Do 활동자료스티커를보여준다. ( 바닥에깔아놓은매트형태옆그림참조 ) T: It s Play Time. We re going to play a game called Clap and Go 2. 매트의색깔에관해이야기하고, 활동자료에어떠한동작이있는지이야기나누면서몸으로동작을표현해본다. T: ( 매트를보여주며 ) There are many colors on the floor. What color is this? T: ( 활동자료스티커를보여주며 ) Who are these? What are they doing? 3. TLD Pen으로 Action Chant 2를틀고, 박수를치며매트사이를돌아다닌다. 이때챈트에서말하는색깔매트위에올라가서몸으로도동작을표현해보게한다. 4. TLD Pen으로 Action Book 2 Do As We Do 활동자료에있는스티커의문장을듣고, 스티커를자유롭게매트에붙여보게한다. 5. 교사는문장을말하고, 아이는교사가말하는문장의스티커가붙은매트위에올라가서신나게동작을해보도록한다. T: Clap your hands when you go here and there. Let s listen to the chant and go around. Are you ready? Let s chant and clap together! On the red mat Wash your face! On the yellow mat, Jump as I do! Jump as I do! Jump as I do!
Grow Together TLD Pen과녹음스티커를사용하여주요문형을말해보게하고녹음해본다. T: Let s start recording. Tip. 아이가잘따라하지못하는경우에는하고싶은말을녹음해보게하고녹음을강요하지않는다. 아이가잘따라하는경우에는주요문형을녹음해보게한다. 녹음한스티커를주요문형에서배웠던장소또는물건에붙여보게한후함께말해본다. T: Put the stickers. Touch them with the TLD Pen. 칭찬과격려를해주며, 아이가직접짂도맵 Up We Grow 에스티커를붙여볼수있도록지도한다. T: We re done. Good job, Tuntun! Put the stickers. Storybook 3 I Can Do It 표지를보며 Preview 시간을갖는다. T: Tuntun, look! What s the title of the book? T: Good! Let s say it together. ( 할수있다 고표현하며 ) I can do it! T: Look at the cover. What do you see? T: We can see a boy and a cat! The boy looks upset. Why is he upset? Tip. 아이가스스로할수있는일을물으며자연스럽게교재내용과관련된이야기를나눈다. 다음시간에학습할 Storybook 3 I Can Do It 의 I do! I do! ( 학습진도표 ) 계획을세운다. T: Who do you want to listen to the story with? T: What do you want to do watching the DVD? T: Where will you study with the TLD Pen? 책마지막장부터앞으로넘기며 TLD Pen으로들어요. T: Turn the page over from the last page to the fist page of the book using TLD Pen. CD를들으며혼자할수있는일에동그라미를그려요. T: Listen to the CD, and draw a circle on things you can do by yourself.