Stage 1 -Biff and Chip Stories Fetch! ( 물어와!) Cover Note - 스토리북의앞면과뒷면에집에서쉽게핛수있는읽기수업방법이제시되어있습니다. What s this story about? 무슨이야기일까요? Unlike other dogs, Floppy won t fetch a stick when it is thrown for him. But when Biff loses her hat, Floppy knows just what to do. 다른개와다르게플로피는나뭇가지를던졌을때가져오지않습니다. 하지맊, 비프가모자를잃어버렸을때플로피는뭘해야하는지압니다. Talk together. 함께이야기해보세요. Talk about any dogs you or the child know. Read the title on the cover and talk about the dog in the water. Ask,.Do you think Floppy wants a go? Have you seen dogs playing fetch? What were they fetching? 여러붂이나아이가아는개들에대해이야기해봅니다. 커버에있는제목을읽어보고물안에있는개에대해서이야기해봅니다. 플로피가가기를원하는것같니? 물어오기놀이를하는개를본적이있어? 무엇을물어왔지? 라고물어보세요. Read the story. 이야기를읽어봅시다. W = Word recognition ( 단어인지 ) C= Language comprehension ( 언어이해 ) W: Ask the child to show you how to read the title by sounding out each letter in order. 아이에게각알파벳을순서대로발음하면서제목을읽는방법을보여달라고하세요. C: Look at the first page. Ask,.How can you tell it was a windy day? 첫번째페이지를보며질문해봅니다. 이날이바람부는날인지어떻게알수있니? C: Page 2, ask,.does Floppy want to chase the stick?.how can you tell? 2 쪽에서질문해봅니다. 플로피는나뭇가지를따라가길원했니? 그걸어떻게알수있니? C: Pages 4-5, ask,.what happened when Biff threw the stick? 4-5 쪽에서질문해봅니다. 비프가나뭇가지를던졌을때어떤일이벌어졌니? C: Pages 6-7, ask, Why do you think Floppy went in the lake this time? 6-7 쪽에서질문해봅니다. 왜이번엔플로피가호수로뛰어들었다고생각하니? C: On the last page, ask, What do you think they are saying to Floppy? 마지막페이지에서질문해봅니다. 그들은플로피에게뭐라고말하고있다고생각하니? C: Help the child to tell the story again. 아이가이야기를다시설명하는것을도와주세요. Play a game. 게임을해봅시다.
Same or different? - To help the child focus on what is the same and what is different in the three large pictures. 세개의큰그림중어떤것이같고어떤것이틀린것인지중점을두도록도와줍니다. Step1. Choose two big pictures (spreads), and say,.show me something that is the same in both pictures, me something that is different in these two pictures. The child might notice that the church is the same, or that the number of dogs in the water is different. 두개의펼쳐져있는그림을고른후에,. 양그림에서중복되는같은그림을보여줘.. 또는두개의그림에서다른점을보여줘.. 라고말합니다. 아이는교회의그림이같다는것이나물에있는개의숫자가다른것을알아챌수있습니다. Step2. Let the child ask you to find something that is the same or different in two of the pictures. 이번에는아이가여러붂이두개의그림에서같은점이나다른점을찾게합니다. Step3. Have two or three turns each. 각각두세번씩돌아가며해보세요. Other Ideas 다른활동방법들 You can use these ideas straight away or on another day. 지금바로해보거나다른날해보아도좋습니다. Talk about some dogs you or the child know. What is the same about them? What is different? 아이나여러붂이아는애완견들에대해이야기해봅니다. 개들의어떤점이같나요? 어떤점이다른가요? Visit a park and see if there are any dogs being taken for a walk. Are any playing fetch? 공원에가서산책하고있는개들이있는지봅니다. 물어오기놀이를하는개가있나요?
Audio CD Script - 오디오 CD 의스크립트해석입니다. 아이의영어실력향상을위해이야기를함께듣고학습해보세요. 부모님, 선생님, 아이들을위핚스크립트 Now, open the book. Let s look at the pictures together and see what will happen in this story. 이제책을펴세요. 그림을보고이야기속에서무슨일이일어날지함께생각해보아요. P.1 [Narrator]: One windy afternoon, Mum took Biff and Chip to the park when she took Floppy out for his daily walk. 어느바람부는오후, 엄마는비프와칩을데리고플로피를산책시키기위해공원에갔어요. [Old lady]: Fetch it, Wolf! said an old lady. 욳프야물어와! 핛머니가말했어요. [Biff and Chip]: Wow. Look at the dog! 우와 ~ 저개좀봐. P.2~3 [Narrator]: Mum, Biff and Chip wanted Floppy to jump into the lake and fetch the stick. 엄마, 비프와칩은플로피도호수안에들어가서막대기를물어오길바랐어요. [Mum]: Go fetch a stick! Floppy, said Mum. 플로피가서막대기물어와. 엄마가말했어요. [Biff]: Go on, fetch! 빨리물어와. 플로피. P.4~5 [Narrator]: Biff threw one more stick, but a gust of wind blew her hat off and it went flying off into the lake. 비프는막대기를하나더던졌어요. 바로그때바람이불어서비프의모자가호수로날아가버렸어요. [Biff]: Oh, no! My hat! 오. 안돼. 내모자. [Mum]: Oh dear! said Mum. 오, 저런, 엄마가말했어요. P.6~7 [Narrator]: Suddenly Floppy ran towards the lake. 바로그때플로피가호수쪽으로뛰어가기시작했어요. [Biff]: Wow! 우와 ~! [Mum]: Floppy rescued Biff s hat! said Mum. 플로피가비프의모자를꺼내왔어.. 엄마가말했다. [Chip]: What a good dog! 역시플로피는멋짂개야. P.8
[Narrator]: Floppy looked really proud of himself. 플로피는아주자랑스러욲표정을짓고있었어요. 부모님, 선생님을위핚스크립트 ** 다음은부모님과선생님께서활용하실수있는스크립트입니다. 아이의영어실력향상을위핚더자세핚이야기를함께듣고학습해봅니다. Mum, Biff and Chip wondered if Floppy would go for a swim to fetch a stick if they threw one in the water. 엄마, 비프그리고칩은플로피가과연물속으로막대기를던지면가져올지안올지궁금했어요. Now, let s go back to the first page of this book. 자, 이제첫번째페이지를펴주세요. P.1 [Narrator]: One windy afternoon, Biff and Chip went with Mum when she took Floppy out for his daily walk. They went to the park which wasn t very far away and which had a little lake in it. There was a lady with two dogs who were jumping into the water to fetch sticks. Look at those dogs swimming after sticks, said Biff. I didn t know dogs could swim so well. 바람이부는어느날오후비프와칩은엄마와함께플로피를데리고산책하러나갔어요. 플로피와함께집에서가까욲작은호수가있는공원으로걸어갔어요. 그곳에는핚여자가두마리의강아지와함께물속에서막대기를물어오는놀이를하고있었어요. 우와 ~ 막대기를찾기위해서물속으로들어가는저강아지들좀봐.. 비프가말했어요. 강아지들이수영을저렇게잘하는지몰랐네.. P.2~3 [Narrator]: Floppy likes fetching things, said Biff. He loves chasing after balls in the garden. DO you think he would jump in the lake and fetch a stick? I don t know, said Mum. Biff picked up the stick and threw it into the lake. Fetch it, Floppy! she called. Go on, fetch! Floppy didn t move. He didn t move when Biff tried throwing a stick. 플로피도물어오는거좋아해.. 비프가말했어요. 플로피는마당에서공을물어오는놀이를좋아해. 플로피도과연막대기를찾기위해물속으로들어갈까? 모르지.. 엄마가말했어요. 비프는막대기를하나찾아서호수에던졌어요. 물어와플로피.. 비프가소리쳤어요. 빨리물어와.. 하지맊, 플로피는꿈쩍도하지않았어요. 비프가물속으로막대기를던져도플로피는움직이지않았어요. P.4~5 [Narrator]: I can t believe Floppy won t swim for us. said Biff. She found one more stick, and showed it to Floppy. But just as she threw it, a gust of wind blew her hat off and it went flying off into the lake. Oh, no! Biff yelled. My hat! The hat sailed through the air, spinning round and round. Then it landed in the lake where it floated among all the sticks that Biff, Chip and Mum had thrown in. Oh dear, wailed Biff. 플로피가우리를위해서물속에들어가지않는다니. 정말믿을수가없어.. 비프가말했어요. 비프는막대기하나를더찾아서플로피에게보여주었어요. 비프가그막대기를물속으로던질때슈욱 ~ 하고바람이불어서비프의모자가호수쪽으로날아가버렸어요. 오 ~ 안돼 ~. 비프가소리쳤어요. 내모자...! 모자는바람을타고훨훨날아가고있었어요. 모자는호수안, 엄마, 칩그리고비프가던졌던막대기들위로떨어졌어요. 오.. 저런. 비프는너무속상했어요. P.6~7
[Narrator]: Suddenly Floppy ran towards the lake. With an enormous bound he sprang into the water, and swam towards Biff s hat. Wow! said Biff. Who said Floppy wouldn t go for a swim? What a good dog! It s Floppy to the rescue, all right, said Chip. Look he s rescued Biff s hat. 그때플로피가호수쪽으로달려가기시작했어요. 플로피는물속으로다이빙하더니비프의모자를향해헤엄치기시작했어요. 우와 ~ 비프가말했어요. 누가우리플로피가수영핛줄모른다고그랬어? 역시플로피는멋짂개야. 플로피가비프의모자를구출하러가는구나.. 칩이말했어요. 저기봐플로피가짂짜비프의모자를찾아왔어.. [Narrator]: Floppy looked really pleased with himself as he came out of the water. He carried Biff s hat very carefully in his jaws. Thanks you, Floppy, said Biff, taking the hat. What a clever dog you are. Hooray! said Chip. He won t jump in a cold lake to fetch silly sticks, but when it comes to a proper rescue, he can swim really well. 플로피는아주자랑스러욲표정으로당당하게물밖으로나왔어요. 플로피의입에는비프의모자가있었답니다. 고마워플로피.. 비프가모자를건내받으며말했어요. 플로피는정말영리핚개야.. 플로피맊세! 칩이말했어요. 플로피는이유없이막대기를건져오지않지맊, 정말꼭필요하면물속에들어가. 수영도엄청잘해..