공업화학 논문투고규정 1990. 5. 15 제정 1998. 6. 8 개정 1994. 9. 5 개정 1999. 8. 4 개정 1997. 3. 10 개정 2000. 3. 30 개정 2002. 1. 25 개정 2004. 7. 28 개정 2005. 10. 10 개정 2007. 4. 2 개정 2007. 5. 25 개정 2007. 10. 8 개정 2009. 2. 2 개정 2010. 2. 1 개정 2010. 2. 14 개정 2013. 10. 7 개정 2014. 6. 16 개정 1. 본규정은본회정관제 4 조에의거하여발간되는학술지 ( 공업화학 ) 의투고에관한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 2. 논문은본학술지에투고하기전에다른학술잡지에원보로발표또는투고중이아닌것이어야한다. 논문이채택된후에는본학술지의서면동의없이유사한형식으로한글이나다른언어로출판되어서는안된다. 3. 논문의투고는본회의회원에한한다. 단, 초청투고자는예외로한다. 4. 논문의투고일자는논문이본회에도착한날을 접수일 로하고최종심사종료일을 채택일 로한다. 5. 논문의투고는온라인접수를원칙으로한다. 제출된논문은저자에게반환하지않는다. 6. 논문은보문, 단신, 속보, 논평으로구분하고총설은본규정에준하여투고할수있다. 7. (1) 논문작성의언어는국어 ( 한글 ) 또는영어로할수있으며, 국어의경우학술용어는영어를병용할수있다. (2) 논문작성을국어로할경우본문문장중의영어의사용은가능한한억제하고국어를사용하되, 영어를사용하여야할경우는모두소문자로쓴다. 다만문장을시작하는곳에영어단어가올경우는시작하는첫글자만대문자로한다. (3) 논문내용중미생물명등학명과 in situ, in vitro 등사전에서도이탤릭체로표기되는단어는이탤릭체로표기한다. 또한수식에사용되는알파벳및숫자도모두이탤릭체로하되수식중의 ln 및첨자는일반체로한다. 8. 논문의서식은가로쓰기로하고, 약 21 29.7 cm (A4) 크기의용지에작성하며 ( 글꼴 : 신명조, 크기 : 11, 간격 : 2줄 ), 그분량은아래와같이제한한다. (1) 보문 : 표와그림을제외하고 15면이내 (2) 단신 : 표와그림을포함하여 6면이내 (3) 속보, 논평 : 2면이내 9. 원고는다음항목별로새로운면에서시작하여야한다. (1) 제목, 저자명, 연구기관및주소 1 국어및영어로작성하며, 교신저자는위첨자로 표시를하고, 저자의현소속기관이연구당시와다른경우에는현소속기관및주소를각주에표시하여야한다. 단, 논문이단일저자인경우는논문저자표기시교신저자를나타내는 표시를하지않으며, 논문첫페이지하단에표시하는 e-mail 주소에서 교신저자 (e-mail주소) 대신에 저자 (e-mail주소) 로표시한다. 저자의영문주소표기시, Dept. 등은약자로쓰지않고 Department 등과같이 full text로표기하여야한다. 2 영문제목은접속사, 관사와전치사를제외하고모든단어들의첫문자를대문자로표기한다. (2) 국문초록 (600 자이내 ) 과영문초록 (200 단어이내 ) 및 Keywords ( 영문으로 5개이내 ) (3) 본문 ( 본문은아래와같은순서로구성된다.) 84 공업화학전망, 제 17 권제 4 호, 2014
KIC News, Volume 17, No. 4, 2014 1 1. 서론 2 2. 실험 3 3. 결과및고찰 4 4. 결론 5 감사 (4) References (5) 표 (6) 그림 (7) 그림제목표 (Figure caption) (8) 그림초록 (Graphical Abstract) 10. 모든표는약 21 29.7 cm (A4) 크기의용지에명료하게작성하고, 표의제목및내용은영어로하여야한다. 한페이지당하나의표를싣도록한다. 표의제목은상단에위치시키며, 매단어의첫글자를대문자로하되관사와전치사는소문자로한다. 표내의긴단어는적당한약어로대치한후아래에약어를정의하여야한다. 모든표는아라비아숫자로일련번호를부여하여야한다 ( 예 : Table 1). 11. 그림의제목및내용은영어로하여야하며한페이지당하나의그림을싣도록한다. 그림의제목들은별지에모아작성하여야한다. 그림의제목은문장의첫글자만대문자로하고제목이끝나는곳에마침표를찍는다. 모든그림이나사진은크기가 8 8 cm로축소하여인쇄된후에도명료하게해독할수있도록작성하며, 아라비아숫자로일련번호를부여하여야한다 ( 예 :Figure 1.). 12. 본문, 그림및표에사용된약어, 시료명, 기호등은그것이반복될경우에처음사용된곳에서다음예와같은형식으로한번만정의해주고그이후로는약어등을사용한다. 국문및영문초록내에서도반복되는약어등은정의하지만본문에서는다시새롭게정의해야한다. 예 : polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) 13. 모든단위는 SI단위의사용을원칙으로하며일반적으로단위다음에는한칸을띄운다. 그러나 % 는숫자에붙여서쓰며시간단위의초는 s 로, 분은 min, 시간은 h 로, 년은 yr 로각각표기한다. 14. 본문중에 ( ),[ ] 등의괄호가나올경우괄호앞이국문인경우는붙여쓰고영문인경우는띄어쓴다. 다만, Figure 1(a) 등의경우는 ( ) 앞의숫자와괄호를붙여쓴다. wt% 등은 wt 와 % 를붙여쓰며본문중에 A = 25 또는 A > 25 등이나올경우는기호앞뒤로한칸씩띄어쓴다. 15. 인용된 Reference들은본문에인용된순서대로해당문구의알맞은곳에대괄호속의아라비아숫자로일련번호를부여하여야한다. 16. 모든 Reference는영문으로작성한다. Reference가학술잡지의경우는저자명, 논문제목, 잡지명, 권수, 쪽수 ( 시작 끝 ) ( 출판년도 ) 순으로, 단행본이나편집서인경우는저자, 책명, 편집자, 권수, 쪽수 ( 시작 끝 ), 출판사명, 출판사소재지 ( 출판년도 ) 순으로명기하여야하며, 권수는두꺼운글씨체로한다. 출판년도는괄호로표시하고각 Reference의끝에는마침표를찍는다. 잡지명의약기방식은 ISO abbreviation title을기준으로한다 (http://www.iso.org). (1) Journal articles I. Lee, W. Choi, and K. Lee, Removal of COD and color from anaerobic digestion effluent of livestock wastewater by advanced oxidation using microbubbled ozone, Appl. Chem. Eng. 22, 617-622 (2011). (2) Books F. W. Fowkes and A. C. Thomas, Surface and Interfacial Aspects of Biomedical Polymers, 2nd ed., 334-337, Plenum Press, NY, USA (2005). (3) Edited books G. Stevens, Chemical technologies for renewable energy production. In: I.J. Lowry and Y.D. KIC News, Volume 17, No. 4, 2014 85
Chen (eds.). Advances in Biomass and Bioenergy, 236-239, Blackwell, Oxford, UK (2011). (4) Proceedings R. Haubner, A. Pruden and K. Kopf, Hydrophobic modification of PVDF membrane for the use of butanol pervaporation, Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Surface Modification Technology. September 11-14, Munich, Germany (2008).13. 모든단위는 SI단위의사용을원칙으로하며일반적으로단위다음에는한칸을띄운다. 그러나 % 는숫자에붙여서쓰며시간단위의초는 s 로, 분은 min, 시간은 h 로, 년은 yr 로각각표기한다. (5) Dissertations K. D. Hong, A Study on Chromatographic Separation of Penicillin-Family Antibiotic Compounds, Ph.D. Dissertation, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (1996). (6) Patents K. T. Adams. B. J. Kang, and S. I. Olver, Method and agent for hydrogen sulfide removal from biogas of anaerobic digestion, US Patent 4,121,025 (1978). (7) In-press DOI M. Ziolek, P. Decyk, and M. Trejda, Degradation of triketone herbicides using ozonation advanced oxidation, J. Hazard. Mater., Doi:10.1016/i.hazmat.2010.07.022. 17. 투고된논문의신속하고정확한심사를위하여투고자는논문심사가능한자를최소 3 5인추천할수있다. 18. 투고시에는소정의심사료를납부하여야하며, 게재후에는소정의게재료를납부하여야한다. 19. 별쇄본은기본으로 20부를무상으로제공하며, 추가요구시에는 1부당 1000원을납부하여야한다. 20. 저작권이양에관한사항 공업화학 지에논문이게재될경우 공업화학 지에투고한논문의저작권은사단법인한국공업화학회가소유하게된다. 공업화학 투고시스템 (/suite/review) 의논문투고신청서상에본저작권이양동의서가있으며저자중 1인 ( 논문에대한책임을질수있는저자 ) 이모든저자를대표하여저작권이양동의서에서명하여야게재할수있다. 21. 논문투고및문의처논문투고 공업화학 온라인투고시스템 : /suite/review 문의처 ( 우 )137-828 서울특별시서초구방배중앙로 198 오릭스빌딩 905호한국공업화학회 공업화학 편집위원회 TEL : (02)594-4511,2 FAX : (02)594-4513 E-mail : ksiechem@chol.com 86 공업화학전망, 제 17 권제 4 호, 2014
KIC News, Volume 17, No. 4, 2014 Paper Submission Regulations of the Applied Chemistry for Engineering (Established on May 15, 1990) (Revised on June 8, 1998) (Revised on September 5, 1994) (Revised on August 4, 1999) (Revised on March 10, 1997) (Revised on March 30, 2000) (Revised on January 25, 2002) (Revised on July 28, 2004) (Revised on October 10, 2005) (Revised on April 2, 2007) (Revised on May 25, 2007) (Revised on October 8, 2007) (Revised on February 2, 2009) (Revised on February 1, 2010) (Revised on February 14, 2011) (Revised on October 7, 2013) (Revised on June 16, 2014) 1. The purpose of these regulations is to stipulate the matters on submission of research paper to the journal (the Applied Chemistry for Engineering) that is published in accordance with the article 4 of the Articles of Association of this study. 2. Before research paper is submitted to this journal, the original manuscript of the paper shall not be in the process of being published in or submitted to other journals. After the paper is accepted, it shall not be published in Korean or other language in the similar format without any written consent by this journal. 3. Submission of research paper shall be limited to members of this society. However, there is an exception to invited contributor. 4. In regard to paper submission date, receipt date shall be the day when the paper arrives at this society while acceptance date shall be the day when the final review is completed. 5. Online receipt is the basic rule for paper submission. The submitted paper shall not be returned to the authors. 6. Research paper is classified to original article, short communication, rapid communication, and comment. Review article may be submitted in accordance with these regulations. 7. (1) Research paper may be written in Korean or English. If the language is Korean, terminology in English may be used together. (2) When research paper is written in Korean, it shall be required to refrain from using English in sentence of the body but to use Korean as much as possible. If English is used by necessity, words shall be all in small letter. However, if an English word starts a sentence, the first letter only of the word shall be in capital letter. (3) In paper, scientific names such as name of microorganism and words that are italicized in dictionary such as in situ, in vitro, etc. shall be written in italics. Furthermore, alphabets and numbers used for formula shall be all in italics, but ln and subscript in formula shall be written in common type. 8. Text in the paper shall be written in horizontal format while document shall be in the A4 paper size of around 21 29.7cm (font type: sinmyeongjo, font size: 11, and line spacing: 2 lines). Length of the document shall be restricted as follows. (1) Original article: less than 15 pages excluding table and figure (2) Short communication: less than 6 pages including table and figure (3) Rapid communication and comment: less than 2 pages 9. Manuscript shall be written in a new page for the following items. (1) Title, author name, research institute, and address KIC News, Volume 17, No. 4, 2014 87
1 These items shall be written in Korean and English with superscript of mark for corresponding author. If the current affiliated organization of author is different from the affiliated organization when research was conducted, the current affiliated organization and address shall be written in the footnote. However, if paper is written by a single author, the mark shall not be used for corresponding author in marking of paper's author. In the e-mail address that is marked in the bottom of the first page of paper, corresponding author (e-mail address) shall be replaced by author (e-mail address). In marking of the English address of author, abbreviation such as Dept. shall not be used. Instead, the address shall be written in full text: for example, Department. 2 In the English title, the first letter of all words shall be written in capital letter excluding conjunction, article and preposition. (2) Korean abstract (less than 600 characters), English abstract (less than 200 words), and key words (less than five words in English) (3) Body (Body consists of the following items in the following order.) 1 Introduction 2 Experiment 3 Results and Discussion 4 Conclusions 5 Acknowledgement (4) References (5) Table (6) Figure (7) Figure Caption (8) Graphical Abstract 10. All of the tables shall be written clearly in the paper that has the size of around 21 29.7cm (A4) while title and content of table shall be written in English. One page shall have one table. Title of table shall be placed at the top while the first letter of each word shall be in capital letter with article and preposition in small letter. A long word in table shall be replaced by a proper abbreviation along with definition of the abbreviation under the table. All of the tables shall be given serial number in Arabic number (e.g.: Table 1). 11. Title and content of figure should be in English while one page shall have one figure. Titles of figures shall be gathered and written in an accompanying paper. In regard to title of figure, the first letter only of sentence shall be in capital letter with a period at the end of the title. All of the figures or pictures shall be clearly comprehensible even after they are reduced to the size of 8 8 cm and are printed out. They shall be given serial number in Arabic number (e.g.: Figure 1.). 12. When abbreviation, sample name and symbol used in body, figure and table are repeated, they shall be defined in the format as shown below only once in the place where they are used for the first time. Afterwards, abbreviation shall be used. In Korean abstract and English abstract also, repeated abbreviation shall be defined. However, the repeated abbreviation shall be defined again in the body. E.g.: polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) 88 공업화학전망, 제 17 권제 4 호, 2014
KIC News, Volume 17, No. 4, 2014 13. The basic rule is to use SI unit for all types of units. In general, space is required before unit. However, no space is required between number and %. Time unit includes s for second, min for minute, h for hour, and yr for year. 14. When there is a parenthesis such as ( ) and [ ] in the body, no space is required before the parenthesis in case of Korean, whereas space is required before the parenthesis in case of English. However, in the example of Figure 1(a), no space is required between number and parenthesis. In the example of wt%, no space is required between wt and %. Furthermore, in the example of A = 25 or A > 25, one space is required before and after the sign. 15. References cited in the paper shall be given serial number in Arabic number that is enclosed with square bracket. They shall be placed in a proper location of text in the order that they are cited in the body. 16. If reference is a scholarly magazine, it shall be written in the order of author name, magazine name, volume number, the first page number, and (publication year). If reference is a book or compilation book, it shall be written in the order of author, book name, compiler, volume number, the first page number, publisher name, publisher's location, and (publication year). The volume number shall be in boldface. However, a non-existent item may be omitted while a period shall be put at the end of each reference. Abbreviation method for magazine name shall be based on the List of Periodicals of Chemical Abstract (http://www.cas.org/sent.html.). (1) R. Mohan, K.-K. Koo, C. Strege, and A. S. Myerson, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 40, 6111 (2001). (2) F. W. Fowkes, Surface and Interfacial Aspects of Biomedical Polymers, ed. J. D. Andrade, 1, 337, Plenum Press, New York (1985). (3) R. Haubner and K. Kopf, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. Surface Modification Tech., eds. T. S. Sudarshan and D. G. Bhat, 835, Neuchatel, Switzerland (1980). (4) K. D. Hong, Ph.D. Dissertation, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (1978). (5) U. S. Patent 4,121,025 (1978). (6) Abbreviation of the Applied Chemistry for Engineering: Appl. Chem. Eng. (7) M. Ziolek, P. Decyk, I. Sobczak, and M. Trejda, Appl. Catal. A, doi:10.1016/i.apcata. 2010.07.022. 17. For a rapid and accurate review of submitted paper, a person who submitted the paper may recommend 3 5 persons at least who are capable of examining paper. 18. When a research paper is submitted, a certain amount of examination fee shall be paid. After the paper is published, a certain amount of publication fee shall be paid. 19. Basically, 20 copies of offprint shall be provided free of charge. At the request for additional copies, KRW 1,000 shall be paid for one copy. 20. Copyright Transfer Authors are requested to transfer their exclusive copyright interest in the submitted manuscript to the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, effective if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. The copyright transfer form is found in the online submission system (/suite/review) and the corresponding author(s) can be authorized to sign KIC News, Volume 17, No. 4, 2014 89
the copyright transfer form in the behalf of all authors. 21. Manuscript Submission and Contact Info Manuscript Submission All manuscript must be submitted through the KSIEC e-submission system at / suite/review. Contact Info All inquiries and correspondence related to manuscript submission and publication should be addressed to: Editorial Committee The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 905 Oryx Building, 198 Bangbae Jungang-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-828, Korea Tel: +82-2-594-4511!2 Fax: +82-2-594-4513 E-mail : ksiechem@chol.com 90 공업화학전망, 제 17 권제 4 호, 2014