쎄듀-Sense UP 독해모의고사 (정답해설)

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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

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004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

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2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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step 1-1



Willstory( ) 71.indd





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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

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Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M

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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유



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(016~037) Task1

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서론 34 2


Being friends with the face in the mirror

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잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은




18 (During this period ~ to complete my memoirs.) Now that I have completed my term as president / and shall no longer be engaged / in the business of government, // I look forward to enjoying the pleasures [that remain to me]. now that (= since) term[t ; m] be engaged in look forward to v-ing be determined to-v set[give] an example consequence[k nsikwéns] conduct[k nd<kt] recklessness[rèklisnis] commencement [k mènsm nt] achievement[ t í;vm nt] 19 ~; we enjoy reading books [that are ours] much more than books [(that) we borrow]. 2 1 A good reason for marking passages / in your books is that it helps O you OC to remember those significant parts and OC to find them more quickly / when you need to. that is that help+o+oc(tov) to and to to find available[ vèil bl] formal[f ; mâl] etiquette [ètikét] casualness[k,uâlnis] cf. casual A, not B place a book face down significant[signífik nt] 20 Part of ~ be said. presume that state[steit] sensitive[sèns tiv] plain[plein] in the hope that[of] keep v-ing turn down commercial [k má; Âl] break[breik] indirect[ìndirèkt] costly[k ;stli] secondhand[sék ndh nd] 21 2 ense Up

The bill is worth U $620, which makes O it OC very attractive to drug gangs and other criminals // because it lets them carry around large amounts of cash. O OC which gang[gæ\] rob A of B exchange rate 22 (duality) [n][b][i] bin nib In speech production, there is the physical level at which we produce individual sounds, like [n], [b] and [i]. (= In speech production, there is a physical level. We produce individual sounds, like [n], [b] and [i] at the physical level.) operate[ pâréit] simultaneously [sàimâltèini sli] production[pr d=k Ân] cf. produce[pr dδù;s] individual[ìndivíd,u l] in itself combine [k mbáin] cf. combination[k mbinèi Ân] distinct[distí\applet] cf. distinctive duality[dδu; l ti] economical[ì;k n mikâl] feature[fí;t ] be capable of 23 http://www.sbg.org.sg/ orchid[ ; kid] botanic[b t nik] hybrid[háibrid] on display Mandarin[m nd rin] register[rèd, st ] cf. registration[réd, strèi Ân] prior to first-come-first-served duration[dδuârèi Ân] admission[ædmí Ân] 24 Wilson IT explore[ikspl ; ] innovation[ìno vèi Ân] feature [fí;t ] artificial intelligence holography[h l gr fi] admission[ædmí Ân] available[ vèil bâl] advance reservation 25 FIFA FIFA As France was (both host ~ competition) in 1998, / (C ) Germany was both host [of the World Cup] and the eventual C winner [of the competition] in 2006. As C 3

C both A and B A B Unfortunately, 2010 was the first year / in the entire period [to see O a host nation, / outh Africa, / OC fail to reach the second round]. see+o+oc O OC O OC OC v v-ing p.p. performance[p f ; m ns] cf. perform[p f ; m] host nation cf. co-host runner-up chart[t ; t] period [píâri d] end up v-ing win the championship cf. championship[t mpi n ìp] make it eventual[ivènt u l] 26 serve as headquarters[hèdkw ; t z] in the event of devastating[dèv stéiti\] fuel[fjù; l] cf. refuel[ri;fjù; l] airborne[ b ; n] cf. in midair aircraft[ kr ft] on occasion(s) smash[smæ ] windshield [wínd ì;ld] 27 others marathons others draw drawing a large number of so that fewrunners alike young and old alike ~, but there are plenty of others(= marathons) [held in other cities and even in small towns], / drawing many thousands of participants. keep fit a way of life regularly[règjul li] work out weight training run on a treadmill cross-training marathon[m r ^ n] organizer[ ; g nàiz ] participate[p ; tísipéit] cf. participant[p ; tísip nt] draw[dr ;] (drew-drawn) aim to-v wheelchair[ wí;lt ] 28 (A) emit absorb absorbs (B) add to detract from adds to (C) drop rise rise (A) (B) (C) This causes a rise [in sea levels] [that threatens to drown low-lying countries such as the Maldives]. trend[trend] remainder[rimèind ] carbon dioxide (CO ) trap[træp] evaporation[iv p rèi Ân] water vapor cause A to-v release[rilí;s] massive[m siv] sea level threaten to-v drown[draun] low-lying 29 Edward ~, was playing music loud enough to shake the walls and windows. enough to-v v v After that, / Edward went back to his apartment / feeling proud of himself / because he had taken a firm stand 4 ense Up

and (he had) let O the newcomer OC know that loud music was not going to be tolerated. know pounding[páundi\] drive A crazy tenant[tèn nt] turn down embarrassed[imb r st] take a firm stand tolerate[t lâréit] thump[^<mp] 30 awaken[ wèikân] Yet much ~. They can lend an air of authority to our opinions, and (they) make what we say sound like common sense. and make+o+oc OC sound We tell someone [who is undecided] He who hesitates 1 1 IO1 DO1 is lost, and (we tell) Look before you leap to someone [who (we think) is acting too boldly]. and tell A B tell B to A we think proverb[pr v ; b] cf. proverbial[pr vá; bi l] enduring [indδùâri\] belief[bilí;f] distinctive [distí\appletiv] air of authority[ ^ ;r ti] common sense hesitate[hèzitéit] leap[li;p] boldly [bóuldli] absence[ bsâns] fond[f nd] spoil [sp il] broth[br (;)^] universal[jú;nivá; sâl] permanent[pá; m n nt] beneficial[bén fí Âl] contradictory[k ntr díktâri] 31 1 1 O2 owhen feels ignored. O1 2 O2 OC2 And when he speaks to her, // he can get the impression that she is overacting [with all her noises], and (that she is) only pretending to listen. tend to-v get the impression (that) overact[òuv r kt] indicate[índikéit] 32 bigwig The more ~ people s heads. bigwig bigwig bigwig bigwig This is (the case/situation) where we got the word bigwig, / which is an expression [that makes fun of people [who think they re important]]. where the case the situation whichthatwho take a bath unwashed[>nw t] stink[stí\k] louse[laus] cf. lice[lais] wig[wig] fashionable [f Ân bâl] increasingly[inkrí;si\li] costly [k ;stli] 33 possession ownership Consequently Thus For instance 5

Possession is nine-tenths of the law is a saying C [that suggests that just having a thing [in your possession] is almost C the same as legally owning it]. suggest that is the same as ~, it gives people the idea that if they just hold onto a IO DO thing, / it will be hard for the real owner to get it back, / which will make the thing theirs. the idea that that if + which if back Just imagine // how hard it would be to get your piano O back from somebody [who has been looking after it for you / for ten years]. how imagine have been v-ing for ten years possession[p zè Ân] cf. possess[p zès] suggest (that) legally[lí;gâli] cf. legal[lígâl] own[oun] cf. owner[óun ] ownership[óun ìp] hold onto imagine[im d,in] look after term[t ; m] confused[k nfjù;zd] definitely[dèf nitli] 34 (If there was ever ~ and I would disappear.) he followed me / all the way to the parking lot [behind the supermarket], // where our beat-up old family car was parked / with laundry hanging out the windows. where the parking lot with v- p.p. laundry If there was ever a time [when I wished the earth would open up and swallow me whole], it was when I got in the car and ~. = a time ~ whole C I wished when a time when it was catch up with all the way beat-up swallow[sw lou] look[luk] irritated[ir téitid] aggressive[ grèsiv] embarrassed[imb r st] 35 Those [whose anger had increased] / were far more likely to smoke, drink heavily, do little physical exercise, and be obese. ThoseThose far more likely be likely to smokedrinkdobe The study suggests / that those of us [who remain angry] / will suffer poorer health / and die sooner than our less angry peers. suggests that those of us will suffer (will) die let go of hostile[h st l: -tail] cf. hostility[h stíl ti] either A or B worsen[wá; sân] obese[o bí;s] peer[pi ] be subject to prejudice [prèd, dis] 36 6 ense Up

To stay productive at work, how you are compensated, or paid, for your work should be closely tied to what motivates you. To stay how what to motivate[móut véit] cf. motivation[mòut vèi Ân] politician[p lití Ân] chase after profit[pr fit] selfless[sèlflis] virtuous[vá; t u s] ideal[aidí;âl] boredom[b ; d m] frustration[fr<strèi Ân] idleness[áidlnis] productive[pr d=ktiv] compensate[k mp nséit] encourage [enká;rid,] likewise[láikwàiz] productivity[pròud<ktív ti] slide[slaid] 37 As he lay there, / still frightened by the dream, / he recalled those spears [with the oddly placed holes] and suddenly 1 realized: ~. 2 O1 still frightened by the dream frustrating[fr=streiti\] invent[invènt] cf. invention[invèn Ân] sewing machine lie[lai] frighten[fráitn] recall[rik ;l] spear[spi ] oddly[ dli] needle[ní;dl] turn A into B savage[s vid,] surround[s ráund] eye-shaped tip[tip] capture [k pt ] murder[má; d ] desperately[dèspâr tli] produce[pr dδù;s] 38 You could have saved yourself three dollars. You could have told me that the older girl is six; ~. could have p.p. ~. But Marianne and Kate would have known it wasn t the truth. would have p.p. (if I had done so) admission[ædmí Ân] for free make sure (that) set an example 39 quality of life rainy days life s riches 7

ome people feel // that it s very important to save everything, and to get the very last drop of value out of even those things [that cost very little, such as soap]. Only then do they think (that) it s okay to open a fresh bar. Only then affect[ fèkt] quality of life a bar of soap cf. bar[b ; ] constantly [k nstântli] abundance[ b=nd ns] creamy[krí;mi] toss A out 40 A person s right ~ with age. then the decision ~ anybody s age. ~, so judging people unfairly / on the basis of their age is just as wrong as doing it / on the basis of nationality, gender, or race. as as... A person s right [to fair treatment and equal employment opportunity] does not lessen with age. It may indeed be true / that an older worker has, say, O less strength / than a younger worker. It may be true that say If less strength makes the older one less fit for the O OC particular job, / then the decision [not to employ that worker] should be based on the younger worker s greater suitability 1 and (should) not (be based) on anybody s age. 2 the elderly the youngindication[ìndikèi Ân] unfairly[>nfè li] on the basis of nationality[n Ân l ti] gender[d,ènd ] potential [po tèn Âl] employee[impl ii;] cf. employment employ merit[mèrit] universal [jú;nivá; sâl] principle[príns pl] equality[i(;)kw l ti] fair treatment lessen[lèsn] be based on suitability[sùt bíl ti] evaluate[iv ljuéit] on the grounds of truthful[trù;^fl] qualified[kw l fàid] confident [k nfidânt] 41-42 putting your mind ~ what happens tep up to success You can take charge of your circumstances and O what happens in your life // when you stop searching for targets [to 1 blame] / and start focusing on how you can remedy the problem. 2 8 ense Up

~: putting your mind and talents to work / to make O you OC more successful / no matter what happens. = whatever: ~ put A to work A to make to let down it is tempting to-v point the finger at nightmare[náitm ] get into the habit of v-ing go wrong outcome[áutk>m] take charge of circumstance [sá; k mst ns] target[t ; git] focus on efficient[ifí Ânt] get around unexpected[>nikspèktid] delay[dilèi] put[set] A to work deal with step up stepping-stone remedy[rèm di] err[ ; ] divine[diváin] skeleton[skèl tn] 43-45 the Minister of War Trembling with fear, / believing these few moments to be his last, / he went and opened it. he ~ If the dawn had not brought this news, I would be the one in a coffin tonight! If had p.p.... If With such a threat hanging over my head, I shall be too nervous to make even ten shoes! With v-ing v v such a threat hang too to-v v dynasty[dáin sti] blacksmith[bl ksmì^] smith summon A to B minister[mínist ] set A to-v declare war comfort[k=mf t] cheerful[t í fl] cost A B tremendous[tr mènd s] tremble with haste[heist] nail[neil] coffin[k ;fin] shut[close] A tight swiftly[swíftli] cut A short his[her, your] Majesty threat[^ret] hang over one s head cold-hearted unmoved[>nmù;vd] dismiss[dismís] 9

18 We are ~ unsatisfactory. The more information you can provide, the faster we can fix the problem. the the inspect[inspèkt] overlook[òuv lùk] shipping[ ípi\] catalogue[k tâl ;g] place an order original[ ríd, nâl] container[k ntèin ] enclose[enklóuz] in detail 19 a deep capacity for empathy, a special ability to empathize with kids to my mind somewhat[s=m w t] plain[plein] out of the question charm[t ; m] rule out mean-spirited purely[pjù li] desirable[dizáiâr bl] quality[kw l ti] essential[isèn Âl] capacity (for) empathy[èmp ^i] cf. empathize (with) tune in to need[ni;d] 20 but that s what give and receive o you re too busy or too lazy to add a personal touch to gifts. too to-v v ~, but that s what makes a personalized gift so O rewarding / to give and receive. OC what makes why that s why a personalized gift is so rewarding to give and receive. People are always touched by it, which 1 increases O1 the value of the gift and 2 makes O2 it OC2 worth keeping. = the gift which personal[pá; sânâl] touch[t<t ] who cares? recipient[risípi nt] make fun of clumsy[kl=mzi] time-consuming all that inspiration[ìnsp rèi Ân] off-the-shelf rewarding[riw ; di\] worth v-ing 21 No evidence mere fiction. 10 ense Up

The legend of Atlantis may have been created by Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher. may have p.p. Plato ~, he wrote about this magnificent city, / which was home to a great civilization, but which sank into the sea / after a series of violent earthquakes. which but this magnificent city Atlantis philosopher[fil s f ] sink(-sank-sunk) into violent[vái l nt] exist[igzíst] cf. existence[igzístâns] regard A as B mere[mi ] moral[m (;)râl] ideal[aidí;âl] theme[^i;m] rethink[ri;^í\k] legacy[lèg si] make A up 22 Life, so they seem to feel, would hardly be worth living at all without their friends. o they seem to feel life would hardly be worth living at all without their friends.life hardly ~ at all Being part of a group of friends gives teenagers a IO sense [of security and belonging] and a feeling that they are DO1 DO2 understood and accepted. OO a sense a feeling that This intense need [for being part of a group and being constantly involved with one s friends] lessens / as we grow older / but (it) is the defining characteristic [of being a teen]. C but This intense need for and take A for granted vital[váitâl] intense[intèns] constantly[k nstântli] be involved with lessen[lèsân] define[difáin] priority[prai (;)r ti] 23 http://atyourservice.ucop.edu http://jobs.berkeley.edu Our university is committed to hiring and developing staff [who desire to work in a high performing culture [that encourages the outstanding work of our faculty and students]]. hiring developing be committed to v-ing staff[stæf] outstanding[àutst ndi\] faculty[f kâlti] regular[règj l ] temporary[tèmp réri] department[dip ; tm nt] ongoing[ ngòui\] maintain[meintèin] submit[s bmít] cover letter resume[rèzumei] attachment[ t t m nt] 24 Greentree 11

Unsafe behaviors may result in expulsion from the O1 park, serious or fatal injury. result in expulsion ~ park serious ~ injury commemorate[k mèm réit] historic [hist (;)rik] cf. historical[hist (;)rikâl] suspension bridge observe[ bzá; v] expulsion [iksp=l Ân] fatal[fèitl] designated[dèzignéitid] trail[treil] walkway[w ;kwéi] slippery[slíp ri] supervise [sù;p vàiz] retrieve[ritrí;v] notify[nóut fài] intentionally[intèn nâli] railing[rèili\] device[diváis] 25 baby carriage stroller define[difáin] cf. definition[déf ní Ân] possession[p zè Ân] a six-figure annual income cf. annual income illustrate[íl stréit] respondent[risp nd nt] according to minority[main ;r ti] 26 O2 Thirty years later, with the Civil War raging, / she established ~ at the front line, which earned her the nickname The Angel of the Battlefield. with the Civil War rage raging which Upon returning home, ~ until 1904, when she retired at the age of eighty-three. upon immediately after Immediately after she returned home when founder[fáund ] cf. found establish [ist bli ]seriously[síâri sli] injured[índ, d] rage[reid,] agency [èid,ânsi] the wounded battlefield[b tlfì;ld] appoint A (as) B sail to retire[ritái ] 27 (A) <keep v-ing v (B) making takes (C) does takes sort through selection[silèk Ân] save on manufacture[m njuf kt ] raw material 28 increasedintensified N 12 ense Up

follow The free service allows you to post 140-character messages, or tweets, to a continuously updated page, // and other users can choose to follow you / to have O your tweets OC sent directly to them. post A to B A B to post 140-character messagestweets have O OC OC sent gain in popularity enormously[in ; m sli] allow A to-v post[poust] character[k rikt ] continuously[k ntínju sli] diminish[dimíni ] cope with volume of what for? spread[spred] 29 a young man the old man pull away jump up backwards[b kw dz] innocent[ín snt] compartment [k mp ; tm nt] immediately[imí;di tli] 30 2 2 O2 1 1 O1 OC1 he should have been devoting everything to A fighting the cancer, // he said. B should have p.p. devote A to B B A Painting a vivid picture of his mother s dying struggle helped Obama to win much support, / and he eventually 1 O1 OC1 2 turned his health care reform bill into law. andhelp A to-vturn A into B of turn A into B A B A B be renowned as[for] campaign for[against] health care reform [ri;f ; m] cancer[k ns ] move A to-v insurance[in ùâr ns] bill[bil] eventually[ivènt u li] bring about intuition[ìntδuí Ân] will[wil] simplicity[simplís ti] 31 No event in history nothing ever stays the same the constancy of change itself pay attention to uncomplicated[<nk mplikéitid] simple common sense the same as differ[díf ] in a ~ regard essential[isèn Âl] precedent[prèsidânt] permanent[pá; m n nt] constancy[k nst nsi] repeat oneself advantage[ dv ntid,] victor[víkt ] perfectly[p fèktli] 32 1 13

the higher a year ~, and you have to identify very quickly whether or not the word relates to your partner. whether or not or not ~ : the higher the number of bad words [(that) you associate with your partner], the higher the likelihood that you ll break up within a year. the the... the likelihood that association[ sòusièi Ân] cf. associate A with B work on automatic[ ;t m tik] reveal[riví;l] persistent[p ; sístânt] flash[flæ ] identify[aidèntifài] relate to category[k t g ;ri] personal trait consistent[k nsístânt] likelihood[láiklihúd] break up (with) unspoken[>nspóukân] intention[intèn Ân] solid evidence[proof] cheat[t i;t] confirm[k nfá; m] long-term 33 Yet, However In other words A lot of people [who visit zoos] think that everything O [the animals do] from the monkey [throwing its poo] to the the tiger [walking back and forth in front of them] is nothing but C a friendly and welcoming performance. that think from A to B A B ~, zoo animals are ~ dying from the boredom of being well fed, well housed, and well protected from natural enemies. zoo animals feed, house, protect back and forth nothing but onlywelcoming [wèlk mi\] interpretation[intë; pr tèi Ân] caged[keid,d] far from survival[s váivâl] relative[rèl tiv] threaten[^rètn] boredom [b ; d m] feed[fi;d] fed-fed house[hauz] natural enemy 34 (shocking and urgent) And there indeed she was: Miss Morgan [flat on her back on the floor, out for the count]. There Here There[Here] pure[pju ] draw in a breath of air for a moment in mid-air thump[^<mp] fall down sensational[sensèi nâl] at once get[have, take] a good look flat on one s back festive[fèstiv] solemn[s l m] monotonous[m n tân s] 35 14 ense Up

phenomenon[fin min n] phenomena occasional [ kèi, nâl] mass[mæs] emigration [émigrèi Ân] gray squirrel cf. squirrel[skwí;râl] excessive[iksèsiv] build-up hunger[h=\g ] estimate[èstiméit] migrate[máigreit] amuse[ mjù;z] devour[diváu ] manage to-v mighty[máiti] noticeable[nóutis bâl] 36 texture[tèkst ] move around stick[stik] take apart exploration [ékspl rèi Ân] instinctive[instí\appletiv] linguistic [li\gwístik] competence[k mp tâns] soak up stress-free cf. -free 37 the deadly poison he is confident that it s the ants [(that) the frogs eat] that produce O the poison. It is that...the ants the frogs eat poisonous[p izân s] cf. poison actually[ kt u li] deadly[dèdli] disable[disèibl] research[risá; t ] confident that harmless[h ; mlis] mature[m tδù ] coat[kout] reveal[riví;l] species[spí; i(;)z] including[inklù;di\] highly[háili] toxic[t ksik] substance[s=bstâns] make up diet[dái t] 38 The argument Chinese Room Argument that The result o that Then come instructions, / written in your language, / for relating one piece of Chinese to another. argument[ ; gj m nt] formulate[f ; mj léit] influential[ìnfluèn l] philosophy[fil s fi] demonstrate [dèm nstréit] intelligence[intèl d,âns] instruction [instr=k Ân] writing[ráiti\] 39 15

In fact, it was so hard to refine aluminum in those days that it was used only for jewelry. (= In fact, to refine aluminum in those days was so hard that it was used only for jewelry.) it to so that... They made it possible / because they transfer heat much faster than iron pots, / thus reducing the time [it takes for food to cook]. thus produce[pr dδù;s] cf. production mass-produced [m spr dδù;st] pure[pju ] valuable[v lju; bl] refine[rifáin] jewelry [d,ù; lri] come to-v incredible [inkrèd bâl] range[reind,] practical[pr ktikâl] pot[p t] transfer[trænsfá; ] iron[ái n] reduce[ridδù;s] 40 vulnerable give up Typical of this natural pattern is the behavior of C wolves in combat. Instead of ripping open the neck, as he had seemed so intent on doing just moments before, the stronger wolf stops fighting, understanding that he has won. O doingripping open the neck understanding ~ vulnerable[v=lnâr bl] recognize[rèk gnàiz] presentation[prézântèi Ân] switch off typical[típikâl] behavior[bihèivj ] combat[k mbæt] rip A open (be) intent on opponent[ póun nt] compromise[k mpr màiz] vital[váitl] surrender[s rènd ] 41-42 rosepotential He cared for it faithfully, watering it and waiting for the day [that it would flower]. One of the greatest gifts [you can have] is to be able C to reach past the thorns and (to) find the rose / within others. care for faithfully[fèi^f li] cf. faithful[fèi^f l] bud[b<d] blossom[bl s m] flower,bloomthorn[^ ; n] depressed[diprèst] neglect[niglèkt] pure[pju ] innocent[ín snt]amidst[ mídst] defect[difèkt] failing[fèili\] gracious[grèi s] characteristic [k rikt rístik] nobility[no bíl ti] conquer [k \k ] ambition[æmbí Ân] potential [po tèn Âl] mission[mí Ân] 43-45 16 ense Up

her legs her ears and tail her ears and tail her ears and tail her ears and tail her legs her ears and tail ears! ~ If only the rest of me could be as cute as my tail and my ~; I wish I didn t have them at all! If only I wish If only At that moment, / suddenly came the sound of hunters and barking dogs. ~ and the dogs had her by her tail! by e.g. I caught her by the shoulder. It was they that caused her to be caught in this terrible trap. O OC It was[is] that...they What a pretty pair of soft white ears you have! How cute they look when you style them like that! ~ whathow spring[spri\] for quite some time frown[fraun] unshapely[>n èipli] ugly-lookingon earth pick up scent[sent] thorny[^ ; ni] cf. thorn[^ ; n] crawl[kr ;l] fluffy[fl=fi] trap[træp] say[talk] to oneself highlight[háilàit] delicate[dèlik t] envy[ènvi] asset[ set] catch sight of he was so pleased with what she saw that she stayed for quite some time, / putting her ears up and down, and shaking her tail left and right. so that... he 17

18 booklet[bùklit] occasion[ kèi,ân] beloved [bil=vid] condolence[k ndóul ns] 19 (Instead of ~ viewpoint) ~, you see your two-year-old [at the sink] O splashing water all over the floor. OC see watchfeelhear O OC OC v annoying[ n ii\] maliciously[m lí sli] miserable[mízâr bâl] mess[mes] splash [splæ ] sink into mindset [máinîsét] inconvenience[ìnk nví;nj ns] convenienceviewpoint[vjù;p int] point of viewdevelopmentally [divél pmènt li] appropriate[ próupriéit] go on to get out of strain [strein] along with 20 (Our lives ~ baggage behind.) While (she was) traveling abroad, my friend Ellen was upset to discover that the airline had lost her baggage. be that I never would have believed / I could have gotten by with such a tiny amount of stuff, she said afterwards. If the airline hadn t lost my baggage get by with such a/an abroad[ br ;d] baggage[b gid,] luggageget by afterwards[ ft w dz] apply to what is called drag[dræg] expand[iksp nd] throughout[^ru;áut] journey[d,á; ni] weigh down responsibility[risp ns bíl ti] leave A behind 21 U U T U 18 ense Up

U U U commute[k mjù;t] irrational[ir nâl] exaggerative[igz d, réitiv] masterminding [m st màindi\] illogical[il d,ikâl] 22 ~, and told Morton about the time (when) he had become unconscious after accidentally inhaling ether. the time when (told) (had p.p.) surgery[sá; d,âri] put A into a trance exist[igzíst] geologist[d,ì; l d,ist] chemist[kèmist] regularly[règjul li] particularly[p tíkjul li] accidentally[ ksidènt li] experiment[ikspèrim nt] unconscious[>nk n Âs] inhale[inhèil] exhale[ekshèil]blackout[bl kàut] account[ káunt] 23 www.petsafety.org ~ he can be scanned for a microchip and (can be) included in the shelter s lost-pet listings. included can be break loose local[lóukâl] scan[skæn] keep ~ away from... potential[po tèn Âl] medical attention scratch[skræt ] 24 Cooking olutions Cooking olutions Cooking olutions Cooking olutions C_recipes@cooktime.com Cooking olutions Cooking olutions become the property of Cooking olutions All recipes submitted and republished may be and used for any purpose. submit[s bmít] check[t ek] come up with approve[ prù;v] reserve[rizá; v] property[pr p ti] 25 19

used[ju;zd] circuit[sá; kit] landfill[l ndfìl] cf. landfilling recovery[rik=vâri] export[èksp ; t] retread[rí;tréd] end up mostly[móustli] stockpile[st kpàil] eyesore[áis ; ] take a route economic cycle power plant convert A to B derive[diráiv] asphalt[ sf ;lt] pave[peiv] percentage[p sèntid,] account for 26 (The wagon cook ~ were never carried) (settlers traveling ~ of North America) Chuck wagon Chuck wagon was the name [given to the wagon [that carried food and cooking supplies / for settlers [traveling in wagon trains / across the great plains of North America]]]. chuck wagon supply[s plái] settler[sètl ] feed[fi;d]-fed-fed logger[l ;g ] remote[rimóut] refrigeration [rifrìd, rèi Ân] stew[stδu;] 27 (A) (This ~ ones) spring (B) and families (C) (we ~ taking) which in the family It is ~ that... A popular proverb in Africa, the place from which (= where) all human beings originate, is ~. Africa the place ~ originate This proverb and hundreds of similar ones(= proverbs) [from all over the world] spring / from the importance [that we place on children and families]. It s (the place) [where we learn whom we can trust and O 1 (we learn) from whom we should stay away]. O 2 where the place originate from spring from place the importance on socialize[sóu làiz] provide A for B (= provide B with A) protection [pr tèk Ân] look after emotional[imóu nâl] psychological[sàik l d,ikâl] stay away from 28 accept lack Physically and mentally, too, older bodies lack the O ease [that younger bodies have] with using ~. the ease lack cause[k ;z] so-called continuously [k ntínju sli] present A with B soak up in the know impatient[impèi Ânt] physically[fízikli] mentally[mènt li] lack[læk] ease[i;z] furthermore[fá; " m ; ] resist[rizíst] A rather than B 29 passers-by 20 ense Up

~ How stupid it is to make O it(= the donkey) OC carry two! how it to donkey[d \ki] take turns to-v[v-ing] alongside[ l ;\sàid] passer-by call A names get down (from) tie A to B upside down 30 Once we that commitment. When salespeople you have said. When salespeople get you to make a statement O OC about yourself and (about) how you think (that) you would behave in a certain situation, // they know that later you will want to O behave in a way [that goes along with / what you have said]. get A to-v A v about yourself how situation and that that a way commit to (v-ing) cf. commitment[k mítm nt] encounter[inkáunt ] salesperson[sèilzpë; sn] admit[ dmít] position[p zí Ân] issue[í u;] feel obliged to-v honor[ n ] make a statement go along with value[v lju;] be in one s best interest(s) cf. interest [íntr st] humility[hju;míl ti] consistency [k nsístânsi] publicity[p<blís ti] 31 You ve changed the anger. / tating a fear changes the size of it: ~. let s say that for ages happen to-v chat[t æt] anger[ \g ] exist[igzíst] (out) in the open state[steit] depending on connect A to B perspective[p ; spèktiv] point of view closeness [klóusnis] emotion[imóu Ân] transform[trænsf ; m] manage[m nid,] mood[mu;d] lead to understanding[>nd st ndi\] 32 Punishment as be effective. ~: if punishment really worked, then there would be no discipline problems in schools. if... 21

Punishment [that s cruel or extreme] tends to fail / in the end // because it(= punishment that s cruel or extreme) makes the punished one focus only on the cruelty and injustice [of the O OC punishment] / instead of ~. because make O OCO OC instinctive[instí\appletiv] seek[si;k] basis[bèisis] modification[m difikèi Ân] therapy[^èr pi] cf. therapist[^èr pist] reward[riw ; d] administer[ dmínist ] aim to-v diminish[dimíni ] appropriate [ próupri t] desired[dizái d] employ[impl i] discipline[dís plin] cf. self-discipline cruel[krù; l] cf. cruelty[krù; lti] injustice[ind,=stis] justice encourage[ink=;rid,] self-control 33 Meanwhile However Meanwhile, the abused partner puts up with the O abuse / in the belief that they can make O it OC stop ~. the belief that make O OC O OC make v People [who are emotionally abused in a relationship] often blame themselves / and keep their feelings hidden / 1 O1 2 O2 OC2 from family and friends. who keep O OC O OC O2 OC2 p.p. emotional[imóu nâl] cf. emotionally[imóu Ân li] abuse[ bjù;z] cf. abuser[ bjù;z ] relationship[rilèi Ân ìp] unreasonable[<nrí;zân bâl] demand[dim nd] constantly[k nstântli] unresponsive[>nrisp nsiv] responsive make a threat basically[bèisikli] bully[bùli] obedience[o bí;di ns] put up with in the belief that cf. belief[bilí;f] prolong[pro l ;\] worsen[wá; sân] make the most of 34 Knowing this, / she gathered her courage / and set off at a hurried pace / along a route [that she would have feared in daylight]; ~. Knowing this(it was a ~ keep her hidden.) strike the hour plunge into chilly[t íli] beneath[biní;^] set off onward[ nw d] expanse[iksp ns] chaotic[kei tik] urgent[á; d,ânt] desperate[dèspârit] 35 ~; therefore, a tired driver [who has had a drink] will be more dangerous than a well-rested driver [who has had the same]. deprivation[déprivèi Ân] cf. deprive[dipráiv] motorist[móut rist] a series of virtual-reality penalty[pènâlti] discourage A from v-ing alcoholic[ lk h (;)lik] fatigue[f tí;g] estimated 22 ense Up

[èst méitid] 36 listen to a sound / as it(= the sound) moved toward them(= participants) ~, participants had to and press a button / as soon as the sound was immediately in front of them. as evolutionary[év lù; néri] psychologist[saik l d,ist] survive[s váiv] experiment [ikspèr m nt] participant[p ; tís p nt] fitness[fítnis] tend to-v weakling[wí;kli\] 37 The gestures [birds make / when they put dust 1 on their feathers and then shake themselves and arrange their 2 3 feathers with their beaks] / look like the movements [they make / when bathing in water]. A bird [bathing in dust] is much like you rubbing your C hands with sand / to get dust and dirt off. you like rubbing sand dust[d<st] arrange[ rèind,] beak [bi;k] get A off dirt[d ; t] get rid of cf. rid A of B fluffy[fl=fi] excess[iksès] convincing [k nvínsi\] theory[^í ri] parasite[p r sàit] crawl[kr ;l] 38 Concerns [about air and water pollution, the spread O 1 O 2 of pesticides and toxic chemicals, and the alarming loss of O 3 species] / have led many governments to take aggressive action O OC for the environment. Concerns about lead A to-v A v Doing this / not only robs the home nation of jobs and income, / but also makes the global environmental crisis more 2 2 OC2 severe. not only A but also B A B B pesticide[pèst sàid] toxic[t ksik] chemical [kèmikâl] alarming[ l ; mi\] loss[l (;)s] species[spí; i(;)z]take action aggressive [ grèsiv] prolong[pro l ;\] in the short[long] term[t ; m] introduce[ìntr dδù;s] corporation[k ; p rèi Ân] do good incidence[íns dâns] rob A of B crisis[kráisis] severe[siví ] 1 23

39 best before best before sell by display until sell by display until best before fit[unfit] for human consumption cf. consumption[k ns=mø Ân] consumer[k nsù;m ] consume legal[lígâl] pre-packed lack of mark A with B assume that all the same manage[m nid,] stock [st k] reduction[rid=k Ân] guidelines[gáidlàinz] indicate[índikéit] high quality be guaranteed to-v be free of risk[risk] expire[ikspái ] expect A to-v 40 Every time their horoscopes get it right, / they take it as confirmation that astrology really works, // yet every time a horoscope is wrong, / they see it as no proof that astrology is a fraud. yet every time take A as B see A as B A B People tend to give weight to evidence [that supports their beliefs] and (tend) to ignore contradictory evidence. astrology[ str l d,i] horoscope[h ;r skòup] bias[bái s] confirmation[k nf mèi Ân] proof[pru;f] evidencefraud[fr ;d] countless[káuntl s] recollection[rék lèk Ân] any number of preconception [prì;k nsèp Ân] subject[s=bd,ikt] extroverted [èkstro vë; tid] introverted cf. extroversion [ékstro vá;, n] assess[ sès] librarian[laibr Âri n] recall [rik ;l] give weight to strengthen[strè\^ân] abandon [ b nd n] contradictory[k ntr díktâri] trustworthy [tr=stwë; "i] 41-42 1 2 specific detailed o break the ice detail[dí;teil] cf. detailed[dí;teild] follow (up) A with B typically[típikâli] involve [inv lv] extract[ikstr kt] specific[sp sífik] fish[fi ] straightforward[stréitf ; w d] productive [pr d=ktiv] 24 ense Up

43-45 Heyerdahl The academics a voyage. Heyerdahl may have failed to prove his theory the earliest Polynesians were outh American Indians ~, but he could not get it(= an original anthropological O history of Polynesia) published in academic journals. OC get it publish published Heyerdahl may have failed to prove his theory, ~. may have p.p. ~, pointing out that primitive boats could not have survived such a voyage. that primitive boats ~, and measured roughly fourteen by five and a half meters. by e.g. The table measures three feet by four feet. frustrated[fr=streitid] unemployed[>nimpl id] anthropologist[ n^r p l d,ist] cf. anthropological [ n^r p l d,ikâl] academic[ k dèmik] sail[seil] cf. set sail nothing but only bamboo[bæmbù;] cabin[k bin] old-fashioned [òuldf Ând] navigation[n vigèi Ân] voyage[v i d,] coral[k ;r l] make (the) headlines accepted[ ksèptid] opposite[ p zit] overland[óuv l nd] ridicule[rídikjú;l] point out primitive[prím tiv] raft[ræft] be willing to-v risk one s life to-v vine[vain] roughly[r=fli] about, approximately[ pr ksim tli]launch[l ;nt ] naval[nèivâl] horrified[h ;r fàid] beg A to-v reconsider[rì;k nsíd ] determined to-v 25

18 (If your heart ~ from a shelter.) ~, but I thought she looked much older than that, / what with all the gray hairs on her face and the fact that she A B was missing a leg. what with A and (what with) B A B But inside her worn-out exterior lies a pure heart and ~. M beloved[bil=vid] definitely[dèf nitli] worn-out exterior[ikstíâri ] pure[pju ] endless[èndlis] be set on adopt[ d pt] bring out gratitude[gr t tδú;d] 19 Luck has your own luck! Let s say // (that) your lifelong ambition is to be C the head designer [of a famous fashion label], / but the only job [(that) you can get / with your current qualifications] is sales assistant [in one of the company s stores]. lifelong[láifl (;)\] ambition[æmbí Ân] label[lèib l] qualification[kw l fikèi Ân] assistant[ sístânt] reflect on commitment[k mítm nt] retail[rí;teil] halfway[h fwèi] negative[nèg tiv] attitude[ titδú;d] be on the lookout for talented[t l ntid] take the initiative competently[k mpit ntli] have little[nothing] to do with get ahead 20 For better not the exception. For instance withdrawal C History is full of examples of nations [achieving success in the world community / by engaging openly in dialogue]. achieving nations by v-ing v withdrawal[wi"dr ;Âl] cf. withdraw from pull out turn away draw back discussion[disk= Ân] outcome[áutk>m] engagement[ingèid,m nt] cf. engage in A rather than B exception[iksèp Ân] achieve[ t í;v] consistently[k nsístântli] reach an agreement unification[jú;nifikèi Ân] 21 26 ense Up

It was because / Haverhill had covered and developed its wetlands, // while Newburyport had allowed its O wetlands to remain untouched. O OC wetland[wètl nd] throughout[^ru;áut] profitable[pr fit bâl] untouched[>nt=t t] absorb[ bs ; b] overflow[òuv flóu] spread[spred] conflicting[k nflíkti\] restore[rist ; ] connection[k nèk Ân] effective[ifèktiv] prevention[privèn Ân] 22 ~, a compact car gives a driver the ability [to get IO DO around quicker, and park more easily / than those [stuck behind the wheels of bigger, bulkier cars]]. the ability to get around quicker (to) park more easily those people stuck crude oil compact[k mp kt] fuel-efficient status[stèit s] get around stick[stik]-stuck-stuck behind the wheel bulky[b=lki] 23 The displayed works are true spectacles of the modern age [that illuminate the aesthetic and cultural transformations] [that swept through Paris in the late 19th century]. exhibition[éks bí Ân] upcoming[=pk>mi\] Impressionism[imprè ÂnìzÂm] landmark[l nîm ; k] revere[riví r] Post-Impressionism illuminate[ilù;m néit] aesthetic[es^ètik] transformation [tr nsf mèi Ân] sweep through feature[fí;t ] sculpture[sk=lpt ] on loan famed[feimd] awe[ ;] era[íâr ] 24 tartran Pass NCard tartran NCard 27

semester[simèst ] transit[tr nsit] route map faculty[f kâlti] issue[í u;] student fees the student body 25 chart[t ; t] illustrate[íl stréit] poultry[póultri] period[píâri d] sharp[ ; p] gap[gæp] consistent[k nsístânt] upward[=pw d] decline[dikláin] category[k t g ;ri] regain[rigèin] 26 It is said that ~ the campus. ~ but that number could hardly be possible / given the size of the campus. hardly given It wasn t until December of 2009, / when the U.. Army came to enjaray, / that moves [to repair and reopen the school] began. It is not until that... when enjaray December of enroll at including [inklù;di\] exaggeration[igz d, rèi Ân] indicate [índikéit] except[iksèpt] throughout [^ru;áut] 27 (A) their bodies where (B) expose (C) a very good sign that what toxin[t ksin] pollutant[p lù;tânt] accumulate [ kjù;mjuleit] sensitivity[séns tív ti] decline[dikláin] sicken[sík n] ~ 28 There are the younger years. evitable none inevitable not inevitable evitable In none of these stages / is it inevitable that C it people will suffer O the problems [associated with aging]. In none of these stages it that A major factor [in how well your body functions / in later years] is how well you treat O it / in the younger years. C factor in in how well later years how 28 ense Up

aging[èid,i\] tend to-v associate A with B numerous[nδù;m r s] medication[médikèi Ân] function[f=\apple Ân] misconception[mìsk nsèp Ân] on one s own productive[pr d=ktiv] adulthood[ d=lthúd] evitable[èv t bâl] inevitable suffer[s=f ] take place not necessarily major[mèid, ] factor in 29 Dr. Whiting ~, for it was so painful a job to set the broken leg / that it forced terrible screams from him and (it) 2 made O2 Frank, [who was helping], OC2 quite weak and pale. for so a(n) that... that make O OC O OC This prompted Jack to ask, innocently, if he should O not be on his feet again in a week. if ask should It takes at least three weeks for a broken bone to knit, It takesfor A to-v A v disappointment[dìs p intm nt] physically [fízikâli] painful[pèinfâl] set[set] scream[skri;m] pale[peil] ache[eik] dreadfully[drèdf li] bruise[bru;z] cheerful[t í fâl] make light of prompt A to-v innocently [ín sntli] on one s feet standing knit[nit] properly[pr p li] mend[mend] 30 If Detroit everybody s interest. One way [that(= how) automobiles are produced in the tates] is by building them(= automobiles) in factories in C Detroit. One way that how automobile[ ;t m bì;l] load A onto[into] B cf. load A (up) with B overseas[òuv sí;z] economist[ik n mist] protection[pr tèk Ân] tariff[t rif] trade barrier assistance[ sístâns] manufacturer[m njuf kt r ] not necessarily interest[íntr st] be in partnership with be in competition with 31 Relationships will each other. If you really cared about me, you d know why I m upset! If... This kind of complaint comes from the belief that people should be sensitive enough or smart enough to know your mind. the belief that enough to-v v Trying to have a close relationship [in which you don t = where 29

reveal your needs] is like driving a car / without a steering wheel. C care about belief[bilí;f] sensitive [sèns tiv] responsibility[risp ns bíl ti] ask for end up v-ing inappropriately[ìn próupri tli] anger[ \g ] relationship [rilèi Ân ìp] steering wheel crash[kræ ] clearly [klí li] disagreement[dìs grí;m nt] reveal[riví;l] truly[trù;li] comfortable [k=mf t bâl] threaten[^rètn] 32 catch- catch catch It s a catch combat pilot cf. combat[k mbæt] desperately [dèspâr tli] transfer[trænsfá; ] state that declare [diklè ] insane[insèin] sane request[rikwèst] clearly[klí li] refer to tolerate[t lâréit] stuck[st<k] contradictory [k ntr díktâri] 33 speech Nevertheless However In other words We often take for granted our ability [to produce 1 O1 and understand speech], and don t give much thought to it, // just as we don t normally pay much attention / to the workings [of our O heart, brain, or liver]. take A for granted A A our ability to for granted just as ~, wherever human beings live together, / their most fundamental connection is established by their ability [to talk to each other], / even if some members can only speak in sign language. wherever even if ~, speech is a fundamental part of / what it means to be human. what it means to be take A for granted give a thought to normally[n ; m li] liver[lív ] in short tend to-v overlook[òuv lùk] fundamental[f>nd mèntl] connection [k nèk Ân] establish[ist bli ] sign language set A apart from B be linked with closely[klóusli] abstract[ bstrækt] 34 ome spread snowflakes on the boughs of the trees, // taking the flakes out of their muffs; others hang flakes on the sleeping chimney, ~. some ~, others... taking at once nod one s head approvingly [ prù;vi\li] fairy[f Âri] snowflake[snóufléik] cf. flake bough[bau] beard[bi d] decorate[dèk réit] chaotic[kei tik] 35 2 O2 30 ense Up

meditation[méditèi Ân] truthfulness[trù;^fâlnis] compassion[k mp Ân] tolerance[t l r ns] practitioner[præktí Ân ] seek to-v strive to-v selflessness[sèlfl snis] communist[k mjunist] ruling party in private credit A with B 36 A study [of secondary school students in cotland] / revealed their perceptions [of the main role [that school plays in O their lives]]. schoolwork[skù;lwë; k] secondary school reveal [riví;l] perception[p sèp Ân] primarily[praimèr li] social[sóu Âl] stepping-stone get through for one s sake cf. sake 37 on the other hand either A or B script[skript] plot[pl t] innovate[íno véit] approach[ próut ] take charge of portrayal[p ; trè l] outline[áutlàin] sequence[sí;kw ns] basically[bèisikâli] 38 made a mistake its mistake dopamine in the brain this pleasure-giving chemical Researchers [who were training monkeys to do simple visual tasks] found that success had a strong effect on the O monkeys brains. who train A to-v A v that have a(n) ~ effect on... For monkeys, as well as humans, / this pleasure-giving chemical / acts not only as a reward / but also as a stimulating force [that leads to further success]. B as well as Anot only A but also B B A B visual[ví,u l] task[tæsk] handicap [h ndik p] a surge of chemical[kèmikâl] stimulating[stímj léiti\] neural[nδùâr l] soar[s ; ] master[m st ] 31

39 shark finning specifically[spisífik li] fin[fin] win a prize ecological[ìk l d,ikâl] activism [ kt vìzâm] inhumane[ìn ju;mèin] environmentally [invàir nmèntâli] disastrous[diz str s] practice[pr ktis] associate A with B water[w ;t ] worth a fortune sell for appetite for manage to-v protection[pr tèk Ân] 40 this high-priced water Twenty-five percent minerals from it. But this high-priced water may not be as special as it claims to be (special). not as as... it high-priced water Twenty-five percent of the spring water and mineral water [sold in the tates] is merely tap water [purified in a factory C process [that removes even the good minerals from it]]. pay for gallon[g l n] up to claim to-v tap[tæp] faucet[f ;sit] purify [pjùr fài] cf. purifier[pjùrifài ] process[pr ses] built-in portable[p ; t bl] refreshing[rifrè i\] scarce[ske s] overpriced [òuv práist] 41-42 the firm purpose You saw what they have ~, with the firm purpose [of showing IO the boy DO how poor people live]. show show IO DO how extremely[ikstrí;mli] wealthy[wèl^i] industrialist [ind=stri list] countryside [k=ntrisàid] grateful[grèitfl] turn to compared to contain [k ntèin] chemical[kèmikâl] all the way to pay A to-v keep (on) v-ing 43-45 32 ense Up

I completed my degree in a graduate social work degree. A B B A A But it was clear even after graduating high school C that my parents hadn t stopped expecting more from me. ~, but my parents insisted (that) I (should) do something with a future in it instead. insist that should ~, and everything [(that) I did at college] was guided / by what my parents wanted O me OC to do. base[beis] recipe[rès pi] improve[imprù;v] insist (that) enroll in pharmacy[f ; m si] cf. pharmacist[f ; m sist] immediately[imí;di tli] graduate[gr d,u t] persist[p ; síst] eventually[ivènt u li] worthless[wá; ^lis] principle[príns pl] uncertain[>nsá; t n] matter[m t ] 33

18 (you can build your strength with a professional public speaking class!) You may think that you can do without it, // but being good at it / is an asset not only in your career / but also in social settings. it public speaking You ~ without it. Being good at it is ~ in social settings. but not only ~ but also... suffer from stage fright intend to-v take a class[course] get around to v-ing asset[ set] career[k rí ] setting[sèti\] terrific[t rífik] boost[bu;st] selfconfidence have trouble v-ing upcoming [=pk>mi\] polish[p li ] 19 Overalltourism to cope. It s money that would be better spent on science and conservation. it is that...that money it is that that spend money on Antarctica[ænt ; ktik ] on the rise cruise ship ski-trekking flow[flou] management[m nid,m nt] disturb[distá; b] coastal [kóustâl] risk[risk] oil spill likelihood[láiklihúd] adventurous[ dvènt Âr s] rescue[rèskju;] extremely[ikstrí;mli] costly[k ;stli] conservation[k ns ; vèi Ân] overall[óuv r ;l] lead to exploitation [ékspl itèi Ân] cf. exploit[ikspl it] cope[koup] spot[sp t] access to restrict[ristríkt] 20 DD Many online resources [for walking holidays] provide interested travelers with detailed descriptions and A B illustrations [of various historical trails and / day trips [that include visits [to popular ~ locations]]. provide A with B B detailed descriptions and illustrations of a wealth of hiking trail provide A with B 34 ense Up

detailed[dìtèild] description[diskríp Ân] illustration[ìl strèi Ân] historical[hist (;)rikâl] cf. historic monument[m njum nt] specific[sp sífik] handy[h ndi] reference[rèfâr ns] specialize in cf. specialized[spè Âlàizd] accommodation[ k m déi Ân] point[p int] spot[sp t] keep[stay] in shape must[m<st] 21 The first thing [that these people do / when (they are) faced with any big task] is to identify the main objective or C best outcome. be faced with task[tæsk] identify[aidèntifài] outcome[áutk>m] break down A into B a series of manageable[m nid, bâl] short-term basically[bèisikâli] clearly[klí li] component[k mpóun nt] complex[k mplèks] steadily [stèdili] intimidated[intímidéitid] be made of confidently[k nfid ntli] tackle[t kâl] at a time lighten[láitn] workload [wá; kl d] hold A back 22 Part of an effective manager or employer involves knowing how to be a good bearer of bad news. O Part of being ~ employer involves knowing ~ to tell staff or that they that they will not get raises this year, have made an error, or are not performing ~ expected. or that or that bearer[be r ] break the news face to face sympathize with digest[daid,èst] cope with 23 galerieslafayette.com Located in the center of Paris, / the main store on Boulevard Haussmann / is considered to be the second most visited attraction after the Louvre; Located in the main store on Boulevard Haussmann boulevard[bù(;)l v ; d] attraction [ tr k Ân] leading[lí;di\] 24 The story 35

The tory The tory The tory submit[s bmít] hand inoriginal[ ríd, nâl] literary [lít réri] sci-fi[sáifái] horror[h ;r ] edit[èdit] cf. editor[èd t ] publication[p>bl kèi Ân] entry[èntri] fee[fi;] reserve[rizá; v] deadline [dèdlàin] 25 organic[ ; g nik] agricultural[ grik=lt Âr l] beekeeping[bí;kì;pi\] grazing[grèizi\] global[glóubâl] proportion[pr p ; Ân] farmland[f ; ml nd] in particular devote A to B hectare[hèktàr] ha 26 He planned of years. Once the work was found again, / people realized that it could equal the anatomy textbooks [published today]. O Oncefrom the moment that observation[ bz vèi Ân] anatomy[ n t mi] detailed[dí;teild] note[nout] finding[fáindi\] expand[iksp nd] understanding [>nd st ndi\] peel off cut A in half over and over again skull[sk<l] organ[ ; g n] plan to-v publish[p=bli ] hidden[hídn] 27 believes or a person feels some of the time at other times events go go bad what that If a person believes that an outcome will be good 1 O 1 or feels generally optimistic about it, ~. 2 C 2 believes feels or neither A nor B optimist[ ptimist] cf. optimistic [ ptimístik] pessimist[pèsimist] cf. pessimistic [pésimístik] turn out tend to-v outcome [áutk>m] expectation[ékspektèi Ân] quotation [kwo tèi Ân] whether it be A or B 28 wear outwork out wears out with without With damage restore restore 36 ense Up

With care, it should last at least 80 years, / but it ~. With With care if rusty[r=sti] the same goes for last[læst] at least badly[b dli] neglect[niglèkt] abuse[ bjù;z] twowheeler 29 Georgie Hay the tooth fairy ~, but the more she talked, the more unbelievable her mom s stories seemed. the the ~, and she decided right then and there never to believe what she said ever again. O to not never catch A out the tooth fairy exist[igzíst] insist[insíst] defend[difènd] unbelievable[>nbilí;v bâl] confront[k nfr=nt] tell the truth admit[ dmít] then and there 30 Now, many and optimistic. The ancient Babylonian Code of Hammurabi was C one [of the earliest formal systems [to say that a punishment should equal the crime / an eye for an eye. ]] The states began regarding punishment more broadly O as correction or cure / only relatively recently. began regarding or cure regard A as B A B devise[diváiz] get[take, have] revenge individual[ìndivíd,u l] administer justice[punishment] cf. justice[d,=stis] code[koud] formal[f ; mâl] equal[í;kw l] state[steit] broadly[br ;dli] criminal[kríminâl] potential[po tèn Âl] reform[rif ; m] humanitarian[ ju;m nitèri n] optimistic[ ptimístik] correction[k rèk Ân] cure[kju ] protection[pr tèk Ân] requirement[rikwái m nt] preventive measure cf. measure[mè, ] 31 Females can grow up to five inches long, / which is a third larger than the average male. which a third extraordinary[ikstr ; d néri] ordinaryaverage [ vârid,] stretch out measure[mè, ] resident[rèzidânt] assemble[ sèmbâl] porch[p ; t ] cupboard[k=b d] slightly[sláitli] annoyance[ n i ns] distraction[distr k Ân] cf. distract[distr kt] abundant[ b=nd nt] foodstuff[fù;dst>f] 32 37