ASSIGNMENT-SYLLABUS for Course # ST 5104 Title: Prolegomena and Bibliology FAITH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Program: M.Div. Professor's name: Dr. Jeong Koo Jeon Professor's e-mail: Semester, Year : Fall, 2014 Dates of semester: September 6 to December 20, 2014 Day & times of class: Saturday, 9:00 am 12:pm TRACS Standards: Individual courses, seminars, within graduate programs must evidence a process for the evaluation of stated objectives and/or student outcomes and competencies through objectives which can be assessed and evaluated through student performances/learning experiences at critical periods. I. 과목명과개요 ST 5104 조직신학개론 Introduction to Systematic Theology, an overview of the discipline, and a consideration of the sources and method employed in doing theology. Topics covered will be the nature and task of theology; the sources for theology; theological method; revelation; the inspiration, the authority, and inerrancy of Scripture. 조직신학서론에대한소개와함께신학을연구하는데필요한자료와방법등의활용에대한연구를 하며또한이를통하여신학의본질과역할, 신학의자료, 방법, 계시와성경의영감, 성경의권위, 성경의 무오성에대하여이해한다. II. 본과정의목표본과정은훼이스신학교의교과과정중하나로서다음의학업목표를성취하도록고안되었다 : A. 조직신학서론을살펴본다 B. 신학연구에필요한다양한자료와방법등을연구해본다. C. 신학의본질과역할을알아본다. D. 성경에관한기원적본질적지식을갖는다. III. 본과정의세부적목표 Specific Objectives Related Curriculum Objectives (from "II" After successful completion of this course the student will be able to... above) A. 교의학의개념과역사를이해하여발표한다. A, B, C, D B. 교의학의방법및제원리를이해하여발표한다. A, B, C, D C. 성경의영감과완전성을이해하여발표한다. A, B, C, D D. 인식의원리를이해하여종교를정의하며발표한다. A, B, C, D 1 P a g e
IV. 학업평가 평가기준 Related Course Objectives Percent of (from "III") Course Grade 1. 출석 ; 75% 의출석에미달시에는 F A, B, C, D 20% 2. 읽기과제및 Response Paper (5 페이지 ) A, B, C, D 20% 3. 연구논문 (13-15 페이지 ) 및발표 A, B, C, D 60% A 90%, B-80%, C-70%, D-60% V. Information Resources and Technology Needed for this Course A. Information technology suggested for the student to use in this course: 1. [Logos Bible, Bible Works and Scholar's Library software (optional)] 2. Any resource from the John Norris Library at Faith Theological Seminary B. 교재 : -Berkhof, Louis. Systematic Theology (Banner of Truth), 1959, 권수경 / 이상원역, 벌코프조직신학 ( 크리스챤다이제스트, 2000). -Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Zondervan, 1994), 노진준역, 조직신학 ( 상 )( 은성, 1997). -Reymond, Robert L. A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998), 나용화 / 손주철 / 안명준 / 조영천공역, 최신조직신학 ( 기독교문서선교회, 2010). VI. 그외과목규정과수업진행 A. 결석과지각에관하여수업출석은응급상황이아닌한모든수업에요구되며, 교수는지각, 수업일수부족, 또는출석상황을성적에반영하게된다. B.Th., M.Div., and Certificate 과정학생들의무단결석은 ( 한번이상 ) 한단계낮은성적을받게된다. 사전에허락을받은결석은 ( 가족의경조사나병으로인하여 ) 최대 4번을넘을수없으며, 증빙서류를제출해야한다. 병으로인하여 4번을초과하여결석할시는 GPA에영향없이그과목이수강철회 (Withdrawn Passing - WP) 될수있다. 결석으로인하여강의를듣지못한경우에는교수의지도하에수업시간의진도와그를보충하는과제를제출해야한다. 3번지각은 (10분또는그이상 ) 한번결석으로간주한다. 4번지각은 2번의무단결석으로간주한다. 박사과정의학생들은인텐시브과목을수강하면서지각이나결석하면안된다. 박사과정학생이인텐시브과목에서한번결석하면그들의평점에따라 GPA에영향없이수강철회 (Withdrawn Passing-WP) 되거나, GPA에영향을미치는 F 학점을받으면서수강철회 (Withdrawn Failing-WF) 될수있다. B. 수업에적극적으로참여하는것은배움의과정에있어서가장기본적인요소이다 C. 과제물제출기한이지났을때는일주일안에제출해야하며, 일주일이지나서제출한모든과제물은 F 이며, 과제를제출하지않으면그과목은과락하게된다. D. 시험과과제 1. 퀴즈모든퀴즈는지도교수의지도에따라시행된다. 2 P a g e
퀴즈를보지않으면그해당퀴즈는 0 점처리한다. 컨닝은절대용인되지않으며, 해당시험성적은자동으로 0 점처리하고, 아카데믹위원회에보고한다. 2. 중간고사및기말고사모든시험은정확하게수업시작시간에실시하며날자조정이필요한경우교수의판단에의한다. 시험은정해진날짜에실시하며재시험이필요한경우는교수의판단에의한다. 시험을보지않으면그시험성적은 0 점처리한다. 컨닝은절대용인되지않으며, 해당시험성적은자동으로 0 점처리하고, 아카데믹위원회에보고한다. E. 최종성적은학업평가항목에 ( Section IV ) 의하여산출한다. VII. 그외참고자료와도서 Bavinck, Herman. Our Reasonable Faith: A Survey of Christian Doctrine. trans. Henry Zylstra. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1977. Berkhof, Louis. Systematic Theology. Banner of Truth, 1959. Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion. ed. John Baillie, John T. McNeill, and Henry P. Van Dusen. trans. Ford L. Battles. Vol. XX and XXI In The Library of Christian Classics. Philadelphia, PA: The Westminster Press, 1975. Frame, John M. The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company, 1987. Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Zondervan, 1994. Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology. 3 vols. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1995. Jeon, Jeong Koo. "The Abrahamic Covenant and the Kingdom of God." Confessional Presbyterian Journal (2011), 123-38, 249-50.. Calvin and the Federal Vision: Calvin's Covenant Theology in Light of Contemporary Discussion. Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2009.. "Calvin and the Two Kingdoms: Calvin's Political Philosophy in Light of Contemporary Discussion." Westminster Theological Journal (2010): 299-320.. Covenant Theology: John Murray's and Meredith G. Kline's Response to the Historical Development of Federal Theology in Reformed Thought. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1999 & 2004.. Covenant Theology and Justification by Faith: The Shepherd Controversy and Its Impacts. Wipf & Stock Publishing Company, 2006.. "Covenant Theology and Old Testament Ethics." Kerux: A Journal of Biblical Theological Preaching 16/1 (2001): 3-32.. The Noahic Covenants and the Kingdom of God. Mid-america Journal of Theology 22 (2013): Forthcoming. Kline, Meredith G. Kingdom Prologue. S. Hamilton, MA: Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, 1993.. The Structure of Biblical Authority. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1997. Murray, John. Collected Writings of John Murray: Studies in Theology. vol. 4. Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1982. Reymond, Robert L. A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998. Van Til, Cornelius. The Defense of the Faith. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company, 1967.. An Introduction to Systematic Theology. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company, 1974. Vos, Geerhardus. Biblical Theology: Old and New testaments. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988. 3 P a g e
. Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos. ed. Richard B. Gaffin. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1980. Westminster Divines. The Westminster Confession of Faith. 3rd Edition. Atlanta, Georgia: Committee for Christian Education & Publications, 1990. VIII. FTS 표절에관한규율 학업에관한부정직함 (academic dishonesty) 과표절에관한공고 : plagiarism 의의미는다른사람의의견이나아이디어를자기것으로도용하는것을말한다. 모든정보나인용문, 그리고사용되는문장들은반드시그출처가정확히밝혀져야한다. 모든과제물은반드시자신의연구와노력으로쓰여져제출해야한다. Academic dishonesty란고의로다른사람의노력을자기것으로속이거나승인되지않은정보혹은날조등으로점수를인정받으려는것으로정의하며이러한예를포함한다. Cheating 교수님이금한방법이나교재등을사용, 점수조작, 시험지입수, 다른관련된학교나해외의정보를사용, 혹은승인되지않은교재나정보등을이용하여점수를인정받으려는것 Plagiarism 충분한이해없이내용을베끼거나다른사람의일, 아이디어, 말등을자기것으로제출하는것. 인터넷이나웹사이트만전적으로의지하는것은바람직하지않으며모든인용구는반드시출처를밝히며자신의문장화시켜사용해서는안된다. 서적을이용한연구가가장바람직하다 Interference 본인의허락없이가져가거나변형, 혹은파괴하여다른사람의학업을방해하는것 레포트나과제, 시험지, 컴퓨터프로그램등을사고파는행위 자기것이나남의것이든위조하는것 이상의다섯가지경우에해당되는사람을의식적으로돕는행위 표절이적발될시이런불이익을당할수있다. 담당교수에의해그과제나과목의점수가낮아지거나점수를얻지못할수있다. 학장이나커리큘럼을담당하는사람은반드시이수과목수의제한, 해당과목의재이수혹은퇴학등의엄격한규율을제시해야한다. IX. 강의계획과과제물제출일 Dates 강의주제읽기과제시험, 과제제출일, 기타 9/6 조직신학의개념과가치벌코프, p21-59 오리엔테이션 9/13 조직신학의방법벌코프, p60-83 9/20 신학과계시및성경 9/27 신학과믿음벌코프, p182-199 10/4 신학과교회벌코프, p84-98 10/11 신학과성경적인식론벌코프, p101-125 10/18 중간고사 Response paper 제출 (5 페이지 ) 및발표 10/25 신학과계시의하나님벌코프, p126-139 11/1 일반계시벌코프, p139-144 11/8 특별계시벌코프, p1454-151 11/15 구약에대한신약의증거그루뎀, p64-71 11/22 F A L L S E M I N A R 4 P a g e
11/29 T H A N K S G I V I N G B R E A K 12/6 신약의자증 그루뎀, p71-91 12/13 성경영감론 벌코프, p155-181 12/20 기말고사 페이퍼발표 (13-15 페이지 ) 및제출 FAITH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY (410) 323-6211, 529 Walker Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21212, Email: Website: 5 P a g e